South Devon Herd Book Society’s SKIPTON SHOW & SALE CCM Auctions, Skipton Auction Mart, North Yorkshire, BD23 1UD, tel 01756 792375 Sale by Auction under NBA Rules of 2 pedigree bulls 11 pedigree in-calf heifers 4 pedigree maiden heifers & 1 crossbred in-calf heifer ALL TB PRE-MOVEMENT TESTED and FROM TB4 HERDS ALL FROM HERDS CHECS ACCREDITED OR TESTED NEGATIVE FOR BVD ANTIGEN & DOUBLE VACCINATED Wednesday 5th November 2014 Judging at 10.30 am (approx) Sale at 1 pm (approx, following sale of Beef Shorthorns) South Devon Herd Book Society Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, Devon, EX5 1DJ 01392 447494 A COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE (Incorporated 1891) Registered Charity No. 254166 Company No. 35107 The information given in this catalogue has been produced from information submitted to SDHBS by breeders and responsibility for its accuracy cannot therefore be assumed by the Society JUDGE and SOCIETY PRESIDENT Mr R C Shinner, Stretchford, Buckfastleigh, Devon VETERINARY INSPECTOR Mr D Findlay MRCVS, The Vale Veterinary Group, Cullompton, Devon BREED SECRETARY Mrs Caroline Poultney SOUTH DEVON BREED DESCRIPTION COLOUR & COAT Strong, curly coat of light medium red colour. Any white under-body undesirable particularly in front of the navel. Hide loose and pliable. HEAD Broad and kindly in appearance, with broad and uniformly pink nose and muzzle, free from blue (blotches) and smut (black hairs around lips). Horns, if present, should be white or yellow and curve downwards. Ears set well forward and of a good size. SHOULDERS Not prominent, blending neatly with a deep body. BODY Deep and full in girth. Ribs well sprung, even and extending well back along the spine. Deep in the flank giving a level underline and not an extended gut. Back straight with good width extending from behind the shoulders to the loin. HINDQUARTERS Rumps long, wide and square on top. The rounds wide and deep to hocks. The tail should be level set and blend neatly into the rumps. It should be strong with a good brush. TEMPERAMENT Docile. BULL Masculine characteristics with size and flesh to attain 1200 to 1500 kgs at maturity. Testicles of substantial and even size and suspended equally. Twisted testicles are undesirable. COW Feminine appearance with good size and even flesh. Even shaped, well-attached udder with wellspaced, equal and moderately sized teats. LEGS AND FEET Legs showing strong bone, flat rather than round below the hock. The hind legs reasonably straight and parallel with hocks well apart; the fore legs not wide apart and all having good sound feet, pointing directly forwards. Even locomotion with parallel tracking. HEALTH DECLARATIONS Health Declarations A Health Declaration signed by the Vendor is required for each herd. Information taken from this Declaration is included under the Index of Vendors below, which relates to the herd’s health status and to BVD testing of the individual sale animals. A copy of the Declaration with full information is attached to each Vendor’s group of pens. Such information includes the herd’s TB testing regime; membership of a CHeCS scheme if applicable; and testing and vaccination procedures. If a member of a CHeCS scheme, a certificate of the herd’s testing status will be displayed on the pen. Bovine Tuberculosis (TB) All vendors have signed a Declaration stating that the animals they have entered in this Sale have been TB tested within 60 days prior to the date of the Sale. All cattle are from TB4 testing herds. Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) It is an obligatory requirement of the Society that all Sale animals must either be from a herd that is accredited free of BVD under a CHeCS health scheme, or must have been tested negative for the BVD antigen. All Sale animals must also be double vaccinated for BVD prior to the Sale. Definition of levels within the Johne’s Disease Accreditation Programme (CHeCS) Level 1: Herds must have had three consecutive clear herd tests at annual intervals. The first of these cannot be sooner than 12 months following the identification of a Johne’s disease reactor in the herd. Level 1 will be further defined by stating the year in which the herd achieved level 1 accreditation. Level 2: This applies to all herds that have had an initial, or two consecutive, clear tests, but are yet to achieve level 1 status. The first of these clear tests cannot be sooner than 12 months following identification of a Johne’s disease reactor in the herd. Level 3: These are herds that