Swinomish Yacht Club Channel Marker October 2014 Inside this issue: Commodore’s Log Vice Commodore’s Re- 1 2 Rear Commodore’s Re- 3 Oyster Run 4-5 Past Commodores’ BBQ 6 Halloween 7 Fall General Membership meeting & Crab Feed 8 Christmas Parade 9 Commodore’s Log ... Tessa Aydelotte What a great summer of boating we have had. Nothing beats a Northwest summer on the water, I hope everyone was able to spend some time cruising this summer and attend one of our great events. As we are easing into Fall, it is time to start gathering around the clubhouse for events. Next up is the past Commodore's BBQ featuring grilled coho salmon, ribs and Manny's pale ale to wash it all down on October 4th. November brings us the fall general membership meeting and crab feed. This is the second of two membership meetings where you can hear what your board of directors has been up to since March. It is always a fun time cracking crab and reconnecting with fellow members after being off the water for a couple months. And if you are still craving the camaraderie of fellow members during the football season, we will be hosting informal get togethers for Seahawks games at the clubhouse! Please bring your favorite football snack and drink, and be willing to help us clean up after the games. If there is a clubhouse rental on the calendar the same day as a Seahawks game, there will not be a gathering at the clubhouse. GO Hawks!! Jan 18-19 Winter Bonfire Jan. 25 Commodore’s Ball Feb 15-16 Fishing Derby Feb 22 Sip and Sew Mar 1 Family Fun Night Mar 15 Spring General Membership Mar 29-30 Bowling Extravaganza Apr 12-13 Clubhouse Cleanup & Shakedown May 3 Opening Day May 17-18 Ladies Cruise Jun 21-22 Steak Fry & Golf Tournament Jul 12-13 Kids’ Cruise Jul 19-20 Crash ‘n Burn Aug 16-17 Clam Bake Sep 27-28 Wine ‘n Dine / Oyster Run Oct 4 Past Commodores Salmon BBQ Oct 25 Halloween Nov 8 Fall General Membership & Crab Feed Dec 13 Christmas Decorating & Boat Parade Jan 24 Commodore’s Ball 2015 And finally I would like to introduce you to our newest members of the club. Please help me in extending a hearty SYC AAAAARGH to welcome Ryan and Jamie Shaughnessy, Vickie and John Birney, and new members because of how much fun was had at Clam Bake, Paul and Carol Smith. Welcome to the SYC family and we look forward to seeing you at events at the clubhouse this fall! Tessa Aydelotte Commodore Docktails Friday sunset in Anacortes The Channel Marker Officers Tessa Aydelotte Commodore Steve Hoeft Vice Commodore Randy Ayers Rear Commodore/website Jeff Toycen Past Commodore Cheryl Stinson Treasurer Bobbie Arthur Secretary Bob Davisson Port Captain Joshua Ellingson Fleet Medical Officer Directors Mary Lee Newsletter Mike Rawls Reciprocity Tom Aydelotte Facilities Will Cox Membership & Fundraising Jenny Janda Long Range Planning Brent Malone Dockmaster Page 2 Vice Commodore’s Report ... Steve Hoeft As I sit here on our boat in Anacortes, enjoying my second cup of coffee I’m thinking what a wonderful job Jeff and Shauna Marrs did hosting this awesome Wine & Dine/Oyster Run event. Upon arriving in Anacortes, we shared appetizers on the dock, then the next day breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I just wanted to let Jeff, Shauna and crew knows that their attention to detail and hard work did not go unnoticed. As always the SYC membership provided some really tasty pot luck dinner choices. The wine auction was a huge success and really fun, who knew that Jeff is such a great auctioneer?! After dinner we welcomed some new members into our SYC family, Ryan and Jamie Shaughnessy, Daryl and Char Burns, Paul and Carol Smith (Paul and Carol were not actually here at this event due to car problems but included them by phone). We also welcomed new members Doug and Barb Dugin who joined just Friday evening. I look forward to today and what fun we will have watching motorcycles come into town. Vroom, Vroom. We already have three couples who have volunteered to host this event next year, so if you missed it please plan on attending next year. I’m sure it will be just as fun as this year was! Steve Hoeft Vice Commodore Slip Away A trio of mopeds that I call Cerberus The Channel Marker Page 3 Rear Commodore’s Report ... Randy Ayers The weather seems to have become a bit cooler, and there are footballs in the air. We are all trying to utilize every last bit of diminishing daylight to extend the boating season just a bit further. It’s traditional to have an opening day to boating season, but I’ve never witnessed a closing day parade. All