jä n n e p u n o s k äy t tö s e l o s t e s i sä l l y s 1. NE D R I SPA NSTA A L B V TA R TUNN ATTO M AT JÄNTEET JÄNNE M ENETEL M ÄN KÄYTTÖSELOSTE 2. B B R V T CON A c M M unbonded post-tensioning system E u r o p e a n T e c h n ica l A p p r o va l 3. A s s e s m e n t o f CON A C M M -01 S t ra n d w i t h S p e cia l A n c h o rag e Co n f i g u rat i o n & R e i n f o rc e m e n t s L oad Tra n s f e r a n d C rac k Wid t h Eva l uat i o n ETA : s ta p o i k k e avat s a l l i t u t a n k k u r e id e n s i j o i t t e l u t ( vai n s i n g e l - a n k k u ri t ) 4. b e to n i y h di s t y k s e n k äy t tö s e l o s t e t y y p p i 2 b jä n n e t e r ä s 5. l aad u n varmi s t u s jä n n i t y s tö i s s ä 6. T yö maa ko h tai n e n t yö t u rva l l i s u u s s u u n n i t e l ma N E D R I S PA N S TA A L B V TA R T U N N AT TO M AT JÄ N T E E T JÄ N N E M E N E T E L M Ä N K ÄY T TÖ S E L O S T E NEDRI SPANSTAAL BV TARTUNNATTOMAT JÄNTEET NE D R I SPA NSTA A L B V TA R TUNN ATTO M AT JÄNTEET JÄNNEMENETELMÄN KÄYTTÖSELOSTE JÄNNE M ENETEL M ÄN KÄYTTÖSELOSTE NEDRI SPANSTAAL BV TARTUNNATTOMAT JÄNTEET JÄNNEMENETELMÄN KÄYTTÖSELOSTE 1. JÄNNEMENETELMÄN KUVAUS 1. JÄNNEMENETELMÄN Nedri Spanstaal BV:n -KUVAUS tartunnaton Jokainen jännepunos ankkuroidaan jänne on muovipäällysteinen jännepunos. Punoksen jaankkurikap1. JÄNNEMENETELMÄN KUVAUS paleella jarasvalla. lukitaan ankkurin kiilapesään päällysteen välitila täytetty pysyvästi plastisena säilyvällä Nämä suojatut jänteet kartioNedri Spanstaal BV:n -on tartunnaton jänne on muokiilalla. Jännevoima siirtyy rakenteeseen pysyvästi asennetaan sellaisinaan betonivaluun. Suojauksella mahdollistetaan jännepunoksen jännittäminen vipäällysteinen jännepunos. Punoksenjänne ja päällysNedri Spanstaal BV:n - tartunnaton on muovipäällysteinen jännepunos. Punoksen ja pääteankkureiden välityksellä. Toimintaperiaatbetonin kovettumisen jälkeen. Jänneteräs liittyy betonirakenteeseen pysyvästi teen välitila onvälitila täytetty plastisena säily- ympäröivään päällysteen onpysyvästi täytetty pysyvästi plastisena säilyvällä rasvalla. Nämä suojatut jänteetilman teet tartunnattomasta jänteestä on esitetty kuvistartuntaa. vällä rasvalla. Nämä suojatut jänteet asennetaan asennetaan sellaisinaan betonivaluun. Suojauksella sa mahdollistetaan jännepunoksen jännittäminen 1. ja 2. Käytettävän jännetyypin ominaisuudet, sellaisinaan betonivaluun. Suojauksella mahdollisbetonin kovettumisen jälkeen. Jänneteräs liittyy ympäröivään betonirakenteeseen pysyvästi ilman nimellismitat jaankkurin -lujuudet on esitetty liitteessä 1. Jokainen jännepunos ankkuroidaan ankkurikappaleella ja lukitaan kiilapesään tetaan jännepunoksen jännittäminen betonin kotartuntaa. kartiokiilalla. vettumisen jälkeen. Jänneteräs liittyy ympäröivään betonirakenteeseen pysyvästi ilman tartuntaa. Jokainen jännepunos ankkuroidaan ankkurikappaleella ja lukitaan ankkurin kiilapesään Jännevoima kartiokiilalla.siirtyy rakenteeseen pysyvästi pääteankkureiden välityksellä. Toimintaperiaatteet tartunnattomasta jänteestä on esitetty kuvissa 1. ja 2. Käytettävän jännetyypin ominaisuudet, nimellismitat ja -lujuudet on esitetty liitteessä 1. Jännevoima siirtyy rakenteeseen pysyvästi pääteankkureiden välityksellä. Toimintaperiaatteet tartunnattomasta jänteestä on esitetty kuvissa 1. ja 2. Käytettävän jännetyypin ominaisuudet, nimellismitat ja -lujuudet on esitetty liitteessä 1. Aktiiviankkur Aktiiviankkuri Aktiiviankkur Jännepunos Jännepunos Jännepunos Passiiviankkuri Passiiviankkuri Passiiviankkuri Kuva 1. Yksittäispunosankkuri Kuva 1. Yksittäispunosankkuri Kuva 1. Yksittäispunosankkuri Kuva 2. Monipunosankkuri Kuva 2. Monipunosankkuri Kuva 2. Monipunosankkuri NE D R I SPA NSTA A L B V TA R TUNN ATTO M AT JÄNTEET JÄNNE M ENETEL M ÄN KÄYTTÖSELOSTE 2. KÄYTETTÄVÄT JÄNNETERÄKSET 2.1 Jänneteräspunokset Jänteissä käytössä olevat teräspunokset ovat ominaisuuksiltaan samoja punoksia, joita käytetään päällystämättöminä sekä tehdasvalmisteisissa että paikalla valetuissa jännitetyissä rakenteissa tartuntajänteinä. Jänneteräksellä tulee olla voimassaoleva ja hyväksytty käyttöseloste. Jänneteräksestä on oltava ainetodistukset. Nimellisarvojen on vastattava suunnitelmissa edellytettyjä arvoja. 2.2 Jänneteräksen suojaus Jänneteräksen suojauksen muodostavat teräspunoksen päälle valettu muovipäällyste (liite 11) sekä punoksen ja päällysteen välitilan täysin täyttävä suojarasva. Jänteen tulee olla koko pituudeltaan suojattuna. reiden ympäristössä olevaan raudoitukseen, tarvittaessa työterästen avulla. 4. ANKKUROINTI 4.1 Ankkurityypit Jänteen pysyvään ankkurointiin tarkoitetut, sekä jännitysankkurit (aktiiviankkurit) että kiinteät ankkurit (passiiviankkurit) ovat perusosiltaan samanlaisia. Ankkuri on esitetty liitteessä 5. Väliankkurina voidaan käyttää liitteen 6. mukaista ankkurityyppiä (fixed coupler). Väliankkuri toimii työnaikaisena ankkurina ja jää paikalleen rakenteeseen. Liitteiden 5. ja 6. pysyvien ankkureiden runko on liitteen 4. mukainen levymäinen valuteräskappale, jonka välityksellä jännevoima siirtyy betonirakenteeseen. Ankkurilevyssä on kartionmuotoinen keskiöreikä jänneteräksen läpivientiä ja lukitusta varten. Jänneteräs lukitaan ankkurilevyyn kartiokiiloilla. Mahdolliset käsittelyn päällystevauriot korjataan välittömästi poistamalla päällystemuovin vaurioitunut kohta ja täydentämällä rasvaus, Vioittuneen kohdan päälle asennetaan halkaistu päällysputken kappale, joka tiivistetään teippaamalla. Vähäiset vauriot voidaan korjataan pelkästään teippaamalla. Ankkureihin ei liity mitään vakioraudoitetta, vaan ankkurialueen raudoitus mitoitetaan ankkurin ja ankkuriryhmän aiheuttamalle halkaisuvoimalle tavalliseen tapaan rakennemittojen ja halkaisuvoiman perusteella. Väliankkureita käytettäessä jännittämistyön ajaksi poistettu päällystemuovi on asennettava takaisin paikalleen ja teipatava koko matkalta. Ankkuripäät on myös suojattava teipaamalla. 4.2 Ankkureiden sijoittaminen rakenteeseen 3. JÄNTEIDEN TUENTA Jänteet asennetaan muottiin tukien varaan. Jänteiden suurin sallittu tukiväli on 1000mm - 1300mm. Tiedot tukivälistä saa liitteestä 2. Pienin sallittu kaarevuussäde on 2,5 metriä. Jännitysankkurin kiinnitys päätymuottiin tehdään liitteen 3. mukaisilla asennusosilla. Valun sisälle jäävät kiinteät passiiviankkurit sidotaan kannatinteräkseen jänteiden tapaan tai välittömästi ankku- Ankkurit sijoitetaan normaalisti laattarakenteen reunaan tai työsaumaan yhteen vaakariviin ja pystysuunnassa laatan keskikorkeudelle. Ankkurit ovat vaakarivissä tasavälein tai ryhminä minimivälein. Rinnakkain niputettujen jänteiden ankkurit niputetaan vierekkäin toisiinsa kiinni. Ankkureiden pienimmät keskiö- ja reunaetäisyydet on esitetty liitteessä 7. ja 8. betonin lujuuden ollessa 24 Mpa / 150mm kuutio. Ankkurit on esitetty niiden tavallista käyttöä vastaavasti laatan reunaan sijoitettuina. Palo-sekä rasitusluokkien vaikutus reunaetäisyyksiin tulee tarkastella aina erikseen. Mikäli liitteessä esitetty sijoittelu ja siihen liittyvät reuna-sekä keskeisetäisyydet eivät ole suo- NE D R I SPA NSTA A L B V TA R TUNN ATTO M AT JÄNTEET JÄNNE M ENETEL M ÄN KÄYTTÖSELOSTE raan sovellettavissa, voidaan ankkureiden sijoittelu tutkia betoninormien mukaisesti. Kaikissa tapauksissa ankkureiden aiheuttamat halkaisuvoimat on laskettava ja raudoitettava yleisten laskentamenetelmien ja betoninormien mukaisesti. Ankkureiden sijoittamisessa rakenteeseen on otettava huomioon jännitystunkin tilantarve. Tunkin vaatima tilantarve on esitetty liitteessä 10. 4.2 Ankkurin suurin voima Teräksen suurin sallittu voima saa olla heti jännitystyön päätyttyä enintään F0 = 0,90 Fp0,1 Jännitystyön aikana saa teräksen jännitys hetkellisesti nousta arvoon F0 = 0,95 Fp0,1 tunkin sylinterissä olevalta asteikolta, mittaamalla tunkin liikkuvan osan siirtymä tai mittaamalla jänteen veto-osan pituus ennen ja jälkeen jännittämisen. Jännityssuunnitelmassa esitetään jännevoiman edellyttämät venymät alkaen jännittämisvoimasta F0 = 0. 6.3 Jännevoimaan vaikuttavat tekijät Jänteen suunnanmuutosten ja tahattoman mutkaisuuden ns. aaltoisuuden aiheuttama kitkahäviö jännevoimassa lasketaan yleisen kaavan mukaisesti: Fx = F0 ·e -μ * (α + k * x) Suurimmat sallitut voimat on esitetty liitteessä 10. jossa; 5. JÄNTEIDEN JATKOKSET Fx kNJännevoima tutkittavassa jänteen pisteessä Jänteiden jatkosankkuri Fixed Coupler Cona CMM on erikoisosa jännepunoksen jatkamiseen. Cona jatkosankkuri on erikseen esitetty liitessä 5. ja 6. F0 kNJännitysvoima ankkurin kohdalla (x = 0 m) 6. JÄNNITTÄMINEN μrad-1kitkakerroin μ = 0.06 rad-1 (CONA CMM n06 -150) 6.1 Laitteisto ja jännittäminen Jänteen jännittäminen suoritetaan hydraulisella tunkilla. Jännittäminen tehdään joko jänteen toisesta päästä tai molemmista päistä samanaikaisesti tai vuorotellen. Betonin vähimmäislujuus ennen jännitystöiden aloitusta on 24 Mpa / 150mm kuutio. 6.2 Voiman ja venymän mittaus Jännittämisvoima mitataan epäsuorasti nestepumpun manometrilla. Jännityslaitteiston pitää olla kalibroitu siten, että hydraulipaineen ja tunkin antaman vetovoiman riippuvuus (tunkin sylinterin tehollinen ala) tunnetaan tarkasti. Painemittarin pitää olla tarkastettu. Venymä määritetään suoraan mittaamalla matka, jonka jänne venyy jännitystyön aikana. Venymä saadaan joko suoraan k rad/m aaltoisuusluku k = 8.73 · 10-3 rad/m (= 0.50 °/m) k = 4.37 · 10-3 rad/m (= 0.25 °/m) (CONA sauma pystyasenossa) α radJänteen suunnanmuutosten summa ankkurin ja pisteen x välillä abs. kulmayksikköinä x m Jänteen pituus ankkurista tutkittavaan pisteeseen Tieto: 1 rad = 1 m/m = 1 Muovipäällysteellä ja rasvatäytöllä varustetulle punosjänteelle käytetään seuraavia kitka-arvoja: Kitkakerroin μ = 0,06 rad-1 Aaltoisuusluku k = 0,5°/m NE D R I SPA NSTA A L B V TA R TUNN ATTO M AT JÄNTEET JÄNNE M ENETEL M ÄN KÄYTTÖSELOSTE Ankkurointiliukuma aiheuttaa vähennyksen jännevoimaan ankkurin läheisyydessä. Lukituskiilojen kiinnittymistä on tarkkailtava jännitystyön aikana ja ankkurointiliukumat on huomioitava laskennallisessa jänteen kokonaisvenymässä. Ankkurin lukitusliukuman suuruus on asennuskohteesta riipuen: Akt.ankkuri (S) A tai H 1.BA 6 mm L. pass.ankkuri (F) A tai H 2.BA 3 mm Pass.ankkuri (F) A CONA CMM 0106 6 mm Pass.ankkuri (F) A CONA CMM 0206 8 mm Pass.ankkuri (F) A CONA CMM 0406 8 mm Akt.ankkuri = Aktiiviankkuri L. pass.ankkuri = Lukittu passiiviankkuri Pass.ankkuri = Passiiviankkuri 7. ANKKUREIDEN SUOJAUS Kun jännitystyö on valmis sekä työ on hyväksytty, katkaistaan jänteiden päät. Katkaisu voidaan suorittaa joko polttoleikkaamalla, hydraulisella puristimella, sähkökatkaisupuikolla, katkaisulaikalla tai muulla tarkoitukseen soveltuvalla menetelmällä. Jänteen lukitus suojataan ankkuriin kuuluvalla kierrekannella, joka samalla toimii lukituskohdan rasvauksen jälkeen rasvasuojauksena. Ankkurivaraus täytetään tiiviisti kutistumattomalla, rakenteen rasitusluokkavaatimukset täyttävällä betonilla tai laastilla Liite 1. ETA sivu 37. Liite 7. ETA sivu 30. Liite 2. ETA sivu 10. Liite 8. ETA sivu 31. Liite 3. ETA sivu 33. Liite 9. ETA sivu 32. Liite 4. ETA sivu 22. Liite 10. ETA sivu 28. Liite 5. ETA sivu 21. Liite 11. ETA sivu 23. Liite 6. ETA sivu 29. Jännepunosjärjestelmän ETA-hyväksyntä on saatavissa Naulankanta OY:ltä tai ladattavissa KBVT nettisivulta http://www.kb-vt.com/index. php?id=208&no_cache=1&cid=975&did=503&sech ash=50b4ab22 bbr vt cona c mm unbonded po s t ten s i on i n g s y s tem E uropean T e c h n i c a l A pprova l Unbonded Post-tensioning System BBR VT CONA CMM European Technical Approval ETA – 06/0165 0432 E N ETA-06/0165 BBR VT CONA CMM Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02 and 04 Strands E C IM BBR VT International Ltd Bahnstrasse 23, 8603 Schwerzenbach (Switzerland) www.bbrnetwork.com S P 0432-CPD-11 9181-1.2/1 11 Responsible BBR PT Specialist Company The delivery note accompanying components of the BBR VT CONA CMM Post-tensioning System will contain the CE marking. Comp an y Yea r ww b w. PT S Co pecia mp l any ist br ne twork.com Assembly and installation of BBR VT CONA CMM tendons must only be carried out by qualified BBR PT Specialist Companies. Find the local BBR PT Specialist Company by visiting the BBR Network website www.bbrnetwork.com. European Organisation for Technical Approvals Europäische Organisation für Technische Zulassungen Organisation Européenne pour l’Agrément technique ETAG 013 CWA 14646 Guideline for European Technical Approval of Post-tensioning Kits for Prestressing of Structures Requirements for the installation of post-tensioning kits for prestressing of structures and qualification of the specialist company and its personnel BBR E-Trace is the trading and quality assurance platform of the BBR Network linking the Holder of Approval, BBR VT International Ltd, BBR PT Specialist Companies and the BBR Manufacturing Plant. Along with the established BBR Factory Production Control, BBR E-Trace provides effective supply chain management including installation, delivery notes and highest quality standards, as well as full traceability of components. ★ ÖSTERREICHISCHES INSTITUT FÜR BAUTECHNIK ★ ★ A-1010 Vienna, Schenkenstrasse 4 Tel.: + 4 3 ( 0 ) 1 - 5 3 3 6 5 5 0 Fax: + 4 3 ( 0 ) 1 - 5 3 3 6 4 2 3 E - m a i l : m a i l @ o i b . o r. a t ★ ★ ★ Authorised and notified according to Article 10 of the Council Directive 89/106/EEC of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of Member States relating to construction products ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Member of EOTA ★ European technical approval ETA-06/0165 English translation, the original version is in German BBR VT CONA CMM – Spannverfahren ohne Verbund mit 01, 02 und 04 Litzen Handelsbezeichnung Trade name BBR VT CONA CMM – Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02 and 04 Strands BBR VT International Ltd. Bahnstrasse 23 CH-8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) Switzerland Zulassungsinhaber Holder of approval Zulassungsgegenstand und Verwendungszweck Litzen-Spannverfahren, intern, ohne Verbund, für das Vorspannen von Tragwerken Generic type and use of construction product Post-tensioning kit for prestressing of structures with internal unbonded strands 15.11.2011 Geltungsdauer vom Validity from 14.11.2016 bis zum to BBR VT International Ltd. Bahnstrasse 23 CH-8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) Switzerland Herstellwerk Manufacturing plant Diese Europäische technische Zulassung umfasst This European technical approval contains Diese Europäische technische Zulassung verlängert This European technical approval extends 39 Seiten einschließlich 19 Anhängen 39 Pages including 19 Annexes ETA-06/0165 mit Geltungsdauer vom 15.11.2006 bis zum 14.11.2011 ETA-06/0165 14.11.2011 with validity from 15.11.2006 European Organisation for Technical Approvals Europäische Organisation für Technische Zulassungen Organisation Européenne pour lʼAgrément technique to Page 2 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Table of Contents EUROPEAN TECHNICAL APPROVAL ETA-06/0165.................................................................................. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................... 2 I LEGAL BASES AND GENERAL CONDITIONS ....................................................................................... 5 II SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF THE EUROPEAN TECHNICAL APPROVAL .................................................... 6 1 1.1 1.2 DEFINITION OF PRODUCT AND INTENDED USE ................................................................................... 6 Definition of product...................................................................................................................... 6 Intended use ................................................................................................................................. 7 2 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRODUCT AND METHODS OF VERIFICATION .............................................. 7 PT SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................. 7 2.1 Designation and range of the anchorages and couplers .............................................................. 7 2.1.1 Designation ......................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.2 Anchorage ........................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.3 Fixed and stressing couplers............................................................................................... 7 2.1.4 Layout of anchorage recesses ............................................................................................ 8 2.2 Designation and range of the tendons.......................................................................................... 8 2.2.1 Designation ......................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.2 Range .................................................................................................................................. 8 CONA CMM n06 – 140 ....................................................................................................... 8 CONA CMM n06 – 150 ....................................................................................................... 9 CONA CMM n06C – 165 ..................................................................................................... 9 2.3 Friction losses............................................................................................................................... 9 2.4 Support of tendons ..................................................................................................................... 10 2.5 Slip at anchorages ...................................................................................................................... 10 2.6 Centre spacing and edge distances for anchorages .................................................................. 11 2.7 Minimum radii of curvature of internal tendons........................................................................... 12 2.8 Concrete strength at time of stressing ........................................................................................ 12 COMPONENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 12 2.9 Strands ....................................................................................................................................... 12 2.10 Anchorages and couplers ........................................................................................................... 13 2.10.1 Anchor heads .................................................................................................................... 13 2.10.2 Couplers ............................................................................................................................ 13 2.10.3 Ring wedges...................................................................................................................... 13 2.10.4 Helix and additional reinforcement .................................................................................... 13 2.10.5 Protection caps.................................................................................................................. 14 2.10.6 Material properties............................................................................................................. 14 2.11 Permanent corrosion protection.................................................................................................. 14 2.11.1 Corrosion protection of the strand ..................................................................................... 14 2.11.2 Corrosion protection in anchorage and coupler zones ...................................................... 14 2.12 Dangerous substances ............................................................................................................... 14 2.13 Methods of verification................................................................................................................ 14 2.14 Identification................................................................................................................................ 15 3 EVALUATION OF CONFORMITY AND CE MARKING............................................................................ 15 3.1 Attestation of conformity system................................................................................................. 15 3.2 Responsibilities........................................................................................................................... 15 3.2.1 Tasks for the manufacturer - factory production control .................................................... 15 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 3 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA 3.2.2 Tasks of the approved body .............................................................................................. 16 Initial type testing of the products ...................................................................................... 16 Initial inspection of factory and of factory production control............................................. 16 Continuous surveillance .................................................................................................... 16 Audit testing of samples taken at the factory..................................................................... 16 3.3 CE marking ................................................................................................................................. 17 4 ASSUMPTIONS UNDER WHICH THE FITNESS OF THE PRODUCT FOR THE INTENDED USE WAS FAVOURABLY ASSESSED ............................................................................................................... 17 4.1 Manufacturing ............................................................................................................................. 17 4.2 Design......................................................................................................................................... 17 4.2.1 General.............................................................................................................................. 17 4.2.2 Anchorage recess ............................................................................................................. 17 4.2.3 Maximum prestressing forces............................................................................................ 17 4.2.4 Reinforcement in the anchorage zone............................................................................... 18 4.2.5 Fatigue resistance ............................................................................................................. 18 4.2.6 Tendons in masonry structures – Load transfer to the structure ....................................... 18 4.3 Installation................................................................................................................................... 18 4.4 Stressing operation..................................................................................................................... 19 4.5 Restressing................................................................................................................................. 19 4.6 Welding....................................................................................................................................... 19 5 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MANUFACTURER ............................................................................. 19 5.1 Recommendations on packaging, transport and storage ........................................................... 19 5.2 Recommendations on installation............................................................................................... 20 5.3 Accompanying information ......................................................................................................... 20 ANNEXES .............................................................................................................................................. 21 ANNEX 1 OVERVIEW ON ANCHORAGES AND FIXED COUPLERS .............................................................. 21 ANNEX 2 COMPONENTS OF ANCHORAGES AND FIXED COUPLERS ......................................................... 22 ANNEX 3 ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................................... 23 ANNEX 4 TENDON RANGES ................................................................................................................ 24 ANNEX 5 MATERIAL PROPERTIES ....................................................................................................... 25 ANNEX 6 CONTENTS OF THE PRESCRIBED TEST PLAN ......................................................................... 26 ANNEX 7 AUDIT TESTING .................................................................................................................... 27 ANNEX 8 FORCES .............................................................................................................................. 28 ANNEX 9 CONSTRUCTION STAGES – ANCHORAGES AND FIXED COUPLERS ........................................... 29 ANNEX 10 DIMENSIONS OF ANCHORAGES, HELIX AND ADDITIONAL REINFORCEMENT, CENTRE SPACING AND EDGE DISTANCE ............................................................................................. 30 ANNEX 11 MODIFICATION OF CENTRE SPACING AND EDGE DISTANCE ..................................................... 31 ANNEX 12 DIMENSIONS OF ANCHORAGE RECESSES .............................................................................. 32 ANNEX 13 FREE TENDON LAYOUT – TRANSITION REGIONS .................................................................... 33 ANNEX 14 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSTEPS – ANCHORAGE – FIXED COUPLER 1ST AND 2ND CONSTRUCTION STAGE ........................................................................................................ 34 ANNEX 15 SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................................... 35 ANNEX 16 SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................................... 36 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 4 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA ANNEX 17 TABLE OF STRANDS ............................................................................................................. 37 ANNEX 18 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................... 38 ANNEX 19 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................... 39 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 5 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA I LEGAL BASES AND GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 This European technical approval is issued by Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik in accordance with: Council Directive 89/106/EEC of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of Member States relating to construction products1 – Construction Products Directive (CPD) –, amended by the Council Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 19932; 1. dem Salzburger Bauproduktegesetz, LGBl. Nr. 11/1995, in der Fassung LGBl. Nr. 47/1995, LGBl. Nr. 63/1995, LGBl. Nr. 123/1995, LGBl. Nr. 46/2001, LGBl. Nr. 73/2001, LGBl. Nr. 99/2001 und LGBl. Nr. 20/2010; the Salzburg Construction Product Act LGBl. � 11/1995, amended by LGBl. � 47/1995, LGBl. � 63/1995, LGBl. � 123/1995, LGBl. � 46/2001, LGBl. � 73/2001, LGBl. � 99/2001 and LGBl. � 20/2010; 2. Common Procedural Rules for Requesting, Preparing and the Granting of European technical approvals set out in the Annex of Commission Decision 94/23/EC3; 3. Guideline for European technical approval of Post-Tensioning Kits for Prestressing of Structures, ETAG 013, Edition June 2002. 2 Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik is authorised to check whether the provisions of this European technical approval are met. Checking may take place at the manufacturing plant. Nevertheless, the responsibility for the conformity of the products to the European technical approval and for their fitness for the intended use remains with the holder of the European technical approval. 3 This European technical approval shall not be transferred to manufacturers or agents of manufacturers other than those indicated on Page 1, or manufacturing plants other than those indicated on Page 1 of this European technical approval. 