Rock Hill Lions Club P. O. Box 265 Rock Hill, SC 29731 803-324-7377 Visit us on the web at 2014-2015 OFFICERS PDG Jim McKown, President 803-329-0513 Cynthia Bottomley, Vice President & Newsletter Editor 803-325-2133 Gary Bottomley, Sec./Treasurer 803-325-2133 Richard Sealy, Membership 803-366-5009 Tim Hyatt, Tail Twister 803-366-0621 Ric Jenkins, Lion Tamer 803-366-1787 OCTOBER 2014 UPCOMING DATES OCTOBER 9 - Dinner Meeting at Jackson's Cafeteria on Heckle Blvd. at 6:00 PM OCTOBER 23 - Dinner Meeting at Jackson's Cafeteria on Heckle Blvd. at 6:00 PM OCTOBER 30 - Second District Cabinet meeting at 6:30 pm at the Church of the Nazarene, 650 9th Street, Winnsboro, SC 29180 NOVEMBER 13 - Dinner Meeting at 6:00 PM, District Governor, Rick Pressly will be visiting our club. Rescheduled DECEMBER 5 - Rock Hill Christmas Parade at 6:30 PM baseball at Cherry Park all contribute. Thank you for keeping us informed and up to date. Rock Hill Lions Club Regular Meeting September 11, 2014 PRESENT: Lion Ric Jenkins Lions Cindy and Gary Bottomley Lion Kathleen Palidoro Lion Tim Hyatt Lions Elaine and Richard Sealy Lion Anne Raine Guest Speaker: Gibson Steven Our meeting was called to order at 6:00 by Lion Cindy. Lions Anna and Jim could not be present due to chest pains that Lion Jim had and we hope he is feeling better now. We missed them. We were introduced to Steven Gibson our speaker for the evening. Lion Cindy called on Lion Richard to ask the blessing on our food after which we recited the Pledge to our Flag. Lion Tim was given the floor. He had gotten his questions from our Lion Magazine and we didn’t have much luck answering them. Thank you Lion Tim for the challenge to read the magazine before we come to the meeting. After the questions we all proceeded to get our food. Lion Cindy introduced our speaker, Steven Gibson, who is from the Office of Management and Budget for the City of Rock Hill. He had a very good presentation on the new budget and many of the activities that add to the economic growth of the City. A velodrome, a BMX track, and of course We had a few items of business for our Club. Lion Cindy reports that we have two new sponsors. MJS Family Eyewear and John Davis, Sound Advice. She reminded us that the District Governor’s visit is rescheduled and will be November 13. She has mailed the fee and application for our Club to participate in the Rock Hill Parade on December 5 at 6:30. Lion Lenora was not present but we established that we do want to focus on The Federation of the Blind this year. Don’t forget that we need our Christmas wear to add to the displays. The MD 32 Convention for 2015 will be March 26 – 29 at Myrtle Beach. Never too early to make plans to attend. The International President will be the speaker. Lion Gary sold $400.00 dollars of brooms over the last couple of weeks. He will be ordering a new supply soon. A motion was made to send a memorial gift for Patrick Anderson of $100.00 to Habitat for Humanity. Lion Ric seconded and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30. Respectfully submitted Lion Elaine ***************************** Rock Hill Lions Club Board Meeting September 25, 2014 PRESENT: Lions Anna and Jim McKown Lions Cindy and Gary Bottomley Lion Kathleen Palidoro Lion Tim Hyatt Lions Elaine and Richard Sealy Our Lion President Jim called the meeting to order at 6:00. Anne must have another schedule that keeps her from being there. Lion Ric sometimes has a truck come in or some other reason. We missed them all and hope that we can all be together next time. We didn’t have a lot of business. Lion Richard gave Lion Gary an approval form for a lady who has an appointment on Tuesday for an eye exam. Hopefully we will be able to assist more patients who need help. We were so happy to have Lions Anna and Jim back. They reported that their travels and volunteer time were very good. Alaska is beautiful and I think they really enjoyed their visit with Doug and especially the fishing. Lion Anna is Zone Chairman and will be notifying us of an upcoming zone meeting. Lion Ann prayed for our food and for our Club and Lion Cindy led in our Pledge to our Flag. Then Lion Tim was prepared with his questions. He had taken more time and could even read his own writing. The questions were super challenging though and I don’t think we got even one right. Most came from the Lion Magazine so we have to do a better job of reading that. Thank you Lion Tim. We appreciate all the work you do for each meeting. Our application for the Christmas parade has been mailed and our writeup has been done. Our plan to include the Federation of the Blind to be Knights of the Blind is moving along. Lion Lenora will need to tell us more about that when she comes next time. Lions Richard and Gary will get together to talk about lights, railings, banners, etc. soon. We were then ready to eat our meal. As usual the food was delicious. In our conversation we discovered that Lion Kathleen is having trouble with her ankle and that she has actually spent a good many days in the hospital recently. We do hope she is going to get better soon. We wondered where our “missing” members were. Lion Lenora has been absent for a few times. Lion The next Cabinet