LCHS Newsletter Sept/Oct 2014 Inside this issue: Counseling News 2 Counseling News 3 Military Visits 4 SAT/PSAT 5 College Rep Visits 6 DECA News 7 SCA 8 SCA 9 F.I.S.H Study Help 10 F.I.S.H Study Help 11 Note s from the 12 Nurse Notes from the 13 Nurse Scoliosis Brochure 14 Scoliosis Brochure 15 (Spanish) Enterovirus D68 16 PTSA 17 NJROTC 18 Back Pack Buddies 19 Yearbook 20 Coffee & Conversation 21 Attendance Policy 22 Parent Resource Cen- 23 ter Class Notes/ 24 Reminders Student Achievements 25 LOUDOUN COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL A School of Excellence and a Community of Character Principal’s Message Celebrating 60 years of Excellence Dear Raider Families, Summer fades and Fall brings the start of a new school year. Loudoun County High School was a busy place this summer. In addition to my transition to the school, the leadership team worked together to create an engaging inservice for staff to sustain and expand upon the excellence of our academic pursuits, the building received several cosmetic improvements, and we hired more dynamic educators to support our mission of educating 21st Century Leaders through activities that foster and celebrate Character, Honor, and Scholarship. Welcome aboard new staff members! Bob Jackson- Building Engineer Christine Wobbeking- World Languages Dorene Kuebler—FACS Elinor McKenzie- Social Sciences Ethan Lawrence- Strings Joel Caruso- Health and Physical Education Kate Cassidy- Assistant Athletic Director Kathleen Evangelisto- Special Education Melinda Shingler- English Michelle Moses- Special Education Nathalia Hardy- English Stephen Sacerino- Math Tom Voriseck- Long-term substitute for School Counseling Yuki Gibson- World Languages I would like to thank the staff, students, and community members for welcoming me to Loudoun County High School. I am very proud and honored to serve you as principal. I am confident our work together will make the 2014-2015 school year the best yet in our school’s 60 year history. Go Raiders!! Regards, Michelle Luttrell, Ed.D. Sept/Oct 2014 415 Dry Mill Road Leesburg, VA 20175 1 571-252-2000 Dates of Interest SEPTEMBER 4 PTSA Meeting 15 Underclass pics 16 Underclass pics 18 Annual Tailgate 22 BTSN 23 Safe Teen Driving 24 Safe Teen Driving OCTOBER 1/2 Interims 4 Application Work shop for Seniors 14 PSAT/Senior Panoramic 16/17 Underclass Pic Retake 18 NJROTC Drill Meet 20/21 Senior Pics Make up 22 Powder Puff Game 24 Homecoming Game/60th Anniversary Tour 25 Homecoming Dance Loudoun County High School Sept/Oct 2014 Counseling News Welcome The 2014-2015 year is off to a great start. Counselors have met with new students and their families, updating records of returning students, and working to resolve any scheduling issues. Counseling staff visited the Government classes to talk to seniors about the college application process. Seniors recently received a letter in the mail that stated their official rank at LCHS. This is important information as the counselors will meet with the seniors individually to discuss their future plans in more detail. The 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students received a PSAT study booklet in their English classes the last week of September. This booklet will help students prepare for the PSATs and could be a tremendous studying tool. Clarity CLARITY is a secure, web-based, hosted grade book application that allows teachers to track and analyze student performance on assignments and assessments and communicate that information to parents through the CLARITY Parent Portal. Login information for the Parent Portal does not carry over year-to-year. If you had access to the Parent Portal last year, you will need to submit a new account request form for the new school year. The Parent Portal will open on (or about) October 1, 2014. This is the interim mark of quarter 1. If you turned in the clarity request form this year your student will bring home a new password near the end of September. Counseling Department Counselor Counseling Calendar SEPTEMBER 22 Back-to-School Night, 7:00 p.m. 28 LCPS College Fair Rock Ridge HS 4:00 -5:30 & 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. OCTOBER 1 Parent College Information Night 7:00 pm 4 College Application Workshop 9 a.m.-noon 13 Columbus day No school 15 Preliminary SATs for Grades 9-11 NCAA Clearinghouse Alphabet Mrs. Rowley ............ A-CR Ms. Schauder ........... CU-HE Mr. Vorisek (long term sub for Mrs. Shauder) Mr. Lesher ............ HI-MC Mrs. Dunn ............ ME-SA Mrs. Nagurny ............ SC-Z Secretaries Career Center Mrs. Fulcer Mrs. Eisenmann Mr. West Sept/Oct 2014 2 Loudoun County High School Sept/Oct 2014 Counseling News Deadlines for Requesting Transcripts and Letters of Recommendation from the Counseling Office We require 10 school days to process all requests Application Due Date Deadline to Request Transcripts October 1 October 15 November 1 November 15 December 1 December 15 All January Deadlines February 1 February 15 September 17 October 1 October 17 October 31 November 17 December 1 December 5 January 16 February 2 **Remember a complete request includes: FAMILY CONNECTION Sept/Oct 2014 For those of you unfamiliar with this program, it is a web-based service designed for educational planning, which we use extensively with students beginning in the ninth grade. It is a comprehensive website that you and your child can use to help in making