23 October 2014
No. 2
Majura Primary School acknowledges the Ngunnawal people who are the traditional owners and custodians of this land
Friday 24 October
Tues 28 Oct-Fri 31 Oct
Tuesday 28 October
Wednesday 29 October
Friday 31 October
Tuesday 4 November
Tuesday 4 November
Saturday 8 November
Senior Assembly Yr 5
Book Fair
Preschool Transition Visit
P&C Meeting 7pm
Yr 6 Walk for Daniel
Kindy Info Evening 6pm
Second hand uniform sale
Spring Carnival
Dear Parents and Carers,
The performing arts concerts have kept everybody
busy this week. Last night’s final performance went off
very well, and the year 6 students did a great job of
organising things throughout the evening. It can be a
bit of a logistical feat to give all children the
opportunity to perform, and provide a theme or story
that links the various parts, but this format achieved
this in an entertaining way. Congratulations to all our
students and Linda, and a thank you to all the staff for
helping out and supporting the event.
at Majura, but I do keep hearing lots of things, so I am
looking forward to a big event.
The P&C have appointed Maria Lomax as the new
canteen manager. As you will see, Maria brings a
wealth of skills and experience, and we welcome her
to Majura. Maria is currently settling in and getting
things organised to open the canteen within the next
couple of weeks, once reopened the canteen will
operate on Thursdays and Fridays. Maria is keen to
link the canteen with the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen
Garden program and ethos to support healthy food for
the Majura Community.
Daniel Zobel
Our beautiful kindy kids (cute chickens!) ready to
Class placements 2015
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, this is the
time we are working on class placements for next
year. We take a number of factors into account,
including input from staff, students and parents,
during our process. A lot of thought goes into class
composition, with the aim of providing the best
learning environment for each student. Children have
had the opportunity to provide input, should there be
special issues you would like to discuss, please feel
free to contact the front office to make an
appointment to meet with either myself or a member
of the executive team.
Spring Carnival
Things are getting underway for the Spring Carnival on
the 8th of November, with the P&C looking for both
donations and volunteers! Please see the details later
in the newsletter. I have not been to a Spring Carnival
Knox Street, Watson ACT 2602
6142 3140
6142 3141
6255 4441
6241 4767
In our mini inquiry
unit “Move Me” Year
2 investigated how
of pushes and pulls
affect the movement
of objects.
Drawing diagrams
Viv Badham, Sally
Richardson and Jane
Kitchen Garden News
I would like to explain about the produce we use in the kitchen and some of the people who support us. Of course all the
produce that comes from the garden is organically grown – we are so lucky to have such a magnificent garden. If for a
particular recipe I need more carrots, for example, than the garden has ready to harvest, I purchase these from growers at the
Farmer’s Markets. Some of the strong supporters of our Kitchen Garden Program are:
Michael from Moryua, who has a beautiful organic farm and has supplied
our kitchen with many vegetables and our garden with loads of garlic.
The Dissegna family from Griffith are also wonderful supporters of our
kitchen supplying our extra virgin olive oil, chickpeas and borlotti beans.
Our figs for the Burnt Fig Jam are provided by John from Lindfield Park in
Orange. I couldn’t make this jam, which is so popular, without John’s
Thanks to the generous support of Mountain Creek Wholefoods we have
been able to stock the pantry with an organic, light wholemeal flour.
These are just some of the people who support the Kitchen Garden Program.
They are not big companies, but rather small family businesses who believe we
are doing something really important here at Majura, and I value their support.
The menus I devise are low fat and low sugar and where possible we use raw or
brown sugar instead of white sugar. All the jams produced by the Kitchen are
low sugar, which means you taste the fruit rather than the sugar.
Michael from Moruya
Following on from Lou, the majority of plants we grow are from seeds supplied mainly by
Eden Seeds and Diggers. While not all their seeds are organic, they are generally open
pollinated and are free of chemical intervention. The garden itself is run as an organic
garden, which does mean that we do have pests that we have to put up with, as Year 5
Azurite witnessed on Monday.
The Majura P & C have purchased 4 microscopes for the Kitchen Garden that attach to
iPads. The detail is fantastic and I look forward to using these further in the classes.
Thea is looking for volunteers each morning to water parts of the garden, mainly the lettuce boxes and greenhouse. It takes
about 15 minutes and can be done at your leisure.
8 November
We URGENTLY need volunteers to coordinate the following key stalls:
Trash n Treasure
Second hand clothing
Mango Lassi
Contact Sullivan O'Connell at
Collect your stuff together, sorted if you can but OK in piles
Boxes and bags of books
Old bikes, bike bits and bike gear
Clothes in wearable condition
Unused treasures (OK, some trash!)
We'll be collecting these from next week, so contact the relevant stall coordinator (see last
week's newsletter) or contact Conall O'Connell at
Reminder: Our next book
fair will be held from 28
October until 31 October.
Do you have an un-used bike(s) sitting in the shed?
Why not donate it to the Majura Spring Fair and
see it ride again!
Drop it off at the school or if you need it picked up
call Peter on 6249 1514 or email
We'll do any minor repairs that are needed and
match it up with a good home at the Spring Fair.
Introducing our new Canteen Manager!!
The P&C Executive would like to introduce Maria Lomax, our new Canteen Manager.
Maria is a qualified chef with over 10 years’ experience. She enjoys making healthy, delicious and
kid-friendly meals and treats, and looks forward to taking on the exciting job of managing our school
canteen. She is particularly excited about working closely with the kitchen garden team.
Maria has a husband and 8 year old daughter, and also works part time at the Australian Institute of
Sport, managing the food facility for visiting school groups and school camps.
Maria loves inspiring food discoveries in children, but understands that some children can struggle and
she is determined to make sure our children have what they need an like in terms of canteen meals. She
looks forward to consulting with parents, and with their help and ideas, putting together a new and
exciting menu.
Maria will start work this Thursday, but will need a bit of time to set everything up, so we anticipate
opening the canteen either in week 3 or 4. Please pass by on a Thursday or Friday and make Maria
Watch this space for a canteen launch!!
St Ninian’s Fete
Saturday 1 November 2014
, you are invited to a
Movie Presentation & Birthday
The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia, a film by
James Redford
Radford College Junior Hall, College Street,
Wednesday October 22nd, 6pm for a 6:30
Entry by gold coin donation
To see the trailer of this film please see
"After watching the Big Picture movie, my 9
year old
stood taller and confidently said, 'I am dyslexic.'"
– Mother of a dyslexic child
The screening will be immediately followed by
cake cutting in celebration of DSA's first birthday, please come along to help us celebrate.
Our Working Memory workshop for November 12th is booking fast. For more information
or to book please go to www. trybooking/
Thank you for your support of Dyslexia
Empowerment Week!
Come & enjoy the delights from
feast of foods & favourites
Food: Tongan savoury & sweets, spring rolls, pavlo-
va paradise, Devonshire tea, barbeque steak sandwich, egg & bacon roll
Stalls: Craft, cakes & cookies, treasures, white ele-
phant, garden, flowers & veg, country kitchen, preloved clothes,
face painting, children’s activities
Entertainment: Tongan children, Ukulele band,
cnr Mouat & Brigalow Sts,