URBANDALE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST A Just Peace and Open and Affirming congregation We care as much about Rights as Rites God is still speaking October 26, 2014 10:00 a.m. “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are invited and welcome here.” Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost ~ Reformation Su Sunday The Liturgical color for Reformation Sunday is Red, representing the fire of the Spirit and the courage of the reformers. GATHERING We extend a special welcome to our visitors. Nametags and information packets are available at the welcome table at the main entrance to the sanctuary. Nursery care is available for children ages birth through three years. Please see an usher for location if you wish to use the nursery. GREETING I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand. I can do no other, so help me God. Amen. Martin Luther TIME OF FRIENDSHIP Children age 4 through 2nd grade are invited to the Everyone Is Welcome Room, where they will reflect on today’s message. They will return at a later point in the service. However, parents may bring their children back to the sanctuary at any time. ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE “Nun Bitten Wir” LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES Dietrich Buxtehude Their flames symbolizing God’s Spirit. This symbol invites the congregation to stand in body or spirit Bold type indicates a unison response CALL TO PRAYER AND PRAISE ONE: Our world is a strange and frustrating mix of good and evil, order and chaos, hope and despair. ALL: We need the presence and power of God so that we may find peace, work for justice, and live abundantly. ONE: Our lives are a complicated interweaving of love and hate, blessing and challenge, joy and sorrow. ALL: We need the transforming work of God’s grace, so that we are not immobilized by guilt, stuck in our estrangement, or ensnared by hatred. ONE: Our Church is both an incubator for new faith and a monument to what has been; a proving ground for our commitment, and rehab for the fallen; an anchor when we are confused and a launching pad when we are moved to act. ALL: We need the protecting cocoon of a community of faith so that we can be healed, coached, equipped and sent out to do God’s work. Let us offer our praise to the One who Provides for us the strong citadel of faith! OPENING HYMN “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” Hymnal 439 INVOCATION PROCLAMATION ANTHEM “Before You I Kneel” 2 Mary McDonald SCRIPTURE LESSON Matthew 22:34-46 34 When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had left the Sadducees speechless, they met together. 35One of them, a legal expert, tested him. 36“Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 He replied, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your mind. 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: You must love your neighbor as you love yourself. 40All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.” 41 Now as the Pharisees were gathering, Jesus asked them, 42“What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?” “David’s son,” they replied. 43 He said, “Then how is it that David, inspired by the Holy Spirit, called him Lord when he said, 44 The Lord said to my lord, ‘Sit at my right side until I turn your enemies into your footstool’? 45 If David calls him Lord, how can he be David’s son?” 46Nobody was able to answer him. And from that day forward nobody dared to ask him anything. MOMENT OF SILENT REFLECTION SERMON HYMN “All In” Pastor Dave “Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart” Hymnal 290 RESPONSE COMMUNITY SHARING AND PASTORAL PRAYER Devon Manero… Diann Miller… Dhainin family niece, Emily. And our dear ones: Mary Looney, Lee Couch, Lois Luick, Madeline Kaloides, Marge Wittenbaugh, Mary Sherer and Miriam Cline. To list someone in this section, with their permission, please email staff@urbucc.org by the weekly bulletin deadline. To notify the staff of a prayer concern, or to send a note of caring and support to someone, please use the cards in the pew rack and drop them in the offering plate. Please indicate whether prayer concerns should be forwarded to our Prayer Chain. Notes will be mailed on Monday, provided we have the recipient’s full name and the sender’s signature. PRAYER Our Abba who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. PRESENTATION OF OUR GIFTS ONE: God is good! ONE: All the time! ALL: All the time! ALL: God is good! ONE: Let us share the goodness of our God! When the offering plate comes to you, we invite you to hold it for a moment and consider the many gifts that you can share. You may pray for a person or a ministry; you may commit yourself to a specific act of compassion; or you may resolve to work on a relationship that is in need of repair. Allow the Spirit to guide your thoughts. 