Community Announcements November 9, 2014 Scheduled Events of the Week

Community Announcements
November 9, 2014
Scheduled Events of the Week
Sunday, November 9th
8:00 am
9:15 am
10:30 am
11:00 am
11:45 am
7:00 pm
Worship Service
Christian Education Hour
Worship Service
Korean Church Service
Youth Board Meeting
Men’s Choir Rehearsal
Monday, November 10th
6:00 am Korean Church Morning Prayers
8:45 am Preschool Veteran’s Day Parade
7:00 pm LifeLight Bible Study
Tuesday, November 11th
6:00 am Korean Church Morning Prayers
8:45 am Preschool Veteran’s Day Parade
10:00 am LifeLight Bible Study
6:00 pm Call Process Prayer Team
6:30 pm Stephen Ministry Training Class
6:30 pm Financial Peace University
7:00 pm Celebrate Recovery
7:00 pm Celebrate Recovery-The Landing
Wednesday, November 12th
6:00 am
10:00 am
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:15 pm
8:00 pm
Korean Church Morning Prayers
Mid-Week Refresher Bible Study
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Live Nativity Planning Meeting
Confirmation Class
High School Bible Study
Women’s Social/Bible Study
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Korean Church Bible Study
Thursday, November 13th
6:00 am
9:00 am
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
Korean Church Morning Prayers
LWML Quilters
Women’s Ministry Planning Meeting
LOG Book Club
Guitar Ensemble Rehearsal
Praise Band Rehearsal
11/09 Dave Music
Steve Gilberston
David Gronewold
Sam Lough
11/10 Reza Sabzghabaei
Rhonda Troiani
Kristin Downey
Susan Trentham
Emma deBlonk
Madeline Ware
11/11 Bob Lough
Jeffrey Charters
11/12 Judy Kahle
Rick Pfeil
Steve Harlass
Brian DeLapp
Nicole Acosta
11/13 Connie Marks
Ron Underwood
Jonathan Grill
11/14 Lance Horner
Darcie Boughton
Kelly Laskowski
Tanner Mussmann
11/15 Doug Williams
Lynn & Paul Sciandra
Susan & David Trentham
November 10th
Kendall & Fred Pretzer
November 11th
Betty & Floyd Ennis
November 13th
Kristine & Dan Griebat
November 15th
Lori & Craig Farney
Tiffany & Alan Bassett
November 12th
Altar Flowers
are donated today by
Joan & Ken Mussmann
in celebration of
Tanner’s 21st Birthday
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Wednesday, November 26th
7:15 pm
Friday, November 14th
LOG Family Camping Trip
6:00 am Korean Church Morning Prayers
8:00 am Bulletin Folders
8:00 pm Korean Church Evening Prayers
Saturday, November 15th
LOG Family Camping Trip
6:00 am Korean Church Morning Prayers
7:30 am Care 2 Care
Sunday, November 16th
8:00 am
9:15 am
10:30 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
Worship Service
Christian Education Hour
Worship Service
Korean Church Service
Young-at-Heart Luncheon
Orchestra Rehearsal
Men’s Choir Rehearsal
LOG Book Club
Thursday, November 13th
7 pm in Classroom G
Current book selection is
“Saving CeeCee Honeycutt”
Young-at-Heart Potluck
Sunday, November 16th
following late service
Bring a dish to share and drop it off
in the kitchen (with heating/serving
instructions as needed) and bring a
copy of your recipe. See you there!
Health Concerns (continued)
Barbara, Jerry Leeseberg’s mother
The President and all world leaders
President Harrison and LCMS
Our Armed Forces
Tim and Lindsey (Hughes) Habenicht
John Troutman
Jim Gamez, Renee Laidlaw’s uncle
Paul, friend of Renee Laidlaw
Mike Jaremko, Patti Hawkins’ cousin
John Taylor, Janice Zell’s son-in-law
Harry Hlavaty, Jana Windsor’s father
Health Concerns
Ashton, Linda Umoh’s nephew’s son
Debbie Moore, sister of Sharon Nobis
Oradean Milligan, family member of Royce Meyer
Sharon Dishman, friend of Kayla & Royce Meyer
Elaine Odom, friend of Kayla & Royce Meyer
Bobbie, friend of Michael Van Strien’s aunt
Bambi Trotter, friend of Maggie & John Haugen
Robert Norcross, friend of Maggie & John Haugen
Stacey Schwinghammer, friend of Maggie & John Haugen
Beth Shaw, friend of Maggie & John Haugen
Tyler Tylka
Sharon, friend of Brenda Lentz
Janet Kriletch, friend of Renee Laidlaw
Doug Ledbetter
Diane Daniels, friend of Elizabeth Gage & Pat Summers
Jerry Arrison, friend of Brenda & Ron Lentz
ShirlyAnn McPherson
Irene Rahn
Jessie, David Martin’s mother
Anita Schjerven
Jill Gordon, Johnnie Wallentine’s daughter
Christine Bingaman
Gerald, Ron Lentz’ brother
Colette, Ruth & Erwin Jenke’s daughter
Joyce, Jo Ersch’s sister
Should you have a prayer request please notify:
John Troutman (972) 462-7496 -
Dawn in the Church Office (972) 539-5200
Celebrate Recovery
Sharing Hope and Changing Lives
for adults
General, Cancer, and Health Concern prayer requests
will remain on this list for four weeks.
