hampden historic happenings hampden community council | since 1972 | www.hampdenhappenings.org | october 2014 2 historic hampden happenings • October 2014 HAMPDEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL BOARD OF DIRECTORS historic hampden happenings • October 2014 Letter From the Mayor president’s letter By Stephanie Rawlings-Blake This is an exciting time for Baltimore City. In 2010, I announced my goal of growing Baltimore City by 10,000 new families. Each day, my administration is working to reach that goal by partnering with residents, communities, businesses and institutions to grow Baltimore City. A primary focus is leveraging the City’s economic assets to increase jobs and investment throughout Baltimore City, including increasing the City’s engagement and partnership with Anchor Institutions. HCC Officers President: Kayla Garner Vice President: Will Bauer Secretary: Ann Tabor Treasurer: Will Bauer Board Members Adam Feuerstein Allen Hicks Chrissy Goldberg Eli Lopatin Jennifer Grimes Katharine Fernstrom Reagan Hooton Robert Arena Shacara Lewis Stepahnie Murdock HCC CONTACT INFO Kayla Garner, President HCC, PO Box 19957 Hampden, Maryland 21211 hccpresident@gmail.com www.hampdenhappenings.org Looking Forward to the Future of the HCC OCTOBER HCC MEETING By Kayla Garner / Photo by Hywel Jones The next HCC meeting is on Monday, October 27th. For the September board meeting, I asked the new board members to come prepared to talk about what they hoped to accomplish with the Hampden Community Council in the coming year. The amazing group of talented, community-minded folks who comprise the board this year had lots of ideas and diverse goals. Plan to join us at 7:00 pm at the Roosevelt Park Recreation Center on West 36th Street. The agenda will include committee updates and discussions of the most important issues of the day for business owners and residents of Hampden. 7:00-7:05 pm: Welcome 7:05-7:30 pm: Committee updates 7:30-8:00 pm: New business Historic Hampden Happenings is distributed to residents, organizations and businesses throughout Greater Hampden. Circulation: 2,200, Readers: 10,000+ ©2013 All rights reserved. The HCC is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. www.hampdenhappenings.org • Since 1972 Cover photo by Sarah Richter One goal that we all shared was to get more people involved with the HCC. We don’t just want your membership dues. We need your ideas, your input, your talents! It’s important to us that our organizational goals are in line with the goals of the citizens of Hampden. We want our work to be relevant and meaningful to the community. 3 Baltimore City’s Anchor Institutions have long played an important role in the City’s growth and include some of the oldest and renowned institutions in the country, both public and private. As Baltimore City expands its knowledge-based economy, it is essential to understand the role Anchor Institutions play in shaping Baltimore’s economic future – employing City residents, supporting local businesses and revitalizing communities. The “Eds and Meds” industry sector is uniquely qualified to play a significant economic role through local hiring practices, the purchase of local goods and services, and serving as real estate and community developers. Baltimore City’s Anchor Institutions are influencing the environment around them in a thoughtful and intentional way. As our City’s leading institutions continue to embrace their role as anchors and work with stakeholders to strengthen their communities, my administration will be a strong partner along the way. Making Baltimore City better, safer, and stronger requires a renewed focus on the fundamentals. We must forge stronger partnerships to make our resources reach even further. As the City’s largest employers and centers of academic, medical and cultural innovation, we value our institutions’ importance to Baltimore City. I am committed to continue working closely with our Anchor Institution partners to identify areas of shared value. I encourage you all to come out to our meetings, get to know the board members, find out what our committees are doing. Tell us what is important to you, and tell us how you think we can make this neighborhood even better. I am excited to get to work, and look forward to collaborating with you! I would like to thank the participating Anchor Institutions for the time taken to convene with City agencies to lay the groundwork for initiatives and the goals moving forward outlined in this Action Plan. This Action Plan will 1) set a framework for communication 2) identify actions that will