CORNERSTONE NEWS November 2014 1 Church Directory Cornerstone Church Off Lord’s Stile Lane, Bromley Cross, Bolton, BL7 9JL Pastor: Lee Banfield, 43 Down Green Road, Harwood, Bolton BL2 3QD Tel: 01204 535790 Email: Church Office Telephone: 01204 597311 Elder: Malcolm Corry, The Oaks, Horrocks Fold, Belmont Road, BL1 7BX Tel: 01204 594891 Deacons Telephone Kevan Nelson Eileen Nelson (and Secretary) 01204 398467 01204 398467 Treasurer: Marylyn Tonge 01204 305625 Services: 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship Prayer Meeting & Bible Study: 10.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m. Tuesday Wednesday Honor Corry Lee Banfield 01204 594891 01204 535790 Cornerstone Performing Arts 6.30 p.m. Friday Lee Banfield 01204 535790 Luncheon Club 12.00 Thursday Malcolm Corry 01204 594891 Jubilee 55 Club 1.00 p.m. Monday Dorothy Banfield st rd (1 & 3 Mondays in the month) 01204 535790 Ladies Meetings 7.30 p.m. Monday 01204 305625 Marylyn Tonge (approx. every six weeks) 2 Faith I have written this page for everyone who struggles with the concept of faith. So that, I suppose, would be all of us at some time or other! “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” This is not my definition, nor is it any dictionary definition; but it is the Biblical definition of faith and as such, the only definition that really matters. I’ve referred to this verse many times from the pulpit; in fact, I’ve preached on the actual verse and it’s been the subject of my Bible Studies. I’ve also had the privilege of hearing others expound this verse too. But I’ve found that there are some verses in scripture that, no matter how many times you hear them, they have that willow-the-wisp quality of slipping through the mind; not the actual words of course, we can quote the words any time. No, I’m talking about the true meaning of the words and the significance of the glorious truth that they encompass. What helps me better understand and remember the meaning more clearly is to break down the verse into two component parts: 3 (1) faith is being sure of what we hope for. This begs a question: what is it that we all hope for? When we strip everything away, money, family, friends, home, health – what is it that’s left? What, in the final analysis, at the end of our lives, do we all hope for – just one thing; we all hope that IT’S TRUE. Put simply, that there’s something more after we die: that we will go on; that we will see our loved ones again - that we will touch the face of God. In the end, that’s what every human-being hopes for. Don’t be fooled by those who say otherwise. Everyone HOPES. And faith is being SURE OF WHAT WE HOPE FOR - SURE THAT IT’S TRUE. Not that it may be true but that it is so. (2) and certain of what we do not see. The Bible says that trying to understand the things of God is like looking into a dark glass. Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever tried it but I have and I can tell you that it’s not easy. I held a dark grey tumbler up to my eye and with the light full on I could barely make anything out at all. I saw shapes and shadows but nothing more. That’s how it can be with the things of God – there is shadow and shape but nothing is CLEARLY seen. And yet Scripture says that we Christians should have faith and faith is being CERTAIN of what we do not see. When I looked through the dark grey tumbler, even though everything was blurred and obscured, I knew what was really there. In my mind’s eye I could see what the shapes and shadows represented. Through the eyes of faith, even though I can’t see clearly right now, I know what’s there and that what I hope for is absolutely true. One day I will see again those that I have loved and I will touch the face of God. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. But this is not blind faith... The shadows and shapes are made clearer because we have God’s Holy Word, the Bible and because we have seen the Word Incarnate, Jesus Christ and of course, because we have the full light of the Holy Spirit shining brightly in our lives. So even though the glass is dark, when we look with eyes of faith, we can be sure and we can know for certain. Pastor 4 Caring and Sharing prayers The work of Magen David Adom (ambulances for Israel) The work of New Tribes Mission and in particular Frank and Jeanette Brearley Those who are no longer able to join with us due to sickness or infirmity Morning star children’s crèche’ A safe journey, fruitful ministry and safe return for Marylyn as she visits Morning star children’s crèche Bolton Winter-watch Albanian Evangelical Mission Spanish Gospel Mission All on-going church ministries and services The Bromley Cross Community choir The continuing development of the children’s ministry in the Performing Arts Thanks for the successful improvements to the building and the on-going building works. 