The Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce Monthly Newsletter OCTOBER 2014 Sir Terrence Mathews Why a Billionairre Canadian is Investing in Indonesia The ASEAN Economic Community: Will or Won’t Canadian Businesses Benefit? IKEA Indicator: Buy Indonesia Discrimination Law in Indonesia Welcome to the October edition of Bahasa Business, the Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) monthly newsletter. This month’s Bahasa Business features our very first billionaire (and that’s in US dollars, not Rupiah) as we were provided a very special opportunity to conduct a question and answer session with Sir Terrence Mathews, a Canadian business magnate, serial high tech entrepreneur, and chairman of two investment firms Mitel and Wesley Clover, the latter of which is investing to develop hightech companies in Indonesia. We asked him, why Indonesia? COME BOWL WITH US! HALLOWEEN NIGHT! KIDS TRICK or TREAT Friday, October 31th, 2014 Dinner : 18.00 – 19.00 Bowling: 19.00 – 21.00 EMAIL : Jakarta Bowling Center Gelanggang Mahasiswa Soemantri Brodjonegoro Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav. C-22, Jakarta Selatan Many Bahasa Business readers are looking at their calendars with awe, realizing that there are only 2 months left until 2015 and while we always look forward to a new year with anticipation, 2015 marks the year the ASEAN Economic Community is implemented, leaving us wondering about the impact it will have on Canadian businesses. Those concerns are answered in the article The ASEAN Economic Community: Will or Won’t Canadian Businesses Benefit? The team at SSEK, whose expertise embraces all essential areas of the law and has been honed over two decades of meeting the legal needs of their clients, have contributed another great piece on Indonesia’s discrimination law. The article gives great insight into how the discrimination law is more or less pieced together from other existing laws. In another win for Indonesia, IKEA has announced that they will be open for sales in a few weeks and as Lars Henriksson from Moneyweek has said, the ‘IKEA Indicator’ is a great gauge to predict an upcoming consumer market boom. You can read more about the IKEA opening and find the link to download their first Indonesian catalogue, on page 8. This month we do hope to see you in person at some key events including the Canadian Giving Thanks Dinner on October 11th (only a handful of tickets left), the ICCC breakfast discussion on October 28th, and the Calindo Halloween bowling tournament on October 31st. Thanks everybody. Thank you to our sponsors Edwin Pieroelie Secretarie-General ICCC Discrimination Law in Indonesia By Richard D. Emmerson ( of SSEK Legal Consultants Indonesia does not have an overarching anti-discrimination law. Rather, a patchwork of laws and sector-specific regulations prohibit discrimination and encourage equality. The relevant laws are as follows: 1945 Constitution The 1945 Constitution is the basis for the government of Indonesia and it carries the highest legal authority. Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution states that: (i) all citizens shall have equal status accorded by law and the government, and are obliged to respect the law and government without exception; and (ii) each citizen shall be entitled to work and to have a reasonable standard of living. Labor Law (Law No. 13 of 2013 on Labor) The prevailing Indonesian labor laws reflect anti-discrimination principles. Each employee shall have equal opportunity without discrimination to obtain work and shall be entitled to equal treatment from the employer without discrimination (Articles 5 and 6 of the Labor Law). The Labor Law stipulates that termination of an employment relationship shall not be permitted if it is based on the ideology, religion, political inclination, ethnic group, race, social group, gender, physical condition or marital status of the employee (Article 153(i) of the Labor Law). Law No. 21 of 1999 and Law No. 80 of 1957 To ensure the protection of employees’ rights and to prohibit discrimination, Law No. 21 of 1999 ratifies International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No. 111 concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation, and Law No. 80 of 1957 ratifies ILO Convention No. 100 concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women for Work of Equal Value. Strengthening the equal remuneration regime, Article 3 of Government Regulation No. 8 of 1981 regarding Protection of Wages (GR 8) states that in determining an employee’s wage, an employer may not discriminate between male and female workers who perform work of equal value. Law No. 4 of 1997 on Disabled People Article 14 of Law No. 4 of 1997 on Disabled People requires an employer to employ a minimum of one disabled person for every 100 people it employs. The disabled employee must meet the applicable work requirements and qualifications for the given position. High-technology companies must employ one disabled person regardless of the number of employees (i.e., even if they employ fewer than 100 people). The elucidation of Law No. 4 of 1997 states that