Editor: ctsbillc@ieee.org November CCSC Website: www.capecoralsailingclub.org 2014 The Cape Coral Sailing Club 2014 Officers Commodore Luc Carriere Vice Commodore Kathy Weber Rear Commodore Bruce Maillet Cruising Fleet Captain J.C. Poindexter Day Fleet Captain Claire Lackey Secretary Stephanie Crunkhorn Treasurer Tim Stier Directors RoseAnn Hoffman Gerri Kahn Ron Kunkel Pat Pye Carmen Rusu Mario Rusu Audit Committee Chairs Calendar Duane Keeler Betty Anderson Bob Rollman Betty Anderson Communications Luc Carriere Historian Ginny Holland Mainsheet Editor Bill Crunkhorn Membership Bruce Maillet Programs Bob Rollman Publicity Bruce Maillet Chandler Susan Stier Marian Borneman Social Pat Pye Sunshine Rose Ann Hoffman Webmaster Betty Anderson 50/50 Draw Bruce Maillet Commodore’s Comments Fall is in the air. Temperatures and humidity are decreasing in southern Florida, and being on a boat is again enjoyable. Even our members that spend the summer up north are recognizing the change and are starting to come back. With that in mind, it is time to get our boats ready and let’s go cruising. October will be a busy time for CCSC members. The Board of Officers and Directors will be meeting on October 21 st to strategize on getting ready for next year. At our general meeting on October 22nd, Club members will be voting on a slate of new officers for 2015. The list of current candidates that have agreed to serve is posted on page three. There are still openings for key officers including commodore, vice commodore, day fleet captain and secretary. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at our meeting subject to agreement by the nominee. There are many individuals in the club that can easily fill these positions and many past officers are ready to assist you. All you have to do is be willing. Let me know if you are ready to give it a shot. We will also need to consider filling two key committee chairperson positions at our meeting. The social committee chairperson is critical to program and direct the social aspect of each of our monthly meetings as well as special events throughout the year. A new chairperson will be needed in December to schedule all the events for 2015 and incorporate them into our calendar for next year. The editor of the Mainsheet is critical for the distribution of information to our members. A new editor will be needed for the January issue of the Mainsheet which is published in December. In November, a joint meeting of the current and new Board will meet. The agenda for this meeting will be very dependent on the outcome of the election. If key positions remain vacant, alternatives will be evaluated to determine how the club will manage next year. It is expected that suggestions will be presented to the members at our November general meeting. I anticipate that we will be producing an exciting schedule of events for your 2015 boating season. With the New Year approaching, it is time to renew your membership by submitting your dues for 2015. A coupon is included in this issue for your use. I look forwards to seeing you at our general meeting on Wednesday and again on Saturday November 1st at the Salute to the Commodore luncheon. Come join us at Glover’s Bight on Friday for pre pre-salute celebration and good times. Luc Carriere can be reached at (239) 561 1094 and carrierefl@comcast.net Contents Upcoming Events … …… 2 Vice Commodore … … ... 5 Birthdays … … … … … 6 Day Fleet Captain … …. 2 Change of Watch Token . 5 Cookie Crew Reminder… 7 Cruising Fleet Captain … 3 Rear Commodore … ... … 6 Old Boats … …. … … 8 & 9 Chef of the Month …… ... 4 Membership Renewal… 6 Adverts … … … … .. … 10-11 1 UPCOMING EVENTS Date Day October 22nd Wednesday Event 6:30 pm Welcome Back. 7:30 pm General Meeting. November 1st Saturday Salute to The Commodore, Glover Bight & Rumrunners. November 5th Wednesday 11:30 Lunch, Pink Shell Hotel, Ft. Myers. November 19th Wednesday 6:00 Happy Hour 6:30 Pot Luck 7:00 General Meeting Cookie Crew For November Miller Miniter Mitchell Nemeth Poindexter Call Pat Pye at 542 4388 or email patpye@eathlink.net if you can not bring cookies to the meeting Day Fleet Captain Invites YOU… Claire Lackey claire@lackey.com or 239-691-4944 Once again, Welcome Back to all our Summer Travelers, it's so nice to see everyone. Our October Luncheon was held at Fletcher's in a private room, with 15 Members attending. It was quite nice as we all got to spend time catching up