204-712-5082 Serving the Areas of:

Serving the Areas of:
Emerson, Morris, Dominion
City, Lowe Farm, Rosenort,
Ginew, St. Joseph, St.
Jean Baptiste, Tolstoi,
Letellier, Ridgeville,
Woodmore, Sperling,
Aubigny, Dufrost,Carlowrie,
Greenridge, Arnaud,
Halbstadt, Rosa, Roseau River
October 25, 2014
Riverbend Realty
The elections are over and the results are in.
Local government for the next 4 years has been
determined by the people.
Below are the results for the new Municipality of
Emerson- Franklin:
ReeveGreg Janzen 677 elected
Wayne Arseny 390
Ward 1Archie Hunter
Dennis Rodewald
Ward 2Ron Mihaychuk
Ward 3Orest Kuryk
Elaine Holodryga
Ken Nedohin24
Ward 4Troy Kirkpatrick
Duaine Riach61
Ward 5Dennis Weiss
Marvin Wilkinson 66
Ron Ramsey57
Ward 6Doug Johnston
201 elected
Brenda Lange178
Glen Pappel142
Larry Propp109
Joyce Dayton
Emerson LUD Committee
Kelly Ihmeacclamation
There is still a vacancy of two Committee People
for the Local Urban District (LUD) of Emerson.
The new council will appoint people to fill these
vacancies after they take office on January 1st, 2015.
In the RM of Montcalm, results are as follows:
Reeve Derek Sabourin
Laurent Vermette
Ward 1Jacques Perron
Alain Barnaby
Ward 2 Emile Remillard
Deanna Jablonski
Ward 3Paul Sabourin
Andrea VanRyckeghem-Reeks
Ward 4Harold Janzen
Ulysse Marion
St. Jean Baptiste LUD
Jean Lucienacclamation
Wayne Klassen acclamation
The RM of Morris uses a different system. There
are no wards and all councilors and the Reeve are
elected across the whole municipality. The results
Reeve Ralph Groening
Marvin Dueck311
Stan Siemens293
Rick Giesbrecht
290 elected
Margaret Gluck
251 elected
Denis Robert243
Barry Fraese228
Brad Coulombe227Greg Janzen - elected Reeve for Emerson-Franklin
Robert G. Mears
Ward 3Jake Cornelsen
Rosenort LUD
Shane Kroeker87
Lorne Siemens
Alan Clayton16
Frank Peters72
Ward 5Shelley Gyrota
In the town of Morris, the Mayor and all councilors Ward 6 Maureen Suotte
were elected by acclamation. They are as follows: Ward 7Charlene Grier
MayorGavin Van der Linde
Elected to the Borderland School Division are:
Ward 1Jolene Bunn
364 elected
Bill Ginter
Mike Hinchley
Tim Lewis
Ruth Murray
Trevor Thiessen
Bruce Third
Ward 6Jacob Fehr
School Boards were also elected yesterday. The
284 elected
Chairperson of the School Board is decide by the Ward 7Steven Wiebe
members after the election. Results for the Red
River Valley School Board are as follows:
Ward 1Alicia Lazaridis
Debbie Rydberg
Ward 2Jacqueline Wolfe
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City News
By Shirley Berrington
We were blessed
with another gorgeous
couple of days this
weekend and the above
normal temperatures
that continued this week
were a real gift. The
days have become really
short, as mornings are
quite dark now. The
time changes November
2nd, so it will be a little
brighter in the morning
for a little while.
Hopefully, the nice
weather can hold out
for Halloween, when
the little trick-or-treaters
come knocking.
Our country was
shaken by the horrific
shooting of Cpl. Nathan
Cirillo at the National
Wa r M e m o r i a l i n
Ottawa on Wednesday.
Our Prime Minister
Harper called this an act
of terror, as our country
is no longer immune to
these terrorist attacks.
Tw o s o l d i e r s w e r e
purposely run down in
Quebec on Monday,
by a man tied to Jihad,
with one soldier being
injured fatally. Our
sympathy goes out
to all the friends and
family of these slain
army personnel. We
will recover as we stand
united against terror but
our country has surely
lost its innocence.
Wednesday, October
22, was Election
Day in Manitoba.
Congratulations go
Riverside Rosenort News
October 25, 2014 Pg.2
out to Brian Bowman
for his outstanding
win for the Mayor of
Winnipeg, garnishing
47.5% of the vote. In
our Emerson/Franklin
municipal election Greg
Janzen defeated Wayne
Arseny. Dennis Weiss is
the successful candidate
for Dominion City’s
Ward 5. Winners of
all other wards are as
follows: Ward 1- Archie
Hunter, Ward 2 – Ron
Mihaychuk, Ward 3 –
Orest Kuryk, Ward 4
– Troy Kirkpatrick and
Ward 5 – Brenda Lange
and Doug Johnston.
Congratulations go out
to all the winners and
for all those who ran
for public office. Your
interest and enthusiasm
is to be commended. RVS Mini School
is restarting its fall
sessions. This program
will commence on Oct.
27, 29, into Nov. 17,
19, and Dec. 1, 3 at the
Roseau Valley School
Kindergarten room from
9:30-11:30 am. Join us
for play, songs, stories,
games, snacks and crafts
while making new
friends. This program
is free and open to
all families with preschool-aged children. It
is the expectation that
parents will stay with
their child. Please sign
in and out at the main
office for safety reasons.
If you want more info
please contact Tandy or
Keela at 204-427-2143. The Franklin Food
Bank needs your support
in the form of canned
goods, cereal or other
food items, or financial
contributions that can
Dave and Doreen
Penner returned from a
Fehrway bus tour taking
them into the Amish
area of Pennsylvania!
They had 32 people on
the bus and by the time
they were back they
had made many new
friends. Having a meal
in an Amish home was
certainly a highlight!
Happy 90th birthday
to Mrs. Elma Dueck
(Levi). On Sunday
afternoon her family
hosted a celebration
for her at the
Heritage Center. Tim
Dueck came from BC to
join his sister Lorna and
family for the occasion.
Mrs Helen Loewen
of the Rosebay Apts.
was pleased to have
son Paul and Melody
and grandchildren Dave
and Kayla come from
Calgary for the weekend.
The ladies enjoyed
lunch at the Farmhouse
café on Thursday. On
Sunday the Loewen
family enjoyed a
thanksgiving meal at
the Rosebay apts.
A note to all!
Daylight Saving time ends on November 2nd!
Remember we fall back
one hour!!
This is the second time
in less than a week that
our water is turned
off! A reminder Do
not plan on showers
after 10 pm. Luckily
the next morning all is
good again! It is a bit
difficult for us to get
used to after being on
our own system for so
many years. Will have
to watch the RM page
It has been interesting
to hear from my readers
in regards to Lorne’s
birthday! The fact was
that we spent a day
at the WPG city zoo
walking thru the
”Journey to Churchill“.