have reactors identified within the herd, but the number of reactors must not exceed 3% of the herd eligible for testing in the Johne’s programme (cattle two years of age and older). In herds with fewer than 33 eligible animals no more than one of these is a reactor. Level 4: These herds have more than 3% of eligible animals identified as reactors, or in herds with fewer than 33 eligible animals more than one of these is a reactor. Level 5: These herds may be carrying out a testing programme, but are not adhering to the mandatory requirements of the programme. INDEX OF VENDORS Bulls Arncliffe Farms, Arncliffe Hall, Ingleby Cross, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL6 3PA Tel: 01609 882202 4-yearly TB testing, last clear test 2013 Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme: - level 1 for Johnes since 26 April 2006 - accredited free for BVD since25 April 2007 - BVD vaccinated 18/02/14; 08/04/14 - vaccinating for Lepto Mr J P Harrison, 22 Kyle Close, Tollerton, York, YO61 1QU Tel: 07971 699716 4-yearly TB testing, last clear test March 2011 Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme: - level 1 for Johnes since 25 January 2011 - accredited free for Lepto since 25 January 2011 - accredited free for BVD since 25 January 2011 - BVD vaccinated 09/02/14; 03/03/14 - vaccinating for IBR Mr A R Lee, Lumbylaw Farm, Edlingham, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 2BW Tel: 01665 574277 4-yearly TB testing, last clear test 10 December 2012 Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme: - level 1 for Johnes since 9 March 2010 - accredited free for BVD since 9 March 2010 - BVD vaccinated 25/09/14; 23/10/14 - vaccinating for Lepto Ms A Welch, t/a J B Allison & Sons, Huby Grange, Tollerton Road, Huby, York, YO61 1JE Tel: 01347 838628 4-yearly TB testing, last clear test 14/02/12 Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme: - level 1 for Johnes since 17 March 2011 - accredited free for Lepto since 14 February 2012 - accredited free for BVD since 17 March 2011 - BVD vaccinated 14/09/14; 19/10/14 - vaccinating for IBR Females 15,16,17 1,2 3,4 5-10 incl 11-14 incl 18 PEDIGREE TRANSFER FEES Transfer fees will be charged to Purchasers requiring Pedigree Certificates, and will be debited to their account on the day. Females over 6 months of age: Bulls: £30 plus VAT £30 plus VAT NOTICE TO EXPORT BUYERS Animals available for export (subject to legislation currently in force) are denoted as such under individual lot numbers. Please arrange terms of responsibility with vendor and auctioneer for care of animals, health requirements, export certification, post purchase and prior to export before placing your bids. MYOSTATIN STATUS – a brief explanation Myostatin has been identified as a muscle-growth controller. When it is “switched off” or “deleted”, muscle can continue to grow unchecked. This is sometimes referred to as “double muscling”. This can be seen in both a positive and a negative light, depending on individual breeding programmes. All pedigree bulls are now DNA tested to determine their myostatin status, such information being published in the catalogue. Although it is not obligatory to test females for myostatin status, some breeders choose to do so and the result is published where known. The status is expressed as either: 0 1 2 Meaning no copy of the deleted myostatin gene, Meaning one copy of the deleted myostatin gene (inherited from one or other parent), or Meaning two copies of the deleted myostatin gene (inherited from both parents) Because genes are inherited (one copy from each parent to make a pair), it follows that the bull will pass on 50% of his genetics to his progeny: so if a bull has one gene copy (1) there is a 50% chance that the deletion will be passed on; if he has two copies (2) he will definitely pass on one copy of the deletion; and likewise if there is no deletion (0) then the progeny will have at least one negative in his typing. The other 50% of the progeny’s make-up will come from the dam. The most frequent myostatin variant in the South Devon breed is ‘nt821’. The implications for an animal having one or two copies of the “nt821” deletion have been researched by the Roslin Institute. Their findings were that the deletion tends to improve muscle conformation, reduce fat, and increase hot weight at slaughter. But it also tends to increase birthweight, decrease calving ease, reduce weight gain, reduce internal organ and bone size, and reduce eating quality. A lesser number of animals have