Issue 24 KOINONIA January 2015 Your monthly source of information and inspiration Dear River Hills Community Church Family, As 2014 comes to a close and the New Year opens before us, I am filled with thanksgiving for the ways we have seen God move in and through us this past year and filled with excitement and anticipation of all that lies ahead. 2014 has been quite a full and busy year! Some of the highlights of our first full year together include: A Sacred Assembly to begin 2014 bathed in prayer. We enjoyed wonderful worship on Friday evening, January 3, a day of prayer and fasting on January 4, and a worship service on January 5 where we consecrated all the 2014 leaders, ordained Deacons and celebrated a Covenant of Renewal as an entire church family. (Please note another Sacred Assembly is scheduled for January 23-25, 2015) We rejoice in the many new families that have joined us in this past year, even as we have celebrated and mourned the passing of over a dozen people from our church community into the Church Triumphant. The new Deacon Board, along with past Elders (now called Shepherding Deacons), divided the congregation up into “mini flocks” to assist with pastoral oversight. They have also intentionally prayed for individuals, the needs of the congregation, offered spiritual support to me as pastor and watched over the caring ministries of the church. RHCC became a Stephen Ministry Congregation and sent 4 members for an intensive week of Stephen Leader training in Orlando. The Stephen Leaders are currently training a class of Stephen Ministers to be commissioned on February 15, 2015, ready to serve our church and community by walking others through times of difficulty or challenge such as grief, job loss, depression, life transitions, illness, etc. We added an additional Sunday worship service at 8 a.m., which includes the celebration of Holy Communion weekly. The Missions Teams continued to bless our community and the world through financial and physical support, including adding a couple of neighborhood revitalization projects in Clover and supporting a couple of new missionary families, as well as sending numerous adults and youth on short-term missions trips! Continued on next page….. The Pastoral and Staff Relations Committee (PSRC) has been very busy this past year! With the loss of our Children’s Minister and Youth Minister, volunteers stepped up to even greater levels of responsibility in Youth Ministry, and an interim Children’s Team was put in place as we searched for a permanent solution, which we found in Marcy Little as the Director of Family Ministries. Monica Hussman, a part-time associate, has been hired to assist Marcy in Children’s Ministry. Dick Meier retired in March, and Sue Dobrzeniecki was promoted into the position of Business Manager. Wendy Burkett was brought on to serve as the church Administrative Assistant and primary receptionist, also handling the bulletins and, most recently, the Sunday morning screen presentations. A Minister of Congregational Care, Reverend Jason Bryant, was added to the staff team on December 1 to assist in offering pastoral care and counseling to our church family and community. And with the recent loss of our longtime Music Minister, Kevin Gray, an interim team of Carol Forsythe, Tor Smith and Warren Howell kept our music ministry strong as we strategize and put together a search team to fill the needs of the Worship Music and Arts Ministry. This is certainly not an exhaustive recap of our past year, just a few of the highlights. You are an amazing Body of Christ, and I am proud to be your pastor. I am excited to be in ministry with you and look forward to see what God is up to as we give Him our hearts and lives in 2015. Joyfully HIS and Yours, Pastor Gayle NEW BIBLE STUDY! BROTHERS EXPLORE THE BIBLE 7:00 p.m. Monday nights beginning January 12 Where: RHCC Family Room Who: Men of all ages are welcome. This exploration is open to the community. Bring a neighbor or coworker. What: This is a Bible study inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit, interpreted by our own hearts under His guidance and facilitated by the members of the group. We will explore these interpretations with the hope of understanding how His Word applies to our daily lives. This fellowship and