Honeywell VC4043 Series Spring Return Valves SPECIFICATION DATA Specifi a ns - • _ - Hz. 6{)Hz Sup eo Labe l Co t Po - gnal OnlOff Con sumption Max. 6.5 Watts @ 220V 50Hz Max. 6 Watts @ 220V 60Hz Opens in 35 sec. @ 50 Hz No inal Tim ing Close time 10 sec Max. - 'e EI .., ::! -- ::: :: ximately 20% shorter @ 60 Hz cal t ea A- : e -' General The VC4043 series Spring Return Valves are used in Heating and air conditioning systems to control the flow 01 the heat ransler fluid. The fluid is typically hot or cold water, however reared water (Max.50% Glycol Solutio s applications are also permissible. Spring return VC valve is one type of control alve that can do precise control refer to customer 's demands. Spring return actuator has the special function that if the power is off, the valve will return to original position by spring. This is a safe and energy saving function to customers . In addition, this valve is capable of handling greater different ial pressures without water- hammer. n egral 1 meter (nominal 39") ' e cable _ "',"; :; Atmo sph ere Fluid temperatures Pressure Differential 1 to 95 C (34 to 203' F) - "i .~ ba Pressure Rating : - 0 osi :: -= a Valve Material Body Bro ze ::;artridge ' i 9 seal Ryton a EPD r Stainless stee T avel : 10mm (0.4 1 _) se ries and Replacement Parts : ---- :::: -. 2. rench for removingVC a e cart age 400 2-• , Off 2-way VC valve cartridge 0 3-way VC valve cartridge 40004802 6 : CD » w a: AP ENOH-047CH33A0609 Table1, Selection rze Size (In .) 2/3 Way Cv / Kvs VC4043AF1000T ON15 12 2 3.5 ( 3.0 VC4043AJ1000T DN20 314 2 6. 2 VC4043AP1000T ON25 1 2 7.0 /6.0 VC4043ME6000T ON15 1/2 3 4.0 / 3.5 VC4043MH6000T ON20 3/4 3 8.2 / 7.0 3 9.0 17.7 S' I OS# I VC4043MP6000T ON25 I 1. The end connec ion 2. The elec trical erm mation is 1 met er cab le. IS Fig. 1 - Fluid flow of 2-way val s.a 3S Fig. 2 - Fluid flow of 3-way valves Table 2. 2-Way Nominal Dimensions (See Fig. 3) ~ I D C mm Inches mm '12 " BSPP(int.) 98 3-7/8 38 BSPP (Int.) 94 3 -11 16 1"BSPP(int.) 94 3-11/16 Pipe fitting sizes 3,4" inches " 6 : •• .2 I : -1 2 140 Table 3. 3-Way Nominal Dimensions (See F ~ 0 C no'~nal d'l'QeIns ll~ s mm Inches mm inches '12 " BSPP(in!.) 98 3-7/8 163 6-7/16 v." BSPP (lnt.) 94 3-11/16 157 6-'<'-' . ;:.- 94 3· 1 6 "';:: "J -3. " : Pipe fitting sizes "53 ? ? I t n Inc I DIM 0 ISEE TAB! I c SEE T 9 APENOH-04 CH33A0609 2 s nd m 1/ metres ?'-'rn) .... \ ~ " ' ---c;:::::::;;;=;:if FigA - 3-way no m inal d im ens ion s in inche s and m i r 90 13·9 / 16) Fig. 13·151 5 - Plumbing the VC Valve \ 117 tE::~~==rl .ID DIM (4-5/ 8 ) D (SEE T AB) - DIM (SEE TAB ) STALLATION WH EN INSTALLING THiS PRODUCT: 1. Read these instructions carefull y. Failure I f damage the product or cause a hazardo s - _ 2. Check the ratings given in the illst make sure the product is suitable ' . 3 . Installer must be a trained . expe 8 nc€ O se - - : - ,,: 4. Always conduct a tho 0 h LU''''''. -u.., compl eted. 5. While not necessary to remove the actuator from the oody. CCJl be removed for ease of installation. The actuator can be installed in any of the four orientations to suit the most co nvenient wiring direction. Actuat or latching mechanism works only when the lengths of the actuato r and the valve body are parallel to each other. 