 Newsline

CAFE CLOSED for half term
7pm Prayer Meeting in crèche room
28 Oct
12.30pm CAMEO meet in church
31 Oct
6.30pm Bright Light Party in church
Please pray for the young people as they begin a new term
Officer training at Sandhurst
third year at Cambridge (Natural Sciences)
at Bangor doing teaching PGCE 1 year course
a year out in Leicester with CLC bookshop
third year at Sheffield (Radiography)
working in Cambridge
starting outreach work in London with OM
Primary teaching (NQT year)
A young lady called
Depa will be working
for St Andrew’s as an
Apprentice two days a
week. If anyone can
offer accommodation
on Thursday nights,
please see Derek
Shoe boxes
We will NOT be doing the shoeboxes
for Operation Christmas Child this
year as a church in December.
However, if you would like to do
your own shoebox you can drop the
finished one off at:
St Michael’s Church, Robins Lane,
Bramhall between 9am and 12noon
from 1st-18th November.
Details about packing your own box are
at the back of church.
Church Office Tel: 0161 485 2648 admin@standrewscheadlehulme.org.uk
Last Sunday after Trinity
10.45 am
Holy Communion
6.30 pm
Service of the Word
Next Sunday
27 Oct
This Sunday
Dates for your diary
26th October 2014
9.30am BCP
Holy Communion
10.45 am All-age
with Baptism
6.30 pm Communion
Please join us for refreshments after the services
meets again on Tuesday 28th October
“Come and meet each other” for a 2 course lunch at 12.30pm
followed by a presentation
by Mr Christopher Stamp
The usual signing-in sheet is available at the back of church
31st October 6.30-8pm
As Halloween rolls around again, we are
preparing to celebrate Jesus the Light of the
world. As part of our outreach to families in
Cheadle Hulme we are holding a Bright Light
Party. If you are free on Friday 31st October and could help
with refreshments, games, buying resources or setting up please
see Sally at the end of the service this Sunday.
Wednesday 26th November
Light Breakfast served from 7.40am
Welcome and programme commences at 7.55am
finish at 9.00am
Committee Rooms 1&2 opposite the Council Chamber
Karen Beal from Christians in Schools Trust, and Duncan
Whelan, Chaplain at Aquinas College, Stockport as our guests to
outline their needs for prayer support in their work.
The charge is £6.00 per person payable in cash on the door. For catering purposes we need to have definite numbers by Friday 21 November.
Pease continue to bring donations of
the Chelwood Food Bank. The minister
response to stock the Food Bank. Local
people receive food and support for
their other needs from volunteers at Chelwood. Thank you.
their love, prayers and kindness on the
birth of Olivia Grace (7lbs 9oz on 11th
October 2014) to Adele and Matt.
They're all doing well and looking
forward to bringing her to
St. Andrew's before Christmas.
Saturday 29th
November 2014
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Hands-on model railway based activities to suit all ages assisted by Romiley Methodist Railway Modellers (RMRM).
Various gauges on display.
Push along trains for the really young ones.
Steve Hough is thankful for the ongoing
Thanking everyone at St. Andrew's for
A Model Railway Family Fun Day
cereals and porridge which are taken to
“Go and make disciples
of all nations, baptising
them in the name of
the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit and
teaching them to obey
everything that I have
commanded you.”
Matthew 28:19-20a
Other Visiting Layouts include:‘Q Dump’
‘Newland’s Farm’
The first public showing of ‘Stockport Station and Viaduct’
From the Cheadle Hulme Model Railway Group
Trade support on the day.
Free Entry
Limited parking. Disabled access.
Café serving hot and cold drinks,
bacon butties and freshly made waffles.
Profits and Donations to St. Andrews Model Railway Club
St Andrew’s supports the selfhelp groups connected to Kale
Heywet Church, Ethiopia.
Tearfund has emailed:
Dear Supporting Churches
We often thank God for your compassion and cheerful giving to support poor and disadvantaged
people in Ethiopia. May God bless you as you have blessed others! In recent months the
Church and Community Mobilisation for Development programme (CCMD) has been expanded
to new areas and has had encouraging results.
