OCTOBER 26, 2014 ~ THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THEME CATHOLIC STEWARDSHIP We humans are great imitators. We learn to speak by imitating others. We learn our morals by observing others. Let us imitate God by showing our love of every person. In ancient times, pagans remarked “See how these Christians love each other.” Let us always strive to be good models of God himself. 25 SATURDAY 8:00 am Thomas DeFranco 5:00 pm Matias Tirador 26 SUNDAY – THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 am Holy Souls in Purgatory 10:30 am People of St. Isaac Jogues 12:00 pm Phoebe Wang 5:00 pm Nancy Myles 27 MONDAY George Hamilton 8:00 am 12:05 pm Jerome Yodesky 28 TUESDAY – SAINTS SIMON & JUDE, APOSTLES Joseph Winnick 8:00 am 12:05 pm Intentions of Rosemary & Jim Powell 29 WEDNESDAY 8:00 am Birthday Intentions of Maria Avitabile 12:05 pm Intentions of Seminarian Robert Dogal 30 THURSDAY Rocco Tatasciore 8:00 am 12:05 pm Birthday Intentions of Dominic Toscani 31 FRIDAY 8:00 am 12:05 pm Mary Lewis Richard McCooey 1 SATURDAY – ALL SAINTS 8:00 am People of St. Isaac Jogues 5:00 pm All Souls “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (Peter 4:10) The word “stewardship” refers to the Catholic approach to the gifts that God has bestowed upon us. Stewardship is living out a commitment to be Christ-centered rather than self-centered. Profound gratitude, justice and love become the fundamental motives for giving back to God. Everything that God has given us is intended to serve the divine plan. Therefore, our life is to be lived in gratitude toward God. In a variety of ways, we as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, share our time, talent and treasure to build up the Church and make our world a better place. The Church needs you and God has chosen you to go out into all the world. EVERY CHRISTIAN IS TO TAKE AN ACTIVE PART IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH AND TO SHARE THE GIFTS OF SALVATION. Feel a Sense of Belonging by Getting Involved - Volunteer as ushers, greeters, servers, gift bearers, sacristans, readers, altar servers, choir members, servers of coffee and donuts, and church cleaners and decorators. All of these things give families a sense of ownership, responsibility, and a specific role. Please contact the Rectory Office at 610-687-3366 if you wish to volunteer in any way. Why should we register at St. Isaac’s? - Parish registration is necessary to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Penance, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, and to receive sponsor letters. If you are not receiving mail you are probably not registered. Please call or stop by the Rectory Office to register. (610-687-3366) Also, please notify the Rectory Office if you are moving out of the Parish or if any of your information is incorrect. The Readings for the Weekend of Nov. 1 & 2 First Reading – Wisdom 3:1-9 (668.1) Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 (668.1) Second Reading – Romans 6:3-9 (668.3) Gospel – Matthew 25:34 (668.1) 2 SUNDAY – ALL SOULS DAY 8:00 am All Souls 10:30 am All Souls 12:00 pm All Souls 5:00 pm All Souls A REMINDER - Next Sunday November 2nd, at 2:00 am clocks "Fall back" one hour for Standard Time. Page 1 – 030 St. Isaac OCTOBER 26, 2014 ~ THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THIS WEEK AT ST. ISAAC'S Parish Coffee – Please consider hosting a Parish Coffee. Please call the Rectory Office to schedule a date. Help keep this fellowship tradition alive. Jolly Jogues Christmas trip to Hershey – All are invited to join the Jolly Jogues on a Christmas trip to Hershey, PA on Thursday, December 4th. For more detailed information flyers are available at all Church entrances. Don’t delay this trip is filling up quickly. Deadline November 2nd. Thank you to all who attended our St. Isaac Jogues Wine & Cheese Social, in honor of St. Isaac Jogues Feast Day. CatholicPhilly.com – Stay informed of important Catholic news in southeastern Pennsylvania – visit CatholicPhilly.com for updates every day and sign up for a free, weekly email newsletter New Rectory Office Hours Beginning November 3rd Monday and Friday - 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Closed on Saturday & Sunday Pumpkin Sale – The Youth Group would like to thank all who supported their Pumpkin Sale. Children’s Choir - Does your child like to sing or play an instrument? If the answer is yes, then we are the perfect group to join! All children grades 2nd-8th are invited to participate in the St. Isaac’s Children’s Choir. With faith, fellowship and of course music, children grow in their faith; have a fun experience as well as an opportunity to be part of the liturgy. Rehearsals will be on Wednesdays from 5:456:45 pm in the main church, and we sing at the CCD mass every month. Experience is not required for singers, but instrumentalists need to have played their instruments for at least 2 years. To sign up or ask questions, please contact Mary Therese Zirolli at stisaacschildrenschoir@gmail.com. Adult Choir – To join our adult choir which meets on Thursdays, please contact Margaret Deckman at 610-2772246. Snow is in the Air – In the event of severe snow the 8:00 am Mass Schedule will be based on the Tredyffrin School District Schedule. If the school is closed or delayed there will be no 8:00 am Daily Mass that day. Please call 610-240-1970 to check for school closings. In case of illness please contact the Rectory Office to advise the Pastor. Please remember in your prayers the sick of the Parish: Roberta Adams , Bernie & Catherine Brill, Roger Burgess, Sal DiMaiuta, Mary Fogliano, Jerry Friel, Sean Harmer, Annette McCauley, Mary McElwee, Tillie McHugh, Jane Mieloch, Steve Pannella, Michael Wusinich and Brian Wood. We know our prayers are heard and answered. Please call the Rectory when the individual’s health improves or they have returned home from service duty so they can be removed from the list. Also the members of our Military: TSgt. Megan Burton, US AIR FORCE Sgt. Ryan Burke, US Marine Corp Sgt. Bruno Sicilia, US Army, Iraq Capt. Adam Bouvier, US Army, Afghanistan Capt. Katherine L. DePaul JA, US Army Capt. Ben Dutka, US Army Corp. Brendan