disabled employees are entitled to equal treatment without discrimination including, without limitation, as to wages, title and position. Law No. 40 of 2008 on the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination Law No. 40 of 2008 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity in the civil, political, economic, social and cultural fields. Race is defined as a group of people based on physical characteristics and lineage. Ethnic group is defined as a group of people based on faith, norms, customs, traditions, linguistic norms, history, geography and kinship. The above laws provide the main anti-discrimination framework for Indonesia. Filling out this framework and providing protections on issues from termination to menstruation leave are a hodgepodge of regulations and provisions. Employment Background Investigations When conducting interviews and background checks, employers must be guided by the broad provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the Labor Law, which provide that employees shall have equal opportunity without discrimination to obtain work, and shall be entitled to equal treatment from the employer without discrimination on the basis of sex, ethnic group, race, religion, skin color, political orientation or disability. It is not considered discriminatory for an employer to select candidates based on abilities required for the job (i.e., employing a person with a certain language ability to serve customers speaking that language or dialect). Leaves of Absence Female employees are not obliged to work on the first and second days of menstruation if they feel sick and inform the employer. However, this provision should be further regulated in the employment agreement, company regulation or CLA. A pregnant employee is entitled to three months of maternity leave with full pay, consisting of one and one-half months prior to delivery and one and one-half months after delivery. This three-month period may be divided differently based on a doctor’s certificate or by agreement of the parties. The pre-delivery time can be extended to up to three months with a doctor’s certificate confirming that this is medically necessary. Upon the employee’s return to work, the employee must be given reasonable time to breastfeed the baby. In the event of a miscarriage, a female employee will be entitled to one and one-half months of paid leave (Article 82.2 of the Labor Law). Paternity leave of two days is given to the father upon the birth of a child. Harassment There are no specific rules concerning sexual harassment in connection with the employer-employee relationship. However, most company regulations and CLA’s note that sexual harassment is considered a serious violation. Unions The basic legislation governing labor unions in Indonesia is Law No. 21 of 2000 regarding Labor Unions (Labor Union Law). A group of at least 10 workers may establish a labor union. Based on the 1945 Constitution, labor unions, by law, are required to be democratic, independent and responsible, and not to base their membership on politics, religion, race and/or gender. The Labor Union Law imposes criminal sanctions on anyone who engages in certain anti-union activity. Such activities include: (i) preventing workers from forming a union, becoming a member of a union or conducting union activities; (ii) terminating an employee or reducing his or her salary for conducting union activities; (iii) conducting an anti-union campaign; and (iv) intimidation in any form. Sir Terrence Mathews Why a Billionairre Canadian Sir Terrence Mathews Chairman of Mitel and Wesley Clover. is Investing in Indonesia Bahasa Business is very fortunate to have been granted an exclusive question and answer session with Sir Terrence Mathews, a Canadian business magnate, high-tech entrepreneur addict, and billionaire. Sir Terrence Mathews has founded or funded over 100 companies in the high-tech communications field, most notably Mitel and Newbridge Networks and has his sights on developing many Indonesian high-tech companies through his investment firm Wesley Clover. Sir Terrence Mathews, thank you so much for spending your time with us today. We have to ask, with over a billion dollars in the bank, why don’t you just retire? It is not in my blood to sit still. Indonesia has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world but I couldn’t be out on the sand for more than 30 minutes before I need to find something to do. To me creating a successful business is fun, and I want to have fun. I am really looking forward to having a lot of fun creating businesses here in Indonesia. So why Indonesia? The business opportunities between Canada and Indonesia, and the whole region in fact, is really coming on the Canadian radar and has piqued my interest for quite some time. There are some key demographics that attracted me to Indonesia but getting to know the people and to see the country first hand has confirmed that coming here is a great decision. Can you expand on that with some examples? Indonesia is a country of roughly 250 million people where half of them are under 30 years of age. That is an incredibly