C o t E

Church of the Epiphany
The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas
Bishop of Connecticut
196 Main St.
P.O. Box 337
Durham, CT 06422
The Rev. Diana M. Rogers
Facebook: Church of the Epiphany Durham
The Weekly Lampstand
The Nineteenth Sunday after
Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you
have revealed your glory among the nations:
Preserve the works of your mercy, that your
Church throughout the world may persevere
with steadfast faith in the confession of your
Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one
God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Serving on the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost:
Greeter/Gift Bearer – Bruce & Shirley Schmottlach
Torch Bearers – Emma Craig, tba
Organist/Pianist – Bruce Schmottlach
Crucifer – Durin Stahl
Intercessor – Lynda Beichner
Counter – Rosemarie Querns
Lector – Victor Friedrich
Hospitality – The Morins
Chalicist – Bob Bartosiak
Altar Guild – Sue Conrad, Ned Ray Cassady
Announcements for the week of October 19, 2014
Saturday, October 18 with a NEW TIME of 5-8pm.
Entries accepted until 4:45pm.
Get out those recipes and start cooking! Prizes will be awarded to the
top three winners in meatless, mild, hot, and children's (ages 5-18) category.
There is no entry fee but chili should be dropped off at the church at 4:45 p.m.
Come and EAT! Taste, compare, and vote for your favorite chili recipe.
Cornbread, beverage, and dessert are included. The price is $8 for adults; $5 for
children 12 and under. (There will be an alternative meal for those who do not like chili.)
SIGNUP FOR chili, children’s chili, cornbread, mac & cheese,
salad/veggies, dessert, prize donations, and setup at: http://vols.pt/jmJWs8
This fun event is open to everyone. All are welcome! All are invited!
Church of the Epiphany Christmas Bazaar Bake Sale
Please sign up to bake for our holiday bazaar. There will be a sheet up in
the parish hall.
Please contact Mary Jo Griffin at 860-349-3088. Thank you.
Church of the Epiphany Christmas Bazaar is
To attract more attendees to the event, a small basket raffle will be
conducted. We would be most grateful if you would consider supporting
this effort by contributing a new item or of your creation, gift basket or a
gift certificate for our table!
Please contact Mary Jo Griffin at 860-349-3088.
The MUSTARD SEEDS GROUP invites you to join them for prayer, silence
and meditation on Wednesdays at 7 pm in the Bishop Williams Room.
All are welcome!
Monthly book discussion group starting Sunday, November 9 from 1:30-3pm. The first
book is Rowan Williams' Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer, which is
short enough to discuss in 1 1/2 hours. The group will decide what to read, and how long to
spend on each book.
For more information, call Karen Otte 860-349-3631.
We will be sponsoring a free community supper on Sunday, November 2 (note date change) from
5:30-6:30 p.m. We are providing a meal of ham and chicken, and sides (pastas, vegetables, salads).
Members of Notre Dame Church will provide desserts.
Please signup for dishes and to help set up and clean up,
by going to: http://vols.pt/dVQD6p
I am collecting Veterans' Day cards to give to the vets at the VA hospital in Rocky Hill. You can use
any type of card, such as a plain note card, and write, for example, "Thank you for your service!" inside.
I will have thank you note cards to personalize this Sunday and all Sundays through Nov. 9, in the
parish hall. - Judy Moeckel
Birthday Celebrations! Emily Leibiger, and Karin Thody
Anniversary Celebration! Jim and Lisa Kopcik
Intercessory prayers are requested for Martin Karu, Cheryl Miller, Barbara
Marroquin , Anthony Marcati , Wayland Benbow, Sister Serena, Marlene Clark, Sandra,
Gloria Serena, Bonnie Makarewich, Kathy White, Charles Duren, GW Frazier, Roger, and
Julia Bishop Hahlo.
Please pray for those in the military: Janai Johnson, Ryan Johnson, Brad Crain;
Jared DiMarco; Katherine Garvis; Frank Garvis; Melissa Golschneider
Thank you to all at Church of the Epiphany for the warm welcome to our community
that you have given to Atticus John. From the casserole brigade bringing meals over
the summer
to the choir
singing so
lovely at his
baptism, we
feel truly
blessed that
we are part
of this church
- the Reddick
New England Chamber Choir’s “High Notes and High Tea” Concert
Middlefield Federated Church
Sunday, October 19, 2014 at 4 p.m.
The concert will be held at The Middlefield Federated Church, 402 Main Street, Middlefield on
Sunday, October 19 at 4pm. This program will feature Richard Wm. Donohue, director of the New
England Chamber Choir (NECC), and an ensemble of 12 singers from the New England Chamber
Choir performing music of Carl Maria von Weber, the first half will present selections from Weber’s
opera Der Freischütz; in the second half Mr. Donohue will play Weber’s Sonata No 4 in E minor,
Opus 70 on piano.
The New England Chamber Choir is a tax-exempt organization, and no tickets are sold to the choir’s
performances. Donations to the choir are accepted and are tax deductible.
Reception to follow.
Elected to Town Board Position
Karen Otte was recently elected to serve on the Town of Durham’s Compensation Review/Personnel
Policy Commission. Two years ago, Karen filled a vacant spot on the commission and now has been
elected to a full term ending in 2019.
Candle Bearers Needed
I am looking for children to be candle bearers for the Christmas concerts of the New England Chamber
Choir, which take place each Sunday in December. Several Epiphany children have already signed up,
but I have a few slots left. See Judy Moeckel for details!
New Interim at United Churches
The Rev. Stephen Washburn will begin his ministry as intentional Interim Senior Pastor at United
Churches of Durham on November 1. He has helped nine other congregations through times of
transition in the United Church of Christ and United Methodist affiliations in Massachusetts and New
Hampshire. He lives in Massachusetts with his wife, The Rev. Dianne Arakawa, who serves as the
Transitional Senior Pastor at the First Church of Christ in Simsbury, CT, and has a son who is
currently attending college.
Special Event: The Yale Divinity School Ensign Lecture
Parents, the REAL Pastors: The Absolute Centrality of Parenting in
Passing on the Religious Faith and Practice to the Next Generation
Dr. Christian Smith
Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society
Professor Smith specializes in the sociology of religion and social theory. He joined the Notre Dame
faculty in fall 2006, coming from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he served as
the Stuart Chaplin Distinguished Professor of Sociology. He earned his doctoral and master’s
degrees from Harvard University.
Wed., October 22 at 2:30pm
Niebuhr Hall, Yale Divinity School, 409 Prospect St., New Haven
We have a goal of 50 jars of peanut butter per month for the Amazing Grace Food
Pantry. If each family purchased just one jar a month, we would reach our goal! Just
think - one a month. Or, two, to use as a reserve when we fall behind.
The need is great and the supply is low. Donation bins are in the narthexes. Thank
you for your generous heart!
Epiphany Office Hours
Article for the Lampstand?
Sunday Announcements?
Please get them in by
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
1:30 - 5:30 PM
The Sunday Bulletin is printed on Thursday.
The Lampstand is emailed on Thursday.
I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else.
I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be.
~ Ken Venturi