Meeting will be October 30 in Winnsboro. Lion Richard will be going to the mountains October 18 to get the apples that we give each year to the nursing homes. Since Lions Cindy and Gary will be away, he will ask his Sunday School Class to help with delivery. People still ask about brooms. Lion Richard had church members order two when he ran into them at the eye doctor’s office. Don’t forget that our District Governor will be visiting on November 13 at our regular meeting. Our meeting was adjourned at 7:00. A big plus for starting at 6:00. Respectfully Submitted Lion Elaine Sealy ********************* The cost of the meal will be $12.00 per person. The dinner will be catered so advance reservations must be made prior to Friday, October 24, 2014. Reservations can be made by emailing me at or by calling me at 864-833-6021 (Home), 864-200-9797 (Cell), or 864-938-4150 (Work). It will be necessary to bill all No-Shows since we will need a firm count for the caterer. If you would like to prepay, please mail payment to: PCC Eddie Marshall Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer 2688 Hwy 308 Clinton, SC 29325 LIONS OF 32D “Strengthening the PRIDE through Education and Communication!” September 30, 2014 From: District Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer 32-D To: District 32-D Region Chairpersons, Zone Chairpersons, Lions Club Presidents Secretaries, and Committee Chairpersons The second District Cabinet meeting will be held Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 6:30 PM at the Church of the Nazarene, 650 9th Street, Winnsboro SC 29180. It is expected that all Region Chairpersons, Zone Chairperson, Club Presidents, and Secretaries attend this meeting. All other club members are welcome to attend as well. Remember to wear your favorite costume!!!! If you have any questions, please email me or give me a call. The Cabinet meeting will be of interest to all Lions, so please encourage as many of your members to attend as possible. This will be a very enthusiastic meeting and will be an opportunity for us to be updated. Be sure to inform me of how many from your club will attend. Serving Together, PCC Eddie Marshall PCC Eddie Marshall Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer Lions Clubs - Ready to Help, Worldwide Whenever a Lions Club gets together, problems get smaller. And communities get getter. That's because we help where help is needed - in our own communities and around the world with unmatched integrity and energy. Lions - The World's Largest Service Club Organization Our 46,000 clubs and 1.35 million members in 209 countries and geographic areas make us the world's largest service club organization. We're also one of the most effective. Our members do whatever is needed to help their local communities. Everywhere we work, we make friends, with children who need eyeglasses, with seniors who don't have enough to eat and with people we may never meet. Lions Serve South Carolina - Be Proud! Some statistics to consider when donating to Lions: Statewide 2013-14: 95 eye surgeries $687,004.64 value Lion's cost after negotiation: $106,840.63 Statewide: 99 Hearing Aids provided. $174,332.84 value Lion's cost after negotiation: $82,567.34 Mobile Screening Unit: 8,335 Health screenings across the state - most at local schools ensuring that students have healthy eyes and hearing to succeed in school. $584,850 value - Lion's cost after negotiation: $97,403.96 TOTAL SAVINGS: $1,010,046.75 Thank you for supporting your local Lions -- every dollar you give becomes Five Dollars in Services! ******************** LIONS BROOMS ARE AVAILABLE FROM ANY ROCK HILL LION MEMBER AND AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Mitchell’s Barber Shop 2101 Mt. Gallant Road Rock Hill, SC Animal Supply House 1025 N. Anderson Road Rock Hill, SC Fellow Lions and Friends, Please read the warm thank you letter from a recipient of our Charitable Service in South Carolina. October 1st, 2014 SC Lions Club 220 Outlet Pointe Blvd, Columbia, SC 29210 I cannot thank the SC Lions Club organization enough for helping me in my time of need. As a freelance graphic designer, I live in a world of imagery and color that makes a living completing projects. Therefore, I am a self-pay for all medical situations. I am also diabetic. I have been losing my sight for the last four years and it has been a struggle to survive. In 2011 I was told I had cataracts in both eyes. The right eye was much worse than the left eye. I decided to have the cataract in the right eye removed in February. In the meantime, I would save the monies to have the cataract in the left eye removed. On August 10, 2011, the retina in the right eye began to tear. Because of my self-pay situation, by the time the retina surgery took place on September 2, 2011, the retina had detached and I wound up with partial sight in that eye. All of the monies I had saved for the cataract surgery for my left eye, went to repairing the retina in the right eye. After being told that the retina detaching happens to one in a thousand people after cataract surgery, I was more than hesitant to have the cataract removed from the left eye. I knew I could not afford it and I was really afraid