F A L L 2 0 1 4 HVT News Greetings Silver Eagles, Welcome Back! Hello Parents! It has been a successful and rewarding first marking period of our school year. In this short time, our school has had many important and rewarding accomplishments I would like to share. The first marking period of the school year was filled with academic and extracurricular highlights. All 10th and 11th grade students participated in the PSAT assessment on October 15th. Senior College and Career Readiness Week runs from October 20th -23rd in which seniors apply to college, speak with university, military and trade school representatives. We will have 10 students inducted into the National Honor Society on October 21st. Our students and staff were involved in philanthropic projects, such as Breast Cancer Awareness and the upcoming Skate for the Cure on October 25th at the Christiana Skating Center. We have a tremendous amount to be proud of, and we are looking forward to continuing our success. Our academic growth remains the focus of Hodgson’s learning community. Teachers are participating in monthly, Common Core professional development, to provide students with standards-based instruction that will increase student achievement and prepare them for the Smarter Balanced State Assessment. Effective and rigorous instruction is one vital piece of the puzzle. Another essential piece is parent involvement. We are asking that you continue to have your child attend school every day they are able. We also encourage you to check the Home Access Center and contact the instructor directly if you have questions about the course. It is also highly recommended that you talk to your child about the learning that is taking place in his/her classes. Hodgson Vocational Technical High School is a great place to be! We are excited about providing a safe, orderly, and productive learning environment for each of our outstanding students. Be sure to contact us with any questions or concerns. I would like to thank the students, parents and staff for their work and commitment in making Hodgson an enjoyable, learning environment. Sincerely, Dr. Jerry Lamey HVT NEWS FALL 2014 Common Core State Standards Initiative What Parents Should Know! Today’s students are preparing to enter a world in which colleges and businesses are demanding more than ever before. To ensure all students are ready for success after high school, the Common Core State Standards establish clear, consistent guidelines for what every student should know and be able to do in math and English language arts from kindergarten through 12th grade. The standards were drafted by experts and teachers from across the country and are designed to ensure students are prepared for today’s entry-level careers, freshman-level college courses, and workforce training programs. The Common Core focuses on developing the critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills students will need to be successful. Forty-three states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) have voluntarily adopted and are moving forward with the standards. The new standards also provide a way for teachers to measure student progress throughout the school year and ensure that students are on the pathway to success in their academic careers. http://www.corestandards.org/standards-in-your-state/ Interested in learning more about the Common Core and the skills that students need to succeed? Find out what your state is doing to implement the standards, support teachers, and more on our “Standards in Your State” http://www.corestandards.org/standards-in-your-state/ Learn more about how the Common Core was developed at our “About the Standards” page http://www.corestandards.org/about-the-standards/ “Key Shifts in Mathematics” http://www.corestandards.org/about-the-standards/ “Key Shifts in English Language Arts” http://www.corestandards.org/other-resources/key-shifts-in-englishlanguage-arts/ Get the facts about the Common Core on our “Myths vs. Facts” page. http://www.corestandards.org/aboutthe-standards/myths-vs-facts/ Get more answers on our “Frequently Asked Questions” http://www.corestandards.org/about-thestandards/frequently-asked-questions/ 2 HVT NEWS FALL 2014 “Making College Affordable” Parents - please join us on November 18th at 6:30pm in the Elevated Classroom at Hodgson. Topics will include: The FAFSA process When and how to file for financial aid How to calculate your expected family contribution (EFC) Possible strategies to lower your EFC The CSS profile How to calculate your cost of attendance for college Explanation of percentage of needs met TOTAL out of pocket expense for college Stafford and PLUS loans Payment Strategies Financial Aid Night Seniors and their parents are invited to join us on December 9th at 7:00pm in the Elevated Classroom at Hodgson. A representative from a local college will discuss FAFSA and the financial aid process. Space is limited so please arrive by 6:50pm. Just a Few Reminders… Please bring your driver’s license/photo ID upon entering the building. We are now requesting identification from every visitor. Students are not allowed to have food, drinks, balloons or flowers brought in to school. If your child is dropped off