Burke, US Marine Corp 1st Lt. Troy Bouvier - Gondela, US Army Lt. Colonel Patrick Mulloney, US Army, Afghanistan Capt. Daniel Kohli, US Marine Pilot, Afghanistan Capt. William Gondela, US Army, Afghanistan Airman 1st Class Tim Selman, US Air Force Prayer for Our Military - Thank You, Lord, for the courage and selfless service of our military troops. May my loved one and all who serve around the world turn to You for rest and protection. Keep them safe from all hidden dangers and deadly diseases. May they not fear the terrors of night or the disaster that strikes at midday. Order Your angels to protect them wherever they go. Keep their feet from slipping, and hold them securely in Your strong right hand until they are safely home. (Ps. 91:1-11, 121:3, 139:10) Camilla Hall Nursing Home - is having their Annual Flea Market on Saturday, November 1st, from 8 am to 2 pm. Rain or Shine. The sale will be located behind the main building in the garage area. All proceeds benefit the IHM Sisters. If you are using a GPS, please use the following address: 100 Camilla Drive, Malvern, PA 19355. Look for the signs clearly leading you to the sale!!! Stop by and check us out!! http://www.camillahall.org/directions. Page 2 – 030 St. Isaac OCTOBER 26, 2014 ~ THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME RELGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS STEWARDSHIP CORNER SUNDAY FIRST COLLECTIONS FOR PARISH USE ONLY CALENDAR YEAR THROUGH SUNDAY, OCT. 19, 2014 This Year: Last Year: Change: $ 444,354 $ 454,835 $ -10,481 Children’s Liturgy of the Word - will take place during the 10:30 am Mass each Sunday for children age 4 to those through 2nd grade. Prior to the First Reading, the children are called (from the altar) to line up with the Catechist, in the center aisle, given a special blessing and then process to the Parish Hall for age appropriate Lectionary Readings and discussion. They will rejoin their families in the Church following the homily. Please remember to use your offertory envelopes. If you do not use them please call the Rectory Office so that we may discontinue them thus saving printing and postage costs. Parish Giving - is a safe, convenient and effective way for you to support our parish. Our goal is to significantly increase the use of this important stewardship tool here at St. Isaac’s. Over the next few weeks we will be asking that you prayerfully consider enrolling in Parish Giving. Visit the website www.stisaac.org or call 1-866-307-7140. Catholic Life Congress – Allow God to set your faith on fire! This year’s Catholic Life Congress “A New Pentecost for a New Evangelization” features dynamic speakers, inspiring breakout sessions, vibrant music and life-giving prayer, all of which are designed to allow the Holy Spirit to ignite our hearts and our communities, with living faith and the courage to proclaim the Gospel everywhere. Join us on November 1st, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel. Table of 10 $550; Individuals: $60 each. For more info Visit www.PhillyCongress.org. St. Joseph’s Preparatory School – Join us at an Open House Sunday, November 2nd, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Before the Open House you are also invited to join the Prep Community for Mass at 8:45 am in the Church of the Gesu (on campus). Registration for Pre 7th and Pre 8th grades will be available. For more information, please call 215-978-1954. St. Norbert Open House -Fall Open House on Tuesday, November 4th, 9:00am-11:00am Join us for the first open house of the year and learn more about our faith-based community dedicated to the education of all students from prekindergarten through 8th grade in a Christ-centered atmosphere. Tours of the school and classroom visits will be offered. Staff, students and parents will be on hand to answer your questions and share their experiences. Bishop Shanahan High School Fine Arts Department proudly presents - “CINDERELLA” - on November 7th, 8th, and 14th, at 7:30 pm. The matinee performances will be held on November 9th, 15th, at 3:00 pm. Reserved Lower Level at $15 and reserved Upper Level at $12.00. For ticket information please call 610-518-1300 ext. 4271. WHAT DRAWS PEOPLE INTO THE CATHOLIC FAITH? - While there are many different circumstances that lead a person in the direction of Catholicism, the simple answer is, “Because God has called them.” Most often, God calls to us through the people closest to us, through our families and friends. Most who have entered the Church have been influenced by a Catholic spouse, fiancé, or close friend. For many of these people, a desire to raise their children in the knowledge of God spurred them to action. What is this if not the action of the Holy Spirit? If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about Catholic Faith and Worship contact Louis Valenti at 610-687-2481 or email SIJDRE@gmail.com YOUTH MINISTRY Attention all Youth between 7th and 12th Grade - Please join us every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month for Youth Night after the 5:00 PM Mass. Come and grow in your faith, meet new friends and for a great time. Junior High Youth Group - meets on the 3rd Friday of the month from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm.in the Parish Hall. Christmas Craft Fair & Bazaar - Mother of Divine Providence in King of Prussia is holding their 14th annual Christmas Craft Fair and Bazaar on Saturday, November 15th, from 9:00 am. - 3:00 pm. in their school facility. Shoppers and guests will find over 100 crafters selling their hand-made only items, a wide range of café selections for breakfast and lunch, children’s games, white elephant, and much, much more. For directions or to learn more log on to www.mdpparish.com. Items for the Bulletin should be submitted in writing by Friday Noon of the week before, to the Editor, Carol Friel the Parish Secretary, email carol@stisaac.org, for approval by the Pastor. Page 3 – 030 St. Isaac OCTOBER 26, 2014 ~ THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page 4 – 030 St. Isaac OCTOBER 26, 2014 ~ THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page 5 – 030 St. Isaac
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