strengthen our partnerships 3) memorialize our commitment to work together more strategically. This is only the beginning. As we continue to align our resources, these initiatives will only become more significant and have a greater economic impact on Baltimore City. The City of Baltimore pledges to work closely and collaboratively with each Anchor Institution on individual needs, strategic partnerships, and exciting new ventures as we move forward and Grow Baltimore. For more info, visit http://goo.gl/iQTH7f THINKING OF SELLING? Jeff Millman Owner ASE Certified HMFIC customzef@comcast.net Let this HAMPDEN RESIDENT agent assist you with your sale. Call today for your free market analysis. loving living in Hampden since 1999! Long and Foster Canton 2400 Boston Street Suite 124 Baltimore, Maryland 21224 Joy Sushinsky 410.675.1244 office 443.622.7323 cell joy.sushinsky@ longandfoster.com Ph: 443-919-7770 Cell: 443-271-0825 Fax: 443-919-7771 2001 West 41st Street Baltimore, MD 21211 “Old Fashioned Service” • “Modern Technology” • “and That Personal Touch” • www.sissonstreetauto.com 821 W. 36th Street, Baltimore, MD 21211 Phone: 410-366-3100 Fax: 410-366-3377 www.patapscobank.com 4 historic hampden happenings • October 2014 community news When: October 25, 2014 Tour Times: 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. 1:00 – 1:30 p.m. 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Open to the public and free to attend! Register online at http://woodberrytour. eventbrite.com Meet in front of Woodberry Kitchen, tours will start promptly on the hour. As part of the free, citywide architecture event Doors Open Baltimore, Nathan Dennies from the Greater Hampden Heritage Alliance will lead three walking tours of Woodberry based on the group’s recently released Greater Hampden selfguided walking tour brochure. Copies of the walking tour brochure will be given to tour participants on site. historic hampden happenings • October 2014 5 Greater Hampden Heritage Alliance to Give Walking Tours Mushroom City Arts Fest St. Mary’s Outreach Center Bikram Yoga, Hampden By Nathan Dennies By Baltimore Free Farm By Sandra G. Simmons By Chrissy Goldberg When: October 2nd-5th Medicare D Open Enrollment: October 15th thru December 7th Bikram Yoga, Hampden is hosting a Teacher’s Night on Saturday, October 4. The Greater Hampden Heritage Alliance is proud to be teaming up with AIABaltimore and the Baltimore Architecture Foundation for the first ever Doors Open Baltimore, with the support of Free Fall Baltimore. This one-day free event welcomes the public to tour buildings passed by regularly, but not often entered. ‘Open house’ days take place in cities across the world to promote heritage and enhance public appreciation of architecture and the built environment around us, and the GHHA proud to be a part of bringing it to Baltimore. The theme for Doors Open Baltimore will be Industrial Baltimore. Over 40 sites citywide connected to Baltimore industry will be opening their doors. Through this theme, the public is invited to learn more about buildings connected to Baltimore’s industrial heritage and continuing legacy. Youth to Work: Job training leading to employment How to Register? To register, please call Baltimore Housing’s Office of Resident Services at 410-396-3212 or 410-545-0920. Who Can Attend? Youth between the ages of 16 and 21 with a high school diploma or GED who live in Baltimore City are encouraged to participate. Sites in Hampden-Woodberry include Meadow Mill, Woodberry Kitchen, Artifact Coffee, Mill No. 1, and Whitehall Mill. The GHHA is excited to see the historic sites of Hampden-Woodberry so well represented for this citywide event! Visit www.doorsopenbaltimore.org for a full list of participating locations and special events. Historical background for each site will be provided by Baltimore Heritage on the Explore Baltimore Heritage app (http://explore.baltimoreheritage. org/), allowing people to learn about each location on their smartphone as they participate in the event. For more details about the event, contact Nathan Dennies, chairperson of the Greater Hampden Heritage Alliance at 443.608.0849, dennies@ baltimoreheritage.org. Mushroom City Art Festival 2014 will be an interactive exploration of mushrooms, focusing on their impact on our ourselves and our environment. Discussions, art, music, workshops and walking tours will reveal both the wonder of this mysterious life form and the many real world applications for mushroom cultivation in contemporary urban life. There will be talks and hands on workshops at Baltimore Free Farm on topics like mushroom