decisions about courses, colleges, and careers. It is linked with Counselors’ Office, a service that we use to track and analyze data about college and career plans. It also allows us to share information with you and your student about up-coming college rep. visits and events, local scholarship opportunities, and other web resources for college and career information. In addition, the site includes a link that can be used to send us an e-mail message. Those who have logged on previously and need assistance, or who wish to register with the site for the first time, should contact Mr. Langston West, our Career Center Representative, on 571252-2012 or email Beginning this month, counselors will hold evening workshops for parents to introduce them to this very important program. Please visit the LCHS Guidance website for more information. 3 Transcript Release form/ College Application Checklist for each college app. $3.00 Fee for the official transcript Insight forms/Resume, if requesting a counselor’s letter of recommendation Supplemental materials (i.e. Secondary School Report) All forms are available on the LCHS Counseling website and on Family Connections. Loudoun County High School Military Representative Visits Military Branch Army Navy Air Force Marines Monthly Visit Contact Name Contact # Email 2nd Wednesday, 2:30 pm TBD rd 3 Thursday, 2:30 pm Sgt. Spencer Emert 877-216-1257 304-263-5089 Austin.delrymple@RS.AF.MIL 540-764-0330 2nd Tuesday, 9:30am Sgt. Austin Delrymple Sgt. Matthew Womer College and Military representatives are scheduled to visit LCHS. Students must sign up with Mr. West in the career center, send an email, or register through Family Connection to attend. Sessions will take place in the career center unless otherwise announced. Students may also find the college visit schedule by using Family Connection and clicking on "visit schedule" under the About College category. Contact Mr. West to register for Family Connection. 2014-2015 PSAT/NMSQT Wednesday, October 15, 2014 The 2014-2015 Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) measures critical reading and mathematical reasoning and writing skills important for success in college. Juniors achieving high scores on this test are considered for recognition and scholarships. It also enables students to receive information about prospective careers and to compare themselves with other college bound students. This year the PSAT will be given on Wednesday, October 15. All freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will take the PSAT at no cost. Please encourage your child to use the practice test which will be distributed to students with the PSAT bulletin. Results will be returned to students in late December. MONROE SHADOWING DAY APPLICATIONS Monroe Shadowing day is December 9th Applications for the Monroe Shadowing Day are due November 21 st. The Applications are available in the Career Center with Mr. West. Shadowing is an event in collaboration with the C. S. Monroe Technology Center, whereby students are given an opportunity to shadow or preview the offering of courses of interest at Monroe. It is primarily for underclass students who are considering electives from the Monroe selection or classes. Please contact Mr. Langston West in the Career Center if you have any questions. Sept/Oct 2014 4 The ASVAB Career Exploration Program in- cludes tests and activities that help you identify your interests and provide information about your Verbal Skills, Math Skills, and Science and Technical Skills. The ASVAB test is FREE and is administered locally at HHS on Saturday, November 1, 2014 9am-12pm and at LVHS on March 7, 2015. This test is open to all LCPS students, grades 10-12. Please arrive 20 minutes early for registration. Please sign up by Thursday, October 30th. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Smart, HHS Career Center Specialist at 71-252-2816 x7 or Loudoun County High School SAT AND ACT TEST DATES 2014-2015 SAT PROGRAM TEST DATES Test Date Registration deadline Late Fee Required LCPS Location Test Location Code October 11, 2014 September 12, 2014 September 30, 2014 Stone Bridge Freedom Tuscarora 47-669 47-643 47-422 November 8, 2014 October 9, 2014 October 28, 2014 Potomac Falls 47-658 December 6, 2014 November 6, 2014 November 24, 2014 Loudoun County Potomac Falls 47-420 47-658 January 24, 2015 December 29, 2014 January 13, 2015 Loudoun Valley 47-659 March 14, 2015 February 13, 2015 March 3, 2015 Briar Woods 47-667 May 2, 2015 April 6, 2016 April 21, 2015 Broad Run 47-668 June 6, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 27, 2015 Park View 47-662 Register on-line: for the SAT 2014-2015 ACT PROGRAM TEST DATES Test Date Registration Deadline Late Fee Required LCPS Location September 13, 2014 August 8, 2014 August 9 – 22, 2014 * October 25, 2014 September 19, 2014 Sept 20 – Oct 13, 2014 * December 13, 2014 November 7, 2014 November 8 – 21, 2014 Briar Woods HS February 7, 2015* January 9, 2015 January 10 – 16, 2015 Dominion HS April 18, 2015 March 13, 2015 March 14 – 217, 2015 Broad Run HS June 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 9 – 22, 2015 * *Denotes NO LCPS location Register on-line: for the ACT In contrast to the SAT, which was designed to assess students by aptitude for college-level work, the ACT is more oriented toward specific course areas, and it measures mastery of English, reading, mathematics, and science. Sept/Oct 