4 This European technical approval may be withdrawn by Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik, in particular pursuant to information from the Commission according to Article 5 (1) of the Council Directive 89/106/EEC. 5 Reproduction of this European technical approval including transmission by electronic means shall be in full. However, partial reproduction may be made with the written consent of Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik. In this case partial reproduction has to be designated as such. Texts and drawings of advertising brochures shall not contradict or misuse the European technical approval. 6 The European technical approval is issued by the Approval Body in its official language. This version corresponds to the version circulated within EOTA. Translations into other languages have to be designated as such. 1 2 3 Official Journal of the European Communities � L 40, 11.02.1989, page 12 Official Journal of the European Communities � L 220, 30.08.1993, page 1 Official Journal of the European Communities � L 17, 20.01.1994, page 34 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 6 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA II SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF THE EUROPEAN TECHNICAL APPROVAL 1 Definition of product and intended use 1.1 Definition of product The European technical approval (ETA) applies to a kit, the PT system BBR VT CONA CMM Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02 and 04 Strands, comprising the following components. Tendon Unbonded tendons with 01, 02 or 04 tensile elements. Tensile element 7-wire prestressing steel strands with nominal diameters and maximum characteristic tensile strengths as given in Table 1, factory-provided with a corrosion protection system consisting of a corrosion-protective filling material and a HDPE-sheathing. Table 1: Tensile elements 1) Nominal diameter Nominal cross sectional area Maximum characteristic tensile strength mm mm2 MPa 15.3 140 15.7 150 15.2 1) 165 1 860 1 820 Compacted strand NOTE 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2 Anchorage and coupler Anchorage of the strands with ring wedges; End anchorage Fixed (passive) anchor or stressing (active) anchor as end anchorage for 01, 02 and 04 strands; Fixed or stressing coupler Sleeve coupler for 01 and 04 strands; Helix and additional reinforcement in the region of the anchorage; Corrosion protection for tensile elements, anchorages and couplers. OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 7 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 1.2 Member of EOTA Intended use The PT system is intended to be used for prestressing of structures. Use categories according to type of tendon and material of structure: Internal unbonded tendon for concrete and composite structures; For special structures according to Eurocode 2, Eurocode 4 and Eurocode 6. The provisions made in the European technical approval are based on an assumed intended working life of the PT system of 100 years. The indications given on the working life of the PT system cannot be interpreted as a guarantee given by the manufacturer or the Approval Body, but are to be regarded only as a means for selecting the appropriate product in relation to the expected, economically reasonable working life of the construction works. 2 Characteristics of the product and methods of verification PT system 2.1 Designation and range of the anchorages and couplers End anchorages can be used as fixed or stressing anchors. Couplers are intended as fixed couplers only. The principal dimensions of the anchorages and couplers are given in the Annexes 2 and 3. Fixed couplers are for tendons with 01 or 04 prestressing strands, see Annex 1. 2.1.1 Designation Anchorage, e.g. (S) A CONA CMM 0106 (single) – 140 Fixed (F) or stressing (S) Anchor block Designation of the tendon Fixed coupler, e.g. H CONA CMM 0106 (single) – 140 – 1.BA Coupler anchor head Designation of the tendon Construction stage 1 (1.BA) or 2 (2.BA) 2.1.2 Anchorage The anchor heads of the fixed and stressing anchorages are identical. A differentiation is needed for the construction works. Fixed anchorages that are accessible may be prelocked; fixed anchorages that are not accessible shall be prelocked with a prelocking force as specified in Table 2. The ring wedges shall be secured with rings between the ring wedges and the covering cap. 2.1.3 Fixed and stressing couplers The prestressing force at the second construction stage shall not be greater than that at the first construction stage, neither during construction, nor in the final state, nor due to any load combination. The tendon of construction stage 2 is coupled by screwing the coupler sleeve entirely on the threaded part of the coupler anchor head 1.BA (construction stage 1). The coupler anchor OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 8 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA head 2.BA (construction stage 2) shall be prelocked with a prelocking force as specified in Table 2. At coupler anchor head H CONA CMM (single) – 2.BA (construction stage 2), the ring wedges are secured with wedge holding rings and at coupler anchor head H CONA CMM (four) – 2.BA (construction stage 2), the ring wedges are secured with a wedge holding plate. 2.1.4 Layout of anchorage recesses All anchor heads have to be placed perpendicular to the axis of the tendon, see Annex 10. In the Annexes 10 and 12 the minimum dimensions of the anchorage recesses are given. The dimensions of the anchorage recesses shall be adapted to the prestressing jacks used. The ETA holder shall save for reference information on the minimum dimensions of the anchorage recesses. The formwork for the anchorage recesses should be slightly conical for ease of removal. The anchorage recesses shall be designed in such a way as to permit a reinforced concrete cover with the required dimensions, and in any case with a thickness of at least 20 mm. 2.2 Designation and range of the tendons 2.2.1 Designation Tendon, e.g. CONA CMM 0106 (single) – 140 Unbonded PT Number of strands – 0106 (single), 0206 (two), 0406 (four) Cross sectional area of strands (140, 150 or 165 mm2) The characteristic tensile strength of the strands (1 770, 1 820 or 1 860 MPa) may be indicated optionally. 2.2.2 Range Prestressing and overstressing forces are given in the corresponding standards and regulations in force at the place of use. The maximum prestressing and overstressing forces are listed in Annex 8. The tendons consist of 01, 02 or 04 seven-wire prestressing steel strands, factory-provided with a corrosion protection system consisting of corrosion-protective grease and a HDPE-sheathing. CONA CMM n06 – 140 7-wire prestressing steel strand Nominal diameter ...........................................15.3 mm Nominal cross sectional area .........................140 mm2 Characteristic tensile strength........................1 770 or 1 860 MPa HDPE sheathed and greased strand Mass of sheathed and greased strand...........1.23 kg/m External diameter of strand sheathing ........... 19,5 mm Annex 4 lists the available tendon range for CONA CMM n06 – 140. OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 9 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA CONA CMM n06 – 150 7-wire prestressing steel strand Nominal diameter ...........................................15.7 mm Nominal cross sectional area .........................150 mm2 Characteristic tensile strength........................1 770 or 1 860 MPa HDPE sheathed and greased strand Mass of sheathed and greased strand...........1.31 kg/m External diameter of strand sheathing ........... 20 mm Annex 4 lists the available tendon range for CONA CMM n06 – 150. CONA CMM n06C – 165 Compacted 7-wire prestressing steel strand Nominal diameter ...........................................15.2 mm Nominal cross sectional area .........................165 mm2 Characteristic tensile strength........................1 820 MPa HDPE sheathed and greased strand Mass of sheathed and greased strand...........1.42 kg/m External diameter of strand sheathing ........... 19,5 mm Annex 4 lists the available tendon range for CONA CMM n06C – 165. 2.3 Friction losses For the calculation of loss of prestressing force due to friction Coulomb's law applies. Due to the grease filling of the HDPE-sheathing of the individual monostrands or VT CMM Bands, the friction coefficient μ is very low. The calculation of the friction losses is carried out using the equation F x = F0 · e · ( + k · x) Where Fx ...........kN ..........prestressing force at a distance x along the tendon F0 ...........kN ..........prestressing force at x = 0 m .......... rad-1 ........friction coefficient; = 0.06 rad-1 (CONA CMM n06 – 140/150) or 0.05 rad-1 (CONA CMM n06C – 165) k.......... rad/m .......wobble coefficient; k = 8.73 · 10-3 rad/m (= 0.5 °/m) ........... rad .........sum of the angular displacements over distance x, irrespective of direction or sign x............. m...........distance along the tendon from the point where prestressing force is equal to F0 NOTE 1 rad = 1 m/m = 1 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 10 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA If band-shaped tendons CONA CMM 150/165 with two or four strands are installed upright with flat-wise curvature and connected at support distances of 1.15 or 1.30 m, the wobble coefficient is k = 4.37 · 10-3 rad/m (= 0.25 °/m). Friction losses in anchorages are low and do not have to be taken into consideration in design and execution. 2.4 Support of tendons The individual monostrands or VT CMM Bands shall be fixed in their position. Spacing of supports is: 1 Normally Individual monostrands (01 strand) and VT CMM Bands with 02 and 04 strands ........................................................... 1.00 to 1.30 m 2 Free tendon layout in 45 cm thick slabs In the transition region between a) high tendon position and anchorage (e.g. cantilever) ............................................ 1.50 m b) low and high tendon position or low tendon position and anchorage .................... 3.00 m In regions of the high or low tendon position the tendons shall be connected in an appropriate way to the reinforcement mesh at two points at least, with a spacing of 0.3 to 1.3 m. The reinforcement mesh shall be fixed in its position. Special spacers for tendons are therefore not required. For details see Annex 13. 2.5 Slip at anchorages Table 2 specifies the values of slip at anchorages which have to be taken into consideration in calculations of tendon elongation and forces in tendon. Table 2: Slip values Active anchorage (S) A 6 mm H 1.BA Not accessible passive anchorage, prelocked 1) (F) A H 2.BA (F) A CONA CMM 0106 Accessible passive anchorage 3 mm (F) A CONA CMM 0206 6 mm 8 mm 2) (F) A CONA CMM 0406 1) Prelocked with ~ 0.5 Fpk 2) If a more exact evaluation is required, slip for Y1860S7 .......9 mm Y1820S7G ....7 mm OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 11 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 2.6 Member of EOTA Centre spacing and edge distances for anchorages In general, spacing and distances shall not be less than the values given in Table 3 and Annex 10. However, a reduction of up to 15 % of the centre spacing of tendon anchorages in one direction is permitted, but should not be less than the outside diameter of the helix and the placing of additional reinforcement shall still be possible, see Annex 11. In this case the spacing in the perpendicular direction shall be increased by the same percentage. The corresponding edge distance is calculated by ac ae = 2 10 + c ac ae = 2 10 + c bc be = 2 10 + c bc be = 2 10 + c Where ac, ac .........mm ......... Centre spacing before and after modification bc, bc .........mm ......... Centre spacing in the direction perpendicular to ac before and after modification ae, ae .........mm ......... Edge distance before and after modification be, be .........mm ......... Edge distance in the direction perpendicular to ae before and after modification c................mm ......... Concrete cover Standards and regulations on concrete cover in force at the place of use shall be observed. The minimum values for ac, bc, ae and be are given in Table 3 and in Annex 10, where fcm, 0, cube 150 ............Mean concrete compressive strength at time of stressing, determined at cubes, 150 mm fcm, 0, cylinder 150 .......Mean concrete compressive strength at time of stressing, determined at cylinders, diameter 150 mm Table 3: Spacing of tendon anchorages Tendon CONA CMM 0106 CONA CMM 0206 CONA CMM 0406 Minimum centre spacing ac , bc mm 180, 140 200, 150 300, 220 Minimum edge distance ae, be mm 70 + c, 50 + c 90 + c, 65 + c 130 + c, 90 + c c....... Concrete cover Standards and regulations on concrete cover in force at the place of use shall be observed. OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 12 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 2.7 Member of EOTA Minimum radii of curvature of internal tendons The minimum radius of curvature Rmin of internal tendons with strands of nominal diameter of 15.7 or 15.2 mm is 2.5 m. If this radius is adhered to, verification of prestressing steel outer fibre stresses in curved sections is not required. The minimum radius of curvature for deviation of a tendon with multistrand anchorages in the anchorage zone outside the transition tubes is 3.5 m. 2.8 Concrete strength at time of stressing Concrete in conformity with EN 206-14 shall be used. At the time of stressing the mean concrete compressive strength, fcm, 0, shall be at least 24 MPa (cube strength, 150 mm cube) or 20 MPa (cylinder strength, 150 mm cylinder diameter). The concrete test specimen shall be subjected to the same curing conditions as the structure. For partial prestressing with 30 % of the full prestressing force the actual mean value of the concrete compressive strength shall be at least 0.5 · fcm, 0, cube or 0.5 · fcm, 0, cylinder. Intermediate values may be interpolated linearly according to EN 1992-1-1. The helix, additional reinforcement, centre spacing and edge distance corresponding to the concrete compressive strengths shall be taken from Annex 10, see also Clauses 2.10.4 and 4.2.4. Components 2.9 Strands Table 4: Prestressing steel strands Max. characteristic tensile strength fpk MPa 1 860 1 860 1 820 Nominal diameter d mm 15.3 15.7 15.21) Nominal cross sectional area Ap mm2 140 150 165 Mass of prestressing steel M kg/m 1.093 1.172 1.289 Greased and sheathed strand – Individual monostrands or VT CMM Bands Nominal mass per strand kg/m 1.23 1.31 1.42 External diameter of HDPE-sheathing mm 19,5 20 19,5 1) Compacted strand The greased and sheathed strands may be either individual monostrands or VT CMM Bands. Only 7-wire prestressing steel strands as given in Table 4 and Annex 17 shall be used. The corrosion protection system of the strand is as specified in ETAG 013, Annex C.1, see also the Annexes 15 and 16. 