ACCA Timetable 2015 P a r t T i m e – Re a d i ng Tim etable inform ation last updated 23/10/14 Reading Centre Information Telephone: 0118 951 3100 Email: Fax: 01189 391 097 Website: Address: The Blade Abbey Square Reading RG1 3BA Centre Manager: Stephanie Keenan Open Days: Tuesday 24th February 12.00 - 7pm Tuesday 25th August 12.00 - 7pm Important ACCA dates for 2015 Please find below some key dates, to help you plan your ACCA studies over the next year. June 2015 sitting December 2015 sitting Early exam entry deadline 8 March Early exam entry deadline 8 September Bank holiday (Good Friday) 3 April Exam entry deadline 8 October Bank holiday (Easter Monday) 6 April Late exam entry deadline 8 November Standard exam entry deadline 8 April Exams take place 30 Nov - 9 December Bank holiday 4 May Exam results released 8 February 2016 Late exam entry deadline 8 May Bank holiday 25 May Exams take place 1 - 10 June Exam results released 8 August June 2015 course dates are correct at time of going to print. December 2015 course and exam dates are currently provisional due to ACCA not yet having released the examination dates. Assessment and Mock Submission Deadlines Following student feedback, we have added the submission deadlines for your Interim Assessment, Final Assessment and Mock Exam scripts on to the main timetables. These are indicated by the pink squares on the tuition and revision planners and are there for you to easily refer to. Please note that you are NOT required to attend college on those dates. They are the dates by which you should submit your script to the centre for marking. The majority of students email their scripts. For those of you studying via the Ultimate Learning Experience (tuition + revision + QBD) you must submit your scripts on time and achieve a minimum of 40% in order to retain your Lifetime Pass Guarantee. If you have printed this timetable, please check that you have the latest edition by comparing the date on the front page with that on the current version on our website Ultimate Learning Experience (ULE) Guarantee you'll pass with the Ultimate Learning Experience - our three-step, recommended approach to studying Simply purchase Tuition, Revision and Question Based Day (QBD) for the same paper at the June / Dec 2015 sitting and you will: - prepare, practise and perform during our Tuition and Revision courses, guided by your experienced Kaplan tutor; you'll learn the key areas of the syllabus and revise topics using exam standard questions - feel peace of mind with our Lifetime Pass Guarantee; should you ever need to resit a paper, you'll know that your tuition, revision and QBD course costs are covered - be confident that we are using the official study ACCA materials, written by Kaplan tutors - receive a rewarding discount if you purchase the ULE within our promotional offer period (see website for dates) - use MyKaplan, your personal online study space - benefit from our Question Based Day - where you'll put all your learning into practise, receiving feedback and support throughout the session - have the option of a 4 Stage Payment Plan which allows self-funded students to spread their ULE course payments over four months ULE is available for Skills, Essentials and Options papers, at a Kaplan classroom or via Kaplan Live Online Terms and Conditions apply - see website for details ACCA Courses Tuition Courses Kaplan Tuition courses are between 3 and 5 days (6 and 10 evenings) in duration depending on syllabus content. Tuition covers the knowledge behind the key examinable areas with each module. All courses end in time for students to join the revision course of their choice. We offer the following different course types to suit your study needs: Weekday Block Tuition Weekend Tuition Courses are held during the week in short blocks of 1, 2 or 3 days, depending on the duration of the full course. These courses are ideal if you can get study leave during the week but can’t commit to a set day per week. These courses are held on a combination of Saturdays and Sundays and are therefore suitable for students who are unable to get study leave from work. Materials and Resources: Included in your course will be the Kaplan Study Text, Study Notes and access to your MyKaplan online