To: Man can't use or ever choose This perfect artistry. Although they've have tried with skillful pride To paint her pure beauty. For up above a God of love Is in perfect control. His touch will crown this glorious gown Which claims all nature's soul. The red and gold that we behold O'er-takes the green and brown. And each hillside so far and wide Is decked in autumn's gown. The geese that fly across the sky In spite of autumn's smile Have felt the call of chilling fall Within each lofty mile. In dusty blues and rustic hues Her steps at first descend. Then her hand sweeps all the land As glorious colors blend. And, as we gaze at autumn's blaze Which sets the world a-fire. It's like a breath of Heaven on earth To calm us and inspire. Autumn's Descent by Janet Martin FAITH LINE NEWS FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OR CURRENT ADDRESS Phone: 815.385.5388 Fax: 815.385.5328 E-mail: Web: 2107 W. Lincoln Road McHenry, IL 60051 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID McHENRY, IL 60050 PERMIT NO. 88 VOLUME 2014 ISSUE 9 OCTOBER Reverend Kit T. Stanich 2107 W. Lincoln Road McHenry, IL 60051 Phone: 815.385.5388 Email: Office Email: Web: INSIDE THIS ISSUE Church Family Prayers Letter from Pastor Kit Stanich Birthdays Scripture Readings October Prayer Time Announcements Letter from Our Youth Leader C.E. Sunday Worship Schedule 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-11 12 12-13 15 Our Church Family Prayers We invite you to worship with us! PRAYER PEOPLE OF THE MONTH Richard & Kathy Kucik, Andrew & Debbie L’Abbe, Heather Lane, Sharon Lane, Larry & Dianna Lange, Jim & Amy Larson, Jeremy LaScola, and Dana & Anita Lewis Please pray for these members of our church family, not because we are aware of any special needs, but to hold them up in prayer for this month! Pray for those in need of prayers at the loss of their loved ones: Sefy Cook for the loss of her sister, Jane; Natalie Gardner for the loss of her mother, Ethel; Kay Lulow’s son Dennis and family for the loss of his wife, Jackie; Carol Braun for the loss of her father, Kenneth; Craig Huff for the loss of his mother, June; Peggy Votava for the loss of her mother, Darlene; Tom Carl for the loss of his mother, Arlene; The Popovich family for the loss of Bob; The Lewis family for the loss of daughter-in-law Ana; the John Lund family for the loss of his father; the Star Johnson family for the loss of Jerry; the family of Sue Castriota for the loss of her mother; the Van De Wege family for the loss of great nephew, Daxton; the Braun family for the loss of Carol’s brother-in-law, Mitch; the family of Tami Samek for the loss of her Aunt Sheri; Alfred & Agnes Daniel family for the loss of their daughter, Zina; The Carl family for the loss of Tom’s father, Bob; Debbie Jacobs for the loss of her husband, Aaron; The family of Pat Rorig; Loren Root for the loss of his father, Norman and grandmother; Hans Grisse, for the loss of his wife Inge Grisse. Pray for those in need of prayers for reasons of health or other concerns: Carol Braun; Richard Kucik; Rusty Freund; Rick and Melissa Gorvett’s friend, Carolyn Dehring; Genevieve Summers’ great grandson, Brody; Glenn & Dottie Messer; Ruth Bellavia; Gail Wydra; Debbie DeRosa; Earl Van De Wege’s sister, Mary; Rena Schoon’s son, Brian; Ed Mauer; Glenn Votava’s niece and brother-inlaw; Sue Wilhite’s friend, Anne Marie; Gail Wydra’s family, the Cichocki family & granddaughter, Heather; Natalie Gardner’s and her son Anders, her sister Janet, and friends Susan and Venus; Carol Braun’s mother, Dorothy, & sister Debbie; Jackie & Bob Williams; Sue Kapraun’s sister; Dan Re’s mother, Marge; Marybeth Grammer’s mother, Shirley; Kay Lulow’s sisters Anna & Jean; Carla McAndrews’ mother, Maxine; June Taveirne’s son, Doug; Dianna Lange; Betty Affield; & our missionaries & ministries. Prayers For Our Military P ray for our members and friends in the military as they serve our country during this perilous time: David R. Popovich 11; Karen Malda’s sons, Jon, & Jared; Gail Wydra’s grandsons, Joseph and Tyler; Tony Hernandezs’ son, Tony Hernandez Jr. REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE (Two Worship Services, September 7th thru May 17th) 8:30 a.m. Worship Service (Communion: 1st Sunday of the month) (Communion is served using only gluten free bread.) 