Peace Matters PEACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2300 E. Wisconsin Ave., Kaukauna, WI 54130 October 2014 A Word from Pastor Lucretia Inside this issue: How Is It With Your Soul? It has been a busy and exciting time over these last few months as we have planned for and held the Polka Service, the picnic, the rummage sale and the basket sale. I admit I was looking forward to a little bit of “downtime” once September 14 was past, but it seems like things promise to be busier than ever as we move more and more into Fall. World Communion Sunday is October 5. The annual stewardship drive needs to be planned. Budget preparations begin in anticipation of our Church Conference on December 9. And, Hallmark begins airing their Christmas movies day and night on October 31. Wait – isn’t that Halloween? A Word from Pastor Lucretia continued 2 Parish & Community Announcements 3 When one is deeply involved in the life of the church – or in any organized group with a purpose – there never really is any ‘downtime.’ There is always one more thing to do and one more meeting to attend and one more activity to plan. So let’s all take a deep breath and think through a way of moving through the busyness and doing the business with a little less frenzied feeling. Mission News 4 UM Women 5 World Thank Calendar 6 I would guess I could find someplace on the internet the answer to how many times the Bible says things like “Be Still!”; “Fear not!”; and “Slow down!” I was right! In researching this question, I discovered that the Bible says something like “Fear not” just over one hundred times depending on what version you read. “Be still” appears only seven times, but it is implied many more time, particularly in Jesus’ own actions of going off to a quiet place to pray. I did not find results for “slow down” but I believe that the many times the people wandering in the wilderness took time to stop and worship or to have a special holy day indicates how important it is for our own spiritual journey. We also find these instructions in some of our traditional hymns including “Take Time to Be Holy” where one of the verses says “spend much time in October Calendar 7 Birthdays & Anniversaries/ Worship Helpers 8 Stewardship News 9 continued on page 2….. Dates to Remember: OCTOBER 2 UMW Unit meeting 6:30pm October 4 UMW Winnebago District Gathering @ Oshkosh: First October 9 Rebekah Circle 6:30pm OCTOBER 12 UMW Sloppy Joe Dinner October 15 trustees meeting 6:00pm October 16 Esther Circle 1:30pm @ St Paul Home; SPRC meeting 5:00pm October 17 & 18 UMW Conference annual Gathering @ Madison: Asbury UMC October 31 Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00am Page 2 …..A Word from Pastor Lucretia continued from page 1 secret with Jesus alone.” Another profound message comes to us in the first verse of the Christmas hymn “Silent Night” which concludes ‘sleep in heavenly peace.’ So what’s the point? Here I may be preaching to myself, but the point is we need to step outside the frantic activity and remember that ‘relationship’ is the key word in our spiritual lives – our relationship with God through Jesus Christ and our relationship with one another. Jesus said to his followers in Mark 8:36, “What good does it do for a person to gain the whole world, but lose their soul?” How is it with your soul in the busyness of your life and the incredibly fast pace at which the days are passing? It was a question John Wesley asked of his followers each time they met for Bible study and prayer. It is a question our Circuit clergy ask of each other each time we gather. How is it with my soul? My soul is rejoicing because I love polka music and I love seeing people in the church working together and both happened on September 14. My soul is rejoicing because I have a new great-niece and a new great nephew, along with my ‘favorite’ great niece all of whom are doing very well. My soul is rejoicing because I have the privilege of serving you as your pastor. My soul is a little concerned with our financial status and particularly with the upcoming budgeting process especially as it relates to staffing needs. I am perfectly content with no increase in my compensation but at the same time I cannot reduce my time to three-quarter or half-time and still remain your pastor at my age and approaching