EWFIELD EWSLETTER N Newfield Central School District LETTER FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT Dear Community, We’ve had a wonderful start to the new school year. We attribute this to several things. First, the NYS Education Department has “eased up” and not added new changes for the year so the stress level of our teachers and staff is lower. We have an excellent staff that plans and prepares all summer for a new school year. Second, students, parents, and staff are helping to create a culture of politeness and tolerance where everyone takes responsibility for their actions. This is seen in the way students are dropped off in the morning, the way students talk to each other, the consideration shown for our office and cleaning crew by staff and students picking up after themselves, the way teachers and parents collaborate, the willingness to listen to and consider other opinions, and so much more. There is much work to be done academically as we “raise the bar." The Common Core Learning Standards are helping students to improve vocabulary and thinking skills PreK-12. New electives are being offered at the high school. It is an exciting time! Thank you for being part of this great start and for your support as we dig in to a new school year. Sincerely, Dr. Cheryl Thomas Superintendentof Schools October 2014 NEWFIELD SENIOR HIGH CHOIR TO PERFORM AT CARNEGIE HALL Newfield Senior High Choir has been invited to perform on the stage of world famous Carnegie Hall in New York City on January 17, 2015! The performance is part of the Carnegie Hall series The Legacy of Eminent Choral Directors featuring Dr. Peggy Dettwiler of Mansfield University as Honoree and Artistic Director. The series is composed of choirs directed by select conductors that have studied under Dr. Dettwiler's baton. The Newfield Senior High Choir has been selected amongst the finest groups from her 25 year career as a teacher and conductor. The concert will showcase each individual choir, including a ten minute set by Newfield. The concert finale will feature a combined choir consisting of all the students performing two pieces under the direction of Dr. Dettwiler herself. As is normal in show-business, there is a cost for transportation and to reserve the hall, as well as write-ups in Playbill and professional photography. As part of the fundraising effort, the choir is selling tickets to the performances for $50, an extremely reasonable price for such a renowned hall in the theatre district! The monies collected from ticket sales go directly to the choir. Also available for sale are seats on a charter bus that will provide transportation directly to and from the afternoon concert. Order forms can be found with each member of the choir, or by contacting Alex MacDonald directly (amacdonald@newfieldschools.org) There will also be a Fine Arts Booster spaghetti dinner on October 23rd from 5:00-7:00 pm. Support the Newfield Concert Choir and/or join the audience as Newfield’s Choir takes the stage in New York City at Carnegie Hall! Page 1 TEACHER OF THE MONTH DRIVER SAFETY AWARD Congratulations to Amanda Birch, who was selected as “Teacher of the Month” for the Newfield Central School District. Mrs. Birch goes above and beyond to help families and students in the middle school as well as in her classes. She is always willing to take the extra step after identifying a challenge to also provide solutions. She is diligent and professional in all that she does, bringing a positive attitude to all situations. Excuses such as “I can’t” are not allowed in her hearing. She is an excellent staff member here at Newfield Middle School and an asset to the district as a whole because learning matters to her! Newfield Central School buses travel over 160,000 miles each year transporting our students to and from school, athletic games and field trips. Our bus drivers make these trips daily without incident. Bus drivers are more than master drivers; they become friends and confidants with the students. We are fortunate to have a dedicated staff who stay with us for many years. Often drivers will have the same bus routes year after year. They watch the students grow into young adults. The job takes on the role of “taking care of family.” Newfield Central School would like to recognize the hard work of our drivers with a monthly Driver Safety Award. This month the award goes to Jackie Jenney. Mr. Brockner, the Transportation Supervisor had this to say about Jackie: SCHOOL BOARD RECOGNITION WEEK OCTOBER 27-31, 2014 Governor Cuomo has proclaimed the week of October 27-31, 2014 to be School Board Recognition Week in New York State. We would like to thank our own 2014-15 Board of Education for their volunteer service to the Newfield community! Mrs. Sylvia Allinger, President Mrs. Paula Miller, Vice President Mr. René Borgellla Mrs. Heather Cooper Mrs. Jennifer Pawlewicz Mrs. Missy Rynone Mr. George Wiltsie Page 2 Jackie has the ability to handle all facets of her job with caution and control. She has an accident-free record, uses defensive driving skills, handles student issues promptly and discreetly and is almost always cooperative in filling in when needed. CREATING A POSITIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT All employees of the district impact the learning environment. To make sure that environment is a positive one, Newfield CSEA staff will implement the FISH! Philosophy which highlights four simple practices: SOME SCENCES FROM THE FIRST WEEKS OF SCHOOL... Be There: When people need you, they need all of you. Setting aside distractions and judgments to be fully present is a sign of respect. It improves communication and strengthens relationships. Play: You can be serious about your work without taking yourself so seriously. Play is a mindset more than a specific activity. It allows you to throw yourself with enthusiasm and creativity into whatever you are doing, in a way that is natural, not forced. “Playing” with ideas helps you find