camLine forum Software Solutions for Manufacturing Excellence 2014 Schloss Hohenkammer Conference Center Germany October 22-23, 2014 camLine agile • efficient • reliable camLine forum October 22, 2014 09:00-18:00 08:15 Reception and coffee Alte Galerie Morning Session Gutshofsaal 09:00 Welcome 09:10 Keynote – The 4th Industry Revolution – a two-fold opportunity for the semiconductor industry Due to the complexity of the manufacturing process in semiconductor industry networked equipment, Automated Material Handling systems and manufacturing facilities interchanging information along the value chain have been leveraged for decades. With the 4th Industry Revolution other industries such as industrial equipment, automotive and life-sciences now are introducing these concepts as a foundation for enabling smart globally networked production environments based on Cyber-Physical Systems. The result is a two-fold opportunity for the semiconductor industry: On the one hand self-optimizing and autonomously controlling manufacturing lines based on smart Cyber-Physical Systems offer great potential for achieving unheard-of efficiencies. On the other hand, as electronics are essentially required key components for any Cyber-Physical System the market for the semiconductor industry has the potential to expand significantly. Joachim Seidelmann Leiter Kompetenzzentrum Digitale Werkzeuge in der Produktion Fraunhofer IPA, Germany 09:40 An MES based innovative production method for turbochargers Continental has used an innovative production method for its turbocharger (TC). All the main components have been designed for fully-automated assembly along a single axis, whereas conventional turbochargers have to be put together in several stages, partly by hand. Fully-automated assembly delivers quality benefits through lower defect rates; it also produces cost benefits and both are important in view of the fact that these turbochargers are to be installed in high-volume model series. The implementation of the full traceability on the TC production line comes with a lot of challenges. These challenges are due to the complexity of the processes and of the product, the uniqueness of the production equipment and of the processes, the usage of the latest technology for the processes, and the production line structure. You will learn, how we mastered those challenges using MES. André Noubissi Teamlead Integration Solutions Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany 10:25 Production and process monitoring during the roll-to-roll production of flexible electronics by integrated MES 3D-Micromac AG has developed the microFLEX product family for the manufacturing of electronic products on flexible carrier substrates such as organic solar cells, light emitting diodes or displays, printed batteries, or flexible PCBs. The production of flexible electronics in a roll-to-roll process results in some peculiarities and increasing MES requirements due to the continuous production process, the linkage of all the individual processes and the high product throughput. All relevant data must be collected and analyzed in real time as during process instabilities or irregularities individual processes cannot be stopped arbitrarily, but only the complete production. 3D-Micromac introduced the microMES based on camLine’s InFrame Synapse MES mini. Only this way it is possible to quickly and effectively intervene in the production process and prevent larger off-specification batches. Daniel Weber Sales Manager North America 3D-Micromac AG, Germany 10:55 Coffee break 11:15 Extending the camLine “backbone” of Entegris‘ Process Control System through the supply chain Entegris designs and manufactures a wide variety of capital and consumable products for the semiconductor industry used in 14 – 20 nm manufacturing technology nodes. Variations in the manufacturing process including raw materials can have extreme effects to the performance of Entegris customer’s products and processes. We will review at a high level the roadmap of our camLine project from the beginning and provide a more in depth review of how camLine is helping Entegris manage the global supply chain. Greg Marshall Vice President, Quality, EHS and Data Management Entegris Inc., USA 12:00 Standardization of corporate Out-of-Control Action Plans (OCAP) GLOBALFOUNDRIES has embarked on standardizing response to inhibits and violations using camLine’s eCAP. The use of eCAP provides a platform to institute a culture of problem solving as it pertains to production stability and communication. GLOBALFOUNDRIES has invested in a three Fab project to standardize the corporate OCAPs into eCAP and reduce the mean time to resolving inhibits while improving the quality of decisions. The use of eCAP with SPACE have allowed GLOBALFOUNDRIES to measure and track progress of tasks and practices to respond to SPC violations. The results have translated into improved communication for pass down and Best Known Practices as well as more effective control of processes. This has improved the time to resolve repeat violations and helped to train the community to understand process SPC attributes. Selim Nahas AME Project Manager GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc., USA 12:45 Lunch and networking Alte Galerie Gutshofkasino Afternoon Session Gutshofsaal 14:15 Keynote – Industry 4.0: IT Security as a Key Challenge Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution, promotes the usage of ICT in traditional industries by using cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things. Such