but one on the water club event is over. I think without a doubt, it’s been a great year with some fantastic turnouts! The remaining on-the-water event, of course is the Christmas Boat Parade. I’ve been contacted by several organizations for information on the date and time. For those of you that don’t know or have forgot, the date is December 13, with the parade starting from the yacht club dock at 18:00. This year’s theme is “Festival of Lights”. I think that coming up with a theme is like naming racehorses. We borrow a bit of the name from both parents and come up with something clever. There are of course three clubhouse events as well. Past Commodores’ BBQ, Halloween, and the General Membership Meeting and Crab Feed. So, let’s start thinking about next year! We have even more great events planned and many members have already stepped up to host events. We have fantastic new members that are turning out for their first events and also introducing their friends to the club as well, that will bring new energy and all around good vibes! We have a great 2015 mapped out and I’m looking forward to all the events. Randy Ayers Rear Commodore Mojito Our ride captain, Rob Raplee The Channel Marker Page 4 Our route captain Rob Raplee took us on a wonderful jaunt to one of his hangout places through the country but along the waterfront as much as possible: Padilla Bay, Bellingham Bay, and Birch Bay. We also called it the Tour of Refineries and Factories because we went by Tesoro, Shell, Conoco Phillips, Alcoa Intalco Works, Tosco, and Cherry Point Refinery in Cherry Point. It was also wonderful to see the old houses of Fairhaven and Bellingham along the way. Unfortunately, I could not source any Wine-and-Dine photos before publication, so these will go into the next newsletter. Huge shout-out to Shaunna and Jeff Marrs for hosting an excellent, fun, well-advertised, well-attended event! The Channel Marker Page 5 Our fun ride group suited up and then headed out for no particular road on no particular timeline. That’s the wonderful part of motorcycling; it’s about the journey, not the destination. Although, a nice destination doesn't hurt. Having a bite by Birch Bay in the warm September sun was very relaxing while chatting about previous trips to the area, spelunking on the beach, or just lounging. Sunday was a great day to sight-see, people-see, and bike-see. There were bikes of all vintages, sizes, chrome bits, and even Hello Kitty stickers. The Channel Marker Oct 4 @ Clubhouse Salmon and ribs! What else can you ask for to celebrate the end of summer and share stories about past and future summer trips. Saturday: 4pm Happy H ou r 5pm-ish Dinner of salm on and baby back ribs, cole slaw, Marla's beans, and potato salad. $10 for person, $5 for 12 and under. RSVP to dow neasy@fr ontier .co m to provide headcount. Page 6 The Channel Marker Page 7 Oct 25 @ Clubhouse Doors open @ 7PM Prizes for the best costumes Bring your favorite appetizer to share BYOB / Mixers provided $5 person DJ Randy Ayers rocking the club For more information, call Gretchen Malone 360-770-1088 The Channel Marker Page 8 Nov 8 @ Clubhouse Join us at the clubhouse for the Fall General Membership meeting and All You Can Eat Crab Feed. Jerry & Shellie Highet will host this event, and they are looking for volunteers to help. Friday: W e w ill cook the cr ab on the dock s starting about 5:00 Friday night. Bring a crab cooker and come join us in all the fun. Saturday: The gener al m em ber ship m eeting will start at 6:00 and the all you can eat crab feed will start about 7:00. The cost this year will be $20 pp and kids under 15 are free. Please RSVP to shellie@smiley-ins.com by 10-29-14 if you plan to attend to help us plan on how much crab to purchase this year and if you are available to volunteer on Friday and/or Saturday. Any questions, you can call Jerry or Shellie at 360766-7414. The Channel Marker Dec 13 @ Clubhouse Theme: Festival of lights Dust off your Christmas decorations! Santa is on his/her way! Here are some ideas: Page 9 Swinomish Yacht Club P.O. Box 602 La Conner, WA 98257 Website: www.swinomishyachtclub.org Channel Marker Editor & website administrator: Mary Lee & Randy Ayers Published by Tillinghast Postal & Business Center Phil Fusselman Ship’s Store Manager 206-406-3200 CHECK OUT SHIP'S STORE You can now pay on-line using PayPal! Our club was formed to promote safe boating and sponsor marine events to stimulate interest and family involvement in boating.
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