E N O TAKE REE!! I’M F REGULARS FEATURES ESTABLISHED IN 2009 Organic Food Festival Combined Schools In the Kitchen Classifieds Word Search What’s On? 1, 2 & 8 3 4 stationery and gift shop Mon Repos Building Newlands Tel: 04 746580 Safe parking behind Mon Repos Building 88 Kwame Nkrumah Ave Tel: 799828/9 Shop ranwabtt@earth.co.zw TITLES Your One Stop 5 5 6 Animal Walfare Handy Numbers Restaurant Guide 6 7 5 Issue 115 October Mid Month 2014 BROOKFIELD Farm Stall Farm Fresh locally grown seasonal fruit, vegetables and herbs PLUS a wide range of other wholesome products Classifieds Word Search What’s On? 5 5 6 Animal Welfare Handy Numbers Restaurant Guide 6 7 5 Under New Management Now Open 7.30 am to 5.30 pm Weekdays Saturday 8 am to 1 pm, closed Sunday. 177 Enterprise Road Chisipite; 0772 258 563 brookfield.farm.stall@gmail.com We value your custom Custom made teak furniture Repair & Restoration EXPERTS IN AUTO CARE... YOSI KABLY 798682/0773 022 220 yosi@zol.co.zw www.anteak.net YOUR ONE STOP AUTO CENTRE FOR SUSPENSION VEHICLE SERVICES TYRES The ALIGNMENT Spraytech Stand WHEEL WHEEL BALANCING CV JOINTS LPG GAS FASFIT KAMFINSA 180 Acturus Rd, Greendale, Harare Tel: +263 4 443427/ M: 0772 148 776 Email: sales@fasfit.co.zw ESTABLISHED IN 2009 www.zimtrader.co.zw Returning to old ways of eating – better for our health When growing up in my rural home near Bindura, I always had an admiration for the city life, and would see it as very interesting in my mind. People always seemed to be very busy running around getting things done. I would see the rural life as rather boring. Now that I have had the chance to experience both lifestyles, I can see that there are several things back to which I really need to revert, from the old times, such as, my eating habits. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Returning to old ways of eating – better for our health By Rosemary Masunga Going to this year's Organic Food Festival took me back down memory lane, reminding me that in fact the rural atmosphere was really very lively and much more captivating than the city life! Now, all I hear in the evening are the sounds of moving vehicles and loud music – quite unlike the interesting rural sounds of mooing cattle, sheep bleating, singing birds and the other sounds of different animals that would fill the air. At the Food Fair, I had the opportunity to pound Rapoko in the traditional way using two stones (guyo nehuyo) which was an art that I learned when I was five and I used to enjoy this everyday household chore. As the years rolled by, I even lost the experience of pounding Sorghum using a mortar and pestle. Living life in the rural area was very energy demanding, as all the household chores had to be done on an everyday basis. However, I would cope with these tasks without feeling stressed or tired. I think this all boils down to the kind of food I used to fuel my body. It was very healthy and sustaining; far more so than the refined foods of the modern city life. In the rural areas, most households do not have electricity so you would gather the fire wood, prepare food and cook on the fire. The concept of recycling was always there unknowingly, as we were taught that after you finished cooking you would collect ashes and store them somewhere for future use. We would use those ashes to wash our dishes and this would leave them sparkling clean without using washing up liquid, whereby we would otherwise have exposed our health to chemicals. Now that I am comparing life today with those old times, I can see that it was not so expensive back then, because good healthy food was readily available to us when needed. Each family would grow different crops, enough to survive on for a long time, because everything you ate was wholesome and not processed too much, and would go a long way. The way of life was much intertwined with nature as well as with the lives of the animals around. I was chatting to my kids last month on some of the privileges I had, that they do not have, such as watching crops grow in really large field, not a small garden, seeing a cow giving birth to a calf and watching that calf mature into an adult. They can only read about those sorts of things in books, and will probably not be able to witness that in their life. They will also not be able to enjoy the fun activity of going into the bush to gather wild fruits from the pristine bushes close to your own homestead. I remember that each day, I would enjoy a trip to the community borehole with my friends. We would go to fetch some water and have the opportunity to talk, share jokes or listen to stories told by the adult women. We would carry buckets full of water on our heads, an art one would perfect through practice as time went by. It's a pity in a way that I have now lost the opportunity to view that rural life at that time from this different perspective, rather than only recognising its advantages and benefits down the line. The unforgettable village life experiences that I once had, were in fact invaluable, and now I am sharing these with my children. Mindful, healthy eating habits need to be introduced to our kids early in life in the hope that they carry on eating healthily though our future generations. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 2 Amazing Combined Senior Schools Concert -by Jacqueline Collins a reminder of all that’s good about Zim! Stirring stuff! 500 students perform One of my favourite apps on my the Ndebele War Chant smartphone is the ‘Tune In’ app which allows me to listen to Classic FM radio. I just adore listening to it when I am in the bath in the morning, a few peaceful moments of bliss before I start the day. I have only recently started to appreciate classical music, and so Classic FM is great because it has witty and amusing commentators who tell you about each piece along with gentle musings and comments from some of the other listeners. I particularly enjoy an early morning programme for all the Truckers, and I love to think of the big burly men driving their huge trucks, delivering supplies all across England, listening to classical music as they drive along. This programme seems to dispel the stereotype that most Truckers would be Heavy Metal fans, but maybe the ones who do listen to classical music are like me, getting past 50 and starting to enjoy more soothing sounds! Being a History Teacher and a Classical Music lover, I had a double treat at the most magnificent event this term, the Combined Senior th Schools' ‘War and Peace’ Music Concert at the Celebration Centre. This was to commemorate the 100 Anniversary of the First World War and so there was a beautifully done historical display in the foyer and lots of film footage of war and peace. I do love it when an event is well attended and it was absolutely packed to the brim with a very appreciative audience. The Celebration Centre was the perfect venue as it has such an awesome auditorium, in fact I spent some time in between the musical pieces, just looking at the ceiling and wondering how on earth they managed to build it. The whole event was beautifully organised by Hellenic School and it all went very smoothly considering that there were 500 children and 15 schools taking part. Kevin Hanssen was the charming and erudite Master of Ceremonies who entertained us with all sorts of interesting stories and humorous remarks. It is difficult to pick out the highlights because all the performances were brilliant but there were a few pieces that I particularly enjoyed. Personally I loved the magical performance of the poignant “War Horse” conducted by the venerable but always glamourous Di Wright. Certainly Di's passion for music was reflected in the fact that three of her grandchildren were playing in her orchestra. After Scotland voted to remain with England, I think most of us English are feeling very grateful about Scotland and indeed I find myself loving everything to do with Scotland these days. In fact I actually am determined to buy myself a tartan outfit next winter, as I have always loved tartan. At the concert, really admired the impeccable, authentic Tartan outfits of the St Johns' Pipe Band who were such a sight to behold. I remember in 2008 when I was nearly moved to tears to hear the St Johns St Johns boys playing the bagpipes at St John's Fair Pipe Band, it seemed that when everything else was falling apart, that by some miracle, the teachers at St Johns had managed to inspire a whole team of boys to keep this very traditional form of music alive. Indeed I believe that they have recently won much acclaim on a tour of Scotland recently. I was amazed at their sheer enthusiasm and was very impressed about how they twirled their drumsticks with such eloquent synchronised movements. One could not help feeling a sense of collective pride listening to the haunting, rousing sound of their bagpipes. The Marimba group were also very thrilling to hear since children from many different schools had collaborated to produce a very vibrant and exciting sound. To me it sounded like the musical equivalent of a firework display. There was a marvellous lead female singer who just had the most powerful voice. It was rather a shame her name was not on the programme as I just got the feeling that this girl would definitely be famous one day. However, the most goose bumpy moment for me was when all of the schools got up onto the stage and 500 young people sang the most beautiful Twirling the batons Ndebele War Chant. This was one of those moments in Zimbabwe that is so special that it makes you realise why you live here, despite all the power cuts and other irritations. Marvellous Music Teacher Di Wright I CONTACT DETAILS FOR BOOKINGS AND ENQUIRIES Email: bookings@spurwing.co.zw Kim@yoafrica.com Skype: spurwing.island Kim.hacker 0777 516 171 - Spurwing Direct 0772 611 554 - Kim 3 Jacqueline Collins In The Kitchen Chicken Curry with Cashews This week's recipe has been slightly adapted from the July 2014 edition of my favourite magazine, Fair Lady. I must have been reading this magazine every month since I came to Zimbabwe, so I have been reading it for about 30 years. This curry has a rather Indonesian type of flavour, but it also reminded me of Mozambique because of the coconut and the cashews. I thought I would try this recipe as my eldest daughter cannot really tolerate very spicy curries and this is a very mild one. However, the chilli in it can be increased for