FEBRUARY 8, 2015 ~ THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME_____________________ THEME This is often a very dull and depressing time of the year. The weather is often bad in many parts of the country. We experience a certain “let down” after Christmas and before Easter. Life can be drudgery for many of us. But Christ is near to lift us from our depression. He comes to bring us good news. 7 SATURDAY Sharon Steen 8:00 am 12:05 pm Aunt Gen Zeglin If you are new to our parish family, we extend a warm welcome and hope you will find our church family a community where your faith will be nourished. We hope that you will share your special gifts with us. Your presence, your talents, your time and above all your prayers are most cherished. Please stop and introduce yourself to the priest after Mass. If you have not already registered and would like to, please call the Parish Office at 610-687-3366 to do so. Again, Welcome to St. Isaac Jogues Parish! Why should we register at St. Isaac Jogues?- Parish registration is necessary to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Penance, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, anointing of the sick, Christian burial and to receive sponsor letters and letters of recommendation. Please call or stop by the Rectory to register. (610)687-3366. Also please notify the rectory if you are moving out of the Parish. 8 SUNDAY – THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Dorothy Stewart 8:00 am 10:30 am Helen Cummings 12:00 pm People of St. Isaac Jogues 5:00 pm Intentions of Steve Pannella 9 MONDAY Francis I. Downs 8:00 am 12:05 pm Maye Novota 10 TUESDAY – ST. SCHOLASTICA, VIRGIN 8:00 am Birthday Intentions of Cathy Carnahan 12:05 pm Mary Bonini 11 WEDNESDAY – OUR LADY OF LOURDES Diane Newell Overbeck 8:00 am 12:05 pm Richard Wolfington Call the Vocation Office for Diocesan Priesthood at 610-667-5778. Social Networking with the Archdiocese 12 THURSDAY Bruce A. Irvine 8:00 am 12:05 pm Rose Arduino The Office for Communications invites you to stay connected and informed on the latest news throughout the Archdiocese. 13 FRIDAY Lillian & Andrew Greshock 8:00 am 12:05 pm Antoinette DiBona Archbishop Charles Chaput’s official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ArchbishopChaput Become a fan of the official Archdiocese of Philadelphia Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ArchPhila 14 SATURDAY – STS. CYRIL, MONK & METHODIUS, BISHOP 8:00 am Intentions of Patrick Baker 5:00 pm Cousin Andrew Zeglin You can also follow the Archdiocese on Twitter: www.twitter.com/ArchPhilly 15 SUNDAY – THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Dorothy Stewart 8:00 am 10:30 am John Wark, Sr. 12:00 pm Intentions of James & Claire Mulholland 5:00 pm People of St. Isaac Jogues And for the latest videos check out the Archdiocese YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/CatholicPhilly The Readings for the Weekend of Feb. 14 & 15 First Reading – Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 (77B) Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 11 Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 Gospel – Mark 1:40-45 Page 1 – 030 St. Isaac FEBRUARY 8, 2015 ~ THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME_____________________ THIS WEEK AT ST. ISAAC'S Parish Coffee – Please join us in the Parish Hall after the 10:30 am Mass for a coffee social hosted by the Ladies of Bunco. Please consider hosting a Parish Coffee in the New Year. Call Carol Friel in the Rectory Office to schedule a date. Lift Up Your Voices…Join the Adult Choir - The adult choir is looking for additional men and women to sing at the 10:30 a.m. mass on Sundays. If you enjoy singing, please consider joining our music ministry. All are welcome!! For additional information, please contact choir director, Charles Paschall at CHIPPS400@aol.com or stop by the choir loft after 10:30 mass on Sundays. FLOWERS – The Sanctuary flowers are presented in memory of Vita Boyd by her husband Edwin Boyd. A Biblical Walk with The Blessed Mother - Mary Crowned with Glory will be the focus of this presentation by Dr. Edward Sri. Sunday, February 8th, at 1:15 pm in the video room and Tuesday, February 10th, at 7:00 pm in the parish