PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Cornerstone at Pedregal Elementary School 6069 Groveoak Pl. Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275 Telephone: (310) 378-0324 Fax: (310) 378-1484 Dear Cornerstone Families, Welcome to the 2014 – 2015 school year! I am very excited to be back at Cornerstone Elementary School for my second year as your principal. For those families new to Cornerstone, this is the beginning of my 16th school year with the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District. It is an honor to lead Cornerstone, and I would like to welcome everyone back for another exciting year at our esteemed school. As we start out, please mark three important events on your calendar. First, we have a New Family social on Sunday, July 20, 2014 from 1:00-2:30pm on the kindergarten playground. Say hello to old friends and make some new friends. Second is the first day of school on Monday, August 25, 2014. Please remember that the first day of school is also a minimum day with dismissal for all students at 12:00pm (new time). The third event is our New Family Orientation on Monday, August 25, 2014 from 9:00-11:30 in the MPR. This is a great opportunity to get to know other new families and receive information on the Cornerstone Parent Participation model and the PTA/Booster Club. You will receive more detailed information about the Grade Level Inservices, General Parent Meetings and Parent Education nights once school begins. Please be advised that there is a new bell schedule for Cornerstone Elementary School. Beginning August 25, 2014, all students will begin the day at 8:30am. Dismissal times will vary: Kindergarten will be dismissed at 2:05, 1st&2nd at 2:35 and 3rd-5th at 3:00. Every Monday will be an Early Release Day with dismissal for all students at 1:30 and Minimum day dismissal will now be 12:00. More detailed information will be communicated as the start of school nears. The staffing for the Cornerstone Elementary 2014-2015 school year is as follows: K- Beth Berry (1) Kim Voss (2) & Sheryl Rasmussen (6) 1st- River Fay (8) Suzie Wildey (9) & Kris Barnett (10) 2nd- Mandy Hass (13) Kim Hunter (14) & Jeri Berlin (15) 3rd- Barbie Hokanson (16), Marty Williams (17) & Jenny Rooney (18) 4th- Leslie Rowe (11) & Stacy Upton (12) 5th- Brian Kono (19) & Beth Buchholz (20) The first few weeks of school are always a little hectic and unpredictable due to the reestablishment of routines. I would like to remind you all about the importance of being extra cautious during pick-up and drop-off times. The Cornerstone staff work very hard to ensure your child’s safety. Please obey all traffic laws and watch for our staff and parents, as they will be assisting students into cars and getting home safely. Remember, children should not be dropped off at school prior to 8:15am until supervision is provided. If your child arrives before 8:15, he/she should be registered and dropped off at Kids’ Corner, which is a fee-based child care option. Also, please be prompt when picking up your children. After 3:15pm children who have not been picked up will wait in the office and make phone calls home to parents. Let’s all do our part in maintaining a happy and healthy school experience. Cornerstone Elementary School believes that the subject of school safety is a shared concern. It is essential that the school community, parents, and students work together to develop a safe and disciplined environment where learning can take place and safety is a priority. Please do your part to ensure that this practice is successful. Developing and discussing a pick-up plan with your child daily is vital to ensuring a hassle-free experience. I thank you in advance for your time and attention to this very important matter. The Cornerstone School PTA/Booster Club is an integral partner in our successful school program and your child would not receive the top-notch educational experience without the PTA/Booster Club’s support. They generously provide us with funds and volunteers to maintain our educational efforts (i.e. office supplies, field trips, assemblies, Art at Your Fingertips, technology, visual performing arts and the list goes on…). Please join the Cornerstone PTA/Booster Club this year and support their efforts to provide the best possible experience for our students; or better yet, join the PTA/Booster Club board and attend the monthly meetings and become part of the decision making process. Your support is so greatly appreciated! Please visit our Edline website, which can be reached without a screen name and/or password twenty-four hours a day. The website is updated frequently with useful information that can assist you throughout the school year (school calendar, news, etc.). It’s also an excellent vehicle for showcasing the programs and opportunities we are providing throughout the year for your children. I encourage you to visit the sites at: Cornerstone Elementary School is dedicated to the development of the whole child, providing a solid foundation that stimulates thought, wonder, and a life-long passion for learning. Students, staff, parents, and the Cornerstone community share the