No: 17 Date: 24th October 2014 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Dear Parents and Guardians World Teachers' Day is celebrated in more than 100 countries world-wide and was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1994 to celebrate the role of teachers in society. Friday 31 October is World Teachers’ Day in Western Australia, a day to celebrate, acknowledge and recognise all those teachers who inspire us and to say thank you. Everyday, Joondalup Primary School teachers are making a difference by educating and inspiring young students. Please use this as a great occasion to show your appreciation to your son and/or daughter’s teacher. Girls and boys, make next Friday a great day by saying thank you for teaching you, say a few kind words to them and/or give them a great big smile. K algoorlie Camp I would like to sincerely thank all staff who went on the Year 6 & 7 Kalgoorlie Camp and a big thank you to Mr Conti who plans, organises and oversees the camps. The staff give up their time without any remuneration so that the students have the wonderful experience of the camp. From all accounts the students were fantastic role models and great ambassadors for Joondalup Primary School. P rofessional Development Day Just a reminder that Monday 27 October is a Professional Development Day for the staff. The school will be closed for students. K indy Enrolments Joondalup Primary School has four (4) vacancies for Kindy in 2015. The school is enrolling students from inside and outside our catchment area. If you live in our catchment area or if you have friends or relatives who would like to enrol their child in a high quality Kindy Program for 2015, please call the Hazel Jordan on 93000 188. D ads and Kid’s Camp Out Night The Dads and Kid’s Camp Out Night is a Parents & Citizens fundraiser and social event. The camp out is held on the school oval and it includes lots of entertainment, BBQ Sausage Sizzle for dinner and a bacon and egg burger for breakfast. Dads and Kid’s Camp out Night’ will run from 4.30pm Friday 14 to Saturday morning, 15 November. Registration will be from 4pm on the oval near room18. This is a Parents & Citizens fundraiser event, 100% proceeds go back into our school for our children. The cost is $35 per family. Please see the Parents and Citizens flyer and posters around the school. H ats Joondalup Primary School is a Sun Smart School. Information can be found at prevention/sunsmart/sunsmartschools. I have noticed just lately that a number of students are not following the school’s dress code and are not wearing a broad brim or bucket hat. Some are not wearing a hat or wearing a baseball style cap at recess and lunchtime. Students will not be allowed to play outside without a broad brim or bucket hat. V oluntary Contributions Each school year we ask families to pay their Voluntary Contributions. The amount is only $60 per student, this equates to only $1.50 per week for a great education at Joondalup Primary School. So far this year, only 53% of parents have paid their Voluntary Contributions. JOONDALUP PRIMARY SCHOOL Blue Mountain Drive, Joondalup WA 6027 Phone: 9300 0188 Fax: 9300 0148 Email: DET SECURITY: 9264 4771 Webpage: JOONDALUP PRIMARY SCHOOL CANTEEN JOONDALUP DENTAL THERAPY CENTRE Phone: Phone: 9300 3892 9300 0125 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK cont…. VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS - These funds pay for numeracy and literacy equipment, reading and library books, sporting equipment, computers/iPads, just to name a few items. You can pay by credit card (please remember to add your CSV number on the form), cash or cheque on a Tuesday or Thursday or direct deposit at any time, details are: BSB: 016338 Account No. 340952796. A ttendance/Arriving Late Congratulations to the 150 students who had 100% attendance throughout Term 3. The Year 5 students had the highest number of students achieving 100% with 22 students, well done everyone. These students and parents received a letter from me congratulating them on their achievement. There has been an improvement in the number of students arriving late for the start of the day. It is vitally important to have your child at school 10 -15 minutes prior to school commencing at 8.50am, so that they can get ready for the day’s teaching and learning activities. Benefits of students arriving on time include: 1. Being organised at the start of the day. 2. Being calmer and more receptive to learning. 