It was great and very
realistic! We will put
the REAL trip on our
buck list!
by Lorraine Loewen
The weather has
been exceptional for this
time of the year, and we
are certainly enjoying
it! The farmers have
been out on the fields
combining the corn, as
well as getting the field
work done.
Condolences go out
to the Albert Penner
family on his passing
away at the Maplewood
Manor in Steinbach
on October 16 th . My
memories go back to the
Flowery Bank school
days where Albert
attended along with
his sisters and about
10 other students! His
parents were the Peter
J. Penners, they lived
only a short distance
from the school. Albert
is survived by his wife
Doris, 5 daughters and 4
sons. He was predeased
by his first wife Mary
(nee Friesen). The
P e n n e r ’s l i v e d i n
Rosenort until Albert’s
failing health a few
years ago.
O n We d n e s d a y
evening the Morris Multi
Plex was well filled
for the performance of
the Asante Childrens Choir. It was a fantastic presentation! The crowd
was treated to a variety
of amazing music and
traditional dance as well
as heartfelt testimonies
from some of the
youngsters ranging
from 11 to 16 years
old. The African choir
is travelling together
for over 5 months
to raise support for
funds to sponsor more
youngsters to go to
Eleanor Zacharias
returned from a 2
week vacation spent
in Kelowna with her
daughter Brenda and
Norman Thiessen and
their family.
Welcome back to Bill
and Linda Chalmers!
They have spent nearly
5 months living in their
RV in Sudbury Ontario.
Spending time with
family and to be near
Linda’s father was very
be made through your
local churches. Any
assistance would be
greatly appreciated as
we continue to reach out
to the less fortunate in
their time of need.
Come do some early
Christmas shopping at
the Dominion City Craft
& Bake Sale which
will be held at the DC
Community Hall on
Saturday, November
15th from 10 am –2pm.
Lunch will be available.
The DC United Church
will have a bake table
and would welcome any
donations of baking for
this. To book a table or
for more information,
you can contact Bob &
Myrna Stark @ 4273918. The Dominion City
Skating Club will be
offering power skating
lessons on Tuesdays
from 5:30 until
6:15pm. The start date
is November 4, and
lessons will continue
until March. The cost
is $90. To register,
please contact Keela at
Happy Birthday
wishes go out to George
Opocensky, who turned
89 this week, and to
Dorothy Stewart, who
turns 95, and Bernice
Weninger, former DC
resident of the Emerson
Personal Care Home,
who turns 96. We wish
you all continued health
and happiness.
It was a steady stream
of people who lined up
at the DC Community
Hall for their flu shots.
If you weren’t able to
get there today there
are other locations still
We are pleased to
have an additional health
facility in our town.
Dominion City will
have a weekly mobile
health clinic staffed
with registered nurses
and nurse practitioners.
The mobile clinic will
provide regular check
ups, treatment for minor
ailments, lab services,
immunizations, help
with managing a chronic
disease or condition,
referrals to other health
services or specialists,
prescription renewal and
other health education
and promotion. Call
1-855-644-3515 to make
an appointment. This
will be a great service
to have, especially in
winter. We won’t have
to travel far in adverse
conditions! The Southeast
104 Dominion St, Emerson, Manitoba
Ph: (204) 373-2493, Emerson
Fax: (204) 373-2084, E-mail: sej@mts.net
Publisher: Brenda Piett Editor: Don Piett
Advertising: Don Piett, Brenda Piett
Box 95, Morris,MB, R0G 1K0 Box 68, Emerson,
MB, R0A 0L0
The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any or all advertising for
any reason, stated or unstated. Advertisers requesting publication
of either display or classified advertisements agree that should
the advertisement be omitted from the issue ordered for whatever
reason, The Southeast Journal shall not be held liable. It is also
agreed that in the vent of an error appearing in the published
advertisement, The Southeast Journal accepts no liability beyond
the amount paid for that portion of the advertisement in which the
error appears or affects. Claims for adjustment are limited to errors
appearing in the first insertion only. Advertising copy deviating in
any way from the regular classified style will be considered display
and charged on that rate scale.
Printed in USA
October 25, 2014 Pg. 3
Birthday Wish for Mom
Happy 95th Birthday wishes to our wonderful Mom,
Dorothy Stewart, on October 26th. Wishing you a
fabulous day & many wonderful times ahead, full of
health and happiness. Love from your sons,
Glenn & Carmen
Dave & Carol
Don & Barb
Our terrific families & your loving angel
Thank You
Dear Friends & Family
We wish to express our thanks for the support &
love shown us during the loss of our darling daughter
Jodie.The beautiful cards, flowers, food, phone calls
& texts, are easing our pain day by day. The hugs
and comforting words mean so much to us. Love Don & Barb Stewart
Emerson Seniors
By Diana Breckon
This was Election
Day, hope you all got out
to vote for your favorite
Councillors and Reeve.
Whatever the results
are we have to give the
winners our support.
The weather was nice,
so no reason not to get
out and support your
The turnout for
the Flu Clinic today
was great. The next
Flu Clinic at the New
Horizon is Wednesday
October 29th, 11 am-3
pm. Just bring your
medical card and some
There were 5 tables
of cribbage players
at the New Horizon
Centre on Monday Oct
20th. Men’s high- a tie
between Sam Sadler
and Ron Kostelniuk
(827), Men’s low- Art
Klan (731), Ladies highChristine Dearborn
(848), Ladies lowBunny Sadler (713).
At coffee break we
celebrated Wilf Felch’s
88 th Birthday with a
delicious chocolate cake
and ice cream. Many
best wishes Wilf for
many more birthday
celebrations. Next
week Wilf and Nola are
heading south to their
winter home. See you
in the spring.
The Yoga exercises
are cancelled for next
week due to previous
bookings. They will
resume on November
The Annual
Halloween Tea will be
held at the New Horizon
Centre Friday Oct 31st
at 2 pm. Costumes
optional. Refreshment
and entertainment.
Come and join the fun.
Friday night keep
your lights on if you
have treats for the young
people. It’s a fun night
for the kids and me
too. Keep our kids and
grandkids safe.
Thank You
Thank You for all the cards, flowers, community
support, and donations made in our late Dads
From the family of Richard G. Graham
In Memory of our Dad and Mom
Bill & Teenie Fostey
Those we love don`t go away
They walk beside us every day
Unseen, unheard, but always near
Still loved & dearly missed
Until we meet again you will forever
Be in our hearts.
Love from
Ruth, Jean, Audrey, Johnny & families
Fall Suppers
Emerson Fall Supper
October 26th, 2014 – 4:00-7:00 pm
At Emerson Community Complex
All proceeds go to the operation of
Emerson Complex
Roseau River Bible Camp
October 26th from 4:00-7:00.