5 The Cornerstone is now on TWITTER! Please visit our twitter account @cornerstonebx. Twitter helps you create and share ideas and provide information. Make your comments, see what other say and discover what’s happening. It’s Never Too Late to Start Over : Why We Fail Paraphrased from an article by Rick Warren Failure doesn’t have to be final. In fact, I believe God wants to put our failures to work for us. Everybody experiences defeats in life. Everybody has failures. The book of Proverbs has a lot of insight into what causes failure. Five different things that cause failure in our lives according to the book of Proverbs: 1. We fail when we don’t plan ahead. It’s like the old saying, “If you fail to plan you’re planning to fail.” Proverbs 27:12 says, “A sensible man watches for problems ahead and prepares to meet them. But the simple minded man never looks and suffers the consequences.” Are you simpleminded? Some of us have a tendency to be naturally impulsive and yet a sensible man or woman will see the sense in planning ahead. Are you planning ahead for your eternal future? Proverbs 16:9 also says, “We ought to make our plans counting on God to direct us.” For example, was it raining when Noah built the ark? No. It didn’t rain for 120 years. That’s what I call long-range planning. For 120 years he worked on that ark. Jesus told the story about a man who built a building and before he got it finished he had to give up because he hadn’t planned ahead. We fail because we don’t plan. 2. We fail when we think we’ve arrived. Proverbs 18:18 “Pride leads to destruction and arrogance to downfall.” When we think we’ve got it all together, watch out. You’re never going to get anywhere if you think you’re already there. Pride causes us to fail. One of the symptoms of pride is we don’t think we need any advice or help.. “I’ve got it all together and I am the master of my own ship!” There is great folly in thinking that we can do it alone and that we don’t need to factor God into the equation. The Bible is clear – we cannot save ourselves. 3. We fail when we are afraid to take well-reasoned risks. Proverbs 25:29 tells us that the “Fear of man is a dangerous trap but to trust in God means safety.” 6 One of the greatest failures as a Christian is the failure to try. Trying or perseverence is what brings success. Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb for God’s glory – out on a limb is where the fruit is. 4. We fail because we give up too soon. The trouble with many of us is that during trying times many of us stop trying. Failure is the path of least persistence. Keep on keeping on and never give up. Proverbs 15:19 says, “A lazy fellow has trouble all through life.” If at first you don’t succeed, you’re normal. Pray and try again! 5. We fail when we don’t listen to God. The number one reason we fail is that we don’t listen to God. Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that seems right to man but in the end it leads to death.” God’s word is filled with guidelines and principles to make our lives all that God wants them to be. But most of the time we want to listen to our feelings, “I feel that this is the right thing to do, even if God’s word says otherwise.” The fact is, God’s word is usually the opposite of our natural inclinations. God says the way to receive is to give, the way to be honoured is to be humbled, the way to greatness is to be a servant. When we don’t listen to God, we’re in trouble. Lack of prayer causes a lot of failure. Regardless of the cause, we all fail sometimes. What matters most is what we do when we fail. The Good News is that God is more interested in us than our past failures and the Bible shows us the way to a fresh start through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. November Birthdays at Cornerstone Only one birthday this month. Bill Oldfield on the 16th – Many happy returns Bill and many more of them! 7 Funding Workshop/ Seminar at Cornerstone on Saturday 8th November starting at 9.30 am If you are a voluntary or community group that would benefit from attending a general seminar about how to access funding, please book your place. The cost is just £3 per person and this includes all handouts and light refreshments. FACEBOOK I’m pleased to say that Cornerstone Church is now on FACEBOOK. My sincere thanks to Richard Tonge for developing our Facebook page. Our Harvest/Missions weekend Dorothy and I certainly enjoyed our harvest/missions weekend over the 4th and 5th October. As always, it was a great blessing to have Frank and Jeanette Brearley with us. Frank spoke at our Saturday meeting and at the Sunday morning service. He was, as always, forthright in preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and we look forward orward to them visiting with us again soon. Pastor The link below will take you directly to New Tribes Mission prayer page, where you will find a list of current prayer topics. yer 8 Time to smile... Freddy goes to church and listens to the preacher. After a while the preacher asks anyone with needs to be prayed for to come forward. Freddy goes up and the preacher asks, “Freddy, what do you want me to pray about?” “Preacher,” says Freddy, “I need you to pray for my hearing.” The preacher puts one finger in Freddy’s ear and he places the other hand on top of Freddy’s head and prays and prays and prays. After a few minutes, the preacher removes his hands and stands back. “Freddy, how is your hearing now?” “I don’t know, Reverend,” says Freddy. “My hearing’s not until next Wednesday.” ~~~~ During a visit to my doctor, I asked him, “How do you determine whether or not