Document 376375

45 Degen Road, Capalaba Phone (07) 3245 9595 Fax (07) 3823 2222
Email: Website:
28 October 2014 No. 33
St Luke’s School 1989 - 2014
St Luke’s School 1989-2014
As parents will be aware there have been recent signage changes on
Degen Road outside the child care centre to assist with the pick-up line
each afternoon. For the last two weeks the newsletter has featured
these changes. It is important that families be aware of these changes
as police enforcement may be a next step in the process of helping the
line to function effectively. It is good to report that pick up procedures
have improved significantly and there has been positive feedback to the
school about this and I thank parents for their support.
I would also like to remind families that they need to be vigilant with
safety especially when they park across from the school on Degen Road
and in St Luke’s and St Mary’s Courts where visibility and parking space
can be limited. It’s also important that we give our neighbours the right
degree of respect by not parking on their footpaths or across their
driveways. The school continues to work with QLD Road Safety,
Redlands City Council and local police to maintain safety for our
students and families.
As the school year draws to a close the P&F is looking ahead to 2015
with much optimism. Each year the AGM takes place in November in
preparation for the new year. The current executive positions are
declared vacant and parents have the opportunity to nominate for those
positions. I would like to thank Adam Gould, P&F President for his efforts
this year to guide the organization in its important work. Adam is given
great support from Mel Meredith Treasurer, Bonnie McKay Secretary
and Sally Edie Vice President.
Thu 30 2pm Prayer Assembly 4Blue
Fri 31 School Fees due
Year 3 Excursion
Year 4 Excursion
Sat 1
Uniform Shop open 9am-1pm
Thu 6 2pm Prayer Assembly 2Blue
7pm School Board Meeting
Fri 7
9am Mass 1Blue
Sat 8 Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
6pm Prep involvement Mass
Wed 12 Prep 2015 Orientation
morning 9.00am-10.45am
Thu 13 2pm Prayer Assembly 5Blue
Fri 14 Booklists due (online)
Mon 17 7pm P&F Annual General Mtg
7.30pm P&F Meeting
Thu 20 2pm Prayer Assembly 3Blue
Fri 21 9am Mass 1White
Catholic swimming carnival
Mon 24-Fri 28 P-2 Swimming lessons
Wed 26 Big Breakfast 7.45am
Thu 27 Year 6 & 7 Thanksgiving
Fri 28 Year 6 & 7 excursion
Wed 3 Christmas Carols
Fri 5
Whole School Liturgy 10.30am
School closes 12noon
I would also like to thank all those parents who were able to attend
meetings regularly to support various activities. Many hands make light
work and the children benefit from this dedication. The P&F have been
able to contribute to the school in a very significant financial way that is enhancing learning outcomes at St
Luke’s. The P&F has also provided opportunities for social and community building activities which help
Monday Assembly 2pm
in the Emmaus Centre.
Thursday Prayer Assembly 2pm
in the Church. All Welcome.
develop that sense of belonging and ownership at our school. Once again we thank Adam Gould and the team
and look forward to good support for the AGM meeting to be held in November.
A reminder to the members of the school Board that the November general meeting takes place on Thursday
6th November. We look forward to continuing the work of strategic planning for the school. Leanne Baker is our
Board Chairperson and parents can feel free to approach her about issues of significance within our
It is very pleasing to report to the community that a number of our sporting teams were
successful last week in their interschool sports competitions. The Senior Oz Tag and
Volleyball teams won their division Pennants and were undefeated. There were also a
number of outstanding performances in European handball, Volleyball and Oz Tag in
other age divisions. It’s great to report that our students conducted themselves in the
appropriate way and we should be proud of these achievements. A big thank you to all those staff that
supported the day and provided this important experience for our students.
Thanks to all those current and new families who were able to support the Prep information night that took
place last week. The process continues with a transition day on Wednesday 12th November and we look
forward to welcoming the children and their parents on that day.