Plates are $12 each,
children 6 and under are free.
Donations are welcome.
All proceeds go toward our new building
project Cyprus Lodge.
Lowe Farm School Fall Supper
Friday November 21st- 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Lowe Farm Community Centre
Adults- $10.00, 12 & Under $5:00
Preschool- Free
Rosenort Cooperative Ltd
Annual general meeting,
November 18 /2014
7:00 PM Rosenort Heritage Centre,
Reports, Door prizes,
All members welcome
Hallowe’en is Here
It’s time for Hallowe’en,
A day for trick or treat.
When the kids dress up in costume
And walk proudly down the street.
They ring a lot of doorbells,
And collect a lot of candy too,
And if they happen to see a ghost,
They will be greeted with a Boo.
Pumpkins light up the windows
And decorations adorn the front yard.
So be careful when you come in,
Because the skeleton will be on guard.
So go have a lot of fun,
And don’t have any fears,
Because it will soon be over,
And you’ll have to wait till next year.
Happy Hallowe’en – till next time – take care.
Recipe of the Week
Soft Pumpkin Cookies
2 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground nutmeg
½ tsp salt
1 ½ cup granulated sugar
½ cup butter; softened
1 cup Libby 100% Pure Pumpkin
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
Glaze (Optional)
Preheat oven to 350oF. Grease baking sheets,
combine first 6 ingredients; Beat sugar and butter
in a large mixing bowl until well blended. Beat
in pumpkin and egg and vanilla until smooth
and vanilla until smooth. Gradually beat in flour
mixture. Drop by rounded teaspoon onto prepared
baking sheets.
Bake for 15 to 18 minutes or until edges are firm.
Cool on baking sheets for 2 minutes. Remove to
wire racks to cool completely. Drizzle glaze over
Combine 2 cups icing sugar, 3 tbsp. milk, 1 tbsp.
melted butter and 1 tsp of vanilla in a small bowl
until smooth. Enjoy!
Your ad could be read in 45 Community
Newspapers in Manitoba.
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Southeast Journal @ 204-373-2493
Supporting Families
Regular exercise is
essential to a child’s
successful development
and gets them started
on a lifetime of healthy,
active living.
our Conservative
Government originally
introduced the
Children’s Fitness Tax
Credit (CFTC). This
important measure helps
make it more affordable
for Canadian families
to register their kids in
fitness activities.
Now our Government
is happy to announce
that we are doubling
the Children’s Fitness
Tax Credit amount
to $1,000, and we’re
making it refundable—
making this tax credit
more beneficial to lowincome families.
These proposed
enhancements, which
fulfill a commitment
made by the Government
in 2011, will provide
tax relief for Canadian
families of about
$25 million in fiscal
year 2014-2015, and
$35 million annually
thereafter. The CFTC
currently provides tax
relief to 1.4 million
families who enrol
their children in eligible
fitness activities. When
fully implemented,
these enhancements will
deliver additional tax
relief to about 850,000
The following
example illustrates how
doubling the credit will
benefit a family.
A couple with one
child has $950 in eligible
expenses in 2014 –
including $300 for the
child’s fall football
program plus $650
for the child’s winter
hockey program. Under
the current Children’s
Fitness Tax Credit, the
couple’s tax liability is
reduced by $75 (15 per
cent of the maximum
credit amount of $500).
Under the proposed
doubling of the credit,
their tax liability would
be reduced by about
$142 (15 per cent of
Our Government
proposes to make the
Children’s Fitness Tax
Credit refundable,
effective for the 2015
tax year and subsequent
tax years. Making the
credit refundable will
increase benefits to
low-income families
claiming the credit.
The example below
illustrates how making
the credit refundable
will benefit a family.
A couple has two
children in a soccer
program at a cost of
$240 per child in 2015.
The family’s income is
too low and the credit,
as it currently stands, is
of no benefit to them.
By making the credit
refundable as proposed,
the couple will be better
off by $72 ($36 per child
based on 15 per cent of
$240). The family’s tax
refund would include
this $72.
Since coming into
office, we’ve been
committed to helping
make life easier for
families. That’s why
we introduced choice
in child care with the
Universal Child Care
Benefit, slashed the
GST twice, introduced
the Tax-Free Savings
Account and the
Children’s Art Tax
Credit, and implemented
many other important
In total, our
G o v e r n m e n t ’s l o w
tax plan is saving the
average family of
four $3,400 per year.
And, once the Budget
is balanced, we will
deliver even more tax
relief that helps hardworking families keep
more of their hard
earned money in their
By doubling the
CFTC and making
it refundable,
our Conservative
Government is helping
make life more
affordable for hardworking Canadian
I am interested in
hearing from you on
important issues like this
one. You may contact
my office toll free
at 1-866-333-1933 or at
204-326-9889. You may
also write my office
at 8-227 Main Street,
Steinbach, MB R5G
1Y7, e-mail me at ted.
or visit my website at
Letters to the Editor
D e a r S i r, M r.
Harper illustrates the
shallowness of his own
thinking in his latest
empty gesture. Does
he really think that
the WWII vets are
so shallow in their
thinking that they will
persuade all of their
friends and relatives to
vote for Mr. Harper and
his lackeys because he
gave them a pretty piece
of paper and a lapel pin?
These veterans receive
all of the recognition
they want or need
on Nov 11th, when
millions of Canadians
buy poppies and attend
the Remembrance Day
ceremonies. Previous
governments rewarded
them very generously
w i t h t h e Ve t e r a n ’s
Land Act, Housing
program and education
October 25, 2014 Pg. 4
program. They
don’t need any more
What the veterans
need is some action, on
the part of Mr. Harper’s
government to relieve
the suffering of those
young men and women
coming back from
Kosovo, Afghanistan
etc, with PTSD. This
was not a problem in
WWII because it was
a clean war. We knew
who the enemy was and
we knew that he was
evil. When our troops
were not eye-ball to
eye-ball with the enemy
they could relax among
friends. In Afghanistan
they were surrounded
by the enemy at all
times and they had no
idea who they were.
That young man smiling
and giving a friendly
wave was quite likely
waiting for you to go a
few more yards down
the road and step on
one of the EIDs which
he had set out last night.
Very few people are able
to withstand the stress
of being under constant
siege for months on
end. They need a lot of
help and they are not
getting it. Bill Rolls
The Southeast Journal
will publish Letters to the
Editor provided they include the authors name
and address. Management of the Newspaper
reserves the right to publish or edit depending on
newspaper requirements.