solutions to everyday challenges. Make Their Day: Simple gestures of thoughtfulness, thanks and recognition make people feel appreciated and valued. When you make someone else feel good, you feel good too. Choose Your Attitude: To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. When you get up, decide who you want to “be” today. Moment-to-moment awareness is key. Ask yourself throughout the day, “What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?” Newfield staff who are examples of the FISH! Philosophy will be given the coveted Newfield FISH! Award! Our first Newfield FISH! Award winner is Arnold Kelsey. Arnie receives this award for his ability to brighten the day of our office secretaries and anyone else who entered the temporary offices this summer. He brought fabulous arrangements of flowers cut from his own garden to be shared and admired. Arnie has been a member of our Newfield School community for three years and serves in the role of Maintenance Worker. He comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and expertise as he worked in the maintenance department at Morse Chain for over three decades. Arnie is also the proud grandfather of eight. Page 3 CORNELL HOCKEY TEAM SPONSORS THE RED PAW PROGRAM Our RED PAW Program is off to a fantastic start!! As one of our Elementary PBIS (Positive Behavior, Support & Interventions) programs, the Cornell Men’s Ice Hockey Team is back again this year to volunteer in the Elementary School and also in our 6th grade. We are grateful to have 21 volunteer mentors from the team who are spending time with students during lunch, recess and helping in classrooms. They are here Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays one week, and then Mondays and Tuesdays opposite weeks. The Cornell student athletes are truly enjoying their time here! They value being able to make a difference in the lives of our students, motivating them to do their best and serving as positive role models. Students and staff greatly look forward to the Cornell team’s visit and the kind, caring and fun energy they bring to our learning community! The Red Paw Program is coordinated by Jamie McCaffrey, School Social Worker (K-12) and our MSW intern, Anna Bender. The Red Paw Award is a weekly award given to ONE elementary student (K-5) who has demonstrated exemplary behavior in our Otter Code of Conduct: Being Safe, Being Caring, Being Respectful and Being Here & Ready! First Red Paw Winner: McKayla Crawford has been so helpful, especially at the beginning of the year when new routines can be a bit confusing to some students. She has helped many students get organized. She has already shown a great work ethic and quality work every time. She always wears a smile. Her teachers can count on her every minute of the day. (nominated by Mrs. Thomas, 5th grade teacher) Second Red Paw Winner: Ledell Chisolm is one of the kindest, happiest children we have ever met. He always has a positive attitude. Ledell says “good morning” every morning and he has wonderful manners throughout the day. He never gives up, even if something is hard, and a smile never leaves his face. He treats his peers and teachers with respect and kindness. Ledell is a wonderful person and deserves the red paw for all these reason and more! (nominated by Mrs. Zifchock, Mrs. Terwilliger, & Ms. Ferguson) Page 4 PTA PTA will be holding its first meeting of the year on October 15 at 4:30 p.m. in the Elementary Library. Everyone is invited to attend! NEWFIELD MIDDLE SCHOOL ADVISORY PROGRAM: A New Vision Please drive carefully, watch for pedestrians and follow traffic signs in the parking lot! Do not park in the drop-off lanes. The middle school formed an advisory committee in order to improve the advisory program and create a “culture of connectedness”. Over the summer, Liz Atkins, Amanda Birch, and Kelly Stilwell coordinated with the guidance counselor in order to develop a program that met our vision: to establish a sense of community where students learn to advocate for their needs and the needs of others. The committee created a new advisory calendar, daily Homebase tasks and activities, and an updated list of relevant themes and topics for middle school students. Additionally, the committee clarified expectations and responsibilities of our faculty advisers. With three advisories having taken place in September, we have already seen the middle school sense of community flourishing early in the school year. ELEMENTARY PE SNEAKER DRIVE Please bring any unwanted new or lightly used sneakers to the elementary school main office before the end of the school year to donate to the PE department for our annual sneaker drive. We have had so much support in the past, but are still in need of smaller sizes for Kindergarten through 3rd grade students. Thank you, Coach Beam REMINDER: October 10th - Superintendent's Conference Day (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS) October 13th - Columbus Day (NO SCHOOL) Page 5 SECONDARY LIBRARY NEWS --Ms. Cara Putman, School Library Specialist As we begin this new school year, I want to encourage all staff, students, and family members to visit the library webpage. I have been diligently working to make the library webpage more user-friendly and easier to navigate; however, it is a work in progress. While visiting, you will be able to: • • • • • • View announcements pertaining to activities or happenings in the library. Access the library catalog to search for items, such as books, e-books, DVDS, etc.; these are available at Newfield and at other various schools within the TST BOCES Region. Utilize multiple online resources and databases to conduct research and help build knowledge and understanding. Submit an Interlibrary Loan Request Form for an item that we do not currently have here in our library. Submit a Book Recommendation Form to add a specific book to our collection. Obtain information and additional resources through the Newspapers, Citation Station and Web Research links. For