of the retina detaching. I decided if the left eye were to go blind, I at least had some sight in the right eye and would adapt and learn the skills needed to survive when my world went dark. Everything was getting more difficult. I woke up every day dealing with the unknown of what my sight will be for that day. The right eye was always fighting with the left eye. Constantly walking into walls, doors, people, tripping constantly and struggling to complete design projects. I went to see Dr. Kokinakis on August 4th of this year. She stated the cataract had become a stone and she could not see behind the eye, that concerned her because of my diabetes. I explained to her what I could see through the left eye and realized the retina was detaching. She stated I needed to see Dr. Jablon to see how we could proceed with cataract removal surgery. My appointment with Dr. Jablon on August 18th, was full of over whelming news. With the ultrasound, you could see the retina was detaching and shriveling. He stated this was an emergency situation and surgery needs to happen by the following week and we had to be realistic about the level of sight I would actually wind up with. He also stated that if the retina tore in the right eye, I would be completely blind. I was scared and devastated. How was I going to pay for this? Was I really ready to live in a dark world? This is when I was introduced to the SC Lions Club. Working with Pat Harvey and Wynn Fitzgerald was an incredible experience. They kept me calm and guided me through the process with ease, all the while making me feel like I am an important member of society. All this time I was thinking that the SC Lions Club was going to help me make this surgery affordable. When I was told that the SC Lions Club was paying for my surgery, I cannot begin to tell you the depth of gratitude and peace of mind that everything will be alright. My surgery took place on August 25th. Dr. Jablon stated the surgery was a success and he felt I would gain more sight that expected. I told him if the right eye no longer has to fight with the left eye, it was already a winwin situation. As of today, October 1, 2014, I am still healing from the surgery, however, the sight I am beginning to see through the left eye is truly amazing!!! The peace of mind to know I can walk again without tripping over something, seeing the details of branches and leaves across the street, even seeing a person's smile lines on their face is just so beautiful! It is the simple things in life that is so appreciated when you have your sight restored. The SC Lions Club has given me such a precious gift that I am forever thankful and grateful for. It is a whole new world that I now have the opportunity to explore and experience. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Warmest regards always, Cyndee Wilson ROCK HILL LIONS EYEGLASS RECYCLE CONTAINERS ARE LOCATED AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: 1. Jackson’s Cafeteria, Wedgewood Plaza, Herlong & Heckle 2. Dr. Brian Colletto, Optometrist, 356 Oakland Avenue 3. Rock Hill Eye Center, 1565 Ebenezer Road 4. Central Carolina Ear, Nose, Throat & Audiology Center, 1565 Ebenezer Road 5. America’s Best, Galleria Mall 6. York County Library, 138 E. Black Street 7. Oakland Baptist Church, 1067 Oakland Avenue 8. Wal-Mart Optical, Newport, SC 9. Wal-Mart Optical, Galleria Mall 10. YMCA, 402 Charlotte Avenue 11. Mt. Hebron Baptist Church 262 Neely Store Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29730 THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS Keith D. Veltri Allstate Insurance Company 2013 Ebenezer Road Rock Hill, SC 29732 803.818.2377 Fax 803.753.8438 Animal Supply House Jeff Culp, Owner 1025 N. Anderson Road Rock Hill, SC 29730 803.366.2959 Scott Hendrix Good Motor Company 80 N. Anderson Road Rock Hill, SC 29730 803.328.6266 D. Bradley Jordan Jordan & Dunn, LLC 546 East Main Street Rock Hill, SC 29731 803.817.7999 Rock Hill Eye Center Bryan K. Anderson, M.D. 1565 Ebenezer Road Rock Hill, SC 29732 803.328.0168 1698 W. Hwy. 160, Ste. 110 Fort Mill, SC 29715 803.547.9510 Rock Hill Eye Center Gary Stone Licensed Optician 1565 Ebenezer Road Rock Hill, SC 29732 803.327.3111 1698 W. Hwy. 160, Ste. 110 Fort Mill, SC 29715 803.547.9523 R. J. Enterprises Richard L. Jenkins Sunbelt Snacks & Cereals Little Debbie Snacks 803.366.1787 Greene Funeral Home 2133 Ebenezer Road Rock Hill, SC 29732 803.326.2051 Dr. Brian E. Colletto Optometrist 356 Oakland Avenue Rock Hill, SC 29730 803.980.3937 Longs Cleaners-Launderers 1764 Herlong Village Drive 803.324.8665 2726 Celanese Rd., Northwoods Square Rock Hill, SC 29732 803.324.8676 A.B. Poe & Co. Farmers Exchange 322 S. Cherry Road Rock Hill, SC 29732 803.324.2925 Jackson’s Cafeteria Corporate Office Gastonia – Rock Hill - Shelby 1735 Heckle Blvd. Rock Hill, SC 29732 Williams & Fudge Gary Williams, CEO 300 Chatham Avenue Rock Hill, SC 29731 800.849.9791 MJS Family Eyecare Dr. Sakesha Yolonda Caston 4875 Old York Road Rock Hill, SC 29732 803.327.0035 Fax: 803.327.0039 SoundAdvice Hearing Center John B. Davis BC-HIS 1700 First Baxter Crossing Suite 103 Fort Mill, SC 29708 803.547.5700
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