Opinions expressed are
not necessarily those of
the Newspaper
D Piett-Editor
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October 25, 2014 Pg. 5
R.M. of Franklin Minutes
These minutes have been editted. Full version
is available at Council Office in Dominion City
Special Meeting Minutes
October 7, 2014
Councilors B.Nichols, E.Holodryga, T.Kirkpatrick
, D.Rodewald, P.Friesen, R.Mihaychuk, C.A.O.
237-14 Be It Resolved that Council enters into a
committee of the whole for the Public Hearing with
respect to By-Law No. 11-14.carried
Public Hearing RE: General Borrowing ByLaw No. 11-14 for Proposed Expenditures and
Borrowing for Cost Share Agreement with the
Province of Manitoba for Highway Upgrades
Present: Jarrod Firlotte, Rob Kerda, Duaine Riach,
Dennis Weiss, Wayne Arseny
Representations/Objections – D.Riach expressed
concerns with respect to future maintenance,
repairs costs for Provincial infrastructure along
PR 200N including the Bridge along the Roseau
River after the RTAC upgrade is completed to
ensure the Municipality is not required to cost
share these works. Council referred to the Cost
Sharing Agreement and the provision that Manitoba
shall retain ownership and authority over all Mb
Infrastructure both during and after the term.
R.Kerda asked if the Municipality has accounted
for the increase in future maintenance costs for
the additional traffic on municipal roads upon the
completion of the highway upgrades. Council
replied that the maintenance budget has increased
over the years for the truck route roads and increases
are expected to accommodate the additional traffic
on these routes upon completion of the project.
238-14 Be It Resolved that the Committee adjourns
the public hearing at resumes the council meeting.
240-14 Be It Resolved that Council give first
reading to By-Law No. 11-14 as presented.carried
241-14 Whereas the 2014 financial plan included
the purchase of a 2-way plow; And Whereas a
quote has been received for this equipment; Be
It Resolved that the Municipality purchases the
equipment as per quote; Funds to be borne by
Machinery and General Reserve.carried
242-14 Whereas used equipment was listed for
sale; Be It Resolved that Council accepts the offer
to purchase for the equipment as attached hereto
in Schedule “A”.carried
243-14 Whereas the Municipality requires a
replacement grader for the 2010 CAT Grader as
provided in the 2014 capital budget; Be It Resolved
that Council invite tenders for a new grader;
Tenders to be received by Friday November 7th,
4:00 p.m.; Lowest or any tender not necessarily
244-14 Whereas pursuant to subsection 326(1)
of the Municipal Act a Municipality may correct
its tax roll and impose supplementary taxes; Be It
Resolved that Council approves the assessment
reductions in the amount of $6,163.61 and $1,744.52
and additions in the amount of $86,086.76 as per
Schedule “A” attached hereto.carried
245-14 Whereas the Municipality is a member of
the Seine-Rat Conservation District; And Whereas
each year the Municipality makes the sub-district
appointments for the annual organizational
meeting; Be It Resolved that Council appoints the
Council Members and Ratepayers as per Schedule
“A” attached hereto.carried
246-14 Be It Resolved that Council approves a
$250.00 special events grant to the Shevchenko
Ukrainian Centre and the D.C. Curling Club/Arena
for the annual Fall Supper events in 2014.carried
247-14 Be It Resolved that Council gives first
reading to By-law No.12-14 as presented.carried
248-14 Be It Resolved that Council adjourns the
meeting at 12:30 p.m.carried
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 14, 2014
MEMBERS PRESENT Reeve G. Janzen, Deputy
Reeve R.Mihaychuk, D. Rodewald, P.Friesen, T.
Kirkpatrick, E.Holodryga, B.Nichols , C.A.O.
253-14 Whereas the Ukrainian Catholic Womens
League is hosting a 50th anniversary celebration;
Be It Resolved that Council delegates E.Holodryga
to attend on behalf of the Municipality.carried
254-14 Whereas the 39th annual Mb Conservation
Districts Association Conference is scheduled for
Brandon in December; Be It Resolved that Council
delegates 2 members to attend.carried
255-14 Be It Resolved that the Municipality
supports the military service recognition book by
sponsoring an ad in the amount of $295.00.carried
256-14 Be It Resolved that the Municipality
donates $250.00 towards KidSport Canada to assist
children in the Eastman Region.carried
257-14 Whereas tenders have been received to
supply and install approximately 2100 metres of
50mm pressure pipeline for 2 service connections
east of Dominion City; Be It Resolved that
the Municipality accepts the tender from D3
Excavating in the amount of $65,172.00 and in
accordance with the specifications of the tender and
subject to the landowners entering in an agreement
with the Municipality to cover the cost of this
258-14 Be It Resolved that Council approves the
agreements with Harms and Catellier for the supply
and installation of water pipeline as attached hereto.
259-14 Whereas tenders have been received for
the sale of land described as Lot 6 Block 22 Plan
18410; Be It Resolved that Council accepts the
tender as per Schedule “A” attached hereto; And
Further Be It Resolved that the purchaser shall be
responsible for the legal costs for the transfer of
the property.carried
260-14 Be It Resolved that the Municipality accepts
the quote from BLC Manufacturing to complete the
renovations to the municipal council chamber desk
as attached hereto in Schedule “A”.carried
261-14 Whereas Emerson and Franklin are
preparing for the Emerson-Franklin amalgamation
effective January 1, 2015; And Whereas priority
operational issues must be addressed prior
to January 1st; Be It Resolved that Council
approves the following to ensure the amalgamated
Municipality will be operational for January 1st;
1. the conversion of municipal accounting software
to an amalgamated database in Muniware;
Continued on Page 7
Southeast Billboard
Sponsored by
Southeast Journal
Whats happening in your community.
Meetings, Fundraisers, School, Church and
Recreational events or happenings in Seniors
Centrers or day cares. Bring us your poster and
if it meets our criteria we’ll print it in the
Southeast Billboard....FREE.
Dominion City TOPS chapter meets every
Thursday at 4:15 pm at the New Horizon
Centre, 106 Church Street Emerson. Join
us for encouragement and education to help
you to Take Off Pounds Sensibly. For more
information call Brenda @ 373-2580
RVS Mini School fall sessions will be held on
Oct. 6, 8, 15, 17, 27, 29, Nov. 17, 19, Dec. 1, 3
at the Roseau Valley School kindergarten room
from 9:30-11:30 am. Join us for play, songs,
stories, games, snacks and crafts while making
new friends. For more info contact Tandy or
Keela at 204-427-2143.
The Emerson Personal Care Home Auxiliary is
having their Annual Tea, Bake and Craft Sale
on Saturday November 1st from 2-3:30 pm at the
Emerson Community Complex. The Emerson
Complex will be open at 8:00 am the day of the
sale for those wishing to drop off baking or crafts.
Grand Opening for Kids on the Corner
123 Montreal Street Morris, MB, Nov 26/14
(Wednesday) from 6-9 pm Door Prizes to be
won. Coffee and dainties Many great Vendors
selling product to raise money for Daycare.