smart factories have the ability to work in a self-organized way, acting and reacting in an autonomous way. The ICT is hereby the key technology. What are the key challenges to secure the underlying ICT, and with this the smart factory as a whole? How to approach cyber security threats in a smart factory? Prof. Dr. Gabi Dreo Rodosek Chair for Communication Systems and Network Security Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany 14:45 Replacing a Recipe Management System in a Fully Automated 300mm Factory In one of its state-of-the-art fully automated 300mm factories, GLOBALFOUNDRIES decided to migrate from a home-grown system to camLine’s LineWorks RM as an advanced Recipe Management System. The challenge was to convert the entire factory of tools to a new system while the factory was in full operation. This presentation will retrospectively trace our approach and address major accomplishments we achieved. In particular, you will see how we created a high performance matrix team and used lean manufacturing techniques as factors contributing to the success of this project. By designing feedback loops to continually improve the migration of each equipment set, we show the compounding nature of this process. Lastly, we will highlight some major advantages leveraged in the product to reduce risk and improve engineering efficiency. Andrew Lu MTS Process Engineer GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc., USA 15:30 QM Solar deployment at 3SUN Photovoltaic thin film mass production manufacturing Process control and related problems of reproducibility and stability have always been, and still are, the decisive factors determining the quality and the process profitability in thin film products, especially when they are produced in large volumes (>4000 panels with more than half Megawatt power a day in 3SUN) in a highly competitive industrial sector. In order to improve the products performances and their quality and the manufacturing mechanical yield 3Sun has started and completed in one year time frame a corporate project to integrate QM Solar on an already existing analysis and off line only control platform with access to all relevant data. This solution based on camLine’s Cornerstone and Enhanced Cornerstone for the offline analysis and on camLine’s QM Solar SPACE for the real time controls was deployed in two phases: Phase 1: Cornerstone introduction that was able with the advanced off line engineering analysis to focus some unknown key parameters for product performances and equipment’s stability. Phase 2: SPACE introduction after successful phase 1 that allowed to monitor in real-time those key parameters plus a lot of other equipment and output parameter giving a complete control of the shop floor. Resulting benefits were improvements in panel efficiency and in manufacturing yield through this efficient and fast OOC detection. Dr. Marco Sutera Production Control Manager 3Sun S.r.l., Italy 16:00 Coffee break Alte Galerie 16:30 SFM – a new Fleet Manager for Self Navigating Systems Microchip manufacturing is done in a very challenging production environment, characterized by a 24/7 production, extreme cleanliness requirements in a mixed human-machine environment with limited space conditions. In mature semiconductor fabs wafers often are handled between the different fabrication steps manually. For those conditions Roth & Rau – Ortner (RRO) and its partner MetraLabs have developed the freely navigating autonomous mobile robot SCOUT®, which is not only able to transport, but also to actively pick and place payloads in semiconductor fabs, which dramatically increases the potential benefit of a Self Navigating System. If multiple SCOUTs are used the necessity of a central fleet management becomes crucial. For that reason camLine Dresden together with RRO developed the SCOUT Fleet Manager based on camLines’s Synapse framework. Dr. Karli Hantzschmann Division Manager Automation Roth & Rau – Ortner GmbH, Germany Frank Bölstler Managing Director camLine Dresden GmbH, Germany 17:15 Best practices in experiment management Everybody who is working in research & development or prototyping knows the problem: more time is spent on collecting and reorganizing data than on actual research. Data from multiple sources like Excel Sheets, MES Databases, images and other documents need to be collected and analyzed. While the volume and velocity of the data in R&D are in most cases a minor issue, the sheer variety of data makes this certainly a case for Big Data concepts. Minimizing the amount of time spent on collecting and reorganizing data, creating reports and presentations has certainly a big impact on research budgets and time to market. Adding the benefit of finding historical data and preventing the repeat of previous experiments and errors makes looking into these issues a must. This talk will present the problems of data management in R&D and will highlight best practices to overcome these problems. A new methodology and supporting software tools will be introduced. Dr. Dirk Ortloff Product Manager camLine GmbH, Germany 18:00 Get-together and exchange ideas Alte Galerie Exchange ideas and have interesting discussions with attendees and camLine experts. The laid back atmosphere provides a great opportunity to follow the arranged live software demonstrations of the camLine brands. SPACE User Group Meeting October 23, 09:00 – 12:45 08:15 Reception and coffee Alte Galerie (1st floor) Morning Session Gutshofsaal 09:00 Welcome 09:05 Smart Sample Grouping using Flexible Generic Keys & Multi-Level Charting