Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy part of Saint Robert Lawrence Catholic Academy Trust The Friday Letter Edition No 86 Friday 24 October 2014 [Follow us on and on Twitter@SHCVA] Sunday October 25th is the end of British Summertime. Don’t forget to put the clocks back. A prayer for winter We give thanks for the blessing of winter: Season to cherish the heart. To make warmth and quiet for the heart. To make soups and broths for the heart. To cook for the heart and read for the heart. To curl up softly and nestle with the heart. To sleep deeply and gently at one with the heart. To dream with the heart. To spend time with the heart. A long, long time of peace with the heart. We give thanks for the blessing of winter: Season to cherish the heart. Amen Saint John Houghton wins Bronze School Games Award Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy has been awarded Bronze School Games mark. The Sainsbury’s School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. It has been awarded based on the following: PE hours School Sport Opportunities Numbers of young leaders supporting activity within school Number of competitions within school and against other schools This is a fantastic achievement for Saint John Houghton and the hard working PE Department of Mrs Joslin, Mr Warden, Mr Ritchie and Mrs Taddeo. CAFOD DAY (Report by Mrs Forrest) Last Friday members of the Justice and Peace group led a series of workshops to raise students’ awareness of the work Cafod does. It was a very busy day and the students joined in all the activities with great enthusiasm. The workshops included a Fairtrade session where the students were split up into different countries; some were highly developed economies and others developing ones. They then had to make paper bags, the richer countries having plenty of paper, glue and string etc. with the poorer countries having few resources. It was interesting to see how soon the students realised the inequality involved especially when they tried to trade for materials. The workshop in the Gym involved activities which helped the students understand how to save water and the difficulties people have in accessing clean water in many countries. Another workshop was a board game which raised their awareness about the problems people face in emergencies such as flooding. Hand painting and drawing gave the students the opportunity to think about what they could do to support the work that Cafod does. This session also involved a quiz about Cafod’s work. Finally the dance workshop in the morning was based on the students, working in pairs, learning a routine whereby one was a charity worker and was involved with helping a person in need. There were some very thoughtful and expressive performances by the students. The afternoon dance workshop was a very energetic Zumba session led by Lorraine Powell, one of our parents who very kindly gave up her afternoon to help us. I would like to thank the wonderful girls in the Justice and Peace group who worked so hard to make the day a success and for their work throughout the year, so thank you: Elizabeth, Ella, Amy, Kathryn, Georgia C and Georgia R, Megan, Meghan, Francesca, Lucy, Lizzie, Molly, Lorley and our Year 11’s, Merrin, Milla, Sarah and Jess. Well done all of you! I would also like to thank Miss Bailey and Mrs Hartharn and the Fairtrade group for all their work and support on the day. Thanks also to Rachel who helped and led reflections throughout the day. The day was about Cafod but it was also about educating our young people about the needs of others and I think this was, to a great extent, a success. Hopefully as a result of the day some of our Year 8 students will join us on Wednesday lunchtimes in Room 27. Message from Kevin at the Canaan Trust Thank you Everyone at the Canaan Trust would like to express our sincere appreciation for the kindness and generosity shown by the pupils, parents, and staff of Saint John Houghton through the magnificent Harvest Festival Collection. It is through your thoughtfulness and kindness that the Trust is able to respond to the need of those in the community who have become homeless. Chaplaincy News Rachel would like to thank The J and P Team and Fair-trade Group for organising a wonderful CAFOD day last Friday. Be giving of yourself to others: “Happiness lies in giving ourselves away. We need to be open and generous because if we withdraw into ourselves we run the risk of becoming self centred and no happiness will be found there since 'stagnant water becomes putrid'.” Oasis Team dates: Please read the letter sent out to you this week and keep it safe. Dates for your diary: 10th November Aerobic Session in our school hall 3.15pm - 4.15pm. Please return the reply slips. Oasis Team Christmas Party 17th December 3.15pm in our school hall. (More information to follow). I am looking forward to collecting your posters after half term. Keep