Great place to start your Christmas Shopping!!
Rembember to
recycle this
October 25, 2014 Pg 6
Art Club Holds Another Successful
Show By Ann Decima
On Saturday, October
18, the Morris Art Club
held their 2014 Annual
Show on the Mezzanine
Floor of the Morris
Multiplex Building.
A total of 83 items
were displayed using
acrylic, water colour
and graphite. Janine
Rivard, one of the art
club members, also
creates pottery and
displayed a number
of pieces. She also
provided her potter’s
wheel to demonstrate
the technique of using
the wheel.
The Art club has
held a Silent Auction
in conjunction with the
show for the past several
years with the proceeds
used to hire qualified
instructors to provide art
lessons to the members.
T h e “ P e o p l e ’s
Choice” also garners
a lot of interest. Each
member provides one
piece of art and each
visitor to the show
gets a chance to vote
on his or her favourite
painting. No, no one
wins the painting but
the artist whose picture
receives the most votes
can proudly say “I won
the People’s Choice this
The Art Club meets
every Tuesday evening
at 7 p.m. in the Art
Room of the Morris
School. New members
are always welcome.
Ruth Murray of Morris whose entry of Northern Lights captured the most
votes in the "People's Choice" category at the 2014 Art Show
Franklin Senior Service
By Carol Schultz - Franklin Resource Co-ordinator
Our Halloween Party
will be on October 31 at
the DC Legion come out
for lunch and some fun
and games!
A big thank
you the Zion and
Emmanuel Lutheran
Churches , the Drewinak Families and everyone
who donated to the
Franklin Food Bank
this past week your
generosity is greatly
Our food bank will
be open Oct. 22 and
Nov.5 if you are from
the RM of Franklin/
Emerson and in need of
food please feel free to
stop by from 8:30am 10:30am
A special thank you
to Larry & Shauneen
Chubey for their
continuous support
in letting us use their
building for the Franklin
Food Bank
I hope you all had a
great Thanksgiving. I
spent the week-end in
Edmonton with my son
Mike. I took advantage
of the long drive to
stop and visit friends
in Milita, Outlook, SK,
Smoky Lake, AB, and
Regina. It was a really
nice holiday but it is
good to be back home.
Club Events:
Last Saturday was
the occasion of The
Club’s annual car rally.
The weather was very
cooperative and some
40 people showed up
for the challenge. This
year’s organizers were
Marinus Hop, Erin
Arbuckle and Josh
Kerda. They devised
the game involving
answering Ridgeville
related questions based
on clues found on route
which, this year, took
them from Ridgeville
to “new bridge” to
Stuartburn down the
#14 and back to the
Ridge along the 2 mile.
10 teams participated in
the day long adventure
which ended back at
The Club where they
partook in a tasty buffet
of soup & subs. The
winners were team “To
beat”, Mike and Lesley
Froom, followed by
team “Aint easy”, Kyle,
Misty, Lori and Koop, in
2nd place.
Cribbage News.
Last Monday 9 teams
met at The Club. Patty
and Duaine took the big
prize followed by Sonya
and Diane. This week
8 teams played. Sonya
and Dianne came in
second while Patty and
Duaine took first place.
It’s almost time to
don your costumes and
come to The Club for
Halloween frivolities on the evening of Oct
31. See you there!
What a beautiful
Autumn we are having.
It’s been a long time
since I’ve so much
colour, lasting so long. I
was really struck, on my
journey to Edmonton,
how beautiful the prairie
landscape can be. Now
that yard cleanup is
almost done I am eager
to get at my easel and
paints, to try to capture
some of those shapes
and colour under that
amazing prairie sky.
Ridgeville News
By Janis Nickel
in the
RM of Franklin
RM of Montcalm
RM of Morris
Town of Morris
Town of Emerson
October 25, 2014 Pg 7
Palliative Care Team Members Say
Goodbye Submitted By Holly Rafferty
represent more than
thirty years of service
to the program which
aims to support clients
who are facing end-ofMembers of the Red t o s a y f a r e w e l l t o and Pr. Laurel Seyfert, life and their families
River Valley Palliative t h r e e m e m b e r s o f who are relocating throughout their journey
C a r e c o m m i t t e e their committee: Bill to new communities. of care and grief.
gathered last Saturday, a n d L o r r a i n e K i n g These members alone
The committee
serves in an advisory
role to Holly Rafferty,
Palliative Care
coordinator, for this
region, fundraising
through the Butterfly
G o l f To u r n a m e n t ,
making community
connections for events
such as the Morris and
Emerson Shining Lights
services, and in many
other ways contributes
to communities in this
Their hard work
will be missed (and the
committee is looking for
new members! Contact
Holly Rafferty at 204746-7356 or hrafferty@
L to R Lorraine King, Bill King and Laurel Seyferts with parting gifts from southernhealth.ca .)
Red River Palliative Care Committee
September Recap from Southern
Manitoba October 16, 2014 Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada Border Services
The Canada Border
Services Agency
(CBSA) is pleased
to share a sample of
September 2014
highlights from the
border crossings in
southern Manitoba. This
sampling underscores
the CBSA’s commitment
to keeping communities
safe and ensuring our
laws are respected.
On September
2, CBSA officers
in Sprague seized
a restricted semiautomatic rifle, a
15-round over-capacity
magazine, and a trailer
with a homemade
compartment built into
the bottom. The 46-yearold male foreign
national was issued a
$1500 a penalty. The
investigation is ongoing. Officers in Winkler
seized a can of pepper
spray on September 4,
in a Minnesota man’s
vehicle. The man was
issued a penalty of $500
and was allowed to enter
On September
10, Emerson officers
seized a shipment of
20 prohibited semiautomatic firearm parts
as not only did the
importer not have the
proper import permits,
but he also was not
licenced to import
these prohibited firearm
devices. The entire
shipment was refused
entry. The seized parts
would allow a semiautomatic rifle to fire
at a very rapid rate of
fire. The investigation
is ongoing.
Also on September
10, CBSA officers at
the port of Lena arrested
a 33-year-old North
Dakota man found
hiding under a blanket
in the rear of a vehicle
in an attempt to avoid
examination. The man
was charged under the
Customs Act for failing
to present himself to
an officer upon arrival
to Canada. He was
sentenced to 60 days
in jail.
Emerson officers
seized a prohibited 9mm
handgun and 10 overcapacity magazines
from a 22-year-old
North Carolina man
on September 25. The
CBSA charged the man
with six offences under
the Customs Act. He was
sentenced to 21 days jail
time and a $4,000 fine.
On September
26, a 32-year-old
commercial driver from
Minnesota was denied
entry at Emerson for
numerous drug-related
convictions, and he
returned to the U.S.