tested positive for the ‘F94L’ variant which is associated with lower birthweight. These effects are most obvious when the animal has two copies (2), one inherited from each parent. For further information, please contact the Breed Secretary. UNDERSTANDING BREEDPLAN PERFORMANCE RECORDING ESTIMATED BREEDING VALUES (EBVs) The EBV is the best estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for that trait. Each breed’s EBVs are calculated specifically for that breed, for comparisons within the breed, and there can be no cross comparison between breeds. Accuracy An accuracy value is presented with every EBV and gives an indication of the amount of information that has been used in the calculation of that EBV. The higher the accuracy the lower the likelihood of change in the animal’s EBV as more information is analysed for that animal or its relatives. Low accuracies should be treated with caution. Calving Ease Calving Ease EBVs are based on calving difficulty scores, birth weights and gestation length information. Negative EBVs mean more difficult calving whilst positive EBVs mean easier calving. Direct: Direct calving ease indicates how this bull influences the birth of its progeny. High negatives are bad whilst high positives are good. Daughters: Daughter’s calving ease indicates how well the animal produces daughters that have easier calving. This is an important trait if you are breeding your own replacements. Again, high negatives are bad whilst high positives are good. BIRTH AND FERTILITY Gestation Length: Gestation Length EBVs (days) are based on AI records and observed natural service. Lower (negative) Gestation Length EBVs indicate shorter gestation lengths which generally relate to easier calving and increased growth after birth. Birthweight: Birth Weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for dam age. The lower the value the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers. Scrotal Size: Scrotal Size EBV (cm) is an indicator of male fertility in regards to semen quality and quantity. Higher (positive) EBVs indicate higher fertility. There is also a small negative correlation with age of puberty in female progeny ie, the daughters of bulls with larger testicles may come into season at an earlier age. GROWTH Milk: 200-Day Milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animal’s milking ability. For sires, this EBV is indicative of their daughter’s milking ability as it affects the 200-day weight of their calves. Bulls with high 200 day milk EBVs have more milky daughters. 200: 200-Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of the animals taken between 80 and 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth to early ages. The higher the 200 day EBV then the higher the suckled calf or weaning weight. 400: 400-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 301 and 500 days of age, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for yearling weight. Higher 400 day EBVs indicate earlier maturing progeny with a greater weight at an earlier age. 600: 600-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 501 and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age. Mature Cow Weight: Mature Cow Weight EBV (kg) is an estimate of the genetic difference in cow weight at 5 years of age. Moderate or larger EBVs are generally more favourable. CARCASE Carcase Weight: Carcase Weight EBV (kg) estimates the genetic difference in carcase weight at a standard age of 650 days. An important trait for finished cattle production. Eye Muscle Area: Eye Muscle Area EBV (cm2) estimates genetic differences in eye muscle area of a 300 kg dressed carcase. More positive EBVs indicate better muscling on animals. Fat: Rib Fat EBV (mm) estimates the genetic differences in fat depth at the rib in a 300 kg dressed carcase. More positive EBVs indicate more subcutaneous fat and earlier maturity, leading to a higher fat classification in slaughtered progeny. Retail Beef Yield %: Retail Beef Yield Percent EBV (%) represents total (boned out) meat yield as a percentage of a 300 kg dressed carcase. A more positive EBV indicates higher percentage yield for the 300 kg carcase size. This is an important trait in finished steers and heifers. QUALITY BEEF INDEX The South Devon Quality Beef Index is a combination of all traits into a single figure and is a measure of a terminal sire’s ability to produce prime steers and heifers for the finished market whilst maintaining calving ease at a reasonable level. SUCKLER REPLACEMENT INDEX The Suckler Replacement