those who like their curries very hot. It is also ideal on the low carb diet as the sauce Hippos munching grass Sunrise at Kariba makes the vegetables very tasty. It can be served with a medley of green vegetables such as peas, broccoli, Brussel sprouts and spinach. Boil the peas, broccoli and Brussel sprouts in a tiny amount of water and then when nearly cooked add spinach. When cooked, drain any water left over and stir in a tablespoon of butter to coat the vegetables. Chicken Curry with Cashews with Jacqueline Collins Ingredients For the Cashew Nut paste: ä 1 tsp coriander ä 2tsp cinnamon ä 1 fresh red or green chilli ä 3 cardamom pods, seeds only ä 50g raw cashew nuts ä 2 garlic cloves, grated ä 1 tsp sugar ä ¼ cup of water For the Curry ä 1 tablespoon of oil & 1 tablespoon of butter to fry with ä 8 chicken thighs ä 2 onions, chopped ä 2 tsp of grated fresh ginger ä 1 cup of coconut milk ä ½ cup of chicken stock or water with stock cube ä Dash of soya sauce Garnish: 50g raw cashew nuts, dry roasted for a minute or so in a small frying pan (Optional) or a small bunch of fresh Coriander chopped. (Optional) Method ä Blitz the ingredients for the cashew nut paste in a To contact Zimtrader, call 492669, 0774 125 367; email: zimtrader@wildimaginings.net; www.zimtrader.co.zw To receive our e-version email zimtrader+subscribe@googlegroups.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zimtradermagazine blender until smooth. Set aside. Painting - Interior and Exterior. Ceilings, Gutters, Fascia Boards, Cornices etc. Tiling - Floors, Walls. Home, Office and Factory Refurbishments. Roof Waterproofing: Cold-lay and Torch-on. All Small Scale Buildings, Plumbing, Electrics. Office: 4-309061; 0773-284-229 0773-235-847; 0774656448 Email: admin@maintenancesolutions.co.zw Website: www.maintenancesolutions.co.zw • Borehole Installations/ Maintenance • Pump Sales • Water Tank Installations For a Free Quotation within Harare contact Paul Simpson - 0772 573 521 paddysboreholes@gmail.com Pecan Crusted Tilapia Flowering Tree Appreciation Corner The Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant not only has the most lovely flowers but it scents the air with a delightful fragrance as well. This philosophical plant reminds us that the past, the present and the future are all connected. Apparently the flowers only last for three days, and they change colour with each day. The first day they are purple (yesterday), the second day they change to a pastel lavender shade (today), and on the third day they change to an almost white color (tomorrow). 4 ä Heat the vegetable oil and butter. Sauté the chicken thighs until golden. Remove from pan. ä If you like to have the meat off the bone, debone the chicken at this stage. ä Add the onion and ginger to the pan and sauté for 1 minute. ä Add the cashew nut paste and cook for 1 minute or until starts to colour. ä Return chicken to the pan. ä Add coconut milk and chicken stock or water and stock cube, scraping the residues at the bottom of the pan to incorporate into the sauce. ä Gently simmer for 20 minutes until cooked through. ä To serve, garnish with roasted cashews or chopped fresh coriander. The Zimtrader Restaurant Guide Email zimtrader@wildimaginings.net to get your restaurant a FREE listing here. Underlined + B, L, D denotes open on Sunday for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner. KeepItClean THE SCRAP STOP Scrapbooking Lessons & Supplies. Beginners to Advanced & Everything in-between! Phone: 0714 304 664; 0772 412 750 Email: scrapstop@springs.co.zw thescrapstop@gmail.com Treat your home a professional carpet and upholstery cleaning service. We make DIRT disappear!!!! Call for a competitive quote, prompt and efficient service: 336619, 336747, 0772-666-014, 0772-666-041, 0772-600-213 keepitclean@zol.co.zw AUTO SERVICES Lazy Doctor Entertainment Absolutely Water Water Purification Systems Fine Dining Restaurants Contact: Rod Bellringer; 0776 401 747 / 301257 Email: purewater@zol.co.zw ENTERTAINMENT Household Electrical Services and Repairs Washing Machines, Built-in Stoves and Ovens, Cookers, Microwaves, Geysers, Electric Gates, Intercoms, Electric Fencing, Borehole Maintenance and Repairs: Call Templelink Enterprises: 0772 264 184, 0733 248 823, yoserviceman@gmail.com P.A. System for Hire For your Promotional purpose, Wedding & Home Parties 0772 472 529 doclazy@gmail.com Turbo Solutions Africa (Pvt Ltd) “Turbocharger Sales and Service” Unit 1, 3 Borgward Road, Msasa, Harare 446587 / 0712 889 540 / 0773 195 474 TSAturbo@mweb.co.zw www.turbosolutionsafrica.com FASHION BOUTIQUE Kamfinsa Tailors Iona Linfoot (Pvt) Ltd Shop 10, Kamfinsa Shopping Centre Kamfinsa, Greendale Harare 0772 393 461, 0734 535 575 Government Approved Safety Inspector of all Lifting Equipment Contact on Vic - 0772 254 856 Tel/Fax 04-492221 Email - bushtune@zol.co.zw JEWELLERY Avon Driveways Interlocks, bricks & tar driveways Phone: 0773 469 212 / 0712 762 773 / 0733 476 878 Sharon’s Jewels Pest Exterminators: The Pest Control Specialists, for guaranteed control of all pests!! Call for a competitive quote, prompt & efficient service: 336619; 336747; 0772-666-014; 0772-666-041; 0772-600-213 pestex@zol.co.zw All your jewellery requirements