large workforce of willing and eager talent. Combine that with a fairly high unemployment rate amongst youth, which to some may look bleak but to me creates an environment where a large part of the population is hungry for opportunity, hungry to be given a chance. On the flipside of the statistics I have had the chance to meet hundreds of Indonesian youth face-to-face, to talk to them, and they have impressed me with their knowledge, ingenuity, and brain power. How do you plan to develop new hi-tech companies in Indonesia? We have a model whereby we look to the private sector to join us in a 50/50 investment partnership and my company Wesley Clover will nurture, mentor, and guide hi-tech companies here in Indonesia to levels of success they may not have achieved without our experience and network. I expect these companies to eventually employ many other Indonesians and become ICT players on an international level. You are very confident, but is your model applicable to Indonesia? Despite thousands of books written on how to develop a successful business, I have honed the key components down to what I call “my secret sauce”, with the four key ingredients being: 1. Allowing youth to be the business growth engine. 2. Including ownership in the business DNA. 3. Enforcing a strict monthly reporting policy that highlights ‘sales for the month’ in the first sentence. 4. Seeking advice from successful industry professionals who are retired and are willing to generously provide their time and knowledge. This secret sauce has been the reason of my business success whereby 9 out of 10 of my high-tech ventures have been successful and the few that failed was due to extraneous circumstances - none of them went bankrupt. Compare that to venture capital organizations which have a success rate of about 10%. And what type of high-tech companies are you looking to develop? I would be supportive of any high-tech company with a good proposal but we get a lot of support from telecommunication partners. I am very excited about the possibilities here in Indonesia and I expect Wesley Clover investments to be supportive of Indonesian high-tech companies that focus on nextgeneration Cloud and SaaS applications, services and hardware for fixed and mobile communications, video collaboration, customer engagement, analytics and more. Sir Terrence, where do Bahasa Business readers go for more information? For more information your readers can visit our website at and we have also appointed Mr. Andy Cobham as our Indonesian representative responsible for building strong partnerships with both national and multi-national companies doing business in Indonesia. Connecting at Biztro The September 2014 ICCC Biztro networking event was held at the Frontpage restaurant in the Plaza Gani Djemat Building and attended by a crowd of around 50 people which included many guests from outside of the regular Indonesia-Canada community. In addition to new business connections being made participants won vouchers for both MAP and Maroush. (And we must say Canadian Women’s Association President Stephanie Cooke did an excellent job presenting the winners!) Very many thanks to Lasalle College International Jakarta for sponsoring the Biztro. Mark your calendars to attend the October Biztro event on October 16th, 2014 at the Shutters Bar, Mercantile Athletic Club. See you there! The time is right to join ICCC The Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) is a membership organization that exists primarily to promote positive business growth for social and economic development both in Indonesia and in Canada. The ICCC vision is to be recognized as the home of ideas and information to best support the connecting of Canadian and Indonesian business interests and our organization works at the grass-roots business level to nurture local business relationship networks for the benefit of all our members. There is truth in the phrase “strength in numbers” and we invite all businesses in the Indonesian-Canadian community to join us. Below is a list of the ICCC Board of Directors who extend a warm welcome to join our organization. Chris Bendl President Richard D. Emmerson Vice President Nyoto Irawan Vice President Dean Boulding Chairperson – CSR & Sustainable Development Committee Tracy Reynolds Chairperson – Policy Committee Stephanie Cooke Henry Lowis Board Member Helmi Maemozax Board Member Derrick McClure Board Member Vice President Chairperson – Event Committee Neil Prendergast Tony Costa Luc St. Amour Board Member Cameron Tough Edwin Pieroelie Gregory Elms Board Member Helen M. Vanwel Charles T. Kidd Aditi Dixit Ipung Kurnia Treasurer Secretary General & Chairperson – Communications Committee Mario Babin Chairperson – Membership Committee Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member contact our ICCC Secretariat at +62-21-527-7890 or for further information. The ASEAN Economic Community: Will or Won’t Canadian Businesses Benefit? In a little over 14 months the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) initiative will be implemented and 10 ASEAN member states (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) will