and enjoying everyone's company. On to November. The luncheon will be held on Wednesday November 5 th , 2014 at the PINK SHELL HOTEL on Fort Myers Beach, at 11:30 AM. Please note the time is a bit earlier than other luncheons so hopefully, all the "Car Cruisers" will not get stuck in any traffic getting to the beach. The November Cruise to The Pink Shell is hosted by Charles and Judy Tomlins, so all the boaters will get together with Judy and Do Not have to call me about attending the luncheon. However, Car Cruisers please call me, (Claire) if you plan to attend. We still need to make additional reservations for the "Land People." The Pink Shell Beach Resort is located at 275 Estero Beach, remember to make a right once you come over the bridge, they have Valet Parking, which is a free service but remember they work for tips. tips :-). Or you can park yourself. See you Wednesday, Nov.5 @ 11:30AM. Claire. 239-691- 4944 or claire@lackey.com Thanks, Claire 2 Cruising News with Captain J.C. J.C. Poindexter, 540-588-0105. JCPMLP1@aol.com Frommers Travel Guide indicates that late fall (especially November) is a great time to visit southern Florida, “as the hottest days are gone and the crowds are still thin.” They add a caveat that desirability of being here can be reconsidered if a hurricane blows t hrough, but we’re closing in on the end of hurricane season with the blessing of an absence of named storms. We’re here, the weather is great, and it’s time for active boating. Our upcoming schedule remains as described in the October MAINSHEET, repeated here for convenience. Remember, schedules have changed from original dates, so be sure you’ve updated your calendars. Cruising events coming up in the near future are: 1) By the time you receive this (November) MAINSHEET, we likely will have completed the Charlotte Harbor cruise in October that had been rescheduled to October 23 rd to 26th . 2) The Pre-salute Raft-up at Glover Bight on October 31 remains on schedule, as the prelude to the following day’s Salute! The Salute to the Commodore will be held on Saturday Nov. 1 st with our boat parade to begin at 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch at Rumrunners at 12:00 noon. Those anchoring out can enjoy a “happy hour” beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Pat and Ron’s MAGPYE (bring your own drinks and appetizers to share). 3) The Pink Shell cruise scheduled for November 4 th through 7th (shortly after the Salute to the Commodore Luncheon on Saturday November 1st. This leaves a lot of November and December for informal weekend outings – get any suggestions out to the membership. 4) Cruise- December 31st /January 1st New Year’s Eve @ Glover Bight. And a pleasant fall boating season for all. UPCOMING CRUISES Pre-Salute Raft-Up, Glover Bight DATES CAPTAINS October 31st None th Pink shell Cruise th November 4 —7 Glover Bight NYE Raft-Up st st Dec. 31 Jan. 1 Judy Tomlin None THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE’S PROPOSED SLATE OF OFFICERS FOR 2015 Commodore – TBD. Vice Commodore – TBD. Rear Commodore – Bruce Maillet (second term) Cruising Fleet Captain – J.C. Poindexter (second term). Day Fleet Captain – TBD. Treasurer – Tim Stier (second term). Secretary – TBD. Directors – First year: Luc Carriere, Ray Daugherty, Henry Borneman. Directors – second year: Carmen Rusu, Pat Pye, and Ron Kunkel. 3 From the Kitchen of Chef of the month Stephanie Crunkhorn Crab Dip 8 oz. crab meat ¼ Cup Onion & Chive Cream Cheese Spread 1 TBLS Mayo 2 spring onions chopped Dash of Cayenne Pepper Dash of Paprika Pepper to taste Splash of Fresh Lemon Juice Handful of Fresh Chopped Cilantro to Garnish Combine all ingredients in a medium size bowl, hold the Cilantro, sprinkle it on top afterwards. Bake in a 350 Degree oven for about 20 minutes. Serve with crackers or chunks of French bread. STOP PRESS! On the 13th of October, Britain’s Daily Mirror, a newspaper famed for its accurate and trustworthy journalism, reported on a colossal crustacean spotted in Whitshable harbour in Kent, England. This 50 ft. salad candidate was first reported in the “Weird Whitstable” website managed by Quinton Winter. He reports: "It had glazed blank eyes on stalks, swiveling wildly, and it clearly was a massive crab with crushing claws”. Prior to this, the largest known crab was the Japanese spider crab, a species which can grow to around 12ft across and weigh up to 40 lbs. Caution on the