Newsletter | October 2014 Principal’s Message Sundance School

Sundance School
200 Sunmills Dr, SE, Calgary, AB T2X 2N9
t | 403-777-8690 f | 403-777-8693 |
Newsletter | October 2014
Principal’s Message
September seemed to fly by…I’ve spoken with many of my colleagues who feel that this
year has been busier than ever. Thanks to our parents for their interest, support and
involvement in the education of their children (evidenced by but not inclusive of
overwhelming attendance at ‘Meet the Teacher’ interviews, involvement in the welcome
back breakfast, September’s attendance at school council and the large number of returned
Parent Volunteer Forms, etc…).
You continue to clearly tell us that you wish to be
meaningfully involved in your child’s education and we welcome and appreciate the
involvement and support.
Important Dates
Oct.3rd – Kindergarten to
Safety City
Oct 9 – Sundog Lunch
Oct.10th – Kindergarten to
Safety City
Oct.13th – Happy
Thanksgiving. No School
for Everyone
Oct. 21st – Rooms 10/11
to Fort Calgary
Oct. 22nd – School Council
Oct. 22nd – Grades 3/4/5/6
FI to Vertigo Theatre
Oct 30th – Halloween
Oct 31 – Non-Instructional
Day – No School for
Communication is a key ingredient to a strong and positive relationship and I strive to
enhance this each year. Your child’s class D2L site is a vital learning and communication
vehicle… we know which students have logged onto D2L and when, as this digital tool
records this information. Visit the class site regularly so that you don’t miss upcoming
events and/or homework. Parents should also be aware of the vast amount of information
that resides on our website:
While I know that historically some parents at Sundance have been accustomed to hard
copy letters / notices / etc…I encourage these parents to join us as we move toward a more
paperless and therefore ‘environmentally friendly’ form of communication…that being
electronic. Every family of registered students has given us an email address. We email
parents emergent and/or current items using “Message Easy”...this tool is a one way
information sharing technology (no response required). Keep watching for these messages
coming to your email periodically. We can target grade groups with Message Easy so to
avoid overwhelming all parents with messages specific to a particular grade.
What is ahead? Please read our newsletter carefully for details…we look forward to seeing
you here. I would like to direct parent attention to information in my September Principal’s
Report to School Council. Happy October everyone! It promises to be another busy and
exciting month.
G. Pedron
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October 2014
Virtue of the Month: Forgiveness /le pardon
What is Forgiveness?
Being forgiving is giving someone another chance after they have done something wrong,
knowing that everyone makes mistakes. It is making amends instead of taking revenge. It
is important to forgive yourself too. Forgiving yourself means to stop punishing yourself or
feeling hopeless because of a mistake. Forgiveness is moving ahead, ready to act
differently, with compassion for yourself and faith that you can change.
Why Practice it?
Everyone does hurtful things at one time or another. If someone is not forgiving, others feel
worried around that person. Without forgiveness, we judge and criticize others instead of
giving each other a chance to improve. Forgiveness is the best way to encourage
ourselves and others to take responsibility for our actions, to try harder and to change for
the better.
How do you Practice it?
Forgiveness is having the courage to face a mistake that you or someone else has made.
You may feel sad, guilty or angry. Let your feelings come, and then let them go, like leaves
passing by in a stream. Avoid revenge. Decide what amends need to be made. If
someone repeatedly hurts you, forgiving them won’t help. You need to stop giving them
chances to hurt you. Humbly learn from mistakes. Sometimes mistakes are our best
What would Forgiveness Look Like if…
 Your friend accidentally broke one of your belongings?
 Your mother is late picking you up from school?
 You did something you feel is very bad?
 Your brother or sister repeatedly takes something of yours without asking?
 A friend lost her / his temper at you and later apologized?
 You decide you want to stop the habit of criticizing?
Signs of Success
Congratulations! You are practicing Forgiveness when you…
 Remember that everyone makes mistakes
 Take responsibility for your own mistakes
 Share your feelings without taking revenge
 Stop giving uncaring people the chance to hurt you
 Accept people without judgment or criticism
 Make amends instead of punishing yourself with guilt
I am forgiving of others and myself. I am willing to give and receive amends. I learn from
my mistakes. I have the power to keep changing for the better.
Virtues Reflection Questions
 When do you find it most difficult to forgive? What blocks you from being forgiving?
What would help to replace those habits with true forgiveness?
