October 26th, 2014
Rev. Grant Dillenbeck
Director of Music: Allison Houston
Board Chair – Doug Hall
Office Administrator – Alanna Code
Youth Worker – Ruth Richardson
Office: 613-836-4962 Fax: 613-836-5778
6255 Fernbank Rd., Stittsville, K2S 1X5
E-mail: Web site:
We welcome all who have come to worship with us.
Visitors are invited to sign our guest book located
on the table to the left at the back of the sanctuary.
Those on PAR are invited to use the donation
cards on the table to the right at the back of the
rear sanctuary. Colouring pages, story books and
information leaflets are available on the display
rack and tables at the back of the sanctuary.
Hymns and most other service materials for
worship will be projected on the screen.
Please join us for refreshments and fellowship
downstairs following the worship service.
We thank Karyn Larson and Fran Major for greeting this morning.
Upcoming Worship Services: (10:00 am services)
November 2 – Communion. Sermon, “The Communion of
November 9 – Remembrance Sunday. Sermon, “To Connect
and Re-connect.”
November 16 – Baptism. Sermon, “Un-Hidden Treasure.”
November 23 – Reign of Christ and Children’s Sunday.
We thank the Byce family for helping provide refreshments
this morning. Kelli Byce co-ordinates our Sunday morning
refreshments so if you would like to help prepare beverages and
snacks some Sunday, please sign the list downstairs.
We thank everyone who helped with and attended our
Annual Fall Supper on Saturday. Special thanks to Fern
Carpenter for all of her work coordinating, and to Allison Houston
and Irons in the Fire for offering entertainment.
Loonie Breakfasts are held every Tuesday morning in the Lower
Hall at 9:00 am. For just $2.00 you can enjoy a delicious
breakfast and friendly fellowship. Everyone is welcome!
There will be a sign-up sheet posted downstairs so be
sure to add your name to the list! All are welcome!
The first Treasure Table of the season will open on Tuesday,
October 28. This is a great opportunity to find that perfect gift or
item for your home or do some early Christmas shopping. All
gently loved treasures are welcome. Please take a look around
your homes to see what you can donate to make space for new
treasures! Items can be dropped off at the church during regular
office hours or on Sunday mornings. The Treasure Table will also
be open during refreshments following Sunday morning Worship.
Grocery Voucher Cards are available for purchase every
Sunday. We have cards for $25.00, $50.00, $100.00 and
$250.00 which can be used at all Superstores, Loblaws,
Independents, and No Frills or cards for Metro/Food Basics. You
get full value of the cards at the store, and the church gets 4% of
the value for our use. Please see Ivy Canning after the service or
contact her by phone at 613-831-1608.
We thank Ruth Richardson and Heather Newar for the
Thanksgiving banners at the front of the church representing
God’s gifts of earth, water, air and fire.
Copies of the, “Mandate” Magazine, “Our Daily Bread”, and the
“The United Church Observer” Magazine are available at the
back of the church.
Biblical Drumming: Miriam drummed! All women drummed until the Early Church fathers. Now is your turn to reclaim our
Christian heritage. We meet on the second and fourth Fridays at
Stittsville United Church (7pm) and every Friday at Bells Corners
United Church (10:30 am). See To come to
either group or to arrange for a beginner workshop in your
church, call 613-836-4780. You are most welcome to join in!
Presbytery Pastoral Care and Oversight Triennial Visit:
Wednesday November 5 at 7:00 pm. Every three years as part
of their oversight role, members of the Presbytery visit every
congregation to receive feedback from the staff and members of
the congregation about the health and well-being of the
congregation. Everyone from the congregation is invited to come
out to this meeting and offer their input.
MISSION PHRASE: In the spring we received feedback from the
congregation about our present ministry, and future possibilities.
There was strong support for us to have a clear statement of our
mission. The Visioning Team and Board recently met with a
United Church consultant and identified that it would be good for
the congregation to develop a phrase which would clearly state
who we are, help others to be encouraged to be a part of our
congregation, and help us to be motivated to carry out our
ministry and mission in new ways. We are presenting three
possible mission phrases for you to reflect upon. Over the next
few weeks these mission phrases are being displayed on an
office partition panel in the main hall downstairs. We invite you to
put a check mark below the phrase you think best captures the
sense of who we are, and / or to suggest your own. Here are the
four phrases for you to consider:
- You Belong Here
(8 votes)
- Living in a Circle of Love (7 votes)
- Growing Together in Spirit (14 votes)
- Making a Difference
(3 votes)
Choir practices are held Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm. All are
Musical Talents: Do you have a musical talent ready to be
dusted off? Not able to be in the choir regularly, but would like to
sing an occasional solo/duet? Have a particular song/anthem
you’d love to hear? Talk to Allison if you would like to be involved
in the music program at SUC in any way. We’ll figure out how to
make it work! 
New Choir Chairs: 30 new chairs are being purchased for the
choir loft and front of the sanctuary. The cost is approximately
$200 per chair. Almost half of the cost will be covered from
accumulated interest in the Flewellyn Fund which was
established for choir use. We are also asking for donations.
Please use the envelopes in the pews or special envelopes on
the tables by the doors at the back of the church. Make cheques
out to Sittsville United Church and write “Choir Chair Fund” on
the memo line. Thank you for your support.
NEW THIS YEAR – Our new Sunday School coordinator, Ryan
Hutchison, and Ruth Richardson are asking you to join the
children for Sunday school this year. Volunteer for just ONE
Sunday. Your gift of time to share with the children - just 45
minutes. Call the church office if you can help out.