On September 30,
two family members
from the Bahamas
sought entry into
Canada to visit for
six months. However,
further examination
revealed they were
actually intending
to work and stay in
Canada permanently
without authorization.
They were denied entry
at Emerson and both
returned to the U.S.
Quick Facts
• There were
156,708 travellers and
113,328 cars in southern
• There were
21,221 commercial
trucks and 58,936
• Officers
completed 53 permanent
resident landings, and
issued 143 work permits
and 46 study permits.
• Fifteen people
were arrested for
Franklin from Page 5
2. Transfer Emerson’s Operating Funds to
Franklin’s Operating Banking Account;
3. Prepare Garbage Collection Plan for Municipal
Truck to provide collection services for both
Emerson and Dominion City service plan.
4. Approve the personnel policy, employee
organizational structure and wage schedule
attached hereto effective for January 1st;
5. Approves the EMO Coordinator position and
contract attached hereto effective January 1st.
262-14 Whereas the Municipality will be converting
municipal accounting software from Emerson and
Franklin to the amalgamated Emerson-Franklin
entity as of January 1st; Be It resolved that the
RM of Franklin office shall be closed the week
of January 5, 2015 for office staff to complete the
November Regular Meeting- Changed from
November 11th to November 12th as per the
Procedural By-Law.
11:15 a.m. Emerson Milling/R.Tetreault &
J.Firlotte expressed need for a producer loading
siding in conjunction with CPR’s siding project.
11:30 a.m. Dale Wilson, P. Eng/Canadian Pacific
Railway provided information on proposed siding
project between 2 mile and 4 mile. Council requests
CPR to include a producer loading siding as part of
the proposed project. CPR will respond to request
before municipal decision is made with respect to
263-14 Be It Resolved that Council adjourns the
meeting at 12:40 p.m.carried
Firearm seized at Emerson on September 25
outstanding warrants.
• Forty-eight
foreign nationals
were refused entry for
criminality or other
reasons at Emerson.
• Four returning
Canadians were
arrested, including one
on outstanding warrants.
• One person was
arrested for impaired
driving in September
and turned over to
the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police.
October 25, 2014 Pg 8
It Occurs to Me
Things That Go Bump in
the Night By Joanne Graydon
When my daughter
was little she often
came to me in the night
with tears in her eyes.
There was something
frightening her. After
answering a few
questions it turned out
snakes were crawling
under her bed. The same
fears returned night
after night and finally
a lack of sleep forced
me to find a way to ease
her worries. I found an
old spray bottle, filled it
with water and carefully
printed a label that read,
“Snake Away”. I told
her I’d gone to the store
and found a special
spray that would get rid
of those nasty snakes.
With both hands she
gripped the handle and
squeezed the trigger a
few times- dousing her
“It Occurs to Me”
my fears can be real
or imaginary. Most
of my fears rise from
thoughts of what might
happen and if I let my
imagination wander,
fear can create all kinds
of anxieties. Other
fears follow an actual
event like getting lost
in a parking lot or being
confined in a small
space. But my childhood
fears are the toughest
ones to overcome. They
linger for years deep
down inside waiting for
the right circumstances
to surface -forcing me
to relive a fear-filled
moment from the past.
All Hallow’s Eve is
right around the corner.
Visions of witches
flying on broomsticks,
ghosts floating overhead
and ghastly figures
creeping through the
night raise my heartbeat
and send chills down my
spine. Rubber masks
with long crooked
noses and a mouthful
of sharp decaying teeth
still frighten me while
I imagine vampires,
werewolves and
Draculas appearing out
of the dark -bloodthirsty
for an unsuspecting
victim. I cringe at the
sight of sharpened axes,
swords and machetes
hanging off the belts of
villainous characters and
heightened superstitions
darken my reality. Just
thinking about the
horrors created for one
night of revelry nearly
sends me running to
hide under the bed.
Whatever happened
to the not so scary
Halloween? Princesses,
policemen and
scarecrows used to be
popular disguises that
never terrorized the
neighbourhood. Trick
or Treating was about
more treats than tricks
and no one had to worry
about sorting through
a pillowcase filled
with possible dangers.
I remember walking
through a haunted
house where the most
frightening thing was a
dangling rubber spider.
Nowadays chainsaws
hacking away at various
body parts is the
norm. Or a gruesome
graveyard littered with
decomposed bodies
infested with maggots.
I envy people who
have no fear of the
horrendous boogie man
or the clackity clack of
skeleton bones hanging
from a noose. I admire
the courage of anyone
who can laugh at the
sight of black widow
spiders and slithery
snakes. And I’m jealous
of movie goers who
can sit in a darkened
theatre waiting to be
chilled and thrilled at
the sounds of helpless
tortured victims.
I guess you could
call me a “scaredy-cat”
or a wimp or just plain
silly but the things that
raise my fears threaten
to return at this time
of year. My senses are
on alert for a tap tap
tapping sound at the
back door or for a bloodcurdling scream echoing
from the muddy waters
edging the creek. Am I
ready to face the fear of
strange sorcerers lurking
around the corner or the
bone-chilling growls of
a black cat sharpening
her claws before an
attack? Maybe this year
I’ll be able to ignore
the decaying corpses
rising from their graves
to walk the earth once
more. And if I’m lucky,
I will avoid dropping
mirrors, walking under
ladders and spilling salt!
I’ve been told to
“face my fears” many
times and perhaps
this year I’ll take my
own advice and fill a
spray bottle with some
water and print a label
guaranteeing to cure my
fear of “Things that go
bump in the night!”