 What virtues help you to keep from retaliating when someone hurts you?
 Name three things you could do to make amends if you break a promise to your
 When a friend hurts you, what amends do you need them to make?
Quotable Quotes
Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a permanent attitude. Martin Luther King
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One of the most important trips a man can make is in meeting the other fellow halfway.
If you haven’t forgiven yourself something, how can you forgive others?
Dolores Huerte
Student Leadership Group
Letters have gone home to the students selected to take part in our leadership club.
Teachers were asked to select two students per classroom. As you can imagine, with the
number of ‘natural’ leaders we have at Sundance School this was not an easy task for our
teachers to do but I thank them for the caring and thoughtfulness they used in making their
Our student leadership group met for the first time on Tuesday, September 23 at
noon…besides getting to know each other, we had a very productive meeting. The
following is a list of decisions we made for our school…
1. Announcements for the Virtue of the Month and Active Living/Healthy eating have
been distributed to students for the coming year with dates. Please have your child
practice reading the announcement in preparation for the week prior to their
announcement…they will make their announcement in Mr. Pedron’s office (usually
the Thursday prior to the date on the announcement slip) or with one of the lead
teachers (Ms. Burgoyne, Mr. Wallace and/or Mme Val). These will be posted in our
staff D2L site for our school population to hear/see the first day of the following
week. These are also being posted in classroom D2L sites. If a leadership student
loses their announcement, please have him/her see Mr. Pedron, for a replacement
copy…that way, they will be prepared.
2. We will be meeting once again to work on posters advertising our up-coming
Parent-sponsored Halloween dance and well as Sundog Lunch. We will also be
deciding on themes for each Sundog lunch and/or snack day…these themes will be
intended to be ‘fun-raisers’ and enhance the already well-received Sundog days.
3. We would like to continue with snack time on Fridays as “Fresh Fruit
Fridays”…3F. To encourage healthy food choices, we ask students to bring in
fresh fruit on Fridays…optional of course.
Please watch future Newsletters for further updates and more detailed information about
each ‘special spirit-raising’ day from our club.
In addition, leadership students will help support Healthy Eating and the work our Nstep
students do by highlighting the following monthly snack themes…parents can ‘get involved’
by supporting these themes at home and ensuring that their children bring a healthy theme
related snack to school each week (once again, optional of course).
Colour Me Healthy: Orange snacks
Vegetables and Fruit
Colour Me Healthy: Red and/o Green snacks
Grain Products
Colour Me Healthy: Blue and/or Purple snacks
Nutrition Month: Milk and Alternatives
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Colour Me Healthy: Yellow snacks
Meat and Alternatives
Any of the above: Free choice
Mr. Pedron (Principal); Mr. Wallace, Miss Burgoyne, Mme Val (Teacher Leaders)
Parents and non-school aged children on the playground
Some parents are arriving at school (first in the morning and/or at lunch time) with preschool aged children in tow. They are permitting their young child(ren) to play either on the
Big Toy (our creative playground) or on our field while our registered children are out. This
is a safety concern both for the pre-school aged children and our registered students.
Parents are not permitted to allow their pre-school aged child(ren) to play on our
playground during regular school hours (which is 7:55am when teachers are out on
supervision until 2:55 pm when students are dismissed for the day). Should they wish to
bring unregistered children with them / with their older sibling who is registered at Sundance
School, the parent must keep the child with them at all times.
We also understand that some parents wait until our students are indoors to allow their
child(ren) to play on our field and/or Big Toy. This is acceptable as long as the child(ren)
are removed if and when classes go outdoors and require a space in which to work…at that
time, pre-school aged and/or unregistered students must not be in the same learning space
as our registered students. Should parents have any question about this, please do not
hesitate to call Mr. Pedron, Principal at 403 777-8690. We appreciate parental cooperation
and understanding in maintaining a safe learning environment for everyone.
Parking Lot Chain
Last year we began attaching our parking lot chain at 8:05 am each morning. Should you
be in our parking lot and the chain goes up, please know that it is taken down at about
8:20ish when everyone is in school. While signs at the entrance to our parking lot clearly
indicate not to use our parking lot to load and/or unload children, parents continue to do so.
This is once again, a safety issue for everyone…please do not enter our parking lot but
rather, park in front of the lake where there are ample spots and you can load / unload
children in a safe manner. I have attached pictures of the signs that have always been in
place for your close attention / inspection.