4 Reference documents are listed in the Annexes 18 and 19. OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 13 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 2.10 Member of EOTA Anchorages and couplers The components of anchorages and couplers shall conform to the specifications given in the Annexes 2 and 3 and in the technical documentation5. Therein the component dimensions, materials and material identification data with tolerances are given. 2.10.1 Anchor heads The anchor heads are made of cast iron with spheroidal graphite. They provide regularly arranged conical holes to accommodate 01, 02 or 04 strands and ring wedges. The load transfer to the concrete occurs in two planes. The anchor head has a cylindrical extension with an internal thread to screw-in a protection cap, which will be filled with corrosion protection grease to protect the ring wedges and the strands. The outlet end of the holes is formed in such a way as to allow the transition pipes to be inserted tension-proof. The transition pipes act as the transition from the anchor head to the sheathing of the strands. 2.10.2 Couplers Fixed couplers are provided with 01 and 04 strands. They consist of a coupler anchor head 1.BA (construction stage 1) and a coupler anchor head 2.BA (construction stage 2). The coupler anchor head 1.BA (construction stage 1) has the same basic body as the anchor heads of active and passive anchorages for 01 and 04 strands and a cylindrical extension to accommodate the coupler thread. The connection between coupler anchor heads 1.BA (construction stage 1) and 2.BA (construction stage 2) is by means of a coupler sleeve, a steel tube featuring an internal thread, a threaded bore to accommodate the filling device and a bore for ventilation. The coupler anchor head 2.BA (construction stage 2) for 01 strand is either a cast iron head with a conical hole or a steel body with a conical bore. The coupler anchor head 2.BA (construction stage 2) for 04 strands is a steel body with conical bores. All coupler anchor heads provide a machined external thread for the coupler sleeve. The end surface of the fixed coupler H CONA CMM 0406 (four) is provided with a BDSD-plate to permit settlement of the coupler during stressing. 2.10.3 Ring wedges The ring wedges are in three pieces, which are held together by spring rings. Two types of ring wedges are used. Within one anchorage or coupler only one type of ring wedge shall be used. Wedge holding rings serve to secure the ring wedges after prelocking. The fastening of the ring wedges of the prelocked coupler anchor head CONA CMM 0406 (four) – 140/150/165 – 2.BA (construction stage 2) is made by means of a wedge holding plate. 2.10.4 Helix and additional reinforcement The helix and the additional reinforcement are made of ribbed reinforcing steel. The end of the helix on the anchorage side is welded to the following turn. The helix shall be placed in the tendon axis. The dimensions of the helix and the additional reinforcement shall conform to the values specified in Annex 10, see also Clause 4.2.4. If required for a specific project design, the reinforcement given in Annex 10 may be modified in accordance with the respective regulations in force at the place of use as well as with the relevant approval of the local authorities and of the ETA holder, to provided equivalent performance. 5 The technical documentation of the European technical approval is deposited at Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik and, in so far as is relevant to the tasks of the approved body involved in the attestation of conformity procedure, is handed over to the approved body. OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 14 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA 2.10.5 Protection caps Protection caps are made of plastic. They are provided with air vents and are screwed onto the anchor head. 2.10.6 Material properties Annex 5 lists the material properties and the standard/specification of the components. 2.11 Permanent corrosion protection The corrosion protection materials used are specified according to ETAG 013, Annex C.1, see also the Annexes 15 and 16. 2.11.1 Corrosion protection of the strand The strands are sheathed in the factory with an extruded HDPE-sheathing with a thickness of at least 1.0 mm. The actual thickness of the sheathing shall be in accordance with the standards and regulations in force at the place of use. 2.11.2 Corrosion protection in anchorage and coupler zones The voids inside the HDPE-sheathing are filled with corrosion protection grease. When mounting the anchorage, the sheathing is removed along the required length. During construction the strand excess lengths are temporarily protected with cut-off HDPE-sheaths. All voids of the anchorages are filled with corrosion protection grease according to the installation instructions in Annex 14. Anchorages which are prelocked receive their corrosion protection immediately after the prelocking operation by screwing-on of the protection cap and filling with corrosion protection grease. 2.12 Dangerous substances The release of dangerous substances is determined according to ETAG 013, Clause 5.3.1. The PT system conforms to the provisions of Guidance Paper H6 relating to dangerous substances. A declaration in this respect has been made by the manufacturer. In addition to the specific clauses relating to dangerous substances in the European technical approval, there may be other requirements applicable to the product falling within their scope (e.g. transposed European legislation and national laws, regulations and administrative provisions). In order to meet the provisions of the Construction Products Directive, these requirements also need to be complied with, when and where they apply. 2.13 Methods of verification The assessment of the fitness of "BBR VT CONA CMM – Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02 and 04 Strands" for its intended use in relation to the requirements for mechanical resistance and stability in the sense of Essential Requirement 1 of Council Directive 89/106/EEC has been made in conformity to the Guideline for European technical approvals of "Post-tensioning Kits for Prestressing of Structures", ETAG 013, Edition June 2002. 6 Guidance Paper H: A harmonised approach relating to Dangerous substances under the Construction Products Directive, Rev. September 2003. OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 15 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 2.14 Member of EOTA Identification The European technical approval for the "BBR VT CONA CMM – Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02 and 04 Strands" is issued on the basis of agreed data, deposited at Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik, which identifies "BBR VT CONA CMM – Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02 and 04 Strands" that has been assessed and judged. Changes to the manufacturing process of the "BBR VT CONA CMM – Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02 and 04 Strands", which could result in this deposited data being incorrect, should be notified to Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik before the changes are introduced. Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik will decide whether or not such changes affect the European technical approval and consequently the validity of the CE marking on the basis of the European technical approval and, if so, whether further assessment or alterations to the European technical approval are considered necessary. 3 Evaluation of conformity and CE marking 3.1 Attestation of conformity system The system of attestation of conformity assigned by the European Commission to this product in accordance with Council Directive 89/106/EWG of 21 December 1988, Annex III, Section 2, Clause i), referred to as System 1+, provides for: Certification of the conformity of the product by an approved certification body on the basis of (a) Tasks for the manufacturer (1) Factory production control; (2) Further testing of samples taken at the factory by the manufacturer in accordance with a prescribed test plan7; (b) Tasks for the approved body (3) Initial type-testing of the product; (4) Initial inspection of factory and of factory production control; (5) Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory production control; (6) Audit testing of samples taken at the factory. 3.2 Responsibilities 3.2.1 Tasks for the manufacturer - factory production control At the manufacturing plant, the manufacturer shall implement and continuously maintain a factory production control system. All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer shall be documented systematically in the form of written operating and processing instructions. The factory production control system shall ensure that the product is in conformity with the European technical approval. Within the framework of factory production control, the manufacturer shall carry out tests and controls in accordance with the prescribed test plan and in accordance with the European technical approval. Details of the extent, nature and frequency of testing and controls to be performed within the framework of the factory production control shall correspond to the prescribed test plan, which forms part of the technical documentation of the European technical approval. 7 The prescribed test plan has been deposited at Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik and is handed over only to the approved body involved in the conformity attestation procedure. The prescribed test plan is also referred to as control plan. OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 16 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA The results of factory production control shall be recorded and evaluated. The records shall include at a minimum the following information: Designation of the products and of the basic materials; Type of check or testing; Date of manufacture of the products and date of testing of the products or basic materials or components; Results of check and testing and, if appropriate, comparison with requirements; Name and signature of person responsible for factory production control. The records of factory production control shall be submitted to the approved body and shall be filed for at least 10 years time. On request, the records shall be presented to Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik. lf test results are unsatisfactory, the manufacturer shall immediately implement measures to eliminate the defects. Construction products or components which are not in conformity with the requirements shall be removed. After elimination of the defects, the respective test - if verification is required for technical reasons - shall be repeated immediately. The basic elements of the prescribed test plan conform to ETAG 013, Annex E.1 and are specified in the quality management plan of the "BBR VT CONA CMM – Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02 and 04 Strands". Annex 6 lists the contents of the prescribed test plan. 3.2.2 Tasks of the approved body Initial type testing of the products For initial type testing the results of the tests performed as part of the assessment for the European technical approval may be used unless there are changes in the manufacturing procedure or factory plant. In such cases, the necessary initial type testing shall be agreed between Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik and the approved body involved. Initial inspection of factory and of factory production control The approved body shall ascertain that, in accordance with the prescribed test plan, the manufacturing plant, in particular personnel and equipment, and the factory production control are suitable to ensure a continuous orderly manufacturing of the PT system according to the specifications given in Section II as well as in the Annexes of the European technical approval. Continuous surveillance The kit manufacturer shall be inspected at least once a year. Each component manufacturer of the components listed in Annex 7 shall be inspected at least once every five years. It shall be verified that the system of factory production control and the specified manufacturing process are maintained, taking account of the prescribed test plan. The results of product certification and continuous surveillance shall be made available on demand by the approved body to Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik. If the provisions of the European technical approval and the prescribed test plan are no longer fulfilled, the certificate of conformity shall be withdrawn and Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik informed immediately. Audit testing of samples taken at the factory During surveillance inspections, the approved body shall take samples at the factory of components of the PT system or of individual components, for which the European technical approval has been granted for independent testing. For the most important components OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 17 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Annex 7 summarises the minimum procedures that shall be implemented by the approved body. 3.3 CE marking The delivery note of the components of the PT system shall contain the CE marking. The symbol "CE" shall be followed by the identification number of the certification body and shall be accompanied by the following information: Name or identification mark and address of the manufacturer The last two digits of the year in which the CE marking was affixed Number of the European technical approval Number of the certificate of conformity Product identification (trade name) 4 Assumptions under which the fitness of the product for the intended use was favourably assessed 4.1 Manufacturing "BBR VT CONA CMM – Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02 and 04 Strands" is manufactured in accordance with the provisions of the European technical approval. Composition and manufacturing process are deposited at Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik. 4.2 Design 4.2.1 General Design of the structure shall permit correct installation and stressing of the tendons. The reinforcement in the anchorage zone shall permit correct placing and compacting of concrete. 