Parents will be very disappointed to know that in recent times a person or persons has been stealing plants,
shrubs, mats and any non-fixed items from various places around the school. These activities take place
typically on the weekend at or around dawn! CCTV footage has recorded suspicious behaviour but we are no
closer to identifying or following up with this person. It was disappointing for staff, students and parents to
return to school this week to see plants taken out of two sacred spaces. The Mary garden and memorial
garden both had plants taken from garden beds. We are endeavouring to follow up with Police and security
services and we are open to further suggestions or advice as to how we can protect the property of the school.
A Canberra tour meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 26th November to begin preparations for the 2015 tour!
The tour takes place every 2nd year and next year will be our 3rd tour at St Luke’s. Due to popularity our most
recent tour reached the maximum number of seats. Next year the tour will be open to year 5 and 6 students
and we encourage families to come along and learn more about this excellent educational tour. The school
works with Pam Walsh and EDUCA tours and they are a high quality educational tour provider with many
years’ experience. The tour takes place in the first week of the September holidays. More information to follow.
Parents please be advised that the section of Degen Road from the Child Care Centre to
the Lions Respite Centre is now a no parking zone between 2.30pm and 3.30pm
School days. This essentially means that this section of road is to be kept free for our pick
up line and is the point where parents can line up so as not to block Degen Road. Parents
will have noticed with some frustration that cars are still being parked and left there and this
is holding up traffic and blocking Degen Road. We are sure that working together with
regular reminders we can actually improve the pick-up line and road safety even further and
we thank all those families who behave in a safe and courteous way to help this happen each day!
Planning for the 2015 school year is well underway and even at this early stage it is helpful for families to
indicate at the earliest possible time, their intentions if they do not wish to return in 2015. This
information impacts on class structures, staffing, support services, individual class vacancies, waiting lists and
the finances of the school. If this information applies to a family they are respectfully requested to contact
school admin in writing, at the earliest possible time.
Once again in 2014 there will be a 4 day block swimming lessons program throughout week 8 of term 4. The
program received excellent support from families last year and is viewed as an important part of the HPE
program and the children’s safety and development. An information letter will be sent home in the coming
weeks in preparation for this activity.
As parents will know the school is well underway with planning for the 2015 school year. The fee structure is
set after a budgeting process which is guided by Brisbane Catholic Education and the Catholic Archdiocese of
Brisbane. School Fees and levies are only expected to rise in line with inflation / CPI. More information to
Last night members of the school community gathered for the annual Piano Concert. Students from Prep to
Year 7 as well as a number of our past students entertained an appreciative audience. It’s the first
performance opportunity for some of our students and they performed beautifully. Congratulations to Annette
Brennan for her dedicated teaching efforts with the children. It’s great to see another opportunity for students
to ‘Celebrate’ and display their talents.
Planning is well underway for the 2015 school year and no major changes to class structure are expected at St
Luke’s. At this stage we are looking at 14 straight classes for 2015. More information will be forwarded as the
year progresses. As in past years, we do not accept letters or emails from parents regarding your child’s class
placement. Parents are aware that present class teachers have the greatest input into class selection for 2015.
Classroom teachers know your child very well having spent a whole year with them. Our teachers are highly
professional and they are the ones in the best position to make judgments about your child’s placements.
Please speak to your teacher over the next 2 to 4 weeks if you have any concerns.
The following structure for class groups is being implemented in 2015:
Prep – 2 groups
Year 1 – 2 groups
Year 2 – 2 groups
Year 3 – 2 groups
Year 4 – 2 groups
Total of 14 groups
Year 5 – 2groups
Year 6 – 2 groups
Towards the end of Term 4 final staffing will be announced. Similar to last year, students will receive their class
listing for 2015 when they receive their Semester 2 report during the last week of school. Students will also
have an opportunity to meet with their new teacher during the last week. Class lists will be displayed outside
the office from Wednesday 10 December.
St Vincent de Paul Annual Christmas Appeal
“Never see a need without doing something about it”
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
Last year St Luke’s donated 100 hampers of goods to make a difference in the lives of fellow Queenslanders
who were struggling to make ends meet. Every year the society helps families across Queensland who are
doing it tough to celebrate Christmas.