an older person should be put in an old folks’ home?” “Well,” he said, “we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the person and ask them to empty the bathtub.” “Oh, I understand,” I said. “A person would normally use the bucket because it is bigger than the spoon or the teacup.” “No” he said. “The usual way would be to pull the plug.” ~~~~ The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group photograph. “Just think how nice it will be to look at when you are all grown up and say, “There’s Jennifer, she’s a lawyer”, or “that’s Michael, he’s a doctor.” A small voice from the back of the room rang out, “And there’s the teacher, she’s dead.” 9 A long list of things to do and a busy day ahead? I got up early one morning And rushed right into the day I had so much to accomplish That I didn’t take time to pray Problems just tumbled about me And heavier seemed each task Why doesn’t God help me I wondered? He answered, “You didn’t ask” I wanted to see joy and beauty But the dayy toiled on grey and bleak I wondered why God didn’t show me He said, “You didn’t seek” I used all my keys at the lock God gently and lovingly chided “My child, you didn’t knock” I woke up early this morning And paused before entering the day I had so much to accomplish That I just had to take time to pray 10 Update on the Biffa Award Grant All the money is now in place and we have full approval to start the work. Praise God for His goodness to us. • Work on the main toilets starts week commencing 17th November. • This should take around three weeks but there will be as little disruption as possible with two toilets open during the times the building is in use. • The upstairs room has been prepared to have the floor laid. The walls have been painted and new window blinds are in place. • The floor will be laid during November by Pastor and community volunteers. STOP PRESS... Friends of Cornerstone has purchased a new hot water boiler for upstairs at a cost of £313.00. This is very similar to the one we use in the kitchen and will provide great brewing facilities when the upper room is in use. I am pleased to announce that Friends of Cornerstone has also been successful in obtaining a grant from CVS for approximately £1,500 to go toward the cost of running the Performing Arts Group for a further year. 11 Answers to Blockbuster from October magazine... DB – DOGGER BANK RM – ROLLING MILL HSB – HILL STREET BLUES HF- HARRISON FORD IOM – ISLE OF MAN MC – MALCOLM CAMPBELL (BOOK WAS WRONG AND IT WAS HIS SON, DONALD) ASD – ALL SAINTS DAY TH – TED HUGHES HWH – HALF WAY HOUSE TL – TURNIP LANTERN PP – PUBLIC PURSE BT – BURMUDA TRIANGLE RCS – ROSE COLOURED SPECTICLES LS – LEAST SAID MV – MOUNT VESUVIUS LDV – LEONARDO DA VINCI GT – GOOD TURN SW – SHIRLEY WILLIAMS BO – BATH OLIVER CB – CARTE BLANCHE 12 Quiz Time Another BLOCKBUSTER GOLD RUN for you to have a go at. AOC JW SD Answers in next issue EB BD JH IF FE TH OL HN LB GF BS WM PL MS BAC RS RHM What AOC was a royal wife nicknamed ‘the Flanders mare’? What BD is a Schottishche performed in as farm building? What HN is a wrestling hold? 13 What BS is was ‘born in the USA’ in 1985? What EB is a rag-time composer and pianist who died in 1983? What FE are throwing or jumping athletics not performed on a track? What GF is a strong, lightweight and corrosion resistant material used in a boat and vehicle body construction? What RS at night is a shepherd’s delight? What JW was a ScFi writter who invested kids with yellow eyes and plants with a fatal sting? What IF was the source of speculation in conjunction with an immovable object? What LB was a golden boxing trophy donated by a Lord? What MS was not Beethoven’s name for his opus number 27 (2 for piano)? What JH was the first Englishman to trade in slaves? What OL relates the flow of electric current to voltage? What PL is Milton’s most famous poem? What RHM is indispensible male help and support? What SD is the US equivalent of the Foreign Office? What TH is responsible for English lighthouses and lightships? What WM describes whisters hanging down like those of a marine mammal? What BAC means two people taking it in turns to be something? Remember , remember the 5th November.... ... but keep safe! 14 Christmas at Cornerstone • Sunday 7th December Come and see the Performing Arts Group Chirstmas Review which will be performed during the morning service starting 11.00am • Monday 8th December Jubilee Christmas Party starting at 12.45 for 1.00 lunch with entertainment through the afternoon. Ticket only • Friday 12 December Ladies Christmas Luncheon at the church starting 12.00 noon Don’t forget Secret Sanda for up to £5 • Thursday 18th December Luncheon Club Christmas Party starting 11.45am. Ticket only • Sunday 21st December Candelight Carol Service starting 6.00 pm with a performance from Bromley Cross Community Choir • Thursday 25 December Christmas Day family service at 10.00 am 15 Up and coming events: • • • • • Work starts on toilets w/c 17 November Jubilee 55 is on 3rd and 24th November starting 1.00 pm Luncheon club every Thursday 12.00 noon as usual Bromley Cross Community Choir every Wednesday 6.30 pm Performing Arts Group every Friday at 6.30 pm 16
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