9:45 a.m. Sunday School: For all ages 11:00 a.m. Worship Service (Communion: 1st Sunday of the month) (Communion is served using only gluten free bread.) "Little Learners": Ages 2-5 "Sunday Celebration": Grades K to 4 Class of 2014 Craig Huff** Kathy Re** Loren Root** Second Term** Class of 2015 Judy Albers Andy Keenan** Mike Temple *Shirley Van De Wege *Clerk of Session Class of 2014 Susan Castriota *Sue Kapraun** Debbie Keenan Judy Krueger Joe Popp Second Term** Class of 2015 Sefy Cook *Debbie Jacobs** Kathy Kucik Sarah Martin Dan Re *Moderator Class of 2016 Marion Amberg Jeff Cook Janie Foley Donna Horton Class of 2016 Phil Gardner** Ray Gries Pam Hoffman** Matt Krueger Bunnie Nendick** Page 2 Page 15 Letter From Pastor Kit Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday October 3rd October 10th October 17th October 24th October 31st Carla McAndrews Carol Braun & Family Natalie Gardner Kay Lulow Ruth Bellavia OCTOBER PRAYER FAMILIES 10/05 Richard & Kathy Kucik Andrew & Debbie L’Abbe 10/12 Heather Lane Sharon Lane 10/19 Larry & Dianna Lange Jim & Amy Larson 10/26 Jeremy LaScola Dana & Anita Lewis F.I.S.H DONATIONS NEEDED The FIRST Sunday of the month is Food Pantry Sunday! There is a specific item highlighted each month based on the needs of the F.I.S.H. Food Pantry. October: Canned Soups November: Dry Cereal/Oatmeal December: Canned or Boxed Meals Any donations are appreciated. Your generosity is an example of God’s love for all! Contact Kathy Kucik or Sarah Martin with questions. PLEASE include your Envelope Number with ALL contributions to the church. If you do not have an envelope number, drop a note in the collection plate with your Name & Address. PLEASE make ALL checks payable to Faith Presbyterian Church. Indicate any Special Funds on the Memo Line. The church CAN NOT process checks made out to other organizations and they will be returned to you! REMEMBER you can receive credit for "Material Gifts" such as Food, Supplies or Other Materials, etc., if you include your Envelope Number and a declared value or receipt. Page 14 During the discussion part of our devotional time at the last Session meeting one of the elders in my group pointed out that we have a significant number of stable long term marriages in our church. He indicated that he and his wife had just marked their 37th anniversary. In three short months Joy and I will be celebrating our 35th. While it needs to be said that even long term relationships can suffer divorce and after 30 plus years we all need to continue to work at our relationships, nevertheless, these marriages are to be noted. It is possible for two Christians to stay happy together for a lifetime. It is also important to note that even the most idyllic marriages are not happy all the time. This is where commitment to the relationship is crucial. So is there a secret? If so, just what is it that creates and maintains these long term marriages? How do we make marriage last through the years? Having officiated at a number of weddings in my 32 years of ministry I would like to share several suggestions which will certainly help if they are put to good use. First of all think of your spouse fir st. Mar r iage is never a 50 – 50 proposition. In poker lingo you need to be “all in.” If they are thinking of you and you are thinking of them first and foremost then selfishness is a whole lot less likely to creep into your relationship. Secondly, while falling in love is cer tainly an emotional exper ience, you also want to make sure the one you marry is your friend. Passion will come and go through the years but friendship is to be a constant. Treat your spouse like your best friend. Hopefully they are or will become your best friend so that you prefer being with them to anyone else. Next, wor k to over look the little ir r itations that will inevitably cr op up. This may be