Newsletter 11.03 - Nichols Hills United Methodist Church

November 3, 2014
From My House To Your House
As Christians we would surely say that people need
God. They also need the church that tells them about
God. Elton Trueblood, a well known religious
writer, once wrote: “The church is essential to the Christian, not because it brings personal advancement or even
inspiration, but because with all its failures, it is an indisRev. Dick House
pensable instrument for the redemption of the world.”
Thus the church is not an institution parallel with other institutions. It is,
rather, a witnessing community.
Speaking about the church, theologian Krister Stendahl wrote: “It is the
community that speaks for the kingdom not only by words, but also by a lifestyle where we dare to practice a love for which the world is not ready.”
Thus our congregation is necessary, not because it does good things (other
groups also do good things), or because it promotes friendship (other groups
may also be friendly), or because another social group is needed, but because it
hopefully listens to and attempts to order its life on the basis of the Gospel. It
is for this reason that people need the church.
It is also for this reason that people need to support the church. Without our
support the church (Nichols Hills United Methodist) could not continue to
exist; it would not continue to be a witness of God's redemption. It is only as
we do our part that our church exists and God is served.
For God's Indispensable Instrument,
Dick House
Welcome, New Members!
Jerry Cottrill joined Nichols Hills United Methodist Church
on October 26. He is married to Pam Cottrill.
Mark Cravens joined Nichols Hills United Methodist Church on November
2nd. He and his fiancé, Jami VanCamp, will be married on November 22.
We are happy to welcome you into our church family!
Volume 22, Issue 32
Upcoming Events:
Monday 11/3:
9:00 TLC
4:00 Covenant Care
Tuesday 11/4:
9:00 TLC
10:30 Staff Meeting
3:00 Henry’s Playground
5:00 Nominations
Committee Meeting
Wednesday 11/5:
9:00 TLC
3:30 B.I.G. Kids
7:30 Chancel Choir
Thursday 11/6:
9:00 TLC
Friday 11/7:
9:00 TLC
Sunday 11/9:
8:30 Worship &
Holy Communion
9:45 Sunday School
10:50 Worship
5:00 Youth
405.843.1835 Fax
The Learning Center
November Birthdays
11/04 Bill Bowden
11/05 Joni Flesher
Leigh Huchton
Bennett Murray
11/06 Graham Colton
Linda Lyle
Kathy Walker
11/07 Bill Payne
11/09 Tim Baker
Lew McGinnis
Karen McLain
11/11 Mary Ann Saunders
Mission Candle, Chancel
Flowers and Coffee
Host(s): November 2
The mission candle is lit by
Cindy Withrow in loving memory
of Patty Withrow.
The chancel flowers are given in
memory of Rosella Walker
by Rosemary Scalpone, Katherine,
Jim, Gracie and Kneely Buxton,
Kathy and Russ Walker.
Coffee Host:
Carol Magness
Epworth Villa:
Bill and Katie Alexander,
Joanne Crosby & Sue Massey
The Mansion:
Doris Talbert
Town Village: Joanna Garnett
At Home:
Bea Bloss, Sylvia Miller, B. C.
Clark, Roger Etling,
Beth & Dale Jordan,
Jody Carmichael, Frances Lewis,
David Mueller & Barbara Sullivan,
Mason and Joye McLain
Committee Meeting
There will be a Nominations
Committee Meeting Tuesday,
November 4th at 5:00.
Tidbits From The Learning Center
This week we are highlighting one
of our teachers, Claire
Longoria. She was
born in Mexico, but
raised in Dallas. She
graduated from U.S.
Grant High School
and now attends
Oklahoma City
Community College.
Her major focus is
Fitness and Nutrition. Her ultimate
plan is to become a United States
Marine! Claire is petite and strong,
a perfect fit for the Marines. She has
three younger sisters and many
years of caring for young
children. She loves the
energy and humor of our
children. They say and do
the funniest things. In
her spare time, she works
out (cross fit training)
and tutors girls in ROTC
at U.S. Grant High
School. We are pleased
that she is a member of our staff.
Please feel free to come by and
meet her. You are always welcome
to visit!
Mission News
Food Collection:
We will be collecting food through
November 17. The pantry is in
particular need of:
 Canned meat
 Cereal
 Peanut butter
 Canned vegetables
 Canned fruit
 Hearty Soup
 Plastic Grocery Sacks
Tables will be set up south of the
parlor for the food collection.
Monetary donations are always
welcome. Skyline uses the money
to purchase food items needed. You
can write you check to NHUMC and
indicate “Food Pantry” in the memo.
Sign up at the Missions Table in the
Narthex or contact Stephanie
Henry at 405-850-5518
Getting To Know Your Chancel Choir...