study between Christian brothers present the opportunity to determine how God’s Word has had an impact on our week as well as the rest of our lives. It also provides an opportunity to share and gain some insight with men that may have experienced the same things in their lives. Come join us as the Almighty guides us down the road we call life. For more information, you can call Tom Wollenberg at 704-519-8946 or e-mail SACRED ASSEMBLY COME JOIN US IN THE NEW YEAR FOR A “SACRED ASSEMBLY” JANUARY 23 - 25, 2015 Friday, January 23 7:00 p.m. Worship Saturday, January 24 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Open Prayer in Sanctuary 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Leadership Conference Sunday, January 25 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Worship and Covenant Renewal and Consecration of 2015 Leaders MARK YOUR CALENDAR Mark your calendars for the Annual Business Meeting of the River Hills Community Church immediately following the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, January 11, 2015 in the sanctuary. A quorum of 100 members is required to be present for a vote. Your presence is strongly encouraged and appreciated. The agenda will include members voting on the following: The Women of the Church will meet on Tuesday, January 6, at 9:30 a.m. for coffee and fellowship with their study to follow. This month they will look at balancing work and rest. Consider the following: If you could indulge in a lazy day without any responsibilities, what would you do? Then, check Proverbs 6:6-11 and Exodus 23:12. - Food for thought. * 2015 Church Operating Budget If you would like a preview before the annual meeting, printed copies of the budget will be made available Monday, January 5, in the church office. Questions prior to the meeting should be directed to the Chair of the Financial Management Committee, Lyn Fraedrich ( * RHCC Bylaw revisions Printed copies are available in the church office. Pastor Gayle taught the lesson on grief, which was the last class before our holiday break. We will begin again on Tuesday, January 6, and are 2 sessions past the halfway mark. We anticipate completing the classwork and having the Commissioning Service in mid-February. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday! Any questions should be directed to Ken Walter ( or Mark Cook ( * Approval of the slate of 2015 Committee Members presented by the Nominations Committee for consideration Printed copies are available in the church office. Please direct questions to any member of the Nominations Committee: * Chair, Mark Cook ( * Jayne Jones ( * Teresa Renner ( * Lisa Kidd ( * Sheri Wood ( * Kelly Walter ( * Kent VanSlambrook ( Starts January 14! Programming resumes on Wednesday nights on January 14! Adult Bible study will begin at 5:15 p.m. , dinner at 6:15 p.m. followed by our studies/programs at 7:00 p.m. Christian Education classes and programs for both children and youth will be offered on Wednesday evenings as well. We want to invite everyone to make your plans and commitment now to participate in these opportunities of learning, fellowship and growth in Christian faith and knowledge. Dinner prices beginning January 14, 2015: $6 for adults $3 for kids (12 and under) RECEPTION SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 Please join us on January 25 during the 10:00 a.m. Gathering Time between services as we say thank you to our Children's Interim Team (Lisa Kidd, Linda Mullen and Kari Didonato) for the beautiful job they have done and officially welcome Pastor Jason Bryant and our Children's Coordinator, Monica Hussman. NEW “FAMILY ROOM” The Family Room (formerly Bride’s Room) has undergone a complete renovation and name change in the past 6 months. Thanks to the Foundation Trustees for providing the funds so this project could move forward. A special thank you goes to Jeanne Woolery for her vision and expertise in purchasing the wall treatment, flooring, furniture, cabinets and accessories. Thank you to Mike Moore who patched the walls and painted the furniture. Thanks also to Ron & Karen Otteni, Hank Gerald, and Joe & Teresa Renner for painting. Ron, Karen and Hank also rebuilt the ceiling and put in new baseboard. There are still a few small details that will be added in the near