difficult at first because the temptation is to change your mate, but you will not. And they will grow to resent your attempts to change them. Then, do not shar e your family secr ets with other s (no Facebook posts!) and do not under any circumstances speak negatively of your spouse to your friends. No good ever comes of this. It will only harm your relationship. And while it should go without saying, I will say it anyway; do not talk about your sex life with your friends. It is none of their business and can destroy trust in a heartbeat. Another important point to remember is that while you may think it you do not have to say it to your spouse. Monitor your tongue. Of course this goes for all kinds of relationships not just marriage. Finally, str ive to cr eate family r ituals and tr aditions that will deepen your relationship over the years. If all of the above sounds like a lot of work it is because it is. But it is work that is well worth doing to reap the benefits of a long and happy marriage! Pastor Kit Page 3 Happy Birthday To You We wish you God’s blessings on your birthday and always. May you enjoy good health, love and happiness all of your days. Fall Sunday School ADULTS @ 9:45 am Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study Over the course of the study, Disciple covers the entire Bible (Old and New Testments), following the biblical story from Creation to the New Jerusalem. YOUTH: Age 3-6th grade @ 9:45 am OCTOBER YOUTH: 7th-12th grade @ 9:45 am 10-01 Joy Stanich 10-03 Jean Randolph NOVEMBER 10-06 Carla McAndrews 11-02 Emily Foley 10-07 Cheryl Lund 11-04 Jack Popovich 10-08 Craig Huff, 11-08 William Wilhite Drew Keenan 11-12 Mary Beth Grammer 10-09 Denise Kroegel 11-15 Erik Berg 10-10 Lois Louck 11-17 Glenn Berg 10-11 Timothy Braun 11-19 Glenn Votava 10-15 Steven Grammer 11-20 Gretchen Thennes 10-22 Sue Wilhite 11-22 Ashley Wilhite 10-23 Brian Harris 11-24 Shiloh Wessel 10-25 Rick Gorvett Kids...Friends...Grand Kids 10-26 Loren Root, Fall/Winter 2014 Schedule Carmelo Flores 10-28 Jaeda Wessel 10-29 Richard Kucik 10-31 David Stanich Page 4 Sharing Jesus by Doug Fields & Br ett Eastman You were created for a reason—God had something in mind when He knit you together. This study will help you start living the life you were designed for. Pioneer Club (All school-aged children K through 6th Grade) FRIDAYS 7:00-8:30 PM October: 3, 10, 17, 31 (no meeting 10/24) November: 14, 21 (no meeting 11/7 or 11/28) December: 5, 12, 19 (no meeting 12/26) Put “Christ in every aspect of life.” Page 13 Letter From Our Youth Leader Have you ever read a chapter in the Bible and then it dawned on you "I don't have any idea what I just read." The Bible can be a difficult book to read. And I know when I come to a text I don't understand, sometimes, my initial reaction is to just keep reading and ignore it. Don't judge me! We've all done it! October Scripture Readings By reading from four separate places in the Scripture every day, you will be able to better grasp the unity of the Scriptures, as well as enjoy the variety of seeing four different viewpoints. I wanted to give some steps that have helped me in my own study of the Bible. Slow down! I think it's easy to skim through the Biblical text, but the scripture is rich in meaning, theology, and diverse literary genres. New Testament Old Testament Read it more than once. Paul has some immensely complicated sections. And just because you just finished reading it, there's no shame in feeling a need to read something again (and again and again). With confusing passages, remember your knowledge of the Bible as a whole. It won't contradict what God has said elsewhere in scripture. 1. 2. LUKE 20:27-40 20:41-47 HEBREWS 1:1-9 1:10-14 PROVERBS 18 19:1-14 ISAIAH 1-2 3-5 3. 4. 21:1-19 21:20-28 2:1-9 2:10-18 19:15-29 20:1-15 6-8 9-10 5. 21:29-38 3 20:16-30 11-13 Remember that these were written thousands of years ago to a particular audience. It's still as much the Word of God today as it was then, but keep in mind that there was an initial audience, and it can be very helpful to ask yourself "what would this text have meant originally?" It can also be good to ask "What does this text say about God?" And "Why is this text in the Bible? Why would God want this to be part of His scripture?" 