responsibility of creating a positive environment that empowers all students to reach their fullest potential in all core areas as well as character development. Thank you for your continued support of Cornerstone Elementary School, and I look forward to another successful school year! Sincerely, Jeff Keeney Principal July, 2014 Dear Cornersto one Familiess, Sum mmer salutattions! We hope h this letter finds yo ou well and d thoroughly enjoyingg the summeer break. Sum mmer has be een a produ uctive time for f our Pareent Board aand Boosterr Club. Righ ht after scho ool ended in Ju une, our Executive Boa ard helped represent our o school aat a ceremony hosted b by the Califfornia Dep partment of Education Office to fo ormally acceept our Callifornia Disttinguished SSchool Awaard. It was a proud moment! Our Cornerston ne Booster Club has also overseen n importantt improvem ments to ben nefit our caampus. Than nks to yourr contributio ons to our fundraising f efforts this year, we in nstalled air conditionin ng in the last of our classsrooms. Ch hildren and adults will reap the beenefits rightt away wheen we return n to school he late Augu ust heat! In n combination with Stu udent Coun ncil’s genero ous donatio on of Box T Top funds, in th we w were able to replace our o old, dysfunctional kilns k with a new, statee of the art model. Lasstly, we are in th he process of o adding more m storagee space dow wn by the fiield to house the emerrgency wateer provided d by the district. B has been b meetin ng this summ mer with ou ney, and Our Executive Board ur principall, Mr. Keen com mmunicating g with our teachers t to map m out a school calen ndar of eveents. The C Cornerstonee Parent Boarrd has also been hard at work creeating a PTA A & Boosterr Club Budgget for the 2013-2014 school yearr. We have e many exciting events planned th hat will supp port our ch hildren’s learning and ccontinue fosteering our ex xemplary scchool modeel. Please browse b our summer maailer and th houghtfully consider whicch committees you’ll be b volunteering for thiss year to en nsure the su uccess of theese educatio onal and enricchment actiivities. Ourr school’s sttrength is in n the suppo rt of our faamilies’ timee, talents an nd/or treassures. The first day off school is Monday, M Au ugust 25. This T will be a minimum m day: 8:30 0-12:00. Pleease note the cchange in tiimes. The New N Parent Orientatio on is from 9 :00 to 11:30 0 in the MP PR. We loo ok forward to an outstandiing 2014-20 015 school year! y Enjo oy the rest of o your sum mmer! Sand dra Wang Parent Board President Susie C Campbell Parent Board EVP Tina a Torcasso Parent Board Co-11st VP Carriee Miller Parent Board Co-1st VP Your participation at Cornerstone School makes our school great and is a required part of your child's enrollment at our school. The following survey is used to create your classroom teaching parent shift schedules. You will be asked to choose a minimum of two shifts, preferably three, on different days that you are available to work. Your classroom scheduling representative will consolidate the information and create and distribute the schedules each month. st This survey is mandatory and due before August 1 . The classroom scheduling rep will be creating class schedules based on your preferences from this survey. We will not be able to guarantee schedule preferences to families whose surveys st are received after the August 1 deadline. Please carefully follow the steps below in order to enter your schedule preferences, in addition to any interest you may have in serving on committees, for service hours. • Click on this link or if it doesn’t work, type it into the address bar of your browser. Please note this is the link found for 'database' in Edline that you will also use to submit your monthly service hours. • Enter the account name “Parent” • Enter the password “Cstone14” • Click on “CStoneDB2014‐2015” to open the database • Click on the "Scheduling Survey" button from the main menu • Follow the instructions 1 through 5 provided on‐screen to complete the entire scheduling survey • Continue to complete your committee preferences to submit your plan for your Cornerstone service hours. This step is mandatory. • Log out from main menu Please note: while choosing your preferred days and times to work as a teaching parent, please keep in mind what works best for you. For instance, if you are not a morning person and cannot be at the school at 8:10am sharp, then request the afternoon shift. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your participation representative or you can email Michele Dee or Nina Ota at . Thank you for your timely attention to completing this information. Your participation is vital! We are looking forward to a wonderful 2014‐2015 school year for all of our Cornerstone children. Best regards, Nina Ota and Michele Dee Participation Co‐Chairs New Parent Orientation Begin a new chapter – Monday August 25th 9:00AM – 11:30AM Cornerstone Meet Cornerstone parents Find your inspiration for volunteerism Discover your teaching-parent role Experience hands-on training Get all your questions answered The event is mandatory for all new parents MPR to Cornerstone. Adults only please. We look forward to seeing you there! Summer Greetings from the Ways and Means Committee! It’s time to start thinking about the upcoming school year and supporting the Cornerstone Booster Club! The Booster Club Membership and Hospitality Donation form is part of this mailing. You may fill out the form and bring the completed form with you to the Parent Board room in the office during the first week of school. All Booster Club members will receive a car decal in addition to a school directory, which will be distributed later this fall. WHAT TO DO THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL: The Parent Board room in the main office is the hub of activity and information during our first week of school! Here’s what will be going on there: • Purchase class t-shirts and green aprons. Each class has it’s own shirt, used for special events and field trips. Teaching parents must wear an apron to their classroom shifts and when working on campus. If you need a new apron, please make sure you place your order during the first week of school. • Purchase Cornerstone Spirit wear and other accessories. This year we are offering a variety of items for everyone in your family, including hats, t-shirts, and some new items you’ll be sure to want. If you would like to purchase any of these items, please place your order during the first week of school. • Turn in your completed forms, including: PTA Membership, Ralphs and eScrip registration, and Booster Club & Hospitality Donation form, and Peninsula Education Foundation donation form. Earn Service Hours: Ways and Means needs your help to volunteer with merchandise sales the first week of school. This is a fun and easy way to earn service hours, see old friends, and meet new ones while selling Cornerstone merchandise. Please email us if you are interested in helping out that first week of school. YOUR HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED ☺ If you have any questions, comments, or are interested in volunteering, email us at or Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon! Janet Feigle and Karen Yamamoto Ways and Means Chairs 2014-2015 Did you know that the Cornerstone Booster Club will support your child for $424* this year? What direct benefits has the Booster Club projected to spend on YOUR child? Instructional supplies for the classrooms and teachers Technology in the classrooms (ie: iPads, Smart Boards, updated computers) Performing Arts Programs (John Brown Music) Art Programs such as Art at your Fingertips (AAYF) Library and Technology Center Assemblies, workshops, Cultural studies, Archaeological Dig, Field trip busses Playground supplies and programs Site maintenance and beautification Hospitality in the classrooms and school wide These are just a few examples of the ways the Booster Club supports our children. Please keep this in mind when deciding on your Booster Club membership level this year. In total, the Booster Clubs 2014‐15 expense budget is $424 per student to supplement District and Peninsula Education Foundation spending on your child’s education. Sources of income for the Booster Club include: Booster Club Membership drive Fall Fundraiser & Holiday Boutique (November) Our Annual Monte Carlo Night Event and Silent Auction (Spring) Fun Run (Spring) As well as other fundraisers throughout the year. HOW CAN YOU HELP? We respectfully request that each family consider a booster club membership to help meet baseline budget requirements. Your support is very important to the continued success of Cornerstone and is truly appreciated. Join today by completing the Membership and Hospitality Donation Form and returning it to school during the first week. Thank you! Janet Feigle and Karen Yamamoto Ways and Means Chairs ‐ 2014‐15 Support the enriching classroom experience of all our Cornerstone students! Here’s how… Checkbook Checklist u know that the Cornerstone Booster Booster Club Club Membership and Hospitality Donation Form support your child for $440* this year? All funds raised benefit Cornerstone directly by working to meet this year’s budget. Join the Booster Club by purchasing a membership at the $50, $150, $250 or $500 and above level. The $92.41 $17.91 fund helps to pay for school-wide special events and celebrations in your child’s Hospitality $19.10 classroom $27.94for $15.00 per child. Check payable to: Cornerstone Booster Club. benefits has the Booster Club projected to spend on YOUR child? upplies/Support/Gifting sroom Instructional Gifting ngertips/Art Trek orkshops/Cultural Studies s ses Technology ety Ed layground Equip/Site Beautification $54.73 $19.74 $50.43 $ 6.15 $26.79 $31.56 PTA Annual Membership Form Become a member of the National Parent Teacher’s Association. It is very important for each Cornerstone family to and join, as our collective PTA membership connects Cornerstone with all the xamples to consider when pondering your family’s annual contribution upport this year. In total, the Booster Clubs 2009-2010 expense budget other PVPUSD schools o supplement District and Peninsula Education Foundation spending on and represents us on important local, state