November 2014

First Presbyterian Church
300 South Main Street, P. O. Box 1038
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601-5038
Phone: 724.832.0150 fax: 724.832.0152
November 2014
Sunday School at 9:00 a.m.
Worship 10:00 a.m.
Nursery Care provided
“I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ
Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in him, in speech and knowledge of every kind— just
as the testimony of Christ has been strengthened among you— so that you are not lacking in any
spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Last month, my article in this newsletter began with the very same scripture verse from Paul’s First
Epistle to the Corinthians. It is worth repeating! … Again and again and again, even!
Email submissions to or mail to church office.
The Coulter Society asks that you please consider
remembering our church in your will!
Rev. Martin R. Ankrum, Pastor / Head of Staff
Rev. Nicole C. Brodeur, Associate Pastor for Youth and Educational Ministries
Rev. Bobbie Hineline, Minister of Visitation
Edgar B. Highberger, Minister of Music and Organist
Taylor R. Barner, Seminary Assistant for Campus Ministry
Lu Ann Peters, Financial Secretary
Kimberly A. Stoner, Executive Secretary
Keith L. Huey, Sexton
Stacy A. Somers, FPC Preschool Supervisor
Wendy H. Matchett, FPC Preschool Teacher
Joan L. McGinley, FPC Preschool Teacher
Anita M. Garr, Director of Elementary Music
Michelle Stefl Harbaugh, Assistant to the Minister of Music
Carol A. Scherff, Housekeeper
Richard P. Fabery and William Seaman, Assistant Sextons
Katie Morella, Nursery Care
There are so many things for which we can be thankful in our lives as Christians. In Jesus Christ, we
have received a promise of love and salvation from God. In Jesus Christ, we have been brought home to
the God who loves us and wishes only to make of us his very people. In Jesus Christ, we have received
all that we need.
As you know, we have heard from five members of the congregation throughout the past months in
worship, speaking of their thankfulness for this church and their inclusion in the body of Christ. At the
last meeting of the Session, I asked our ruling elders to write a single word or simple phrase denoting for
what they are thankful about our church. I was amazed at the responses (partly because many of them
couldn’t keep their comments to a single word or phrase!). Members of the church, staff members,
groups within the church and other less “tangible” things were mentioned.
Among those I received back was one response that read: “Another day to do God’s work.” Part of our
thankfulness to God’s goodness is to respond by offering ourselves to the work of God’s kingdom in this
world. I, myself, am very thankful for this congregation that repeatedly demonstrates a willingness to
follow Jesus Christ in being a force for good in this world. From the many encounters I have with
members of our church, I always walk away thankful that folks are following this calling and offering
themselves to God to do the work needed. Thanks be to God!
Keep up the Good Work!
PRAYER LIST: Virginia Abraham, Linda Anderson, Catharine Anthony, Nelda Ashbaugh, Lu
Ann Barkley, Kit Bickerton, Jillian Bowman, Sue Brown, Gail Bupp, Debi Byham, Michael
Cerilli, Bonnie Chambers, Don Cole, Edna Mary Cox, Anna Crouse, Liz Crowe, Michelle King
Cushey, Elaine Davis, Michele Domenick, Raymond Duffy Family, Richard Enterline, Albert
Essey, Elizabeth Fedele, Elizabeth Felice, Robert Folino, Sarah Frey, Lance Frye, William
Gabel, Alice Genest, Brenda Gessman, Dave Gibson, Janet Glover, Amy Hartman, Shirley
Hawk, Sydney Hawk, Ruth Hershey, Cheryl Highberger, Margaret Hockeborn, Grace Howard,
Charlotte Jinkner, Laura Johnson, Carolyn Jones, Bob Kemerer, Casey Kimmel, Ray and Reta
Kuyat, Laura Ligus, Leila Linden, Marcy Lindsay, Leslie Luhovey, May, Eugene Magness,
Gloria Marion, George Maser, Lila May, Brooke McLarty, David McNair, Alex Noel, Bill Noel,
Emily Norton, Denise Orr, John Persico, Victoria Piekut, Kay Powers, Ed Rayburg, Ron Russell,
Pat Salathe, Amanda Wood Samit, Tim Sarver, Lou Semach, John Sember, Liz Sember, Joe
Shaffer, Ellen Sheehan, Liam Sherman, Chris Smith, Pat Smith, Robert and Nancy Stahl, Curt
Steigmeyer, Janet Sutherland, Lance Tacik, Monika Tart, Tom Taylor, Paul Thomas, Gale
Pearson Truman, Lynda Turin, Elsie Vanetta, Michael Washil, Welsh Family, Cheryl Woods
and Paul and Marilyn Zielinski.