Index ranks bulls by their genetic potential for the production of female replacements while producing prime steers and excess heifers for beef production, with emphasis on calving ease and maternal traits. PERCENTILE BANDS FOR 2012 BORN CALVES (For making comparisons within the Breed) Percentile Band Calving Calving 200 400 Ease Ease Gestation Birth Day Day DIR DTRS Length Wt. Wt Wt (%) (%) (days) (kg) (kg) (kg) Top Value Top 1% Top 5% Top 10% Top 15% Top 20% Top 25% Top 30% Top 35% Top 40% Top 45% Top 50% Top 55% Top 60% Top 65% Top 70% Top 75% Top 80% Top 85% Top 90% Top 95% Top 99% Low Value +16.2 +9.7 +6.4 +5.0 +3.9 +3.1 +2.5 +1.9 +1.3 +0.7 +0.1 -0.4 -0.9 -1.4 -2.0 -2.6 -3.3 -4.0 -4.9 -6.2 -8.1 -12.2 -22.9 +11.7 +7.7 +5.4 +4.5 +3.9 +3.4 +3.0 +2.6 +2.3 +1.9 +1.6 +1.2 +0.9 +0.5 +0.1 -0.3 -0.7 -1.2 -1.8 -2.5 -3.7 -6.0 -10.5 -4.3 -2.1 -1.1 -0.7 -0.5 -0.4 -0.2 -0.1 +0.0 +0.1 +0.2 +0.3 +0.4 +0.5 +0.6 +0.7 +0.8 +0.9 +1.0 +1.2 +1.5 +2.2 +3.4 -7.0 +46 +79 -3.2 +35 +57 -1.3 +28 +47 -0.7 +26 +43 -0.2 +24 +41 +0.3 +22 +38 +0.7 +21 +37 +0.9 +20 +35 +1.2 +19 +34 +1.3 +18 +33 +1.5 +17 +32 +1.7 +17 +31 +1.8 +16 +30 +2.0 +15 +29 +2.1 +15 +28 +2.3 +14 +27 +2.5 +13 +26 +2.7 +12 +25 +3.0 +12 +24 +3.4 +10 +22 +4.0 +8 +19 +5.3 +3 +12 +9.2 -12 -8 600 Day Wt (kg) Eye Mat Muscle Retail Cow Scrotal Carcase Area Rib Beef Quality Suckler Wt Milk Size Wt (sq Fat Yield IMF Beef Replacement (kg) (kg) (cm) (kg) cm) (mm) (%) (%) Index Index +101 +115 +18 +69 +74 +12 +59 +62 +9 +54 +57 +7 +51 +53 +7 +48 +50 +6 +46 +47 +6 +44 +46 +5 +43 +44 +5 +41 +42 +4 +40 +41 +4 +39 +40 +4 +38 +38 +3 +37 +37 +3 +36 +36 +3 +35 +35 +3 +33 +33 +2 +32 +32 +2 +30 +29 +1 +28 +27 +1 +24 +22 -1 +15 +11 -3 -13 -24 -7 +2.9 +1.3 +0.9 +0.7 +0.6 +0.6 +0.5 +0.5 +0.5 +0.4 +0.4 +0.4 +0.3 +0.3 +0.3 +0.2 +0.2 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 -0.1 -0.4 -1.9 +63 +42 +36 +33 +31 +29 +28 +27 +26 +25 +24 +24 +23 +22 +22 +21 +20 +20 +19 +17 +15 +9 -6 +6.1 +3.5 +2.7 +2.5 +2.4 +2.3 +2.2 +2.1 +2.1 +2.0 +2.0 +1.9 +1.8 +1.8 +1.7 +1.7 +1.6 +1.5 +1.4 +1.3 +1.1 +0.8 +0.0 -2.2 -0.9 -0.4 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.2 +0.2 +0.3 +0.5 +0.9 +1.1 +1.4 +3.2 +2.8 +0.7 +1.4 +0.2 +0.9 +0.1 +0.7 +0.1 +0.6 +0.1 +0.5 +0.0 +0.5 +0.0 +0.4 +0.0 +0.4 +0.0 +0.3 -0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +0.2 -0.1 +0.2 -0.1 +0.2 -0.1 +0.1 -0.1 +0.1 -0.1 +0.0 -0.2 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.7 -0.3 -0.9 -0.3 -1.3 -0.5 -2.5 -1.2 +106 +70 +60 +55 +51 +49 +47 +45 +43 +42 +40 +39 +38 +36 +35 +34 +32 +30 +27 +24 +21 +13 -8 +71 +56 +47 +43 +41 +39 +37 +36 +34 +33 +31 +30 +29 +28 +27 +25 +24 +23 +21 +19 +15 +8 -6 BULLS Class 1 (Lots 1 & 2) 1 MR J P HARRISON BRAFFERTON TROOPER OF 2013 UK122117 400357 Price ............. Born 25/01/2013 Dehorned Available for export gs. PORTMAN BURTLEY TROOPER 4 (UK280808 400338) Sire - BRAFFERTON TROOPER 15 (UK122117 700227) gd. BRAFFERTON GRISELDA 3 (UK122117 600079) gs. PORTMAN BURTLEY CHARLEMAGNE 1 (UK280808 500612) Dam - BRAFFERTON JUNIPER 8 (UK122117 200201) gd. BRAFFERTON JUNIPER (UKYN0571-00177) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) -1.3 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.2 Gest Length (days) +0.1 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk +1.9 +15 +28 +33 +2 39% 33% 58% 72% 69% 67% 63% 37% -0.5 +1.1 +0.3 +1.5 +17 +32 +40 +4 Quality Beef Index +33 Suckler Replacement Index +22 +39 +31 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution Myostatin Status (please refer to explanatory notes at front of catalogue): ‘1’ nt821 Calving Record of Dam: 1. 13-JAN-2011 M, 2. 06-JAN-2012 F, 3. 25-JAN-2013 M (this Lot), 4. 04-JAN-2014 M Vendors Notes: “Trooper of 2013 is a good strong bull with length and a good top with shape. His sire is easy calving, now working down in Rutland, breeding good consistent stock” 2 MR J P HARRISON BRAFFERTON WINSTON 4 UK122117 500365 Born 22/02/2013 Price ............. Dehorned Available for export gs. EWEFIELDS WINSTON (UKK9933-00611) Sire - BRAFFERTON WINSTON 1 (UK122117 500246) gd. BRAFFERTON STELLA'S BETTY (UK122117 300174) gs. TREWINT STARDUST 4 (UKT1580-00019) Dam - BRAFFERTON DORIS 27 (UK122117 100053) gd. BRAFFERTON DORIS 14 (UKYN0571-00119) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) -0.7 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.6 42% 37% -0.5 +1.1 Gest Length (days) -+0.3 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk +1.5 +14 +31 +36 +10 72% 68% 67% 62% 44% +1.5 +17 +32 +40 +4 Quality Beef Index +38 Suckler Replacement Index +24 +39 +31 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution Myostatin Status (please refer to explanatory notes at front of catalogue): ‘1’ F94L Calving Record of Dam: 1. 