Mass Schedule: Our Lady of Fatima, Delanson Saturday Vigil – 4:00 pm Sunday – 8:00 am Our Lady of the Valley, Middleburgh: Our Linked Parish Saturday Vigil – 5:30 pm CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA 1735 Alexander Road P.O. Box 219 Delanson, New York 12053 Parish Office: (518) 895-2788 Sacramental Information Baptism: (any age) First Reconciliation and First Communion: Second Grade and beyond. Confirmation: Tenth Grade and beyond (offered in spring of even years) Please note: Reconciliation/Communion and Confirmation candidates please pre-register by Aug. 31st to attend future Fall meetings and Spring Sacramental Preparation sessions. Participation in one year of GIFT (Inter-Generational Faith Formation) is also required prior to receiving the Sacrament. GIFT sessions begin in September. Additional information on Sacramental preparation is available at Marriage: Please contact the Parish Office one year prior to making any wedding arrangements. Couples are required to participate in the Marriage Preparation Program (Pre-Cana). Schedules can be found at Marriage_Preparation_Schedule.pdf Anointing of the Sick/Visitation of the Sick and Homebound: Available by appointment. Sacrament of Reconciliation: 1st Saturday of the Month at 3 pm in the Parish Center Anyone interested in preparing to receive (or having their child prepare to receive) one of the above sacraments please contact: Lynn O’Rourke, Parish Life Director, 895-2788 Sunday – 9:45 am Church Administration: Parish Staff: Parish Trustees: Camille Enders Lewis DeFillippo Parish Life Director Lynn O’Rourke Pastoral Council: Pat VanSlyck, Pres., Mary Ann Conway, Sec., Members: Laura Countryman, Cathy Fisher, Paul Reveal Paul Tracy Finance Council: Addie Breitenstein, Jim Nichols Pat Van Slyck Ministry Coordinators Eucharistic Ministers: Lynn O’Rourke 895-2788 Greeters: Mary Ann Conway 895-2797 Lectors: Helene Langan 295-7304 Counters: Toni Amorosi 657-1278 Sacramental Minister Father Matthew Wetsel Music Director Charlie Turner Parish Secretary Carol Caban Faith Formation Angela Caraher Cell : (518) 774-3740 Sacramental Preparation Currently Vacant Maintenance George Tallman Food Pantry Director Marge Wiener (518) 895-2788, ext 3 E-Mail: Parish Website: churchesOurLadyofFatima Welcome At Our Lady of Fatima, Delanson, we are God’s people sharing a responsibility to witness God’s unconditional love and to bring God’s healing presence to our world. GIFT is our Parish model for Life-long Intergenerational faith formation, centered around monthly opportunities to learn about and experience our faith in the company of all parishioners from the very young to the most mature, leading us to an ever deeper relationship with God and each other. GIFT is free and welcomes all. 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME This Weekend’s Readings: This week’s Psalm is: Psalm 18: Response: I love you, Lord, my strength. I love you, O Lord, my strength, O Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer. R. My God, my rock of refuge, my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold! Praised be the Lord, I exclaim, and I am safe from my enemies. R. The Lord lives and blessed be my rock! Extolled be God my savior. You who gave great victories to your king and showed kindness to your anointed. R. October 25, 2014 Richard Cooper By Lisa & Stephen Karandy October 26, 2014 Kenneth Whalen By Jean Wolfgang The Sanctuary Light will burn this week for the intention of an Anonymous Donor. Please pray for all who are sick, including: Patty Fagan, Stan Kwiatkowski, Jean Wolfgang, Peggy Lapo, Mark Tomaszewski, Raul Rodriguez, Raymond Hawes, Shirley Schleier, Bridget Graves, Baby James Kirk, Ed Kulesa, Stephanie Merenda, Betty Hayes, Belle Thompson, Ron Frisbee, and Janet Corcoran. Visitation & Prayer Chain Ministries The Visitation Ministry was created to minister to the sick or homebound of our church family. The ministers provide the presence of the Lord to anyone who would like to receive Communion, hear the Word, have someone pray with them or receive a blessing for health. Anyone who will be receiving medical treatment may request the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Please contact the Parish Office to arrange for these ministries. offerings. Noreen Mickel E.M. Helene Langan Lynn O’Rourke Greeters Noreen Mickel Greeters Mary Ann Conway for anyone in need of prayer. Contact Raul Rodriquez at 868-2822 (email: Raul and the other volunteers on our Prayer Chain will offer up your intentions. Thank you Raul for coordinating this vital ministry and thanks to all your prayer chain volunteers. 