2014 5 Loudoun County High School College Representatives are scheduled to visit LCHS this fall. Students must sign up with Mr. West in the career center or through Family Connection to attend. Sessions will take place in the Career Center unless otherwise noted. Visit the counseling web page for an up-to-date schedule. Parent College Info Night College Application Workshop Counselors will visit seniors in government classes on September 22 and 23 to review the college application process and post high school planning. The Counseling office is offering a parent college information night on Wednesday, Oct 1, 7 pm. There will be a short meeting, then parents and students will meet with their specific counselors. On Saturday Oct 4, there will be a college application workshop from 9am -12noon. This is an opportunity for parents and/or students to meet with a member of the counseling staff, to ask questions and review college applications. Sept/Oct 2014 6 Loudoun County High School Sept/Oct 2014 D Mrs. Diane Petrella ECA, an association of marketing students, guided by the direction of marketing teachers, Mrs. Diane Petrella and Mrs. Tricia Virts, will strive to reach the national DECA goals of preparing the next generation to be Academically Prepared, Community Oriented, Professionally Responsible and Experienced Leaders. We are proud to announce the 11 officers for the 2014-2015 school year: Megan Chapman, President Kasey Ello, VP of Community Service Kyle Peyton, VP of Community Service Victoria Brown, VP of Finance Sophie Fitzgerald, VP of Leadership Development Emma Stitt, VP of Membership Will Turnage, VP of Membership Lyndsey Dorozynski, VP of PR, Club Focus Ethan Walker, VP of PR, Club Focus Lacey Caviness, VP of PR, Community Outreach Rachel Graney, VP of PR, Community Outreach The club advisors and officers are busy implementing the membership campaign to promote the DECA club to all eligible students. Students enrolled in a Marketing class or enrolled in Personal Finance and Economics are eligible to become a member of the LCHS chapter which in turn makes them a member of State DECA and International DECA. The deadline to join DECA will be Friday, October 17th and the dues are $35. This fee includes a club t-shirt, local dues, state dues, and national dues. Our goal is to have as many active members as possible and continue to give back to our community as we have in the past. Last year we had over 100 members and raised over $20,000 for local organizations needing our help. Please see Mrs. Diane Petrella in Room 103 for more information regarding the club. Sept/Oct 2014 October Think Pink BC awareness Monster Mash club social November District Leadership Conference @ SBHS-1st level of competition December Salvation Army Adopt-An-Angel sponsorship NYC Fieldtrip January Help to local pet adoption February Teens 4 Jeans collection of gently worn jeans for homeless Make Valentine cards for the Heritage Hall Elderly Home March State Leadership Conference in Virginia Beach-2nd level of competition April Autism Awareness-fundraising for LCHS Autism class May International Career Development Conference-3rd level of competition in Orlando June American Cancer Society Relay 4 Life walk at HHS The Raider Trader School Store is operated by Marketing Education students under the supervision of Marketing teacher, Mrs. Diane Petrella. The store is open for 30 minutes each morning from 8:20 until 8:50 when the first warning bell rings. In the afternoon it is open from 3:50 until 4:05. The store sells Raider spirit wear and spirit items, food and beverages and school supplies. Marketing Level 1 and Advanced Marketing operate the School Store as it is a “learning laboratory” on how to operate a retail business. For the past 4 years, we have participated in the National DECA level project of certifying our store according to National DECA standards. A 30 page document was written detailing how we operate using the essential procedures to keep accurate inventory, sales, pricing and financial records. This top level certification is recognized as a GOLD level certification and there are limited schools in the country with this accomplishment. 7 Loudoun County High School THE LOUDOUN COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT COUNCIL ASSOCIATION OFFICERS FOR THE 2014/15 SCHOOL YEAR: PRESIDENT Hayley Wright V. PRESIDENT TREASURER SECRETARY REPORTER SENIOR DELEGATES Madison Batts Matt Simons Lian Joseph Julia Massey Hayley Oliver, Tiffany Maliska, Tyler Wolff, Griffin Buscavage Edward Calley, Elizabeth Lazzaro, Katie Van Nuys, Phineas Jones JUNIOR DELEGATES Monday - College Day Tuesday- Breakfast Club Day Wednesday- Play on Words Day Thursday-Villain Day Friday- Class Colors Day Note: Watch for a How to Dress for the Spirit Days Video-coming soon! OCT. 22 * 7:30 POWDER PUFF GAME OCTOBER 23 * 4-9PM HALLWAY DECORATING SENIORS-WINTER JUNIORS-FALL SOPHOMORES-SUMMER FRESHMEN-SPRING OCTOBER 24 * DURING SCHOOL PEP RALLY/CLASS COLOR DAY SENIORS-RAIDER BLUE JUNIORS-RAIDER YELLOW SOPHOMORES-WHITE FRESHMEN-GREY OCTOBER 24 * 7PM HOMECOMING FOOTBALL GAME OCTOBER 25 * 8-11PM Note: t-shirts available for purchase in the Raider Trader school store. Sept/Oct 2014 8 Loudoun County High School THE LOUDOUN COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT COUNCIL ASSOCIATION The SCA is sponsoring its nineteenth Annual Powder-Puff Football Game. In this game, the