12-JAN-2005 F, 2. 03-JAN-2006 F, 3. 12-JAN-2007 M, 4. 29-JAN-2008 F, 5. 01JAN-2009 F, 6. 12-JAN-2010 M, 7. 20-MAR-2012 M, 8. 22-FEB-2013 M (this Lot) endors Notes: “Winston 4 is a strong bull. His sire is easy calving, and was third in the National Herd Competition. A strong bull which will be a good addition to any herd. He has the F94L myostatin gene” FEMALES Class 2 HALTER BROKEN HEIFERS UNDER 3 YEARS 3 MONTHS, WITH CALF AT FOOT OR WARRANTED TO CALVE BY THAT AGE (Lots 3 to 6 inclusive) 3 MR J P HARRISON BRAFFERTON JUNIPER 10 UK122117 300307 Born 06/01/2012 Price ............. Dehorned Available for export gs. WADDETON HADRIAN 4 (UK364027 700151) Sire - BRAFFERTON HADRIAN 1 (UK122117 600149) gd. BRAFFERTON DORA 3 (UK122117 700087) gs. PORTMAN BURTLEY CHARLEMAGNE 1 (UK280808 500612) Dam - BRAFFERTON JUNIPER 8 (UK122117 200201) gd. BRAFFERTON JUNIPER (UKYN0571-00177) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) +3.3 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +3.2 Gest Length (days) -0.2 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk +1.9 +23 +41 +45 +2 40% 34% 56% 72% 70% 68% 64% 40% -0.5 +1.1 +0.3 +1.5 +17 +32 +40 +4 Quality Beef Index +48 Suckler Replacement Index +41 +39 +31 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution Myostatin Status (please refer to explanatory notes at front of catalogue): ‘0’ In Calf To: Brafferton Warrior 5 (UK122117 700311), served 14 April 2014 and running with bull between 25 March and 1 June 2014 Calving Record of Dam: 1. 13-JAN-2011 M, 2. 06-JAN-2012 F (this Lot), 3. 25-JAN-2013 M, 4. 04-JAN-2014 M Vendors Notes: “Juniper 10 has been shown throughout the year. She was second in her class at the National Show. She was part of the team which was awarded Reserve position in the Interbreed Beef Group of Four. A strong heifer which will be a good addition to any herd” 4 BRAFFERTON STELLA 43 MR J P HARRISON Price ............. UK122117 500316 Dehorned Born 25/01/2012 Available for export gs. STRETCHFORD DYNAMIC 3 (UK365662 700236) Sire - WELLAND VALLEY WARRIOR 1 (UK201140 501177) gd. WELLAND VALLEY GEM 1 (UK201140 600023) gs. TREWINT STARDUST 4 (UKT1580-00019) Dam - BRAFFERTON STELLA 26 (UK122117 200082) gd. BRAFFERTON STELLA 17 (UKYN0571-00134) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) -2.2 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.6 41% 36% -0.5 +1.1 Gest Length (days) -+0.3 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk +2.9 +15 +28 +34 +7 71% 67% 65% 60% 42% +1.5 +17 +32 +40 +4 Quality Beef Index +31 Suckler Replacement Index +16 +39 +31 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution Myostatin Status (please refer to explanatory notes at front of catalogue): ‘0’ In Calf To: Brafferton Warrior 5 (UK122117 700311), served 10 May 2014 Calving Record of Dam: 1. 09-JAN-2006 F, 2. 13-JAN-2007 M, 3. 04-JAN-2008 M, 4. 16-JAN-2009 F, 5. 20FEB-2010 M, 6. 02-FEB-2011 M, 7. 25-JAN-2012 F (this Lot), 8. 20-JAN-2013 F, 9. 16-JAN-2014 F Vendors Notes: “Stella is from one of my oldest bloodlines. A strong heifer which will be a good addition to any herd” 5 LUMBYLAW AVRIL 118 MR A R LEE UK106887 201038 Price ............. Born 20/03/2012 Dehorned Available for export gs. WELLAND VALLEY HANBURY 1 (UK201140 500281) Sire - WELLAND VALLEY HANBURY 10 (UK201140 400875) gd. WELLAND VALLEY ETHEL 2 (UK201140 300181) gs. SEXTON CONQUEROR 67 (UK361990 400078) Dam - LUMBYLAW AVRIL 91 (UK106887 200793) gd. LUMBYLAW AVRIL 65 (UK106887 400459) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) +4.1 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.7 44% 41% -0.5 +1.1 Gest Length (days) -+0.3 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk +1.5 +8 +24 +31 +4 54% 68% 68% 64% 40% +1.5 +17 +32 +40 +4 Quality Beef Index +40 Suckler Replacement Index +31 +39 +31 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution In Calf To: Edmeston Zodiac 2 (UK362037 500089), running with bull between 19 June and 5 September 2014 Calving Record of Dam: 1. 20-MAR-2012 F (this Lot), 2. 