begin a free movement of goods, services, investment, capital and skilled labor between their countries. As pointed out by KPMG, on a macro level the AEC is expected to bolster the global importance of the ASEAN as an economic block as it increases inter-trade between member countries. On a micro level there are a lot of details to be worked out as critical agreements like a competition policy, intellectual property rights, e-commerce transactions, and the introduction of a more comprehensive investment protection and dispute resolution system. The bigger question for Canadian companies, however, is ‘Is the AEC good or bad for Canadian companies?” and the answer is good. First, Canada and ASEAN have a long and positive relationship with ASEAN statistics indicating trade between ASEAN and Canada grew by 9.2%, from US$12.3 billion in 2012 to US$13.5 billion in 2013 and that the stock value of Canadian direct investment in ASEAN reached almost CAD$ 7 billion in 2012, improving nearly 20% year-on-year. Second, ASEAN can very much benefit from Canada’s achievements, experiences and expertise in a wide range of areas, including energy, transportation, finance, Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and promotion of innovation. In short, the AEC will be an attractive (and welcomed) destination for Canada’s trade and investment. ASEAN and Canada are also working to strengthen cooperation in energy, including through the development of renewable and alternative energy sources and the promotion of clean energy technology. Third, Canada has been actively growing ASEAN ties as reflected through Canada-ASEAN enhanced partnership program and the development of the Canada-ASEAN Business Council two years ago which aims to promote business opportunities and build business networks between the two sides. Finally, the relationship between Canada and ASEAN goes beyond business and into socio-cultural cooperation which defines Canada not just as a business partner to ASEAN but as a friend. The Indonesian government has also taken steps at improving the relations of government officials and business players from Canada and Indonesia, and are actively encouraging improved connectivity between ASEAN and Canada, particularly through the availability of direct flights between cities in ASEAN and Canada, institutional cooperation and people-to-people business. The Indonesian government is confident ASEAN will develop into a solid economy and as a single market and a production base, ASEAN will offer many business opportunities to Canadian companies. JALANAN New York is known as the Big Apple, and Jakarta is known as the Big Durian. Like the Durian fruit, there is a lot to dislike about Jakarta, but there is also a lot to love. For those of you who have not watched “Jalanan” it is time to add it to your must-see movie bucket list. Jalanan is the 6-year labor of love documentary by Daniel Ziv, a Canadian documentary filmmaker, author and political commentator who lives in Ubud, Bali. In short, Daniel Ziv has gone beyond the negatives Jakarta is known for (and which are so easy to expose) and captured a slice of beauty of the Big Durian and a reflection of Indonesia as a whole. “Jalanan” documents the daily life of three musicians (Boni, Ho & Titi) as they face the challenges of making ends meet busking on Jakarta’s ubiquitous and well-worn buses. The main characters are intriguing and enticing. Titi is a mother of three children who are being cared for by others in different parts of the country. Because of her limited income she must decide which of her children will receive care-money when she can afford it. Boni is the penultimate dreamer whose imagination lies in sharp contrast to his reality. At night he sleeps in (what looks to be) a very stinky and dirty tunnel, but during the day wanders some of the world’s most luxurious shopping malls. He shares with the audience that one day he wants to live in a five star hotel. Ho, meanwhile, provides a balance to Boni and Titi who were easy to like. Ho is rough and his actions leave a bad taste in the viewer’s mouth but his rawness also provides a nonfiltered view of Jakarta. Their lives are off-putting but their experiences, their spirit, and their own touching compilations about God and the world reflected on their existence is ultimately endearing. In an earlier interview with the Wall Street Journal director Daniel Ziv shares that the trio’s songs reflect the social and political conditions of the time, as well as their own questions about love and identity in life, stating, “It’s often just described as a film about street musicians, and it’s not really. It’s a portrait of Indonesia.” In a testament to the power of the film, it won the prize for best documentary when it had its world premiere at the Busan International Film Festival in South Korea and The Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) has just announced that JALANAN has picked up its top prize, the People’s Choice Award, for Best Documentary making JALANAN the first Indonesian film to win MIFF in the festival’s 63-year history. For Bahasa Business