beach is recommended! Your Recipes or You’re Next Send your best recipes to your editor at ctsbillc@ieee.org YOU can be our next Chef of the Month! (Or lunch for the Bull Shark) 4 Views of the Vice Commodore Kathy Weber gardenclub@optonline.com As I am writing this, Steve and I are packing for our drive down to Florida. We are leaving Long Island's changing leaves behind and looking forward to getting North Star ready for some Cape Coral Sailing Club Adventures. It sounds like the Chocolate Extravaganza during our September meeting was quite a hit! There were 10 entries, for our members to taste and vote on, for the Most Delicious and the Most Creative. Kathy Kordt won for the Most Delicious with her chocolate mousse cake. And Most Creative was won by Carmen Rusu with her chocolate orange cake. Each winner received a bottle of wine to enjoy. Once again, our club gets to savor the culinary creativity of our members. Thanks go out to Betty and Carla for hosting this fun evening. At our next meeting on October 22nd, Steve and I will be hosting a Welcome Back Happy Hour! Bring your favorite beverage and also a hors d'oeuvre to share. We start at 6:30!! This will give us all plenty of opportunity to share our summer adventures on land and sea. Remember, we start at 6:30. If you haven't done so already, please make sure you RSVP for our Salute to the Commodore which will be celebrated at Rumrunners. On Oct 31st, we will be anchoring out at Glovers Bite. That evening, Pat and Ron Pye will be hosting happy hour aboard the Magpye. Pat says to bring something to share and also your favorite beverage. On Sat. November 1st, our boat parade to salute our Commodore will begin about 10:30. As in past years, we will have a boat decorating contest for those who would like to participate; the winner to be chosen by our Commodore. After the parade, the boats will proceed to Rumrunners. Docking is limited and it might be necessary for some boats to go through the lock and tie up on the other side. And lastly, it is amazing to me how quickly this year has gone. Once again we are getting ready for our annual Change of Watch Dinner Dance. It will be held on Sat. Dec 13th . If you remember our dance last year, our meeting room was turned into a magical venue. A committee will be forming to start ideas for this Holiday season affair. A coupon will be going out with all details of the evening. Kathy CHANGE OF WATCH FORMAL DINNER DANCE 6:00 PM Saturday December 13th, 2014 Reservations no later than Monday December 8th, 2014 Name of attendee (s) ________________________________________________________ Make check payable to CCSC, ($25 per person, $35 per guest) TOTAL $________ 5 Report From The Rear Commodore Bruce Maillet maillet7@gmail.com Below you will find the form for you to renew your membership for next year. Please complete and return to me with your chec k, either at the November meeting, or mail to me (dues for 2015 are due December 1 st, 2014.) Also, PLEASE look at your entries in the current roster and indicate on the renewal form any changes we need to make for 2015. We want the new roster to be accurate! 2015 CCSC Dues Renewal Form Member Name(s)________________________________________________________________________ _______ All my information in the 2014 Roster and Boat List is correct. Use it for 2015. ______ Please change the following information: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Dues $60.00 __________ Hardcopy of Mainsheet $18.50 __________ Total of check made out to CCSC __________ Member's Signature and Date Sent __________________________________________________________________ Send check, made payable to CCSC, to Bruce Maillet, 3415 SE 19th Place, Cape Coral, FL. 33904 CCSC wishes a very Happy Birthday to our members celebrating in November Mary Fitzpatrick, Beverly Fogerty, Ginny Holland, John Lackey, Jim Rayburn, John Sedig, Ed Wilson. Members celebrating anniversaries in November Joe/Ginny Holland, George/Ruth Lasko, Alan/Maggie Mitchell, Sheldon/Shirley Roe, Al/Marilyn Shaw, Chuck/Karen Young. REQUEST FOR PHOTOS Webmaster Betty Anderson requests that you email to her good photos you have taken during CCSC activities for posting on our website. anderson_betty@yahoo.com 6 Humpback Whale After posting a few whale pics last month, I could not resist showing what a good whale pic looks like. This beyond awesome shot was taken by tour guide Steven Benjamin off Port St. John, South Africa. Hunted almost to extinction, the humpback attained protected status in the ‘60’s, and are now thought to number around 80,000 worldwide. They can grow to 50 ft., and weigh in at 40 tons. I think this fellow is at the high end of the specification. Don’t Forget The Cookie Crew for the October 22nd Meeting are: Lenshoek, Lewins, Long, Maillet, & Meyer. 