hall. All are welcome. Next week we will begin 33 Days to Morning Glory presented by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC. Jolly Jogues - Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 10th, in our Parish Hall. Social begins 10:00 am. Coffee and refreshments will be provided. We will be featuring Dee Eagan, Jolly Jogues member and world traveler. Dee will be giving a presentation of her recent trip to Japan. If you have ever attended one of Dee’s presentations you know she does an outstanding presentation. You are truly on the journey with Dee. All are invited to bring a friend. Bunco - Join us Thursday, February 19th, in the Parish Hall. Bunco and the dollar game! $5 to play. Doors open at 7:00 pm with the games beginning promptly at 7:30 pm. BYOB. Cash prizes! Snacks and drinks are available. Don’t miss the fun! In case of illness please contact the Rectory Office to advise the Pastor. Please remember in your prayers the sick of the Parish: Roberta Adams , Bernie & Catherine Brill, Roger Burgess, Leonard D’Andrea, Sal DiMaiuta, Frank Fuselli, Sean Harmer, Clare Krause, Nina Kurtz, Annette McCauley, Mary McElwee, Tillie McHugh, Jacob Nicholas, Steve Pannella, Lisa Toscani, Brian Wood and Michael Wusinich. We know our prayers are heard and answered. Please call the Rectory when the individual’s health improves or they have returned home from service duty so they can be removed from the list. Also the members of our Military: TSgt. Megan Burton, US Air Force Sgt. Ryan Burke, US Marine Corp Sgt. Bruno Sicilia, US Army, Iraq Capt. Adam Bouvier, US Army, Afghanistan Capt. Katherine L. DePaul JA, US Army Capt. Ben Dutka, US Army Corp. Brendan Burke, US Marine Corp 1st Lt. Troy Bouvier - US Army Lt. Colonel Patrick Mulloney, US Army, Afghanistan Capt. Daniel Kohli, US Marine Pilot, Afghanistan Capt. William Gondela, US Army, Afghanistan Airman 1st Class Tim Selman, US Air Force Prayer for Peace Among Nations - O Almighty God, the Father of all humanity, turn, we pray, the hearts of all peoples and their rulers, that by the power of the Holy Spirit peace may be established among the nations on the foundation of justice, righteousness and truth: through him who was lifted up on the cross to draw all people to himself, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Be strong in the Lord, and in his mighty power. (Ephesians 6:10) 2015 Annual Catholic Charities Appeal – This week kicks off the 2015 Annual Catholic Charities Appeal. More than usual, this year is a good time to let the Light who is Christ shine forth through our communal efforts on behalf of our neighbors in need so that people “may see goodness in our acts and give praise to our heavenly Father” (Matthew 5:16). We urge you to consider participating and please know that whatever you can give is both needed and appreciated. Page 2 – 030 St. Isaac Sorry for the mess! - You’ve probably noticed the unsightly temporary “repair” that has been made to the broken lamppost near the front entrance to the library and chapel. Due to frozen ground and the danger posed by buried power lines near the pole, work on a more permanent fix will need to wait until warmer temperatures allow. FEBRUARY 8, 2015 ~ THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME_____________________ RELGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS STEWARDSHIP CORNER Children’s Liturgy of the Word - will take place during the 10:30 am Mass each Sunday for children age 4 to those through 2nd grade. Prior to the First Reading, the children are called (from the altar) to line up with the Catechist, in the center aisle, given a special blessing and then process to the Parish Hall for age appropriate Lectionary Readings and discussion. They will rejoin their families in the Church following the homily. SUNDAY FIRST COLLECTIONS FOR PARISH USE ONLY CALENDAR YEAR THROUGH SUNDAY, FEB. 1st This Year: Last Year: Change: $ 55,418 $ 53,787 $ +1,631 The Brother House, -a work of the Legion of Mary, takes care of approximately 30 homeless men in the Norristown area on Wednesday and Sunday evenings. The men take showers, and need clean clothes to put on after the shower. T-shirts, underwear, white athletic socks and work pants are needed all year around. Please drop off donations of such items at the Rectory. Discernment Retreat – Friday, February 13th, at 6:00 pm to Sunday, February 15th, at 1:00 pm. Young women (18-35) are invited to join us for this retreat which focuses on the IHM Charism and the importance of listening to God’s call and discovering the many ways that God speaks to us. Time will be included for personal and communal prayer as well as the opportunity to interact with the sisters in Formation. Contact ihmvoc@aol.com or call 610-889-1553. 