The programme aims to help church leaders and congregations to look beyond their church
walls and use the resources they have to positively impact the lives of the poorest in the surrounding communities. It starts with workshops for church leaders and full-time staff. They then
run workshops for their congregations, supported by IUDD staff. One possible outcome of these
workshops is that local churches decide to start Self-Help Groups in their communities amongst
the poorest of the poor. Workshops are also held for local government officials so that they understand what is happening when they see this kind of activity taking place in their area and can
be supportive.
In the last few months we have focused on three Ethiopian regions - Oromia, Southern Nations,
Nationalities and Peoples (SNNP), and Dire Dawa Administrative City. In total, across all churches, 200 new Self Help Groups were formed in the last three months. As part of the workshops
the participants conduct a survey of their local areas. It is not uncommon to find that there are
250 families living in poverty in the communities around each urban church. We find that after
several years of involvement in Self Help Groups, 60% of those who participate would say that
they have become self-reliant, able to be independent and are no longer in poverty.
In recent months we have hosted visitors to our programme - both domestic and international
visitors have met Self Help Groups.
MA students are also noticing the CCMD approach. One wrote a thesis entitled “the CCMD approach and its impact on the sustainable development in Ethiopia”. It is a great step forward to
get endorsement of our work from beyond the church arena. There are also cases where local
government has encouraged and specifically licensed some churches to have community involvement. Please pray for all of the churches that are doing church and community mobilisation
workshops at the moment:
 For church leaders to grasp the vision and to be active
 For congregations to be enthusiastic
 For local government groups to be supportive
 For the poor in their communities for whom daily life is a struggle
 And that the programme will be a means for people to come into
God’s kingdom.
We thank you for your amazing support and for your prayers
Adrian Nottingham CEO,
Featuring an eclectic
mix of contemporary,
traditional and popular
music to suit all tastes!
Saturday 22nd November 2014, 7.30pm
St Andrew’s Church, Cheadle Road, Cheadle Hulme
Tickets £6 available from Alison &
David Gaunt, Paul 07808 579492
or request by email on the 'events et al'
page at www.gracenotes.tk
Tea, coffee and cake - for a donation!
In aid of Mustard Tree, Manchester
Including real-life stories
from Mustard Tree and a
new exhibition of art work
- Creative Programmes
Manager, Mustard Tree
SATURDAY 8th NOVEMBER (9.30 start)
An easy walk of 4 miles from Kerridge
A short walk from Kerridge, near Bollington, along field paths with
good views of the Kerridge Ridge all the way to Swanscoe Hall.
Towards the end of the walk the route climbs at a steady gradient
onto the ridge, along to White Nancy, where there is a steep
drop, but on a well made path, back down to Kerridge. It is possible to avoid the climb onto the ridge if you have a map and are
happy to be guided by this back to Kerridge.
There are toilets at the Rangers Office in Bollington, shortly before
the start of the walk and lunch can be had at recommended
Bulls Head in Kerridge (Spanish tapas or more traditional food).
Warm and waterproof clothing plus boots likely to be needed.
Please note the start time is 9.30 from St Andrews car park. We
should complete the walk by about 12.30 and be home shortly
after 1pm or say 2.30 if you stay for lunch.
Further information from Peter Bailey
FOR LUNCH to advise The
Bulls Head to ensure they
have space for a party.
If you have a First Aid
Certificate, please
could you let Moira
know. It would be
good to know who is
Thank you
Date for your diary
St Andrew’s is running a Christmas
Carol Service for Sophie Dee School
of Dance on Saturday 6th December,
7-8pm. It would be great for us to
welcome the parents and serve tea/
coffee and mince pies. Please see
Moira if you can help.
Many thanks
An Invitation to a Ladies Brunch
Saturday 15 November
9.30am St Andrew’s Church Foyer
Come and enjoy good food and good conversation.
During the morning there will be a spot called
“In the Frame” when a member of St Andrew’s will talk
about aspects of her experience of living life as a
Christian in Cheadle Hulme.
Please sign the list at the back of Church to help us establish
numbers for catering.
We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you.
Two children will be presented
with Bibles at our next All
Come and pray: 7-7.30pm Mondays
Age service. If anyone would
Come and join us for a time of fellowship as we come before God together with praise, thanks and requests for our
church, parish, missionaries and the wider world.
see Graham Holt
like to sponsor them please
Anyone who has
taken Christmas
cards from church
last Sunday please
see Olive whether
you have paid for
them or not