29-MAR-2013 F 6 LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 145 MR A R LEE UK106887 601077 Price ............. Born 22/04/2012 Dehorned Available for export gs. SEXTON EXCALIBUR 16 (UK361990 500303) Sire - LUMBYLAW GALAHAD 18 (UK106887 600825) gd. LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 72 (UK106887 400347) gs. SEXTON CONQUEROR 67 (UK361990 400078) Dam - LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 104 (UK106887 300703) gd. LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 78 (UK106887 600461) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) -4.3 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.7 34% 33% -0.5 +1.1 Gest Length (days) -+0.3 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk +2.8 +19 +29 +43 +7 51% 66% 66% 59% 38% +1.5 +17 +32 +40 +4 Quality Beef Index +44 Suckler Replacement Index +24 +39 +31 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution In Calf To: Lumbylaw Halcyon 8 (UK106887 700889), running with bull between 19 June and 5 September 2014 Calving Record of Dam: 1. 11-JUN-2011 M, 2. 22-APR-2012 F (this Lot) Class 3 HALTER BROKEN HEIFERS UNDER 2 YEARS 3 MONTHS, IN CALF, RUNNING WITH THE BULL OR NOT SERVED (Lots 7 to 10 inclusive) 7 LUMBYLAW AVRIL 133 MR A R LEE UK106887 601140 Price ............. Born 06/04/2013 Dehorned Available for export gs. WELLAND VALLEY HANBURY 10 (UK201140 400875) Sire - LUMBYLAW HALCYON 8 (UK106887 700889) gd. LUMBYLAW MILLIE 12 (UK106887 300633) gs. LUMBYLAW TOPPER 3 (UK106887 100211) Dam - LUMBYLAW AVRIL 81 (UK106887 100638) gd. LUMBYLAW AVRIL 22 (UKB1548-01340) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) +2.1 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.5 38% 33% -0.5 +1.1 Gest Length (days) -+0.3 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk -- +14 +29 +30 +4 51% 50% 50% 38% +17 +32 +40 +4 +1.5 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution Calving Record of Dam: 1. 22-MAR-2010 M, 2. 21-MAR-2011 F, 3. 14-MAR-2012 M, 4. 06-APR-2013 F (this Lot), 5. 13-APR-2014 M 8 LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 150 MR A R LEE UK106887 201143 Price ............. Born 07/04/2013 Dehorned Available for export gs. WELLAND VALLEY HANBURY 1 (UK201140 500281) Sire - WELLAND VALLEY HANBURY 10 (UK201140 400875) gd. WELLAND VALLEY ETHEL 2 (UK201140 300181) gs. LUMBYLAW MAGNUS 14 (UK106887 300654) Dam - LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 126 (UK106887 100897) gd. LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 48 (UK106887 200051) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) +7.3 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +2.8 43% 40% -0.5 +1.1 Gest Length (days) -+0.3 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk -- +11 +25 +29 +4 58% 57% 57% 36% +17 +32 +40 +4 +1.5 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution Calving Record of Dam: 1. 07-APR-2013 F (this Lot), 2. 12-APR-2014 M 9 LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 151 MR A R LEE UK106887 101149 Price ............. Born 09/04/2013 Dehorned Available for export gs. Z NORTHWICK GENERAL 10 (UK321645 100158) Sire - Z SEXTON GENERAL 23 (UK361990 100495) gd. SEXTON SNOWDROP 527 (UK361990 100348) gs. SEXTON EXCALIBUR 16 (UK361990 500303) Dam - LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 108 (UK106887 600769) gd. LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 90 (UK106887 700560) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) -12.9 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -4.1 41% 35% -0.5 +1.1 Gest Length (days) -+0.3 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk -- +22 +31 +34 -- 51% 52% 49% +17 +32 +40 +1.5 +4 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution Calving Record of Dam: 1. 19-MAR-2012 F, 2. 09-APR-2013 F (this Lot), 3. 19-APR-2014 F 10 LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 152 MR A R LEE UK106887 301151 Price ............. Born 10/04/2013 Dehorned Available for export gs. WELLAND VALLEY HANBURY 1 (UK201140 500281) Sire - WELLAND VALLEY HANBURY 10 (UK201140 400875) gd. WELLAND VALLEY ETHEL 2 (UK201140 300181) gs. LUMBYLAW TSAR 73 (UK106887 400564) Dam - LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 127 (UK106887 200898) gd. LUMBYLAW SNOWDROP 90 (UK106887 700560) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) +0.1 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.7 42% 39% -0.5 +1.1 Gest Length (days) -+0.3 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk -- +13 +27 +35 +5 56% 56% 56% 35% +17 +32 +40 +4 +1.5 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution Calving Record of Dam: 1. 