identification and foraging, growing shiitake and oyster mushrooms at home, and how mushrooms can help clean the environment (mycoremediation). There will also be an opening reception at Gallery 788, where mushroom related art will be up all month! For a full schedule of events go to http:// www.baltimorefreefarm.org/events/ St. Mary’s Roland View Towers AFFORDABLE SENIOR HOUSING IN THE HEART OF HAMPDEN 3838 and 3939 Roland Avenue offers efficiency, 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartments. Reasonable Prices: from $443 to $744, including utilities Convenient to Giant, RiteAid and area shops. RESTAURANT ON THE ROOF OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Call 410-889-8255 for information. www.smrvt.com comp tia a+ certification | microsoft office certification MON-FRI 8 am-6 pm • SAT 8 am-5 pm Everyone should check their Medicare D plan during open enrollment. Some of the Medicare D companies add RX drugs and some drop covered RX drugs. Prices change each year and so do co-pays and deductibles. Call St. Mary’s at 410-3663106 in October if you would like to check your prescription drug plan for 2015. There are programs to help low-income seniors and a state program that helps middle income seniors pay their monthly premium up to $40. There are ways to save–we just have to look into them for you. 3900 Roland Avenue Baltimore, MD 21211 410-366-3106 Smocbaltimore.org If you would like to bring your fellow teachers to a free class and evening of wellness please contact Sarah at infobyh@ gmail.com. 6 historic hampden happenings • October 2014 historic hampden happenings • October 2014 COW Company Theatre Presents the Welcome Winter Family Fun Fair Residential Permit Parking Program Cyber Criminals Photo by Urban Sea Star of Flickr.com By Mary Pat Clarke By Fontaine Joynes A FREE community open house for all ages! When: Saturday October 4th, 12-5pm Where: St. Luke’s Lutheran Church on The Avenue (800 W. 36th St.) This event supports “Cinderella: A Hampden Happily Ever After” and The Mayor’s Christmas Parade. For more info visit http://cowcotheatre. org, email cowcotheatre@gmail.com, or call 443-384-PLAY(7529). *Are you a local artist, crafter, or business owner? Vendor space at the event is FREE. Contact us if you would like to participate! The event features displays from local artists and vendors, craft projects, and even a winter photo booth to help you get a jump on creating your holiday cards. There will also be performance workshops, including several based on “Cinderella: A Hampden Happily Ever After.” This family comedy makes it’s WORLD PREMIERE tin December 2014 and 30-50% of the net profits from the production benefit The Mayor’s Annual Christmas Parade. Food, beverages, and a silent auction at our October winter fair will help us get a jump on fundraising. Your reservation will help us ensure we have enough craft supplies to go around, but unreserved guests are welcome on the day! (Make reservations at http:// www.eventbrite.com/e/welcome-winterfamily-fair-tickets-12358858679) Hampden North Area City Council Bill 140397, As Amended Thanks to community input at meetings, by phone, email & letter, & door-to-door, this legislation will be presented to the Planning Commission and the Baltimore City Council as substantially amended. Amendments make the following changes: No blocks on Roland Avenue or west of Roland Avenue will be posted or eligible for Permit Parking. No blocks of West 40th Street will be posted or eligible for Permit Parking. The posted and eligible 3800 block of Pleasant Place will be amended to include the 3900 block of Pleasant Place and to change posting from both sides to the eastside only of this street. The 700 block of West 37th Street (between Keswick and Chestnut) will be amended to permit posting on both sides. The 3700 block of Chestnut Avenue will be amended to permit posting on both sides. Except for the 700 block of West 37th Street and the 3 houses on the Southside 800 block of West 37th (part of existing RPP), no blocks on West 37th Street will be posted or eligible for Permit Parking. No blocks south of West 37th Street will be posted or eligible for Permit Parking. Hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council will be based on Bill 14-0397 as amended. Thanks for your input in making these changes. Mary Pat Clarke 7 Kids and kids at heart look forward to the end of October, when we use tricks and treats in equal measure to celebrate Halloween. But be careful that you’re not fooled by a different kind of trickster looking for a larger handout—such as your identity. October is Crime Prevention Month and National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Safeguard your personal information— whether it’s online, on paper, or given out in person. Don’t share your personal information, such as your full name, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, and your Social Security number, with anyone unless you are certain it is safe. Shred paperwork that includes personal information before throwing it out. And never reply to emails claiming to be from Social Security and asking for such information. Finally, don’t carry your Social Security card or number with you. These tips should help reduce your risk of identity theft. 