Thank you for your cooperation and
understanding. Further, should you be picking your child up and walking to your vehicle by
the lake, please use the sidewalk…we have noticed parents walking with children in the
middle of our parking lot. This is an extremely dangerous practice and it will be addressed
by staff members if noticed. Please take a few extra steps to get to our sidewalk by our
school. We think you and your children are worth that extra effort.
Bussing at Sundance School
We have had some instances this year when students were not where they should have
been at the end of the day once the dismissal bell has rung. This of course has been
troubling to parents and everyone here at Sundance School. In order to heighten safety
measures for students, we have put in place the following procedures:
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Grade one teachers will pair-up grade one students with a buddy to walk out to the
buses at the end of the day
Grade one teachers walk out to buses with their students (temporarily assigned and
to be re-evaluated-possibly continued)
Seating plan (cooperative between school / driver) will be in place shortly after the
Sept. 30 count (and revised when necessary).
An additional grade six student will support attendance taking (bus monitor) for Bus
C (grade 6 student from Mme Lindsey’s class who does not ride the bus) will be the
co-bus monitor. This student attends our after school program. Both parent and
after school program organizers are supportive of this accommodation.
Our two Learning Leaders are modeling how to “be a bus monitor” on Bus C for the
two student monitors.
Discussion by Acting Assistant Principal with all bus monitors about their role /
responsibilities took place Sept. 23 .
We have hired a temporary School Assistant and adjust SA hours to ensure that
there is a person answering phones until 4:00 pm each day. The latest drop-off
time for our buses is approximately 3:45 pm.
Staff member (newly hired SA) will mark students who were absent with an “A” and
those not riding because we have received a call or note from a parent with an
“NR”. Both to be made in coloured ink for a clearer visual.
Southland Transportation has been given both Mr. Pedron’s (Principal) and Mr.
Slim's (Acting Assistant Principal) cell phone #'s and drivers have been instructed
to phone Southland who in turn calls Mr. Pedron (Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri) or Mr. Slim
(on Tues) in the event of a busing concern after school.
These measures supplement others already in place, such as our use of walkie-talkies to
call in for ‘missing children’, etc. We are confident that with these and the above measures,
our buses will be able to leave promptly at the end of each day with all students present
and/or accounted for.
In addition to these measures, we ask for parent cooperation. If your child will not be riding
the bus, please do not have him/her wait by our Big Toy at the end of the day as we do not
provide supervision after School and therefore your child would be unsupervised. Should
there be a slip, trip or fall, there would be no one immediately available to support them.
Instead, we ask that students wait for parents to pick them up in our office or the front foyer;
a much safer location.
Please remember that without a signed and dated note or telephone call to the School, we
will be placing your child on the bus. We ask that you do not send your busing notification
by email as we may not be able to respond in a timely fashion.
Finally, please do not call the School if your child’s bus is late arriving at your stop. Please
contact Southland Transportation at 403 873 7268. They are able to radio into the bus
driver directly to find their location and advise you of their estimated drop off time.
Did You Know?
We want to share some information about the Calgary Public Library (CPL). Beginning in
January 2015 all library cards will be free for all Calgarians. The library once
offered cards free to low income families, but now it will be free for everyone regardless of
income status. Apparently, Edmonton has done this for the last 2 years and 80% of the
population has gotten library cards. This is a great initiative to increase literacy in our city.
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If you didn’t already know, Tumblebooks is located on the CPL site (top right corner under
“Featured Digital Content”…last link on the page. Check it out as it is a great and
inspirational site for all readers, in particular, reluctant and developing readers.
The second thing we want to remind everyone about is that the YMCA is offering free
Gym Memberships to students in grade 6 this year.
On Thursday, October 23 , we will practice a Lockdown procedure in the morning
(10:30ish am) and once again in the afternoon (1:00ish pm – so our afternoon
Kindergarten students could be involved). Within seconds, the entire school population will
be locked inside closed rooms. Not one door will be left open and everyone will be safe
and secure. This ‘lockdown’ procedure is to be practiced twice every school year in every
CBE school. We practice these as part of our regular crisis procedures when a perceived
threat is in our building…called “Lockdown” and also when there is a perceived threat
outside our building and/or in the community...called “External Threat” (usually the school is
not the target of the threat). Threats could be a dog on the loose in the building, a parent
who may not have custody and / or access rights enters the building looking for a child,
etc…Teachers will have developmentally appropriate conversations with their classes about
this procedure so that students are calm and prepared for our practice. It should only last
about 10-15 minutes. Watch for a Message Easy email and a letter going home to all
families (to be sent Mon. Oct 13 ) explaining this safety procedure.