This term our challenge is to match this incredible generosity as our school community once again supports
the St Vincent de Paul Annual Christmas Appeal. To match last year’s target each class would need to
donate about 7 hampers.
The society is asking our community to contribute non-perishable food items (cans, packets etc.) and some
Christmas goodies (bon bons, Christmas cake, lollies but no toys please). We will then put them into hampers
and give them to St Vincent de Paul to distribute as needed. Come on everyone! We have so much to be
grateful for – here’s a chance to give back! Please send your items to your child’s classroom not the office.
This Friday 31 October is the 10th annual Day of Daniel. The Day for Daniel is a National Day of Action to raise
awareness of child safety, protection and harm prevention. It is about educating children and adults about
keeping kids safe through child safety and protection initiatives. It aims to help empower our children to
‘Recognise, React and Report’ if they feel something is not right.
To recognise the importance of personal safety and highlight the importance of
‘Recognise, React and Report, St Luke’s students and their families are
encouraged to wear something red e.g. red socks, hat or ribbons. (Please be aware
that this is not a coloured clothes day but an opportunity for the children to wear a
splash of red with their uniform.)
Next Friday 7th November Year 1 Blue will celebrate Mass with Father Emmanuel at 9:00am. Parents
are always welcome to be part of this celebration.
THIS WEEK’S GOSPEL- The Commemoration of all the faithful departed (All Souls Day)
On All Souls’ Day, we ask God for mercy on those who have died. We pray for an ever deeper and abiding
awareness of the steadfast love of God expressed through Jesus Christ. God’s love made known in Jesus Christ
is the reason for our hope. (Fr. Eugene Lobo S.J)
To give alms is nothing unless you give thought also. (John Ruskin)
Tim Lomas, Principal and Renae Collier, Acting APRE
The lesson topic for Term 3 was “Tabemono” (food). Students learnt names of fruits and vegetables
in Japanese, the high-tech Sushi train in Japan. Year 5, 6, and 7 practiced how to say “I like…” and “I
do not like…” in Japanese.
We also practiced using “hashi” (chopsticks). Many students struggled at the beginning, but with
some practice everyone improved their chopsticks skills. Remember to hold a top chopstick like a
pencil, and just move the top one, not the bottom one.
The masters of chopsticks from The Chopsticks Competition were Abbey (7W),
Tahlia (6B), Alexander (6B), Amie (5W), Zena (5B). Congratulations to you all!
In Term 4, Year 6 and 7 has just finished making their self-introduction books including their name,
age, food they like and don’t like and their future dreams. I was very impressed with their
masterpiece! Now Year 5 are working on their digital books. Everyone is very keen to make an
interesting book. I cannot wait to see your final products.
For the rest of the term, Year 6 and 7 will continue their lessons about Food. They are learning how to
order food and drinks at a restaurant, and will make a skit in groups. They will make a menu for their
own restaurant, too. Year 6 and 7, please make interesting skits for your audience. Your presentation
will be in Week 7.
Year 4 are learning about daily life in Japan. Students have discovered how Japanese houses are
different from Australian ones. You will find more interesting facts later in this term.
As cultural activities for Year 4 to 7, we will sing Christmas songs in Japanese and learn about
seasonal events such as Christmas and New Year Celebrations in Japan. Please impress your family
by singing a few Christmas songs in Japanese at home too.
Yuko Sensei, LOTE teacher
Greetings from the Parish Office!
Next weekend’s liturgy will be very unique because we
will celebrate two important feasts of the Church, namely
ALL SAINTS on Saturday and ALL SOULS (also known
as All Hallows) on Sunday. The two feasts are among
the so called immovable feasts which must be
celebrated on whatever day they occur, including
All Saints, which is traditionally celebrated on November
1, reminds us to venerate all the holy people who have
lived the Christian life before us. These include all holy
people who are mentioned as “saints” in the Canons of
the Church and the holy people known and unknown to
us, who are not mentioned in the Canons of the Church.