study resources (more information overleaf). Revision Courses Kaplan Revision courses are between 2 – 5 days in duration depending on course type and subject. The revision course reinforces student knowledge via question practice. The following revision course types are offered: Weekday Revision Weekend Revision These are 2-4 days in duration, in small blocks of days, allowing students to focus on one subject at a time. They are ideal for students who are able to take time off work. A shorter course on weekend dates. These courses are designed for those students who are unable to take time off work during the week to study. Due to the shortened duration, tutors will focus only on revising the core syllabus areas. Materials and Resources: Included in your course will be the Kaplan Exam Kit and Pocket Notes and access to lots of resources on your online study portal, MyKaplan (more information overleaf). MyKaplan - Your Personalised Online Study Space MyKaplan, your personalised online study space, has many features to help you manage your courses and learning better, such as: course calendars, task reminders, 'email my tutor' button and access to your online forums. You will also have all your subject-specific study resources, via the Learning and Testing tab, which are released at strategic points throughout the course. These will be allocated into folders, to help you identify where each resource is designed to fit into your overall programme of study. The folders are Prepare, Practise and Perform. Your resources may include: Tuition Course Resources Revision Course Resources • Course Programmes A daily schedule for your studies, including classroom and homework questions, plus details of chapters for you to review at home. • i-paper Pocket Notes Easy to use revision aid. • Essential Foundation section Applicable to relevant papers only. Test your underpinning knowledge and watch a tutor explain 'So you think you know…. Basic Maths, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Investment Appraisal & Consolidation'. • i-paper Exam Kit Your exam kit in an i-paper format, so you can practice questions anytime. • Online Text Same as your text book, with added links allowing you to easily jump between chapters and topics. • Key Examinable Areas Our thoughts on the most likely topics to appear in the exams. • Knowledge Check Tests These are set by your tutors throughout your course and are designed to help you assess which topics you need to concentrate your studies on. You can compare your results, confidentially, to your peers' results. • Signposts & Clocks These link to marked questions in your Exam Kit. A tutor will give you hints and tips on screen, on how to approach and answer the question, in an online video. • Assessments Questions and later answers, for the interim and final assessments. • Mock Exam Qs & As Exam standard questions for you to practice and answers available once completed. • Online Tuition Recordings Recap and refresh topics by watching a video of a live online class. • Articles & Past Exam Papers All the latest technical articles and past exam papers from ACCA, in one convenient place. ... Your personalised online study space Once enrolled, please access all your online study resources at: FREE Study Support Resources In addition to all the materials you receive on your course and via MyKaplan, we offer free study support on a range of platforms to suit your preferred learning and life style. Kaplan Exam Tips Kaplan ACCA Exam Tips App Masterclasses Kaplan Financial Knowledge Bank [A KFKB style image highlighting the breadth of topics on there and minimal text, like those below] Find heaps of ACCA exam and topic based tips, videos, puzzles and more to support your revision. Plus, Kaplan Exam Tips will help you stay focused with all our ACCA materials organised by each exam paper! Get your FREE access to: Masterclass videos Exam Review videos Exam evaluations Exam Tips Key Examinable areas Forums for your exam paper Use our Facebook app and keep up to date with the latest ACCA news and materials to support your studies. Our Facebook app is crammed with tips and information including alerts and tasters of new materials from the following resources: Kaplan Exam Tips website