4.2.2 Anchorage recess The anchorage recess shall be designed so as to permit a concrete cover of at least 20 mm at the protection caps or locking plates in the final state. Clearance is required for the handling of prestressing jacks. In order to allow for imperfections and to ease the cutting of the strand excess lengths it is recommended to increase the dimensions of the recesses. The forms for the recesses should be slightly conical for easy removal. If other prestressing jacks than those shown in Annex 12 are used, the ETA holder shall keep information on the prestressing jacks and minimum dimensions of the anchorage recesses. In case of failure the bursting out of prestressing steels shall be prevented. Sufficient protection is provided by e.g. a cover of reinforced concrete. 4.2.3 Maximum prestressing forces The prestressing and overstressing forces are specified in the respective standards and regulations in force at place of use. Annex 8 lists the maximum possible prestressing and overstressing forces. OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 18 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 4.2.4 Member of EOTA Reinforcement in the anchorage zone Verification of the transfer of the prestressing forces to the structural concrete is not required if the centre spacing and edge distance of the anchorages as well as grade and dimensions of additional reinforcement, see Annex 10, are conformed to. In the case of grouped anchorages the additional reinforcement of the individual anchorages can be combined, provided appropriate anchorage is ensured. However, the number, cross section and position with respect to the anchor heads shall remain unchanged. The reinforcement of the structure shall not be employed as additional reinforcement. Reinforcement exceeding the required reinforcement of the structure may be used as additional reinforcement, if appropriate placing is possible. The forces outside the area of the additional reinforcement shall be verified and, if necessary, dealt with by appropriate reinforcement. If required for a specific project design, the reinforcement given in Annex 10 may be modified in accordance with the respective regulations in force at the place of use as well as with the relevant approval of the local authority and of the ETA holder to provide equivalent performance. 4.2.5 Fatigue resistance Fatigue resistance of the tendons has been tested with an upper force of 0.65 · Fpk and a stress range of 80 MPa up to 2 · 106 load cycles. 4.2.6 Tendons in masonry structures – Load transfer to the structure Load transfer of prestressing force from the anchorage to masonry structures shall be via concrete or steel members designed according to the European technical approval, in particular according to Clauses 2.6, 2.8, 2.10.4 and 4.2.4 or Eurocode 3, respectively. The concrete or steel members supporting the anchorages shall have dimensions that permit a force of 1.1 · Fpk to be transferred to the masonry. The verification shall be performed according to Eurocode 6 as well as to the respective standards and regulations in force at the place of use. 4.3 Installation Assembly and installation of tendons shall only be carried out by qualified PT specialist companies with the required resources and experience in the use of multi strand internal posttensioning systems, see ETAG 013, Annex D.1 and CWA 14646. The respective standards and regulations in force at the place of use shall be considered. The company’s PT site manager shall have a certificate, stating that she or he has been trained by the ETA holder and that she or he possesses the necessary qualifications and experience with the “BBR VT CONA CMM – Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02 and 04 Strands”. Couplers shall be situated in a straight tendon section. The tendons shall be carefully handled during production, transport, storage and installation. The corrosion protected HDPE sheathed prestressing strands are usually delivered to site in coils with an internal diameter of 1.45 to 1.75 m. In the anchorage zone, the webs of the VT CMM Bands have to be longitudinally cut over a length of 1.3 m from the end. The layout of the transition zone is shown in Annex 13. The sequence of work steps for installation of anchorage and fixed coupler is described in Annex 14. Before placing the concrete a final check of the installed tendons has to be carried out. At that time, the passive anchorages mounted at the PT works shall be randomly checked for proper OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 19 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA seating of the ring wedges and complete filling of the protection caps with corrosion protection grease. In the case of minor damage of the sheathing, the damaged area shall be cleaned and sealed with an adhesive tape. 4.4 Stressing operation With a mean concrete compressive strength in the anchorage zone according to the values laid down in Annex 10 full prestressing may be applied. Stressing and, if applicable, wedging shall be carried out using a suitable prestressing jack. The wedging force shall correspond to approximately ~ 25 kN per wedge. After releasing the prestressing force from the prestressing jack, the tendon is pulled in and reduces the elongation by the amount of slip at the anchor head. Elongation and prestressing forces shall be checked continuously during the stressing operation. The results of the stressing operation shall be recorded and the measured elongations shall be compared with the prior calculated values. Information on the prestressing equipment has been submitted to Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik. The ETA holder shall save for reference information on the prestressing jacks and the appropriate clearance behind the anchorage. The safety-at-work and health protection regulations shall be complied with. 4.5 Restressing Restressing of tendons in combination with release and reuse of wedges is permitted, whereby the wedges shall bite into a least 15 mm of virgin strand surface and no wedge bites shall remain inside the final length of the tendon between anchorages. 4.6 Welding Welding is not intended and it is not permitted to weld on built-in components of post-tensioning systems. In case of welding operations near tendons precautionary measures are required to avoid damage to the corrosion protection system. 5 Recommendations for the manufacturer 5.1 Recommendations on packaging, transport and storage During transport of prefabricated tendons a minimum diameter of curvature of 1.45 to 1.75 m or as specified by the manufacturer of the strand shall be observed. The ETA holder shall have instructions related to Temporary protection of prestressing steels and components in order to prevent corrosion during transportation from the production site to the job site; Transportation, storage and handling of the tensile elements and of other components in order to avoid any mechanical, chemical or electrochemical changes; Protection of tensile elements and other components from moisture; Keeping tensile elements away or separated from areas where welding operations are performed. OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 20 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 5.2 Member of EOTA Recommendations on installation The manufacturer’s installation instructions shall be followed, see ETAG 013, Annex D.3. The respective standards and regulations in force at the place of use shall be observed. For the installation see also Annex 14. 5.3 Accompanying information It is the responsibility of the ETA holder to ensure that all necessary information on design and installation is submitted to those responsible for design and execution of the structures executed with "BBR VT CONA CMM – Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02 and 04 Strands". On behalf of Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik The original document is signed by: Rainer Mikulits Managing Director OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 21 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Unbonded Post-tensioning System Overview on anchorages and fixed couplers CONA CMM Member of EOTA Annex 1 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 22 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Unbonded Post-tensioning System Components of anchorages and fixed couplers CONA CMM Member of EOTA Annex 2 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 23 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Unbonded Post-tensioning System Accessories CONA CMM Member of EOTA Annex 3 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 24 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA CONA CMM n06-140 Characteristic value of maximum force of tendon Number of strands Nominal cross sectional area of prestressing steel Nominal mass of prestressing steel Nominal mass of tendon n Ap M M Fpk Fpk mm2 kg/m kg/m kN kN 01 140 1.09 1.23 248 260 02 280 2.19 2.46 496 520 04 560 4.37 4.92 992 1 040 fpk = 1 770 MPa fpk = 1 860 MPa CONA CMM n06-150 Number of strands Nominal cross sectional area of prestressing steel Nominal mass of prestressing steel Nominal mass of tendon n Ap Characteristic value of maximum force of tendon fpk = 1 770 MPa fpk = 1 860 MPa M M Fpk Fpk 2 mm kg/m kg/m kN kN 01 150 1.17 1.31 266 279 02 300 2.34 2.62 532 558 04 600 4.69 5.24 1 064 1 116 CONA CMM n06C-165, Compacted strand Number of strands Nominal cross sectional area of prestressing steel Nominal mass of prestressing steel Nominal mass of tendon n Ap Characteristic value of maximum force of tendon fpk = 1 820 MPa M M Fpk 2 mm kg/m kg/m kN 01 165 1.29 1.42 300 02 330 2.58 2.84 600 04 660 5.16 5.68 1 200 Unbonded Post-tensioning System Tendon ranges CONA CMM Annex 4 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 25 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Material properties Component Standard / Specification Anchor head 0106, 0206, 0406 EN 1563 Coupler anchor head 0106, 0406 - 1.BA EN 1563 Coupler anchor head 0106 - 2.BA EN 1563 EN 10083-1 EN 10083-2 Coupler anchor head 0406 - 2.BA EN 10083-1 EN 10083-2 Coupler sleeve 0106, 0406 EN 10210-1 Ring wedge BBR Ring wedge BBR F EN 10277-2 EN 10084 Wedge holding plate EN 10025-2 Helix Ribbed reinforcing steel Re 500 MPa Additional reinforcement, stirrups Ribbed reinforcing steel Re 500 MPa Corrosion protection grease ETAG 013, Annex C Strand sheathing ETAG 013, Annex C Greased bandage or greased felt rings — Transition pipes EN ISO 1872-1 EN ISO 1874-1 Wedge holding ring, protection caps EN ISO 1874-1 BDSD-plate — Unbonded Post-tensioning System Material properties CONA CMM Annex 5 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 26 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Contents of the prescribed test plan Component Anchor head and coupler anchor heads Item Material Test / Check Check Documentation 100 % “3.1” 1) 5% 2 specimens yes Test Visual inspection 3), 4) Check 100 % no Material Check 100 % “3.1” 1) Test 0.5 % 2 specimens yes Test 5% 2 specimens yes Visual inspection 3) Check 100 % no Material Check 100 % “3.1” 1) 5% 2 specimens yes Ring wedge full full Detailed dimensions 5) Detailed dimensions 2) Test full Visual inspection 3) Check 100 % no Material of strand Check 100 % “CE” 1) Diameter of strand Test each coil no Visual inspection of strand 3) Check each coil no HDPE-sheath 7) Check 100 % ETAG 013, Annex C.1 yes Check 100 % ETAG 013, Annex C.4.1 yes Test ETAG 013, Annex C.1.4 yes Visual inspection of VT CMM Band 3) Check 100 % no Material of strand Check 100 % “CE” 1) VT CMM Band full Corrosion protective grease 7) Material of VT CMM Band 9) Diameter of strand Individual Monostrand Minimum frequency Detailed dimensions 2) Treatment, Hardness 6), 7) Coupler sleeve Traceability Test each coil no Visual inspection of strand 3) Check each coil no Material of individual monostrand 7), 9) Check 100 % ETAG 013, Annex C.1 yes Visual inspection of individual monostrand 3) Check 100 % no full 1) 3.1: Inspection certificate type "3.1" according to EN 10204 Other dimensions than 4) 3) Visual inspections means e.g.: Main dimensions, gauge testing, correct marking or labelling, appropriate performance, surface, fins, kinks, smoothness, corrosion, coating, etc., as detailed in the prescribed test plan 4) Dimensions: conical bores regarding angle, diameter and surface condition, thread dimensions of all anchorages and couplers. 5) Geometrical properties 6) Surface hardness 7) Suppliers certificate 8) As long as the basis for CE marking of prestressing steel is not available, an approval or certificate according to the standards and regulations in force at the place of use has to accompany each delivery. 9) According to ETAG 013, Annex C.1.4 full: Full traceability of each component to its raw material. 