The main challenge of the feast is that we are invited to
continue the pursuit of holiness in these days when
holiness of life is in high demand.
All Souls on the other hand is traditionally celebrated on
November 2. On that day, we remember and pray for all
the dead, especially, people whom we have known and
possibly shared our lives with. We are reminded of the
inevitability of death and are called to live our lives to the
best of our ability and to be ever ready to accept it when
it comes.
The fact that this year’s All Souls falls on a Sunday is
unique and we would encourage everyone to take
maximum advantage of it. We encourage every
parishioner to feel free to pick up a “Mass Request
Envelope” available at the back of both churches and
make an offering for their loved ones they wish to pray
for. There are also “November Envelopes” for those who
are part of the Parish Planned Giving Program as well as
the “Book of Remembrance” which we process to the
Altar throughout November.
Finally, remember to invite your family and friends to
mass next week to join in remembering and praying for
our loved ones who have gone before us.
God Bless,
Fr Emmanuel
Parish Cake Stall at St Luke’s
Thanks for a fabulous effort from all those
involved, the Parish Cake Stall raised $1167.10 for
the Parish. A very special thank you also to
Connaught who made all the jams that were sold
on the day. Thank you again to all the ladies who
made this such a successful fundraiser!
Christmas Mass Helpers for St Luke’s
If you are available over Christmas to help out at
any of the Masses, please place your name on the
roster that will be at the back of the church or
phone the Parish Office on 38200100.
St Anthony & St Luke’s Parish Calendar
The year is fast drawing to a close and it’s nearly
time to begin preparations for our 2015 Parish
Calendar. If you have information that needs to be
included in the calendar, please contact the Parish
Office on 3820 0100.
am St Anthony’s
am St Luke’s
am St Anthony’s
am St Luke’s
pm St Anthony's
pm St Luke’s
am St Luke’s
am St Anthony’s
The following students received awards at
Assembly recently: Aidan, Olivia, Ryan, Madeline,
Zachary, Breanna, Bonnie, Roisin, Toby, Elijah,
Libbie, Benjamin, Madison, Marshall, Alaric,
Taylah, Bailey, Olivia, Mia, Ryan, Jadon, Sofia,
Isabella, Madison, Flynn, Alexia, Alexander.
School Fees accounts were emailed last Monday
20 October. If you have not received your account
please contact the office so we can update your
email address. Fees are due this Friday 31
October. As the end of the year is approaching
quickly all accounts need to be finalised by this due
date. Thank you.
BOOKLISTS FOR 2015 – Online – quick & easy
Booklists were sent home last week and are due by
Friday 14 November. Orders can be processed
online and details are on the form. Books can be
collected from Mt Cotton Road Newsagency on Mt
Cotton Road on certain dates in January 2015 or
from St Luke’s School on Tuesday 2 December
2014 (8am-9am or 2.30pm-3.30pm)
Tips for ordering online:
 must be typed
into the url address bar at the very top of screen
(not in google box)
 An account must be set up the first time you
use this website – click on My Account (top
right hand side) then Create My Account
 Select School and Year Level from drop down
Please contact the school office if you have any
We still have plenty of 25 Anniversary merchandise
available for sale:
Drink Bottle
Travel Mug
$4.00(purple, pink, blue, navy)
$6.50 (credit card shape)
Flexible Ruler $1.50
Sirromet Wine – St Luke’s limited edition
Cabernet Merlot
Sauvignon Blanc
1 white 1 red
2 white
2 red
Narelle Carter and Lisa Fiteni
There have been a few cases of chickenpox in our
school community recently. Please be aware of the
Description Chickenpox (varicella) is a highly
contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster
Symptoms The disease starts with cold-like
symptoms such as a mild fever, headache, runny
nose and cough. A day or two later a rash begins,
starting as small pink blotches but rapidly
progressing to itchy blisters which usually last three
to four days before drying out and turning into
scabs. (
Desperately seeking someone to cover some
books in our Resource Centre. Thank you,
Maureen Bentley.
