ELECTED OFFICERS 2014-2016 BIENNIUM LWML MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to assist each woman of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world. TARGETS AND GOALS - 2014-2016 † Women of the LWML Michigan District are linked together by effective, free-flowing communication. † All women of the LCMS Michigan District are informed and educated by, and many are engaged and involved with, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. President: Willie Marie Henry 313-418-2159; williemarie_henry@yahoo.com VP of Caring Ministry: JoAnn Gust 989-644-2657; gust1jd@cmich.edu VP of Christian Growth: Cherie Lang 734-941-7809, cherbear28@comcast.net VP of Communications: Ruth Steele 989-673-2516; resteele1445@gmail.com VP of Mission Outreach: Sharon Chapman 231-873-5361; chapman2432@gmail.com VP of Organizational Resources: Linda Bruski 989-386-2618; lbruski@jayssportinggoods.com Financial Secretary: Glory Drum 248-584-0405; gloryddrum@gmail.com Recording Secretary: Gen Abrams 231-972-7542; lwmlgen@gmail.com Treasurer: Verna Besancon 248-253-0289; servantvb@gmail.com Counselors: Rev. G. Travis Downs 517-282-1926; G19T57@aol.com Rev. Eric Ekong 517-784-3135; ericekong@tlmjackson.com Lutheran Women’s Missionary League † All leaders on the Board of Directors as well as in local societies are lovingly connected by prayer and joyful support with the Executive Committee of the LWML Michigan District. How can YOU join the LWML? Contact your pastor, the leader of your local society or Vice President of Organizational Resources Linda Bruski 989-386-2618; lbruski@jayssportinggoods.com. An endowment was created in 2002 to carry out the charitable wishes and ministry of the LWML Michigan District in perpetuity. Interest income from Lydia’s Legacy is used to fund special projects in the LWML Michigan District. Years from now, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League will continue to benefit from your generosity. For more information visit these websites: National LWML http://www.lwml.org LWML Michigan District http://www.lwmlmichigan.org Lutheran Women In Mission 2014-2016 MISSION GRANTS Psalm 100:2 The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, with membership of approximately 200,000, is the official women’s auxiliary of the Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod. For 70 years, the LWML has been encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to financially support global mission grants and programs. The LWML Michigan District, organized in 1944, includes local societies from congregations in both the upper and lower peninsulas of the state of Michigan. STRUCTURE OF THE LWML LOCAL SOCIETIES meet regularly for spiritual growth, fellowship, mission work and specific projects. The Michigan district has 336 societies functioning within Michigan congregations. ZONES are made up of a number of societies located in close proximity. The Michigan District is made up of 30 zones. Each zone sponsors events throughout the year that encourage and equip women to serve in their community and the world. DISTRICT Board of Directors meets regularly and includes elected officers, zone presidents, district pastoral counselors and appointed committee members. CONVENTIONS Conventions are held at the district and national levels in alternating years: district in even number years, national in odd number years. Each convention brings women together for spiritual growth, fellowship and mission inspiration. The next national convention is slated for June 25-28, 2015 in Des Moines, Iowa. The next district convention is set for July 29-31, 2016 in Boyne Mountain, MI. In response to Jesus’ Great Commission the LWML supports various mission grants each biennium. These grants are chosen by the delegates at convention and funded during the following two years. Anyone who wishes to support these mission grants may use a mite box (a small box used to receive gifts). Contributions are collected regularly in each society and sent to the district LWML. Districts retain 75% of the mite offerings to fund district mission grants and 25% is sent to the national LWML to fund national mission grants. May we who have received God’s abundant blessings, give with joyful hearts. Mite box contributions may be sent to: Glory Drum, Financial Secretary, PO Box 5305 Warren, MI 48090 MICHIGAN DISTRICT 2014-2016 MISSION GRANTS Filling Pulpits by Providing Scholarships to Michigan Men in the Seminary ……………………………….. $25,000 Hope for a City in Crisis Acts 2 Enterprise $25,000 Financial Assistance for Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, IN, Food Co-op $15,000 Establishing a Connecting Kids to Christ Center $25,000 Scholarships for Michigan Female Students Studying to be Deaconesses or other Professional Church $20,000 Workers Beacon of Hope Pregnancy Center $25,000 Worship for Shut-Ins - Reaching Michigan and the World Through Television $25,000 Camp Concordia Restroom Upgrades $ 8,250 Eyeglass and Evangelism Ministry - MOST Ministries $16,800 Bringing Christ to the Nations Right Here in Michigan $23,980 Women Serving Short Term Mission Teams $11,543 Financial Assistance for Students to Attend LCMS High Schools in the Michigan District $14,427 Total ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. $235,000 PUBLICATIONS OF THE LWML Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly is the official LWML magazine that is available through your local society or by individual subscription to each member. It features articles on missions, education, inspiration and also Bible studies. LWML in Action is the official LWML Michigan District newsletter that is distributed to all LWML societies of e a c h c o ng re g at i on . P ers o n a l subscriptions are also available. It is a resource for information on all current events happening in the LWML Michigan District. Michigan in Touch is the official magazine of the Michigan District LCMS and every other month features a half page of LWML news and events.
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