AD PS O R K N A B E S RO WE BELIEVE ALL STUDENTS CAN SUCCEED OCTOBER 2014 Rosebank Road Public School is committed to fostering mutual respect, honesty, and responsibility among the school community so students can achieve at their highest level of learning. PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE It’s hard to believe that the first month of school is already behind us, though it certainly was a busy month. Fall is definitely here, with both sunny days and cloudy, cool, and sometimes rainy days. Thank you for ensuring that your child comes dressed for the weather so he/she can enjoy his/her outdoor time! We encourage you to label your child’s personal belongings! Thank you for coming out to our Open House/Curriculum Night—we enjoyed greeting you and your child(ren). This evening is a wonderful way to get the year off to a positive start! Please remember that at any time you wish to arrange a more extensive meeting with your child’s teacher, please contact him/her to arrange an interview time. Meetings with staff need to be mutually arranged ahead of time--parents should not be greeting the teacher at the classroom door at any time. Formal parent-teacher interviews for all students will be arranged in late November, after Progress Reports go home. Inside this issue: Principal’s Message 1 Book Fair 2 Volunteer of Distinction Awards 2 Eco Update 2 Character Ed Assembly RESPECT 2 Sports Update 2 Municipal Elections 2 Attendance Tips 3 SCC Update 3 Dates to Remember 4 Thank you for working with us on our ‘Safe and Welcome School’ protocols. Please remember that every visit to the school must begin at the Main Office. All visitors must come into the school by the front doors and stop first at the Main Office. In this way, we do our best to maintain the integrity of the instructional day and reduce disruption to the classroom environment, which affects all students. Individual assessment results have recently been sent home with those students who participated in last year’s Grade 3 and Grade 6 EQAO assessment. We are extremely pleased with our school’s results overall and we will continue to analyze our data to address areas that require additional focus particularly in the area of Mathematics. Teachers have attended professional development workshops and completed diagnostic student assessments to inform their program planning to support student learning and classroom instruction. I am very pleased to observe students in class problem-solving and articulating their thinking and learning. Our school improvement plan this year, like last year, has a particular focus on improving and supporting learning in Mathematics in all grades for all learners. It is also thrilling to see students participating in the wide variety of activities at Rosebank—Mathletes, Terry Fox Run for Cancer, Volleyball and Soccer tryouts and school teams, and Cross Country to name a few! Thank you to our volunteers and parents who support our school in so many ways. Mrs. Schlotzhauer J. Schlotzhauer Principal C. Craggs Secretary VOLUNTEER of DISTINCTION FALL BOOK FAIR Once again, the generosity of the community has benefitted our library. The result is $1240 in new books! Thanks go out to Mrs. Tsoulis, Mrs. Woodbine, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Willis for setting up and running the fair, Mr. Tanner and Mrs. Colhoun for supervising, and to the Library Club for book suggestions and housekeeping. The new collection should be out within the month. Each year one volunteer is selected to be honoured as the Volunteer of Distinction in each Durham school. We celebrate Alex Tsoulis as the Rosebank Road PS Volunteer of Distinction for 2013 - 2014. Alex will be recognized at the Board in a ceremony on the evening of Thursday, October 30, 2014. All parents are welcome to attend. ECO SCHOOLs—Boomerang Lunches Did you know that Rosebank is an Eco School? Staff and students work together to make our school and community more eco-friendly. One way we do this is by encouraging all students to bring a Boomerang Lunch. All food peels, crumbs, and wrappers are sent home daily - NO lunch waste should be put into school garbage cans. The Rosebank Eco Club has created a Boomerang Lunch Challenge. Each day the classroom garbage cans and recycling bins are checked. Classes can earn up to 3 points daily for no food waste/wrappers in the garbage can and proper recycling habits. The class that earns the most points will get a special prize form the Eco-Club! Students are encouraged to bring a lunch that uses reusable containers, including a reusable water bottle. RESPECT—CHARACTER ED ASSEMBLY Room 3—Zachary S. and Jocelyn T. Room 4—Nolan M. and Emilie K. Room 2—Sebastien F. and Anastasia C. Room 1—Brendan s. and Madison. S. Room 7—Hannah M. and Ella Z. Room 5—Jack M. and Hannah K. Portable 2—Dylan F. and Kayla A. Portable 1—Ian C. and Sophia A. Room 8—Cicily L. and Christos K. Mme. Dube– Matthew C. and Cicily L. SPORTS UPDATE Congratulations to all cross country runners for the GREAT effort at the Highbush Meet that took place Sept 30th. These are the top 20 finishes from the meet: 17th Place—Helena S and Calum M., 16th Place—Carter Osborne, 13th Place—Ben W. and Julia B, 10th Place—Jordyn M. and Laina C. 6th Place—Ashley M. and 5th Place—Dillon M. The Junior Co-Ed Soccer team had their first game. They played a very strong game against Highbush and unfortunately they came out 1 goal short. WAY TO GO. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 Please note that our school will be used as a polling station on Monday, October 27, 2014 for the Municipal Election. To accommodate this event we will have an alternative Safe Welcome program in place for the day. Security staff will be in place in our school to help assist with the efficient entry and exit of voters who will be visiting our building to cast their ballots. Page 2 Page 2 SCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCIL Our first SCC Meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 6th at 6:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Co Chairs—Sarah Jeffrey-Sheehy and Nicole Sampson Secretary—Terri Plaitis and Lea Woodbine Treasurer—Najaf Zaheer Fundraising—Kim Naylor and Terri Plaitis Members are: Stephanie Hoffe, Rebecca Carriere, Mike Darrell, Rose Sowa and Mrs. Paterson ROSEBANK ROAD PS 591 Rosebank Road South Pickering, Ontario L1W 2N6 Contacts: Phone: 905-509-2274 Fax: 905-509-2617 E-mail: craggs_caryn@durham. Lisa Millar - Superintendent of Pickering Schools (905) 666-5500 Eleanor McIntosh - Administrative Officer for Pickering Schools (905) 666-55 00 Trustees: Chris Braney (905) 509-2426 Visit Our Website Paul Crawford (905) 831-7662 ebankroad IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER 1—Gr 7 and Gr. 8 Girl’s Vaccine Clinic 3—Retakes for School Photos 7—Cross Country Area Meet 19—Progrss Reports Go Home 8—School Photos 20—Parent Teacher Meeting Evening 14—IEPs go home 21—PA Day—Parent Teacher Meeting in the morning 13—Thanksgiving 27—-Municipal Election in the gym 28—Character Ed Assembly 9 am 30—Volunteer of Distinction Awards at Board Office 31—Character Ed Assembly 9 am 31—Halloween Parade pm FALL IS HERE, ENJOY THIS BEAUTIFUL WEATHER Page 4
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