R.M. of Montcalm Minutes
These minutes have been editted. Full version is
available at Council Office in Letellier
Regular Meeting of the Rural Municipality
of Montcalm,
October 8, 2014
162/14 BE IT RESOLVED that Council of the RM
of Montcalm approve application for subdivision
number 4151-14-7296 for Ailsa Crook and Susan
Mestdagh, to subdivide a 10.2 acre farmyard from
their 143 acre holding on River Lot 157, with no
conditions. CARRIED
163/14 BE IT RESOLVED that Council of the RM
of Montcalm approve application for subdivision
number 4151-14-7281 for La Paroisse Catholique
de Saint Pie in Manitoba, to subdivide the rectory
and adjacent services on .39 acres from the church
property, with the following conditions: - That
all conditions and requirements set out by the
Community and Regional Planning Branch be
completed. CARRIED
164/14WHEREAS the Rural Municipality of
Montcalm has a need for animal boarding services
to house and care for animals taken into custody
by the Animal Control Officer; THEREFORE
BE IT RESOLVED that Council of the RM of
Montcalm accept the proposal of 7 Acre Wood
Animal Boarding Kennel, effective immediately,
as per his quoted price. CARRIED
165/14 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of
Montcalm advertises in the Annual Military Service
Recognition Book, with a ½ page ad at a cost of
$495.00. CARRIED
166/14 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the
RM of Montcalm hire Preston Molloy for the
position of Surveyor/Utility Attendant, effective
October 6th, 2014, under the terms laid out in his
agreements. CARRIED
167/14 WHEREAS the owner of the property
legally described as 44 1st Street East, Lot
11, Block 6, Plan 6797 was in violation of the
following RM of Montcalm by-laws; Zoning Bylaw #512/95, Derelict Vehicle By-law # 607/01
and Unsightly Property By-law #596/00; AND
WHEREAS Prairie By-law Enforcement issued
an order to the owner to remedy the issues, as
well informed the owner of his chance to appeal;
AND WHEREAS the owner submitted a written
appeal to Council, but did not remedy the issues in
Council of the RM of Montcalm denies the appeal
submitted by the owner of 44 1st Street East; AND
BE IT FURTHER RESOVED that Prairie By-law
Enforcement is hereby authorized to continue their
enforcement process on the property. CARRIED
170/14 BE IT RESOLVED that Montcalm Council
authorizes and confirms all instructions and/or
directions to Administration, and matters received
as information. CARRIED
October 25, 2014 Pg 9
Down The Road
We Go by Brennan Turner,
President, FarmLead.com
Grains started to trek higher as
we headed towards the end of the
month, mostly due to international
market prices picking up pace. This
is primarily due to a poor start to
the crops getting planted (South
America & winter cereals in Europe)
and a delayed harvest in the north
hemisphere (mostly just North
America now) leading to quality
concerns. Case in point, the Ukraine
Ag Ministry says that while wheat
production increased 6.3 per cent
year-over-year to 23.7 million tonnes,
the percentage that met milling
spec is down to 54 per cent from
75 per cent last year. On that note,
with the U.S. Dollar appreciating
against other major wheat exporting
nations has made these other nations
more attractive to source from (i.e.
Russia, Ukraine, Australia, and even
here in Canada). Thus, even though
they said they wouldn’t get back
into the market for a while, Egypt
bought 180,000 tonnes of Russian,
Romanian, & French wheat at an
average delivered price of $255.50
per metric tonne, four per cent higher
than their last purchase on October
10th. With depreciated currencies to
source from, it’s hard for Egypt to
NOT turn the engine back on & drive
down the road, purchasing boatloads
of product along the way.
Wheat prices have started to see a
bit of a tick up in price recently (this
does not include durum because it’s
on another planet right now) but the
overall picture continues to be neutralbearish. The main forces driving the
bull argument is drier weather in
Australia dropping the production
from the current expectation of 24-25
million tonnes and up to one million
tonnes of production potentially
lost in Brazil because of disease.
This may open the door for more
North American exports to Brazil
(as was seen this past year) but with
wheat acres increasing Argentina,
the Brazilians will likely choose to
source next door instead. Another
bullish indicator could be the slowdeveloping winter crop planted in the
Black Sea as dry conditions has led
to “stalled wheat germination”. With
winter temperatures coming as early
as this weekend in some areas, it may
be difficult for the crops to survive
the winter without big losses. On the
bearish side, the soil moisture profile
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for planted U.S. winter wheat crops
appear to be the best in the past three
years as well as the aforementioned
cheaper sources.
There’s an argument being made
that the increasing number of call
options being bought in the corn
market since it hit its 2014 low of
$3.20 at the end of September, is
indicating that the market is expecting
prices to rebound in the short-term.
While long-term sentiment seems
to be neutral-bearish, notable signs
for a correction include livestock
prices remaining near record highs
and U.S. ethanol production picking
up steam in the Q4 in three of the
last four years. Further, thanks to
its current $70 per metric tonne
discount to soft red wheat in the
export market, corn may take a larger
portion of U.S. grain in international
feed markets. Ultimately, with more
than two-thirds of the U.S. corn
crop still left to come off, there will
definitely be some pressure in the
cash markets (especially considering
individual storage capacity), but there
is a glimmer of light a few miles (er,
months) down the road.
To growth,
October 25, 2014 Pg 10
Board of Revision for 2015
Rural Municipality of Montcalm
Public notice is hereby given that the 2015 assessment
roll for the Rural Municipality of Morris has been
delivered to the Municipal office at 207 Main Street
North in Morris, MB and is open for public inspection
during regular business hours. Applications for
revision may be in accordance with section 42 and 43
of the Assessment Act:
42(1) A person in whose name property has been
assessed, a mortgagee in possession of property
under section 114(1) of the Real Property Act, an
occupier of premises who is required under the terms
of a lease to pay the taxes on the property, or the
assessor may make application for the revision of
an assessment roll with respect to:
a) liability to taxation;
b) amount of an assessed value;
c) classification of property; or
d) a refusal by an assessor to amend the
assessment roll under subsection 13(2)
43(1) An application for revision must
a) be made in writing;
b) set out the roll number and legal description
of the assessable property for which a revision is
c) state the grounds on which the application is
based; and
d) be filed by delivering it or causing it to be
delivered to the municipal office on or before
October 27th, 2014.
The Board of Revision will sit on Wednesday
November 12, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council
chamber of the Rural Municipality of Morris to hear
applications for revisions to 2015 assessments and
2014 supplementary tax notices.
Dated this 3rd day of October 2014
Larry Driedger, CMMA
Chief Administrative Officer
R.M. of Morris
207 Main Street North
Box 518
Morris, Manitoba R0G 1K0
The 2015 Real Property, Business and Personal Property
Assessment Rolls have been deposited in the Office of the
Clerk, to be revised and will remain to the inspection of all
Complaints to the Board of Revision:
Section 42(1) of the Municipal Assessment Act:
“A person, including an assessor, may make application for the
revision of an assessment roll with respect to:
a) liability to taxation,
b) amount of an assessed value,
c) classification of property, or
d) a refusal by an assessor to amend the assessment roll
under section 13(2).”
Application requirements:
Section 43(1) of the Municipal Assessment Act:
“An application for revision must:
a) be in writing,
b) set out the roll number and legal description of the
assessable property for which a revision is sought,
c) state the grounds on which the application is based, and
d) be filed by:
i) delivering it or causing it to be delivered
to the office indicated in the public notice
given under subsection 41(2), or
ii) serving it upon the secretary, at least 15 days before
the scheduled sitting of the Board as indicated in the
public notice.
The Board of Revision will sit at the Council Chambers of the
R.M. of Montcalm for the revision and to hear applications
regarding assessments on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014
at 1:00 P.M.
Dated at the Village of Letellier in the Province of Manitoba,
this 15th day of October, 2014.
