Prayer Needs *Please pray for … *Maureen Lamb, Larry and Janie. *Give thanks for the safe arrival of Adam Milosevic. (See overleaf) *The Cameron family as they mourn the loss of V e ra. Meeting to pray this week In addition to our regular services as a church family, we enjoy meeting together to pray for the needs of our community and our church. Please feel free to join with us this week: Wednesday: 9.30am The Wednesday Service will be Holy Communion at St. John’s Bourne En d . Saturday: 8.00-9.00am Prayer Breakfast in the Breukelman Room: (2nd 4th and 5th Saturdays of the month), (1st Saturdays) St. John’s BE and (3rd Saturdays) at the Way Inn . Collect for 26th October Faithful Lord, whose steadfast love never ceases and whose mercies never come to an end: grant us the grace to trust you and to receive the gifts of your love, new every morning, in Jesus Christ our Lord.. Amen Readings for Sunday 26th October ‘and the most important thing of all is …’ Matthew 22:34-46 p.991 Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18 p.121 Psalm 1 p.543 1 Thess 2:1-8 p.1186 Week beginning 26th October Monday 27th October 12 noon Lunch Club in the Breukelman Room for our Senior Citizens. Wednesday 29th October 9.30am mid-week service will be at St. John’s Bourne End this week. 11.00am-12.30pm Men at Home at The Old Mill. Contact John Kirkby . 11.00am-12.30pm Girls Allowed at The Boat. Contact Barbara Smith . th Thursday 30 October Youth Football at Sportspace Berkhamsted. If you want to take part, speak to Tom for more details. Friday 31st October 10am-12 noon Coffee and cakes at St. John’s Bourne End Parish Room. Come and enjoy this monthly social gathering. 1.30pm NO SMARTIES this week – half term. We resume as normal at 1.30pm on 7th November. 7-9pm NO EDGE this week, it’s Half Term. We’re back on 7th November! Saturday 1st November 8.30am onwards is the next joint gardening event. Please come along and help us. No grand gardening expertise required, just a willingness to pitch in! 3.30pm Messy Church followed by Fireworks in the church grounds, (no bonfire). If you wish to donate a firework that would be great, but please make sure it's suitable for this smaller location. Hot Dogs and Soup. See you there! A big ‘Thank You’ … to everyone who organised our fireworks display yesterday and to the cooks who provided is with tasty refreshments. Welcome to Love // Grow // Serve 26th October 2014 The Eight: The Nine: The Ten Thirty: The Six-Thirty: Holy Communion (BCP) Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Service Welcome to Sunnyside We hope that you will feel very welcome in our church today. If you’re here for the first time, please fill in a welcome card and hand it to a member of the welcome team. Thank you. As a church we are seeking to: LOVE God and each other GROW in Faith SERVE our Community Please feel free to join us at any of our services today. We have refreshments between 10am and 10.30am on Sundays – get to know us over a tea or coffee! Contact For all enquiries please contact the Church office which is normally open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am-2pm. Church Office: 01442-875025 David Abbott: 01442-865100 Items for this notice sheet need to be given to the office by Thursday at the latest, please. General Information *Affinity Water will be working in Ivy House Lane from about 30th October. Access to church will generally be maintained but please allow extra time just in case your normal route to church is closed off. *A final reminder that the deadline for giving in your shoe boxes is this Saturday, 1st November *The successful Hemel Hempstead Street Pastors are now looking to recruit a team to patrol in Berkhamsted on Friday evenings for 2015, patrolling from 9pm to around 12 midnight, with exact times to yet be confirmed. Full training will be given. For more information, please read the poster in the lobby or speak to Mike Wallis *Bible-reading notes: We have some up to date and some old copies of bible-reading notes. If our recent sermon series on The Book has inspired you to read your bible (or read it more), please take a copy. They’re in a box in the entrance lobby. *Will Aid is a special partnership between the legal profession and 9 of UK’s best loved charities. Each November, local participating solicitors waive their fee for writing or updating a will. Instead they invite clients to make a donation to Will Aid. See poster and flyers in the lobby. Dates for your diary Monday 3rd November 9am Prayer for Our Schools meeting in the Breukelman Room. 2pm A Thanksgiving Service for the life of Vera Cameron is being held here at Sunnyside. Wednesday 26th November 7.30pm at Christchurch Chorleywood – another in the highly successful ‘Facing the Canon’ series with J. John in conversation with Mark Russell. Mark, a really amusing and interesting speaker, was appointed as Chief Executive of The Church Army at the age of 31 in 2006. Ladies’ Walking Group It may be getting a little colder but this will not deter the ladies of the LWG. Walks are planned through till January. They meet on the 1st Wednesday and the 3rd Monday of the month at Sunnyside at 1.45pm. Walks are usually 1½-2 hours long. It’s a great chance to meet new friends and catch up on all the news with old friends. Speak to Chris Cartwright or Pat Simons for more details. th th November: Wednesday 5 , Monday 17 rd th December: Wednesday 3 , Monday 15 January: Wednesday 7th, Monday 19th Family News Zeljko and Kate Milosevic (son-in-law and daughter of Isabel and David Abbott) are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their son Adam early on the morning of Wednesday 22nd October [around 12.15am], 7lbs 4oz. Mother and baby are fine. We send them all our congratulations and very best wishes.
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