If you would like continued prayers
please renew your prayer request.
The Landing
A safe, healing place where teenagers can live a
freer, healthier, and more God-centered life
Tuesdays at 7 pm
For more information contact Brian or Holley Radican at
Stephen Ministry
For more information, please contact
Dick Lasch at or
Gail DeBenedictis at
Thursday at 7 pm
For more information please contact us at
Demonstrate your thankfulness this season
Each holiday season, Lamb of God anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions.
It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to
carry on our work now and throughout the year.
If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift
before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the
pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to
make contributions.
To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online Giving button.
Or if it’s easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office.
Thank you for your generosity and support!
Donations Needed
We are in need of donations to defray the cost of Christmas decorations for the Fellowship Hall.
2 72" wreaths and decorations for a 12 foot tree. This will be a beautiful addition to our Fellowship
Hall! Any amount from $1 - $100. Donations should be put in a separate envelope and included in the
offering plate. Special thank you to Jo Schwegler for helping to design and make the wreaths!
Thank you from the Design Team Judi, Holley, and Charlotte
LSS of the South Donations Needed
We have a family in the Dallas area with two foster toddlers in their home, and there are quite a few expenses they
are dealing with right now. They are actually moving towards adopting both little ones, which is very exciting! Thank
you for considering this family! Donations can be dropped off at the Information Desk thru Sunday, November 30th.
Items requested: • Standard-sized crib mattress cover • Winter clothes for 18 month old and 24 month old
• Size 3 and 4 diapers, and pull-ups to fit a 24-month-old, standard size
For additional information please contact Rebekah Poling at
Current undergraduate college students or parents
We would love to have your contact information to be able to send you a care package this next school
year! To make it easier on collecting contacts we ask that you register online at our
website under 'youth' and clicking the 'college student' icon. We ask that you submit your contact info
online even if you have provided this information previously as we will be basing our packages solely
on our online registration. Please register by Sunday, November 23.
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
The mission of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League is to assist each woman of The Lutheran
Church—Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use
her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.
Note that EACH woman is included in the LWML mission statement. As you prepare for Thanksgiving, think of all the
ways you have recently "used (your) gifts in ministry to the people" around you. Thank God for giving you those gifts
and opportunities. Pray about ways to increase the use of your gifts. Many opportunities to serve and give are
available through the local LWML (contact Kathie Gerdes) as well as on the national level ( that
impact God's Kingdom worldwide.
Sunday, November 23, is the LWML Bake Sale and the start of quilt ticket sales. Both of these projects fund the
projects that the Lamb of God LWML group supports such as local Christian missions and LCMS International
missionaries. You can assist by bringing baked goods, selling between services, and/or buying items.
"Serve the Lord with Gladness!" Psalm 100:2
LWML Mission Grant Update
The Texas District of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) has already contributed to one of the
projects voted on this summer. Scholarships for Seminarians has received $12,500 of the $50,000 grant. See all the
projects on the LWML bulletin board in the classroom hallway or online Pick up a mite box from
the Information Desk and donate and pray for these projects.
Families in Need Fund
Many times during the year we at Lamb of God have the opportunity to reach out to other families and
individuals in our congregation and community to fill needs they might have due to a temporary financial
situation. Unfortunately, this fund is almost empty and needs to be replenished. Please consider
donating to this fund so that we can once again reach out to those in need of financial assistance. If
you're able, just place your check in an envelope and on the memo line, state Families in Need.
CCA Holiday Food Drive
Lamb of God will be collecting cans of candied yams (16 oz size) for the CCA Thanksgiving and
Christmas food baskets. Please leave your donation in the CCA collection bin behind the information
desk. Our goal is 400 cans. Thanks for your help!
Greeter Team
Are you looking for a way to serve that doesn't involve a big time commitment? Consider being part of
the Greeter Team or the Information Desk Team! We need several people from both services so we
can rotate to greet once a month. It is a nice way to brighten up someone's day to let them know you
are glad to see them and it is a welcoming gesture to people who are visiting. The information desk is
another great way to meet visiting people or help our church family with information needs. Please
prayerfully consider serving with us in these important outreach opportunities.