2) Unbonded Post-tensioning System Contents of the prescribed test plan CONA CMM Annex 6 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 27 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Audit testing Component Anchor head, Coupler anchor head Ring wedge Coupler sleeve Individual monostrands or VT CMM Bands Strand Single tensile element test 1) 2) Sampling 2) Number of components per visit Item Test / Check Material according to specification Test / Check Detailed dimensions Test Visual inspection 1) Check Material according to specification Test / Check 2 Treatment Test 2 Detailed dimensions Test 1 Main dimensions, surface hardness Test 5 Visual inspection 1) Check 5 Material according to specification Test / Check Detailed dimensions Test Visual inspection 1) Check Material according to specification Test / Check Diameter Test Visual inspection 1) Check Material according to specification Test / Check 1 Single tensile element test according to ETAG 013, Annex E.3 Test 1 Series 1 1 1 Visual inspection means e.g.: main dimensions, gauge testing, correct marking or labelling, appropriate performance, surface, fins, kinks, smoothness, corrosion protection, corrosion coating, etc., as given in the prescribed test plan. All samples shall be randomly selected and clearly identified. Unbonded Post-tensioning System Audit testing CONA CMM Annex 7 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 28 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Maximum prestressing forces and maximum overstressing forces CONA CMM 0106 (single) Strands AP mm2 Characteristic tensile strength fpk MPa 1 770 1 860 1 770 1 860 1 820 Fpk kN 248 260 266 279 300 0.90 · Fp0.1 kN 196 206 211 221 238 0.95 · Fp0.1 kN 207 218 222 234 251 Characteristic value of maximum force of tendon Maximum prestressing force 2) Maximum overstressing force 2), 3) 140 165 1) 150 CONA CMM 0206 (two) Strands AP mm2 Characteristic tensile strength fpk MPa 1 770 1 860 1 770 1 860 1 820 Fpk kN 496 520 532 558 600 0.90 · Fp0.1 kN 392 412 421 443 475 Maximum overstressing force 2), 3) 0.95 · Fp0.1 kN 414 435 445 467 502 Characteristic value of maximum force of tendon Maximum prestressing force 2) 140 165 1) 150 CONA CMM 0406 (four) Strands AP mm2 Characteristic tensile strength fpk MPa 1 770 1 860 1 770 1 860 1 820 Fpk kN 992 1 040 1 064 1 116 1 200 0.90 · Fp0.1 kN 785 824 842 886 950 Maximum overstressing force 2), 3) 0.95 · Fp0.1 kN 828 870 889 935 1 003 Characteristic value of maximum force of tendon Maximum prestressing force 2) 1) 2) 3) 140 165 1) 150 Compacted strand The given value are maximum values according to EN 1992-1-1. The actual values are to be taken from the standards and regulations in force at the place of use. Conformity with the stabilisation and crack width criteria in the load transfer test has been verified to a level of 0.80 Fpk. Where Fpk .......... Characteristic value of maximum force of tendon Fp0.1........ Characteristic value of 0.1 % proof force of tendon For strands according to prEN 10138-3, 2000, the values shall be multiplied by 0.98. Overstressing is permitted if the force in the prestressing jack can be measured to an accurancy of 5 % of the final value of the prestressing force. Unbonded Post-tensioning System Forces CONA CMM Annex 8 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 29 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Unbonded Post-tensioning System Construction stages – Anchorages and fixed couplers CONA CMM Member of EOTA Annex 9 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 30 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Technical data of the BBR VT CONA CMM anchorage system CONA CMM 1) 0106 (single) 0206 (two) 0406 (four) Strands AP mm2 Characteristic tensile strength fpk MPa 1 770 1 860 1 770 1 860 1 820 1 770 1 860 1 770 1 860 1 820 1 770 1 860 1 770 1 860 1 820 Char. value of maximum force 140 150 165 140 150 165 140 150 165 Fpk kN 248 260 266 279 300 496 520 532 558 600 992 0.90 Fp0.1k 2) – kN 196 206 211 221 238 392 412 421 443 475 785 824 842 886 950 0.95 Fp0.1k 2) – kN 207 218 222 234 251 414 435 445 467 502 828 870 889 935 1 003 Dimensions of strands / band – mm Ø 20 2 20 / 44 20 1 040 1 064 1 116 1 200 4 20 / 90 20 Minimum concrete strength Cube fcm, 0 MPa � 24 Cylinder fcm, 0 MPa � 20 Helix - the anchorage sided end is welded Ribbed reinforcing steel, Re � 500 MPa Outer diameter – mm 100 Bar diameter – mm 10 12 Length, approx. – mm 180 275 Pitch – mm 40 50 Number of pitches – – 4+1 5+1 Distance E mm 50 45 Additional reinforcement 160 Ribbed reinforcing steel, Re � 500 MPa Number of stirrups – – 2 4 6 Bar diameter – mm 8 10 10 Spacing Y mm 50 50 55 Distance from anchor plate F mm 55 25 53 ar mm 140 180 260 br mm 100 130 180 ac mm 180 200 300 bc mm 140 150 220 ae mm 70 + c 90 + c 130 + c be mm 50 + c 65 + c 90 + c Outside dimensions Centre and edge spacing Minimum centre spacing Minimum edge distance 3) Dimensions recesses and couplers – Anchorage recess open on top Bore in forms ØA mm 65 103 103 Bore in forms for coupler 1.BA ØA mm 62 — 113 Depth B mm 60 50 50 Coupler M mm ~ 545 — ~ 565 1) 2) 3) For strand pattern see Annex 2. For strands according to prEN 10138-3, 2000, the values shall be multiplied by 0.98. c ..... Concrete cover Unbonded Post-tensioning System CONA CMM Dimensions of anchorages, helix and additional reinforcement, centre spacing and edge distance Annex 10 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 31 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Centre spacing and edge distance a c = bc a c > bc a e = be a e > be Modification of centre spacing and edge distance shall be in accordance with Clause 2.6. bc � 0.85 · bc and � Helix, outside diameter 1) ac Ac b c Ac = ac · bc � ac · bc Corresponding edge distances ae ac = 2 – 10 + c and be bc = 2 – 10 + c c.....Concrete cover 1) ....The outer dimensions of the additional reinforcement shall be adjusted accordingly. Further modifications of reinforcement have to be in accordance with Clause 4.2.4. Dimensions in mm Unbonded Post-tensioning System Modification of centre spacing and edge distance CONA CMM Annex 11 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 32 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Unbonded Post-tensioning System Dimensions of anchorage recesses CONA CMM Member of EOTA Annex 12 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 d 450 Page 33 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA crosswise racking (wire) with protection sleeve or equivalent reinforcement anchorage anchorage single racking (wire or plastic binder) crosswise racking (wire) with protection sleeve or equivalent AL LL Typical zones crosswise racking (wire) with protection sleeve or equivalent LL max. distances (m) HH min. number HH HA type AL Anchor - Low point 3 - crosswise LL Low point - Low point 1.0-1.3 2 single wire LH Low point- High point 3 - crosswise HH High point- High point 0.3-1.0 2 crosswise HA High point- Anchor 1.5 - crosswise Unbonded Post-tensioning System CONA CMM LH Free tendon layout Transition regions Annex 13 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 34 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 PT Works 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Member of EOTA Construction Works A) Manufacturing of the tendon 1) Longitudinal cutting of the VT CMM Band Removing the PE-sheathing at the end Wrapping the single strands with greased bandage in the region of the transition pipe Mounting the anchor block on the strands Prelocking the anchor block 2) Securing wedges with wedge holding rings or holding plate Filling protection cap with grease and screwing it onto the anchor block 3) Coiling according to the tendon list and fixing the tendon for transport/ Transport B) Preliminary site works 1) Erection of the formwork 2) Fixing the active anchor block (SA, H 1.BA) on the formwork 3) Placing reinforcement bottom layer and supporting stirrups C) Tendon installation 1) Placing the tendon 2) Fastening the tendon with wire or plastic binder at the bottom layer and supporting stirrups 4) Coupling : The coupler anchor block 2.BA is mounted and prelocked on the prefabricated tendon nd 3) Placing the coupler anchor block (2 construction stage) 4) Screwing-on the coupler sleeve on the coupler anchor 1.BA, meanwhile or afterwards filling of the space inside the coupler sleeve and both coupler anchor blocks with grease. Connecting tendon with the active anchor block (SA, H 1.BA) 1) 5) Longitudinal cutting of the VT CMM Band 6) Removing the PE-sheathing at the end 7) Wrapping the single strands with greased bandage in the region of the transition pipe 8) Inserting the strands into the anchor block 9) Putting on removed PE-sheathing to protect excess strand length 10) Placing reinforcement top layer 11) Fastening tendon with wire or plastic binder on the reinforcement top layer D) Concreting of the structure 1) Concreting the structure, recommended to make testing cubes 2) Determining concrete strength 3) Dismantling the formwork at the active anchorage side E) Stressing and finishing work 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Removal of protecting PE-sheaths and check whether cones are clean Inserting ring wedges Stressing the tendon according to stressing order Cutting excess strand lengths Filling protection cap with grease and screwing it onto the anchor block 6) Filling of the anchorage recess with concrete 1) not applicable when assembling a tendon VT CMM 106 or monostrand 2) applicable case of using an anchor body K VT CMM 406 - 2.BA 3) not applicable in case of manufacturing on the site 4) only applicable when using a coupler 5) not applicable when assembling a coupler 1st construction stage Unbonded Post-tensioning System CONA CMM 5) Description of worksteps – Anchorage Fixed coupler 1st and 2nd construction stage Annex 14 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 35 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Sheathing base material specification for monostrand / VT CMM Band Test method / Standard Characteristics Acceptance Criteria Melt index ISO 1133 (10 minutes at 2.16 kg) 0.25 g Density DIN 53479 0.95 g/cm3 Carbon black - Content - Dispersion - Distribution ISO 6964 ISO 4437 ISO 4437 2.3 0.3 % Index max. C2 Index max. 3 Tensile strength (23 °C) EN ISO 527-2 22 MPa 1) Elongation - at 23 °C - at - 20 °C EN ISO 527-2 EN ISO 527-2 > 600 % 1) > 350 % 1) Thermal stability ISO/TR 10837 20 minutes at 210 °C in O2 without degradation (oxygen induction time) 1) Standardised specimen according to ISO 1 BA, loading speed 100 mm/minute Manufactured sheathing specification for monostrand / VT CMM Band Characteristics Test method / Standard Acceptance Criteria Tensile strength at 23 °C EN ISO 527-2 18 MPa 1) Elongation - at 23 °C - at - 20 °C EN ISO 527-2 EN ISO 527-2 450 % 1) 250 % 1) No visual damage No bubbles No traces of filling material visible Surface of sheathing Environmental stress cracking Temperature resistance - Variation of tensile strength at 23 °C after conditioning for 3 days at 100 °C - Variation of elongation at 23 °C after conditioning for 3 days at 100 °C Resistance to externally applied agents - Mineral oil - Acids - Bases - Solvents - Salt spray Sheathing minimum thickness 1) 2) NF C 32-060 No cracking after 72 hours in a tensio-active liquid at 50 °C EN ISO 527-2 25 % EN ISO 527-2 25 % EN ISO 175 Variation of tensile strength 25 % Variation of elongation 25 % Variation of volume 5 % prEN 496 1.0 mm 2) Standardised specimen according to ISO 1 BA, loading speed 100 mm/minute The actual value has to conform to standards and regulations in force at place of use. Unbonded Post-tensioning System Specification CONA CMM Annex 15 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 36 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Monostrand / VT CMM Band specification Characteristics Test method / Standard Acceptance Criteria Clause C. 1) No tear or penetration of sheathing Friction between sheathing and strand Clause C. 1) 60 N/m Squeezing - Transverse deformation under load - Residual transverse deformation after removal of load Clause C. 1) Impact resistance Leak tightness 1) 3% 2.5 % Clause C. 1) No water leaking through specimen in ETAG 013 Grease specification of the monostrand / of the VT CMM Band Characteristics Test method / Standard Acceptance Criteria Cone penetration, 60 strokes (1/10mm) ISO 2137 250 300 Dropping point ISO 2176 150 °C Oil separation at 40 °C DIN 51817 at 72 hours 2.5 % at 7 days 4.5 % Oxidation stability DIN 51808 100 hours at 100°C 0.06 MPa 1 000 hours at 100°C 0.2 MPa NF X41-002 (salt spray) 1) NF X41-002 (distilled water spray)1) Pass No corrosion Corrosion test DIN 51802 Grade 0 Content of aggressive elements - Cl-, S2-, NO3- SO42- NF M07-023 2) NF M07-023 2) 50 ppm (0.005 %) 100 ppm (0.010 %) Corrosion protection - 168 hours at 35 °C - 168 hours at 35 °C 1) 2) Test sample consists of a structural steel plate S355 with a surface roughness comparable to the prestressing wire and strand. The plate is covered with a layer of grease of a maximum thickness corresponding to the declared mass of the filling material PE Applied accordingly to grease. Grease properties after monostrand / VT CMM Band manufacturing Characteristics Test method / Standard Acceptance Criteria Dropping point - variation during monostrand manufacturing ISO 2176 10 % Oil separation - variation during monostrand manufacturing DIN 51808 at 72 hours 3 % at 7 days 5 % Unbonded Post-tensioning System Specification CONA CMM Annex 16 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 37 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Seven wire prestressing steel strands according to prEN 10138-3 1) Steel name Y1770S7 Y1860S7 Y1770S7 Y1860S7 Y1820S7G Tensile strength fpk MPa 1 770 1 860 1 770 1 860 1 820 d mm 15.3 15.3 15.7 15.7 15.2 2) Nominal cross sectional area Ap mm2 140 140 150 150 165 Nominal mass per metre m kg/m Diameter Permitted deviation from nominal mass 1.093 1.172 % Characteristic value of maximum force 1.289 2 Fpk kN 248 260 266 279 300 Maximum value of maximum force Fm, max kN 285 299 306 321 345 Characteristic value of 0.1 % proof force 3) Fp0.1 kN 218 229 234 246 264 Minimum elongation at maximum force, L0 500 mm Agt % 3.5 Modulus of elasticity Ep MPa 195 000 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) Suitable strands according to standards and regulations in force at place of use may also be used. Compacted strand For strands according to prEN 10138-3, 2000, the values shall be multiplied by 0.98. Standard value Unbonded Post-tensioning System Table of strands CONA CMM Annex 17 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 38 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA Reference documents Guideline for European Technical Approval ETAG 013, 06.2002 Guideline for European Technical Approval of Post-Tensioning Kits for Prestressing of Structures Standards EN 206-1, 12.2000 EN 206-1/A1, 07.2004 EN 206-1/A2, 06.2005 Concrete - Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity EN 1563, 06.1997 EN 1563/A1, 05.2002 EN 1563/A2, 07.2005 Founding - Spheroidal graphite cast irons EN 1992-1-1, 12.2004 EN 1992-1-1/AC, 11.2010 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings EN 10025-2, 