8 historic hampden happenings • October 2014 historic hampden happenings • October 2014 Hampden Family Center: Programs and Events (continued from previous page) 9 Mayor Rawlings-Blake Announces Baltimore Energy Initiative By Baltimore City By Lisa Ghinger, Executive Director Back by popular demand – A Taste of Hampden will be held October 23rd. Proceeds from the evening will benefit the programs and services of the Hampden Family Center. A Taste of Hampden. A Taste showcases many of Hampden’s wonderful restaurants and businesses. Enjoy samplings of the local fare while relaxing with friend and enjoying a glass of wine/beer. DATE: Thursday, October 23rd TIME: 6:00 -9:00 PLACE: Hampden Family Center – 1104 West 36th Street PRICE: $35/ $40 at door NEW PROGRAM: the middle school afterschool enrichment program at the Hampden Family Center! Students in grades 6-8 will have the opportunity to enroll in drop-in classes in a variety of subject areas! Some enrichment classes offered may include those that are familiar such as Tae Kwon Do and Access Art. Other classes may include Becoming a Naturalist, Culinary Arts, Drama, Leadership Development, Dance, Art Club, Youth Voice Recording Studio, etc. A different class will be offered each day of the week, and youth can choose to enroll in one, some, or all of the classes offered. The program begins October 6th – stop by the Family Center to register and enroll. Program begins, Monday, October 6th. Programs and Services for the month include: After School Enrichment Program (1st – 5th grade) Your child will work with a volunteer from a local college or university on their reading, writing and math skills. In addition, your child will enjoy TaeKwonDo, Yoga, gardening, learn Japanese and work on art projects! Monday through Friday, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. of Long and Foster Real Estate, Inc WIC (Women, Infants and Children) If you are have children 5 years and younger and/or are pregnant or 6 months postpartum please visit the center on Thursday, October 9th anytime between 9:00 and 4:30 to speak with a WIC worker who can assist with the application process to receive supplemental food benefits. Blood Pressure Screening Offered the 3rd Friday of each month from 11:00 – 12:00. A cardiovascular educator is on hand to measure your blood pressure and discuss the results with you. Fuel Fund o Maryland A representative is on site Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. to assist those in need of additional resources for utility bills. Please call 410467-8710 to make an appointment as there are required documents to be furnished. (continued on next page) Seedco Earn Benefits Need assistance in attaining such benefits as: food stamps, healthcare, utilities support and tax credits. Call to make an appointment. Senior Luncheon Friday, October 17th 11:30-1:00. Join us for a hot meal with friends and participate in a fun filled activity. Senior Lunches are free, but advance registration is required as seating is limited. Please call to reserve your spot. 1104 West 36th Street Baltimore, MD 21211 410-467-8710 hampdenfamilycenter.org Baltimore Mayor Stephanie RawlingsBlake announced the Baltimore Energy Initiative (BEI), a multi-agency, city-wide program to expand and streamline the City’s energy conservation programs and education and outreach efforts. Funded by a $52 million grant from the Public Service Commission of Maryland, BEI will support a number of existing City programs—supplementing the mayor’s efforts to grow a sustainable city by reducing Baltimore City’s energy use, while promoting local investment. Among the programs announced is the Baltimore Energy Challenge Energy Efficiency Program, offering Baltimore City residents free in-home installation of energy and water conservation equipment, such as programmable thermostats, watersaving fixtures, pipe wraps, power strips, CO2 and smoke detectors, and energyefficient