BIRTHDAYS: Each month we observe the VIP and fourscore or more birthdays: If you are 80 or
older, and would like to be listed in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church. October
birthdays are:
Alice Ann Morgan, 12921 Redstone Drive, Apt. 166, Gbg (13)
Gib Clark Jr., 184 Frye Farm Road, Gbg (16)
Mary Lou Work, 225 Alexander Ave., 2nd Floor, Gbg (29)
MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS since September 15: The Dull Family, Jeanne M. Cook, Scott and
Gretchen Brown
CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES – If you don’t receive contribution envelopes and would like a set or if you
currently receive envelopes for yourself or a family member and do not wish to receive them please let
me know. Lu Ann Peters, Financial Secretary
Stewardship Report
Total Disbursements through 9/30/14
Total Receipts through 9/30/14
Total Income over/under Expense
On Sunday Mornings in the Fall …
The Faith & Family group meets in the Fletcher Room to discuss topics related to our faith and
family relationships.
On the Christian Life is a class that discusses the influence of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German
theologian executed by the Nazis for his views. The class meets in the PW Lounge and is led by
Rev. Ankrum!
Rev. Bobbie Hineline continues a six week seminar on prayer in the Refectory.
On Wednesdays …
The Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study meets at Eat’n Park on Rt. 30 E. each Wednesday
morning at 7:45 a.m. for a time of fellowship, study and, of course, breakfast. We are now
studying the Book of Genesis under the leadership of Rev. Ankrum.
Taste & See meets at Oliver’s Pourhouse on Pennsylvania Ave. each Wednesday evening at 7
p.m. Rev. Niki Brodeur facilitates this discussion group.
Other Opportunities ….
The Biblical Book of the Month Class gathers on the final Monday evening of each month at 7
pm in the Assembly Room of the church. Rev. Ankrum teaches the class and covers a single
book of the Bible each month. We will gather on Monday, November 24 this month … the book
of the Bible to be discussed will be the Old Testament book of Judges.
The Last Tuesday Book Club will continue our gatherings on Tuesday, November 25 at 7 p.m.
in the PW Lounge. This year, we are reading and discussing shorter works of classic fiction,
often called novellas. Here is the schedule for the rest of the year:
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Leo Tolstoy
The Turn of the Screw
Henry James
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Truman Capote
Animal Farm
George Orwell
Billy Budd
Herman Melville
The Third Man
Graham Greene
THE FLOWER GARDEN will meet in the PW Lounge on Monday, November 10. Call Bobbie
Hineline at 724-850-9342 with any questions.
CORNERSTONE is a gathering of folks from FPC on a monthly basis for dinner and conversation
on the second Saturday evening of each month. Please join us on Saturday, November 8, 2014
at 6:30 p.m. at The New City Buffet in the Eastgate Plaza in Greensburg. Please contact Sandy
Beauregard (724-834-2247) or the church office by Wednesday, November 5, to reserve your
HIGHLANDERS will meet on Friday, November 7. Dinner is at 6:00 p.m. and the cost is $13.00.
Our speaker will be Donna Koenig who will tell us about the history of “The Rialto” which has
been in her family for three generations. New members are always welcome, but if you are under
sixty years old, you may feel too young. Please contact the church office at 724-832-0150 if you
plan to attend.
located in the Assembly Room!! Stop by and just relax, enjoy the morning paper, or browse the
large collection of books in the library – it’s easy to check them out too! So why not grab a cup
of coffee from the kitchen and relax in the Presby Café! Wi-Fi is available.