girls are the football players and guys are the cheerleaders. The format of the game is flag football with two fifteen minute halves. All players must receive a t-shirt and a mouth guard in order to play. Flags will be provided by the SCA and must be returned at the end of the game. As per Loudoun County Public School Policy, in order to play in the game, YOU MUST BE AT SCHOOL BY 9:00AM, OR HAVE A DOCTOR’S EXCUSE, ON THE DAY OF THE GAME. NO EXCEPTIONS! GAME TIME Wednesday October 22nd 7:30 pm $5.00 for spectator admittance or $2.00 with at least one canned good. THE ATHLETIC PASS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! If You Just Want a Powder Puff Shirt and Do NOT Want to Play: Shirt Orders will be taken at all lunch shifts on Wednesday, September 17th. Price: $25 Cash or Check payable to LCHS Money due with Order. See Ms. Thomas or any SCA officer in room 227 with any questions. Sept/Oct 2014 9 Loudoun County High School Loudoun County High School Presents 2014-2015 F.I.S.H. Schedule (Fostering Independent Study Habits) A monthly workshop for parents to learn how to help their children study smart ******Workshop topics may include but are not limited to….****** Tuesday, September 9 7:00pm Getting Organized/Time Management Binder Use Agenda Use A place for homework How Raider Rally time should be used SSR Time Organized Study Space at Home Teachers’ VISION pages and CMS pages Computer Lab/Library Times (outside of school hours) Online Database Access: then click, ‘Library’; then click, ‘Online Databases’ english/page.asp? p=questionnaire Tuesday, October 14 7:00pm Taking Notes The Cornell Way and How to Effectively Study from those notes. Tuesday, November 11 7:00pm Critical Reading http:// readquarium/skillsi-p.html Tuesday, December 9 7:00pm Mid-Term Exam Prep Know the daily schedule (on CMS) Begin reviewing early Dealing with Test Anxiety Tuesday, January 13 7:00pm Out with the Old, In with the New Re-Organizing the Binders Weeding 1st and 2nd quarter information and papers Tuesday, February 10 7:00pm Graphic Organizers for Writing and Tips to Help Parents Edit Sept/Oct 2014 10 Put all old papers in manila folders at home. Mark folders with 1st or 2nd quarter. testing/sol/standards_docs/ english/2010/online_writing/ index.shtml http:// resources/interactives/ essaymap/ Loudoun County High School Loudoun County High School Presents 2014-2015 F.I.S.H. Schedule (Fostering Independent Study Habits) A monthly workshop for parents to learn how to help their children study smart ******Workshop topics may include but are not limited to….****** Tuesday, March 10 7:00pm Standards of Learning, AP and SAT Prep Tuesday, April 14 7:00pm Helping Your Child Managing Test Anxiety Tuesday, May 12 7:00pm Final Exam Prep Review of all notes Go over old tests Ask what type of exam Ask how many questions Enough sleep, healthy food prior, arrive early, all supplies Helpful Links for studying: Tuesday, June 9 7:00pm Summer Reading/Summer Math Keeping Skills Sharp Review of online resources Rust Library/Teen Center Cool Math Apps Summer Volunteer Opportunities Sept/Oct 2014 11 testing/index.shtml (On the right of your screen, you will see the core subject areas. Click on any one to see the standards. Scroll down to get links to practice items.) Safari Montage Videos (Accessible at Home too!) Test Anxiety PowerPoint on CMS page teenreadscom-ultimate-reading -list Resources/Booklists.aspx blog/10-apps-for-math-fluencymonica-burns (math fact fluency) (math fact fluency) tdagstanibattlebooks/shelf To Be Determined Loudoun County High School If your child has any significant medical needs, please notify the Mrs. Nerantzis even if the school has been notified in previous school years. If your child has asthma, diabetes, seizures, life-threatening allergies, or other medical conditions, you and the physician will need to complete a form so the school can understand and address your child’s needs. These forms are available on the Loudoun County Public School (LCPS) website. These forms must be updated each school year. SCHOOL-SPONSORED AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES AND SPORTS If your child has diabetes, an epinephrine auto-injector, an inhaler, or other emergency medication at school, please notify the teacher/sponsor that your child has the health concern. Also notify the health clinic specialist/nurse 2 weeks prior to the event. The clinic is closed after dismissal and the HCS/RN is not in the building. Arrangements need to be made to have medication available and to train staff. It is strongly suggested that middle and high school students carry their own inhaler and/or epinephrine auto-injector for quick access to medication. For students to carry an inhaler, the physician must complete and sign the “Asthma Action Plan” giving his/her permission for the student to carry the inhaler, and the parent and student must sign page 3, the “Parent/Student Agreement for Permission to Carry for Permission to Carry an Inhaler”. For students with an epinephrine auto-injector, the physician will need to sign the bottom of the “Allergy Action Plan” and the parent and student will need to sign page 2 under “Agreement for Permission to Self-Administer and/or Carry Epinephrine.” For students with diabetes to carry any of their medical supplies, the diabetes form, Part 4: “Permission to Self-Carry and Self-Administer Diabetes Care,” will need to be signed