future. If you haven’t taken a look, stop by, and remember to thank those who quietly worked behind the scenes. The Family Room will be used for many years to come as a place for brides, families in time of bereavement, counseling, Bible studies, small group meetings and any other uses deemed appropriate for the space. RHCC Board of Trustees "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." - Ralph Waldo Emerson SOUND BOOTH TEAM NEEDED What does Didaskalos have to do with computers? The Worship and Arts Committee is reaching out to folks who have this spiritual gift! (By the way, have you taken the test yet? Go to to find out where you excel.) We need YOU to join our Sound Booth Team. We are looking for 4 individuals to sign up on a rotating basis to run the worship service slides during the 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. services. We will be offering a training session to bring you up to speed. Please prayerfully consider if God is calling YOU to employ your Didaskalos gift in this way. For more information, please contact Jennifer Gilomen at 803-619-4230. WELCOME, VISITORS! If you’re new to RHCC, have been visiting or are interested in becoming a part of this ecumenical church family, we invite you to join us for lunch and fellowship at our next Starting Point Class (date to be announced). Members of the church staff will be present, and you’ll get a quick and informative overview of who we are as a unique interdenominational body of faith. Child care will be available by reservation. Please call the church office at 803-831-1615 if you would like to attend the next class. It may be the start of one of the most important chapters of your life! BORN AGAIN BEADERS - The Born Again Beaders, a small group ministry of RHCC, hopes their “Soncatchers” will bring happiness and joy in the knowledge that God loves people deeply and wishes them peace today and always. If you would like to join the group for fellowship and jewelry making, they meet in the library every Thursday from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. For information about the group, bead or jewelry donations or about obtaining a “Soncatcher,” please call the church office at 803-831-1615. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY - Do you knit or crochet? Would you like to learn? If so, we would love to have you join us. We meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in Room 116 in the Sanctuary Building. We work on and bless the shawls and pray for the recipients. We hope that they wrap, enfold and give comfort, solace and warmth to those who receive them. You may become involved by making shawls or by requesting a shawl for a friend or loved one. Please contact Anne Nielsen at 803-831-1086. RHCC PRESCHOOL NEWS Wow! We had an exciting and fun-filled 2014; now we will continue the same God-filled excitement for 2015. Some upcoming important dates: January 2 (optional teacher workday) we will welcome our teachers back to Preschool January 5 - our children will return to Preschool January 7 and 8 - Team Spirit Days January 19 - closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 28 - Parent/Teacher conferences for 3’s and 4’s February 2 - February 6 Round 1 Registration for current students and their siblings February 9 - February 13 Round 2 Registration for Church members, siblings of former students and new students Many Thanks Thank you to the parent committee. You are awesome! Thank you for shopping, cooking, decorating and serving our Thanksgiving Feast to our children, dads and teachers. Thanks to Linda Russell and Kari Fitzgerald, Parent Committee Chairs and their faithful helpers. Thank you to Darren and Sherry Webb for our fabulous “turkey” and macaroni and cheese from Bojangles. Thank you to the Cornish family for all the fun toys. Thank you to the Allen family for all the wonderful storage containers. Thank you to all our parents who baked cookies for our feast. Thank you to the Fitzgerald family for the great toys. Thank you to Kari Fitzgerald and Rebecca Wagner for help with Operation Christmas Child. Thank you to Norma Jean Burke for our beautiful Advent calendar. Thank you to Armstrong Relocation and Companies, Mark Fitzgerald, for his donation to our Thanksgiving Feast. “Behold, children are a gift