10-APR-2013 F (this Lot) Class 4 NON HALTER BROKEN HEIFERS UNDER 3 YEARS 3 MONTHS, WITH CALF AT FOOT OR WARRANTED TO CALVE BY THAT AGE (Lots 11 to 17 inclusive) 11 AI GALTRES HOMER ASTER 25 MS A WELCH UK122170 700417 Price ............. Born 25/04/2012 Horned Available for export gs. ERME JAFFA (V2167-9302) Sire - EDMESTON HOMER 1 (UKV2745-00610) gd. EDMESTON HILDA 257 (V2745-9492) gs. BRAFFERTON STARDUST 1 (UKYN0571-00186) Dam - GALTRES TROOPER ASTER 13 (UK122170 600290) gd. GALTRES STARDUST ASTER 2 (UK122170 700074) AI Service to: Aberdeen Angus Yearsley Primetime F058 (UK120988 300058) 21 July 2014; Z Hawkley SAS Javelin (UK282331 700545) 9 August 2014 and scanned to second service Calving Record of Dam: 1. 25-APR-2012 F (this Lot) Vendors Notes: “A heifer from the Aster family, who are easy fleshing cows. Her grandmother is still in the herd being a regular breeder at 12 years of age. Scanned to second service - AI by Cogent's Javelin bull who is polled with F94L gene” 12 AI GALTRES HOMER DAISY 14 MS A WELCH UK122170 400428 Price ............. Born 26/06/2012 Dehorned Available for export gs. ERME JAFFA (V2167-9302) Sire - EDMESTON HOMER 1 (UKV2745-00610) gd. EDMESTON HILDA 257 (V2745-9492) gs. EWEFIELDS WINSTON (UKK9933-00611) Dam - GALTRES WINSTON DAISY 9 (UK122170 700277) gd. GALTRES STARDUST DAISY 1 (UK122170 600066) AI Service to: Z Hawkley SAS Javelin (UK282331 700545) 17 July 2014 Calving Record of Dam: 1. 26-JUN-2012 F (this Lot) Vendors Notes: “This heifer is a quiet animal. She is from a family of cows who are large bodied. Her grandmother is still in the herd at 11 years of age. AI by Cogent's Hawkley SAS Javelin who is polled with F94L gene” 13 GALTRES WARRIOR KAY 59 MS A WELCH UK122170 600430 Price ............. Born 27/06/2012 Dehorned Available for export gs. STRETCHFORD DYNAMIC 3 (UK365662 700236) Sire - WELLAND VALLEY WARRIOR 1 (UK201140 501177) gd. WELLAND VALLEY GEM 1 (UK201140 600023) gs. WADDETON HADRIAN 4 (UK364027 700151) Dam - GALTRES HADRIAN KAY 19 (UK122170 200195) gd. GALTRES STARDUST KAY 7 (UK122170 500079) AI Service to: Aberdeen Angus (UK120988 300058) 9 August 2014 Calving Record of Dam: 1. 27-JUN-2012 F (this Lot) Vendors Notes: “Dam is a large deep-bodied cow. She is from a line of long lived cows, her granddam being in the herd today at 12 years of age” 14 GALTRES WARRIOR KAY 60 MS A WELCH UK122170 200433 Price ….......... Born 28/06/2012 Dehorned Available for export gs. STRETCHFORD DYNAMIC 3 (UK365662 700236) Sire – WELLAND VALLEY WARRIOR 1 (UK201140 501177) gd. WELLAND VALLEY GEM 1 (UK201140 600023) gs. WADDETON HADRIAN 4 (UK364027 700151) Dam – GALTRES HADRIAN KAY 25 (UK122170 200223) gd. GALTRES BUSTER KAY 8 (UK122170 700095) AI Service to: Z Hawkley SAS Javelin (UK282331 700545) 23 June 2014 Calving Record of Dam: 1. 08-JUL-2011 F, 2. 28-JUN-2012 F (this Lot) Vendors Notes: “A heifer from our Kay family who are always docile and long lived females. AI by Cogent’s Hawkley SAS Javelin bull with polled and F94L genes” 15 ARNCLIFFE FARMS X ARNCLIFFE VENN AMETHYST 10 13 UK122824 700948 Price ….......... Born 27/04/2013 Scurred gs. ARNCLIFFE DEVANAGRI (UK122824 400420) Sire – ARNCLIFFE GALILEO (UK122824 500624) gd. BRAFFERTON STELLA 23 (UK122117 100046) gs. X ARNCLIFFE BAILEY (UK122824 400273) Dam – ARNCLIFFE VENN AMETHYST 10 (UK122824 500680) gd. JUNIPER VENN AMETHYST (UK201753 100005) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) -0.9 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.6 44% 38% -0.5 +1.1 Gest Length (days) -+0.3 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk +2.2 +21 +39 +53 +1 75% 66% 69% 64% 35% +1.5 +17 +32 +40 +4 Quality Beef Index +57 Suckler Replacement Index +38 +39 +31 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution In Calf To: Z Glebe Torr Down 2 (UK340654 100313) served 20 August 2014 Calving Record of Dam: 1. 12-MAY-2012 M, 2. 27-APR-2013 F (this Lot), 3. 27-MAY-2014 M Vendors Notes: “Heifer served naturally to the easy calving polled bull Z Glebe Torr Down 2. She is in top 10% QBI and top 20% SRI. Well made heifer” 16 X ARNCLIFFE KISI ARNCLIFFE FARMS UK122824 400952 Price ….......... Born 30/04/2013 Scurred gs. X ARNCLIFFE BAILEY (UK122824 400273) Sire – Z ARNCLIFFE GAIRLOCH (UK122824 100613) gd. LUMBYLAW AVRIL 41 (UK106887 100071) gs. ARNCLIFFE CAMBUSCAN (UK122824 500337) Dam – ARNCLIFFE FOXGLOVE 8 07 (UK122824 300510) gd. AI NORTHWICK FOXGLOVE 8 (UK321645 600023) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) +3.2 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.9 45% 40% -0.5 +1.1 Gest Length (days) -+0.3 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk +1.8 +20 +36 +39 +2 74% 65% 68% 64% 40% +1.5 +17 +32 +40 +4 Quality Beef Index +41 Suckler Replacement Index +24 +39 +31 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution In Calf To: Z Glebe Torr Down 2 (UK340654 100313) served 18 August 2014 Calving Record of Dam: 1. 