by the physician, parent, and student. Sept/Oct 2014 If your child is ill because of a contagious disease such as the flu, strep throat, chickenpox, etc., it would be helpful to note the reason for the absence when you call the absentee call-line. This will help the school take measures to know the extent of the disease and reduce its spread. Students who have fevers should be kept at home until free of fever for 24 hours. Students who do not feel well should stay home. When students come to school ill, they not only are unable to participate fully in class, but they may also infect other students with their illness. A parent or guardian must deliver any medication (prescription or non-prescription) to the school office or health office. Students may not transport any medication to or from school. Parents are responsible for picking up any unused medication. Medication remaining in the health office at the end of the year will be destroyed according to state law and LCPS guidelines. If your child takes a prescription medication and missing a dose would have serious health consequences (seizure medication, insulin, etc.), it is strongly suggested that a 24-hour supply of the medication be left in the school Health Office in case of a prolonged school day. The medication must be in an original pharmacy-labeled bottle and have a physician’s order on file in the health office. The order must give the times during the 24-hour period that the medication is to be administered. 12 Loudoun County High School CONT….. The HCS/RN must have written instructions from the physician in order to administer prescription medications. The instructions should include: student’s name; name and purpose of the medication; dosage and time of administration; possible side effects and measures to take if those occur; end date for administering the medication; parent/guardian signature giving permission to administer medication and to contact physician, and physician’s signature. LCPS will not accept parent/guardian amendments to a physician’s order, including any restriction of the principal’s designee (HCS/RN) from contacting the physician to clarify the medical order. The “Authorization for Medication Administration” form should be used for physician’s orders. Copies of this form as well as other medical forms are available in the school office or at the LCPS website under Student Health Services. ALL PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION MUST BE IN THE ORIGINAL PHARMACY BOTTLE WITH THE PROPER LABEL CONTAINING THE STUDENT’S NAME, MEDICATION, DOSAGE, AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION. UPON REQUEST, MOST PHARMACIES WILL PROVIDE AN EXTRA LABELED BOTTLE WITH THE PROPER AMOUNT OF MEDICATION FOR SCHOOL. PLEASE DO NOT SEND MORE THAN A 60-DAY SUPPLY OF MEDICATION. it must be provided by the parent/ guardian in an original package with the name of the medication and instructions; she must have a note from the parent regarding when and how much medication to administer; she will only give the amount listed on the package for your child’s age and weight and for the recommended length of time the student should receive the medication unless she has doctor’s orders on the “Authorization for Medication Administration” form to dispense differently; and she cannot administer medication that is not in its original container. Sept/Oct 2014 Be sure to keep the “Emergency Information” updated so we can reach you if your child is ill or injured. This can easily be done on-line through the Parent Information Management System (PIMS) on the LCPS website. All 3rd, 7th, and 10th grade students and students new to LCPS will be screened for vision and hearing during the first 60 days of school. Kindergarten students who did not have distance vision screening or hearing tests within two months of the beginning of school will also be screened. The Commonwealth of Virginia requires that school divisions provide information on scoliosis to parents of students in grades 510. The scoliosis flyer on the next two pages is provided by the school at the beginning of each school year. 13 Loudoun County High School Scoliosis View From Back Curvature of the Spine Shoulder blades and spine appear straight Scoliosis is an abnormal curving of the spine from side to side often described as an “S” curve. It affects 2% of Americans, mostly adolescents. Cause The cause is unknown in most cases. Girls are affected more often than boys. Untreated, severe scoliosis can lead to lung and heart damage, back problems, and distressing cosmetic changes. Abnormal View From Back The spine curves abnormally to the side Normal Spine Has a slight outward curve in the upper back and an inward curve at the waist. If scoliosis is detected early, then treatment can be started before it becomes a physical or emotional disability. Signs One shoulder higher than the other Scapula (shoulder blade) on one side of the body is higher or more prominent One-sided fullness at the waist One hip higher than the other Unequal rib prominence Sept/Oct 2014 Abnormal View Bending Forward Shoulders and/or hips appear uneven Symptoms Backache or low back pain Fatigue Maybe none How to Check Your Child’s Spine Stand behind the child. Ask child to stand with feet together and bend forward to touch the toes. Check that the shoulders and the top of the hips are at the same height, the head is centered, and the rib cage is symmetrical. Note that the waist is even and that the body does not lean to one side. It may be helpful to run your hands along the spine to detect any abnormalities. Ask the child to stand up, turn around to face you, and to bend down again. Repeat the assessment. If any lateral curvature is noted, your child needs further evaluation. What should be done if any of the signs and symptoms are present? Contact your primary care physician for an appointment to have your child’s back evaluated. 