Kasey Yeargain is a professional singer/actor and
Certified Personal Trainer living and working in
Oklahoma City. Kasey is a native to Oklahoma, originally from Bethany, Oklahoma and a recent graduate
of Oklahoma City University (2013.) As a part of the
Opera and Musical Theater program at OCU, he has
performed numerous leading and supporting roles
including Germont in La Traviata, The Four Villains
in Les Contes 'Hoffmann, and Frank Maurrant in Street Scene. Since graduating Kasey has performed with The Seagle Music Colony, Tulsa Opera,
Des Moines Metro Opera, and Lawrence Opera Theatre. Upcoming performances include Trevor Greydon III in Thoroughly Modern Millie at
Cynthia Poteet Theatre, Paris in Roméo et Juliette at Tulsa Opera, and Jud
Fry in Oklahoma! at Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma. Kasey has been a part of
the NHUMC Chancel Choir since 2008.
Fall Festival & Chili Cook-Off Success! Help Support Our Missionary
Sponsorships to light the
A great time was
Charlette Perryman.
mission candle are available for
had by the 100+
A big thank you
Dec. 21 and 28. A minimum
people, young and
goes to Denise
of $25 per Sunday for the
old alike, who attended
Buthion, Christy
candle helps to
our NHUMC Annual
Palmer, and Pastor
support our missionary, Rev.
Chili Cook-Off and Fall Festival
Pam for their many
Meri Whitaker. A sign-up sheet is
on Oct. 29. Families from church,
hours of hard work
also posted on the bulletin board
The Learning Center, B.I.G. Kids,
organizing, planning, shopping,
by the church office.
Scouts, and the neighborhood
setting up, and tearing down.
Coffee Hosts Available
enjoyed 8 varieties of chili, corn
Thank you to Michael Wylder
Coffee hosts choose the dates they
bread, hot dogs, Fritos, and
for his fantastic hay rides.
volunteer & provide 8-9 dozen
desserts; Michael's wild hay-rides;
If you have not had the
cookies, store bought or homeYouth Spooky House; Cupcake
opportunity to go on one of his
made. At the close of the 10:50
Walk; games and other fun
rides, you will want to plan to
service the host(s) stand by their
activities. After attendees cast
next year. Thank you, too, to all
cookies in the Narthex & greet
their votes, the Chili Golden
who donated items, worked at
people. Volunteers will receive a
Spoon Award went to Delaney
different stations, helped serve
reminder in the mail or by email.
Sheffield (you can see the Golden
food, and stepped in wherever
We need coffee hosts for NoSpoon hanging in her office);
needed. It was truly a joint
vember 9, 16 and Dec. To volcoming in a close 2nd was Cara
effort and a great example of the unteer, sign up by the church ofFraley; and 3rd place went to
church being the church.
fice on the bulletin board.
Getting To Know
Your Chancel
Bookout is
a recent
of Oklahoma City
She is
from Ponca City, OK and was
active in the First United Methodist Church there. Show credits at OCU include: South Pacific, The Tender Land, Street
Scene, and Dialogues of the
Carmelites. Her favorite hymns
include: Be Thou My Vision,
Seek Ye First and They'll Know
We Are Christians by Our Love.
Anna also assists Michael in directing the Hand bell choir and
would LOVE to see you there!
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Permit Number 1226
Oklahoma City, OK
Nichols Hills United Methodist Church
1212 Bedford Drive
Oklahoma City, Ok. 73116
Adult Sunday Class News
Open Circle Class - We will study Matthew 25: 1-13. Verse 1: "At that time the kingdom of heaven will be
like ten young bridesmaids who took their lamps and went out to meet the groom." Our hymn for the day will
be: "A Mighty Fortress is our God." Both the words (in German) and melody were composed by Martin
Luther between 1527 and 1529. The hymn has been called the "Battle Hymn of the Reformation." Each year
during the Queen of England's official birthday celebration, the hymn is played by the Massed Bands during
the "Trooping of the Colours" in London. - John Marshall, Teacher
Kiva Sunday Class - Bill Bowden has invited Rev Mac McCoy to speak & his topic will be "Teenagers &
Church" - Lida Elkins
Roundtable Class - The Roundtable Class is studying Ezekiel 43:13-21. This scripture includes the instructions for the Israelites’ altar for making sacrifices. In Christianity, the sacrifice of Christ makes the old practice
of animal sacrifice and burnt offerings obsolete. Instead of repetitive animal sacrifices of old, Christ made one
sacrifice for all people for all time. Join us Sunday as Dr. Jerry Perryman leads our discussion. - Dick Webber
Rev. Dick House, Interim Senior Pastor
Ken Violette, Business Administrator
Dr. Antone Godding, Organist
Alfred Walker, Sunday Custodian
Rev. Pam Cottrill, Associate Pastor
Michael Wylder, Director of Church Music
Delaney Sheffield, Administrative Assistant
Denise Buthion, Director, T.L.C. : 405-842-5325