and national issues. The PTA . Sources of income for the Booster Club include this Booster Clubs sponsors Red Ribbon $10.00 per adult family member n Run and our Annual Monte Carlo Night Event and Silent Auction. week and the Reflections program. $20.00 for both parents. Check payable to: Cornerstone PTA. st that each family consider a Booster Club membership to help meet ements. Your support is very important to the continued success of y appreciated. eresa Wain Chairs 2010-2011 Peninsula Education Foundation Your contribution supports ALL the schools in the PVPUSD. The PEF helps to provide for classroom music instruction, a Library Aide, a technology aide and other instructional needs at Cornerstone. The donation form and additional information is available at or will be available in the LTC the first week of school. Check payable to: Peninsula Education Foundation or VISA/MC. Payments can be made in installments to the PEF and can be billed monthly. ed based upon the 2009-2010 budget divided by 390 students. Budgeted expenses were eScrip Registration eScrip is an easy way for your family to fundraise for Cornerstone each time you shop at participating merchants (Pavilions/Vons, Bristol Farms, local restaurants). No annual registration fee! Register at The group ID number is 138385840. THIS ADDS UP! LAST YEAR, WE RECEIVED OVER $2,800 FROM E-SCRIP! PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU ARE ALREADY ENROLLED, WE HAVE RE-ENROLLED FOR YOU! Ralphs Community Contribution Are you a Ralphs shopper? It‘s easy! It’s FREE! Each time you shop and swipe your rewards card, Cornerstone automatically earns between a 1%-4% rebate and receives quarterly contribution checks. Go to Our group is CORNERSTONE ID# 82533. OR, take the attached letter into your local Ralph’s and they should be able to link our organization to your rewards card. THIS ADDS UP! LAST YEAR, WE RECEIVED OVER $945 FROM RALPHS. PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU ARE ALREADY ENROLLED, YOU NEED TO REENROLL EACH YEAR. RE-ENROLLMENT WILL NEED TO BE DONE AFTER SEPT 1st BY EITHER LOGGING ON TO RALPHS.COM OR TAKING A COPY OF THE RALPHS LETTER TO THE STORE AND SCANNING IT AT CHECKOUT. 2014-2015 Cornerstone Booster Club Membership and Hospitality Donation Form Parent/Guardian______________________________________________ Date ___________ Phone____________________ Eldest child’s name____________________ Grade_______ Teacher__________________ Cornerstone Booster Club Family Membership (Membership Includes a Spirit Decal and a School Directory) Membership Levels: Member $ 50.00 Friend $150.00 Angel $250.00 Star $500.00 and above Booster Club Membership 0.00 $________ Hospitality Donation A $15.00 donation per child is requested to defray the cost of classroom celebrations, school wide celebrations (i.e. Dad’s Day, Halloween Parade, and refreshments for family nights), and teacher appreciation week. 0 Hospitality Donation ($15 x ____children) 0.00 $________ Thank you for your donation! Our Booster Club is a tax-exempt charitable organization as described in Sec. 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. Tax I.D. #33-0585785. Many employers will match your donation, please check with your human resource department. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution Total Donation (Booster Club Membership + Hospitality) 0.00 $________ 0.00 Purchase an additional school directory for $6.00 ($6 x _____# of directories).$_________ 0 Method of Payment: Cash Check # _____ MC Visa 0.00 Grand Total $_________ Card #__________________________________________Expires:_________ %LOOLQJ=LS&RGHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&6&&9&BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Signature_________________________________________________________ Print two copies - retain one copy for your records Give me a "P" Give me a "T" Give me an "A"... PTA!!! Your Parent Teacher Association is hard at work on behalf of your student and your family. The Cornerstone PTA works in alignment with the Cornerstone Booster Club bringing student enrichment activities, safety issues, community support and legislative awareness to our entire student/parent body. Teachers and Principals work with PTA too, all for the benefit of students and student programs. Reflections and Red and Yellow Ribbon Weeks coordinate with the rest of the district and beyond. Through PTA, we associate and share with and from other schools in our district. When your child moves on to Intermediate and High Schools, the PTA is the major springboard for parental involvement with the school, staff and principal. Cornerstone offers stimulating and educational PTA sponsored programs. Cornerstone PTA Membership Form 0 $0.00 $10.00 $.00 per parent x______ Total _________ ($20.00 total for both parents to join) Pl easemakecheckspayabl et o“ Cor ner st onePTA” . Al lPTA donat i onsar et ax deduct i bl eandar eusedt obenef i tourchi l dr en’ seducat i on. Parent/Guardian______________________________ Phone ____________________ St udent ’ sName______________________________ Teacher ___________________ St udent ’ sName______________________________ Teacher ___________________ St udent ’ sName______________________________ Teacher ___________________ St udent ’ sName______________________________ Teacher ___________________ Method of Payment: Cash Check #________ $3.4 MILLION TO PVP SCHOOLS IN 2014-15 NEW FOR THIS YEAR: l PE for grades K-2 l Elementary STEM Program l 2 Additional High School Counselors l Classroom teachers l Music l Counselors l College Career Centers l PE for grades 3-5 l Library Aides l Engineering & Technology Programs STEM, PVIT & SMERT Please print this form and return at registration or donate online at Thank You for your support! MAJOR DONOR LEVELS DONATION TYPE PAYMENT METHOD Benefits include invitations to receptions, Main Event tickets, Donor Wall recognition, and more. For details visit: * One time donation of $ ___________ * Check enclosed payable to PEF * Payment enclosed * Charge my credit card (circle one) * I Pledge to pay this later. Please send me an invoice in _________ (Month) c $25,000+ Platinum c $10,000 -$24,999 Gold c $5,000 - $9,999 Silver c $2,500 - $4,999 Bronze FRIEND LEVELS c $1,500 to $2,499 Advocate (Includes Autumn Harvest invitation) c $1,000 Friend Exp. Date ______________ Security code _______ * Charge my credit card monthly Signature: _________________________________ $ _________ until June 30th DIRECT YOUR DONATION Donations of $500 or more may be designated to a school level. c Elementary c Intermediate c $250 c $100 c Other $ _______ c Please send me a PEF license plate frame ($500 donation or more) * Installment Plan (by credit card) * Charge my credit card quarterly $ _________ until June 30th c $500 Suggested donation per child Card #____________________________________ * Charge my credit card recurring payments c High School of $ _________ until I ask you to stop c Benefit all schools Name (please print) ________________________________________________ Does your employer offer matching gifts? Address __________________________________________________________ Double the power of your donation. It’s easy. c Enclosed is a completed matching gift form. c I’ve applied to my company for a matching gift online. Phone ______________________Email ________________________________ c Not sure. (Please contact me at the phone number written on this form.) Employer__________________________________ Title ___________________ Your Child’s School 2014/15 School Year (circle all that apply) City __________________________________ State _______ Zip ____________ How should we acknowledge your gift? (ie. The Doe Family) _____________________________________________ or o Anonymous o Parent of a student o Parent of a graduate o Grandparent of a student o Chinese-Americans for PEF o Real Estate Honor Roll o PVPUSD Staff Sunrise Cornerstone Dapplegray Lunada Bay Mira Catalina Montemalaga Silver Spur Soleado Point Vicente Rancho Vista Vista Grande Valmonte MIS PVIS RIS PV High Peninsula High Rancho Del Mar P.O.Box 2632 l Palos Verdes Peninsula l CA l 90274 l 310.378.2278 l Fax: 310.378.2078 l Tax ID# 95-3498211 l Ways & Means Ways and Means Volunteer Opportunities: Many activities fall under the Ways and Means ‘umbrella’ As this is the committee that raises money to support all the special programs that make Cornerstone the distinguished school that it has become, we have many opportunities to get involved and volunteer. Below is a list of opportunities where we need your help: • Family Portrait Fundraiser (chairperson needed) This position involves coordinating with photographer potential weekend dates for families to take photos which can be used for holiday cards etc. • Holiday Boutique – Volunteers needed to help staff the check-out station at the boutique which runs from 9:00am to 4:00pm • Class Representatives – This person is a liaison that helps to communicate information about fundraising activities throughout the year to your child’s class. • Monte Carlo Night – This is our main fundraiser of the year that brings in approximately 55% of our income. As such, it takes a group of volunteers to help in many areas to make this event a success. Help is needed in these areas: o Donations – solicit donations from businesses for our silent / live auctions o Catalog Design / Proofreader o Database – data entry of donation details in File Maker database o Online Auction support – help manage auction listings, upload images etc. o Golden Ticket Sales – help sell raffle tickets for special student /teacher o General help – prepare Friday folders / stuff envelopes / prepare bid sheets etc. If you are interested in meeting some people and want to help us achieve our fundraising goals, we could use your help! Please contact Janet Feigle and Karen Yamamoto, Ways and Means Chairs, with any ideas, questions or to volunteer: and Thank you! Our boutique features local vendors, is right before the holidays and is a great place to shop and support our school! ‐‐‐‐ Help Cornerstone achieve its goals Info about Monte Carlo Night will be discussed at a General Parent Meeting. by supporting these Fundraisers: Ways & Means Co‐Chairs Janet Feigle & Karen Yamamoto Save The Dates: FALL: September: Gift Wrap Drive Annual Holiday Boutique