Michelle Braun
Chief Administrative Officer
R.M. of Montcalm
Box 300, Letellier, MB, R0G 1C0
NOTE: The deadline for receiving applications at the
municipal office is Monday, October 27th, 2014 at 4:30 p.m.
Comité de révision pour 2015
Municipalité rurale de Montcalm
Le rôle d’évaluation des taxes des biens personnels, d’affaires
et biens réels pour 2015 ont été délivrées au bureau de la
municipalité rurale de Montcalm et le public peut les examiner.
Requète en révision:
Paragraphe 42 (1) de l’évaluation municipale; “ toute personne,
y compris l’évaluateur, peut présenter une requète en révision
d’un rôle d’évaluation concernant:
a) l’assujetissement à la taxe,
b) le montant de la valeur déterminée,
c) la classification des biens,
d) le refus de l’évaluateur de modifier le rôle d’évaluation en
application du paragraphe 13(2).”
Conditions :
Paragraphe 43(1) “ au moins 15 jours avant la date prévue
pour la tennue de l’audience du comité mentionnée dans
l’avis, les requètes en révision devraient :
a) être faites par écrit;
b) indiquer le numéro du rôle et de la description cadastrale
des biens imposables visés,
c) indiquer les motifs de la requète,
d) être déposées :
i) soit par livaison du bureau indiqué dans l’avis
public visé au paragraphe 41(2),
ii) soit par signification au secrétaire.”
Le comité de révision siègera MERCREDI LE 12 NOVEMBRE,
2014 A 13H dans la salle municipale de la municipalité rurale
de Montcalm.
Fait au village de Letellier, Manitoba, ce 15 ième jour de
octobre, 2014.
Michelle Braun, Directrice Générale
Municipalité rurale de Montcalm
C.P. 300-46 Rue First est,
Letellier, MB, R0G 1C0
NOTEZ-BIEN : La dernière journée pour recevoir les
applications sera lundi le 27 octobre, 2014 à 16H 30.
“To the Point”
By Jeremy Bradley
Merry Election Day!
Many of us in the
news biz consider
election nights like
Christmas. Aside from
a massive breaking
news story it can be the
busiest day of the year.
Several Manitoba
communities are
wrapping up a political
campaign. I can’t help
but reflect on the trash
talking and mudslinging
that is an election. And
remember, we are less
than one year away from
a federal election.
Yo u h a v e t h e
promises, the broken
promises, the tax hikes,
the tax hikes (did I write
that one already?), the
he-said-she-said, the tax
hikes (oops, there we go
again). But all in all it’s
a whole lot of nothing
-- at least that’s how
voters see it.
Candidates are asked
a simple question, we get
a five-minute response
that often includes one
of the other candidate’s
names and what he or
she has or hasn’t done,
and are not always given
a direct answer.
Many SEJ readers
k n o w me f r o m my
Winnipeg Cheapskate
column in the Free Press
and in early September
we shot a video where
I asked candidates
how they would save
m e m o n e y. T h e y
were allowed a twosentence reply (and no
mudslinging). And holy
cripes, I had never seen
such overly worded runon sentences in my life.
So as several
Manitoba communities
brace for a change
(or not, depending on
the cynics you ask),
the drama leading up
to an election nearly
overshadows the act of
casting a ballot.
And once the polls
close on election day it
is almost like the weeks
of championing is all
done. The results aren’t
often as entertaining as
the lead up.
What do us newsy
folks look forward to
during an election? The
accusations, the finger
pointing, the drama
-- and then of course
when the first runner-up
admits defeat and has to
graciously congratulate
the winner (and you
know it is said with true
That’s my point.
What’s yours? Tell me at
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Shine A Light On Pancreatic Cancer
Purple Lights Campaign launched during National Pancreatic Cancer
Awareness Month
OTTAWA (October
21, 2014) In the next
10 - 15 years pancreatic
cancer will be the 2nd
leading cause of cancer
death. Currently 4700
Canadians are diagnosed
every year and 75% of
them will die within the
first year of diagnosis –
most within the first 3-6
The survival rate
– 6% – for pancreatic
cancer hasn’t budged in
the past four decades,
while the survival rates
for all other cancers
have improved in the
same time period, some
These devastating
statistics become even
more disturbing when
you learn that pancreatic
cancer is the least
funded cancer, receiving
less than one per cent
(1%) of all private and
government funding for
So, know that
Pancreatic Cancer
Canada will launch
its Purple Lights
Campaign on
November 1, 2014 to
raise awareness of this
‘silent killer’ in the
lives of Canadians.
Cities across Canada
have agreed to light up
their iconic buildings in
purple light in support
of the cause. Businesses
in cities and towns are
doing the same and
individuals are lighting
up their homes to shine
a light on pancreatic
cancer in the lives of
Canadians across the
To date, the following
Pancreatic Cancer Canada’s Director of
Operations, Marcia Armstrong, is encouraging
Canadians to support their Purple Lights campaign
to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer in the lives
of Canadians. Lights can be purchased online at
October 25, 2014 Pg 12
have agreed to shine (Edmonton), Ottawa
a purple light on their City Hall Heritage
iconic buildings for Building, Toronto City
one day or for several Hall, CN Tower, RBC
days during November: building (Toronto),
Vi c t o r i a C i t y H a l l N i a g a r a F a l l s , t h e
clock tower, BC Place Skylon Tower. More are
Stadium (Vancouver), agreeing daily to become
Telus Spark, Olympic purple in support during
Plaza (Calgary), the November to help bring
High Level Bridge awareness of pancreatic
Inside the Dike
We Are Not Immune
by Don Piett
This article was
supposed to be about
the municipal elections,
congratulating the
winners and thanking
all the participants for
letting their names
stand. Then yesterday
A lone gunman
attacked and killed
Corporal Nathan Cirillo,
a soldier guarding
the War Memorial in
Ottawa, and then turned
his attention to the House
of Parliament. Michael
Zehaf-Bibeau burst into
the Parliament buildings
and was engaged in a
shooting battle with
Parliamentary guards.
Sargent-At-Arms Kevin
Vickers came from his
office and is credited
with shooting and
killing Zehaf-Bibeau.
Parliament Hill and the
surrounding area was
under lockdown for
the rest of the day as
police searched for any
accomplices. In the
end, it was decided that
Zehaf-Bibeau was alone
in his attack.
cancer to Canadians.
Strings of purple
lights will be shining
in every province of
For more information
on Pancreatic Cancer or
to order your purple
lights, visit:
Much has been
said since about how
this represents a loss
of innocence for
Canadians, I am not
sure this is really the
case. We have always
known that Canada
is not immune to the
troubles of the world,
nor have we ever been.
Canada and Canadians
are part and parcel of
the modern world, and
we know it well. It also
makes us aware of its
That said, Canada
will rise above these
troubles and not allow a
few terrorists to control
the national agenda.