at school in the morning, please use the gym entrance. The circle in front of school should be used for buses ONLY. 3 HVT NEWS FALL 2014 Class of 2015 - Seniors Graduation will be here before you know it!!! The seniors completed their Yankee Candle Fundraiser on October 1st with an October 15th pick-up date. All participating seniors can use their profits to help supplement their senior expenses. The Senior Class Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 5, 2014, at 8:30am in the gym. Students will receive information packets for senior dues, will be measured for their cap/gown, and will have a group photo taken. Seniors are encouraged to wear their senior class shirts. Finally, graduation will be held at the “BOB” on Wednesday, May 27, 2015, at 7:00pm. Each senior will receive 12 tickets at graduation practice. Senior dues are $175 (which includes a yearbook with a name stamp, cap/gown, senior breakfast and graduation fees) and must be paid with cash or check by Wednesday, January 15, 2015. Make checks payable to Hodgson Class of 2015 with your student’s name in the memo line. A $10 late fee will be applied each month the dues are late. If you have any questions, please contact our Student Activities Coordinator, Lisa M. Jackson (lisa.jackson@nccvt.k12.de.us). Class of 2016 - Juniors Congratulations to the Junior Class Officers for this year! They are President Nyjela (Leila) Rose, Vice President Ayana Brown, Spirit Team Leader Ashley Bain, and Sprit Team Members Tabitha Hypes and Seanasia Baronette! Thanks to all of the Juniors who fundraised this year! Krispy Kreme donut certificates were delivered in homerooms to the students. If a Junior has money in their fundraising account and wants to use it for something schoolrelated, please contact Mrs. Berkey (kim.berkey@nccvt.k12.de.us). Shopping for Prom? Check out the Prom Fashion PDF on the Underclassmen link on the Hodgson website – it shows what is appropriate and what is not – before you make a purchase! Prom is May 1, 2015. Any questions, please contact Kim Berkey or Paul Antonio or check out the Underclassmen link on the Hodgson Website. 4 HVT NEWS FALL 2014 Class of 2017 - Sophomores The Class of 2017 is off to a busy start this school year! We have ordered class shirts, participated in Spirit Week, Homecoming, and currently we are wrapping up our first class fundraiser of the year the “Best of Brands”. Fundraising for the class of 2017 is easy, affordable, and allows students to raise money for the class of 2017 while raising money for themselves. If your student was unable to participate in the “Best of Brands” fundraiser, the class of 2017 will be holding another fundraiser in the spring to help raise money for the class and individual students. The Class of 2017 will also be accepting applications for class officers. Students should listen to the morning announcements to see when applications will be accepted. If you have any questions about the Class of 2017 please contact Kelly Bench (kelly.bench@nccvt.k12.de.us) or Dave Collins (dave.collins@nccvt.k12.de.us). Class of 2018 - Freshmen The school year is off to a great start. Students at Hodgson love to show their school spirit! Soon we will be selling shirts specific to the Class of 2018. Information about the shirts and the sale dates will be disseminated via the morning announcements. Looking ahead – the freshmen class fundraiser will be in the spring. Fundraisers are an important way for students to accumulate money in their class accounts to help with student expenses and they also help the class offset the cost of various student activities. Information will be sent home with students closer to the sale date. Freshmen Health Classes This month the freshmen Health I classes will have representatives from "AIDS Delaware” give a presentation on HIV/AIDS awareness, representatives from “A Door Of Hope” will give presentations on Abstinence, and representatives from The Epilepsy Foundation of Delaware will give presentations on “Epilepsy Awareness”. 5 HVT NEWS FALL 2014 HVT Students – Jyoti Tulsian, Travis Dash, and Antonio Italia speaking with Delaware Congressman John Carney at the Blue Tech Fair held at Delcastle Technical High School on September 24th. Hodgson Preschool – Early Childhood Program Hodgson Preschool is off to busy start this school year. The classrooms have been arranged, bulletin boards completed, and lesson plans written. Sophomore and Juniors are busy implementing the plans in the preschool. Freshmen this year have also been helping out in the mornings. Seniors are on co-op. Everyone is looking forward to a successful preschool year! Future Educators of America FEA students are looking forward to demonstrating their skills at the leadership skills conference this fall. The Delaware State FEA Conference will follow in December. If any student would like to join FEA, please see Ms. Williams in Room 101. The student does not have to be in the early childhood career area to be a member. However, they must be interested in working with children and educating others. 