more information or concerns on navigating the library webpage, please contact Cara Putman at 607-564-9955 or cputman@newfieldschools.org. Check back for future updates and additions. Happy Reading! Hyperlinked image: http://www.newfieldschools.org/districtpage.cfm?pageid=198 Page 6 ENTERPRISE AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Absences, Doctor Appointments, and Excuses Thanks to the generosity of Bruce and Heather Lane, owners of Purity Ice Cream in Ithaca, NY, middle school students at the Newfield Central School District have the opportunity to participate in Enterprise America, a real-life career experience created by WCNY in Syracuse. Mr. & Mrs. Lane donated $10,000 to the Newfield Central School District. Newfield students in the Enterprise America program will explore many of the careers necessary to make a modern American city thrive. This will start in the classroom with their teacher, Barb Mott, as they learn how to write business plans, put together a budget, engage in collaborative discussions, discover the role of economy in a society, and use entrepreneurial skills. Each student takes on a different role as a business owner, politician, law enforcement officer, media specialist, power plant operator, judge, medical personnel, or banker, for example. After several weeks of preparation, students will travel to WCNY’s “city” (a 10,000 square foot Education Center with 14 businesses and a City Hall) to spend a hands-on day applying what they have learned, getting a glimpse into what it takes to succeed after graduation and how the knowledge they are acquiring in school is relevant to lifelong professional and personal success. Many high school parents ask if his/her child needs a note for being late, absent, or excused for an appointment. The answer is, yes. Please send notes in with your child for absences, late arrival to school, or early release for doctor appointments. All notes need to have a parent/custodian signature on them. End of the Marking Period The end of the first six-week marking period is Friday, October 17. High school report cards will be mailed home Friday, October 24. Please call the office at 5649955, extension 3131 if you do not receive the report card. HS HOMECOMING & SPIRIT WEEK This year’s Homecoming & Spirit Week is scheduled for October 6th-11th. The High School Student Council is planning many activities during this week to promote Newfield Pride! Events during the week include: Monday, October 6th – High School Pep Assembly, Green & White Day, JV/Varsity Volleyball vs. Waverly @ 5:00 pm, Modified Soccer vs. Candor @ 4:30 pm Wednesday, October 8th – Hall Decorating afterschool, Varsity Boys Soccer & Modified Soccer vs. Groton @ 4:30 pm Thursday, October 9th – Bonfire w/music. Time: TBA Friday, October 10th – Varsity Girls Soccer vs. Tioga @ 4:30 pm Saturday, October 11th – Varsity Football vs. Odessa-Montour @ 1:30 pm Page 7 Non Profit Organization Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID Spencer N.Y. Permit No. 194 Newfield Central School 247 Main Street Newfield, NY 14867 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED CARR-RT PRESORT RESIDENT/BOXHOLDER NEWFIELD, N.Y. 14867 Newfield Central School supports the community... FALL RECREATION NEWS Thanks to all that helped out at our Chicken BBQ. We couldn’t do it without our volunteers! When starting to think about what to do this winter, check out the Newfield Recreation Ski & Ride Club! Come to a registration and information meeting at the Town Hall on Thursday, October 2nd at 7:00 pm. New this year - the Program Pass (good for skiing or snowboarding EVERY Friday from 4:00 - 8:00 pm beginning January 9th through the end of the season) turns into a SEASON PASS on March 2nd (good for skiing & boarding any day, any time Greek Peak is open)! This means you can fit in lots of EXTRA TIME ON THE MOUNTAIN after our program ends. The “Ski Bus” will head out to Greek Peak on six consecutive Fridays between January 9 - February 13. We leave from in front of the high school at 3:15 and return there at 9:00 pm. It’s a blast! We hope you’ll join in the fun. Check us out at www.newfieldny.org/recreation. NEWFIELD PLANNING BOARD MEETING Newfield Central School has been invited to send representatives to a Collaborative Event to be hosted by the Newfield Planning Board on Tuesday, October 7th at the Newfield Fire Hall. The event will take place at 7:00 pm. The purpose of the event is to honor the vital work of local service organizations and to gain an understanding of how they operate and the important work they do. The Planning Board will also familiarize service groups with the 2013 Newfield Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Board is cancelling its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, October Page 1st in 8lieu of the October 7th open meeting. ANNUAL “GO HOME EARLY” DRILL The annual “go home early” drill will be held on Tuesday, November 25th. Students will be dismissed from school 15 minutes earlier than normal. Annual Professional Performance Reviews In accordance with Section 3012-c of the Education Law, regarding the Annual Professional Performance Reviews (APPR) of teachers and principals, the District is obligated to release the individual composite effectiveness scores and final ratings of teachers and principals. Parent/legal guardians may request such information for the principal of the school building and teachers to which the student is assigned for the current school year. Only final data will be disclosed. Parents/ legal guardians wishing to obtain such data must make a written request to the appointed school official. The identity of parents/legal guardians will be verified and the school official may only communicate the data verbally. Please send all written requests for APPR data to Dr. Cheryl Thomas, Superintendent, 247 Main St., Newfield, NY 14867. Information will be available after October 18.
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