14 Loudoun County High School Escoliosis Curvatura Vertebral Ilustración Normal de la Espalda Escoliosis es una curvatura anormal de la espina dorsal que parece la forma “S” y se extiende de lado a lado. Afecta 2% de Americanos, mayormente adolescentes. Omóplatos y espina parecen rectos Causa La causa no es conocida en la gran mayoría de casos. Niñas más que niños son afectadas. Si no se trata, escoliosis severa puede provocar daño a los pulmones y el corazón, puede causar problemas de la espalda, y cambios drásticos a la postura. Ilustración Anormal de la Espina Curva anormal hacia un lado Espinal dorsal normal Tiene una leve curvatura hacia afuera en la parte de arriba de la espalda y otra hacia adentro en la cintura. Si la escoliosis es detectada lo antes posible, se puede comenzar tratamiento así evitando que se convierta en una discapacidad física o emocional. Señal Un hombro más alto que el otro Escápula(omóplato) en un lado del cuerpo es más alto o más prominente El área de la cintura se ve más redondo/lleno Una cadera más alta que la otra. Desproporción de costilla (sobresalida) Sept/Oct 2014 Ilustración Anormal Doblado hacia delante Desigualdad de hombros y/o caderas Síntomas Dolor de espalda/baja Fatiga Quizás ninguno Como chequear la Espalda de su hijo/a Párece detrás de su hijo/ a. Pídale que se pare con pies juntos y se doble hacia adelante tocando sus pies. Verifique que ambos hombros y caderas estén al mismo nivel/altura, la cabeza en el centro, y las costillas se vean simétricas. Verifique que la cintura parezca simétrica y el cuerpo no se incline hacia un lado. El palpar la espina de arriba hacia abajo quizás puede detectar anormalidades. Pídale que se pare recto frente a frente a usted y nuevamente se doble. Repita los pasos arriba. Si nota curvatura lateral su hijo/a necesita una evaluación médica. ¿Que debo hacer si encuentro algún síntoma o señal? Comuníquese con su pediatra o médico para acertar una cita para la evaluación de la espalda de su hijo/a. 15 Loudoun County High School E N T E R O V I R U S D68 What you should know... According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the Enterovirus D68 (EVD68) is a non-polio enterovirus that was first identified in the United States over 50 years ago. Cases have recently been confirmed in several states. EV-D68 causes respiratory illness and the virus can be found in respiratory secretions such as saliva, nasal mucus, or sputum. It can be spread from person to person when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or touches surfaces and contaminates them. Mild symptoms of the disease may include fever, runny nose, sneezing, cough, skin rash, mouth blisters, and body and muscle aches. There are no anti-viral medications currently available to treat the EV-D68 infection, so thorough hand-washing continues to be the most effective deterrent to illness, followed by avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. In addition, avoidance of kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or utensils with someone who is sick is important. Additional information may be found at the following websites: Thank you for working with Student Health Services to keep our students healthy and ready to learn. Sept/Oct 2014 16 Loudoun County High School P T S A The LCHS PTSA is an organization of parents, teachers, staff members and students sharing the common goals of strengthening and unifying the LCHS community through teacher, parent and student cooperation and collaboration. PTSA membership and volunteer forms were included in your child’s “first-day packet” and can be found on the PTSA website. Your membership helps the PTSA sponsor events for your child, such as Homecoming, educational speakers, scholarships, teacher/club grants and the All-Night Graduation Party. The PTSA also sponsors numerous Teacher Appreciation events. Our goal is to help the entire school community. To continue to sponsor these activities, we need your Time, Talent and Treasure. Please support our Un-fundraiser to help raise funds for these activities. The PTSA is teaming up with Chik-Fil-A to support our Raiders! We currently have two dates, December 3rd and May 6th as LCHS spirit nights, and are looking to add at least two more dates through the year. You must let the cashier know you are supporting LCHS when you go there between 3 and 9 pm on those dates. Income received will be distributed between the classes and PTSA. Sept/Oct 2014 17 Loudoun County High School NJROTC A New Year! While last year proved to be an excellent one for the Loudoun County High School NJROTC unit, this year has already started with a bang! In late August, the unit welcomed nearly 70 new cadets as part of the annual New Cadet Introductory Course (NCIC). Cadet Ensign Kirk Kalian, one of the squad leaders, commented “I think it was a very productive week, not only for the cadets, but also for the leaders. NCIC helped us all to