For additional information, please contact
Terri Van Strien for the Greeter Team (469) 744-6900
Jeannine Howell for the Information Desk Team (972) 746-8667
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Every year LWML of Lamb of God puts together kits to send to Lutheran World Relief. This year we will once again be
assembling PERSONAL CARE KITS. When natural disaster strikes or political conflict fares, families often have little
chance to gather their belongings before fleeing the danger. They arrive in a refugee camp or other place of safety
scared, vulnerable and dirty from the travel. The simple items included in Personal Care Kits allow them to wash
away the dirt and sweat, with the fresh scent of soap and the softness of a towel as reminders of someone's care and
concern for them in their plight. We are collecting the following items for these kits. Items may be placed in the
LWML bin behind the information desk. Collection will continue into March. If you would like to know more about
these kits and how they are used, please visit:
• One light- or medium-weight bath-size towel (approximately 52" x 27"), dark color recommended
• Two bath-size bars of soap, any brand, in original wrapping
• One sturdy comb
• One adult-size toothbrush in its original packaging
• One metal nail clippers
Attention all Petal Pushers
Anybody who wants to putter in the flower beds, let's meet after church. We can bring our gardening
duds and tools, eat a lite lunch, and tackle the weeds in the beds so our Petals can Grow!
Just come--no need to sign up.
Preschool Veteran’s Day Parade
November 10th & 11th 8:45 am
In honor of Veteran’s Day the Preschool will have a parade. We
are asking Veteran’s to join us (in uniform if you wish) in the
atrium as we honor and give thanks for you.
Thank you for giving your time and for serving America!
Live Nativity Signup
Live Nativity is Saturday, December 13th this year. We will need lots of help
both as characters and behind the scenes. We will also need help with the
Lewisville parade early afternoon on the 6th and will have simple crafts for
kids and hand out fliers at the Flower Mound parade at 6 pm that evening.
Atrium & Sanctuary
Tuesday, December 2nd
9 am – 12 pm
Need lot of hands to put
decor out!!
Trees in Sanctuary
Saturday, December 6th
9 am – 12 pm
Worship Attendance
Live Nativity
Saturday, December 13th
Sunday School
Oct 12
Oct 19
Oct 26
Nov 02
Let the Holy Cow Smokers cook for your Christmas and/or New Year’s Holiday celebrations!!!
The Holy Cow Smokers (HCS) will be taking orders for their Whole Smoked Turkey, Smoked and Glazed Spiral Cut
Ham, and Chopped Smoked Brisket. All proceeds benefit the “Be Transformed” Capital Campaign.
Orders will be taken Sunday, December 7 & 14 only
Community Life Center during the Sunday School hour and after late service
Order pickup Saturday, December 20 from 5-7 pm
Lamb of God Community Life Center Kitchen
Whole Smoked Turkey
Smoked and Glazed Spiral Cut Ham
Chopped Smoked Brisket (5 pounds cooked)
Smoked meats are available for prepaid orders only
Salsas, BBQ sauces, and Seasonings also available
As always, thank you for supporting the HCS so that we may be Loving, Outreaching, and Growing in Christ!
The Senior Pastor Call Process Prayer Team Invites You Be a Part of the Call Process
Here's how you can be a part of the process:
• Look for prayers in the bulletin and LOG General Interest emails. To sign up for LOG emails
visit the LOG website at and click on the sign up button.
• Sign up for the Prayer Team's Update Messages in one of two ways...
o on your phone, text "@pray4call" to (972) 362-9829
o send an e-mail to
• Join us for the first Prayer Party on Tuesday, November 18 (sign up above for details)
For additional information, please contact Adrienne Sekishiro at
Year to Date Offerings
Weekly Offerings - 11/02/14
YTD Budget
Short Fall
YTD Received
Short Fall
Year to Date Budget - October
"Be Transformed" Capital Campaign
Campaign Goal
Total Received
Budget Gap
Voters Meeting
Sunday, December 7th
The biannual voters meeting with election of CMC officers will be held following the late service. Among other
business, updates on the Sr. Pastor Call Process and the Youth Director process will be discussed. CMC Officers
up for election (or reelection) include:
1. Vice-President
Doug Janeway*
2. Secretary
Robin Hawkins is the incumbent and has agreed to run
for a second term. Other nominations are welcome.
3. Elders
Tom Parker**
4. Early Childhood Nominations are welcome.
5. Outreach
Nominations are welcome
6. Music
Nominations are welcome.
7. Servanthood
Nominations are welcome.
* Doug Janeway was appointed by the CMC following the resignation of David Reinhard and
has agreed to run for the elected position.
** The Head Elder is elected by the Elders body and is for information for the congregation.
Any voting member of the congregation can nominate another voting member for any (with the exception of
Head Elder) office. This nomination must be in writing and signed by the congregation member. Nominations will
be open until Sunday, November 16, 2014. Please return any nominations to Scott Egger or the church office.
Form for Suggesting Nominees
Vice President:
Secretary: ______________________________________________________________________________
Chairman of Servantood: __________________________________________________________________
Chairman of Outreach: ___________________________________________________________________
Chairman of Music Ministry: _______________________________________________________________
Chairman of Early Childhood Ministry: _______________________________________________________
Your Name as Person Making Nominations: