Quaker Memorial Presbyterian Church Lynchburg, VA October 9, 2014 This Sunday’s bulletin is posted on the church website. Go to http://qmpc.org/bulletin/bulletin.pdf This month’s newsletter, The Quaker Quill, is also posted on the website: http://qmpc.org/thequill/thequill.pdf To keep up with the progress of the Church Community Garden: http://qmpcgarden.wordpress.com THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR Saturday, October 11 9:00 a.m. Pumpkins arrive! Sunday, October 12 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:15 a.m. Stewardship Lunch and Presentation 4:30 p.m. All youth groups meet in Pumpkin Patch 5:00 p.m. Cherub Choir Adult Handbells 6:15 p.m. Melody Choir Monday, October 13 10:00 a.m. Art Class Tuesday, October 14 9:00 a.m. ROMEOs 10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting Presbyterian Women Wednesday, October 15 10:00 a.m. South River Writers 10:30 a.m. Centering Prayer Group 11:30 a.m. Lunch Bunch at Crown Sterling Cards for Pastor Bart's Father A basket will be in the Narthex on the next two Sundays for cards and notes of encouragement for Pastor Bart's father, RT Edwards, who has been diagnosed with lung cancer. All of the cards will be sent as one mailing from our church family, so Mr. Edwards is all that you need to write on the envelope. Thank you Pastor Bart extends gratitude for the emails, cards, phone calls, prayers, love, and prayer shawl given to him and his family during this difficult time. The sermon this week is titled “Wisdom and Finance” and is based on Joshua 5:9-12 and Luke 15:1-3, and 11-32. You are invited to read this text before Sunday as a way of preparing your heart and mind for worship. Thoughtful Christian This week’s study is Sabbath Practices – Session Two. This lesson will be discussed in the Moseley Class on Sunday morning. Copies are available on the table in the Narthex. Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity At our stewardship luncheon October 12, we will look closely at biblical principles of money management and learn how they apply to our daily lives. We will review some common pitfalls and cultural traps and discover how to avoid them. We also will receive a reminder of the Six Key Financial Principles. (Hint: This useful tool, which is designed for all of us, can be especially helpful in training youth and young adults as they begin to develop lifelong habits in personal finance.) Six Key Financial Principles 1. Put God first in your living and giving. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7) 2. Prepare a spending plan and track all expenses monthly. (Proverbs 27:23-24) 3. Simplify your lifestyle; live below your means. (Matthew 6:19-33) 4. Provide immediately for an emergency fund. (1 Timothy 6:9-12) 5. Pay off all credit card debt and use cash, not credit cards. (Proverbs 22:7) 6. Practice long-range saving and investing habits. (Luke 14:28) We hope you will take time this week to read these principles and Scriptures. They will make a great table devotional for you and your family. By practicing these biblical principles, all of us can find greater simplicity, contentment, generosity, and joy for our lives. Youth News This Sunday all of the youth groups will meet in the Pumpkin Patch at 4:30 to spruce it up, make it look for appealing after the unload and sort the Pumpkins by size. Come dressed to work! Julie Dawson is preparing dinner and it will be served out at the Pumpkin Patch. There will be NO Youth Handbells (4:30) and Youth Choir (5:00) this Sunday. The Cherub Choir will rehearse at 5:00 and the Melody Choir will rehearse at 6:15. Senior Highs who are planning to go to the SALT leadership retreat at Massanetta Springs in Nov. 14-16 are reminded that your portion of the registration fee is now due. ($55) Make checks payable to QMPC. The Pumpkin Patch Be sure to sign up this Sunday to volunteer in the Patch. There are a lot of holes in the schedule that need to be filled. Your help is really needed! If you are working in the Pumpkin Patch, please let your friends know that it would be a great time to stop by and pick out a pumpkin. One couple last year sold hundreds of dollars worth of pumpkins just by inviting their friends to come the night they were on duty! And here’s an idea……while you are here, wear something orange! See if you can carry the enthusiasm for the Patch just a little further and look the part. The craft stores in town have orange tshirts for less than $5. Churches for Urban Ministry Fruit Sale NOW! Orders will be taken October 5-through November 9 for fruit to arrive by December 11. Again this year Churches for Urban Ministry will be selling Florida citrus fruit—oranges, grapefruit, tangelos or mixed boxes—as a prime fundraiser for its programs. Boxes come in two sizes. The best bargain is found in larger boxes but many buyers want smaller boxes to use as gifts. This year prices for each size have gone up (though they did not last year). Orders must be prepaid—either with a check by mail or at the church, or with cash. Order blanks are available on the Welcome Center table the narthex. Checks should be made out to Quaker Memorial Presbyterian Church (Citrus Sale); mailing address is 5810 Fort Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24503. Please contact Helen Petrill if you have any questions at 386-3526. Lunch Bunch The Lunch Bunch is going to the Crown Sterling on Wednesday, October 15 at 11:30 a.m. We always have a wonderful lunch at the Crown so plan to join us for a time of fun and fellowship. We hope to see you there. To make reservations, call Linda Jennings at 525-5423 or email her at lcjenn805@verizon.net by noon Monday, October 13. Trunk or Treat This annual event will take place on Halloween this year – Friday, October 31 from 5-7. We recognize that candy is not cheap, and for some, this represents a hardship if you have to give out candy at church and later at home. So…..we are asking if you cannot be there on Friday, October 31, that you contribute a bag or two of candy to a pot in the Narthex (by the Pumpkin volunteer table) so that those who come with their cars will be able to give a little more. This is a great neighborhood outreach program. We usually have close to 100 children come through our parking lot during Trunk or Treat. We give them information about our church and what we offer for children. The more of “us” who are out there, the better we look. Please come on out. You can decorate your trunk or not. We do give a prize for the best decorated vehicle! Book Club SECRET DAUGHTER is a NY Times, USA Today, IndieBound and #1 International Bestseller. Foreign rights have sold in 23 countries. Asha, adopted out of a Mumbai orphanage, is the child that binds the destinies of two women. We follow both families, invisibly connected until Asha's journey of self-discovery leads her back to India. Compulsively readable and deeply touching, SECRET DAUGHTER is a story of the unforeseen ways in which our choices and families affect our lives, and the indelible power of love in all its many forms. Join us Thursday November 6th in the library at 10:00 a.m. to discuss this book. For any questions contact Linda Jennings at 525-5423 or lcjenn805@verizon.net. News from the Church Community Garden We harvested a small bag of okra and tomatoes this week. We are now waiting until after the first frost to start picking the collards which are doing well! Please check out all that we were able to share last week on the garden blog at http://qmpcgarden.wordpress.com. Like us on Facebook If you are on Facebook, please “like” the Quaker Memorial page. We do not flood your Newsfeed with much, but we post pictures and timely announcements. It is a great way to share with your friends the exciting things going on at our church. They will see what you liked and maybe look a little deeper. You could even invite your friends to “Like” our page. Who knows? It could be a great way to get others involved in the life of Quaker Memorial.
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