C E N T R A L CH U R C H O F CH R I ST A Christ centered fellowship dedicated to Glorifying God through Worship; Teaching the Bible; Reaching the lost and Strengthening families. Elders ORDER OF WORSHIP Bill Adams, Bennie Cope, Mark Cox, Bob Hester, Ronny Johns, Bill Nelson Highest Place Deacons David Burden - Multimedia Jason Campbell - Vans Todd Crabtree - Communion Servers Kent Hamilton - 39ers Joe Don Harrison - Attendance Count, Building Security, Prayer Leaders Bill Horne, Jr. - Budget Tracy Jackson - Campus Ministry Clint McGaha - Youth Ministry Jim Rice - Communion to Shut-ins Tom Stephens - Communion Preparation, Divorce/Bereavement Support Group Terry Swopes - Youth Ministry Barry Whitworth - Children’s Ministry All Hail the Power Bud Ross Pulpit Minister Ed Poblete Missions/Director of Compassion Outreach Center Cameron Bishop Ztree Campus Minister Blake Earnhart Youth Minister Felicia Whitworth Children’s Minister Shout Hallelujah Hallelujah Praise Jehovah Be Still and Know Still Prayer - Jason Campbell Surround Us, Oh Lord Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross Lord’s Supper - Mark Cox Central Church of Christ 820 Stadium Drive Ada, Oklahoma 74820 580-332-6411 E-mail: adaccc@cableone.net Web: www.adacentralfamily.net Sunday Services: Worship…………………..9:30am Sunday School…………...10:45am Home Teams………………5:00pm Contribution Wednesday Bible Classes….6:30pm The Battle Belongs to the Lord Kid’s Praise Family Life Center 824 Stadium Drive Ada, Oklahoma 74820 (580) 332-3261 Central Bible Academy 824 Stadium Drive Ada, Oklahoma 74820 (580) 332-3261 Sermon - “Art of War” - Cameron Bishop Ztree Campus Ministry 1127 East 14th Street Ada, Oklahoma 74820 (580) 332-1237 Compassion Outreach Center 1124 Cradduck Road Ada, Oklahoma 74820 (580) 310-1021 Prayer - Ronnie Sherrell Nearer Still Nearer Announcements October 19 2014 The special contribution, scheduled for November 9, has been requested by the elders to replenish funds that were used to make necessary repairs to the church building and property over the last year. If you are unable to participate on November 9th, you may give your gift to any elder or Naomi Jorgensen. Wedding Shower for Kaylie Blackwell and Bradley Coleman—Sunday, October 26, 2-4 pm in the Family Life Center. They are registered at Amazon.com, Dillards, Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, Gem Jewelers and WalMart. Baby Girl Shower for Josh & Teecia Ciarlo on Sunday, November 9 from 2-4pm at the Family Life Center. Thank you note from Alma Lillard on the bulletin board in the north hallway. 39ers Lunch - October 19th at noon at the Family Life Center Seniors Breakfast - October 25th at 8:30am at JD’s restaurant Seniors Game Day - October 27th at 1pm at the Family Life Center Fall Foliage Tour - October 31st - sign up on today’s registration card - See Becky Blackburn for details Health Concerns: Keith Howry-pathology results clear Amanda Webb-home-recovery from surgery Vickie Burkhart’s dad, David Bryan, came through surgery okay, had to replace heart valve from last time. Recovery will take longer than expected. Critical Care Unit at the Heart Hospital. Elbert Brown (father of Deborah Cornelison)-cancer John Sweatt-Ada Retirement Center Room 8 Glenda Cross-tests on Tuesday Robert Hall-ALS (has moved to Texas to live with Russ) Mike Gilliam-MD Anderson-cancer treatment Cancer –Vivian Cooper (mother of Richard), Patti Harberthur (daughter of Burr & Peggy Harris), Ron Johnson (brother of Rita Scott), James Stevens (brotherin-law of Sonya Young), Mark Poblete (brother of Ed Poblete), Keith Howry, Buddy Campbell (father of Jason Campbell), Cecil Hallum, Jim Jacobs (father of KaLyn Jackson) and Carol Pennington (daughter-in-law of Dixie Pennington) Members Shut-In At Home Edna Cooper, Dorothy Hallum and Anita Jones Members at Retirement Centers Konawa Church of Christ Ladies Day-October 25-see bulletin board in north hallway for more details. Ada Retirement Center John Sweatt Baptist Village Bill Dew, Sue Jorrey Lost and Found: Bibles and dishes on the table under the coat rack in the foyer. Dishes for Ruth Ann Jackson and Amy Campbell. Dishes not claimed after Sunday, October 19th will be given to the Compassion Outreach Center. Intercessory Prayer - Group 1 Bill Dew, Gerri Stephens, Ann Thompson and Debbie Fowler Sterling House John Mauldin Attendance Record: Sunday AM Worship ...340 Bible Study…245 Wed. PM…115 Sunday PM-Home Teams…103 Contribution ... $9,306.50 We invite you to stay after worship and attend Bible Classes: Children Birth through 6th Grade: South Wing 7th Grade-12th Grade (Youth Group): Boys meet in the Teen Room - North Wing Girls meet in the Junior High Room - North Wing College-age: North Wing - Room 123 20/30: Upstairs Young Adults: North Wing Room 124/125 Adults: North Wing - Small Auditorium (2 classes), Room 119 and Room 128
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