The new preschool website is live!!! Check us out at
The website contains lots of information about our preschool. We are excited to spread the word
about our school. Be sure to check us out!
Registration for 2015/2016 will open on January 5, 2015. Space fills up quickly so please
register early. You can print a form directly from the website.
ATTENTION!! Calling all third graders and up! We are having acolyte training on November 16
& 23rd right after worship. This is a wonderful ministry to serve in during our worship services.
If you are interested in serving God and the church in this way, sign up for training with Niki.
HAVE YOU CONSIDERED SPONSORING A COFFEE HOUR? Provide your own cookies, muffins
or pastries or underwrite the refreshments for $35. Use the sign-up sheet on the Dining Room
bulletin board. Your contributions and participation are greatly appreciated.
CANCER CARE LIBRARY NOW AVAILABLE ----- The Deacons have added a new Care Note
assortment which addresses many of the questions and challenges that individuals and families
face in dealing with cancer. The new library, which consists of nine cancer-related topics, is
located in the dining room next to our current Care Notes Library.
A NEW ARRIVAL in the family is amazing, exciting and can be overwhelming. The Deacons are
offering a meal for the family on a busy day with appointments, etc. The new mother, or a
family member, can contact Carol Behun (724-744-4603) or Peggy Taylor (724-547-6851). We
do not have a formal network to know of births at the regional hospitals; however, the church
office will forward information as received. Anyone wishing to provide a meal may also contact
Carol or Peggy. Thank you for your help with this ministry.
VIP (VERY IMPORTANT PRESBYTERIANS) The Pastoral Care Committee of the Board of
Deacons are asking church members with family or friends who are hospitalized, have health
conditions that have changed, and/or have other concerns to please inform Kim Stoner at the
church office at 724-832-0150.
AN OPEN INVITATION to members and friends of First Presbyterian Church to join the Monday
Morning Sewing Circle that meets at 9:00 a.m. Monday mornings in the Fletcher Room. You
don’t have to be an expert tailor to hem the cotton flannelette baby receiving blankets or to sew
the “little dresses for Africa”. If you are interested, please contact Sylvia Carlson at 724-7552288 for information. Membership at this church is not a requirement. Anyone is welcome.
THE DEACONS will be preparing the November 9th Second Sunday Supper. We are looking for
donations of six (6) apple crisps. If you have any questions and/or can supply one
or two apple crisps, please contact Kathy Martinko at 724-838-7956.
Mission Committee News
SECOND SUNDAY SUPPER: It was a warm and sunny Second Sunday in October. The tables
and chairs were set up but no-one was fussing in the kitchen. Then, seemingly out of nowhere,
young people were everywhere, food magically appeared and over 60 guests filled the seats.
Many guests complimented the meal…..pulled pork sandwiches, a bag of chips, a bowl of fruit
and a nice tossed salad. The meal ended with cakes that sweetened their visit. The youth of
FPC did a masterful job for our guests. Louis came to handle the dishes and we’re glad he’s
back. Our next meal will be prepared by our deacons on November 9.
11 A.M. – 3 P.M.
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of
men.” The Session is planning an "Open House" to be held during
the Greensburg Holiday Parade on Saturday, November 22. We will
welcome people in out of the cold for cookies, coffee, tea and hot
chocolate. We are asking for cookie contributions and for volunteers
for set-up, service and clean-up. Additionally, we will also be offering tours of our beautiful
place of worship. While visitors will certainly be inspired by the physical beauty of our
magnificent facilities, they will more importantly see how great our church family is too. Your
contribution, whether time or cookies, is greatly appreciated. Sign-ups will be held during coffee
hour or arrangements can be made through the church office at (724) 832-0150.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2014 – 6 – 8 PM
Join us as we exhibit the artwork of a member of our congregation. Mr. Marsh grew up in our
congregation and continues as an active member. Gather with us as we celebrate the work of one
of our own. The works will be displayed in the Dining Room with refreshments served.