Thursday, November 20, 2014 QUESTIONS COMMENTS WANT TO HELP? SPRING: Monte Carlo Night XVIII Saturday, March 7, 2015 EMAIL US: BE PREPARED!!! PERSONAL DISASTER CARE PACKAGES DUE BY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, 2014 BRING TO YOUR CHILD’S CLASSROOM. PLEASE, NO EXTENSIONS! Cornerstone is well supplied and prepared in the unfortunate event of a disaster, but we need your help to assure that each child has personal items that are essential should a disaster occur. Please prepare a personal care package for each of your children enrolled at Cornerstone School with the following items: One large Ziploc bag per student with all items inside (Please no larger than 2 gallon bag, preferably a 1 gallon bag.) Each bag to be labeled on the outside with student’s name, grade and teacher’s name ITEMS TO INCLUDE A light jacket (one that can be folded to fit inside the bag!) An energy / granola bar or snack of choice A small can of juice (check to be sure that food and drink items DO NOT expire before June 2014) A personal note from Mom and Dad or other family members A family/pet/or other special photograph A small toy yo-yo, puzzle, game, craft, deck of cards, etc.) Packages brought in after the deadline or that are too large will be returned. Please do not place packages in the teachers’ mailboxes or in the parent board room. Any questions? Please contact Disaster Preparedness Chair Michele Ward: Cornerstone Elementary School General Safety Guidelines for Student Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures 1. Parents should never turn LEFT into the driveway in the front of the MPR. 2. The curbs at Groveoak Place and Hyte Street must be clear of parked cars in the designated areas for pick-up and drop-off. These areas are indicated by the NO PARKING signs at designated times. This will allow the cars in the pick-up or drop-off lanes to “hug the curb” and maintain safe access to the vehicles. 3. The drop-off/pick-up lane in front of the MPR (designated by the yellow line) must be kept clear of parked cars from the hours of 8:00 AM until 3:30 PM. 4. Driveways (especially those of the houses in the neighborhood) and all crosswalks must be kept clear for safe passage by pedestrians. 5. Pedestrians (students and parents) must enter and exit the school using the sidewalks and crosswalks. Do not walk through the yard where the trash bins are located and do not walk through the parking lot. 6. Students are to enter and exit their vehicles only when directed to do so by a teaching parent on curb duty. Drivers are to remain in their cars at all times. 7. Avoid any behaviors that will slow down the traffic flow, including: a. Talking with a teaching parent on curb duty. b. Exiting your car for any reason. Please stay in your car. The teaching parents on duty will remove any items that need to be removed. c. Parking your car in the drop-off/pick-up lane in front of the MPR. d. No cell phone use while in the pick-up line or driving around school. 8. Always follow the directions of the teaching parents on duty. 9. Follow normal traffic rules and regulations at all times. Please see additional pages for the specific procedures for dropping off and picking up at Hyte Street and Groveoak Place (in the front of the MPR) as well as the maps detailing the street directions. Groveoak Procedures For K through 2nd grade and 3 -5th graders with younger siblings rd 1) Enter only from Grayslake: a. When approaching from Grayslake, remain on Grayslake and turn left onto Groveoak b. If approaching from Via Rafael (from PVE/Granvia Altamira), remain on Via Rafael (which becomes Mossbank Dr), turn left on Grayslake and then turn left onto Groveoak 2) Keep crosswalk at Hyte Street and driveway into drop-off lane clear for pedestrians 3) Students may be dropped off and picked up with the assistance of a teaching parent in front of the MPR (see map) 4) To allow as many cars as possible into the loading/unloading area, move forward to the farthest part of the curb in front of the MPR without blocking the entrance to the maintenance yard 5) Students may be “picked up only” at the curb in front of the school with the assistance of a teaching parent at all thepick 2:35upand 2:56 pick up times times. 6) Students are to be loaded and unloaded into the vehicles by a teaching parent 7) Do not pull out and around other vehicles unless specifically directed to do so by a teaching parent on duty 8) Exit the parking lot with a right turn only and proceed onto Springcreek. See map on next page... Pick Up Hyte Street Procedures For 3rd-5th graders without younger siblings 1) Enter only from Grayslake and only with a right turn onto Hyte Street: a. When approaching from Grayslake, remain on Grayslake and turn left onto Groveoak, then right onto Hyte Street b. If approaching from Via Rafael (from PVE/Granvia Altamira), remain on Via Rafael (which becomes Mossbank Dr), turn left on Grayslake and turn left onto Groveoak, then right onto Hyte Street 2) Keep crosswalk at Hyte Street clear for pedestrians 3) After entering Hyte Street, travel down and turn right onto Lightfoot Place to make your turn-around at the end of the Lightfoot cul-de-sac. 