6. An extra 30 mm head clearance is required to remove he actuator. prElY'Bnt TO ~..... E E T ACTUATOR 1M _ - - e Ch eck replacement part number and vo ltage ratings for match with old dev ic e. 2. Disconnect pow er supply befor e servicing to avoid elec trica l shock or equipment damag e. 3. Disconnect lead wires to ac tuator . Where appropriate , label w ires , rewiring . fly latched to the val ve. To remove , Th e ac tuator head' a t pr ess up on the ta c me : - - s wi th you r thu mb . It is located uectly be low the -. e .....a ~ a open lever (see figu re 6 belo w) . :: mul taneou sly press • e ec ~a : r down towards the bod y w ith . ~ r : -= act a or co unter-clockwise by 1/8 er ate hand terce a ;i5 degrees . itt : "" =- : :_~ - : r o' the valve ,. PLUMBING The valve may be plumbed in any angle but preferably not with the actuator below horizo ntal level of the body. Make sure there is enough room around the actuator for servicing or replaceme nt. For use in dive rting applications, the valve is installed with the flow water enter _ throug h bottom 001 AB. and diverting through end ports A or B. In m aoc ca: r'\S . -= valv e is installed with inlet to A or B and outlet :: - A PENOH-047CH 33A 0609 MANUAL OPENER OPERATION The manual opener ca n be manipula ted only when in the up posifc The "A " port can be man ually opened by firm ly pushing th e ma nus lever down to the lever hold er groove . In this position bot t e "A" and "6 " port s are open . T his "m anual open " po sition may be used for filling, ve nting and dra in ing the system , or for ope ning e a _ in case of po w er failur e. T he valve c an be resto red to the clos - ~ pos ition by push ing th e manual lev er ou t of the lever hold er gr lightly, th en th e po rt "A" cl osed by th e sp ring . Th e valve an d actua w ill return to the automa tic pos ition whe n power is rest ored. WITH SPST/SPDT AC CONTROLLER (Refer to figure ?) In the VC spring return, on call for heat/co ro controller, the valve opens. Wh en valve gets fully open positi n, va lve stays open posi tion. After meeting requir ed temperature, cant _ ontacts clos e and cut oft ralve's power supply. Then valve back tc - ed position with sprin g. l, c cowe r failure. valve will back to _ cos ion. W hen power restore, _ resocod 10 contr ler's - : -: ":: = SERVICE Thi s valve should be serviced y a tramed expe nenced service WIRING technician. See figure 7 for single nit " iring d etails . M Ultiple val ves ma y be co nnect ed in paral el to a single con trol ler and tran sf orm er , up to the cu rrent ra ting of th e co ntroller and transformer. 1. If the valve is leaking, drain system OR isolate valve from the system. Do no t remove valve body from plumbing. 2. Check to see if the cartridge needs to be replaced. 3. If the motor or other internal part of the actuator is damaged, replace the entire actuator assem bly. Fig.? - Wiring of Cable Models for S PSTfSP DT c o ntrolle r CONT ROLLER A NO TE: Honeyw ell hydro nic valves are designed and tested for silent ope ration in properly desig ned and installed systems . Howev er, water noises may occur as a result of excessive water velocity . Piping noises may also occur in high tempe rature (over 212' F [1OO'C]) systems with insu fficient water pressure. ATOR IMPORTANT L Do not use boiler additiv es which are petroleum based or contain mineral oil, hydrocarbon s, or ethylene glycol aceta te. Compound s which can be used . with minimum :;u- : W2'e oi Jt' n are diethyle e glycol e y ene g ycol __ _ :. .::- - ~ __ =-- -.'r.. _. : ~ s; _ E K-OUT =:: se too set poin t of the thermostat abov e room tempe rature to . ,,:e a call lor heat. € an control devices - 2 way valve should open . Port A in 3 way <? . ,; s -.. _ .: cr i~= \d open, and port B should close . se· point 0 the therm ostat below room temperature. :: _ 0-<: e t ~ e con trol de . as . 2 Y ay valves snould close. Port A in 3 e o ~ c: D" I B 0open. '0= - _ Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell (Tianjin) Limited No. 158, NanHai Road Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area Tianjin, 300457, P.R.C. Phone : +86 -22-66287000 Fax: +86-22-25325214 APEN OH -047CH33A0609 4 Sub ject to change wit hout notice.
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