During a Lockdown, parents should know that our outside bell will remain on. This
continuous bell is a warning to everyone not to approach or attempt to enter the school
(standard procedure in all CBE schools). Should it be safe for us to do so, we will post the
following sign in our front entry door window…
Internal Lockdown No Access to School
Should you see this red and white sign in the front door window, please leave and come
back at a later time. Your cooperation and understanding is greatly appreciated. Please
call the school should you have any question about this emergency procedure.
Our Wonderful Students…congratulations to:
Congratulations to Lauren F. for achieving “Grade 1 Piano - as First Class Honours with
Distinction” in June 2014. What an accomplishment, great job!
(Parents…if your child has done something of note and you would like them recognized,
send us a note with his/her name and the accomplishment / details…we will publish their
first name and what they have achieved in our next newsletter. Here are some examples
(not intended to be inclusive): Passed a significant level in their music / dance lessons;
received first place / honorable mention / etc…at the Kiwanis Festival / any completion; His
/ Her team won a championship / tournament in…; Her / His church group awarded
her/him…; etc…).
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Library News
The September Scholastic book fair was a tremendous success. We earned $6,602.10
which makes this the best book fair ever! With this total I can purchase $4621.47 worth of
new books for the library. A huge thank you to those that supported this worthy cause!!!!
Please ensure your child’s library books are returned or renewed on a weekly basis. Class
schedules are listed below:
Monday: RM 10, RM 11, RM 14, RM 7
Tuesday: RM 17AM, RM 15, RM 1, RM 5, RM 9, RM 16A, RM 16B
Wednesday: RM 20, RM 2, RM 4, RM 8, RM 19A, RM 19B
Thursday: RM 18AM, RM 3, RM 13, RM 12, RM 6, RM 18PM
You can check your child's library account on the CBE website under
Students> CBE Library> E-Library> Username> Password> Login to the e-library OPAC
Thank you for your assistance!
Mrs. Linda Bratberg
Library Assistant
This publication has now gone paperless. You can
read online at:
Terry Fox Run
The students at Sundance School spent the week of September 22-25 reflecting on the
incredible influence Terry Fox has made on Canadians and the world in his efforts to battle
cancer while bringing attention to this horrible disease so many years ago. Students
decorated the gym with pictures, symbols and writing pieces as to why Terry Fox is a hero
and what his legacy of caring, personal activism and hope for a better future meant to them.
The students attended an outdoor assembly on Thursday, September 25 where they
listened to an inspirational message brought forth by our masters of ceremony, Katie (Gr.4)
and Nathan (Gr.3).
During the run, all students wore a name tag that identified someone important to them that
has had, or is currently fighting cancer. In this way, the students gained a better
understanding of how cancer impacts many lives. Students collected “Toonies for Terry”
and were reminded that the monies they raise during the run/walk can have a large impact
towards finding a cure and improving the lives of many.
Thank you to all students and parents who donated funds to the Terry Fox Foundation. Stay
tuned to the November Newsletter for the final tally of total donations.
We would also like to thank all our parent volunteers who set up the course for the run,
directed traffic, provided additional supervision, worked as our cheering section, joined in
the activity and helped take down afterwards. We appreciate you!
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Grade 5/6 - Golf
The Provincial Golf Association played a key role in enhancing The Golf in School program
at Sundance School. With hard plastic golf equipment that is child-friendly, safe, and easy
to store, students were able to participate in a Mobile Clinic ran by a professional golfer
named Jamie Reimer on September 29th. On the following day, Golf Canada Calgary
center accommodated the grade 5/6 students to provide them with the opportunity to apply
the basic golf skills taught during the clinic on a local golf course.
'NSTEP club will be starting up again this month! ‘NSTEP stands for Nutrition, Students,
Teachers, Exercising with Parents. The goal of 'NSTEP is to help students, teachers, vice
principals, principals and parents to learn more about healthy eating and active living. Their
key message is to encourage everyone in school to "eat more of the 4 food groups, walk
more than before, live longer and be smarter". ‘NSTEP Student Leaders will be meeting at
lunchtime and various other times throughout the year to help encourage and embed this
message into the school.
Students participating in 'NSTEP will be receiving a letter to go home first week of October.