7 Your boat is not Old. THIS is old. The first boat was probably a convenient log early man used to cross a river or lake, though it is probably more accurate to view the raft, created by using vines to strap logs or buoyant reeds together, as being the first true boat. Reeds of course being fl exible allowed the shape of the boat to be optimized, and were the next technological evolution on the road to marine navigation. Globustan Petroglyphs As to when this first boat was launched, we cannot know, but from the petroglyphs in the Globustan National Park in Azerbaijan, we do know that reed boats with 30 rowers were in use 12,000 years ago. The Globustan pictures represent the earliest boats tha t we know of. Pesse Canoe In 1955 a crane operator working six feet down in a peat bog in Pesse, Holland, dug up what he thought was a tree trunk. A l ocal farmer was intrigued by the apparent human carving of the log, and took it to the University of Groningen. Investigation revealed it to be a dug-out canoe, and radio carbon dating indicated an age of 9,500 to 11,00 years, making the Pesse canoe the oldest boat in the world. Ten feet long and 17 inches wide, the canoe is made from a single pine log, hollowed out by either flint or antle r tools. It is notable that this is one of the oldest man-made items ever discovered, after a 42,000 year old flute, and a 77,000 year old m attress. Noyen-sur-Seine Canoe The second oldest boat to be discovered was in Noyen-sur-seine. A dug-out 10 ft. long and 17 inches wide, it is similar to the Pesse boat, but not so well preserved. Unfortunately, I was unable to find out much about this interesting vessel. 8 Your boat is not Old. THIS is old. Dufana Canoe In 1987 Malam Ya’u, a Fulani tribe herdsman from Dufana in North East Nigeria, was watching his cows suffer during a dry spell and decided to dig a well. His labour was interrupted fifteen feet down when he hit wood, He had found an 8,000 year old boat, the oldest ever found in Africa, and the third oldest boat discovered in the world. Made of Mahogany, this dug-out canoe is 27 feet long and 20 inches wide. The hull is two inches thick. Discovery of this artefact was the source of much pride in Africa, as while this dug-out canoe is similar in age to ones discovered in Pesse in Holland and Noyen sur Seine in France, It is considerably more evolved than the European boats, showing nicely pointed bow and stern, in comparison with blunt ended European versions. It terms of marine technology, it would seem that Africa exceeded Europe at tha t point in time. Khufu Ship The oldest ship to be discovered is the Khufu ship. This vessel was dismantled, and sealed into a pit just outside the Great Pyramid, around 4,000 years ago. Discovered in 1954, this is a big vessel, 143 ft. long, and 19.5 ft. beam. An awesome achievem ent by the ancient Egyptians. It is a planked vessel of Lebanese Cedar, flat bottomed, no keel, lashed together with Halfa grass (more than a mile of grass). It has been stated that it is so well preserved that it could be dropped in the water today and floated away. 9 CLASSIFIEDS Saturday November 1st 8 am to 2 pm. 20100 Williams Drive North Fort Myers 33917 Marine equipment, boats, motors, dive equipment, brand new inverter and much more. Also lots of large and small tools, hardware, hydroponics, electronics, collectibles and misc. treasures! Call 239-731-1430 for more info. Sharron Thompson, 2010 Commodore Free Ads for members! Send info to Bruce Maillet maillet7@gmail.com by the 15th of each month 10 CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: 1990 Hunter 37.5 sailboat (Ph o t o r i g h t ) Great condition. Many extras and spares. For details, contact Arnold Sm all. 239-541-9115 or em ail a_small@comcast.net FOR SALE: 1984 CATALINA 25 sailboat (Photo right) Good condition. Kept on lift. For details, contact Betty Anderson at 239-234-4191 or email anderson_betty@yahoo.com. Free Ads for members! Send info to Bruce Maillet maillet7@gmail.com by the 15th of each month 11
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