from the Lord.” Psalms 127:3 Love and prayers, Katherine Hinson, Director EXPLORE THE OPPORTUNITIES! Many opportunities for engaging in study and discussion are available for adults at RHCC. Adults who are looking for a way to grow in faith and in Christian Fellowship are invited to explore any of the following classes which are held on Sunday mornings. CONNECTIONS - 9:15 a.m. Room 116 Contact: Ellen Gillis Attendance: 16 on roll/average attendance 13 Description: Primarily single women 50+. January’s study under consideration. Chapter book, class members lead discussion. CONTEMPORARY - 9:00 a.m. Room 201 Contact: Sherry Nelson Attendance: 50+ on roll/average attendance 40 Description: Primarily middle-aged couples, but open to all. Becoming a completely committed follower of Jesus. January - Listening for God-Vol. 2. Compiled by Paula J. Carlston. Stories and essays to investigate how life and faith merge. FELLOWSHIP - 9:00 a.m. RHCA Building Contact: Roy Atwell Attendance: 8-14 per Sunday Description: 60s and 70s, but open to all. Bible study-reading and discussion. January’s discussion will be Nehemiah. PERSPECTIVE CLASS - 9:00 a.m. Room 102 Contact: Cyndie Smith Attendance: 14 on roll/average attendance 8-10 Description: Class to accommodate choir members and members who have difficulty negotiating stairs. January’s study under consideration. FAITH AND FAMILY CLASS - 9:00 a.m. Room 208 Contact: Carr Bennett Attendance: 35 on roll/20-25 average attendance Description: Primarily younger couples with children newborn to college. Studying growth in our faith as families. January’s study under consideration. TO START A NEW YEAR "A new year is unfolding like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within. Lord, let this year be filled with the things that are truly good. With the comfort of warmth in our relationships, with the strength to help those who need our help and the humility and openness to accept help from others. As we make our resolutions for the year ahead, let us go forward with great hope that all things can be possible with Your help and guidance.”. "Anonymous YOUTH & CHILDREN MINISTRIES CHILDREN AND YOUTH SCHEDULES 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - A safe, inviting environment where kids learn and grow in their Christian journey. While we are very constant with the awesome adult leaders we have serving in this area, we are in the process of trying out different curriculums each month to find the one that best fits our kids and the needs they have spiritually. Sunday Mornings Shout and Shine - (All kiddos will start the day out with their parents in adult worship and will be called up to the front of the church for a special children’s message. Then they will be led out for their own special learning time in Shout and Shine! Parents will pick them up from their small group classrooms at the end of service). 10:30 a.m. Shout 10:45 - 11:15 a.m. Large Group (high energy worship, skits, stories, videos, experiential learning) 11:15 - 11:45 a.m. Small Group (kids break into groups by age to go more in depth into the Bible and build meaningful, lasting relationships) *We use Orange Ministry’s 252 Basics curriculum for our Elementary kiddos! For more info, check out 10:30 a.m. Shine 10:45 - 11:00 a.m. Small Group Intro to the Day (kids start out in small group room and do an activity that introduces the day) 11:00 - 11:20 a.m. Large Group (kids go to Large Group Room for high energy worship, videos, skits and puppets) 11:20 - 11:45 a.m. Small Group (kids go back to Small Group Room to go deeper into the Bible Story) * We use Orange Ministry’s First Look curriculum for our Preschoolers. For more info, check out Sunday for Youth (6th-12th Grade) 5:30 - 6:15 p.m. Dinner $1 per youth (dinner is provided by different groups of parents) 6:15 -7:15: p.m. Worship and Message (high energy live worship and a relevant message) 7:15 - 7:45 p.m. Small Group Time (teens break up into small groups by age to build relationships and go deeper into the Word) Fun Nights! Each month we do one "Fun Night"! For more information, please contact Marcy Little, Director of Family Ministries, at or call the church office at 803-831-1615. WELCOME MONICA HUSSMAN CHILDREN’S MINISTRY COORDINATOR We are pleased and excited to announce