3 OFFERTORY “C Cipher” Wilber Held Please sign the Pew Pad and pass it to your neighbor. DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia! tune: Lasst uns erfreuen Praise God the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! PRAYER OF DEDICATION CLOSING HYMN “We Love Your Realm, O God” Hymnal 312 The candles are extinguished. God’s Spirit remains as a living flame in the hearts of God’s people. BENEDICTION POSTLUDE “The Heavens Declare” Benedetto Marcello Please reshelve the hymnals and put this used Bulletin in the recycle basket. SERVING AT URBANDALE UCC THIS SUNDAY Liturgist: Mary Minard Acolytes: Trinity Allen, Kendric Santos-Briggs Nursery: Anjy Allen, Riley Minard EIW Room: Susan Joynt, Avis Allen Ushers & Greeters: Sharon Johnson, Margaret Christian, Kathy Marean, Sara Drake Opening the Church: Today, Jerry Woods Next Sunday, Chris Jordan Sound Booth: Scott Gardner This Week at UUCC UUCC Upcoming Sundays Sunday, 26 October 9:00a Sunday School 10:00a Worship Adult Choir 12:30p Burmese Church Tuesday, 28 October 10:00a Staff Meeting 6:00p Cub Scouts 6:30p Pastor-Congregation Covenant Team Wednesday, 29 October 5:00p Trunk or Treat 5:30p Wednesday Night Alive 6:45p NO Confirmation 7:30p AA Sunday, 2 November: All Saints Sunday 9:00a Sunday School 10:00a Worship: Communion Adult Choir 11:00a 3rd-6th Grade Youth Group 11:15a “Connections” (all teams) 12:30p Burmese Church 6:30p 7th-12th Youth to hear Aaron Thomas Stewardship Sunday, 9 November 9:00a Sunday School 10:00a Worship Adult Choir, SOS Choir 11:00a 3rd-6th Grade Youth Group 12:30p Burmese Church 4 Fall Stewardship Campaign Blessed to be a blessing… it’s a phrase that is the theme of this fall’s stewardship campaign. How do we use our blessings in order to bless the world? There have been a series of house meetings this fall for members of the Urbandale UCC to consider our roles as faithful stewards of the gifts that God has given each of us. On Sunday, November 9 we will have an opportunity to come together as a community during worship to make our pledges for the 2015 church program year. November Team Meeting Dates: “Connections” (all teams) will meet on Sunday, November 2 at 11:15AM following worship. Leadership Team will meet on Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00PM in Fellowship Hall. Wednesday Night Alive If your child is not in one of the scheduled activities, please honor the safety policy and supervise him/her so that children are not left unattended in the building. No childcare unless requested. 5:30-6:00.....SOS Choir (Grades 1-8) 6:00-6:30.....Youth Bells (4th–Sr. High) 6:30-7:00.....Adult Bells (Sr. High & up) NO Confirmation on Wednesday Oct. 29 7:00-8:30.....Adult Choir (Sr. High-Adults) Three-Church Trunk-or-Treat! UUCC, along with St. Stephen’s Lutheran and Covenant Christian, are joining together for a fun night to support the Urbandale Food Pantry. Mark you calendars for Wednesday, October 29th from 5:00-7:30PM. Please consider offering your trunk for our Trunk-or-Treaters from 5:00-6:00PM in our west parking lot. A light supper will be provided. Please consider donating a bag of candy or a much needed food item or cash donation to our Urbandale Food Pantry. Please drop candy in Rev. Amy’s office and food donations in the grocery cart and tubs in the narthex. Feel free to wear a costume, bring a sack to collect candy, and wear your walking shoes, since we will be parading to each church from UUCC. Please sign up on the table in the narthex. See Rev. Amy with any questions. 5:00-6:00PM— 6:00-6:45PM— 6:45-7:00PM— 7:00-7:30PM— Supper & Urbandale Food Pantry Presentation at UUCC Games at St. Stephen’s Parade to Covenant Christian Bonfire and Closing Worship Avon Fundraiser Sandy Nussbaum is doing the Avon Fundraiser again this year, with her commission going towards new carpet in Fellowship Hall. Last year’s fundraiser earned $294 for the sound system. Remember, Avon has deodorant and shampoo that the Food Pantry needs. The fundraiser will go until Christmas. 5 Sunday School Teachers will lead children to the narthex after Sunday School to join their families at 9:45am. Preschool–Grade 6, 9:00-9:45am, use the rotation model curriculum. We gather as one group in the sanctuary for our Bible story and then break into the three age groups listed. Please check signs for rotation assignments and classrooms. Preschool, K & Grade 1 Grades 2 & 3 Grades 4, 5 & 6 Grades 7−12 (Emerging Adults) meet in Fellowship Hall-NW and do not use the rotation model. Adult Spiritual Formation (ASF) ~ 9:00-9:45am in Fellowship Hall: Today: Funeral Planning at UUCC, presented by Elsie Naylor & Pastor Dave. Nov. 2: Mental Health First Aid, Part II, presented by Laura Fefchak. UUCC Invited to Windsor Heights Lutheran Church Fall Clean-up Day The church’s fall clean-up day will take place on Saturday, November 8. It starts at 8:00AM and will run until around noon. We will have a variety of jobs. Weather permitting, our primary focus will be on cleaning up the church grounds. Bring your rakes, hedge clippers, and gloves. Come, hear Aaron Thomas, son of Ed Thomas, speak on Faith and Forgiveness, Sunday, November 2 at 6:30PM. This event is hosted by the Des Moines Area ELCA Youth Ministry Network. All are welcome and refreshments will follow Aaron’s presentation. Family Promise Coming in November It’s OUR turn again! November 16-23 is our next Family Promise host week. We need volunteers in ALL areas, and hope to implement a new service for children called ‘Kidz Korner.’ It will be staffed by TWO volunteers and youngsters will be able to join in one-on-one arts and crafts activities. This service will not interfere with Meal Servers’ or Overnight Hosts’ involvement with the children in any way. THOSE volunteers will continue to assist with games, stories, homework, etc., as well as interact with adults. You may contact Gloria Ward at 745-0961 or gloria.ward@urbucc.org with your questions or concerns, and you may sign up to volunteer using the Meal Train Plus for Family Promise at https://mealtrain.com/76kn9. On behalf of Family Promise, Thank You! Urbandale Clothing Closet The Urbandale Clothing Closet needs clean used clothing of all sizes—especially men’s fall clothing. Bring your items to the church and mark ‘Clothing Closet’ and place by food pantry items. Thank you! Daylight Savings Time Ends on Sunday, November 2. 6 Our Condolences… To the family of Susan Sickelka on the death of her mother, Dorothy Preshaw, on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. A memorial service is being planned for a later date. Dorothy has been a resident of Madrid Homes for the last year. “Green Boat” Group The next potluck meeting of the “Green Boat” Environmental Group is 6:00-8:00PM on Monday, November 3. Please bring a dish to share and table service. We will be preparing to host the “Cool Congregations” Workshop (see below). “Cool Congregations: An Earth Stewardship Program Urbandale UCC is inviting local faith communities to attend a Cool Congregations training workshop from 9:00AM-12:00 noon, Saturday, November 15. The Cool Congregations program, sponsored by Iowa Interfaith Power and Light, puts an environmental spin on traditional financial stewardship programs. This workshop is for persons from area congregations to learn how to calculate their carbon footprint and pledge to implement energy efficiency measures in their home. Energy efficiency is the first step to take to reduce a householder’s contribution to climate change because it is the quickest and most cost effective solution. To attend the Cool Congregations training workshop on November 15, please register for $25 per person online at www.iowipl.org. Registration is required. Coming Events: Be sure to check the Community Events Bulletin Board! Saturday, November 1: Urbandale Fall Cleanup, 8:00am breakfast for volunteers at Lions Park Shelter; help elderly & disabled by raking, trimming and general cleanup; volunteers needed— call 278-3999; UCan: Urbandale Community Action Network. Monday, November 10: Center for Social Ministry Service Fair, 6:30-8:30pm at the Catholic Pastoral Center, to learn about service or spiritual formation opportunities in the Des Moines area, featuring 30-40 organizations that work with children, youth & adults, do direct service, advocacy or spiritual formation; and others that address homelessness issues, hunger, world peace, etc. Find out how to help over the holidays or long-term; if questions, phone 782-3054, or contact centerforsocialministry@gmail.com or For pastoral care, please contact Pastor Dave at 276-0625 (church office), 515-720-6389 (cell phone) or david.sickelka@urbucc.org. 7 URBANDALE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3530 70th Street, Urbandale, IA 50322 www.urbucc.org Phone: 515-276-0625 ▪ Fax: 515-276-2451 www.facebook.com/UrbandaleUCC “We welcome into this community of faith, and affirm the participation in all aspects of church life, persons of every age, race, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability, and sexual orientation. We will continue our efforts toward inclusiveness, and stand against all forms of discrimination. We will empower ourselves, our children, and one another to be fully present in the world, living in Christ’s image and striving for justice and peace.” Staff The Rev. David P. Sickelka, Senior Pastor ......................................... david.sickelka@urbucc.org The Rev. Amy Murray, Ministry Program Coordinator ..........................amy.murray@urbucc.org Steven Linn, Music Program Director ......................................................steven.linn@urbucc.org Bobby Stinnett, M.M., Organist, Children/Youth Choirs and Handbell Director .........................bobby.stinnett@urbucc.org Tara McConnell, Office Coordinator..................................................................staff@urbucc.org Sadmir & Umihana Omerhodzic, Custodian................................sadmir.omerhodzic@urbucc.org The Rev. Gayle Strickler, Jr., Adjunct Minister for Community Concerns..................................gayle.strickler@urbucc.org Ministry Leaders Caregiving Ministries: Caregivers, Homebound ...................... Jo Lilley ...........................................jo.lilley@urbucc.org Caregivers 2 ........................................ Bonita Wiley, John Chaplin .......caregivers.2@urbucc.org Prayer Circle ......................................................................................... prayer.circle@urbucc.org Prayer Shawl Ministry......................................................................... prayer.shawls@urbucc.org Leadership Team Officers: Moderator ........................................... Kevin Gannon .........................kevin.gannon@urbucc.org Vice-Moderator .................................. Mary Minard ............................mary.minard@urbucc.org Treasurer............................................. Charlene Hjort ........................ charlene.hjort@urbucc.org Financial Secretary.............................. Karen Capps-Davis...........karen.capps-davis@urbucc.org Recording Secretary ............................ Sara Drake....................................sara.drake@urbucc.org Teams: Building & Grounds.................................................................................B&G.team@urbucc.org Christian Growth................................. Amy Murray..............................amy.murray@urbucc.org Endowment Fund ................................ Obid Hofland......................endowment.fund@urbucc.org Membership Team .............................. Jennifer Gardner ..................jennifer.gardner@urbucc.org Social Media Team ............................. Andy Smith-Jones .................... social.media@urbucc.org Worship & Music Usher/Greeter Coordinator....... Ruth Miller.................................. ruth.miller@urbucc.org Church Office hours are 9:00 am to 3:00 pm 8
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