Pearl Re-stringing 0772 345 729 Inner Living (formerly TADA) Staircases, Decks, Railings, Balustrades (including Stainless Steel), All Gates and Burglar Bars, Pool Fences and more. Call / Whatsapp Dave on 0775 490 418 or email dave@innerliving.co.zw for a site visit. Shop – 16 Kew Drive, Highlands, Harare. Victoria Falls Rest Camp & Lodges PAINT ‘N PAINTER Does your home or business require painting? Quick efficient and personalised painting service, 25 years experience. Tel 302355 or 0772 340 917 email: sales@paintandpainter.co.zw HOME & GARDEN Rorry Interiors Cnr Parkway & West drive Tel: 013 40509 -11 Cell: 0773 496 695 Email: reservations@restcamp.co.zw www.vicfallsrestcamp.com For: Upholstery, Sofa Loose Covers, Roman Blinds, Curtaining, Bedcovers, Lampshades, Duvets, Cushions, Furniture Re-polishing, Awnings and More, Call Norman Muzanenhamo on 0775 911 948; 0733 259 988; email: normanmuza@gmail.com Theo’s House of Coffee VILLAGE PLUMBERS Open 7 days a week 8 - 5. Visit 167 Enterprise Road, Chisipite for a unique shopping experience many specialised shops, 9 - 4.30 Sat, 9 - 12.30 For all your plumbing requirements. Repairs and new installations. Phone 0773 469 212, 0712 762 773 0733 476 878 Revamping your Kitchen? Look no further than Kitch'nSync, Shop 13, Sam |Levy's Village For a full range of Appliances, Gadgets and Gizmos! Tel: 851788/851682/3 Email: kitchnsync@appliancewarehouse.co.zw Word Search Solution see page 7 European Countries - Word Search Find the words hidden in the grid of letters. The Appliance Warehouse For the largest range of Built-in Kitchen Appliances, Gas and Electric Cookers, Fridges, Freezers and Laundry Equipment. 17 Loreley Close, Msasa, Harare Tel: 487517 / 496030/50 Email: debbie@appliancewarehouse.co.zw A TLAS EARTH MOVERS and PLANT HIRE Look no further! For Hire: O H G R E E C E S U X E Z L R N A L G M A L T A W B S Y C F I I D L O K R A M N E D K I X R N V I S A I G M R V Y R O N A E N T W K G O B L A E E K L M M I H E J N I C W L I D R J N R A U D T A R R A Z D E E F A A P A E D R O N E A Z Z S I S V S N N R N D A M T U J T O R A E I G E Q I Z I Y A D O L Q G H A I Y T H W U L B E N Q R I Z D D A U S O D C U U I O H B L F O T M U I M E C N A R F Q W R L U X E M B O U R G K R I C Y B G E R M A N Y K A A L A G U T R O P I M O F S GR ELECTRONICS 2000 FREE magazines widely distributed in Harare; PDF version emailed to 4000 addresses; Active website and Facebook page; To enquire or advertise call 492666; 492669, email: Accredited Multichoice Installer Fast friendly service For satellite dish installation, repair and maintenance of all TV, VCR, Decoder, DVD, Electronic, Microwave, CD player, audio, as well as electrical maintenance; Quotes given on request. zimtrader@wildimaginings.net Contact Gavin on 0772 252 057 Fax/Phone: 04 333064 Email: 1gwrent@fandraplc.co.zw 1gwrent@africaonline.co.zw www.atlasearthmovers.com; 1 Northolt Drive, Bluff Hill, Harare 331789; 0772 423 652; 0772 404 403; atlas@ecoweb.co.zw Business Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30am to 5pm; Saturday - 8am to 11am www.zimtrader.co.zw 5 Amanzi The Coach House Emmanuel’s LD Inglenook Inn on Rupurara La Fontaine D The Livingstone Room Makuwa-Kuwa New Orleans The Boma The Palm BLD Victoria 22 Harare Bulawayo Harare Bulawayo Nyanga Harare Victoria Falls Victoria Falls Bulawayo Victoria Falls Victoria Falls Harare 497768 09 282726 707522/7 09 244243/7 029 3021 707725/9 013 44751 013 43201 09 243176 013 43208/20 013 44737/9 776429 Up-Market Restaurants Alo Alo BL Butlers BLD Harvest Garden B L Jungle Junction Millers Café Monos Southern Comfort Lodge The Goose BLD The Conservatory White Horse Inn Harare Harare Harare Victoria Falls Harare Harare Bulawayo Harare Bvumba Bvumba 369198/369257 0776270702 772633 013 44751 0712 218 449 704501 0773 246 082 2917977/9 0772100790/4 029 60138 Family/Casual Restaurants Adrienne's Amulonga Arizona Spur Bannie’s BelcantosBonne Journeé Café Afrique Chatters Coimbra Deano’s Diner Dv8 The Fishmonger Gaby’s In Da Belly Kombahari Leonardo's Loziba Park View Sandawana Silver Spur Simple Pleasures Simujinga Springroll Centre The Topside Tinkabell L’Artiste Troutbeck Inn LD Harare 335602 Victoria Falls 013 44561/4 Bulawayo 09 56871 Harare 251450 Harare 0783827916/886662 Bulawayo 09 64839 Harare 790861/5 Harare 487006 Harare 700237 Harare 2917209 Harare 497773 Harare 308164 Harare 700094 Victoria Falls 013 40509/11 Harare 772633 Harare 883158 Bulawayo 881273/9 Harare 704501/30 Harare 774106/12 Harare 252338 Harare 0772 127 270 Victoria Falls 45871/4 Harare 704228/703621 Nyanga 029 2441/5 Harare 661697 Harare 0774 449 041 Nyanga 029 8487 LD LD BLD Pub Restaurants Explorers’ Bar L Flat Dog Diner The Centurion Pub and Grill The Mill LD O’Hagan’s LD Harare Harare Harare Harare Harare 792291 0772 773 983 700037 882747 0774 362 717 Specialised Restaurants Arnaldo’s Kensington Arnaldo’s Graniteside Butchers Kitchen L D Da Eros Dehli Palace Garwe Great Wall LD Mojo’s Nando’s Avondale Nando’s Marimba Nando’s Speke Ave Nando’s Pomona Nando’s Jason Moyo Nando’s Nando’s Panarotti’s/Spur Paula’s Place LD Shangri-La The Shop Café The Sitar LD The Spice Lounge The Tandoor Harare Harare Harare Harare Harare Harare Harare Harare