retirement. My soul is more than a little concerned about how we will continue to do ministry if we are spending all or most of our time just trying to care for the basic needs of the building, like the heat and light bills. My souls is greatly concerned about our upcoming stewardship drive simply because I am not a pastor who likes to talk about money and I never want to make people think that is all the church ever does. Most of all, my soul is profoundly blessed because despite or in spite of all of this, I have a God who loves me beyond limits, forgives me beyond measure and fills my life with an abundance of joy and peace. Be still – Fear not – Slow down -- I can hear all these words of compassion and caring and I can try again and again to live them out in my daily life. God is a God of many chances and a God who desires that my soul – our souls – are full to overflowing. How is it with YOUR soul? Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Our Polka Worship Service, our Son-Follower picnic, our gift basket sale and our rummage sale was a huge success! Comments on the worship service have been very positive and spiritually uplifting with hopes that we will do it again – and we will. The committee responsible for planning it met already and has put in a request for an open date with the Polka Band for next Fall. Tentative figures for the profit from the weekend include $528 from the picnic, $1,280 from the basket sales and $1,020 from the rummage sale of which one-half of the proceeds will be split with the youth. Subtract advertising expenses of $133, this means the church will add approximately $2,185 to the general fund. These are great results for hard work, lots of planning, and one terrific weekend of fun and fellowship. Annual Charge/Church Conference for Peace United Methodist Church: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 from 6:00pm-7:00pm at Peace United Methodist Church, Kaukauna Page 3 Parish & Community Announcements Everyone is welcome to attend as the United Methodist Women host guest speaker Leslie Turner at their meeting on Thursday, October 2 at 6:30pm at the church. See page 5 for more details on this event. Scrip: Don’t forget to purchase your Scrip cards from stores like Office Depot, Piggly Wiggly,, Payless, Walgreens, Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Staples, Best Buy, Dell, Children's Place, Michaels, Office Max, Kohl’s, Radio Shack, Target, Walmart, and Roundy’s. Our church earns money with each gift card purchase, so stop by the Scrip table on Sunday mornings to check out the complete list of over 300 retailers and place your Scrip order. Thank you to everyone that participates in our Scrip program! Fox Cities CROP Hunger Walk: We will be collecting money in the Narthex for the CROP WALK on September 28. This agency’s goal is to alleviate world hunger. One-fourth of the money remains in our rea to benefit local food pantries. Also, our “loose” offering on Mission Sunday (9-28) will go to CROP. The actual CROP WALK, with routes of 1,3 and 6 miles, will take place on Sunday, October 12. If you would like to get pledges and walk, contact Nancy Green at 766-4261. Operation Christmas Child: The youth have started their holiday charity work! We only have until the end of October to collect items and fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. We will accept any gift you would be willing to donate to us, so please throw an extra toothbrush or bag of candy in your cart! It’s such an important thing to our youth! Please no liquids, chocolate or glass. Also, books are difficult to send as these gifts typically go to foreign countries that do not speak English. Below is a list of items needed for the shoeboxes: Crayons, Markers, Colored pencils, Glue sticks, Scissors, Pencils, Sharpeners, Pens, Small notebooks/ writing pads, Snack size Ziploc bags, Coloring books, Solar calculators, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Small bars of soap, Small toys: cars, balls, stuffed animals, slinkies, dolls, yo-yo's, etc., T-shirts, Socks, Ball caps, Sunglasses, Toy jewelry, Combs, Brushes 78th Annual AAUW Book Sale: Mark your calendars for the book sale sponsored by the American Association of University Women at Northland Mall, October 23-26, 2014, Thursday and Friday 9-8, Saturday 9-5 (1/2 price