Nursery: Our nursery for children up to age 3 will be staffed
today by Alicia Byce. If you would like to help in the nursery,
please call the church office.
Youth Group for high-school aged teens meets on Mondays at
7:00 pm.
Laptop: We are looking for a relatively new laptop which would
be used in the Sunday School and Youth programs. If you have
one you could donate, please call the church office. Thank you.
Church Office: The church office is open Tuesday to Friday
mornings from 9:00 am to noon.
Offering Envelopes and PAR forms are available in the church
office any Sunday following the worship service from our
Treasurer, Don Carson.
Our worship services are available on DVD. If you
would like a copy of a Sunday service, please call the
church office.
Stittsville Diners Club for seniors and adults with disabilities – Third
Tuesday monthly (Nov. 18), 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm, here
at Stittsville United. Provided by the Western Ottawa
Community Resource Centre. Tickets $7. Call Carol at
613-591-3686 ext. 272. (Please note the Diner’s Club
will meet at Sobey’s for lunch on October 16. Call for more
Donations to the Stittsville Food Bank can be made any Sunday
by placing non-perishable food on the table at the front of the
sanctuary. You can pick up a “Reverse Offering” slip
of an item to purchase from the offering plate on the
“Community Table, or donate any non-perishable
food item you like. You can also make financial
donations to the food bank through the envelopes in
the pews. We thank everyone for their generous
support of our first Reverse Offering for the Food Bank which was
collected on Thanksgiving Sunday. Over 300 items were donated!
Thank you for your support.
The Canadian Military Wives’ Choir will be hosting a
Swirlicious Sale + Tea and Bake Sale today from 1:004:00 pm at Stittsville United Church. Swirlicious is a homebased business that specializes in funky accessories and apparel
including jewellery, hats, scarves, and more! It will be a great
opportunity to pick up some early Christmas gifts and a fun way
to support the choir. For more information, please speak to
Allison Houston, Alanna Code, Sarah Daly, or Shelley Hagar.
Today from 2:00 – 4:00 pm at City View United Church, 6
Epworth Avenue, Ottawa you are welcome to come to thank Rev.
Lillian Roberts for her work as Presbytery Minister, and wish her
well as the Conference Personnel Minister for Manitou
Conference in northern Ontario.
Matthew House is an organization which provides support to
those who are new to Canada. They operate a Furniture Bank
providing furniture to those who are in need. If you are interested
in finding out how to volunteer at the furniture bank, or to help with
furniture deliveries, please call our church office or contact Dauid
Botha at 613-240-6680 or
Knox United Church’s Annual Bazaar is coming up and you
are invited! On Saturday Nov. 1st from 9:30 am to 2 pm
come and see our great assortment of crafts, knitting
and sewing, baked goodies, food-to-go, books and
LP’s, crazy sweaters and ties, vintage clothing, preloved toys and games, quilt raffle; browse through
Auntie’s Attic and relax in the Lunch room. Child care is
available. Info: 613-829-2266 or
See flyer posted.
St. Thomas Anglican Church invites you to their Snowflake
Bazaar on Saturday, November 1 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
There will be crafts, a silent auction, baking, preserves,
Christmas puddings, jewellery, home décor,
used books, gently used and new Christmas
decorations and much, much more! You can
even have lunch which will include homemade
soup, rolls, cookies, and squares. (Lunch is $6
for adults, $3 for children 8 years of age and under.) For more
information, contact the St. Thomas church office at 613-8365741.
The Valley Men will be in concert at Bells Corners United Church
on Sunday, November 2 at 7:00 pm. Refreshments will be
served. A free will offering will be received. All proceeds will go to
the 2015 BCUC Nicaragua Mission Exposure Trip.
As of the end of September 2014 we have received about $6,000
more in offerings and about $3,500 more in facility rentals and
HST rebate than at this time last year. Income year-to-date from
our solar project is also ahead of projection. However we have
received about $8,000 less than this time last year in fundraising
as we did not have a major spring fundraising event in 2014, and
our BBQ at the Stittsville Village Fest was rained out. If the
present levels of giving hold until the end of the year, we hope to
be able to make our budget for 2014. We now have 53 households using pre-authorized remittance. The ministry we provide is
made possible through your ongoing faithfulness and generosity.
Thank you for your support!
Stittsville United Church
Offerings Budget: (required givings to meet monthly costs)
Offerings per month
Offerings Budget ($13000) per Month
Offerings (Sunday morning plate givings only)
Jan $13,000.00
Feb $13,000.00
Mar $13,000.00
Apr $13,000.00
May $13,000.00
June $13,000.00
M & S givings to date
Local Outreach
Families on PAR
“Autumn Psalm of Contentment”
By Edward Hayes in “Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim”
O sacred season of Autumn, be my teacher,
for I wish to learn the virtue of contentment.
As I gaze upon your full-colored beauty,
I sense all about you
an at-homeness with your amber riches.
You are the season of retirement,
of full barns and harvested fields.
The cycle of growth has ceased,
and the busy work of giving life is now completed.
I sense in you no regrets:
you’ve lived a full life.
I live in a society that is ever-restless,
always eager for more mountains to climb,
seeking happiness through more and more possessions.
As a child of my culture,
am seldom truly at peace with what I have.
Teach me to take stock of what I have given and received;
may I know that it’s enough,
that my striving can cease in the abundance of God’s grace.
May I know the contentment
that allows the totality of my energies
to come to full flower.
May I know that like you I am rich beyond measure.
As you, O Autumn, take pleasure in your great bounty,
let me also take delight
in the abundance of the simple things of life
which are the true source of joy.
With the golden glow of peaceful contentment
may I truly appreciate this autumn day.