Strategies Dr. Uta Federbusch Quality Management Sytems, GLOBALFOUNDRIES Dresden, Germany Andre Holfeld Process & Equipment Control, GLOBALFOUNDRIES Dresden, Germany 09:25 Automated eCAP with commonality scoring Stephan Schaefer Product Manager, camLine GmbH, Germany 09:45 SPACE 7.1 Preview A live preview of new features in the upcoming release 7.1 such as hierarchical specification limit management, selection of multiple samples, improved normalized charts, navigation, search and administration. Camelia Raţiu Senior Software Engineer, camLine GmbH, Germany 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Analysis of SPACE data with Cornerstone The new Cornerstone export feature included in SPACE 7.1 facilitates the analysis of SPACE data in Cornerstone. The presentation gives examples on how to leverage Cornerstone’s advanced functions for graphical and statistical analysis of SPACE data such as ANOVA or matching by substrings. Correlation of SPACE data from different charts to perform multivariate analysis will be demonstrated, too. Finally, some challenges in correlating and analyzing SPACE data are discussed. Nils Knoblauch Product Manager, camLine GmbH, Germany 11:25 Automated analysis with Cornerstone based on SPACE data Christian Weller Product Manager, camLine PTE Ltd, Singapore 11:45 SPACE roadmap, discussion, and voting You will get to know the actual feature wish list collected from customers. camLine will introduce these features to the audience and offer a voting session to prioritize their realization. Nils Knoblauch Product Manager, camLine GmbH, Germany 12:45 Lunch and networking Alte Galerie (1st floor) Gutshofkasino Cornerstone User Group Meeting October 23, 14:00 – 17:15 13:30 Reception and coffee Alte Galerie (1st floor) Afternoon Session Gutshofsaal 14:00 What’s new in Cornerstone 6.0 Nils Knoblauch Product Manager, camLine GmbH, Germany 14:30 Coating Development support by DoE and laboratory automation WÖRWAG develops and produces coatings for automotive and industrial applications. In order to establish products in this marketplace successfully, numerous process and raw material parameters exist that have to be evaluated intensively, before trials at customer’s sizes can be performed. For optimal combinations of raw materials concerning technological and coloring components, DoEs are used in a very early phase. The technical execution is assisted by a BOSCH laboratory automation system starting from raw materials to the final painted test panel. WÖRWAG uses experimental design in all areas of development. This covers fundamental investigations, screening experiments and special adopted D-optimal designs for process characterization. Therefore Cornerstone has proved to be a flexible and easy to handle tool to design these experiments and analyze the resulting data. Sabine Ansorge Projektleiterin Kombinatoriklabor Karl Wörwag Lack- und Farbenfabrik GmbH & Co.KG, Germany 15:00 Cornerstone workflow integration for advanced process data analyses With version 6.0, Cornerstone has made a big leap towards integration with other camLine tools (SPACE, iGate) and communication with the noncommercial general statistical package R (R-analysis object). On top, the integration of Enhanced Cornerstone allows more efficient application of Cornerstone analysis principles. These new features are life demonstrated on a real customer dataset of some 30 000 rows by 700 columns. Dirk Surmann Business Development Cornerstone, camLine GmbH, Germany 15.30 Coffee break 15:45 Design of Experiments adapted to field tests Jonas Hay CSE Funktionserprobung CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH, Germany 16:15 Cornerstone roadmap, discussion, and voting After the Roadmap for CS 6.1, camLine will show the actual feature wish list collected from customers. We will introduce these features to the audience and offer a voting session to prioritize their realization. Dr. Theo Wember Consultant camLine GmbH, Germany 17:15 Get-together and demo session Alte Galerie (1st floor) Alte Galerie (1st floor) Participants • Manufacturing decision makers • Project, quality, and production managers • R&D technology development experts • IT representatives involved in data processing and analyses for process, quality, and production engineering There is no charge to attend the camLine forum and user group meetings. Scope In the two-day event schedule, camLine – along with leading manufacturing partners – will demonstrate how manufacturing application visions are supported by specific software solutions and considerations. You will observe first-hand the presentation of application case details from various industrial manufacturers and their ongoing cooperative efforts with partner camLine. Development highlights of camLine’s sophisticated LineWorks Suite, InFrame Synapse, XperiDesk, and Cornerstone software products will also be presented for discussion. Services Refreshments and a buffet lunch will be provided by camLine for all attendees. Networking Ample time will be available for attendees to interact directly with all speakers, senior camLine technical staff, and colleagues from your industry. Venue Schloss Hohenkammer Conference Center Schlossstr. 20, 85411 Hohenkammer, Germany Phone +49-8137-934-0 Contact camLine Issued Oct 07, 2014 Accommodation A block of rooms has been reserved for attendees under the reservation code “camLine forum No. 18390” at Schloss Hohenkammer. For reservation, please email to at the earliest time. © 2014 camLine GmbH • Registration
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