11.2004 EN 10025-2/AC, 06.2005 Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels EN 10083-1, 08.2006 Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 1: General technical delivery conditions EN 10083-2, 08.2006 Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non alloy steels EN 10084, 04.2008 Case hardening steels - Technical delivery conditions EN 10204, 10.2004 Metallic products - Types of inspection documents EN 10210-1, 04.2006 Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels Part 1: Technical delivery conditions EN 10277-2, 03.2008 Bright steel products - Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Steels for general engineering purposes EN ISO 175, 03.2000 Plastics - Methods of test for the determination of the effects of immersion in liquid chemicals EN ISO 527-2, 05.1996 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics EN ISO 1872-1, 05.1999 Plastics - Polyethylene (PE) moulding and extrusion Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications materials - EN ISO 1874-1, 11.2010 Plastics - Polyamide (PA) moulding and extrusion Part 1: Designation system and basis for specification materials - prEN 496, 05.1991 Plastics piping systems - plastics pipes and fittings - measurements of dimensions and visual inspection of surfaces prEN 10138-3, 08.2009 Prestressing steels - Part 3: Strand prEN 10138-3, 09.2000 Prestressing steels - Part 3: Strand CWA 14646, 01.2003 Requirements for the installation of post-tensioning kits for prestressing of structures and qualification of the specialist company and its personnel Unbonded Post-tensioning System Reference documents CONA CMM Annex 18 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Page 39 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 Validity from 15.11.2011 to 14.11.2016, extends ETA-06/0165 with validity from 15.11.2006 to 14.11.2011 Member of EOTA ISO 1133, 01.1997 Plastics - Determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and the melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics ISO 2137, 11.1985 Petroleum products - Lubricating grease and petrolatum - Determination of cone penetration ISO 2176, 03.1995 Petroleum products - Lubricating grease - Determination of dropping point ISO 4437, 08.1997 Buried polyethylene (PE) pipes for the supply of gaseous fuels - Metric series - Specifications ISO 6964, 12.1986 Polyolefin pipes and fittings - Determination of carbon black content by calcination and pyrolysis - Test method and basic specification ISO/TR 10837, 07.1991 Determination of the thermal stability of polyethylene (PE) for use in gas pipes and fittings NF C32-060, 05.1996 Polyolefin insulation and sheath for communication cables NF M07-023, 02.1969 Liquid fuels - Determination of chlorides in crude petroleum and petroleum products NF X41-002, 08.1975 Protection against physical, chemical and biological agents - Salt spray test DIN 51802, 04.1990 Testing lubricating greases for their corrosion-inhibiting properties by the SKF Emcor method DIN 51808, 01.1978 Testing of lubricants - Determination of oxidation stability of greases, oxygen method DIN 51817, 04.1998 Testing of lubricants - Determination of oil separation from greases under static conditions DIN 53479, 10.1991 Testing of plastics and elastomers - Determination of density ISO 1133, 01.1997 Plastics - Determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and the melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics ISO 2137, 11.1985 Petroleum products - Lubricating grease and petrolatum - Determination of cone penetration ISO 2176, 03.1995 Petroleum products - Lubricating grease - Determination of dropping point ISO 4437, 08.1997 Buried polyethylene (PE) pipes for the supply of gaseous fuels - Metric series - Specifications ISO 6964, 12.1986 Polyolefin pipes and fittings - Determination of carbon black content by calcination and pyrolysis - Test method and basic specification ISO/TR 10837, 07.1991 Determination of the thermal stability of polyethylene (PE) for use in gas pipes and fittings NF C32-060, 05.1996 Polyolefin insulation and sheath for communication cables NF M07-023, 02.1969 Liquid fuels - Determination of chlorides in crude petroleum and petroleum products NF X41-002, 08.1975 Protection against physical, chemical and biological agents - Salt spray test DIN 51802, 04.1990 Testing lubricating greases for their corrosion-inhibiting properties by the SKF Emcor method DIN 51808, 01.1978 Testing of lubricants - Determination of oxidation stability of greases, oxygen method DIN 51817, 04.1998 Testing of lubricants - Determination of oil separation from greases under static conditions DIN 53479, 10.1991 Testing of plastics and elastomers - Determination of density Unbonded Post-tensioning System Reference documents CONA CMM Annex 19 of European technical approval ETA-06/0165 OIB-250-002/06-031 Empty page for adding notes KB Vorspann-Technik GmbH Weitwörth 25 5151 Nussdorf a. H. Austria Tel +43 6272 40790 Fax +43 6272 40790-40 www.kb-vt.com office@kb-vt.com KB Vorspann-Technik GmbH Fürstenrieder Strasse 275 81377 München Germany Tel +49 89 72 44 969-0 Fax +49 89 72 44 969-12 www.kb-vt.com office@kb-vt.com Copyright BBR VT International 04.2012 BBR VT International Ltd Technical Headquarters and Business Development Centre Switzerland As s e s ment o f CO N A C M M -0 1 Strand w i t h Spe c i a l A n c h orag e Con f i g urat i on & R e i n f or c ement s Load T ran s f er and Crac k W i dt h E va l uat i on E TA : s ta po i kkeavat s a l l i tut ankkure i den s i jo i tte l ut ( va i n s i n g e l - ankkur i t ) BBR VT International Ltd Bahnstrasse 23 CH - 8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) Switzerland Tel. +41 - 44 - 806 80 60 Fax +41 - 44 - 806 80 50 info@bbrnetwork.com www.bbrnetwork.com REPORT Assesment of CONA CMM-01 Strand with Special Anchorage Configuration & Reinforcements Load Transfer and Crack Width Evaluation Version 3.0 / 19.02.2015 Dr. Behzad D. Manshadi Head of R&D bmanshadi@bbrnetwork.com This document is the property of BBR VT International Ltd (BBR) and must not be used, copied, re-printed nor duplicated totally or partially without the prior written consent of BBR. This document may only be used by eligible BBR Franchisees. Copyright BBR. The authors of this document have made their best efforts in preparing this document. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and measures to determine their effectiveness. The authors and BBR make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the documentation contained in this report. The authors and BBR shall not be liable in any event for the incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, or use of the documentation contained in this document. BBR, CONA, BBRV, HiAm, DINA and CONNAECT are registered trademarks and are the property of BBR. All rights reserved. BBR VT International Ltd .. Bahnstrasse 23 .. CH - 8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) .. Switzerland Tel. +41 - 44 - 806 80 60 .. Fax +41 - 44 - 806 80 50 .. info@bbrnetwork.com .. www.bbrnetwork.com -2- Table of contents 1! Introduction 2! Documents used and reviewed 3! Ultimate load model 4! Crack width evaluation 5 0106 CONA CMM anchorage zone design 5.1 Results and discussion! 3! 3! 3! 4! 6! Annex 1: Client's documents ..……………………………….……………………………..………..1 page Annex 2: Calculation results …………………………..……..………………………………..…......1 page BBR VT International Ltd .. Bahnstrasse 23 .. CH - 8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) .. Switzerland Tel. +41 - 44 - 806 80 60 .. Fax +41 - 44 - 806 80 50 .. info@bbrnetwork.com .. www.bbrnetwork.com -3- 1 Introduction The BBR VT CONA CMM system has been European Technically Approved according to the provisions given in the Guideline for European Technical Approval of Post-tensioning Kits for Prestressing of Structures (ETAG 013, edition June 2002), [1]. In particular, the ETA, for CMM system, have been obtained by BBR VT International Ltd: BBR VT CONA CMM - ETA 06/0165 [2] This report provides an assessment of anchorage local zone of the BBR VT CONA CMM with 01 strand according to ETAG 013 specifications for a specific project, the Helsinki airport parking structure, with particular anchorage zone design. According to the client request, different anchorage configuration (comparing to CMM ETA approval) with minimum centre to centre distances of 105 mm x 165 mm and particular additional reinforcement are going to be used for this particular project (see Annex 1). 2 Documents used and reviewed The following documents have been reviewed and used for the development of this report: [1] ETAG 013 – Guideline for European Technical Approval of Post-tensioning Kits for Prestressing of Structures, Edition June 2002. [2] BBR VT CONA CMM – Unbonded Post-tensioning System with 01, 02, and 04 Strands - ETA 06/0165 [3] Report 356 – Anchorage Zone Reinforcement for Post-Tensioned Concrete Girders, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 1994. [4] Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures EN 1992-1-1:2004. 3 Ultimate load model The NCHRP Report 356 [3] provides an equation to predict the ultimate bearing strength of the local zone, which has been widely used by designers: !!"# = 0.80!!! !! ! ! + 4.1!!"# !!"#$ 1 − ! !! ! Equation 1: Ultimate bearing strength of local zone according NCHRP In Equation 1, the first term accounts for the contribution of concrete to the ultimate bearing strength while the second term accounts for the contribution of the reinforcing steel installed in the local zone (e.g. helix). Equation 1 has been proven to give accurate results on conventional post-tensioning kits (e.g. load transfer elements with a single load plane introduction – square plate) and only equipped with helix as primary reinforcing steel. BBR VT International Ltd .. Bahnstrasse 23 .. CH - 8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) .. Switzerland Tel. +41 - 44 - 806 80 60 .. Fax +41 - 44 - 806 80 50 .. info@bbrnetwork.com .. www.bbrnetwork.com -4- Modern PT systems, such as CONA CMI BT, CONA CMF and CONA CMM Systems, are often designed to be more compact (i.e. to allow reduced edge distances) and therefore are designed to have two or three planes for load transfer to the concrete. Additionally, they are often specified with two levels of primary reinforcing steel in the form of helix and stirrups. Although a single reinforcing level (e.g. helix or stirrup) would be enough to provide sufficient bearing strength to the local zone, the second reinforcing level is required to achieve the tight crack width criteria specified in the different post-tensioning guidelines, [1]. Equation 1 has been modified to properly consider the effect that the multiple load transfer planes and the contribution of the outer stirrups have on the ultimate bearing strength: !!"# = 0.80!!! !! !!" !! ! ! ! + 4.1!!"# !!"#! 1 − ! ! !! ! ! ! + 4.1!!!"# !!"#$ 1− Equation 2: Modified ultimate bearing strength of local zone !! !! ! Where, !!" is a coefficient to consider the effect of the mean concrete strength and geometry specific to the CMM system The second term in Equation 2 accounts for the contribution of the helix on the ultimate bearing strength of the local zone The third term in Equation 2 accounts for the contribution of the stirrups on the ultimate bearing strength of the local zone. However, differently to the helix, the confinement contribution of the stirrups is normally reduced by the bending effect that stirrups exhibit under lateral pressure, and therefore, !<1. Final values of !!" and ! are obtained from real load transfer tests carried out on different system samples under different concrete strengths. 4 Crack width evaluation Eurocode 2, [4] provides an expression to evaluate the crack width: !! = !!,!"# !!" − !!" Equation 3: Crack width estimation according to EC2 The model assumes that concrete is already cracked and exhibits a crack at distances !!,!"# : !!,!"# = !! ! + ! !! !! !! !!,!"" Equation 4: Maximum crack spacing according to EC2 where the different deformational behavior between reinforcing steel and concrete, !!" − !!" , leads to the final crack opening, Wk of Equation 3. BBR VT International Ltd .. Bahnstrasse 23 .. CH - 8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) .. Switzerland Tel. +41 - 44 - 806 80 60 .. Fax +41 - 44 - 806 80 50 .. info@bbrnetwork.com .. www.bbrnetwork.com -5- !!" − !!" = !! − !! !!",!"" 1 + !! !!,!"" !!,!"" !! ≥ 0.6 !! !! Equation 5: Difference between mean reinforcing steel and concrete strain according to EC2 However, while the model was initially developed for bending or tensile concrete elements, it may also be applied to crack prediction on anchorage zones if appropriately calibrated with test results. Therefore, the model given in Eurocode 2 best fits BBR CONA CMM system if Equation 5 is modified as follows: !!" − !!" = !! !∗ − !! !!",!"" 1 + !! !!,!"" !!,!"" !! ≥ 0.6 !∗ !! !! Equation 6: Modified difference between mean reinforcing steel and concrete strain where the factor !∗ accounts for the multiplane load introduction leading to a modification of the stress in the reinforcing. The factor !∗ is obtained from test results on different system samples with different tendon sizes and concrete strength. 5 0106 CONA CMM anchorage zone analysis This section presents the analysis of a CMM post-tensioning anchorage system with 01 strand according to ETAG 013 based on the calibrated mathematical models presented in Section 3 and 4. For the analysis of the anchorage, the following boundary parameters have been considered: Mean cube concrete strengths at stressing, fcm,0, 25 MPa and 30 MPa defined by the Client, Strand 15.7 mm, 1’860 MPa and GUTS 279 kN, centre to centre distances: ac=105 mm & bc=165 mm, Reinforcement grade 500 MPa, Additional reinforcemenet outside dimensions : ar=80 mm & br=160 mm, Test block dimensions axb=120 mm x 200 mm (including 20 mm concrete cover). In this particular construction project, additional reinforcements of grade 500 MPa with U- and Cshapes are used. The main dimensions of reinforcement are given in Table 1. BBR VT International Ltd .. Bahnstrasse 23 .. CH - 8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) .. Switzerland Tel. +41 - 44 - 806 80 60 .. Fax +41 - 44 - 806 80 50 .. info@bbrnetwork.com .. www.bbrnetwork.com -6- Table 1: Main dimensions of anchorage reinforcement Unit U-shape reinforcement C-shape reinforcement Diameter of bar [mm] 10 10 Number of bars [-] 4 4 Height of bar (outside dimension) [mm] 80 160 Spacing between bars [mm] 50 50 Since the design anchorage zone reinforcement resembles CONA CMM system anchorage zone [2], the factors !!" and !