St. Thomas’, Tean St. Giles’, Cheadle St. Wilfrid’s, Cotton Presbytery & Parish Office: 18 Charles Street, Cheadle, ST10 1ED Tel: 01538 753130 Fax: 01538 751940 Email: Parish Priest: Father Sandy Brown Email: Parish Child Protection Officers: Lynn & John Smith 01538 756314 Diocesan Child Protection Co-ordinator: Jane Jones 0121 230 6240 Guild Hall Bookings: 07518 786149 NEW NUMBER Newsletter items to: The parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Reg Charity No: 234216 FEAST of the HOLY FAMILY: 28th December 2014 - Year B; Psalter: Week 1 ‘He, the Lord, is our God. He remembers his covenant for ever.’ PLEASE PRAY FOR: The Sick Barbara Ashton, Winifred Birch, John Bowler, Blanche Briscoe, Patricia Buckley, Alban Burton, Andrea & John Butler, Edna Carr, Violet Chell, Margaret Clowes, Josie Coates, Joe Cooke, Reverend Ray & Anne Cummins, Janet Daniels, Elsie Done, Joe Doyle, George Hebda, Jane Feeney, Isabel Finney, Michelle Forrester, Clare Green, Joyce Harrison, Roy Harrison, Jill Jervis, Fr Peter Jones, Alan Johnson, Carmel Johnson, Mary Johnson, Mary Jose, Chris Keates, Trevor Kellett, Sandra Kellett, Arthur Moult, Sheila Murray, Barbara-Ann Nash, Andrew Norton, Eleanor Oldroyd, John O'Leary, Michael Phillips, Marion Pilling, Cara Plant, Irene Poole, David Routledge, Fr Vincent Royals, The Sargeant Family, Dorothy Swift, Canon P Taylor, Beryl Trowel, Jim & Ethel Wardrop, Pauline Watkins, Betty Whieldon, Sheila Wilson. Rest in Peace Cicely Lowe, all who have died recently, those with anniversaries falling at this time, and all the faithful departed. Marriages Amy Louise Leadbetter & Daniel James Wileman on Thursday, 8th. January 2015 in St. Giles. Baptisms: The Apostles’ Creed: I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the Communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting, Amen. This is our Faith; This is the Faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen MASS TIMES Saturday 27 December: Feast: St John the Evangelist 10.00 am Cheadle: Mass/ Private Intention (followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 11am) 10.30 am Cheadle: Sacrament of Penance FEAST of the HOLY FAMILY ‘B’ 4.30 pm Cheadle: Confessions 5.00 pm Cheadle: Int. Pat Barthlemy Sunday 28 December: Day of Prayer for the Unborn (Holy Innocents’ Day) 10.30 am Cheadle: People of the Parishes 5.30 pm Tean: Priest’s Intention ————————————————————————————————————— Monday 29 December: Feast: St Thomas of Canterbury 10.00 am Cheadle: Kathleen Sims 10.00 am Tean: Special Intention 2.00 pm Cheadle: NO Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday 30 December: Christmas Octave 10.00 am Cheadle: Patricia Cumberbatch 10.00 am Tean Special Intention Wednesday 31 December: Christmas Octave 10.00 am Tean: Special Intention 10.00 am Cheadle: Helen Lowndes Thursday 1 January: SOLEMNITY: MARY, MOTHER OF GOD NEW YEAR’S DAY: 2015 10.00 am Cheadle: Int. Sarah Rose Kurian 10.00 am Tean: Special Intention Friday 2 January: Memorial: St Gregory Nazianzen & St Basil the Great, FIRST FRIDAY 10.00 am Cheadle: James and Mary Harrison, 6.30 pm Tean special Intention Saturday 3 January: The Holy Name of Jesus 10.00 am Cheadle: Mass (followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament till 11.00)) In thanksgiving 10.30 am Cheadle: Sacrament of Penance Thought for the week: Today’s gospel is one of few giving an insight into the family life of Jesus. Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple in accordance with Old Testament Law. The family make the journey because they are devout Jews and obey the laws of God. Jesus will be raised according to God’s law and will grow up with a sound knowledge of the Law and will practice his faith. Mary and Joseph want the best for their child – what parent doesn’t! They must have been rather worried when Simeon told them that their son was destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel. No wonder they didn’t understand. Although they knew that Jesus was unlike any other child because of his conception they were not fully aware of his mission. Although they struggled to understand they remained faithful to the Lord. Once the rituals demanded by the Law are complete they return home where Jesus grows to maturity, living a normal family life, though showing wisdom beyond his years as we are told when the family next visit Jerusalem and Jesus sits to teach in the Temple at the age of twelve. We are to learn from the Holy Family – to take them as our example. We don’t know if their life was always harmonious but since it was a normal family we can assume not but the important lesson for us is that they showed love for God and each other and were faithful in their obedience to the Law. This week let us pray for all families that they may be filled with love and reflect the image of the Holy Family in their daily lives. 