6. 22:1-13 4:1-11 21:1-16 14-16 7. 22:14-23 4:12-16 21:17-29 17-20 8. 22:24-30 5 22:1-16 21-23 9. 22:31-38 6:1-12 22:17-29 24-26 10. 22:39:46 6:13-20 23:1-18 27-28 Answering that last question can be very difficult sometimes. That's why it can also be helpful to use study Bibles and Bible commentaries. It's important not to use study Bible or Biblical commentaries as a crutch. Those books can be great at bringing out historical or contextual points that there's just no way you would have ever known otherwise. I think that these resources should only be used after you've read a text and put thought into what it means. 11. 22:47-53 7:1-10 23:19 -35 29-30 12. 22:54-62 7:11-28 24:1-22 31-33 13. 22:63-71 8:1-6 24:23-34 34-36 14. 23:1-12 8:7-13 25:1-14 37-39 15. 23:13-25 9:1-10 25:15-28 40-41 More importantly, there is tremendous value in a person just opening up his or her Bible, being receptive to God's Word, reading the text, and by the illumination of the Holy Spirit, gaining greater understanding of the text and of God. 16. 23:26-31 9:11-28 26:1-16 42-43 17. 23:32-37 10:1-18 26:17-28 44-45 18. 23:38-43 10:19-39 27:1-14 46-48 19. 23:44-49 11:1-16 27:15-27 49-50 20. 23:50-56 11:17-31 28:1-14 51-53 21. 22. 24:1-12 24:13-27 11:32-40 12:1-13 28:15-27 29:1-14 54-55 56-58 23. 24. 24:28-35 24:36-44 12:14-29 13:1-8 29:15-27 30 59-61 62-64 25. 24:45-53 13:9-25 31 65-66 Lastly, don't give up! If you want to have a better understanding of the Bible, it will take time. That's fine. Just start where you are today and go from there. Josh Benner faith presbyterian church The purpose of Quest Youth Group is to teach Junior and Senior High students the importance of nurturing a relationship with Jesus Christ and to lay a firm foundation UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, October 5 @ 2pm- Lazer Tag Sunday, October 26 @ 2pm-Richardson Farms Page 12 Page 5 In October 10-01 (Wed) Pray that God may grant good health to those who are suffering from illness. 10-02 (Thur) Pray for those affected from loss of jobs. 10-03 (Fri) Pray for Don & Martha Wehmeyer and their ministry in Mexico. 10-04 (Sat) Pray for the Joyful Noise Christian Preschool, that they might open the hearts of their young students, so they might come to know Christ 10-05 (Sun) Pray for Brian Lopile, our adopted child from Kenya, Africa 10-06 (Mon) Pray for our prayer families of the week: Richard & Kathy Kucik and Andrew & Debbie L’Abbe. 10-07 (Tues) Pray for the Acosta family and their ministry in Mexico. 10-08 (Wed) Pray for Elodie Yale Kiema Garane, adopted child from Haiti. 10-09 (Thur) Pray for protection and wisdom for President Obama and his family. 10-10 (Fri) Pray God’s Will be done for the United States, as we, the people, align with that Will. 10-11 (Sat) Pray for our men and women in the military as they serve our country during these perilous times. 10-12 (Sun) Pray for the Faith Church choir, Bell Choir, and musicians as they provide music for Sunday services. 10-13 (Mon) Columbus Day: Pray for our prayer families of the week: Heather Lane and Sharon Lane. 10-14 (Tues) Pray for our financial secretary, Phil Gardner, and our church treasurer, Rob Grammer, as they so ably do their work for the church each week. 10-15 (Wed) Pray that Pastor Kit may be inspired in his leadership of our congregation. 10-16 (Thur) Pray for guidance for the Session of Faith Church as they seek to lead us in the ministry of Christ. 10-17 (Fri) Pray for our youth leader, Josh Benner. SERVING OTHERS THROUGH PRAYER As the body of Christ, we would like you to join with us as we pray for our congregation, community, country, and whatever God places on our hearts. We believe it is a privilege to pray with and for others and hope you will join us on Tuesday nights at 7pm here at the church. Also, in addition to meeting on Tuesday nights, we invite you to meet 15 minutes prior to Sunday worship services to pray. Let us unite together to see where God leads us through the power of prayer! We look forward to seeing you at either or both of the prayer gatherings! Calling the Faith Church Creativity Community Do you have a creative eye? Do you enjoy working with flowers & crafts? The church is in need of one or more volunteers to keep the flowers and/or bulletin boards updated for the changing seasons. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please notify Pastor Kit or contact Erin in the office at 815-385-5388 or at ATTENTION CHURCH MEMBERS The Choir is in need of new members. We meet on Wednesday nights at 7pm here at the church. If you are interested in singing in the choir please join us for practice, or contact the choir director Larry Riggs at 815-581-2062 or Page 6 Page 11 In October Cont’d A Thyme for gathering to honor our “Seasoned” Members and Friends at a luncheon, (formerly the Senior Dinner) given by the Deacons. Sunday, October 26, 2014 Following the 11:00 service in the Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP to Sue Kapraun @ 815/675-5102 (H) Or Email: 10-18 (Sat) Pray for our volunteers who help out whenever and wherever they are needed. 10-19 (Sun) Pray that our Bible study groups in our church may come to know the true meaning of Scripture. 10-20 (Mon) Pray for our prayer families of the week: Larry & Dianna Lange and Jim & Amy Larson. 10-21 (Tues) Pray that our new members will be blessed by the Word of God and our church family. 10-22 (Wed) Pray that many new families will attend our Sunday services and hear the Good News of Jesus. 10-23 (Thur) Pray for our Sunday School teachers and helpers as they bring the message of Jesus. 10-24 (Fri) Pray for 1st Way Life Center, their staff, and the women who are in need of help. 10-25 (Sat) Pray for the administration and staff at Kemmerer Village as they minister to troubled youth. 10-26 (Sun) Pray for F.I.S.H., that their shelves will be full and able to provide food for many families. 10-27 (Mon) Pray for our prayer families of the week: Jeremy LaScola and Dana & Anita Lewis. 10-28 (Tues) Church Members and Friends: As time draws closer to Christmas, if you know anyone who really needs help with Christmas gifts, Faith Presbyterian would like to include them on our Angel Tree. Forms are available through Erin in the church office. Forms are due back by November 1st. 2014. Pray for Home of the Sparrow women’s shelter, their staff and the women and families that are in need of help. 10-29 (Wed) Pray for protection over our children in school. 10-30 (Thur) Pray that we would be true worshippers in spirit and truth. 10-31 (Fri) Pray the light and love of our Savior Jesus Christ reigns victorious over any darkness this day may hold. Yours in Christ, Susan Castriota Any questions please don’t hesitate to call me at 815-578-1711. Page 7 Page 10 Men’s Breakfast Who: All men are invited to the monthly Men’s Breakfast When: Saturday, October 4th Time: 7 - 8 AM Where: Fellowship Hall *Breakfast will be provided!* Hayride through the Orchard and Bonfire October 11th @ 6pm Royal Oak Farm 15908 Hebron Road, Harvard, IL 60033 815.648.4141 We will be taking a Hayride through the Apple Orchard and each person will get to pick 2 apples. Also included will be our very own bonfire with hot dogs, the trimmings and the makings for those wonderful S’mores. WOMEN’S POTLUCK BREAKFAST omen’s Fellowship Our next potluck breakfast will be Saturday, October 11th, at 9 AM. Please join us for our time of fellowship and sharing! $6.00 per person $20.00 for a family of 4 $25.00 for a family of 5 or more BRING A FRIEND!! Your families can arrive early and enjoy all the fun attractions that Royal Oaks provides! McHenry County ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY PROGRAM If you have a lantern, please bring it with. A volunteer effort directed at collecting litter along sections of County highways Sign up in the Narthex. Contact Shirley V. with questions. 815-385-5265 or Please join us on Saturday, October 11th @1pm Page 8 Page 9
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