19-MAY-2010 M, 2. 30-APR-2011 M, 3. 12-APR-2012 F, 4. 30-APR-2013 F (this Lot), 5. 24-APR-2014 F Vendors Notes: “Heifer served naturally to the easy calving polled bull Z Glebe Torr Down 2. Sire, Arncliffe Gairloch, is an F94L polled bull. Strong heifer” 17 ARNCLIFFE DAFFODIL ARNCLIFFE FARMS UK122824 700962 Price ….......... Born 17/05/2013 Polled subject to verification by DNA testing gs. ARNCLIFFE DEVANAGRI (UK122824 400420) Sire – ARNCLIFFE GALILEO (UK122824 500624) gd. BRAFFERTON STELLA 23 (UK122117 100046) gs. X BRETTLES SAS FUSILIER (UK302256 700110) Dam – ARNCLIFFE TULIP 06 10 (UK122824 500701) gd. ARNCLIFFE TULIP 06 (UK122824 100424) September 2014 South Devon BREEDPLAN EBVs Accuracy Avg 12 born Calving Ease Dir (%) -12.6 Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.4 43% 37% -0.5 +1.1 Gest Length (days) -+0.3 Birth Wt (kg) 200 day Wt (kg) 400 day Wt (kg) 600 day Wt (kg) Milk -- Quality Beef Index +57 Suckler Replacement Index +22 +3.2 +24 +46 +61 62% 61% 67% 61% +1.5 +17 +32 +40 +4 +39 +31 low accuracy EBVs should be treated with caution In Calf To: Z Glebe Torr Down 2 (UK340654 100313) served 2 September 2014 Calving Record of Dam: 1. 13-MAR-2012 M, 2. 17-MAY-2013 F (this Lot) Vendors Notes: “Heifer served naturally to the easy calving polled bull, Z Glebe Torr Down 2. Well grown, classy heifer” Class 5 COMMERCIAL SERVED HEIFER (Lot 18 only) 18 GALTRES CROSSBRED MS A WELCH UK122170 700410 Born 20/04/2012 Price ….......... Dehorned Available for export gs. STRETCHFORD DYNAMIC 3 (UK365662 700236) Sire – WELLAND VALLEY WARRIOR 1 (UK201140 501177) gd. WELLAND VALLEY GEM 1 (UK201140 600023) Dam – CROSSBRED (UK122170 700102) AI Service to: Edmeston Homer 1 (UKV2745-00610) 21 July 2014 Vendors Notes: “Dam is still in herd at ten years – has been a regular breeder (she is 50% Limousin), easy calving and quiet” NOTES NBA National Beef Association Serving the British Beef Industry This sale is held under NBA Auction Rules and Conditions of Sale, incorporating NBA Bull Breeding Warranties, to provide buyers with a high quality, fully guaranteed product. A warranty fee of £3.00 per head for bulls and £2.00 per head for females will be charged to buyers and sellers to cover the cost of warranty arrangements and provide funds for other NBA activities. National Beef Association The Mart Centre, Tyne Green, Hexham, Northumberland, NE46 3SG Tel: 01434 601005 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS The animals in this catalogue are offered for sale subject to the National Beef Association’s standard Terms and Conditions of Sale. These Terms and Conditions of Sale contain limitations to your rights, and prospective purchasers should appraise themselves of the contents before the sale commences. They have been drafted to form a fair and reasonable basis for the contract between the vendor and purchaser to give you, as prospective purchasers, confidence in the animals offered for sale. The Terms and Conditions of Sale will be displayed in the Auctioneer’s Office in and around the Sale premises on the day of the Sale. They are also available in a booklet which is obtainable upon request from the Auctioneers, and all purchasers will be offered a copy when they settle their accounts. To cover the cost of this service, the charges shown above will be applied. CRAVEN CATTLE MARTS LTD SKIPTON AUCTION MART SKIPTON NORTH YORKSHIRE, BD23 1UD BUYER ENQUIRY FORM NAME: ……………………………………………………………………….. TRADING NAME: …………………………………………………………… ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………. POST CODE: ……………………………………………………………….. CONTACT TELEPHONE NO.: …………………………………………….. CONTACT MOBILE NO.: ………………………………………………… HOLDING NUMBER AND ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE): …………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………. DATES OF FORTHCOMING SALES Spring Show & Sale Exeter Livestock Centre, Matford, Exeter Wednesday 25th March 2015 Midland Club Show & Sale Stratford Livestock Market, Clifford Chambers, Stratford upon Avon Saturday 2nd May 2015 For all other information relating to the South Devon Herd Book Society and its activities please refer to: Mrs Caroline Poultney, Breed Secretary SDHBS Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, Devon, EX5 1DJ tel 01392 447494 The SDHBS is most grateful to Craven Cattle Marts Ltd for hosting this Sale at Skipton
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