light bulbs. BEI will enable Baltimore City’s Weatherization Assistance Program to serve more residents, as well as provide additional services, such as roof repairs and furnace replacements. Additionally, BEI will provide access to fall prevention and safety services for Baltimore’s senior population. Nonprofits and businesses can take advantage of a grant and low-interest loan program through BEI, which will help cover the costs of energy-saving retrofits including new energy-efficient appliances, lighting, and HVAC systems. Through BEI, residents are also eligible to receive free estimates for cool roofing, apply for roofing subsidies, and obtain free trees. Residents and businesses are invited to learn more about the BEI by calling 410396-4556, or by email at alice.kennedy@ baltimorecity.gov. 10 historic hampden happenings • October 2014 education news Intro by Kayla Garner: If you happened to stop by Hampden Elementary/Middle School this past summer, you likely noticed that the school is a pretty busy place even when class is not in session. There is much to be done over the short break to get ready for the next school year, and the staff makes good use of volunteers who show up to help out with tasks like painting, organizing, and other odd jobs. One young community member, HEMS alumni Kristine Mekins, was instrumental in helping tackle the school’s overwhelming to-do list this year. All Maryland students must complete 75 service learning hours in order to graduate from a public highschool. Kristine completed all of her required service hours at Hampden Elementary/Middle, but she didn’t stop there. She continued to help throughout the summer even after she had finished her required service learning. I am inspired historic hampden happenings • October 2014 Service Learning Hours By Kristine Mekins by Kristine’s outstanding citizenship, and asked her to tell us a bit about herself. My name is Kristine Mekins, I am a 16 year old entering my Junior Year at Western High School where I am expanding my education for my future. My plans after high school are to go to Nursing School and become a Geriatric Nurse. This summer I completed my service learning hours at Hampden Elementary/ Middle School. I decided to complete my hours at Hampden because I wanted to assist and improve a place that is tremendous in educating students while also creating great memories along the way. In the time I have spent at Hampden I helped improve the main office, cleaned and organize new class rooms for the upcoming school year, and designed and created various beautification projects throughout the building. Congratulations to the Roosevelt Park Pool Swim Team! I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to complete my hours at a place that I hold dear to my heart and I truly felt a part of the “Hampden Family.” Save the Date They are winners of the City Wide Municipal Swim Championship for the second year in a row! Mayor’s Christmas Parade Sunday, December 7th 11 BE HEARD JOIN NOW IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN THE FUTURE OF HAMPDEN , please consider joining the Hampden Community Council. The HCC is a voice for everyone in Hampden–homeowners, businesses, teenagers, seniors, new-comers and old-timers. The more members we have the farther your voice can reach. Your membership fee supports our newsletter and improves our community through education, clean & green and zoning committees, to name a few. Help Hampden continue to thrive. BE HEARD, JOIN NOW! SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1976 Hampden Community Council Baltimore, Maryland HCC MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION Name(s) Street Address Phone Zip Fax Email Business Name (if registering for a business membership) In addition to my HCC membership, I would like to serve on/learn about the following committee(s): (OPTIONAL) Zoning Religious Outreach Membership Education Hampden Home Office Newsletter Distribution Clean & Green Fund Raising Please fill out this application and mail it, along with your check to: Hampden Community Council ATTN: MEMBERSHIP PO Box 19957 Baltimore, MD 21211 Student/Senior ($5) $ Individual ($10) Family ($15) Business ($25) Additional Donation Add a one year mailed subscription to my membership for an additional $25! Newsletter will be mailed to the address listed above, unless otherwise noted. Please make checks payable to Hampden Community Council. The HCC is a non-profit 501(c)3 Organization. All dues and additional donations are 100% tax deductible. 10/14
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