1Thessalonians 11:5-10 Reading 2— Reflection In this reading St. Paul is filled with gratitude that the new Christians of Thessalonica are following his example. They are not keeping the faith to themselves. They are imitating Paul by letting the gospel echo from their lives for all to hear. The students have become the teachers. Matthew 22:34-40—Gospel Reflection When you heard the Pharisee’s question to Jesus, did you know what the answer would be? If not, now would be a good time to learn the answer by heart. Which is the greatest commandment? Jesus quotes the law of love in two parts. First we must love God with our entire selves. Out of that love of God grows the love of others. We must love our neighbors with as much care and concern as we have for ourselves. Does it seem very Saturday, Oct.25 Saturday, Nov. 1 easy to love? As we try to do it, we will find Lector Mary Ann Conway Lector Jo Errichetto it can be very difficult. E.M. Our Prayer Chain Ministry prays Exodus 22:20-26 Reading 1—Reflection As we see in the first reading from the Book of Exodus, after the Ten Commandments were given to Moses, God spelled out other ways in which the Israelites should live the covenant. These individual laws give clear guidance on relating to God and others. They also carry a threat of punishment for those who ignore the needy. Aliens, widows, orphans, and poor debtors are to be treated with compassion. If their cries for help are not answered, God says, “I will surely hear their cry.” This reading erases any doubt about how important it is to treat those in need with compassion, understanding their suffering and taking action to change what is casing it. Sunday, Oct. 26 Lector William Tindale E.M. Cathy Callahan Ed Biittig Lynn O’Rourke Greeters Jan Baptiste Pat Van Slyck Counters Joy Del Setter Colleen Dewey Camille Enders Carol Caban Paul Reveal Lynn O’Rourke Helene Langan Dan Guilz Sunday, Nov. 2 Lector E.M. Don Uveges Ken Chrinian Jose Flores Lynn O’Rourke Greeters Carole Hoffmann Jan Baptiste Counters Hank O’Brien Ethel O’Brien Margaret Hesdorfer Sacrificial Giving Weekend of 10/18 & 10/19/2014 Actual Budget $2,585 $3,400 The weekly budget amount listed is the amount needed to run the Parish and only comes from the generosity of your offerings Parish Happenings This Week Sat. 10/25 After Mass (Hall)—GIFT: Kathleen Gallagher on “Rights & Responsibilities” Mon. 10/27 @6:30-8:30pm (Hall) - “Where We Worship Shapes Our Prayer,” with Fr. Richard Vosko (for Liturgical Ministers & GIFT Team Members) Tues. 10/28 @12:30-2:30pm—Jail Ministry Tues. 10/28 @7pm (Center)-Prayer & Worship Committee Wed. 10/29 @5:30pm (Hall) - GIFT Team Meeting Thurs. 10/30 @ 9am—Daily Mass Fri. 10/31—Trick or Treat at the Rectory! SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, November 9 from 2-6:45pm: CALLED TO SERVE FAMILY SUNDAY at St. Gabriel’s. Lean and reflect on how you can be a leader in service by performing works of mercy in your daily life. Bishop Scharfenberger will celebrate the opening Mass. All are welcome. Presentations and fun workshops for all ages, children through adults, followed by a Pizza Party. Brought to you by the Works of Mercy Initiative and your Schenectady Deanery Faith Formation Programs. Registration forms are available on the rack in the rear of the Church or in the Parish Office. Thank you for your donations of $2,673 to the Loaves and Fishes Collection (its still multiplying!). You can still give to the BEST Faith Formation Program in the Diocese by using the self-addressed envelopes in the pews with the GIFT Tree stamped on front. CARE CHOICES—COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS— Education on Advance Care Planning Care Choices—This is a timely topic for ALL to learn about Advanced Care Planning and its role in shaping health care for those who are seriously ill. Learn how to take an active role in making health care decision that affect the quality of life of your loved ones and their ability to remain at home. Many people face complex, chronic problems which carry a new type of burden, both for