Extra opening times Term 4.
This Saturday 1st November
9am - 12noon
Sausage Sizzle @ Bunnings Capalaba
Saturday 8th November 8am-4pm.
If you can help out for an hour please put
your name down here.
Festival Raffle
Families that were unable to return Festival
raffle tickets will be receiving a letter to sign
and return. Your assistance with this would
be greatly appreciated. Thank you again to
OZ FIT for sponsoring our raffle with an
IPAD MINI won by the Cowsell family for
selling the most tickets.
From P&F President
At last night’s P&F meeting all the Executive
Positions were declared vacant in preparation for
the AGM on Monday 17th November.
Due to a new baby arriving very soon and increased
work commitments I will not be putting my name
down for President in 2015. I have thoroughly
enjoyed my role as President for the last 2 years
and found it very rewarding.
I will continue to co-ordinate the Discos as well as
getting involved in other activities at St Luke’s.
On behalf of Sal, Bonnie & Mel thank you to all the
parents, grandparents and families for supporting
the P&F in 2014. Thank you also Tim, Renae, Di
and Alfina for all your assistance this year.
Adam Gould
This day is not only for Prep Parents it is open to
anyone who wants to come and get uniforms. The
year one parents may want to come in and get the
formal uniform for 2015.
Other Extra Opening Days
Thursday 20 Nov
8am – 9.30am
Thursday 27 Nov
8am – 9.30am
Thursday 4 Dec
8am – 9.30am
Tues 20 Jan 2015
2pm – 4pm
Fri 23 Jan 2015
9am – 12noon
Tues 27 Jan 2015
1pm – 3pm
Uniform shop is open every Friday 8am – 9.30am
except Fri 5 December (last day of school).
Please be advised that we welcome all Visa/
Mastercard/ EFTPOS & Debit Visa cards
There is now a minimum purchase amount of
$20.00 for all card and debit card transactions.
Lay By is also available. If you need any
information please email Joy on
TUCKSHOP MENUS are on front
page of school website
under tuckshop link on left.
- every Wednesday
Subway orders must:
 be in by 2pm Tuesday
 be attached to a brown paper bag
 have name and class on top of form
 be placed in red satchel in classroom
An order form is available on St Luke’s School
Sorry - No late orders can be accepted as orders
are collected Tuesday afternoon and delivered to
Summer Menu is still available on
Thursday and Fridays.
- every Thursday
Sushi orders must:
 be in by 2pm Wednesday
 be attached to a brown paper bag
 have name and class on top of bag
 be placed in tuckshop box in classroom
With the safety of your children at the forefront
of our designs, our Cubby Houses, Forts and Play
Areas are built with quality timber and fixtures
with child friendly finishes.
Our designs are drafted based on your budget and
can be built on site or in flat packs for pick up or
The choices are endless;
Choose from 20 Colour Bond roof Colours
Scramble Nets and Rock Climbing Walls
Sushi menu is available on St Luke’s School
Slides, swings, basketball and netball hoops
Play kitchens
Play Accessories e.g.; phones, binoculars
Sorry - No late orders can be accepted as
orders are placed on Wednesday afternoon.
Planter Boxes and Letter boxes
This week’s helpers are Michelle Sutherland and
Tammie Milton.
For every Cubby or Fort sold, $100 will be
donated to St Luke’s Catholic Parish School.
Customers will receive 2 FREE play accessories from a
selected range when ordering their Cubby/Fort.
Thank you. Juanita Holman, Tuckshop Convenor.
FOR SALE – best offer
$100 Voucher for Gianni Photography - studio
or location shoots. Valid until 31/12/2014.
Phone Fiona on 0421 768 695.
Second hand kayaks for children between 10-14
years. Please contact Mrs Burford (STIE) via the
office or if you can
Phone 0400 920 202
My name is David Richards, I am the owner of a
local business that specialises in the creation of
Custom Built Cubby Houses, Forts and Creative
Children’s Play Areas and also a dad of a child at
St Luke’s School.
Order now for Christmas