readers who have already seen the movie and are looking forward to more of Daniel Ziv’s work, he is currently working on a book about Indonesian identity, to be published in Bahasa Indonesia by Bentang Pustaka. For those in Bali, Daniel is a regular speaker at the annual Ubud Writers & Readers Festival and a founding member of Hubud – Bali’s first co-working space. Daniel serves as co-curator and host of TEDxUbud, and as a creative consultant to Bali-based entertainment company Akarumput. IKEA Indicator: Buy Indonesia Lars Henriksson from Moneyweek wrote that when Ikea, the giant Swedish furniture retailer, starts operations in a country, it turns into a pretty good sign that a big consumer spending boom is on its way. Previous Ikea examples include Japan (1974), Hong Kong (1975), Singapore (1978), Taiwan (1994), Malaysia (1996), China (1998), and Thailand (2011). they demand high quality items at the right price, both of which Ikea delivers. I still remember my first shopping experience to Ikea when I lived in Canada as a student. I was instantly hooked and I am very proud to say that we now have our own Ikea in Indonesia. In a few weeks time, the first Ikea store will open in Indonesia. Zuch Exchange reports that IKEA is not the only company targeting growth from Indonesia's middle class. Japan's Honda Motor Co., Nissan Motor Co., and electronics maker Sharp Corp. have also announced plans to expand in Indonesia, investing more than $1 billion in total. Foreign direct investment in the country, Southeast Asia's largest economy, stood at a record $20 billion last year. Reportedly costing USD 100 million dollars, the huge blue and yellow building is clearly visible on the toll road when passing Alam Sutra retail park. Indonesia's PT Hero Supermarket has signed a seven year franchise agreement with Inter IKEA Systems BV. In terms of growth, Indonesia has a population of millions of potential customers enjoying a growing disposable income, and with PT Hero Supermarket’s experience running nearly 500 grocery outlets, we do not expect the plan is to stop at one Ikea. Over the years many middle to upper income level Indonesians have been seen carrying Ikea merchandise in the instantly recognizable Ikea bags at airports, having made their purchases in Malaysia, Thailand, or Singapore. Now they can shop in their own backyard. Said Ipung Kurnia, President of PT Hero Supermarket, “I am very excited about Ikea opening here in Indonesia and I think it will resonate very well with Indonesians. Indonesians are quite savvy shoppers and If you can’t wait for the IKEA stores to open and would like a preview of their Indonesian catalogue, you can download it at the following link: Exploring Indonesia in a Suite and Tie By James Clinton James C linton Last year, in my first year of Law at Queen’s University, I told my friends that I wanted to go to Indonesia for the year end break. “Awesome, Bali!” was their initial reaction, but I had other plans in mind. Indonesia had caught my attention in newspapers, on televised reports, and also in several of my classes, especially related to the global economy and future strategic partners for Canada, and I really wanted to see what the excitement was about. I decided that the best way for me to spend the year end break was to go to Indonesia and explore the Indonesian business community by talking to Canadian businesses operating in Indonesia. I figured this would be the best way to paint myself a picture of the business landscape and figure out if there was a role I could play in the country once I had graduated. My first impression of Jakarta wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Yes, it’s a megacity with a population in greater Jakarta of about 20 million people, but I think I had prepared for such a shocking experience that once I entered the city it actually turned into a pleasant surprise. Yes there was traffic, I saw the pollution, and signs of urban poverty were evident but there were so many other things I saw that most people don’t tell you about. It migh shock you that Jakarta is surprisingly very green. There are trees everywhere, and they even line the streets in downtown with Christmas colored lights. Jakarta is a very cosmopolitan city, with an attractive skyline and a balance of older and modern buildings. And Jakarta has amazingly big and beautiful malls, which they call plazas. The plazas easily compete, and outdo, most of the malls here in Canada both in terms of the high-end retailers who occupy the spaces and their grandeur. If you want to see an indication of the wealth circulating in Jakarta, I highly suggest you visit one of the many plazas. Touristy observations aside, my first call in Jakarta went to the Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) who were very helpful in putting me in touch with members of the Indonesia-Canada business community. Of course, not everyone had time to meet me for a chat but enough people agreed to keep me busy for the few weeks I would call Jakarta home. To keep the interviews flowing my questions were fairly broad as I was interested in the general outlook of Canadian