Harare Harare Harare Harare Bulawayo Kwekwe Mutare Victoria Falls Harare Harare Harare Harare Harare Harare 0772 238 306 773877 884445 332044 883178/885358 778992/4 334149 705993 0777 006 823 0777 006 825 0777 006 830 0777 006 834 0777 006 865 0777 006 862 0777 006 857 013 41525 497950 443263/4 446684 0712 616 562 0779 581 000 0772 313 131 Coffee Shops, Cafés and Bistros Antique Rose Banff Coffee Café Blue Bird Café Bottom Drawer The Bridge Bistro Café Espresso Café Espresso A/port Café Nush The Cottage Giovanni’s Green Coucal Indaba Book Café Jacob’s Well Meikles Lounge Mukuvisi Woodlands The Olive La Patisserie Lucullus Café The Plot Café River Café Sopranos Spring Fever Stanley’s Terrace Stax Tony’s Coffee Shop Vanilla Moon Willow Bean Harare Bulawayo Masvingo Harare Harare BL Harare B L D Harare Harare Harare BL Harare Mutare Bulawayo BL Harare BL Harare Harare Harare Harare BL Harare BL Harare Bulawayo Harare Harare Victoria Falls Mutare Bvumba Harare Harare 0771 131 896 09 243176 0773 272 473 745679 0772 313 647 797491/2 0776 270 703 335201,335842 0783 910 199 0772 440 043 0733 897 871 09 67068 0772 908 145 707721 0772 613 023 0774 397 804 772593 703621/704228 0772 378 067 0712 367 647 333833 0772 711 985 013 44762 020 62653 0712 349 356 333394 850294 ZIMTRADER WHAT’S ON GUIDE To get a listing here, email zimtrader@wildimaginings.net. Free to non profit organisations. Sports, Fitness, Outdoor, Environmental Mukuvisi Woodlands: Open every day of year for game viewing, bird spotting, coffee shop, walking or horseback guided safaris; Every Sun of the Month! The Woodland Walk-Run: Start any time from 6.30 to 10.30 am. Explore further on marked trails, leashed dogs allowed; Cnr Glenara Ave/Hillside Rd, join for free entry year round; mukwa@zol.co.zw; Haka Game Park: Open daily, 6 to 6. Turn left at Cleveland Dam on Mutare Rd; entrance gate clearly sign posted. Enjoy exploring spacious unspoilt scenic environment, walk, run, cycle, horse-ride, canoe, drive, view game, birds, rock paintings; admin@glcomms.co.zw Mountain Club: Saturday half day and Sunday all day outings each weekend, both gentle and strenuous, into scenic environments, led by knowledgeable members. Email lorraine@zimbiz.net to join and for info. Tree Society Outings 19th October: Outing to Ruth Kilner’s Property near Bindura. We will meet at CABS Head Office at Northridge Park in Borrowdale at 7.30 am, for a prompt 7.45 departure. Bring your lunch, drinks and a chair as well as walking shoes, a hat and sunblock. Kariba Tiger Fishing Tournament 22 to 24 Oct 2014. For more info contact: 0772 420 908, 0772 248488, 0712 200266; kitft@iwayafrica.co.zw. Running Events: Gutu Half Marathon (21km) plus 5 and 10km, 2 Nov. Old Mutual Vumba Mountain Ru (21 km, 10km, 5km), 8 Nov. The Run/Walk for Life Donnybrook Flat One, 7, 14, 21 and 28km, Celebrity Subscription Concerts: Join to support on-going 15 Nov. The Zimbabwe Colour Run, 6 Dec. The Europcar 20 Miler regular availability of world class classical music performed (32km, and 16k+16k relay) 7 Dec. by top visiting classical artists: Discounted prices for Support Groups, Charities, Community Initiatives concerts: Contact vwakerley@zol.co.zw. Cancer Association relies on donations, sponsorship and Art Exhibition Wingate Park Golf Club 26 Oct 9am to fundraising for income & needs volunteers; join our street 3pm. Great variety of exhibits from well-known and up-and- collectors, help raise funds; Tel 707444; 705522. coming Zimbabwean artists on sale. All under cover with Homefields Centre looks after 85 mentally handicapped adults guarded parking, refreshments on a donation basis, with bar and endeavours to self-fund via income from pottery, chickens, and lunch available. $2, percentage of takings to charity. 10 vegetables and school fees, but struggles to cover costs and needs mins from Borrowdale Village; proceed along Alpes Road off help. Sponsor a resident, help with running costs by donations or get involved. rundog@zol.co.zw Harare Drive towards Wild Geese Lodge for approx 4km. 0779 750 920. Wingate Club is on right. Takunda Children's Trust is a non-profit organisation which assists Sound Event Management Summer of Music 31 Oct: impoverished children with basic groceries, clothing, shoes, toys. The Muses at The Venue Avondale. 28 Nov: Prime Circle 'Stripped Down', The Venue Avondale. 29 Nov: Prime Circle: Grateful for donations of second hand goods for the children. 0778 414 208; takundacc@gmail.com ‘Let the Night In’; outdoor venue TBA Miracle Missions: All welcome at our Networking Meetings at www.facebook.com/soundeventmanagement Highlands Presbyterian Church, 112 Enterprise Road, 8.45 to Flashback @ Gallery Delta to mid-October; A select 10.45 am: Clean & Green & Waste Management: First Tues collection of Zimbabwean Contemporary Paintings and every month. Life&Hope4Kids Last Tues; Prisons last Thurs. NonGraphics with works by Simon Back, Virginia Chihota, profit, Miracle Missions identifies critical needs in vulnerable George Churu, Edsor Colaco, James Jali, Lovemore communities, then harnesses resources and skills for relief efforts. Kambudzi, Admire Kamudzengerere, Hilary Kashiri, Helen Harare Senior Citizens Club: Over 55s, become a member for Lieros, Shepherd Mahufe, Patrick Makumbe, Wallen $20 annually. Fantastic library of donated books, TV room, hair Mapondera, Kufa Makwavarara, Misheck Masamvu, Luis Meque, Munyaradzi Mugorosa, Gareth Nyandoro, Webster salon, bar, coffee shop and restaurant run by a hospitality training company, very reasonably priced meals. Weekly Bingo and other Pasipanodya, Thakor Patel, Robert Paul, Anusa Salanje, functions year. round. Call 250093. Greg Shaw, Cosmas Shiridzinomwa, Freddy Tauro, Henry Thompson, Paul Wade, Ishmael Wilfred, Stephen Williams, National Trust of Zimbabwe: Enjoy NTZ Sites of unspoiled natural beauty, experience historical and archaeological history. Other Richard Witikani, Portia Zvavahera. Exhibition duration until benefits: Free entry to National Galleries of Zim, discounted tickets mid-October. Sponsored by the Swiss Embassy. Gallery for Reps Theatres, free entry to numerous Trust properties globally; Delta, Robert Paul's Old House, 110 Livingstone ntzimbabwe@gmail.com; 860202. Avenue/Ninth Street, Greenwood Park, Harare Support Group for People Living With Cancer. Not affiliated to Telephone/Fax: 792135; artdelta@mweb.co.zw any organisation. Share experiences, fears, positive thoughts with The Marden Singers Present Handel’s Messiah, 15 others on a similar path who understand. If you've had a cancer November 5pm and 16 Nov 3pm: St Mary Magdalene diagnosis, are being treated or are in remission, come along. Church,King George Road, Avondale. Entrance by donation. ‘Together we are better’: peterjoy@zol.co.zw. Tea, Coffee, Wine and Cheese served. A Musical Weekend Fairs and Markets with Mande 17 and 18 Oct at Nyanga: Harare singer Arundel Village Book Fair & Farmers Market: First Saturday of Mande Snyman sings at two events in Nyanga – all Every Month. Phone 0773 379 360 welcome to make a weekend of it! 17 Oct, at Inn on Rupurara, 18 Oct, at Nyanga Spring Fair and Garden Show, for more info. Dandaro Christmas Arts and Crafts Fair 29 Nov 9am to 1pm, Claremont Golf Club. Book for Inn On Rupurara and Pine Dandaro Community Centre. For info call 0774 186 353, 870655; Tree Inn at Armadillo Travel or visit hukuz123@gmail.com www.innsofzimbabwe.co.zw. Bang Bang Comedy Club 23 Oct: Alliance Francaise Old Car Boot Sale at Borrowdale Country Club. Sat 4 Oct 9am and runs all morning. Mutual Theatre, 7.30pm. The monthly comedy show Morning Market at The Double Storey, Maasdorp Ave every featuring the best comedians around, brought to you by Wed & Sat 9 am to 12 noon: Huge variety of delicious fresh fare Magamba. Entry $5. on sale. Hospitality Association of Zimbabwe Congress Oct 29 Doon Estate Market & Book Fair: Last Sat of every month to 31: In Bulawayo with congress sessions, social events (except Dec), free entry, 9am - 1pm: Doon Estate Shopping and Hospitality Fair, ending with HAZ Awards Dinner. Contact Village, 1 Harrow Rd, Msasa. Very social monthly market! vrukande@gmail.com to find out more. Protest Arts Interesting range of product, service and refreshment providers; International Festival Oct 30 to Nov 1: Alliance regular customers, reliable vendors. Stands: 0772 301 212. Francaise. Fresh Food Fair at Amanzi Restaurant every Friday 9am to Shopping Under The Stars Oct 31; Old Georgians’ Sports 1pm. Shop under the shade in our beautifully landscaped gardens Club 3pm - 9pm. Contact itafrica@zol.co.zw for more info. for fresh, wholesome and home-grown produce. 158 Enterprise Fun quiz with Tony Havercroft Oct 31; as quizmaster, Road, Highlands, 497768. Courses Borrowdale Country Club. Starts 7pm but come 6.30pm for a good place and to organise food and drinks. Cash prizes MINI MASTERS Art Workshops for kids aged 5 to 10 each Mon & Tues 2.30-4 pm. Process based experimental workshops to for winners and runners-up. Monthly Car Boot Sale Nov 1, Borrowdale Country Club. empower children in creative decision making, includes sensorial work and working with music, all welcome. ARTMOODS Art Starts 9am. The BCC World News Nov 7 and 8. An evening of song, Workshops for adults. Process based, therapeutic, experimental, dance and comedy skits from an international broadcaster’s fun workshops using every available medium. Each Weds 6.308.30pm, all welcome! Vanessa Goodson-Hounsell 0772 565 313 perspective. Borrowdale Country Club. $10 per person. Tickets can be bought from Caroline – call 0712 216 909. pangidzo@zol.co.zw. 6 Other Arts Events and Notices Animal Welfare and Wildlife Conservation Organisations AWARE Trust is run by vets and focuses on animal welfare, wildlife conservation and research. Campaigns in rural areas adjacent to wildlife areas vaccinate, sterilise, de-tick, de-worm and improve quality of life for domestic animals. This assists in broader goals by contributing to improved farming, better quality of life for rural people, resultant decreased poaching, and preventing spread of diseases from domestic to wild animals. AWARE educates children and adults on animal care and conservation, does research on health of wild and domestic animals living adjacently, rehabilitates and releases injured wild animals and dehorns rhino. To assist, sponsor, donate in cash or kind: tracey@awaretrust.org. Friend Animal Foundation cares for and re-homes abandoned, unwanted