7th Annual Men's Spirituality Conference - Presents Faith, Family, and Fatherhood - Enrich your faith through your participation in this year's conference, on Saturday March 7th, at St Joseph University Hagan Arena, the men of our parish are invited to join Catholic Men from throughout the Archdiocese for the 7th Annual Men's Spirituality Conference. We encourage all men to join in the area’s largest Men’s Conference for an inspiring time of faith and fellow-ship. Speakers include Dr. Scott Hahn, author of “Rome Sweet Home”, Gus Lloyd, Catholic radio host, Devin Schadt, from Catholic Answers, Marie Joseph author of “Faith on Fire” and Jim Longon, member of the Papal Foundation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered. The Conference will conclude with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Charles Chaput. For more information and to register go to the website: www.manupphilly.com. Pilgrimage -Shroud of Turin and Highlights of Northern Italy Pilgrimage. Travel with Father Zachary Navit June 4-13, 2015. Turin (including Shroud exhibit), Milan (with optional excursion to World’s Fair Food Expo), Lake Maggiore, Stresa, Lake Como, Verona, Padua, Venice Includes Round-trip airfare, accommodations in 4 star hotels, daily Mass, English speaking guide. For more information or to register, contact Marianne Murphy at (800) 842-4842 or mmurphy@selectintl.com. You can also find more information online at www.selectinternationaltours.com WHAT DRAWS PEOPLE INTO THE CATHOLIC FAITH? - While there are many different circumstances that lead a person in the direction of Catholicism, the simple answer is, “Because God has called them.” Most often, God calls to us through the people closest to us, through our families and friends. Most who have entered the Church have been influenced by a Catholic spouse, fiancé, or close friend. For many of these people, a desire to raise their children in the knowledge of God spurred them to action. What is this if not the action of the Holy Spirit? If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about Catholic Faith and Worship contact Louis Valenti at 610-687-2481 or email SIJDRE@gmail.com YOUTH MINISTRY Attention all Youth between 7th and 12th Grade - Please join us every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month for Youth Night after the 5:00 PM Mass. Junior High Youth Group - meets on the 3rd Friday of the month from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm.in the Parish Hall. MTC - will be hosting "Treasure Island", our live and silent auction event, on Saturday, February 21st. Join us for a night of great food, drinks, dancing and a chance to go home with some wonderful gifts (items include tickets to area sporting events and attractions, art work or a chance for a Disney Vacation that includes hopper passes for four!) For info contact Mrs. Kimellen Remar at kelex@verizon.net. CYAAC - Please join us for a discussion on tithing with Fr Chris Rodgers and a local married couple who will explain its origins and application in the Church today. Talk will take place at 7:30pm at SS Peter and Paul church in West Chester on Wednesday, February 11th. Visit us at www.cyacc.org, or request more info by emailed cyacc1@gmail.com Items for the Bulletin should be submitted in writing by Friday Noon of the week before, to the Editor, Carol Friel the Parish Secretary, email carol@stisaac.org, for approval by the Pastor. Page 3 – 030 St. Isaac FEBRUARY 8, 2015 ~ THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME_____________________ Page 4 – 030 St. Isaac FEBRUARY 8, 2015 ~ THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME_____________________ Page 5 – 030 St. Isaac
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