4) Please do not stop your car at the foot of the stairs. Please pull your car forward to the “No Parking between 2:30-3:30 PM” sign. 5) Students are allowed to enter and exit their vehicles themselves, PROVIDED that a teaching parent can SEE them. 6) When exiting Hyte Street, use extreme caution if making a left turn or wait patiently through the pick-up line if making a right turn. See map on next page... Uniique an nd Enr riching g Educ cationa al Expe erience e for C Corner rstone Studen nts 20114-2015 The Corn nerstone Bo ooster Clu ub’s Educa ation Com mmittee is comprised of ten su ubcommittees stretchiing our stu udent’s exttended leaarning thro ough curriiculum-bassed programs. y survive with w the tirreless effo orts of Chaair/Co-chaair Each sub--committee can only parent vollunteers th hroughoutt the schoo ol year. M Many of theese sub-com mmittees are unique to Cornersto one and ex xist only because b off our dediccated and enthusiasstic parent vo olunteers and a Boostter Club fu unds. If you hav ve a passio on for one of these programs p aand would d like to vo olunteer your time or taalents, or you y are sim mply intereested in fin nding out more, please contacct the chairperso ons of the specific co ommittee or Educattion Board d Co-chairrs, Monicaa Chae and LeeA Anne Pinneer. Thank you in ad dvance for helping to o make thiis year at Cornersto one the besst ever! Educattion Sub b-Comm mittee Chairp C ersons AAYF/A Art Trek – Kathie K Seaburn Co-Chairp C persons Neeeded Archeologgical Dig – Tricia Yamashiro Y Assembliees – Stephen Liu scliu1997@y m Multi-culttural Studiies – Co-C Chairperso ons Needeed Characterrs Come Alive A – Chairperson n Needed Field Trip ps – Cindy y Boger cfb boger@yah Preformin ng Arts - Chairperso C on Needed d Spelling Bee B – Marggarita Son n margason n@gmail.ccom Reflection ns – Megan Tilles megan.tilles m s@cox.nett Steph hanie McK Kenny m SUB-COMMITTEE DESCRIPTIONS (AAYF) Art at Your Fingertips AAYF’s primary objective is to help each child at every grade level feel comfortable using art as a medium of expressing him or herself while enhancing each child’s creative and mental growth through art. These goals are truly evident when you see the amazing art pieces your child creates during the AAYF sessions. Through simple techniques and your child’s imagination, your child will create masterpieces that you’ll want to surely make space for on your walls at home. Volunteer opportunities are plenty, and range from becoming a trained docent, to helping put supplies together, to working in the class as an assistant on these fabulous projects. You don’t have to an artist to get involved, just a parent with a passion for working with children. Art Trek; Picasso, Monet, Matisse. These are just a few of the Great Masters that our children will be exposed to this year through the unique Art Trek program. The goals of Art Trek include teaching children of all ages a basic working knowledge of art techniques, media, vocabulary, and history, as well as increasing awareness of the influence that art has on our culture. You don’t have to be an art expert to teach Art Trek, just have an enthusiasm for interacting with kids, and the rest falls into place. Archeological Dig: This program, offered each year to 4th grade students, allows our children to learn about fossils, relics and the field of archeology firsthand. During the “Dig’’, students receive classroom training over a period of two days, and then explore a “real” archeological dig from an experienced archeologist on the Cornerstone campus, unearthing artifacts, fossils, and other treasures. This program originated at Cornerstone and has since been adopted by the PVPUSD with offerings at other local elementary schools. If you are the parent of a 4th Grader, please consider volunteering your time. Multi-Cultural Studies: Many schools throughout southern California devote one week of the school year to study a variety of cultures. At Cornerstone, we’ve taken it a bit further and truly delve into one country’s history, heritage and culture by exploring it throughout the year. Students learn about other countries through assemblies, recess activities, newsletters, Family Fun Nights, “After School Series” courses, and other educational experiences. This is Cornerstone’s twelfth offering of a year-long multi-cultural study, and it’s just one stop on our trip around the globe as we attempt to make the world smaller, one country at a time. To make the program a success, we need many parent volunteers to help with these special events and activities. Past Multi-Cultural Studies: Great Britain (2013-2014), Korea (2012-2013), Mexico (2011-2012), Italy (2010-2011), India (2009-2010), Caribbean (2008- 2009), China (2007-2008), Ireland (2006-2007), Brazil (2005-2006), Greece (2004-2005), and Japan (2003-2004). Characters Come Alive: What would Marco Polo, Admiral Yii, Albert Einstein, Maya Angeluo, and Laura Ingalls Wilder have to say if they were alive today? What would you ask Sacagawea and Abraham Lincoln if you saw them roaming the Cornerstone halls? Well, thanks to the talent of some of our Cornerstone parent volunteers, (who study the characters, dress in costume, and visit the classrooms throughout the year), our kids have the chance to learn directly from these historical figures. Whether you’ve got the acting bug or a passion for history, you could help bring an important character to life for our children. Field Trips: In addition to the time devoted to the learning experience in the classroom, all children participate in grade appropriate fieldtrips, ranging from museums to theatrical performances to beach cleanups and more. These field trips, supported in part by Booster Club funds, are aimed at enriching the lessons learned in class. We are currently looking for grade-level representatives, as well as chaperones for these awesome adventures. Each of the grade-level reps works in collaboration with their teachers to schedule educational experiences that will supplement their curriculum, and the chaperones get to join in on the fun. Performing Arts: Cornerstone is on the cutting edge by bringing preforming arts California State Standards to our Children through this fabulous program. Your child will sing, dance and act under the direction of Fantasia Family Music, a preforming arts institute that believes every child has an artistic potential that should be developed to its fullest. Each grade level works for fourteen weeks on a live performance for family and friends, in which every child is a star. It’s an amazing and unique opportunity for our children, and one of the favorite activities of the year. Adults to chaperone the performers during the show and dress rehearsals for coordination, costume changes, and crowd control is appreciated. (You wouldn’t be asked to work during your own child’s show.) Spelling Bee: Children in grades 3-5 have the opportunity to hone their spelling and speaking skills by joining the Spelling Bee competition at Cornerstone. The Spelling Bee benefits our children by encouraging them to study the lists of high caliber words for several weeks, after which they will stand up and compete in front of an audience of their peers, parents, and teachers to demonstrate their “t-r-e-m-e-n-d-o-u-s” spelling skills! The 5th grade winner will go to compete at the regional and possibly the state level, with the ultimate prize being a spot at the National Spelling Bee. Many coordination and administrative ‘behind the scenes” work goes into the Bee each year, and there are many adults needed on-hand during the actual event. It’s a lot of fun and always very exciting. Reflections: The Reflections Program is unique to the Education Committee in that it is a Nationwide PTA program in which every school in the country can participate. Conducted in the fall, Reflections offers students in preschool through 12th grade the opportunity to create works of art for fun and recognition. Children are encouraged to create and submit works of art in six areas; dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts. We are fortunate that Cornerstone has such immense staff and parent support for the program, and that student participation (which is voluntary) increases with each passing year. Three years ago, we had the high honor of having one of our 5th Grade Students, Julianna Yonis, win a national award for her entry! We hope you have enjoyed reading about the enriching experiences our children receive as students here at Cornerstone. Please indicate on the parent survey the programs about which you would like to learn more. Involvement in any of these sub-committees is a fulfilling and rewarding way to be involved in your child’s education, and is a fun way to earn service hours. Remember, it takes all of us, through our talents, time and effort, to bring these wonderful programs to our children. Thank you, Monica Chae Education Co-Chairmen 310-210-8343 LeeAnne Pinner Education Co-Chairmen 310-544-2451 Make History & Earn Service Hours!! We need: 2 photographers per class (K – 3rd grade) 3 photographers per class (4th – 5th grade) to capture the special moments that take place during field trips, class activities, and school-wide events (e.g., Spirit Days, Halloween, Talent Show, Red Ribbon Week, Book Fair, Fun Run, Characters Come Alive, Science Night, etc.) W e also need help spreading the word about all of the great things our sc hool does by submitting artic les and pic tures to loc al public ations. For details, contact Historian co-chairs: Gina Kraemer Stacey Nozaki Special Events Needs You! Have fun and get to know people while earning service hours Tap into your Creative Side Come and help decorate the campus or the MPR for various events throughout the year. No help is too little… even an hour or two makes a HUGE difference! Halloween Events Chair(s) If you enjoy party planning or just love Halloween, please help us coordinate the parade and other festivities. No experience needed! Talent Show Chair(s) Our kids look forward to participating in this special event every year and we need your help in making our 6th Annual Talent Show another success. Please let me know if you are interested! For sign-ups and/or any questions, please contact: Nazie Atashi at
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