and rescued animals. Open 7 days a week from 8am to noon, 1pm to 5pm; 7 Kirkman Rd, Tynwald. Boarding for cats and dogs at reasonable price. Grooming and dipping service; 0772 225 845; animalfriendfoundation@gmail.com SPCA Fundraising Update: SPCA is looking for dedicated volunteers to join a subcommittee of Harare SPCA, to reach out to all areas and help by educating people on good animal husbandry. Since the start of the SPCA fundraising project, amazing strides have been taken in upgrading kennels and surgery. The surgery has had a total face lift; the parvo unit has been moved and rebuilt away from surgery, recovery kennels have rebuilt. Surgical equipment, vaccines, heart and oxygen level monitors, latest blood testing equipment and more have been or are being purchased. The incinerator has been installed and is working well. SPCA can now charge a small fee for use of facilities. To support SPCA: Become a member of Harare SPCA to help it survive. Adults $20; pensioners and under 16, $10. Pay at Harare SPCA on Airport Road, Hatfield or ZNSPCA, 156 Enterprise Road, Chisipite. ZNSPCA Charity Shop: 156 Enterprise Rd. Wide range of quality donated second-hand items; books, toys, sporting goods, clothes, DVDs, CDs, videos, kitchenware, puzzles, games, vases, baskets and more. Open Mon, Wed, Fri 8am to 2pm. All proceeds to animal welfare projects. Drop donated goods here too. 0772 308 647; tatum@zol.co.zw. Twala Trust Animal Sanctuary: Open to visitors by prior booking only. Tours of orphanage and rescue centre 10am and 2:30pm, morning/ afternoon tea included, bring a picnic if you like, picnic sites in beautiful gardens overlooking the dam, you will likely be joined by our sociable duikers, the occasional tortoise or bird and our inquisitive cats! Day ends with 4pm lion feeding. Book on 0733436239; 0772592944; 0774312887. sarah@twalatrust.co.zw Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Zimbabwe (VAWZ) is a private trust organisation spearheading many animal welfare activities, including inspections, investigations, training and liaison. VAWZ needs support. For info or to donate: kamvet@zol.co.zw; 0772 308 234. Other wildlife/animal notices Junior Schools Wildlife Quiz 2014: Finalists from all Regions 25 Oct 10am, Sebakwe, Kwekwe. To sponsor prizes or donate towards Quiz contact Lauren at Wildlife Environment Zimbabwe; 747648/0772 320 234 Colcom Lost and Found on Power FM Free Service every Wed and Thur 5.45 pm. If you have lost or found a dog, cat, an ID, anything, SMS 0712 200 839 or 0777 433 393. Removal of dead animals from roadsides: Phone Harare City Waste Management Services, 752637,inform nearest veterinary surgery, & SPCA on 56356, of animal and location. For incidents where an animal is injured and help is needed; VAWZ: 0778 431 528; 0774 168 218; 0773 476 009. ESTABLISHED 2009 Reps Theatre and Spotlight News The Spotlight in Reps Theatre foyer: Belgravia Shops, open Mon to Fri 9am to 4pm & Sat 9am to 12 noon, Sundays 9am to 12 noon. Phone 308159, phone bookings available to all. Booking venue for Reps shows, Celebs concerts, many other events and shows in Harare. To use this facility contact Reps on 335850. Sells Ndeipi and Out of Africa, free copies of Zimtrader. Join Reps to be a member of Africa's best amateur theatrical society: Enjoy the bar as a social theatre-goer, shows at discounted prices, or as an active member onstage or backstage. www.reps.co.zw or call 335850. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged), 6 Oct to 11 Oct: Theatre Upstairs at Reps. A rollicking fun show with Kevin Hanssen, Jamie Mclaren, Musa Saruro. Les Mis, The Concert, 16 to 25 Oct. Reps Theatre. Directed by Sue Bolt and with a super line-up of singers, this show features the music of the successful Les Miserables show. Booking open at The Spotlight. Fun pub quiz 19 Oct. Fun Pub Quiz, Reps Bar. All welcome, no cover charge. Fun team quiz – come alone or bring a team. This month’s quiz a good one for family teams, so bring the teenagers! Starts 11.15am sharp. Not yet on our emailing list? Want a FREE Classified ad? ZIMTRADER HANDY NUMBERS GUIDE Email zimtrader@wildimaginings.net with ‘Subscribe’ in the subject line, to join our Zimtrader Google Group e-mailing list. You will receive Zimtrader in PDF format every fortnight AND we will gift you a FREE Classified ad! You can take this up any time before 10 Dec 2014. Your ad should be 20 to 35 words. AUTO SERVICES Travel 2000 Turbo Solutions Africa (PVT) LTD Email: jill@trvl2000.co.zw Tel: 776673 / 746201, 0772 273 901 “Turbocharger Sales and Service” Unit 1, 3 Borgward Road, Msasa, Harare 446587/ 0712 889 540/ 0773 195 474 TSAturbo@mweb.co.zw www.turbosolutionsafrica.com Once on Zimtrader Google Group - you can unsubscribe or re-subcribe yourself at any time with ease. Jewellery Sharon’s Jewels All your jewellery requirements Pearl Re-stringing 0772 345 729 Touchstone Electrical Maintenance Computer Systems established 1989 Mills Electrical Services Payroll Bureau Tel Shaun 0775 886 236 2918394 (Evenings best) We offer efficient and confidential payroll services for small, medium and large companies, run on the Parade Fabrics Clear pay slips and useful reports. 