A Christ centered fellowship dedicated ... through Worship; Teaching the Bible; Reaching the lost and

A Christ centered fellowship dedicated to Glorifying God
through Worship; Teaching the Bible; Reaching the lost and
Strengthening families.
November 9
Bill Adams, Bennie Cope, Mark Cox, Bob Hester, Ronny Johns, Bill Nelson
Lord I Lift Your Name On High
Above the Bright Blue
David Burden - Multimedia
Jason Campbell - Vans
Todd Crabtree - Communion Servers
Kent Hamilton - 39ers
Joe Don Harrison - Attendance Count,
Building Security, Prayer Leaders
Bill Horne, Jr. - Budget
Tracy Jackson - Campus Ministry
Clint McGaha - Youth Ministry
Jim Rice - Communion to Shut-ins
Tom Stephens - Communion Preparation,
Divorce/Bereavement Support Group
Terry Swopes - Youth Ministry
Barry Whitworth - Children’s Ministry
Bud Ross
Pulpit Minister
Ed Poblete
Missions/Director of
Compassion Outreach Center
Cameron Bishop
Ztree Campus Minister
Blake Earnhart
Youth Minister
Felicia Whitworth
Children’s Minister
There Is a Habitation
In the Land of Fadeless Day
Softly and Tenderly
To Canaan’s Land
Healing Grace
Prayer - Harral Harbin
Tis Midnight
How Deep the Father’s Love
Lord’s Supper - David Burden
Central Church of Christ
820 Stadium Drive
Ada, Oklahoma 74820
E-mail: adaccc@cableone.net
Web: www.adacentralfamily.net
Sunday Services:
Sunday School…………...10:45am
Home Teams………………5:00pm
Wednesday Bible Classes….6:30pm
Wonderful Merciful Savior
Family Life Center
824 Stadium Drive
Ada, Oklahoma 74820
(580) 332-3261
Central Bible Academy
824 Stadium Drive
Ada, Oklahoma 74820
(580) 332-3261
Ztree Campus Ministry
1127 East 14th Street
Ada, Oklahoma 74820
(580) 332-1237
Compassion Outreach Center
1124 Cradduck Road
Ada, Oklahoma 74820
(580) 310-1021
Kid’s Praise
Scripture Reading - Matthew 12:15-32 - Mick Cowan
Sermon - “The Secret Jesus Kept” - Bud Ross
On Bended Knee I Come
Prayer - Terry Swopes
Darrell O’Rourke died November 4th and services were Friday at Stony Point
Church of Christ, Florence, AL.
Elders Meeting - today at 2pm at the church building
Baby Girl Shower for Josh & Teecia Ciarlo today from 2-4pm at the Family
Life Center. Teecia is the daughter of Teena Ciarlo and granddaughter of
Ernestine Eubank.
The Trammell home team will meet today at 4:00 here at the building.
Seniors Game Day - November 10th at 1pm at the Family Life Center
39ers Lunch - November 16 will be an All Church Potluck
Seniors Game Day - November 24th at 1pm at the Family Life Center
Together with their families,
Kaylie Janae Blackwell
(daughter of Bill Blackwell and Kelsey Vandeveer)
Bradley Rickner Coleman
(son of Rick and Susan Coleman)
invite you to share in their joy
as they tie the knot
Health Concerns:
Karen Duncan has asked for prayers for her nephew, Geordan Smith, who was
severely injured in a car accident. He has been at OU Trauma Center but may
be released home soon.
Recovery from surgery: Amanda Webb, David Bryan (father of Vickie
Burkhart), Ernestine Eubank, Keith Howry, Ian Houcke (friend of Carol Meyer8th grader had surgery to remove brain tumor-currently paralyzed on right side
but may regain use as time passes) and Aline Kite (sister of ZD Parkerrecovering at home from broken hip bone)
John Sweatt-home
Glenda Cross
Robert Hall-ALS
Cancer –Elbert Brown (father of Deborah Cornelison), Vivian Cooper (mother
of Richard), Patti Harberthur (daughter of Burr & Peggy Harris), Ron Johnson
(brother of Rita Scott), James Stevens (brother-in-law of Sonya Young), Mark
Poblete (brother of Ed Poblete), Keith Howry, Buddy Campbell (father of Jason
Campbell), Cecil Hallum, Jim Jacobs (father of KaLyn Jackson) and Carol Pennington (daughter-in-law of Dixie Pennington)
Members Shut-In At Home Edna Cooper, Dorothy Hallum and Anita Jones
Members at Retirement Centers
Baptist Village Bill Dew, Sue Jorrey
Sterling House John Mauldin
Saturday, the 15th of November 2014
at 2:00 in the afternoon
James A. Thomas Regents Room
East Central University
1100 E. 14th Street
Ada, Oklahoma
Reception to follow
Stanley P. Wagner Ballroom
Intercessory Prayer - Group 4
Tom Stephens, Bill Johnson, Mike McGaha, Greg Fowler and Ron Taylor
Attendance Record:
Sunday AM Worship ...364 Bible Study…261 Wed. PM…154
Sunday PM-Home Teams…99 Contribution ... $22,897.00
We invite you to stay after worship and attend Bible Classes:
Sunday, November 16 will be an All Church Lunch at the Family Life Center
at noon. Please bring a dish to pass as it will be potluck.
The annual Community Thanksgiving Service will be Sunday, November 23 at
the First Baptist church.
Robert Hall’s address (at his son Russ’ home): 7122 Joe Reeves Road,
Whitewright, TX 75491
Children Birth through 6th Grade: South Wing
7th Grade-12th Grade (Youth Group):
Boys meet in the Teen Room - North Wing
Girls meet in the Junior High Room - North Wing
College-age: North Wing - Room 123
20/30: Upstairs
Young Adults: North Wing Room 124/125
Adults: North Wing - Small Auditorium (2 classes), Room 119 and Room 128