The Mass & Office this Week OT Week 30 Psalter Week II Mon 27 Mass 1900 Feria Intention: The Proper WDM Evening Prayer 1830 Green Tues 28 Mass 1800 Feria Intention: Hospital/Prison Chaplains Proper WDM Evening Prayer 1730 SOLW after Mass Green Wed 29 Mass 10:00 Mem: Intention: The Deanery Parishes Proper: WDM Evening Prayer 1800 Green Thur 30 Green Mass 0900 Feria Intention: The Church in Iraq/Syria Proper WDM Evening Prayer 1800 Sat 1 Mass 0930 Feria Green Intention: O Proper: WDM EP I of All Saints & Benediction 18:00 The Sacrament of Reconciliation Before or after any Mass or Office or by appointment with the Vicar Communicants Last Week Last Sunday 78 (98 ) Weekdays 43 At Home/Hospt Saint Benedict Prayer Group My thanks for your commitment to this time of prayer each day. You enrich the life of the Church and your prayer always avails for others. “Always be begin anew” Intercession at Mass & at home For the sick, for those in need Niki Atkins & Family, Marion Williams & Family, Liz Hardness, Gareth & Family, Lynn & Archie, Julia Paine, Lukus and his Family, Stuart Chalinder, Mary Pittard, Fay Fox,, Carla Donovan, Michael Grant & his Family. The Recently Departed Pamelia Juanita Dando Years Mind (Anniversary of death) 26th Iris Hetty Hayman Lily Rose Lewis 27th Amelia Morgan Germaine Baker Hilda Draper 28th Evan Morgan, Priest Henry Griffin Hellier, Priest Albert Turner Laura Caroline Williams 29th Harry William North, Priest William Price-Johns, Priest 30th Phyllis Evelyn Thomas John Frank Bickerton Mary Keziah Julian 31st Beatrice Hay Annie Mary Alexander Kenneth John Gillingham, priest William Henry Trigg 1st Nellie Elizabeth Evans John Thomas Edgar Jewell Linda Jane Lewis Florence Maud Williams Ada Annie Buckland John Julian Peter John Evans Williams Requiescant in pace Jesu mercy Mary Pray 1914 1958 1951 1963 1914 Saint Martin in Roath The 19th Sunday after Trinity Sunday 26 October 2014 Today marks the last Sunday in once sense of the period we have marked as being Sundays after Trinity. Next weekend we keep the festival of All Saints and on Monday 3rd All Souls. Do add to the requiem list the names of those among the faithful departed you would like included in the Requiem. You are by the way expected to be present. November sees our keeping of Remembrance Sunday which heralds the beginning of our own Patronal Festival in honour of Saint Martin. There are several things planned for the Festival Week. In recent years you have not been very supportive of the Festival events that have taken place on weekdays. Do make the effort this year and bring others with you. November is a month of remembrance in many ways - The Armistice, All Souls, the Patronal and there are many Saints days. These are all different but they all include us remembering in one way or another. As Christians we are used to remembering and we bring the teachings of the Church to bear on all that we remember - the wars, the dead, the saints. Our Patronal Festival might focus on our remembrance of St Martin but it should also give us opportunity to celebrate the present and look to the future here. So let us remember, and especially at Mass when all our remembrances are gathered up in Christ as we make that daily memorial of our redemption through him in the Mass. 1965 1897 2011 1969 1998 1972 1991 1987 2008 1953 1958 1962 1963 1991 2004 WELCOME TO SAINT MARTINS An Anglican Church in the Diocese of Llandaff We celebrate and teach the CHRISTIAN faith in the CATHOLIC tradition Music at the Liturgy Director of Music - Timothy Hill Assistant Organist - Philip Aspden Solemn Mass 10:00 Introit: Let hearts rejoice Setting: Hill, Blessed Sacrament Mass Hymns: Ent: 439 Off: 472 HC 283 Final Postlude: Leighton, Fanfare Its half Term - the some of the Choir are away The Parish Priest: Fr. Irving Hamer Tel: 029 20482295 Parish Web Page Twitter stmartinroath Anthony Jeremy - was received into the Roman Catholic Church last Tuesday evening. Tony has been discussing this with me over several months and he goes with my blessing and I hope all our good wishes. He was received into the Roman Catholic Church via the Ordinariate. You will continue to see Tony around at St Martin’s as he does not wish to sever connections with us. He will explain his reasons to you himself. However, it should be clearly understood that has done this for personal reasons. His wife and nearly all his family as you will know are Roman Catholics. He leaves us in good grace and with a good conscience. Liturgy of the Word A reading from the book of the Exodus Responsorial Psalm 17 I love you, Lord, my strength, my rock, my fortress, my saviour. My God is the rock where I take refuge; my shield, my mighty help, my stronghold. The Lord is worthy of all praise: when I call I am saved from my foes. R/. Long life to the Lord, my rock! Praise be the God who saves me. He has given great victories to his king and shown his love for his anointed. R/. A reading from the first letter of St Paul to Thessalonians Gospel Acclamation All Souls 2014 - A Mass of Requiem will be offered for the departed on Monday 3rd November at 7pm. Please add the names of the dead you would like remembered at this Mass to the list on the Notices table. Future Notice - St Peters and St Martins in Roath will host together a Charity Fair in the Cloister at St Martin on Saturday 29th Nov between 12- 3pm Nov raising funds together for local charities More information to follow as it is made available. Your help and support here will be much appreciated. St Martin - Patronal Festival is almost upon us - As in previous years there are events planned to mark this occasion. Your presence and participation is encouraged. See the Notices Board for details of these and make plans now to be with us - make this Festival an occasion when we invite others to join us. We really do have much to give thanks for and celebrate. Make it your business to actively share in these events. I can publish these occasions in various ways but the best publicity is always a personnel invitation from you to your family and friends. Let this occasion not pass by without you and your family being present. Open our heart, O Lord, to accept the words of your Son The Gospel according to Saint Matthew The Homily - The Vicar A flyer is available for you to take home and pass another onto others. Parish Notes SOLW - The Society of Our Lady of Walsingham meet on Tuesday after Mass to pray the Rosary. Do come along and join this prayer group and stay for some coffee afterwards. Flowers for the Festival - do offer Carol some money to provide flowers for the Festival Week - they could be in memory of loved ones prayed for at All Souls, in thanksgiving for All Saints, in general remembrance of all the good things you and your family receive day by day. Also remember that Carol’s brother is very sick at this time and that she might like some offers of help. Thanks . Walsingham Pilgrimage 2015 - Thurs 19th Feb - 22nd Feb. As in previous years we shall me making pilgrimage to the Shrine. I am looking for someone to co-ordinate the bookings with the Shrine as they now prefer us to book as a group under the St Martin in Roath heading, rather then as individuals. Let me know if you would like to do this. Web Page Address The Parish Web Site has been up dated Also follow is on TWITTER @stmartinroath
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