companies in Indonesia, where the opportunities were in the upcoming years, and if they would recommend a fresh graduate student like me to explore job opportunities in the country. Despite the counter intuitive daily ritual of putting on a suit and tie instead of a pair of beach shorts in a tropical country, not a day went by where I wasn’t intrigued by the discussions I was having with a cross sector of business people and before I knew it my time was up and I had to go home. Yes I traded the possibility of a great tan for a lot of knowledge but the ultimate question is, ‘was it worth it’, and I can definitely say it was. My time in Indonesia was short but it is clear that the people who are doing business here, despite some unique challenges, are glad they came and look forward to more opportunities as the markets and policies mature. As for me, I don’t know what my future holds but I do know I will be back. One of the last events I attended in Jakarta was a luncheon addressed by his honourable Jean Charest, who is very supportive of increased Canada-Indonesia bilateral trade. Jean Charest currently works with McCarthy Tétrault a law firm I very much respect and admire and who knows, when it is time for me to graduate, they might need a Canada-Indonesia liaison. Canadian Car Trivia Canada has a very robust and interesting automotive industry. Can you match the name/logo of the Canadian Automotive Company with the right description? Answers are on page 13 after the disclaimer. Canadian Automotive Company 1 Summary Background a History dating back to 1930, this is a bus manufacturer headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Established in 1996 in Errington, British Columbia, focused on providindg designs, parts and technical support for converting conventional internal combustion vehicles to non-polluting battery powered electric vehicles. 2 b 3 c Canada's biggest automotive company and world's third-largest auto parts firm. Dynasty EV 4 d The relatively unknown company, based in Montreal, Quebec, has been manufacturing Formula cars since 1968. Bombardier Recreational Products 5 e A company specializing in the manufacture and rebuilding of buses. Based in Quebec City, it has been in business for over 60 years. 6 f Specializes in the design and manufacturing of ultraluxurious, fully armored, handcrafted sport utility vehicles. The company, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, is comprised of the automotive industry’s most respected talent whose award-winning experience in engineering, fabrication, design, armoring and customization combine to create one-of-a-kind SUVs unrivaled and unmatched in today’s automotive marketplace. 7 g 8 h 9 i 10 j 11 k 12 l 13 m Maker of the Zero Emission, No Noise two-seat battery electric vehicle. Unfortunately operations were set to cease June 30, 2013. With yearly sales in the billions, this is the maker of multiple brands: Ski-Doo, Can-Am (ATV & Spyder Roadster), Sea-Doo (PWC and SportBoats), Lynx, Evinrude Outboard Motors, Johnson Outboards and Rotax. Initially based in Italy but moved to Canada it is now led by 2nd generation and working on increasing production of the Roadsters, Speedsters and Kubelwagens destined for the US, Canada and Japan. With a motto ‘DESIGN. BUILD. PERFORM.’ The company provides engineered solutions for the automotive resource industry Armored car manufacturing company producing three distinct products based on the Ford F550 chassis LAPV (light armored patrol vehicle) MPV (multi purpose vehicle) RPV (rapid patrol vehicle) Producer of a Canadian electric car The first Canadian super car, developed and produced in Quebec, Canada Contributors Bahasa Business is managed by ICCC Secretary General Edwin Pieroelie in coordination with local PR agency klirkom ( and contributing members from the Indonesian and Canadian community. In this October 2014 edition, special appreciation goes to: Sir Terrence Mathews Wely Kustono Karina Sherlen Minie Sharing is Caring If you are interested in contributing an article to Bahasa Business or have ideas to share please send an email to We are interested in news highlighting business related developments in Canada and Indonesia. Advertise@BahasaBusiness Our readers want to know more about your organization! Bahasa Business is currently creating an advertising rate card and look forward to having you advertise with us. If you are interested please send a note to CONTENT DISCLAIMER Statements and opinions expressed in articles, reviews and other materials in Bahasa Business are those of the authors, editors and publishers. Great care has been taken to ensure the contents of Bahasa Business are as accurate as possible but no responsibility can be taken by the ICCC or Bahasa Business for any errors or omissions. Furthermore we strive to provide high quality high value content but no responsibility can be taken by the ICCC or Bahasa Business for any losses, damages or distress resulting from adherence to any information made available. Canadian car trivia answers 1 c 6 k 10 m 2 g 7 a 11 f 3 b 8 i 12 d 4 l 9 e 13 j 5 h
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