Dr. Emrich is the recently retired Pastor / Head of Staff of First Presbyterian Church, Saginaw,
Michigan. Bob served our congregation as an Associate Pastor in the 70’s and 80’s, leaving to
take the position in Saginaw where he has remained since the mid-80’s. Please join us on
Sunday, November 9 to hear from an old friend!
Christmas on the Hill
Saturday, Dec. 6, 5 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
at Seton Hill University
For the past five years, our congregation has supplied volunteer
servers for Seton Hill University’s charming “Christmas on the
Hill.” This is a formal, Christmas dinner provided for the
students with faculty and staff and other volunteers from the
community serving the meal. This is truly a wonderful
occasion and a great time for our congregation to express our
gratitude for the presence of SHU. If you are interested in
participating, please contact Taylor Barner, our Seminary
Assistant for Campus Ministry by email: or
call the church office.
Y-Fi* Connections in November
2014 Y-Fi Wreath Sale
*Youth of First Pres.
5:30-6:30pm – Dinner
6:30pm-8:00pm – Growing
Together! (Middle School &
Senior High)
11/9, 11/16, 11/23
(no Y-Fi on 11/2 and 11/30)
“What’s In Your Face and In Your
Y-FI SERVES! Let’s rake some leaves on 11/2 from 11:304pm! Meet in the youth room for lunch, then we’ll head out!
Y-FI SERVES & PLAYS! Gather here at church on 11/8
starting at 11am to make spaghetti sauce for Second Sunday
Supper, and have a movie marathon! Pick up is at 6pm!
Coming Soon:
More opportunities to grow in your faith during Advent!
A chance to serve at the Westmoreland County Food Bank!
Singing at Redstone!
Save the Date!
Help the Mission Fund of the First Presbyterian Church’s Youth Group by
purchasing a fragrant pine wreath.
Our wreaths come in two sizes, each with two pinecones. Brighten a friend’s,
relative’s or neighbor’s life with a wreath this holiday season! They’re ideal for
businesses, too. Wreaths will be available for pick-up at the church on
Tuesday, November 25th from 12pm-7pm and Wednesday, November 26th
from 10am-4pm.
Use this form to place your prepaid order by November 20th.
I want to support the Youth of First Presbyterian Church of Greensburg. I
understand that I must pick up my order on the above dates. I want to order:
_____ of the 20-inch Wreath @ $18.00
_____ of the 24-inch Wreath @ $22.00
= $________
= $________
Total due with order, by check or cash: $__________
Y-Fi Freeze Out! Our winter retreat will be February 6 -8 at Pine Springs Camp. More
details to come!
My name:______________________________________ Ph:_________________________
Middle School Mission X @ Pine Springs! July 19-23, 2015!
Sr. High Mission Trip to Massanetta Springs! June 21-27, 2015!
Make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church – Youth Missions
Thank you!
The purpose of the Coulter Society is to encourage and recognize planned gifts to the church
through wills and bequests, as a way of investing in the future of FPC Gbg.
Why is this being called the Coulter Society? The name is in honor of a family that goes back to
the founding of this congregation in 1788. To put that date in perspective, the following year on
April 30 in NYC, GW was sworn in as the first President of our country. From the beginning,
the Coulters were a family intent on leaving a legacy. The family played a very active role in the
life of this church for almost 150 years, as well as in the community, county, and state.
The first church building was constructed in what is now St. Clair Park. In 1847, this plot of
ground, on the corner of Third and Main, was purchased by Mss. Margaret and Rebecca Coulter
and three other women and the title was turned over to the church trustees. In 1848 a church was
built on this site. The congregation continued to grow and in 1882 it was decided that a new
building was needed. General Richard Coulter made the lead pledge to fund that building. The
congregation continued its growth and in 1913 it was decided again to replace that building with
a new structure, which is this church. General Coulter’s widow, Emma Coulter, stepped forward
and donated almost 1/2 of the cost of this building. The building was completed in 1917. In
1921 the first stained glass window, the War Memorial Window, was installed and dedicated.
This was a gift of Col. Henry Coulter and is the window over the balcony. This window is in
honor of the 98 men from this congregation that served in WW 1, five of whom did not make it
In 1928, Emma Coulter, the General’s widow, donated the Passion Windows, over the choir loft.
The family continued to make benevolent gifts to the church, including the Richard Coulter Trust
in 1937 which has continued to provide some income for the operating budget every year for the
last 75 years. They were not the only family or individuals to generously support this church
over the years but they certainly set a good example. The Coulter legacy is with us today 224
years after our founding. We have this beautiful place of worship today because of their
generosity and the generosity of others like them.
I doubt that any of us can do things on the scale that the Coulters did but we can do small things,
and many small things add up. Let us leave a legacy as well so that this congregation can
continue its ministry in the future in this place. We ask that you consider naming the church in
your will, any amount, small, medium, or large. Over the coming months you will hear more
about what others have already done and what opportunities are available to us. If you have
already made arrangements through estate planning to leave something to the church or if you
have questions or are considering doing this please let us know. You can do this through the
church office and either Martin or I will respond, or you can contact us directly. Let’s all
become members of the Coulter Society.
-Art Caramella
Circle Meetings for
Presbyterian Women
Please join us!
This year our Bible study is: “Reconciling Paul”, a contemporary
study of 2 Corinthians. Our study will be presented by our own Alice Ann Morgan who will
make the study come alive! We meet in the Refectory (the small dining room just off the Dining
Room). If you have any questions, please see Peg Carpenter, Circle Chairperson.
LOIS CIRCLE TO MEET THURSDAY, NOV. 13 @ 9:30 A.M. … We’ll gather in the Dining Room at
9:30 a.m. If you are available, please join our fellowship. We make use of the Horizons Bible
Study and take active part in discussions of topics of interest. And of course, we enjoy each
other’s company and the treats that are brought! If you have any questions, please contact
Eleanor McCamant at 724-853-8165
THANK YOU, THANK YOU….for your continued support of the Blankets + project. This year’s
contributions totaled $1,644.00. This will generously supply many folks with necessary items.
God bless all of you.
A BIG THANK YOU to all who donated treasures and to those who helped make the rummage sale
run smoothly. Without our volunteers, this rummage sale would not have a positive effect on our
community. Thank you for making the rummage sale so successful! This year’s sell was no
different. We raised $1,283.78!! PW would like to share some facts about the Rummage Sale.
These facts are from 2012 -2014. The disbursements of monies to the following non-profit
organizations: Greensburg Redstone Benevolent Funds - $900, Christian Layman Corp. - $900,
Westmoreland County Food Bank - $900, Salvation Army - $300, the Presbytery - $400 and
First Presbyterian Church $450. These are great facts! PW’s hope for the future is to keep this
tradition going. Hope to see you all again next fall!
Comfort & Joy!
Advent 2014 @ FPC
Sundays in Advent
November 30 – 10:00 a.m.
Sermon: “The Ultimate End: Restoration”
Rev. Martin Ankrum
December 7 – 10:00 a.m.
Sermon: “Bearing Witness”
Rev. Martin Ankrum
December 14 – 10:00 a.m.
An Advent/Moravian Lovefeast
With the Choirs, Handbell Ringers, Instrumentalists, and
a meditation by Rev. Ankrum A ginger cake is served as
symbol of unity and fellowship.
Christmas Poinsettias
For the Sanctuary!
Prepaid Orders Due: Sunday, November 30, 2014
If you wish to place one or more plants in the Sanctuary for Christmas week services, including
the Christmas Eve Festival of Lessons & Carols, please return this form to the church office with
$8 for each plant desired. You may, if you wish, place your poinsettias "In Memory Of" and/or
"In Honor Of" loved ones. Deadline for orders is Sunday, November 30, 2014.
Poinsettias may be picked up following the
11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POINSETTIA ORDER FORM
December 21 – 10:00 a.m.
Sermon: “Incarnated Love”
Rev. Martin Ankrum
3 Wednesdays in Advent: A Mid-Week Chapel Service
December 3, 10 & 18 – 7:00 p.m.
Join us for a brief half-hour worship service for the
first three Wednesdays of Advent in our Memorial
Chapel. Guest musicians will bring their gifts and
talents to accent the reading of the Advent texts and
the prayers of the hopeful people of God. Take some
time for meditation during this busy Advent season!
Name __________________________________________________________________
Comfort & Joy!: An Advent Devotional
Enclosed is $_______________________for _______________ poinsettias.
"In Memory of" _________________________________________________________
"In Honor of" ___________________________________________________________
The annual Advent Devotional written by Rev.
Ankrum will be mailed to the homes of members and
friends of FPC. If you wish an additional copy, there
are some available from the Deacons’ Desk in the
back of the sanctuary or call the church office.
At First Presbyterian Church, we strongly affirm the ability of music to address and engage us as
a religious people. John Calvin once said that “music is a funnel into the heart through which
should pour the word of God”. The First Presbyterian Church has maintained a long-standing
tradition of musical opportunities. You can join a choir or a handbell ensemble to enhance and
facilitate worship, or you can be a vital part of the congregational choir, our largest choir. You
can also attend the wide variety of offerings provided by our church’s music series, now in its
fortieth consecutive season.
Years ago, I was in Montreal, Quebec, accompanying the Westmoreland Choral Society at Christ
Church Cathedral. In the narthex of the Cathedral, there was a brochure entitled “Singing in a
Choir Can Be a Joy for a Lifetime”. This adage has been our choir motto at First Presbyterian
Church since that time. We have changed it a bit to read, SINGING AND RINGING IN A
We are so blessed to have instruments, the best of music for children and youth, and two master
teachers, Anita Garr and Michelle Harbaugh, who have devoted their lives to enriching the
musical lives of young people. I would be remiss in not mentioning Wendy Matchett, also a
music teacher and a master teacher for many years in our First Presbyterian Church Pre-School.
She volunteers her service, not only as a choir singer, but as a wonderful assistant for the
Children’s Music Ministry and the Joyful Noise music programs.
We have spent much of this summer renovating and rejuvenating our comprehensive music
library, the ninety-nine Schulmerich handbells, which have been taken apart, cleaned and
polished, and worn parts in each bell replaced. We have been able to replace the teenage choir
robes of the 1970’s era with second hand, but like new, cassocks and surplices, thanks to a gift
from Richard Morford in memory of his wife, Barbara (Tracey). The entire music suite has been
cleaned and made ready for the new choir season. My thanks to Keith Huey, Carol Scherff,
Michelle Harbaugh and volunteers Beth McAtee (who with my help, polished ninety-nine
handbells), plus Lynda Glover, Jerry Hopkins, and Joanne Highberger. Appreciation goes out to
Susan Ruff for her many hours of inputting all of the data from the music library into the
computer, and Michael Long (Director of Music at the Latrobe Presbyterian Church) for his
many hours of expertise with the handbell renovation.
I have begun to record works for a sequel to my compact disc of Signature Preludes and
Postludes, entitled Fifty Years of Preludes and Postludes. Signature Preludes and Postludes and
Songs of the Soul, featuring the choirs and soloists, are available through the music department.
Our congratulations to Michelle Harbaugh who has been made Director of Choral Activities at
the Connellsville Senior High School.