day), Sunday 11-3($5.00/armload). Hardback books, Paperback books, Children’s books, Books on CD, Large Print books, Sheet Music, CDs, DVDs, Puzzles and Games. Come Enjoy the Wonderful World of Books! Holiday Craft and Gift Sale: The Fund Raising Committee is already at work with our next adventure which will be a Holiday Craft and Gift Sale to be held at the church on Saturday, November 8 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. We will be advertising for vendors who want to ‘purchase’ a 10’x10 space for $20 to sell their goods – crafts, gift items, party products, etc. Church members who want to sell their handiwork for their own profit may purchase a space as well. Vendors will need to provide their own tables. Members may also donate items to the church space for the church’s profit at no cost. There will also be a bake sale, chicken booyah to eat on site or take home with you and holiday gift baskets available for purchase. Interested parties may contact Wendy Junemann to reserve a spot – call 920-475-1513 or email Wendy will have a diagram of the selling spaces in the Fellowship Hall and around the building. By the way – the Spring Holiday Craft and Gift Sale will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2015. That’s called planning ahead! Baskets and Basket Items Needed: Response to our request for baskets and basket items has been great! As you have read, our Son-Follower Basket sale ‘paid off’ with more than $1200 pure profit. Now we are asking for seasonal and holiday gift baskets or items that our basket makers can use to put together for the Holiday Craft and Gift Sale. Items should be new – or, if it is something that you are re-gifting (it was given to you but you never used it) in excellent condition. People purchasing the baskets expect to get first quality merchandise and our reputation is excellent in this regard. Gift baskets, empty baskets and gift items can be brought to the church and put in the little room off the Narthex in the music area of the building (it used to be a little chapel space). Thanks in advance for your donation. Page 4 By Nancy Green “Noisy Can” As of 9-21-14 our “noisy can” offering totals $56.58. Half of this money goes to a variety of missionary projects in Senegal and half goes to agricultural projects in Zambia. Both of these countries are staffed by missionaries from WI. Thanks for helping us reach our 2014 goal of $900.00! “Loaves & Fishes” The food pantry’s special needs for October are saltine crackers, toilet tissue, and dish soap. Any nonperishable food is always welcome, as is excess garden produce. Thanks for your generosity! CROP WALK This year’s Fox Valley CROP WALK (to alleviate world hunger) will be Sunday, October 12. Registration will be at 12:30pm with the walk beginning at 1:00pm. One, three and six mile routes are available. Thanks to Don Green who solicited the Kaukauna Rotarians, as well as several former Rotarians, in honor and memory of Rev. Harvey Kandler who, with the help of Larry Schiedermayer, had been soliciting the members the past several years (since 2003). Harvey’s goal was always $2,000.00 and this year that amount was exceeded!! PUMC’s Mission Sunday (9-28)”loose” offering will go to CROP, as well as the collection of CROP donations received in the Narthex on 9-21 and 9-28. If anyone would like to get pledges and walk on 10-12-14, contact Nancy Green at 766-4261. Don and I will be walking with Rev. Kandler’s widow and his oldest daughter in Harvey’s memory. Mission Sundays August 24: The offering for “Leaven” was $27.80. September 28: The total of the CROP WALK pledges will be available in next month’s newsletter. October 26: Our “loose” mission offering will go to Madison’s Chaplaincy program our state project this year. Mini Food Pantry Our mini pantry here at Peace UMC is well stocked. Take what you need and can use. “Cookies for Sailors” We will again be baking cookies for Great Lakes sailors to be given to them as they visit the Port of Green Bay the final time in the 2014 shipping season. Cookies (homemade only) must be brought to church by Sunday, October 26. Sign up to bake cookies on the mission bulletin board in the Narthex kitchenette. Thank you!! On Sunday, September 21 these children in grade 2 received new Children’s Bibles at the 8:30 worship service: Liam