6 HVT NEWS FALL 2014 National Honor Society Congratulations to the 2014-2015 NHS Members! The Induction Ceremony will be taking place Tuesday, October 21st at 7:00pm in the mall area. We will be hosting many events this year, please check the Hodgson Homepage NHS Link for updates and ways to contribute! We appreciate your support. Any questions, please contact Mrs. Bench (kelly.bench@nccvt.k12.de.us). 2014-2015 NHS Members – Shantelle Aidoo Tiarra Burton Courtney Dellinger Katelynn Fry Kaitlyn Kanich Karri McMillan Maria Noguez Perez Caitlyn Resto Nicholas Wertman Yulianna Briceno Nolwenn Daniels James Fitzgerald Jacob Jones Nameer Kazaaz Joseph Myslinski DeJuan Outlaw Marvin Smith Yearbook Pre-order and Senior Ads Pre-order your yearbook by December 31st and SAVE! The pre-order price is $65.00. After December 31st, the yearbook price increases to $70.00. Order forms are available in the Main Office. Senior ads are due by February 1st. Order forms for senior ads are also available in the Main Office. Seniors do not need to order a yearbook – it is included in the senior dues. The 2014 Spring Supplement has arrived. The Spring Supplement features all spring sports and activities, and is free to any student who purchased last year’s yearbook. Please have your son/daughter stop by the Main Office to pick up their copy today. If you have any questions regarding the yearbook, please see Mrs. Yetter in Room 205 or email her at jillian.yetter@nccvt.k12.de.us Looking for that NEW FALL STYLE? Let our Cosmetology Salon make it happen! Call to book your appointment, 302-838-4094 Salon Hours are: Monday and Tuesday beginning at 12:00pm 7 HVT NEWS FALL 2014 Principal for the Day On Thursday, October 16th, we were pleased to welcome Mr. Rick DiSabatino, from EDIS, as Hodgson’s Principal of the Day. Mr. DiSabatino visited career areas, meet our Administrative Team and learned what it’s like to be a Hodgson Silver Eagle! Hodgson Happenings 8 HVT NEWS FALL 2014 From the Nurse’s Office Welcome to all new students and families of Hodgson Vo-Tech! Thank you to all those who turned in their Blue Emergency Cards! If you are in need of additional cards, or have any contact changes during the school year, please contact the Nurse’s Office and the Guidance Office. Please contact us if your child has Diabetes, Seizures, Asthma or Food/Insect allergies. These students are required to have an annual Emergency Action Plan. Emergency plans require us to have on hand a 3-day supply of medication for a serious medical condition such as Diabetes, Seizures or Asthma. A physician and a parent/guardian must sign these written orders. Parents/guardians please be advised that all 9th graders will have hearing, vision and postural and gait screenings performed this year. If you do NOT want your child screened, please notify the nurse’s office in writing. If your child has had any major changes in his or her health status such as injuries, surgeries, major illnesses, or medication changes, please contact the nurse’s office. If your child will be taking any prescription medications in school, please contact our office. All over the counter and prescription medications (excluding asthma inhalers and epipen) must be stored and dispensed in our office. Medications MUST be sent in a correctly labeled prescription bottle and accompanied by a parent note. You can assess our Nurse’s Office website at www.hodgsonde.com. The cold and flu season is approaching quickly. The CDC recommends these steps to decrease the spread of the flu virus. We encourage you to reinforce these strategies with your child to keep them healthy this year. The CDC recommends: WASH YOUR HANDS with soap and water!! If soap and water is not available, use alcohol sanitizers. Use a tissue when you cough or sneeze and dispose of it properly. If tissues are not available, sneeze or cough into your elbow or sleeve. Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes. This is how germs are spread. Do NOT share personal items such as phones, cups, lipsticks, utensils, etc. Clean surfaces such as computers, phone, and doorknobs. STAY HOME if you are ill or experiencing flu-like symptoms (aches, cough, fatigue, and/or fever over 100 F). A student may return to school when they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine. Keep tissues, juices, fever-reducing medications, etc. at home in case of illness. Develop a contingency plan for pick up, if your child is ill and you are not available for transportation. Practice good health habits such as getting enough rest, eating a well-balanced diet, exercise and stress reduction techniques. STAY INFORMED: visit www.flu.gov, www.cdc.gov or call 1-800-CDC-INFO for the most up to date flu information. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and successful school year! Pamela Diksa, RN Tracy McMullen, RN Phone: 834-0655 Fax: 838-4091 9 HVT NEWS FALL 2014 Important Dates November 4th November 11th November 26th – 28th Election Day Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Break No School No School No School December 8th December 24th – 31st Professional Development Winter Vacation No School No School January 1st – 2nd January 5th January 19th January 20th New Year’s Holiday School Reopens Martin Luther King Jr Day Professional Development No School No School No School
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