learn new leader- ship skills, and put them to use.” When the school year began, so did the unit’s participation in service projects within the community. On September 13th, Cadet Ensign Jeff VanGilder led a group of cadets in aiding the Children’s Heart Foundation vendor show and silent auction. This event raised money to fight Congenital Heart Disease in children, and proceeds were donated in memory of Donavan Plasmier. The cadets set up the event and also sold raffle tickets to attendees. On September 6th, cadets Sept/Oct 2014 CJ Mills, Dalton September/October Summers, Colin Daniels, and Troy Cadet Ensign Oliver Breeden participated Alliss, Public Affairs in a color guard Officer event at Mount Zion Community Cemetery in downtown Leesburg to honor African Americans who fought for the Union during the Civil War. September certainly was a big month for the unit, which has plans to participate in many more exciting events throughout NCIC Uniform Inspection the school year. Area Manager’s Inspection This October brings the unit’s annual Area Manager’s Inspection (AMI). Captain James Daniels, USN(Ret), will come to LCHS on October 16th. The purpose of Sept/Oct 2014 the AMI is to make sure that the unit is in good standing. Every cadet in the unit is inspected during the AMI to make sure they meet uniform standards and cadets will perform a formal pass-inreview and drill demonstration. The cadet staff is currently preparing for Captain Daniel’s personal review of each 18 departments. The formal portion of the AMI is open to the public (parents are welcome) and will be held in the Main Gym at 10:30. Loudoun County High School Back Pack Buddies Loudoun County High School Back Pack Buddies is a program created by Feeding America to provide food for the weekend to students who are in need. LCHS has started this program at our school. Each week, we will provide a grocery bag filled with 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 dinners and 2 snacks for weekends. Don't let hunger be a worry for any student in our school community. Please lend your support to this much needed program and help make a difference in a child's life! We are in the process of filling our Loudoun County High School Pantry for the Backpack Buddies program. Consider supporting this program by: Donating food from our “preferred items” list below. A collection box will be located outside Loudoun County’s main office the first week of every month! Grocery Store Gift Cards and Charitable Financial Contributions are Welcome. Average cost per bag is $10 per child per week. 100% of all proceeds will go directly to buy food for this program. BACKPACK BUDDIES PREFERRED ITEMS HIGHEST NEED IS FOR INDIVIDUAL SIZED BOXES OF CEREAL AND SHELF MILK. CUPS OF RAVIOLI, BEEFARONI OR SPAGHETTI CHICKEN)CANNED OR CUPS OF SOUP/TAB TOPPED CANNED VEGETABLES/TAB TOPPED CEREAL (INDIVIDUAL SIZED BOXES) GRANOLA OR CEREAL BARS APPLE SAUCE CANNED/POUCHES OF MEAT (TUNA OR FRUIT CUPS CHEESE/PEANUT BUTTER CRACKERS INSTANT OATMEAL EASY AND MACARONI AND CHEESE SHELF MILK (VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE) ****All Donated Food Needs To Be Individual Portion Size Only**** All canned items should be tab top only* No glass containers * No refrigerated items THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! If you have any questions, please email: Include this portion with your charitable donation, make checks payable to: Loudoun County Backpack Buddies. ___ $10 ___ $25 ___ $50 ___Other Sept/Oct 2014 Name: ________________________________ Address:_______________________________ _______________________________ Email: ________________________________ 19 Loudoun County High School Picture "make up" day will be Oct. 16-17 in the auditorium through Lifetouch Photography. This service is for anyone who was absent on Picture Day. "Re-takes" are available to any student unsatisfied with their photos who are purchasing photos from Lifetouch. If you have not had your senior portraits taken, please check the appointment schedule with Prestige Portraits/Lifetouch Photography at 1-800-445-1189 or by going to Senior portrait photographers for Prestige Portraits will be in the auditorium at Loudoun County High School on the following days: October 20th from 3-9pm October 21st from 3-9pm Students may also go to Loudoun Valley High School on one of the following Saturdays: September 27: 9:30-3:00 October 18: 9:30-3:30 November 8: 9:30 - 3:30 The Lord Loudoun yearbook staff is now accepting orders for senior ads in the 2015 yearbook. It’s time to choose phots and start working on your message of congratulations! The yearbook staff will design your ad, or you can submit a plan for us to follow. The deadline for receipt for completed ad materials is October 31st but the Lord Loudoun staff cannot guarantee space will be available until that date. Ads will be accepted in the order in which they are received. Contact Mrs. Sibley via email with any questions: Forms can be found at Sept/Oct 2014 20 Loudoun County High School Coffee & Conversation Loudoun County High School is proud to host a monthly coffee on various student/school-related topics throughout the school year. Oct 14th What Guidance can tell you? and The Importance of School Involvement Nov 18th Shadowing Day @ Monroe Technology Dec 9th Center Pressured to Make the Grade We will meet in the library from 9am – 10am. A light breakfast and coffee will