∗ (Eqs. 2 & 6) obtained from test results on the BBR CONA CMM system are applied to the current analysis. Figure 1 compares the load transfer efficiencies obtained from sample tests on the BBR CONA CMM system at 25 MPa concrete strength (cube) with the results calculated using the mathematical models presented in Section 3 and 4 and defined factor !!" . The comparison shows that the factor !!" has been selected with a certain margin of safety (3% to 7%) so that the mathematical model is predicting lower efficiency than what is obtained by test or on site. 1.4$ Load%transfer%efficiency% 1.3$ 1.2$ 1.1$ 1$ 0.9$ Test$results$ Model$predic8on$ 0.8$ 0$ 1$ 2$ 3$ Tendon%size% 4$ 5$ Figure 1: Comparison of load transfer efficiency (test vs. model prediction results) 5.1 Results and discussion The calculations, carried out for the anchorages based on the model described in Sections 3 & 4, and the boundary parameters given at the beginning of Section 5, lead to the results, which shall BBR VT International Ltd .. Bahnstrasse 23 .. CH - 8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) .. Switzerland Tel. +41 - 44 - 806 80 60 .. Fax +41 - 44 - 806 80 50 .. info@bbrnetwork.com .. www.bbrnetwork.com -7- fulfill the ULS (ultimate bearing strength) and SLS (maximum crack width) criteria according to ETAG 013: Load transfer efficiency > 1.1 Crack width upon first attainment of 80% GUTS < 0.15 mm. Crack width upon last attainment of 80% GUTS (> 10 cycles) < 0.25 mm Crack width upon last attainment of 12% GUTS (> 10 cycles) < 0.15 mm. Details of calculation results for mean cube concrete strengths of 25 MPa and 30 MPa are presented in Annex 2. The results show that the designed anchorage zone reinforcement leads to the load transfer efficiency=1.18>1.1 (for mean cube concrete strength of 25 MPa) and 1.32>1.1 (for mean cube concrete strength of 30 MPa). The resulting crack width is also less than the ETAG013 crack width limits. To summarize, the results of the proposed design comply with ETAG013’s load transfer and crack width criteria. However, ** It is very important to emphasize that the provided solution has been calculated according to ETAG 013 requirements in terms of LTT and cracking but is not ETA approved and that might require approval of local authorities. BBR VT International Ltd .. Bahnstrasse 23 .. CH - 8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) .. Switzerland Tel. +41 - 44 - 806 80 60 .. Fax +41 - 44 - 806 80 50 .. info@bbrnetwork.com .. www.bbrnetwork.com -8- ANNEX 1: Client’s documents Figure 2 : Layouts of anchor zones of beams for Helsinki airport parking structure BBR VT International Ltd .. Bahnstrasse 23 .. CH - 8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) .. Switzerland Tel. +41 - 44 - 806 80 60 .. Fax +41 - 44 - 806 80 50 .. info@bbrnetwork.com .. www.bbrnetwork.com -9- ANNEX 2: Calculation results @ 25 MPa cube concrete strength Nstrands Characteristic Fpk Fpk' f y_reinforcing_steel @ 30 MPa cube concrete strength 1.1 500 [ kN ] [ kN ] [ MPa ] 279 306.9 500 Minimum concrete strength fcm,0 fcm,0 Cube Cylinder [ MPa ] [ MPa ] 25 20 Helix Outer diameter,OD Helix ODHelix f Bar diameter, Φ Helix Length, approx. Pitch Φ Helix [ mm ] 0 0 50 50 Number of pitches, n Helix Distance n Helix [ mm ] [ mm ] [-] 2 55 E [ mm ] n Stirrups [-] ΦS tirrups 4 10 50 55 80 160 Additional reinforcement 1 Characteristic Fpk Fpk' f y_reinforcing_steel 1.1 500 Minimum concrete strength fcm,0 fcm,0 Cube Cylinder Helix Outer diameter,OD Helix [ MPa ] 279 306.9 500 [ MPa ] [ MPa ] 30 23 0 0 50 50 [ kN ] [ kN ] ODHelix f Bar diameter, Φ Helix Length, approx. Pitch Φ Helix [ mm ] Number of pitches, n Helix Distance n Helix [ mm ] [ mm ] E [-] [ mm ] 2 55 Additional reinforcement Number of stirrups Bar diameter, Φ S tirrups Spacing Distance from anchor plate Outside dimensions Outside dimensions F ar br [ mm ] [ mm ] [ mm ] [ mm ] [ mm ] Centre- and edge spacing test block dimension test block dimension a b [ mm ] [ mm ] 120 200 [ mm ] 20 40,+,c 80,+,c Concrete cover for testing block Min. edge distance ae' [ mm ] Min. edge distance be' [ mm ] LT for Helix + Stirrup + Concrete Efficiency >1.1 [-] 1.18 Crack Width* Wk_first_80%GUTS Wk_last_80%GUTS Wk_last_12%GUTS Nstrands 1 Number of stirrups Bar diameter, Φ S tirrups n Stirrups [-] ΦS tirrups 4 10 50 55 80 160 Spacing Distance from anchor plate Outside dimensions Outside dimensions F ar br [ mm ] [ mm ] [ mm ] [ mm ] [ mm ] Centre- and edge spacing test block dimension test block dimension a b [ mm ] [ mm ] 120 200 [ mm ] Min. edge distance ae' [ mm ] Min. edge distance be' [ mm ] 20 40,+,c 80,+,c [-] 1.32 Concrete cover for testing block LT for Helix + Stirrup + Concrete Efficiency >1.1 Crack Width* <0.15 [ mm ] 0.040 <0.25 [ mm ] 0.065 <0.15 [ mm ] 0.040 Wk_first_80%GUTS Wk_last_80%GUTS Wk_last_12%GUTS <0.15 [ mm ] 0.040 <0.25 [ mm ] 0.065 <0.15 [ mm ] 0.040 Figure 3: Sketch of test block and anchorage configuration BBR VT International Ltd .. Bahnstrasse 23 .. CH - 8603 Schwerzenbach (ZH) .. Switzerland Tel. +41 - 44 - 806 80 60 .. Fax +41 - 44 - 806 80 50 .. info@bbrnetwork.com .. www.bbrnetwork.com beton i y h d i s t y k s en k äy ttö s e l o s te t y y pp i 2 b jä nneter ä s l aadunvarm i s tu s jä nn i t y s tö i s sä l aad u n varmi s t u s jä n n i t y s tö i s s ä 1YLEISTÄ 2RAKENNESUUNNITELMAT JA VAIKUTUS RAKENTAMISEEN 3KÄYTETTÄVÄT MATERIAALIT 4JÄNNITYSTARVIKKEIDEN VASTAANOTTO 5LAADUNVARMISTUS TYÖN YHTEYDESSÄ 6LAADUNVARMISTUS ENNEN BETONOINTIA 7JÄNNITYSTYÖT 8DOKUMENTOINTI 1Yleistä 3 Käytettävät materiaalit Käytettävä jännitysmenetelmä on BBR CONA CMM jännitysmenetelmä, jonka Suomen edustajana on Naulankanta Oy. Jännepunokset Käytettävällä jänneteräksellä tulee olla voimassaoleva ja hyväksytty käyttöseloste. Järjestelmällä on Suomen Betoniyhdistys r.y:n käyttöseloste ja ETA – todistukset Punosvalmistaja lähettää toimituksen yhteydessä tehtaan koetulokset. European tecnical approval ETA - 06/0165 Ankkurit Jännemenetelmällä ankkureineen tulee olla ETA – hyväksyntä. Betoniyhdistyksen käyttöseloste, tyyppi 2B jänneteräs, numero 5. 2Rakennesuunnitelmat ja vaikutus rakentamiseen Jännitetyt betonirakenteet ovat aina 1–luokan betonirakenteita ja vaativat asiantuntevan suunnittelijan. Rakennesuunnittelija tekee jännitettyjen rakenteiden osalta jännityssuunnitelman ja jännityslistat joista käy ilmi punosten jännitysjärjestys, venymät ja punoskohtaiset jännitysvoimat. Ennen toteutusta on syytä pitää aloituspalaveri, jossa on osallisena pääurakoitsija, suunnittelija ja avainurakoitsijat. Palaverissa on päätettävä kohteen aikataulu ja betonointijärjestys sekä jännitysjärjestelmien vaikutus raudoitukseen ja betonointijärjestykseen. Valmistaja tekee tehtaalla laadunvarmistuskokeita, joiden tulokset säilytetään valmistajan arkistossa valmistajan laatujärjestelmän mukaisesti. 4 Jännitystarvikkeiden vastaanotto Jännitystarvikkeiden vastaanotossa on tehtävä silmämääräinen tarkastelu kaikille vastaanotettaville tarvikkeille ja vioittuneet tai vialliset asennustarvikkeet on poistettava käytöstä. Punoskeloja saa purkaa tai siirtää trukkihaarukalla vain jos ne ovat asianmukaisella lavalla, muussa tapauksessa nostot on suoritettava nostoliinoilla. Punoskelojen kuljetusvanteita ei saa katkaista missään tapauksessa ennen kuin kela on asennettu asianmukaiseen purkuhäkkiin. l aad u n varmi s t u s jä n n i t y s tö i s s ä 5 Laadunvarmistus työn yhteydessä 7Jännitystyöt Työn aikana on suoritettava silmämääräinen tarkastus ankkureille, punoksille ja ankkureihin liittyville kiiloille ja muoviosille, Mikäli asentaja huomaa viallisia tuotteita, ne on poistettava käytöstä. Mikäli tartunnattoman punoksen suojakuori on vaurioitunut, se voidaan korjata teippaamalla jos punos on ehjä. Ennen jännitystä on varmistettava, että betoni on saavuttanut suunnittelijan vaatimusten mukaisen lujuuden. Lujuudenkehitystä valvoo tilaajan edustaja joka antaa jännitysluvan kirjallisesti jännitysurakoitsijalle. Asennuksen yhteydessä on varmistettava, että ankkurit on asennettu suunnitelmien mukaisesti suojaetäisyydet huomioiden, punokset on asennettava suunnitelmien mukaan ottaen huomioon vaaditut korkeusasemat ja sijainnit. 6 Laadunvarmistus ennen betonointia Ennen betonointia on tarkastettava että punokset ovat asianmukaisesti sidottu suunnittelijan esittämiin korkeusasemiin, ankkurien suojaetäisyydet ovat oikein ja että ankkurin takainen leikkausraudoitus on suunnitelman mukainen. Jännitystöissä käytetään suunnittelijan laatimaa pöytäkirjaa josta ilmenee teoreettiset venymät ja vaaditut jännevoimat. Jännityspöytäkirjaa täytetään jännityksen mukaisen toteutuman mukaan mitaten kunkin punoksen tai punosryhmän venymät. Laadittu toteutumapöytäkirja lähetetään suunnittelijalle, joka hyväksyy jännitystyön ja antaa luvan punosten katkaisulle. Punoksia ei saa katkaista ennen suunnittelijan hyväksyntää. 8Dokumentointi Jännitystyön päätyttyä tilaajalle luovutetaan jännitysmenetelmän ja punosten laatuasiakirjat, käyttöselosteet sekä jännityspöytäkirjat. T yömaako h ta i nen t yöturva l l i s uu s s uunn i te l ma t yö maa ko h tai n e n t yö t u rva l l i s u u s s u u n n i t e l ma 1Yleistä 2Tavaroiden vastaanotto 3Jännitystarvikkeiden käsittely työmaalla 4Jänteiden ja ankkureiden asennus 5Telineet, henkilönostimet ja tikkaat 6Jännitystyöt 7Injektointi 8Punosten katkaisu ja suojaus 1Yleistä Henkilökunnalla on oltava työmaakohtainen tilaajan vaatima työsuojeluopastus. Työssä on käytettävä tarvittavia henkilökohtaisia suojavarusteita kuten kypärä, suojajalkineet, silmä- ja kuulosuojaimet, asianmukainen työasu ja työkäsineet. Hitsaus- ja katkaisutöissä on oltava asianmukaiset varusteet ja tulityölupa. 2 Tavaroiden vastaanotto Jännitystarvikkeiden vastaanotossa on tehtävä silmämääräinen tarkastelu kaikille vastaanotettaville tarvikkeille ja vioittuneet tai vialliset asennustarvikkeet on poistettava käytöstä. Punoskeloja saa purkaa tai siirtää trukkihaarukalla vain jos ne ovat asianmukaisella lavalla, muussa tapauksessa nostot on suoritettava nostoliinoilla. Punoskelojen kuljetusvanteita ei saa katkaista missään tapauksessa ennen kuin kela on asennettu asianmukaiseen purkuhäkkiin. 3 Jännitystarvikkeiden käsittely työmaalla Punokset saa purkaa vain asianmukaisesta purkuhäkistä. Ankkureita, katkaistuja punoksenpätkiä ja niihin liittyviä muoviosia ei saa lojua työpisteissä. Mikäli punosten suojakuori on naarmuuntunut tai vaurioitunut se korjataan teippaamalla sen jälkeen kun on varmistuttu siitä, että punos on ehjä. Mikäli punoskela nostetaan muottien päälle tilapäisesti. on varmistuttava että muotit ovat alapuolelta riittävän vahvasti tuetut. Painavien esineiden ja jännityskaluston siirroissa on käytettävä asiallista siirtok- tai nostokalustoa, painavia yksiköitä ei saa nostaa yksin. Kohteeseen nostettaessa varmistettava ettei nostopaikan alapuolella ole ylimääräisiä henkilöitä. 4 Jänteiden asennus Jänteitä katkaistaessa työmaalla on aina käytettävä asianmukaista purkukehikkoa ja varmistettava, että katkaisulaikan kipinät eivät aiheuta palovaaraa. Katkottuja jänteitä ei saa jättää lojumaan kulkuteille, jossa niihin voi kompastua. Asennustöissä reuna-alueilla työskenneltäessä on varmistettava ettei putoamisvaaraa ole. Telineet on oltava asianmukaiset ja tarvittaessa käytettävä turvavaljaita. t yö maa ko h tai n e n t yö t u rva l l i s u u s s u u n n i t e l ma Turvavaljaita käytettäessä on varmistettava että ne on kiinnitetty luotettavasti. le pääse ihmisiä, koska tukitolpat saattavat kaatua ja aiheuttavat tapaturmavaaran. Käytettäessä työntökonetta asennuksessa on varmistettava ettei putken tulopuolella ole ketään edessä. Jännitystyö on aina tehtävä tunkin sivusta, tunkin takana ei saa olla. Työntökone täytyy olla asiallisesti asennettu ja ylimääräiset henkilöt poistettu koneen läheisyydestä. 5 Telineet, henkilönostimet ja tikkaat Käytettävät telineet tulee olla vaatimuksien mukaiset ja niille on oltava tehtynä käyttöönottotarkastus, mistä on hyväksyntä esimerkiksi telinekortilla. Mikäli telineissä havaitaan vikoja tai puutteita ne täytyy korjata välittömästi ja korjauksen ajaksi estettävä niiden käyttö ettei tapaturmaa pääse edes vahingossa tapahtumaan. Varmistettava, että suojakaiteet ovat asianmukaiset ja riittävän hyvin tuetut. Henkilönostimille on aina tehtävä käyttöönottotarkastus ja joka kerta ennen koriin nousemista varmistettava että tukijalat ovat asianmukaisella alustalla tukevasti. Varmistetaan että käyttäjät ovat saaneet käytönopastuksen. Henkilönostinta ei saa ylikuormittaa ja on käytettävä turvavaljaita. Tikkaita ei saa käyttää telineinä, vaan ne on tarkoitettu vain lyhytaikaiseen käyttöön kuten nostoapuvälineiden kiinnittämiseen ja irrottamiseen. 7Injektointi Tutustuttava huolellisesti käytettävien paisunta- ja lisäaineiden käyttö- ja turvallisuusohjeisiin. Suojauduttava asianmukaisesti. Tarvittaessa suojavarustus koko vartalolle. Käytettävä suojalaseja. Varmistettava että letkut ja liittimet ovat asianmukaiset. Varmistettava että injektoitavat kanavat ovat auki ja tyhjiä vedestä. Käytettävä letkun painepäässä haarakappaletta jolla varmistetaan paineiden poisto ennen letkun irrottamista. Tätä voidaan käyttää myös hätätilanteessa, mikäli letku tukkeutuu. Siivottava injektoinnin aiheuttamat sotkut välittömästi työn jälkeen. 8 Punosten katkaisu ja suojaus Punoksia katkaistaessa varmistauduttava, ettei katkottuja punoksenpäitä pääse putoamaan. Varmistettava, ettei alapuolella ole ihmisiä. Varmistettava ettei punosten katkaisu esim. kulmahiomakoneella aiheuta palovaaraa ympäristölle. 6Jännitystyöt Työnsuorittajalla on oltava tulityökortti. Jännitystöissä käytettävän kaluston on oltava asianmukainen ja jännitysankkureille sekä järjestelmälle soveltuva. Katkaistut punokset on ruostesuojattava asianmukaisesti esimerkiksi rasvakuppia käyttämällä. Hydrauliletkut ja liittimet eivät saa vuotaa. Varmistettava ettei jännityspäiden takana ja alla ole ylimääräisiä ihmisiä. Varmistettava ettei jännitettävän holvin alapuolel-
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