your eyes on the noticeboard to see your Group for Acts of Worship for Year 7. Team Chaplaincy: Thank you for all your support. Next half term we shall be working towards delivering a Tutor Act of Worship. Our next meeting is on 11th November 2014. Please pray about your invitation to Lourdes 2015 Pilgrimage. Year 7 Trip to Beauvale: Please return your reply lists to our school office for this special visit to Beauvale Priory. Thank you. Rachel's Hero of The Week: all who sponsored Mrs McCarthy in her recent half marathon. Well done and thank you Mrs McCarthy. Harvest Festival: Thank you letters for Emmanuel House and the Canaan Trust have been received. Thank you for your generosity. Please remember: Father John Martin who is recovering from illness, thank you. Super stars this week are: Grace Lee, Bridin Retallick, Olivia Cuomo and Peter Smith. Well done to our Headgirl and Headboy Merrin Shelton and Luke Moore for leading our school, it was a pleasure to give you a £5.00 WH Smiths voucher this week Ready to Learn at Saint John Houghton English The English Department would like to praise Miss McCready’s Year 9s for their beautiful books. Mr Curtis would like to praise his Year 7 class for their beautiful books and their erudite essays. A special mention should go to Julia Wodnicka for her detailed essay. Mr Thomson would like to praise Matt Watson, Ellie Corden, Madeleine Fletton, Jasmine Woolley and William Baldwin for working well in lessons. Mrs Folan would like to praise Patrick Hurt, Chris Brown and Jade Quilty for their really good effort and mark for controlled assessment in English Literature. Reminder: The English Homework Club is open to all students every Monday. An English teacher will be there to help students who want to complete work or need help with certain English topics. Maths Department Mrs Nash would like to thank members of 9KN for an amazing act of worship this week - 'You don't have to be a superhero to love your enemy' Mrs Nash wishes to praise the following Year 9 students: Liam Knighton, Lewis Wiltshire, Lyka Lorenzo, Thomas Rotherham, Louise Farmer, Jessica Smith, Nicola Lewis and Lorna Parkes. Mr Long wishes to congratulate the following students and classes: Maths Year 7 set 2 for a great start and consistent hard work this term; Maths Year 8 - For great effort - Annie Doherty, Grant Fenton, Shona Gibbons, Brandon Hotter, Tyler Marshall, Erin Niblett, Martyna Popek, Rebecca Robinson. Maths Year 9 - For consistent effort - Olivia Bainbridge, Ethan Buttigieg, James Kells, Chris Sheppard. For improved effort over this term - Sophie Mycroft. Maths Year 11 - for extra effort in booster sessions - Tom Andrews, Edith Knighton, Amy Morley and Joe Owen. RE Miss Bailey would like to congratulate the following people for being ready to learn in RE: In 10x, Olivia Borste 10HB for exceeding her target grade in her recent Philosophy assessment and Trinity Smith for achieving her target grade. Also to Destiny Jade-Blake for working hard for her assessment and being desperate to know her result! In 10y, Nicole Barnby, Lilly Cawley, Lydia De Gioia, Isabelle Marchewka, Eleanor Rhodes and Evie Taddeo for exceeding their target grade and Isabella Corten-Southern and Molly Griffifths for achieving their target grade. In Year 9, to Harry Scarisbrick-Dixon for achieving his target grade on his recent morality assessment. Well done on your hard work and effort. Mrs Brambell would like to congratulate the following students in Year 11 who met or exceeded their GCSE target in the most recent end of unit test: Matt Cragg, James Rhodes, Amelia Hurst, Tiffany Smith, Daniela Loffreda, Rachel Tooley, Charlotte Bird, Frank Hemingray, Ben Widdowson, Vienna Burns, Louis Smith, Simon Rotherham, Isaac Smith, Lucy Stanton-Lynch, Amy Morley and Liam Martin. In Year 10, the following students exceeded their end of year 11 target in the most recent end of unit test: Anouska Ekemere, Tara Hall, Antonina Schofield, Elizabeth Varley and Jasmine Woolley. Well done! Mrs Brambell has seen some beautiful work recently in RE books, but wants to congratulate the following students, in particular, in Year 9 for their superb artwork on Evil and Suffering: Luke Kemp, Jacob Gregory, Harry Wilshaw, Sophie Mycroft, Connor Heatherington, Billy Patton, Darwin Summers, Bradley Stafford, Evie Beaven, Jane Biles, Elizabeth Rimmer, Megan Derrick and Georgia Clarke. Your work is exceptional, well done! Congratulations to Emma Dipper and Amy Emerson in Year 10 who met their end of year 11 target in a recent end of unit test and to Olivia Sharpe and Megan Derrick who had RE Praise Postcards sent home this week for gaining 5 stickers for beautiful work in beautiful books. Well done! Science In Dr Landy's Science lessons, the following students are making great progress this week: Year 11 Jakub Matecki Year 10 Olivia Horspool Year 9 Peter Murphy Year 8 Charlotte Ball MFL Mrs Jinks and Mr Riley would