3. Maintaining better relationships with peers and teachers. 4. Accessing the full curriculum through continuity of learning. Russell Hahn, Principal JOONDALUP VALUABLE VALUES Encourage your children to ‘own up’ when they do something wrong. Children who do this are willing to discuss the consequences of their actions and do not blame other people for their mistakes. Demonstrate this by apologising when you do something wrong too, so that children learn that everyone makes mistakes, but the important thing is to learn from them. JOONDALUP PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER/CLASS REQUEST 2015 - please return this slip to the school office no later than Friday 21st November. We cannot guarantee to be able to accommodate your request after this date. Student Name: ___________________________ Room: ___ Teacher 2015: _____________________________ Student Name: ___________________________ Room: ___ Teacher 2015: _____________________________ Student Name: ___________________________ Room: ___ Teacher 2015: _____________________________ Signed Parent/Guardian ________________________________________________ JOONDALUP PRIMARY SCHOOL PLANNING FOR 2015 - IS YOUR CHLD MOVING TO ANOTHER SCHOOL? If you know your child/ren (Years K - 5) are leaving Joondalup Primary School at the end of 2014, please complete this form and return it to the school office by Friday 21st November. Alternatively email the school: Student Name: _______________________________________ will not be returning to Joondalup Primary School for 2015, the new school will be: _______________________________________ Student Name: _______________________________________ will not be returning to Joondalup Primary School for 2015, the new school will be: _______________________________________ Student Name: _______________________________________ will not be returning to Joondalup Primary School for 2015, the new school will be: _______________________________________ Signed Parent/Guardian ________________________________________________ VISUAL ARTS NEWS TAKING THAT EXTRA STEP Our Merit Award Winners from the Assembly held on Friday 24th October 2014 Imogen PP3 Chelsea PP3 Izabella PP2 Dylan PP1 Sophia Rm 14 Emily Rm 20 Elliot Rm 19 Amy Rm 19 Ashli Rm 17 Savana Rm 2 Jackie Rm 11 Luke Rm 10 Matthew Rm 13 Zara Rm 13 Aysia Rm 12 Mya Rm 12 Harrison ESC 4 Hayden ESC 1 Adam ESC 6 Savannah ESC 6 Freddie Rm 6 Indonesian Merit Awards Jade Rm 11 Joondalup Kid Award GREAT WORK: Congratulations to these students who have visited Mr Hahn and Ms Hanrahan with their great work recently. IMPORTANT INFORMATION MONEY DAYS JOONDALUP SCHOOLS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY MONDAY 27th OCTOBER 2014 THE SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED ON THIS DAY TUESDAY/THURSDAY ONLY UNIFORM SHOP MUSIC STUDENTS HIT OPENING HOURS It is with regret that we inform parents that our clarinet teacher, Mr Michael Stoddard, will not be carrying on with music lessons at Joondalup Primary in the future. WEDNESDAYS 8.45 - 10.00am WHAT’S COMING UP? P.D DAY Mr Stoddard has been teaching students for many years and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Mike for all of his hard work and dedication. We wish Mike all the very best for the future. JOONDALUP PRIMARY SCHOOL’S ENERGY & WATER SAVING TIPS!! SUMMER’S COMING!! MONDAY 27TH OCTOBER BANDANA DAY FRIDAY 31ST OCTOBER SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR WEEK MONDAY 3RD - FRIDAY 7TH NOVEMBER ARTS WEEK Plant trees to provide shade on the sunny side of your home. Install ceiling fans - the breeze of a fan can make you feel three to four degrees cooler, you can raise the thermostat and still stay comfortable. Install a programmable thermostat to adjust your temperature during the day. MONDAY 10TH - FRIDAY 14TH NOVEMBER ARTS NIGHT TUESDAY 11TH NOVEMBER Install attic insulation rated R-30 and seal any attic leaks to reduce high home cooling costs. You’ll save money each month and qualify for a rebate. Close unused air vents - if you have central AC you can close air vents in rooms you are not using so you are not paying to cool them! P & C CORNER CANTEEN NEWS: The Canteen will be open on the Dad’s Camp Out Night. There will be various items available, coffees, ice creams, lollies, slushies, drinks etc. SPOOKY RECESS FRIDAY 31 OCTOBER Items available 10c - $1.20 COMING UP: There will be a BEANS production recess in late November and our usual Christmas Deal towards the end of term. CANTEEN MENU - the new Summer Menu 