Jacob Dollevoet Jaeden Michael Kittoe Page 5 United Methodist Women by Mary Trettin October will be a busy month for United Methodist Women. There will be a unit meeting on Thursday, October 2 at 6:30pm at the church. We will meet in the Narthex for the start of our meeting. We will have a guest speaker, Leslie Turner, a first time author of the book “Cowboy Coffee and Inspirations” which has easy recipes that will nourish your body while her stories will inspire and amaze you, revealing how real God is. She is a Certified Walk Leader, a student of Theology, and an avid outdoor enthusiast. Anyone who is interested is welcome to come. She encourages youth and young adults to come to her program which is entitled “Get Out of the Driver’s Seat.” Following her presentation refreshments will be served. Then the United Methodist Women will retire to the lounge to finish their meeting. At both Circle meetings this month Mary Trettin will lead a program on the Call to Prayer and Self-Denial entitled “Sound Foundations: Sound Missions.” Rebekah Circle will meet on Thursday, October 9 at 6:30pm at the home of Linda Koester. Esther Circle will meet on Thursday, October 16 at 1:30pm at the St. Paul Home. Sandy Derks will serve as hostess. Sunday, October 12 the United Methodist Women will be having a sloppy joe meal in between services and after the late service. This will include the sloppy joe sandwich, chips, beverage and dessert. Carry outs will also be available. Also on this Sunday, the UMW will be having a bake sale. In the fall, the United Methodist Women also participate in a World Thank Offering. For many years now we have involved the whole church. On October 12 there will be a calendar in the bulletin and there is also a calendar on the next page of this newsletter. We will have cans available for your use in the Narthex, or you may use any receptacle that you wish. When you have finished your fun calendar please bring this offering to church and put in the offering plate. P.S. If you have not already replied to the Salad Bar letter sent out by the United Methodist Women, we request that you do so. Thank you. Mary Trettin, United Methodist Women President UMW BOOK CORNER The Golden Cage, Three Brothers, Three Choices, One Destiny, is on the UMW Reading Program for 2015 under Education for Mission category. This book was written by Shirin Ebadi who was awarded the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to promote human rights. She is the first Muslim woman to receive this prestigious award and the only Iranian to receive the Nobel Prize in any field. This is her true story about two Iranian families under the Shah and under Khomeini. The Golden Cage is the story of three brothers as told by their sister, who each subscribes to a different ideology that tears Iran and their lives apart. I read this book in spurts over two days and it brought back memories of the fall of the Shah and the establishment of the Islamic State. It also gave me a better understanding of that history. This book contains 253 well written pages and I highly recommend it with a 5-star rating. Rita Wuyts, Reviewer Give 25 cents for the Pastor of your church, who works on every Sunday! 26 Give 25 cents for each football game you watched. 19 Freedom to worship. Give 5 cents if you went to church or S.S. today. 20 cents if you didn’t. October 12 3 Good schools & jobs. Give 10 cents for everyone who went to work or school today. 27 Books, newspapers, magazines. Give 10 cents for each person in your family who can read. 20 Education. Give 5 cents for each child or adult who went to school today. 10 cents if you are past that age. 13 Election Day! Give 25 cents for the privilege of this freedom and be sure to VOTE! 4 Now I lay me down to sleep. Give 5 cents for each bed in your home. 28 Organizations such as UMW, Boy/Girl Scouts, Rotary, etc. 5 cents for each one you belong to. 21 Convenience of electricity. Give 2 cents for every electrical appliance in your kitchen. 14 A variety of clothing to wear. Give 25 cents for the clothes that help keep us warm. 5 Did you read from your Bible today? Yes – give 25 cents. No – give 50 cents. 29 Pets are wonderful companions. Give 10 cents for each pet you have. 25 cents if you have none. 22 Water to drink, cook, wash with whenever we turn on the tap. 5 cents for every faucet in your home. 15 God’s creatures – birds, squirrels, chipmunks, etc. Give 25 cents if you saw any of these today. 