Kaplan Financial Knowledge Bank Upcoming events e.g. Masterclasses ACCA Global Our Masterclasses are FREE hour-long sessions which focus on tricky syllabus areas or general exam techniques. These may be delivered through our Classrooms or Live Online and are designed to help you get the most out of your studies. Whether you're learning a topic from scratch, or need a quick reminder, our Knowledge Bank will provide you with the answers for FREE, with articles on topic essentials, sample calculations, processes and more! The Knowledge Bank holds over 300 accountancy topics, from “accounting for overheads” to “zero based costing”, giving you the option to browse whole areas of accountancy or drill down into specific concepts. Which ACCA courses should I sit next? ACCA's basic rules Skills Module (6 papers) Modules must be sat in order: Skills, then Essentials, then Options Within a module, papers can be sat in any order. You can overlap two modules, as long as you're attempting all the remaining papers in the lower module. For example, you can do F9 and P1 in the same exam sitting, if F9 is the only paper you have outstanding in the Skills module. Essentials Module (3 papers) Options Module (2 papers, from 4) Kaplan recommendations If you're studying part-time and are working (or have other commitments) we recommend that you attempt no more than 2 papers per exam sitting, allowing you to fully focus on those two. I work in an Accountancy Practice I work in Industry, Public Finance, Business, other F7 & F8 F4 & F5 F4 & F5 F6* & F9 F6* & F9 F7 & F8 P1 & P2 P1 & P2 P3 & Option* P3 & Option* Option* Option* In order to keep your qualification on track, you should sit exams in both the June and December sitting. Your selection of two papers should be based on various aspects, such as: Employer requirements If you work in Practice then you may wish to focus on Financial Reporting and Audit first; whilst if you work in Industry then Management Accounting would be a priority. Tax year* It is best to initially sit your tax exams (F6 and optional P6) in June, as the same Finance Act will be examined in December, should you need to resit. Otherwise, you'll need to learn a new Finance Act. Study balance It often helps to combine a 'wordy' paper with a 'numerical' paper - balancing your personal preference and skills for one that you like, with one that you don't. Exemptions If you have an exemption from a Skills paper, you may struggle to pass that subject at a higher level, in the Options module. We've done some pass rate analysis on the best paper combinations, based on two papers at a time. View our recommendations in the table to the right. For a personalised recommendation, based on your individual circumstances, please speak to your local Kaplan centre. F4 Law Courses - 2015 Weekend June July Aug Your experienced Kaplan tutor: Fees valid until 01/04/2015 Tuition, Revision, QBD Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun Sat Sat Debs Mumford August 2015 13 27 4 18 19 25 8 Tuition Revision QBD CBE WT WT WT R R Q CBE 459 439 249 99 Skills Module F4 Corporate and Business Law (Eng) Course times: Start: 9.30am End: 4.30pm approx Key: WT R Q CBE Weekend Tuition Weekend Revision Question Based Day (QBD) Recommended Computer Based Exam date Weekday Block Tuition - June 15 Kaplan Reading February March Weekday Tuition Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri June 2015 23 24 25 26 27 Mon Tues Wed 2 3 4 April May Sun Tue Wed Thu Mon Tue Wed Thu Mon Tue Wed Thu Mon Tue Wed Thu Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Thu Tue Wed 8 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 30 31 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 30 5 6 T T T T T T T T T T Course fees valid until 01/08/2015 Skills Module F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation (UK) T F7 Financial Reporting (Int) F8 Audit and Assurance (Int) T T IA T IA T IA T F9 Financial Management T IA T FA 569 FA 569 T FA 569 T T FA IA T T 459 FA 569 FA 629 Essentials Module T P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics T IA T P2 Corporate Reporting (Int/UK) T P3 Business Analysis T T T T IA T IA T T T FA 669 FA 599 Options Module P4 Advanced Financial Management T T T T T T P6 Advanced Taxation (UK) T T IA T P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (Int/UK) Key: 649 Available on a midweek basis or via Live Online P5 Advanced Performance Management T T IA T Weekday Tuition IA Interim Assessment submission deadline* 8 Exam entry deadlines (early & standard) FA Final Assessment submission deadline* T FA T FA * These are the dates by which you are required to submit your script to your local Kaplan centre. 559 Course times: Start: 9.30am Your experienced Kaplan tutors: You do not need to attend college on these submission dates. End: 4.30pm approx We recommend that you email your script to: by 3pm F5 Katrina Clayton F8 Anna Watson P2 Rob Zeffert P5 TBC F6 Joey Harman F9 Katrina Clayton P3 Erica Coleman P6 Hywell Smith F7 Anthony Gray P1 Anthony Gray P4 Charlotte Ballantine P7 Charlotte Ballantine For more information please visit: 579 Weekend Tuition - June 15 Kaplan Reading Feb Weekend Tuition Sat Sun Sat Sun Sat Sun Fri Sat Sun Fri Sat Sun Fri Sat Wed Sat Sun Sat Sun Mon Thu Sat Sun Mon Thu June 2015 28 1 7 8 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 3 4 8 11 12 18 19 20 23 25 26 4 14 T T March April May Key Course fees valid until 01/08/2015 Skills Module F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation (UK) T IA T T F7 Financial Reporting (Int) F8 Audit and Assurance (Int) T T T T T IA IA T T T T T T IA T T T 459 FA 569 Essentials Module T P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics T T P2 Corporate Reporting (Int/UK) T IA T T T P3 Business Analysis T IA T T IA Interim Assessment submission deadline* FA Final Assessment submission deadline* 8 Exam entry deadlines (early & standard) 569 FA T Weekend Tuition 569 FA T IA 569 FA T T F9 Financial Management FA T IA T T FA 629 FA 669 FA 599 * These are the dates by which you are required to submit your script to your local Kaplan centre. You do not need to attend college on these submission dates. We recommend that you email your script to: by 3pm Options Module Available on a midweek basis or via Live Online P4 Advanced Financial Management P5 Advanced Performance Management T T T T P6 Advanced Taxation (UK) T P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (Int/UK) Your experienced Kaplan tutors: IA T T T T IA T IA T FA 559 FA 579 T FA F4 TBC F7 TBC P1 Graham Cook P5 Graham Cook F5 Suzanne Richards F8 TBC P2 TBC P6 Hywell Smith F6 Joey Harman F9 TBC P3 Steph Keenan P7 Charlotte Ballantine For more information please visit: 559 Course times: Start: 9.30am End: 4.30pm approx Weekday Revision - June 15 Kaplan Reading April June Weekday Revision Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Tue Wed Thur Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Tue Wed Thur Fri Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Mon Tue Wed June 2015 27 28 29 30 1 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 R R R R R R R R Course Fees valid until 01/08/2015 Revision Skills Module F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation (UK) R F7 Financial Reporting (Int) R R F9 Financial Management R R R R EX M R F8 Audit and Assurance (Int) M R 479 EX M R R R 479 EX M R 479 EX M 449 EX 479 Essentials Module P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics R P2 Corporate Reporting (Int/UK) R R R R P3 Business Analysis M R EX M R R EX M EX 579 659 579 Options Module R P4 Advanced Financial Management R R R P6 Advanced Taxation (UK) P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (Int/UK) Key: R Q EX 549 Available on a weekend basis or via Live Online P5 Advanced Performance Management R R R R R M R R R Weekday Revision Q Weekday Question Based Day (QBD) 8 Exam entry deadline (late) EX R M M EX Mock submission deadline* 659 599 * This is the date by which you are required to submit your script to your local Kaplan centre. You do not need to attend college on these submission date. Your experienced Kaplan tutors: EX Exam date We recommend that you email your script to: by 3pm F5 Katrina Clayton F8 Anna Watson P2 Rob Zeffert P6 Hywell Smith Course times: F6 Joey Harman F9 Katrina Clayton P3 Erica Coleman P7 Charlotte Ballantine Start: 9.30am F7 Anthony Gray P1 Anthony Gray P4 Charlotte Ballantine For more information please visit: End: 4.30pm approx Weekend Revision & Question Based Day - June 15 Kaplan Reading May Apr June Weekend Revision & QBD Sun Sat Sun Fri Sat Sun Sat Sun Mon Thu Sat Sun Thu Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed June 2015 26 2 3 8 9 10 16 17 18 21 23 24 28 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Course Fees valid until 01/08/2015 Revision QBD R F6 Taxation (UK) R M R R F7 Financial Reporting (Int) F8 Audit and Assurance (Int) R R R EX M R Q M R R EX Q EX M R F9 Financial Management Q Q M EX Q EX R R P2 Corporate Reporting (Int/UK) R R P3 Business Analysis R M R R Q M M EX Q Q EX EX R QBD Q Exam EX 249 Mock submission deadline* M 419 249 Exam entry deadline (late) 8 499 249 419 249 419 249 479 249 559 249 479 249 We recommend that you email your script to: by 3pm 459 249 Course times: 539 249 459 249 Essentials Module P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics Revision 419 Skills Module F5 Performance Management Key: * This is the date by which you are required to submit your script to your local Kaplan centre. You do not need to attend college on these submission date. Options Module Available on a midweek basis or via Live Online P4 Advanced Financial Management R P5 Advanced Performance Management R R P6 Advanced Taxation (UK) Your experienced Kaplan tutors: Q R R P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (Int/UK) M R R M EX M Q Q EX EX F5 Katrina Clayton F8 TBC P2 TBC P5 Graham Cook F6 Joey Harman F9 TBC P3 Steph Keenan P6 Hywell Smith F7 TBC P1 Graham Cook P4 TBC P7 Charlotte Ballantine For more information please visit: Start time: 9.30 End time: 4.30 approx Weekday Block Tuition - December 15 Kaplan Reading August September Weekday Tuition Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri December 2015 24 25 26 27 28 T T T Tues Wed 1 2 October Nov Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Wed Thu Mon Wed Mon Wed Thu 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 1 2 5 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 26 28 2 4 5 T T T T T Course fees valid until 01/08/2015 Skills Module F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation (UK) T F7 Financial Reporting (Int) F8 Audit and Assurance (Int) T IA IA T T IA IA T F9 Financial Management T T IA T 569 FA T T FA T T T 569 FA 569 T FA T FA 459 569 Essentials Module T P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics T IA T P2 Corporate Reporting (Int/UK) T T IA T P3 Business Analysis T T IA T T FA 629 T FA T FA 669 599 Options Module T P4 Advanced Financial Management T P6 Advanced Taxation (UK) T P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (Int/UK) Key: T T T T 649 Available on a weekend basis or via Live Online P5 Advanced Performance Management T T IA T T IA T Weekday Tuition IA Interim Assessment submission deadline* 8 Exam entry deadlines FA Final Assessment submission deadline* T FA T FA * These are the dates by which you are required to submit your script to your local Kaplan centre. Course times: Start: 9.30am You do not need to attend college on these submission dates. We recommend that you email your script to: by 3pm Your experienced Kaplan tutors: F5 Katrina Clayton F8 Anna Watson P2 Rob Zeffert P6 Hywell Smith F6 Joey Harman F9 Katrina Clayton P3 Erica Coleman P7 Charlotte Ballantine F7 Anthony Gray P1 Anthony Gray P4 Charlotte Ballantine For more information please visit: End: 4.30pm approx 579 559 Weekend Tuition - December 15 Kaplan Reading Aug September October Nov Weekend Tuition Sat Sun Sat Sun Sat Sun Sat Sun Fri Sat Sun Mon Sat Sun Mon Wed Sat Sun Mon Sat Sun Mon Fri Sat Sun Mon Fri December 2015 29 30 5 6 12 13 19 20 25 26 27 28 3 4 5 8 10 11 12 17 18 19 23 24 25 2 13 Key Course fees valid until 01/08/2015 Skills Module T F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation (UK) T T T IA T T F7 Financial Reporting (Int) T T T T F9 Financial Management T T IA IA T F8 Audit and Assurance (Int) T T T T T T T IA FA 569 FA 569 FA IA T T T 459 T T T P2 Corporate Reporting (Int/UK) T IA FA T IA T P3 Business Analysis T T T T IA Weekend Tuition Interim Assessment submission deadline* FA Final Assessment submission deadline* 8 Exam entry deadlines (early & standard) 569 FA 569 Essentials Module P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics T IA T T FA 629 FA 669 FA 599 * These are the dates by which you are required to submit your script to your local Kaplan centre. You do not need to attend college on these submission dates. We recommend that you email your script to: by 3pm Options Module Available on a midweek basis or via Live Online P4 Advanced Financial Management P5 Advanced Performance Management T T T P6 Advanced Taxation (UK) T P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (Int/UK) Your experienced Kaplan tutors: IA T T T T IA T IA F4 TBC F7 TBC P1 Anthony Gray F5 Suzanne Richards F8 TBC P2 TBC F6 Joey Harman F9 TBC P3 Steph Keenan For more information please visit: Course times: T FA T T P4 P5 End: 4.30pm approx 559 FA 579 FA 559 TBC P6 Hywell Smith P7 Charlotte Ballantine Katrina Clayton Start: 9.30am Weekday Revision - December 2015 Oct Kaplan Reading November December Weekday Revision Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thur Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Mon Tue Wed Thur Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Mon Tue Wed December 2015 29 30 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 30 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 R R R R R R R R Course Fees valid until 01/08/2015 Revision Skills Module F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation (UK) R F7 Financial Reporting (Int) M R R R F8 Audit and Assurance (Int) F9 Financial Management R R R R EX R M 479 EX M R R R R 479 EX M 479 EX M 449 EX 479 Essentials Module P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics R R P2 Corporate Reporting (Int/UK) P3 Business Analysis R R R R R R M R EX M R EX M EX 579 659 579 Options Module R P4 Advanced Financial Management R Q P5 Advanced Performance Management R P6 Advanced Taxation (UK) R P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (Int/UK) Key: EX 549 Available on a weekend basis or via Live Online R R R R R M R R Weekday Revision 8 Q Weekday Question Based Day (QBD) EX Exam entry deadline (late) R M EX M EX Mock submission deadline* 659 599 * This is the date by which you are required to submit your script to your local Kaplan centre. You do not need to attend college on these submission date. Your experienced Kaplan tutors: Exam date We recommend that you email your script to: by 3pm F5 Katrina Clayton F8 Anna Watson P2 David Wilson P5 F6 Joey Harman F9 Katrina Clayton P3 Erica Coleman P6 Hywell Smtih F7 Anthony Gray P1 Anthony Gray P4 Charlotte Ballantine P7 Charlotte Ballantine For more information please visit: Course times: Start: 9.30am End: 4.30pm approx Weekend Revision & Question Based Day - December 15 November December Kaplan Reading Oct Weekend Revision & QBD Sun Sat Sun Sat Sun Sat Sun Mon Sat Sun Mon Thu Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed December 2015 25 31 1 7 8 14 15 16 21 22 23 26 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R R M Q Course Fees valid until 01/08/2015 Revision QBD R F6 Taxation (UK) F7 Financial Reporting (Int) R R R M R M R F8 Audit and Assurance (Int) EX R EX Q EX R F9 Financial Management Q M R Q M EX Q EX R R P2 Corporate Reporting (Int/UK) R R P3 Business Analysis R M R R Q M M EX Q Q EX EX R Weekend QBD Q Exam EX 249 Mock submission deadline* M 419 249 Exam entry deadline (late) 8 499 249 419 249 419 249 479 249 559 249 479 249 We recommend that you email your script to: by 3pm 459 249 Course times: 539 249 Start time: 9.30 459 249 End time: 4.30 approx Essentials Module P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics Weekend Revision 419 Skills Module F5 Performance Management Key: * This is the date by which you are required to submit your script to your local Kaplan centre. You do not need to attend college on these submission date. Options Module Available on a midweek basis or via Live Online P4 Advanced Financial Management R P5 Advanced Performance Management R R P6 Advanced Taxation (UK) R P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (Int/UK) Your experienced Kaplan tutors: M R R R M Q M Q EX Q EX EX F5 Katrina Clayton F8 TBC P2 TBC P5 TBC F6 Joey Harman F9 TBC P3 Steph Keenan P6 TBC F7 TBC P1 Anthony Gray P4 TBC P7 Charlotte Ballantine For more information please visit:
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