like to commend the following students for being Ready to Learn in the MFL department this week: Year 7: Amy Wren Year 8: Cavan Lane Phoebe Wyatt William Andrews 8 Year 9: Charlie Sewell Hayden Hefford Sean Keogh Anna Pancisi Year 10: Shyla Soszynski Year 11: Aleisha Hodgson Mrs Jinks would like to congratulate Eileen Kelly in Year 11 for her outstanding piece of extended writing in French. A lot of independent research helped make the piece exceptional. Art, Design and Technology Faculty: Ready to Learn Art and Design Miss Jenkinson is very impressed with the quality of the homework projects that have been submitted this term. There is some exceptional outcomes. Well done to 8ST who are working well on their bug drawings and have been very focused and ready to learn. Food and Catering Students showing they were ready to learn in Food this week include, Anna Pancisi for her continued effort shown in class discussions, Lucy Pavlou and Elizabeth Rimmer for their continued hard work and effort to complete amazing homework! Trinity Smith and Liberty Shelton proved last week that they were ready to learn when creating their sweet Choux Pastry delights, the class were so proud they took the Choux pastries for a tour around the school! Bake Off News!!!! The great SJH Bake Off has been launched; please bring in your entry forms to Mrs Mowat ASAP to collect a design criteria leaflet. (See poster at the end of this letter). Product Design GCSE Product Designers have been building on their sketching and presentation skills, the following students have shown a huge improvement in their designing skills: Feargal Barber, Lewis Siara, Guy Sharp, Freya Windridge, Olivia Horspool, Niall Cunningham, Cian Conroy, Megan Keily, Matthew Laurenti, Quinn Reaside, Neilum-Rose Wilson, Szymon Basista, Lewis King, Mason Bramley, Anouska Ekemere and Sacha Sheridan. Examples of their fantastic work will follow when they’ve completed it. Electronics GCSE Electronic Products students have made good progress with their controlled assessment. Most of the students are ready to start manufacturing their PCB’s after the half term break. A few students have really stood out with their excellent design work, these are: Lewis Bainbridge, Paddy Cameron, James Brennan, Natasha Lavery and Isaac Smith. Excellent work, keep this up. Humanities Department Geography Mrs Hartharn would like to congratulate the following students on achieving their target levels on their most recent assessment: 7AR - Nicholas Bradley, George Brady, Neobe Buttigieg, Ciara Harnett, Constance Keetley, Rhys Windridge. 7 MP - Elise Hayes, Poppy Leask, Kayleigh Owen, Joseph Wilton, Julia Wodnicka. 8LMC - Joe Boyle, Tamzin Evans, Chris Hodson, Evie Miller, Robert Smith, Sarah Wolverson Music Mr Quenby wishes to commend all of Year 7 for working extremely hard in Music. They have all been focussed, prepared for the challenge and he is extremely proud of them! They have had a Fantastic first term. Physical Education Mr Warden wishes to praise the following who achieved or surpassed their target grade in the Year 10 G.C.S.E PE end of unit test: Will Baldwin Lewis Siara Jaymie Halford Sam Duckett Lewis King Will Baldwin Niall Cunningham Well done to the following students in Year 9 Rugby this week: Peter Murphy Chris Shepperd Jordan Snarksi Will Collings Alfie Arnold Jonathan Lee Liam Knighton Well done to the following students in Year 9 Football this week: James Kells Bradley Stafford Cole Hamer Will Tomkins Sean Keogh Well done to the following students who achieved their target grade in the recent Controlled Assessment in G.C.S.E PE: Alicia Clarke Tom Andrews Grace Teasdale Amy Morley Rachel Tooley Sophie Webster Amber Smith Daniel Body Well done to the following pupils in Mr Ritchie’sYear 10 GCSE PE group who scored highly in the end of unit test: Steph Siara A* Ethan Aldous A Isabella Lee A* Lewis Hayes A Tara Hall A* Erin Bowmar A* ICT Congratulations to James Brennan, Daniel Goodwin, Patrick Hurt, Amber Smith and Leah Wattam who came out with Distinction 2* grades and Lewis Barratt, Chris Brown, Frank Hemingray, Oliver Leadbitter and Isaac Smith who achieved a Distinction 2 grade in their ICT Technical assessment this week. Thank you I managed to run the 13.1 miles of the Great Birmingham Run last Sunday and I am so grateful for you all your kind words of support and encouragement. Please be assured they kept me going on the final difficult two miles. My time was not a fast one but at least I achieved what I set out to do. To date I have managed to raise £1500 for Bone Cancer Research Trust but it’s still not too late to donate. go to text MCCA71 £5 to 70070. Half Term Half term begins today and school opens as normal on Monday 3rd November. Your children have worked very hard and I wish them and the rest of your family a restful holiday. Best wishes Yours sincerely Joan McCarthy
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