2014/2015 is now available. You can pick up a copy from the school office as well as a Term 4 Planner. DISCO PROFITS The profits raised from the Disco in term 2 and the upcoming disco this term will go towards a new freestanding oven. Thank you for your continuous support. APP - CANTEEN PROBLEMS: We are aware of the online canteen problems with iPhone. Please see the information included with this newsletter that Our Online Canteen have sent to us to pass on to parents. Carolyn & Jo “DADS AND KIDS CAMP OUT NIGHT” FRIDAY 14TH NOVEMBER TO SATURDAY 15TH NOVEMBER The Dads and Kids Camp Out Night is not only a social event for the school, but also a fundraiser for the P&C Association. It takes place on the school oval and includes heaps of children’s entertainment, surprises for Dad, BBQ Sausage Sizzle and a free bacon and egg burger for breakfast! The cost of this event is $35 per family and 100% of the proceeds go back into our school. Your child/children should have brought home all the information regarding this fantastic Camp Out, including a FAQ sheet, consent form and payment details. A copy of the information sent home to parents will be attached with the newsletter link Joondalup Primary School does not endorse or benefit from any business advertised in this newsletter COMMUNITY NOTICES OSHClub News OSHClub provides high quality before School Care, After School Care, Pupil Free days, and Vacation Care for kinder and primary aged children. OSHClub would like to welcome everyone back for term 4 2014. After a great vacation care program, our excursion to The Zoo being one of our many sensational fun days, we are now ready for an exciting new term. We have a lot of new family enrolments and the children have given many ideas for weekly themes and activities. Our focus will be on sustainability and we welcome any recycled donations and ideas from families. Our OSHClub room can be found in D Block, room 9. We hope to see you soon. Inside our room you can view our themed display walls, showing all of the children’s amazing work. Thank you Vicki, Laura, Amy Website: / Email: Phone: Joondalup OSHClub 0478 001 077 Phone: Head Office Perth: 9261 3204 October - 2014 ONLINE CANTEEN NEWS FOR PARENTS Important Notice - iPhone Application Our Online Canteen has made the decision to no longer recommend the iPhone App to our users, due to many reported issues. We have tried to resolve these issues with the app company and because this has dragged on for some time and impacted on our users, we have made the executive decision to pull the application and develop our own mobile friendly website. This mobile friendly version of our website will be available next year. Our schools and parents will be notified when this product is ready. We are now recommending that our mobile users place orders using their internet browsers and visiting the usual website iSO8 Update Reported Issues Some of our users have reported issues when they have installed the latest update of iOS8 from Apple. We are looking at a way to resolve issues from our end. For more information please visit -problems-fixes/ Phone Passwords - It is important to note that when you create a password using your personal computer for Our Online Canteen. It is now a security requirement that the password has 8 digits with a combination of symbols, numbers and letters. Please bear in mind when creating your password that mobile phones do not recognise some symbols in passwords. This means you will find that you can log on to our site with your PC but if your password has these symbols your mobile will not recognise your password. Please feel free to contact Our Online Canteen on 1300 116 637 or email us at to discuss any of these topics further. Warmest regards Melissa McKinley Customer Service Manager GROW YOUR CHILD’S CONFIDENCE WITH ATI “My mum says it’s all about FOCUS My dad says it’s all about PROTECTION And I say it’s FUN!” ATI Joondalup - full time air-conditioned school. Open 6 days. Take advantage of two weeks unlimited training for only $67.00 and receive a free uniform, Taekwondo DVD for beginners and ATI handbook. 9301 0277/ Conflict Resolution for Couples COMMENCES: Joondalup: Monday 10 November 2014 Conflict – what is it good for? Actually, if managed with each other’s well-being and a thriving relationship in mind, conflict can be a source of growth and not the destructive force it may become if left unresolved. More info: 9263 2121 or email
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