October 26, 2014 Volume 43
A few days ago I was going through my normal morning ritual of browsing the headlines on a variety of
news websites when I saw this headline: “What the Dying Really Regret.” Naturally the headline did
what it was designed to do—pique my interest—so I clicked on to check it out.
Frankly, the angle of the story was a little different than I expected, but one thing about it made me
think, and that was the title.
I’m sure that most people, if not all, as they’re nearing the end of life, look back and have at least a few
regrets. Obviously those regrets will differ from person to person. And, of course, some regrets will be
somewhat trivial (e.g., “I regret never visiting the Grand Canyon”) while others will be pretty heavy (e.g.,
“I regret not spending enough time with my kids when they were little,” or “I regret not working harder to
have a great marriage”).
But then I thought, “What if the word ‘dying’ in that headline were replaced with the word ‘dead’?” What
the dead really regret. Well, the answer to that question is much easier. When it comes to the dead,
regrets won’t differ from person to person, and there won’t be a mix of trivial and heavy regrets either.
Actually, let me tweak that last statement just a tad. In one sense the regrets among the dead won’t
differ from person to person, but in another sense those regrets will differ. Here’s what I mean. Every
human being ever conceived will spend eternity in either heaven or hell, and the population of those
two eternal states will most definitely have different regrets. But among the population in each of those
places, the regrets won’t differ at all.
For those who, in this life, surrendered themselves to Jesus in an obedient faith, there won’t be the first
regret. Not a single one. All the failures, frustrations, hurts, and disappointments of this present life will
forever be wiped from our memories by a gracious God, and we’ll enjoy physical, emotional, and spiritual perfection throughout eternity. It will be an eternal existence as God originally intended it to be—
perfect people in a perfect world in perfect fellowship with Him (Rev 21:1-4).
On the other hand, those who chose to put the cares and pleasures of this life first will have one regret.
Just one. And that regret will haunt them for all eternity. It will never end—what a chilling thought.
That regret will have nothing to do with where they lived, how much money they made, how well traveled they were, their job satisfaction, their earthly fame and popularity, the kind of vehicles they owned,
the name of the college on their degree, their body image, and the list goes on. That one regret will be
either that they never accepted God’s grace-filled offer of salvation through Jesus by obeying the gospel, or that, after obeying the gospel, they allowed themselves to be separated from God (either
through intimidation, the seduction of worldly cares and pleasures, or false teaching).
I’m not really that interested in your living such a life so that you won’t have any regrets as a dying person. I’m far more interested in your living such a life so that you won’t have any regrets as a dead person.
with Paddy Flanagan
And when the queen of Sheba had seen all the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built, the food of his table, the seating
of his officials, and the attendance of his servants, their clothing,
his cupbearers, and his burnt offerings that he offered at the
house of the Lord, there was no more breath in her.
(I Kings 10.4-5)
Solomon’s flawless court and astounding wealth were overwhelming. So overwhelming that a queen was stopped midsentence, and left breathless. There was no mistaking wealth like
Solomon’s: tables laden with food in a masterfully crafted palace,
beautiful tapestries cascading down the walls as servants and
cupbearers attended his court and its guests. His treasure was
immediately recognizable, he was physically prominent, and his
intellect was unsurpassed.
What do God’s people have today? Is our treasure to be like Solomon’s, with wealth so great it draws people from far off lands to
witness our majesty? Not for most of us; though the treasure God
intends for us all is truly great. Our spiritual wealth, just as Solomon’s riches, should leave those who witness it breathless.
As followers of Christ, our love and service for one another
should be unmatched! Our grace, holiness, and humility we have
should be unparalleled! Our treasure is still very much God-given,
it is by his Holy Spirit that we are led and equipped to live for
God’s glory and others’ good. Our treasure, our delight, is in Jesus Christ, the one who gave himself up on our behalf. We are
intended to be like “a city set on a hill [that] cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5.14), a light, a beacon of true wealth not printed
on paper or stamped on coin.
Our glory is Christ; are you living in a way that seeks to display
Him as your great wealth and treasure?
Calendar of Events
Tonight: High School Devotional after evening services at the
Tonight: Middle School Devotional after evening
services at the home of Shane & Becky Austin.