6 Freedom to work. 10 cents for those who went to a job. 30 The changing seasons. Give 5 cents for each tree in your yard. 23 Transportation –cars, bikes, roller blades – give 5 cents for every one that you own. 16 Computers make certain tasks much easier. 25 cents if you used yours today. 10 cents if you don’t have a computer. 7 Halloween. Pay 5 cents for everyone who went trick or treating. 10 cents for those who didn’t 31 24 Give 5 cents for each video game Food – pay 10 cents for those who went out to eat. 5 cents for those who ate at home. 17 Do you enjoy the convenience of a washing machine? -give 50 cents. 8 Family & friends. 2 cents for each member you visited with today. November 1 Weekends – a time to relax and watch a movie. Pay 2 cents for every video movie you have in your home. 18 October—2014—November 2 The beauty of music. 25 cents if you listened to any today. 50 cents if you didn’t. 11 WORLD THANK OFFERING Did you watch the Packers play today? Pay 25 cents 10 Veteran’s Day. Pay 25 cents in gratitude for those who died to keep our country free. Retired from the workforce – give 25 cents for each person. 25 9 Give 5 cents for every plant in your home. Give 50 cents if you don’t have any. that you have for your TV or computer. 10 cents if you don’t have any. If you exercised today, give 25 cents. If you didn’t, give 50 cents. World Thank Offering – The money collected is used to support the total program of mission carried on by the United Methodist Women in our global community. Containers are available at church on October 12th for your use, or you may use any receptacle that you wish. When finished, please bring your money to church and put it in the offering plate. Page 6 SUN MON TUE WED 1 THU FRI 2 3 UMW Unit meeting 6:30pm AA 8:30pm AA 8:00pm 5 Worship 8:30am & 10:30am 6 Handbell 7 Quartet 9:00am 8 UMW Sloppy Joe Dinner 19 Worship 8:30am & 10:30am Sunday School 9:30am 26 Worship 8:30am & 10:30am Sunday School 9:30am 13 Handbell Quartet 9:00am Girl Scouts 3:00pm Boy Scouts 6:30pm Praise Team 7:00pm 20 Handbell Quartet 9:00am 11 AA 8:30pm AA 8:00pm munion Sunday Worship 8:30am & 10:30am Sunday School 9:30am 10 14 Finance meeting 6:30pm 21 15 Trustees meeting 6:00pm 22 16 Esther Circle 1:30pm @ St Paul Home 17 18 UMW Conference Annual Gathering @ Madison: Asbury SPRC meeting 5:30pm AA 8:30pm AA 8:00pm 23 24 Boy Scouts 6:30pm Praise Team 7:00pm 27 Handbell Quartet 9:00am Girl Scouts 3:00pm Boy Scouts 6:30pm Praise Team 7:00pm 4 UMW Winnebago District Annual Gathering @ Oshkosh: First Rebekah Circle 6:30pm Boy Scouts Sunday School 6:30pm 9:30am Praise Team World Com7:00pm 12 9 SAT AA 8:30pm AA 8:00pm 28 29 30 Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00am 31 AA 8:30pm AA 8:00pm 25 Fall church/ parsonage cleanup outside day 8-noon Page 8 OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 2-Max Weinert 4-Billy Hammen 5-Daniel Glasheen 7-Jennifer Zeinert 9-Connor McGill 10-Robert Schubring 12-Lisa Blair 14-Molly Kirvan 16-Donald Bloy 16-Jared Gartzke 16-Renae Adams 17-Jeffrey Zeinert 18-Annette Porter 18-Nancy Weinert 19-Katherine Fulcer 21-Charles Fuller 22-Arley Norred 24-Bradley Lambie 24-Amanda VanAsten 25-Arletta Johnson 27-Donald Kirvan 27-Amanda Wait 29-Sara Sollars 30-Kevin Davidson 30-Matt Hinz 31-Ronald Schreiber 31-Charlie Weber 2-Dan & Debra Perronne 6-Dave & Jennifer Weber 18-Joseph & Sara Norred 18-Neil & Amanda Wait 20-Daryl & Shelley Gerritts 30-Mark & Mary Muthig -Free coffee, everlasting life, yes membership has its privileges October Worship Helpers Oct 5 8:30am Oct 5 10:30am Oct 12 8:30am Oct 12 10:30am Head Usher Barry Olson Ushers Doc & Shelley Gerritts Dan & Seong Graham Kellie & Isabelle Thon Dan & Seong Graham Greeter/ Narthex Keith & Cathy Gerow Don & Nancy Green Ron & Kathy Schreiber Loretta Jeske Kathy Ward Schroeder Family Kathy Ward Greeter/ Foyer Sound Ben Schultz/ Roberta Schubring Projection Jan Schubring Hospitality Claire Schneider/ Holly/Nan Oct 19 8:30am Oct 19 10:30am Oct 26 8:30am Oct 26 10:30am Dan & Seong Graham VerLea Doro Dan & Seong Graham Kathy Ward Ron & Kathy Schreiber Bernice Bourassa/ Jamie Stalker Lynn VanSchyndel Ben Schultz/ Roberta Schubring Mary Trettin Liturgist 