the sick person and for the family members caring for them. This program is made possible through a partnership with Ellis Medicine and the Visiting Nurse Service known as Care Choices. Guest speaker will be Gwendolyn Bondi. In an effort to provide adequate materials for all who attend, please contact either Gwen Bondi at (518) 382-8050, ext 321 or Anna News of Father Bill: Fr. Bill is now a patient at St. Peter’s Hospi- Marie Montanaro, Pastoral Care Associate for St. John the tal. If you’d like to send a card, his room number is 4208. Please Evangelist at (518) 269-2315 by November 1. Please plan on joining us on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 7:00 pm at St. John remember him in your prayers. the Evangelist Parish Office Building (former school building, Eastern Ave. entrance). Feel free to bring anyone you feel would 2014 Bishop’s Appeal at OLF—We are nearing our assessment. benefit from this presentation. Light refreshments will be served. To date, 128 families have pledged or made of donations in the amount of $32,354. We only have another $458 left to raise. If you haven't yet made a pledge or gift, please consider help our par- From the Diocese of Albany: Pope Francis has asked the Church to ish reach its goal. Thank you for your support of the Bishop’s Ap- celebrate a Year of Consecrated Life from November 21, 2014 to November 21, 2015. Parishioners are invited to join with others peal. from the diocese at the celebration of this occasion with Bishop THANK YOU! Once again our annual Rummage Sale was a resounding success. The total raised for our “Needy Family Fund” is Edward Scharfenberger at our Cathedral at a 7pm Vigil Mass on $1,487.30. Thanks to all of you who brought in donations, helped Thursday, November 20, 2014. Please join with us in prayer for the consecrated men and women who serve our diocese and our Church out all week prior to the sale sorting items, to those who volunso well. teered during the sale, and to Barbara Thomas for organizing this event. Schenectady Deanery News: St. Joseph Worker Program: I am Sister Linda Neil, a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondolet. Our YOUTH MINISTRY AT OLF!!! The rumors volunteer program is for women 21-30. These young women live in that have been floating around our parish are a community together, serve in a full time placement at a local true! We are now ready to unveil our Youth community agency, grow in leadership ability, and enhance their Ministry, available for all students from 6th grade spirituality. Our website is, email— and up, and we are planning a PIZZA Party for and the phone is 393-0528. I am happy to Sunday, October 26 from 2-5pm in the Hall to begin this journey. talk to groups about the program and individuals who have Please bring a good attitude and a willingness to share ideas in an open discussion for moving forward with this great program! Even questions or know someone who might be seeking a meaningful better, bring a friend! Parents and young adults are encouraged to experience and to gain work and life experiences at the same time. attend and participate in this exciting new venture. ConYou can change the life of a child in YOUR community...BECOME tact: Paul Reveal (518)229-6337 or Anna Denney at A FOSTER PARENT! Learn more about partnering with Northeast Parent and Child Society by calling 1-844-855-CARE. News from the Knights: The November K of C meeting Advertiser of the Month: Township Tavern, Township Road in will be on Tuesday, November 4 at 7pm. And—MARK YOUR CALENDAR: The Knights will have a Spaghetti Dinner on Satur- Altamont—a hidden gem! Let them know that you appreciate their day, November 8 from 4-7pm to benefit the Community Maternity support of OLF by sponsoring an ad in our bulletin. Services of Schoharie. Cost: “Free Will Offering” Don’t Forget—Last weekend for the “Dollars for Scholars” campaign. Thank you for last weekend’s collection of $1,208.37, bringing the total collected to $2,034.17. The tuition for each student is $400 per school year. That means to date, Our Lady of Fatima’s donation will provide at least five youth with the ability to pursue a high school education, learn a marketable skill, and break out of the cycle of poverty. May God bless all of you who have supported “Dollars for Scholars!”
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