28 George Avenue, Msasa Call Sue Green on 777832/3/4. Car, Home, Business and Medical Insurance 799632 / 0773 358 255/ 0712 206 106 kevin@insure.co.zw www.insure.co.zw Medic Alert Foundation of Zimbabwe 704488; 704489; 2916307 medalert@africaonline.co.zw www.medicalert.co.zw PLUMBING and WATER Get Wet Borehole Drilling Services 0772 336 593/ 04 746 040 richard.c.bridges@gmail.com Les Plumbers (Pvt) Ltd FABRICS Payday payroll system. INSURANCE Insurance Services Tel: 446143 Cell: 0774 108 430 email: parade@zol.co.zw HOLIDAYS, TRAVEL and ACCOMMODATION Bumi Hills Safari Lodge and Spa Head Office 2nd Floor, PaSangano Building, 20 King George Rd, Avondale, Harare, Phone 307082; marketing@bumihills.com reservations@bumihills.com Website: www.bumihills.com Leisure Travel Centre For all plumbing and property maintenance 04 - 747992; 0772 350 395, 0772 696 893 e-mail : mardons@zol.co.zw Village Plumbers For all your plumbing requirements. Repairs and new installations. 0773 469 212, 0712 762 773, 0733 476 878 villageplumbers@gmail.com Special Services Risai Advisory Corporate services, ADR, competition policy, etc Risait@ymail.com Cell. 0733005693 nikki@leisuretravel.co.zw Tel : 740679 / 740946 /741031 Or 0733 433 745 2000 FREE magazines widely distributed in Harare PDF version emailed to 4000 addresses Active website and Facebook page To enquire or advertise call 492666; 492669 email: zimtrader@wildimaginings.net www.zimtrader.co.zw Word Search Solution ICELAND IRELAND LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MALTA MOLDOVA MONTENEGRO NORWAY PORTUGAL SAN MARINO SERBIA SLOVAKIA SPAIN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND ESTABLISHED 2009 ARMENIA AUSTRIA CROATIA DENMARK ESTONIA FRANCE GERMANY GREECE 7 Returning to old ways of eating – better for our health Food Matters Zimbabwe (FMZ) is an NGO which began in 2013 as a loose network of Zimbabweans concerned about a number of issues related to food. Their concerns were about the level of hunger and malnutrition amongst Zimbabwean people, they were also concerned about the way people were rejecting healthy eating and the benefits of wholesome food in favour of junk food, refined grains and fast foods. This was the second Organic Food Festival to take place in Harare Botanical Gardens. Several groups collaborated in setting up this successful event. I had a fun time with my kids, eating and stocking up on good wholesome foods and learned a lot about traditional food. In some cases it was weird for them because they had never come across such dishes in their share of life. There were a variety of stalls showcasing products. Some stands were selling our very own local traditional dishes as well as those from other African countries as far away as Ghana and Mauritius. There was lots of live entertainment for the adults and plenty of activities in the Kidzone with exciting programmes designed for primary school aged children which included colouring, mask making, and learning to play traditional marimba instruments. Nutrition specialists came from all over the country to celebrate our local food as well as share their knowledge. From all this, I learnt that sustainable food systems should minimise the use of non-renewable inputs, should not take more from the environment than is put back in, and should act fairly, with regard for all other human beings, both now and in the future. We should take care for the Earth and our environments, including other living beings; and should create healthy, nourishing foods to be consumed mindfully. Furthermore we should educate our families on sustainable agricultural practices, extending this to our rural farmers by sharing knowledge on improving selfreliance and building on human and social capital. By doing so we will empower our fellow countrymen and women using these ideas, and develop self-sustaining projects to work towards achieving these goals, which is to bring wholesome food to the table for the whole family, and thus, create a healthier nation. FMZ, a community driven project by concerned citizens, worries about the unsustainability of some industrial farming practices that are being promoted. These can lead to greater dependency by farmers on outside inputs and serious damage to ecosystems. By launching this Organic Food Festival as a significant Traditional and Organic Food Forum, FMZ hopes to grow, spread these ideas, and shape the future of natural organic food in Zimbabwe. This Festival also opened my eyes to the benefits of herbs. I realised that we use herbs in in our daily life in the food we eat, in toothpaste and in some lotions made from herbal mixes, to mention a few. As a country we should embrace our own herbal medicine which can be very beneficial to our health. I would encourage people to grow their own herbs in their garden and use them, rather than buying from unknown sources. Indulge yourself this summer Distributed by Kefalos Premium Ice Cream - For Sophisticated Tastebuds Belgian Chocolate, Hazelnut, Vanilla Bean Wholesale & Retail Open 8.30 to 4.30 weekdays, 8.30 to 12.30 Saturdays. 101 Richwell Ave off Sherwood Dve, Meyrick Park Harare. Phone 306982-6, 0772 133 130-5. cman@cheeseman1.com; www.cheeseman1.com
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