Boulder Bits Boulder Bits Boulder Yacht Club

Boulder Yacht Club
Boulder Bits
Bits and Pieces. Some Noteworthy; none newsworthy.
Vol. XXXVII/No. 11
November 2014
As I write this I have to pause and reflect on the was the 2014 sailing season. By the
numbers, we spent as many days and nights on the boat as last year, but the summer
seemed shorter. Now Island Time is sitting back in its cradle awaiting the winter cover.
The Halloween party is nearly upon us and we will be putting the cover on the following
day. So ends another season of sailing and one final BYC event at the lake.
Looking ahead a bit there is the Ladies Luncheon in December and then into the new year,
the No Boat Banquet. McGurks will lay out the welcome mat for the ladies this year and
the men will be forced to gather at an old but familiar joint called Johnny’s on Russell in Soulard. I understand
they have ok food but really cold beer. So we’ll suck it up and meet the ladies afterwards. As it stands now,
my first choice for the No Boat is GC Cuisine, a company owned and operated by Karol and Bill Hatton. You
have seen them on their Hunter 25 with their dog Jake. GC Cuisine is located in Edwardsville, IL, about 45
minutes from St. Louis. More information will be forthcoming at a later date.
I hope everyone has enjoyed the 2014 season as much as I have. There were just enough warm days to allow
for some great overnight raft ups in Coles Creek. Thanks to all who pitched in and helped at the events this
year. I’m already looking forward to the 2015 season.
Steve Cantino, BYC Commodore
---FROM THE VICE COMMODORE--As I write this article I am gathering up the items needed to winterize my boat. This is a sad
time of year for all of us but a necessary evil to prevent any damage from the coming winter,
hopefully it will not be as harsh as last year. The chili cook off was a great success this year
once again, we had a lot of really diverse and delicious chili’s as well as some fantastic
desserts. Prior to the chili party we were suppose to have the Commodore’s Cup, but because
of high winds and seas the race was cancelled, the correct call I might add. Well that didn’t
satisfy the sailing bug for a bunch of us so Jeff Morrison, captain of Gail Force, offered up his
boat to the weather gods and invited anyone willing to brave the wind and cold to go for a
sail. About 10 of us took up the challenge, and with weather gear and flotation devices the dress code of the
day, we set out on an exhilarating few hours of bow spray and rail in the water sailing. With rum to keep us
warm and enough volunteers to man the helm, we braved the Carlyle tempest and eventually made it safely
back to harbor. Thanks Jeff for a great time, now if only my fingers would thaw out!
Timothy E. Bira, BYC Vice Commodore
Boulder Yacht Club is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation. All rights reserved. © 2000 - 2014
Boulder Bits
November 2014
---FROM THE SECRETARY/TREASURER--What a beautiful weekend for October! The wind wasn’t great, but the temperature made it
great to get those things done for pull out or just plain being on the boat. The Chili Supper
on October 4th was a super event, but we have come to expect that from Pat and Donna. In
the past this event has been the one party we have tried to make a little money and this
year’s event was true to form. We fed 50 people, one person forgot their money but we fed
them anyway. Once again thank you Pat and Donna for a terrific party. The Commodore
Cup was postponed due to high winds but was held the following Saturday. The results are
on the club website as well as the other races this year. Sunday following the Chili Supper we held our fall
business meeting and elected the BYC Officers for the 2015. Since there were no multiple nominations for any
office a motion was made and passed to except the nominations by acclamation. The officers for 2015 are:
Commodore Bill Rathburn; Vice Commodore Donna Krockenberger; Sec/Treasurer me again; Race Chair
Steve Rice; Social Chair Pat Oneal; and Ron Robertson voted onto the Board of Directors. I think we have
another excellent group of officers again. There was some discussion on the upcoming parties but I will let
those responsible for them explain. For a little while this office is not so busy until the No Boat and club dues
in February so I hope I can say I saw you at the Halloween Party.
Bill Schmidt BYC Sec/Treasurer
-----THE SOCIAL CHAIR ---Hello Everyone!
The annual BYC Halloween Party is this Saturday, November 1 at 6pm. This is a
free event where you can expect hot dogs/chili dogs, smores, costume party,
trick playing, and treat making. Thanks to everyone who made the Chili Dinner a
Donna Krockenberger, BYC Social Chair
----FROM THE RACE CHAIR ---Another great BYC racing season has ended. All in all, it was a near perfect season with
just two postponements (one for no wind and one for too much). In the end, we were able
to get all the scheduled races in. I want to thank all who participated in this year’s BYC
racing program, whether you skippered, crewed, helped set marks or worked on the
committee boat. My hat is off to you for making this fantastic season happen.
October 4 was our scheduled date for our Commodores Cup, but not for the lack of effort
of Pam and Spero on Paradise. We just could not get the committee boat out the channel
due to some extremely high winds. The following weekend provided much more favorable conditions.
October 25th, CYC hosted the “Great Race”, I unfortunately was not able to make it. I did hear that it was an
exciting race, hope you were able to attend. As always even though the racing season has ended you can count
on a few more events at BYC this year, the Halloween party is this weekend so be sure to check the events
calendar. Bill Schmidt is posting the race results, be sure to check it out. Thanks Bill. See you at the lake.
Mike Shelton, BYC Race Chair
Boulder Bits
November 2014
-----FLOTSAM & JETSAM ---Many years ago two sport bikers showed up at Boulder Marina. Dressed in full riding
gear they wandered a bit aimlessly around the docks looking for a boat because they
were “going cruising”. Instead of being laughed off the premises they were welcomed
aboard by the strangers sitting around in various cockpits. They bought a boat, rented
a dock, and found a second home. They learned their way around a boat and the lake;
fixed broken stuff; rode out ugly weather.
Fifteen months ago we said good-bye to close friends, but Boulder off Kintala's stern,
and went cruising. It turned out to be nothing like we thought and nearly everything
that we hoped. Though we haven't sailed as much as we wanted, Kintala has put 2000
nm under her keel. Many of those miles were in big, blue water miles deep and out of sight of land. For
two lake sailors that is pretty exciting. We anchored in water so clear we could see the hook set in the
sand. And we anchored in places so remote our boat was the only sign of human kind. For two lake
sailors that is pretty exciting as well. We sailed with dolphins! This is harder than we expected. Nearly
every day is a work day. Kintala has proved to be a difficult boat to live with; too much stallion and not
enough draft horse. But she has kept us on top of the water in spite of our climbing up the learning
curve, a learning curve that was not as steep as it might have been. Our friends at Boulder taught us
more than we realized. Maybe more than they realized as well. And we miss you all. Fair winds.
Tim and Deb Akey
---EDITOR’S NOTE--Hello! If you want the Bits by e-mail, or would like to contribute to next month's
edition, please contact me at This year, the monthly
deadline for each article entry will be set for the 25th day of each month. This
deadline will give me more time for me to get the printing press going for those
who receive snail-mail copies. I encourage everyone to send articles of interest to
share with the BYC family. You don't have to be an officer; you just have to have an
interesting story or fun pictures to share.
*Submission Instructions: just email your article or pictures to me at Please
copy and paste any text from a word document directly into the email text body to ensure there are no
formatting translation errors. Event flyers should be submitted in PDF format unless you would like me
to check them for errors, in which case a word document is fine. If you have any questions, feel free to
email me or come find me on Jost Von Dock aboard the Dehler 31 Pascagoula Run. See you all out on the
Emily Elden, BYC Bits Editor
Boulder Bits
---Message in a Bottle (AKA, Editor's Literary Contribution)--A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea
Allan Cunningham
A wet sheet and a flowing sea,
A wind that follows fast,
And fills the white and rustling sail,
And bends the gallant mast-And bends the gallant mast, my boys,
While, like the eagle free,
Away the good ship flies, and leaves
Old England on the lee.
"O for a soft and gentle mind!"
I heard a fair one cry;
But give to me the snoring breeze
And white waves heaving high-And white waves heaving high, my boys,
The good ship tight and free;
The world of waters is our home,
And merry men are we.
There's tempest in yon hornèd moon,
And lightning in yon cloud;
And hark the music, mariners!
The wind is piping loud-The wind is piping loud, my boys,
The lightning flashing free;
While the hollow oak our palace is,
Our heritage the sea.
November 2014
Boulder Bits
2014 BYC
November 2014
Steve Cantino
Tim Bira
Bill Schmidt
Race Chairman
Mike Shelton
Social Committee Chairpersons
Boulder Bits Editor
Social Ambassador
Fire Marshal
Donna Krockenberger
Sharon Schmidt & Laurel Juenger
Emily Elden
Rob Schmidt
Bill Schmidt
Donna Krockenberger & Pat O'Neal
Kevin Sheer
Other members
Pam McBride
Sharon Schmidt
Jeff Morrison, Thorsten Schaette, & Gary
Also Steve Cantino- ex officio, non-voting
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