32 years 7 years 11 years 11 years 13 years 33 years Cindy VanAsten Sandy Derks Brett Ward Ben Schultz/ Roberta Schubring Nickolas Ward Pat Burskey Marge Hull Ben Schultz/ Roberta Schubring Kathy Ward Annette Porter UMW Sloppy Joe Dinner Mary Trettin Linda Koester/ Marissa Shier Renae Adams/ Kathy Schreiber Page 9 A Stewardship Message For Your Church from Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation #294 Giving involves your whole self; including all you have and all you accumulate in your lifetime. “Zaccheus said to the Lord, ‘Look, half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much.’” (Luke 19:8 NRSV) Zaccheus quickly learned the meaning of the teachings of Jesus is that it is “more blessed to give than to receive.” Like children who “Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF”, he experienced the joy of being able to give to others who are in need. Donors who establish a Charitable Gift Annuity through the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation also experience this joy. A Charitable Gift Annuity allows you to make a gift to your favorite United Methodist ministry or local church and receive a fixed annuity payment for the rest of your life, or for the duration of your life and the life of your spouse. The payment you receive is a fixed percentage of your gift and is based upon your age. You can also receive a charitable deduction for a portion of the gift you make. At the time of your death, 80% of the remaining funds in your account will be sent to the church or charity you designate. Charitable Gift Annuities can be established with gifts of as little as $2,000. For more information, please call our office. Please have information regarding your age, the age of your joint annuitant (if applicable) and your income tax bracket ready to share, in confidence, with a member of our staff. Giving Is … sharing. It is an acknowledgement that God owns everything. We are simply stewards. Getting ready for Halloween usually means finding a costume, appropriate make-up and the biggest goodie bag ever. Halloween celebrations can also be a time to teach children (and adults) about giving, when you invite them to “Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF” Children become very excited about this opportunity to help less fortunate children to have clean water to drink, medicine, and warm blankets. Once they’ve been invited to turn the rather greedy tradition of trick-or-treating into a way to help “the least of these”, children seem grateful for the chance to give. And those they visit on Halloween tend to respond with enthusiasm and gratitude as well. Let’s not overlook the ways our children can be encouraged to be good stewards and leaders in living the gospel of Christ among us, throughout the upcoming holiday season. In order to make Halloween count this year, visit the following website Trick or Treat-UNICEF where you can order collection boxes, or to print out a canister wrapper to create your own collection container. Then go door-to-door on Halloween and “Trick or Treat for UNICEF”, or create your own fundraiser. Ask everyone to help you raise money for kids around the world! Once you've collected the money, send it to UNICEF to help save kids’ lives. Print out a donation form off the website and then send it with a check or money order to: Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF 125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038 Peace United Methodist Church 2300 E. Wisconsin Avenue Kaukauna, WI 54130 Sundays at Peace United Methodist Church 7:30 am 8:30 am 9:30 - 10:20 am 10:15-10:30am 10:30 am Adult Sunday School Contemporary Worship Children’s/Youth Sunday School Fellowship Traditional Worship Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:00am-2:00pm Peace United Methodist Church 2300 E. Wisconsin Avenue Kaukauna, WI 54130 Lucretia Fehrmann, Pastor Sheila VanRooy, Administrative Assistant Belinda VanDeLeygraaf, Youth Ministry Michelle Kittoe, Custodian Wendy Dearborn, Organist Mike Schultz, Praise Team Director Church phone: (920)766-3311 Church fax: (920)759-0468 Pastor cell phone: (920)538-0538 Pastor home phone: (920)462-4503 Website: Church email: Pastor email: Peace United Methodist Church, “Like” us on Facebook
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