be provided. Questions please contact Anna Mitchum, Parent Liaison. We look forward to seeing you! Sept/Oct 2014 21 Loudoun County High School Students may not leave school grounds for any reason before the end of the day without prior written permission from a parent/ guardian. Students must sign out with the attendance staff in the foyer before leaving for an early dismissal. Students leaving due to an illness MUST be seen in the clinic prior to dismissal. Permission notes must be presented to the Attendance Secretary or Attendance Staff in the front hall before 9:00 AM. The note must contain the following: NAME DATE REASON DISMISSAL TIME PARENT/GUARDIAN SIG PHONE NUMBER FOR VERIFICATION THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION! Sept/Oct 2014 22 Loudoun County High School October 2014 Event Schedule *Unless otherwise indicated, events are held at the LCPS Admin Building, 21000 Education Court, Ashburn, 20148. Events are cancelled when schools are closed or after school activities cancelled. Call 571252-2185 or go to to register. Titles are linked to event flyers. Hocus Focus: Addressing the Emotional and Behavioral Needs in Foster, Adoptive and Kinship Families October 7 and 14 Co-sponsored by the LCPS Parent Resource Center, Loudoun County Department of Family Services and Formed Families Forward Presented by Erin D. Berman, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist NIMH How to identify the anxious child and change anxious thinking The science and biological roots of anxious children and current treatment options Thursday, October 23 from 7-9 pm Identifying and Analyzing the Communication Function of Behavior is Critical Thursday, October 30, 9-11 am Three Sessions on Oct. 30, Nov. 6 and 13 from 6:30-8:30 Attendance required at all sessions Building Healthy Relationships, Communication and Conflict Resolution If due to a disability, you need assistance or an interpreter, call 571-252-2185 10 Bus Days before an event. Sept/Oct 2014 23 Loudoun County High School SCHOOL NOTES The SCA has 60th Anniversary Pinnies on sale for $25 ! Parents: In an effort to reduce classroom disruptions, we are no longer calling classrooms when lunch deliveries are made. If you are bringing your child lunch, please let him/her know ahead of time so that they can pick it up at the beginning of their lunch shift. Please speak with your child to find out when their lunch shift is on A/B days so that you can meet your child in the foyer at the appropriate time. Thank you for your cooperation. NHS Members/Future Members NHS applications will be available on Monday, September 15th in the school counseling office. All applications are due back to the school counseling office by 4:00 PM on October 8th. In order to be eligible for membership you must be a junior or senior with at least a 3.5 GPA. Details and other requirements can be found on the application. The next meeting for current members is 10/6. Beginning in October, the Science NHS will be offering tutoring in all science classes every Tuesday and Wednesday mornings in Room 240. Sept/Oct 2014 24 If you have not picked up your parking permit, see Ms. Harden in the main office. There are still a few spaces available for those students interested in purchasing. YOU MUST DISPLAY YOUR PERMIT IN YOUR CAR IF YOU ARE PARKING ON CAMPUS. For the safety of our students and staff, students are now required to have their student ID on them at all times in order to gain entry into the building when they arrive tardy. These ID’s were given out on picture day. If your child missed picture day, please remind them of our new policy when they receive their ID’s during picture re-takes. Loudoun County High School Student Achievements GRACE WU and CLAIRE PUNTURIERI who were selected to participate in the Senior Regional Orchestra event that will take place later in November. AND…. NATHAN ANDERSON, DANIELLE BORGONIA, NICOLE FETTERMAN, and SEAN ZIRPOLI for being selected to the 2014-15 LCHS Guitar Quartet. Sept/Oct 2014 25 Loudoun County High School Loudoun County High School 415 Dry Mill Road SW Leesburg, VA 20175 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID LEESBURG, VA PERMIT NO. 21 Loudoun County High School seeks to educate 21st Century Leaders through activities that foster and celebrate Character, Honor, and Scholarship. ADMINISTRATION Dr. Luttrell – Principal Mr. Patterson ............. Assistant Principal Mr. Brown ............. Assistant Principal Mrs. Heanue ............ Assistant Principal Mr. Wright ............. Athletic Director MAIN OFFICE STAFF COUNSELING STAFF Ms. Harden ................. Secretary Mr. Croyle ................ Director of Counseling COUNSELORS Mrs. Cameron ................. Secretary Mrs. Garrison ................. Secretary Mrs. Rowley ................. A - CR Mrs. Keener ................. Attendance Ms. Schauder ................. CU - HE Mrs. Rives ................. Bookkeeper Mr. Lesher ................. HI - MC Mrs. Nerantzis ................. Nurse Mrs. Dunn ................. ME - SA Mrs. Nagurny ................. SC - Z Main Office: 571-252-2000 Fax: 571-252-2001 Attendance: 571-252-2002 Guidance Phone: 571-252-2012 Guidance Fax: 571-252-2013 Mrs. Fulcer ............... Counseling Secretary Mrs. Eisenmann ............... Secretary Mr. West ............... Career Center Sept/Oct 2014 26 Loudoun County High School
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