Our first club meeting will be October 7th at lunch in the library!
Your Friendly NSTEP Committee Leaders, Mme. Seychelle, Mme. Sandra. Mme. Sonia &
Mrs. James
Vertigo Theatre – October 22nd
The students from rooms 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 and 15 will have the opportunity to visit the
Vertigo Mystery Theatre. Y stage will present Pinocchio, written and directed by Hugo
Bélanger. The play is produced by Théâtre Tout à Trac.
Student Learner Assessments are coming!
Grade 3 students in CBE schools will be piloting the new Student Learner Assessments
from Alberta Education this month. These evaluations are replacing the provincial
achievement tests that used to take place at the end of the school year. The evaluations
are now done at the beginning of the school year; this way, teachers and parents are
aware of each student’s strengths and areas for growth and will be able to adjust planning
and teaching as needed.
The evaluations will be completed on computers during class time using multiple choice,
multiple answer, highlighting, and “click and drag” techniques. Students will be evaluated
on reading and listening skills in language arts or French language arts and in math. As
well, students will have a short written component to the evaluation.
Results will be received by the grade 3 classroom teachers within 24 hours of test
completion. Teachers will be using rubrics developed by Alberta Education to mark the
written component.
Our grade 2 French Immersion students were involved this spring in the field testing and
found the evaluations quite enjoyable!
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October 2014
Choir for Grades 4, 5 and 6 will be held at lunchtime on Tuesdays and Wednesdays,
starting October 28th. Grade 2 and 3 choir will resume on November 3rd and run Mondays
at lunchtime. Registration forms and more information will be sent home soon.
Grades 1 & 2 Regular Program to Fort Calgary
On October 21st, the Grade 1/2 Regular Program classes will be venturing to Fort Calgary
for a blast from the past. We will be learning about the building of Calgary and why certain
buildings were built and what life was like on the Prairies in the Past. We are looking
forward to this adventure and will be sure to have many stories and experiences to share."
Lost and Found
Reminder that all unclaimed articles are donated to
charity at the end of each month. Please make sure
you check for any lost items.
Clothing Donations
With the imminent arrival of more wet and wintry weather, we would really appreciate
donations of clothing, in particular pants, underwear and socks for ages 5-9. Donations can
be made to the school Office. Since our supply of spare clothing is limited, you may want to
put spares into your child(ren)’s backpacks if you think they may be tempted by puddles.
Many thanks
Calling all French Grades 4,5 and 6 and English Grade 6
Every year the students and parents put on a fabulous haunted house at the school dance
in order to raise money for their farewell celebration in June. It is always a huge success!
We are still looking for parents to help co-ordinate, design, set up & run the haunted house.
Time is running out and without parent help, the haunted house will not happen. If you can
help with any of the above tasks please contact Tara D. at or 403764-6442 as soon as possible.
Halloween Dance & Costume Party
Don’t miss out on the “Spook-tacular” evening of family fun!
The annual Family Halloween Dance and Costume Party for all grades (K-6) will be on
Thursday, October 30th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm at our school. We have a fantastic evening
planned with some new twists – a photo booth, a raffle with some amazing prizes - Two
front row tickets to the Christmas Concert & a reserved parking spot; Movie night with your
favourite teacher plus many more. Start planning your jack o’lantern entry and your
costume (parents & kids) and be prepared for our haunted house!
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This year tickets were sold online through our Healthy Hunger website. Tickets are sold on
a first come, first served basis, so please make sure to signup online to order and pay for
your tickets early. Only 800 tickets can be sold and they sell out very quickly!
For more information on this event, please contact Tara D. at or
Volunteer Coordinator Update
Happy Fall everyone! Well, it is hard to believe, but it is October already. We are a month
into the school year, and Halloween is just around the corner.
We have gotten a great response this year from our Volunteer Forms going home with
students during the first few days of school. Thank you to all those parents that have sent
their forms in.
The Volunteer forms need to be filled out every year; the CBE Police Clearance is good for
5 years. I if you have not sent your Volunteer Forms into the school, they are available
online at The forms are also available in the
school office.
We have a few events coming up this month: Sundog Lunch is Oct. 9 and the Halloween
Dance is October 30 . If you have a valid CBE Clearance, have filled out your Volunteer
forms and would be interested in helping out with any of these things please email us at
Everyone who volunteers at the school or on a field trip must sign in and out at the
Office. When you come into the school to volunteer, the first thing you need to do is to
check to make sure your name is on the list of cleared/approved volunteers at the front of
the Volunteer Sign In/Out Binder.