4.30 pm Cheadle: Confessions SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY 5.00 pm Cheadle: Sargeant family Sunday 4 January: 10.30 am Cheadle: People of the Parishes 5.30 pm Tean: Priest's Intention PRAYER INTENTIONS - December 2014 Christmas, hope for humanity: That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of good will. Parents: That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious gift of faith. Liturgy 1st Reading: Genesis 15:1-6. 21:1-3 Psalm: 104 2nd Reading: Hebrews 11:8. 11-12. 17-19 Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 ST THOMAS’, TEAN Many thanks to all who have worked so hard to prepare for Christmas in the Church and parish. Fr. Tony certainly enjoyed presiding at the Christmas Eve Mass. This week, we are grateful to Bishop David flor saying Mass on many of the days. POPE FRANCIS: has been speaking quite forcibly concerning the way his own Curia are acting, and how they can improve! This Sunday, 21st has made international News. Keep everyone in your prayers. On Sunday, 21st, the following was part of what he said at the Angelus: "How many times Jesus comes in our lives and how many times he sends us an angel. And how many times we don't realize it because we are very busy, submerged in our thoughts, in our activities, and in these days, in the preparation for Christmas, and we don't realize the one who is passing by and knocking at the door of our hearts asking to be welcomed, asking for a 'yes' like that of Mary. and half for much needed Parish Funds. To join, please be in touch with the Promoter, Janet Milward, either at Mass or on 756334,. At Tean, please contact John Smith and his phone no. is 722464. Thank you everyone who supported us this year, and we would welcome many more investors! Ths more who participate, the more prizes come out and the greater the funds! CHEADLE & DISTRICT FOODBANK: Thank you for your generosity with the request for food over the Christmas period, you have made such a difference. To get involved please see Glenn or Chris. Very Many thanks: to all who made Christmas so cheerful, prayerful and full of spirit throughout our parishes. This year, Christmas was (thankfully) far from white though the wet was another matter! I am grateful to all who have been involved in the liturgy, music ministry, serving etc., and then there is the handful of folk, who carry the PARISH LOTTERY: We start again in main burden of cleaning, decoration and organising! Praise be! On a personal note, I would like to thank you for all January. If you pay in advance, it costs the cards, present and greetings. Above all, thank you for your generous Christmas Offerings. We priests would find it difficult to keep going otherwise! I suppose that you could say that they are the biggest chunk of our ’wages’ you £12, There is a Prize Draw each so to speak! I am grateful for all the help given by Fr. Tony Joyce. month. Half the money goes in prizes TABLE TOP SALE: Table Top Sale to take place at the Guild Hall Cheadle, on the last Saturday of each month from 9am-1pm, the doors will be open at 8.30am to put stalls up. First sale Sat 31 Jan 2015. Proceeds to Church Lighting Fund. Wanted: volunteers to serve refreshments for around 3 hours on the day. If we have enough volunteers we could have a rota which will mean perhaps one Saturday morning every 3 to 4 months. Please contact Mike O'Callaghan for more details. PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE: More information can be found on Amnesty International UK’s website: BIRMINGHAM DIOCESAN DIRECTORIES: They have arrived in excellent time this year. The price is £3. The frontispiece is fine and familiar. It was the old Lord Shrewsbury in Alton, but now the new Soli House. GOING INTO HOSPITAL: (Instructions from the Diocese) Please do let the parish priest know if you are going into hospital. Furthermore, it is ESSENTIAL that you ask for the Catholic chaplain when in hospital. Chaplains are often no longer automatically given the names of Catholic patients. Many health care providers (e.g. Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Mental Health Units) apportion resources for chaplaincy in line with how many requests are made so you are actually doing the Church a favour by requesting the chaplaincy and sacraments whilst in hospital. CRIB OFFERINGS FOR EBOLA SUFFERERS: In both our churches, baskets available for this purpose. It may seem as a drop in the ocean, but as Blessed Mother Teresa would have it the ocean is made of many drops. Please be generous. Monies will be sent to CAFOD. Further input from Pope Francis, when preaching at Christmas: BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATES: These days we issue them at the time of Baptism, not so in earlier years. Needed when applying to Painsley Catholic College. We can gladly oblige, provided that you apply in writing, include a s.a.e., and do not leave it to the last minute! THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS. DO NOT apply by phone. ST GILES FAIRTRADE STALL: Please note there will be no Fairtrade Stall during January 2015. The Christian response to the Gos- GUILD HALL BOOKINGS: New contact number for the Guild Hall is: 07518 786149. pel cannot be different from God’s response to our smallness. Life must be met with goodness, with meekness. When we realize that God is in love with our smallness, that he made himself small in order to better encounter us, we cannot help but open our hearts to him and pray :Lord help me to be like you, give me the grace of tenderness in the most difficult circumstances of life, give me the grace of closeness in the face of every need, of meekness in every conflict. PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES: The white envelopes for non-tax payers at St Giles are available to collect from the back of church. If you are a tax payer and would like a supply of Gift Aid envelopes, then please contact Peter Lucas on 07971 643648. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Next meeting will be on Monday 2 Feb at 7.30pm in the Presbytery (Parish Room). It is very important to prepare for the Sacrament so please attend. LITTLE DRESSES FOR AFRICA: Can you sew? Over one million children in Malawi alone have been orphaned to HIV/AIDS. Because girl orphans are among the most devalued and abused in their culture, and face such oppression, it is the mission of ‘Little Dresses for Africa’ to plant in the hearts of these little girls that they are worthy. It is reported that girls wearing a new little dress are much less likely to be abducted, abused or molested because the new little dress shows that someone cares about them. This is not just about sending pillowcase dresses – it is about sending HOPE! They are easy to make and with very little cost involved. We need pillowcases or sewing materials such as double bias tape or 1/2 inch elastic, thread or material. For more information please contact Nicole Watson (756510). Let’s try and make a REAL difference to a child’s life in 2015! .Enjoy what is left of 2014, and so get ready for the challenges of the year to come! God bless: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 16 Jan: Property Advisory Comm’ 9.15am. Presbytery. 19 Jan: Guild Hall Comm’ mtg 9.30am/ followed by Finance Comm’ mtg 11am 2 Feb: Baptismal preparation 7.30pm. Parish Room. 5 March: Confirmation at St Giles. 7.00pm Churches Together Prayer Services REMINDER: You are ALWAYS welcome to call Jane Jones, safeguarding Officer, at any time. Tel: 07976 516629 in Residential Homes: Beech Lodge: Thursday at 2.30pm 15 Jan, 12 Feb, 19 Mar Parish Finances: Church Terrace: Friday at 3.30pm TBC St Thomas’: £63.70 + Gift Aid £133.20 = £196.90 Daisy Bank: Wednesday at 2.00pm TBC St Giles: £200.42 + Gift Aid £216.36 = £416.78 JOURNEY INTO FAITH 2014 - 2015 For those enquiring about the Catholic Faith. For parishioners to sponsor the enquirers on their journey. For parishioners to invite those interested. Please contact Fr Sandy for more details. READERS: If you are unable to attend please find a substitute. Sat 27 Dec: L Weaver Sat 3 Jan: P Lucas Sun 28 Dec: P James Sun 4 Jan: M Downie S.V.P: If you know of anyone in need of help, or who would like a visit, please contact the Parish Office on 01538 753130. And finally… Dear Jesus, I pray that the new year be filled with you. That you are my focus and that you help me be the person you want me to be. Please protect me and guide me. Amen.
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