Edgar Highberger, Minister of Music and Organist
THE CHANCEL CHOIR leads the congregational songs and offers anthems and responses in
various styles and genres during the 10 A.M. worship service from September through June. It
also sings for various other services throughout the year, including the Christmas Eve Festival of
Lessons and Carols and the Maundy Thursday Communion Service. Membership is open to
members and non-members alike. Please contact Ed Highberger (724-832-0150) for additional
information. Rehearsals are in the Choir Room on Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
THE KIRK RINGERS ring the Church’s Schulmerich Handbells at the 10:00 a.m.service and for
various festival services. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Handbell
Room. The ability to read music is important. Please contact Ed Highberger for more
THE CHILDREN’S MUSIC MINISTRY takes place after the children’s sermon at the 10:00
a.m. Service on Sunday mornings in the music suite. Upper elementary children join the
younger children after the regular sermon. The children will finish at 11:10 a.m. This change
has been made to accommodate children who could not make the regularly scheduled
Wednesday evening rehearsals. Children learn vocal technique and the basic rudiments of music
reading, in addition to playing choir chimes and the Orff percussion instruments. Children
prepare to take an active part in worship.
THE JOYFUL NOISE SINGERS (Grades 6-12) rehearse from 9:40 to 10:10 a.m. in the
Handbell Room each Sunday morning.
THE CHORAL SCHOLAR PROGRAM, instituted in 1987, continues to provide us with gifted
soloists and section leaders for the Chancel Choir.
THE ORGAN SCHOLAR PROGRAM provides talented high school/college pianists with
complimentary organ lessons.
THE TRAINING OF CHURCH MUSICIANS has been an essential part of the music program.
Since 1974, well over 175 students have had instruction on the church’s pipe organ. The
majority of these students have been from Seton Hill University. Seton Hill students have also
fulfilled their sacred music internship requirements at First Presbyterian Church.
If you would rather receive an electronic version of the First News, please let us know at and we’ll add you to our email list and remove you from
the paper copy list. Then you will receive the First News through your computer rather
than the mail box, but you’ll have to let us know!! A copy of the latest First News can
also be found at our website:
Sunday, November 2 at 4 p.m. (Sanctuary)
Xenia is a Piano/Organ performance major in her sophomore year at Seton Hill University. The
recital is co-sponsored by the church and by the Seton Hill University Chapter of the American
Guild of Organists.
Sunday, November 23 at 4 p.m. (Sanctuary)
Jesse is an organ major in the Music Education Program at Seton Hill University. He is also a
candidate for the Certificate in Sacred Music.
Friday, December 5 at 7:30 p.m. (Sanctuary)
The Westmoreland Choral Society and Children’s Choirs present their annual concert of
seasonal music under the direction of Tom Octave and Nancy Sheehan.
Tickets at the door or from the Westmoreland Choral Society.
Friday, December 12 at 7:30 p.m. (Sanctuary)
A native of Cambridge, Mass., Dr. Callahan is an award winning organist, author, and composer.
In April of 2014, the American Guild of Organists honored him at the Cathedral Basilica of St.
Louis in St. Louis, Missouri, for his significant contributions to the organ world. The First
Presbyterian Church has commissioned Dr. Callahan to write an organ work in commemoration
of Edgar Highberger’s fifty year anniversary as the church’s Minister of Music, which will be
premiered at the recital.
Sunday, December 14 at 10 a.m. (Sanctuary)
With the Choirs, Handbell Ringers, Instrumentalists, and a Meditation by The Reverend Martin
Ankrum. A ginger cake is served as symbol of unity and fellowship.
A seasonal coffee hour and reception follows the service.
Wednesday, December 24 at 11 p.m. (Sanctuary)
For one half of a century, the congregation and people from the Greensburg area have
gathered to be touched and inspired by this “Once in Royal David’s City” service that
originated at King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England.
Sunday, March 22 at 4 p.m. A MORAVIAN MUSICAL LOVEFEAST
with the Westmoreland Choral Society and the Westmoreland Children’s Choir.
Friday, March 27 at 7:30 p.m. SETON HILL UNIVERSITY
Friday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m. ANNUAL GRANT RECITAL—MANUAL MANIA—
Organ Duets/Solos/Works for Violin and Organ with James Riggs and David von Behren.
Friday, April 17 at 7:30 p.m. INTERESTINGLY INTERNATIONAL
A Festival of Organ Music Performed by the Seton Hill University Organ Studio and Organ
Alums of the University.
Sunday, November 2
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Please be sure to “fall back” an hour!