 Once you have confirmed your name is on the Volunteer List, please select a
numbered volunteer tag in the order that you arrive at the school for the day (i.e.
the first volunteer to sign in takes TAG #1, the second volunteer to sign in takes
TAG #2, etc.)
 After you have your Volunteer Tag, you need to Sign In on the Volunteer Sign
In/Out Sheet, being sure to include the following information: YOUR NAME, YOUR
 When you are done volunteering, please return to the Office and return your
volunteer tag to the Volunteer Sign In/Out Binder, and please write in the time you
are leaving on the Volunteer Sign In/Out Sheet.
The Volunteer sign in/out procedures will be in the binder.
We are still looking for Room Parents for the following rooms: Rooms 4, 13, 14, &
Please contact us if you are interested in filling one of these positions.
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The Room Parent will coordinate the volunteers for each classroom. As a Room Parent
you will be responsible for:
• Coordinating with the teacher in meeting the needs of the classroom -- i.e.
schedule volunteers for field trips, classroom reading help, special projects
and other classroom activities as required by the teacher(s).
• Aiding the School Volunteer Coordinator in organizing school wide activities - i.e. Special Lunches / Snacks, Carnaval, Sports Day, etc.
Thank you again for all your volunteering, and we look forward to meeting you. If you have
any questions regarding your volunteer status, please don’t hesitate to email us at
Merci / Thank you!
Abra G. & Lea W.
Volunteer Coordinators
Sundance School
Sundance Parent Council
The first month of school is now over! Hopefully you had a great first month getting to know
your school and teachers!!
We have the following School Council supported events in October:
 Sundog Lunch (Little Caesars Pizza) for Grades 1 to 6 – October 9
 Halloween Dance – Thursday, October 30 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
School Council would like to invite you to our October meeting on Wednesday, October
22 at 7:00pm in the school library. There are a number of upcoming events to discuss
and plan. We want and need your input! This year we have our meetings rotating between
different days so that more parents may attend. All meetings take place at 7:00pm in the
Sundance School Library. Please take a look at our meeting dates and see if you can join
us and help us continue to make Sundance School great!!
2014/2015 School Council Meeting Dates:
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 (Annual General Meeting)
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
2014/2015 School Council Executive and Committee Coordinators:
Yvette W. (incoming)
Vice Chair:
Maeghan K. (returning)
Michele H. (incoming)
Michelle S. (returning)
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October 2014
Volunteer Coordinators:
Sundog Lunch/Snack Coordinators:
Social Coordinator:
Key Communicator:
Calgary Parents for French Rep:
Home and School Representatives:
Abra G. and Lea W. (incoming)
Jada C. and Michelle S. (returning)
Alana B. (incoming)
Candice R. (returning)
We need parent volunteers to be our Treasurer, Social Coordinator, and Key
Communicator. No experience is required. These positions need only a desire to stay
connected and support our School! If you are interested or would like more information,
please contact Yvette W at 587-223-0822, or, or come out to the
October Council Meeting to find out more information about these positions.
Sundog Lunch Update
Our first Sundog Lunch is happening Thursday October 9th. The children will be enjoying
Little Caesar’s Pizza. This lunch is for Grades 1-6 only. Parents, please log on
to to order your child’s lunch. All orders must be received no later
than Oct 3rd, 2014. This cut-off date is not negotiable as the online system automatically
stops accepting orders.
SPA Update
Jenn B. has taken over the chair position of the Sundance Parents Association.
We are still looking for a treasurer for the Sundance Parents Association. If you are
interested in finding out more about the position please contact Jenn B.
For those of you new to the school, the SPA, is the charitable association created through
the school to work with the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission to run casinos.
Casino Update
Great News! The next casino has been confirmed for January 29 and 30 2015 at
Casino Calgary. The casino is the biggest fundraiser for the school. Most casinos raise
approximately 60,000 dollars for the school.
Please take a look ahead at your January calendar and contact Jenn B
( to her know if you are interested in and available to work either a
daytime or evening shift during either of the Casino dates.
In an effort to fill the KEY CASINO POSITONS, as soon as possible, a table will be set up
for Casino Volunteer Registration at the school on the evening of the Halloween Dance. If
you are not able to attend the Halloween Dance and are able to volunteer please contact
Jenn B.
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