Kaplan 5-day CFA® revision course plus free invigilated mock exam Amsterdam 2014 Self-study may not be enough to pass the CFA® exam; your success depends on quality instruction. Kaplan’s instructors are professional educators and CFA charterholders with years of experience teaching CFA-related courses. CFA® exam prep / June 2014 CFA® Institute does not endorse, promote or warrant the accuracy or quality of Kaplan/Schweser. CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst are registered trademarks owned by CFA® Institute. Course features Free invigilated Schweser mock exam • Revision of syllabus content. Review of LOS and key concepts • Application of knowledge to exam style questions (question practice and debriefs) • Development of exam technique • Held in conjunction with the CFA® Netherlands Society. Exclusive revision course material • Mindmap syllabus review pack summarizing the CFA syllabus. Exclusive revision Q&A banks: • Over 1,000 unique Level I multiplechoice questions. • Over 100 unique Level II item sets • Over 85 unique Level III essay questions and item sets. • Additional mock exam at all three levels. Level June 2014 sitting: Level I: 12 - 16 April 2014 Level II: 12 - 16 April 2014 Level III: 5 - 9 April 2014 December 2014 sitting: Level I: 18 - 22 October 2014 Times 09:00 - 17:00 Location Park Hotel, Amsterdam, Stadhouderskade 25, 1071 ZD, Amsterdam Instructors: Our tutors have, on average, over ten years’ teaching experience, a proven track record towards exam tuition and know the skills required to fast-track students to exam success. The majority have worked in industry or practice and use this experience to link concepts to real world industry situations. Doug Van Eaton CFA: Head of CFA Education for Kaplan Schweser. As well as content responsibility for the Schweser StudyNotes, Doug lectures at both Level I for live classroom courses es as well as the 16 week live online program. Jonathan Bone CFA ACA: Jonathan leads the Kaplan CFA® team in the UK, having responsibility for all aspects of material, course design, and delivery. For the past eight years, he has received global recognition as one of the core tutors in the Kaplan Schweser video series for Level II. John Cook CFA ACA: Material head of Level III for Kaplan Financial in the UK, John has over 15 years of Level III lecturing experience focussing on Level III as well as developing and delivering a large number of bespoke courses throughout Europe and Asia. Kaplan 5-day CFA revision course - Amsterdam enrolment details Student details Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss (please circle one) Surname __________________________________________________ Forename(s) ______________________________________________ Date of birth _____/ _____ /_____ Address ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Postcode __________________________________________________ Tel (Home) ________________________________________________ Mobile ____________________________________________________ Tel (Work) _________________________________________________ Work e-mail ______________________________________________ Personal e-mail __________________________________________ I can confirm that I have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions and privacy policy detailed on www.kaplanfinancial.co.uk Student signature______________________________ Date__________________________________________ Required Disclaimer: CFA Institute does not endorse, warrant, or promote the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by Kaplan Financial. CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are trademarks owned by CFA Institute. Step 1: Choose your Classroom courses (please tick your selection): Course level Date Price CFA Level I 12 - 16 April 2014 €800 CFA Level II 12-16 April 2014 €1,000 CFA Level III 5-9 April 2014 €1,200 CFA Level I 18-22 October 2014 €800 (June sitting) (June sitting) (June sitting) (December sitting) Step 2: Confirm your place at the invigilated mock exam (please tick): Step 3: Choose your Kaplan Schweser package (at 20% discount to retail prices): Material Price Schweser Premium Package €610 Schweser Essential Package €375 Courier costs (will be automatically added to the costs of your Kaplan Schweser package) €76 Schweser package costs Delivery fees Step 5: Payment instructions Please invoice my employer (complete section overleaf) I enclose a cheque for £________ made payable to Kaplan Financial Limited. To pay by card, please e-mail this enrolment form to citybookings@kaplan.co.uk, then select from the options below: Kaplan should contact me for payment I will contact Kaplan on 020 7920 3060 for payment Please email, fax or post your enrolment using the information below: Kaplan Financial Markets, 5th Floor, Finsbury Tower, 103-105 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8LZ Tel: +44 (0) 20 7920 3060 | Fax: +44 (0) 20 7256 5882 www.kaplanfinancial.co.uk/cfa Email: citybookings@kaplan.co.uk Tick Note: Additional 2014 Schweser products can be purchased at 20% discount to retail prices for delegates on our classroom courses. Step 4: Sum up your total costs: Classroom course costs Tick Grand total
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