Bring $5 for food.
October 31-November 2: YG Fall Retreat
December 27-30: Exposure Youth Camp-$85 due by November 9.
Sunday Morning Worship…..........................9:00 AM
Sunday Morning Bible Study…...…………....10:15 AM
Mission Missive
Remembering Our Heritage
The Absolute Authority
Batsell Barrett Baxter
Authority has always rested with the Godhead and never
with men. The prophets, the apostles and other people miraculously guided by God were simply spokesmen. God’s Word has
always been the final authority among men.
Our Only Guide
The Bible is our guide, our only guide. For this reason it is encouraging to hear people say, “Let us have a ‘thus saith the Lord’
for all that we do in our religious faith and practice.” Still another
way of saying it is, “Let us speak where the Scriptures speak, and
be silent where the Scriptures are silent.” Each of these is a
statement indicating the acceptance of the authority of the Scriptures.
At this point let’s examine two opposite positions on the matter of
the authority of the Scriptures. Martin Luther championed the idea
that whatever is not expressly prohibited in the Scriptures is permissible (History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, by D’Aubigne, Book II, p. 297). Luther’s view would open the
door to all kinds of innovations, such as the burning of incense,
the lighting of candles, the use of images, instrumental music and
even adding other elements to the Lord’s Supper.
Huldrich Zwingli championed the view that whatever is not expressly authorized in the Scriptures is prohibited. (A History of the
Christian Church by W. Walker, 1959, p. 322). This view is set
forth in the Scriptures themselves. In Galatians 1:8, Paul wrote,
“But though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach unto you
any gospel other than that which we preached unto you, let him
be anathema”. (ASV) John stated the same point in these words,
“Whosoever goeth onward and abideth not in the teaching of
Christ, hath not God: he that abideth in the teaching, the same
hath both the Father and the Son” (2 John 9).
Three Avenues
In determining what the Scriptures authorize, there are three avenues through which we may receive guidance. First, there are
direct commands, such as Acts 2:38. In the second place, there
are approved apostolic examples, such as Paul’s eating of the
Lord’s Supper on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7). And, finally, there is necessary inference. Each command of God authorizes whatever is necessary to carry it out. When the Lord commanded Christians to meet for worship, He necessarily authorized the providing of a place for Christians to assemble for worship.
Our religion-our relationship to God-is our most important relationship. We must be absolutely certain about everything that we
believe and practice.
Gospel Advocate, July 10, 1980
Reprinted with permission from the Gospel Advocate.
Sunday Evening Worship………..………..…….6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening Bible Study…..………....7:00 PM
Phone: (615) 373-4353 Newsline: (615) 373-3038
Fax: (615) 373-9743
Preschool: (615) 661-4612
Toll Free Phone: (877) 226-5747
Website: www.concordroad.org
Mobile Website: m.concordroad.org
Join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ConcordRoad
Elders: Buddy Williams
Dwayne Stubblefield
Ron Thomas
Jerry McCormick
October Chairman for Elders: Dwayne Stubblefield
Ministers: Minister: Dan Chambers (615) 815-5382
Youth Minister: Paddy Flanagan (615) 829-4276
Office: Office Administrator: Melissa Tolbert (615) 373-4353
Prayer List:
Peggy Hooper’s surgery has been
rescheduled for Tuesday, November 11, for her aortic aneurysm.
Lynn Fraizer, sister of Janet
McCormick has pancreatic cancer.
Bob & Glenda Guy, Martha Harris, G.W.
Head; Jack & Dot Joyner, Carmie Miller,
Josephine Prickett, Ann Thompson, Lee
Tomberlain, LeEleanor Tomberlain & Jim
Continue to Remember:
Roy Arnold; Doris Beasley; Jerry Flowers; David Good; Kay Good; James
Hunter, LeeAnn Hunter; Tom Jewell;
Ruth Orr; Harold Pratt; Sue Baker
(mother of Linda Gilliam); Kenneth Demumbran (father of Kevin Demumbran);
Phil Hardeman Sr. (father of Phil Hardeman); Virginia Johnson (mother of Sheri
Daniel); Dawn Lovett (aunt of Molly
Rawlins); Charles McLean (friend of Bob
Lee); Gary Myers (friend of Lee Isenberg);
Betty Pate (mother of Lori Bailey); Vicky
Rogers (aunt of Sheri Daniel); Annette
Rose (step-mother of Gina Rose); Stephen Zavorski (husband d of LauraLee
Trunk or Treat
Attention all Parents &
Volunteers of the Lads to
Leaders Program: We will
have our Lads to Leaders kickoff
luncheon today immediately after
Bible class in Fellowship A. Lunch
will be provided. If you have questions about L2L or would like to
learn more about the program and
what you can do to support it please
see Shane Austin.
Visitation Team #3, led by Roger
& Whitney Jenkins, will meet tonight after evening services in Fellowship A for a meal. It will be catered so please bring money to
contribute. Please contact Christy
Staggs if you are able to attend.
We need an accurate head count
to order the right amount of food.
The World Bible School Dinner
will be held on Tuesday, October
28, at 6:30 p.m. at the
Nashville Airport Marriott.
Please see Brian Cooper,
D.J. Smith or David Harper
for more information & if you are
interested in attending.
October 29
5:00-6:45 p.m.
Please join us for pizza, candy, costumes
and lots of FUN!
Have your cars ready in the parking lot
between 5:00-5:15 p.m.
Cost for food: $5 per person or $20 per
family & guests are free.
Adults: be sure to decorate your trunks
and bring candy.
The elders ask any children or adults
that come in costume to please change
prior to our worship service & Bible
study. See Paddy for more information.
The 1st-5th Grade Youth Group will
be hosting a Fall Outing at the home
of Sean & Tonya Reininger on Saturday, November 1, at 5:00
p.m. Please call or email Tonya to
RSVP & get information on food
sign-ups. We hope to see you there!
The Youth Group Young at Heart
Thanksgiving Dinner will be on
Friday, November 7, at
5:00 p.m. honoring all
senior members 70
years & up and their
spouses. To R.S.V.P. please sign
up on Paddy’s board or call the
church office.
The Young Marrieds & Young
Professionals Annual Turkey Fry
will be held on Saturday, November
8, at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship A. Sign
up on the YM bulletin board so we
know how many plan to attend.
Please bring your favorite side dish.
See the Westmoreland's or Brady's
for more information.
The Teacher Appreciation Lunch
will be held on Sunday,
November 9, after Bible
class in Fellowship A. If
you have taught a class,
any class or any age, in
2014 we would like to invite you to
the Teacher Appreciation
lunch. R.S.V.P. with your name &
how many in your family will be
attending to education@concordroad.org. You will get
an email back confirming your reservation. See Jordan Vaughn for
more information.
Thank You Notes:
Dear Concord Road Church,
What a blessing it is to have a caring
church family! The beautiful flowers,
cards, calls and offers of assistance will
always be gratefully remembered.
Thank you most of all for the prayers
offered on my behalf.
Love, Kay Good
Attention World Bible School
Teachers: We have new
WBS mail lessons from
Zambia and Malawi that
need new teachers. Please
see Brian Cooper if you have any
questions or would like to become a
Jail Ministry Baptism: We rejoice
that Kevin Hulen & Brian Cooper
baptized Justin Howell on Sunday,
October 12. Also, please continue
to remember in our prayers the 5
men that have been baptized in the
last 3 weeks. For anyone who
wants to send a letter of encouragement please see Dave Beasley for
Chorus Concert: The Lipscomb
Academy Concert Chorus
will be here on Sunday,
November 16, to lead our
evening worship and to
perform. A reception will be held
following the performance. Please
plan to bring lots of appetizers &
finger foods to enjoy with our
guests. Come see our own singing
stars: Colin Stubblefield, Kaylee
O’Dell, Rowan Barrett & Holden
New Address
Nancy Smith
8064 Canonbury Drive
Nolensville, TN 37135
(615) 941-1011-Home
(305) 646-8600– Cell
(Orange Group)
Daylight Savings
Time: Daylight Savings Time ends on
Sunday, November 2.
Don’t forget to turn
your clocks back on
Saturday night!
Members and Visitors: Please
remember to fill out your attendance
card each Sunday morning so we
have a record of your attendance.
October 26, 2014
9:00 A.M. Worship Service
Call to Worship……………....Song Leader, Jeff Thomas
See how many times you hear the following words in today’s lesson:
Song, “We Have Come into His House”……………#296
Welcome & Announcements
Song, “Praise the Lord”…………………..…….………..#74
Song, “Just a Little Talk with Jesus”…………….……#959
Song, “I Come to the Garden Alone”………………#595
Prayer.........................................................Ralph Isenberg
Song, “I Stand Amazed”…………………….………...#147
Song, “How Deep the Father’s Love”……………Screen
Lord’s Supper……………….…...…..Preside: Kevin Hulen
Assist in serving the Lord’s Supper:
Chad Stephens
Roger Jenkins
Brian Jones
Eric Marvin
Keith O’Neal
Andrew Pratt
Matt Reaves
Chris Rhodes
John Rochford
Mike Sheppard
Caleb Chitwood
Clay Stubblefield
Collection/Song, “We Will Glorify”…………………..#578
Dismissal for Children’s Bible Hour
Song, “In Christ Alone”………………………………Screen
Scripture Reading, 2 Peter 1:5-9…………Jeremy Paisley
Sermon, “It’s Time to Grow”……………..Dan Chambers
Invitation, “Do You Know My Jesus?”……………….#943
The Concord Road Playgroup will meet on Friday, November 21,
from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the downstairs fellowship room. We will be
making cards & crafts to put inside the M.A.G.I. Boxes. Please check
your email for information about the M.A.G.I. Boxes & Healing Hands
International & how your family can help. There will also be a donation
box to bring supplies for the boxes. If the weather is good the kids will
play outside on the playground. Check out our bulletin board outside
the Bible hour classroom for information & pictures of past events.
See Jenny Jones for more information.
The AGAPE Annual Dinner will be held on Tuesday, November
11th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs. Please join
them for dinner and an entertaining evening with magician Eric Anderson, as well as an evening of inspiration about the work and ministry
of AGAPE. Online reservations at agapenashville.org. For more information see Rosa Chavez.
Jail Ministry Certification / Recertification: Mark your calendar for
anyone that wants to participate in the Jail Ministry at the Williamson
County Jail (men & women). You are required to attend one of the
upcoming certification / recertification classes. The dates for this
year’s classes are: Thursday, October 30, 6:30-7:30 p.m. & Tuesday, November 18, 6:30-7:30 p.m. The classes will be held at the
Juvenile Justice Center (408 Century Court in Franklin, 37064). This
is where the county jail & sheriff’s offices are located. Please see
Dave Beasley (414-9541) if you plan on attending or for more information.
Song, “When He Comes in Glory By & By”…………#854
Shepherd’s Prayer………………….Dwayne Stubblefield
6:00 P.M. Worship Service
Song Leader..............................................Shawn Everson
Prayer………….……..……………………..……Hollis Casey
Scripture Reading…….....………….………..Andrew Pratt
Sermon, “Sunday Night Q & A”…… ……Dan Chambers
Preside…...…………...….……………..……..Glenn Gentry
Prayer of Thanksgiving…………..……..Jack Stubblefield
Infant’s nursery: Deana Smith & Sydney Smith
Toddler’s nursery: Allison O’Dell & Kaylee O’Dell
Children’s Bible Hour: Kevin & Melinda McCormac
Study: Noah
Preparation of Communion Trays for October:
Joan Thomas & Melba Gentry
Video cameras: Dwayne Stubblefield & Colin
Sound System for October: James Hagewood
Safety Team Members: Mike Zelnik, Brett Smith &
Lee O’Dell
Front: Carl & Sue Harper
Charlotte Tuttle
West: Chip & Carolyn Beasley
E-mail Addresses:
Wednesday Bible Study
October 29, 2014
Song leader: Steve Hilton
Devotion: Shane Austin
Prayer: Tom Taylor
The Record — October 19, 2014
Sunday Worship: AM: 442 PM: 309
Sunday Bible Classes: 342
Wednesday Bible Classes: 335
Contribution TOT: 10-19-14 $20,252
Contribution YTD: $985,567
Contribution Goal YTD:$1,008,000