that Monica Hussman joined our church family as the Children's Ministry Coordinator on December 8th. Monica has a wealth of Children's Ministry experience from volunteer teacher to director of childcare. She comes to River Hills Community Church after serving 8 years at Steele Creek Church of Charlotte. Monica and her husband, Nathan, have three children, Cory, 23, Sarah, 29 and Rianna, 13. Monica has many personal interests ranging from theater to home schooling her children. She is currently active with NarroWay Productions as a cast coordinator and actor and serves on the Shanan Classical Co-op board. River Hills Community Church extends a warm welcome to Monica and her family! You can contact Monica at FROM THE CHURCH OFFICE VOLUNTEER OFFICE - Please stop by and say hello to our office volunteers! They are here to help you with copying, phone numbers, addresses, etc. Please stop by their office first when you come to the church. Also, if you come by to see Pastor Gayle, please come to the Volunteer Office first, and they will check to see if she is available. Thank you! Yvonne Alves Debra Anderson Laine Ardrey Danny Armor Eleanor Arnold Chris Arthur Sylvia Arthur Randy Atwell Judy Austin Mike Bailey Jessie Blackmon Laura Bracy Sherry Brown Bob Brundige Missy Carpenter Cassidy Bloch Family Charles Cawthon Nelson Cook Linda Cox Max Davis Trinton Dover Barbara Drye Peggy Faulkner Charles Ford Sylvia Franklin Rod Hall Charles Hawkins Kent Hendrickson Barbara Hill Beverly Hill Eric Hinson Patricia Holden Carol Jean Hooks Jean Humphrey David Jester Jim Johnson Susan Jolley Emily Justice Wendell Karr King Family Gerald Kirk Roger Klaesius Dick Krewson Kay Lawless Alex Lamporter Bill Lindsay Jane Lowry Janet Mayer Gary McCorkle Daniel McCormick Nancy McDonald John Meeskers Margaret Naylor Kathy Noel Juanita Norton Rachel Owens Deb Tiszai Phillips Larry Plummer Ralph Reavis Amber Rhodes Gerri Rice Diane Roberts Becca Rousek Polly Schuerg Marge Schumacher F.J. Schweitzer Family of Charlotte Shand Sandra Smith Terry Spisek Pastor Patricia Starr Amy Storms Tabitha Taylor Conner Tomlinson Linda Watkins Gretchen Welch Judi Weldon Andrew White Craig Winter Les Young Leslie Anne Young FEBRUARY KOINONIA DEADLINE - Please note that the deadline for submission is Thursday, January 15. Please e-mail your article(s) to Articles received after the deadline may not appear in the next issue. Thank you. The 2015 FLOWER CALENDAR is in the Gathering Space ready for you to sign up for altar flowers for the Sunday you desire. The flowers will be placed on the altar in memory of or in honor of a loved one. NOTICE - All church groups and committees must reserve a room through Sue in the church office prior to meeting to ensure that the space is available. All outside groups must complete a Facility Use Form before using any space at the church. Please contact Sue at 803-831-1615 or RHCC EXERCISE WALKING GROUP - Get in shape for the New Year! We meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:00—8:00 a.m. in the Church Life Center. Come and enjoy aerobic walking with a great bunch of early risers! Rain or Shine - we are always inside! REMINDER: Please remember when using a classroom for a Bible study, meeting, etc. to turn off all the lights when you are finished. Thank you! A special thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers who helped us in the church office in 2014! You are very much appreciated! We look forward to another great year with all of you. FINANCIAL RESULTS - NOVEMBER 30, 2014 Description Pledge Income Plate Offering Interest Income Building Use Budget Annual $673,644.00 $199,774.00 $250.00 $3,500.00 10% Tithe To Missions ($87,526.00) ($80,232.17) ($70,225.35) ($7,293.83) ($7,609.18) Church Related Income $789,642.00 $723,838.50 $632,028.17 $65,803.50 $68,482.61 Preschool Tuition/Registration Interest Special Projects/Other Income Summer Tuition Lunch Bunch $196,570.00 $108.00 $1,708.00 $4,275.00 $10,000.00 $177,913.00 $99.00 $1,565.67 $3,918.75 $9,166.67 $177,952.70 $80.45 $2,254.19 $7,162.50 $14,778.45 $18,657.00 $9.00 $142.33 $356.25 $833.33 $21,980.00 $11.09 $262.00 $0.00 $1,491.25 Preschool Related Income $212,661.00 $192,663.09 $202,228.29 $19,997.91 $23,744.34 $1,002,303.00 $916,501.59 $834,256.46 $85,801.41 $92,226.95 $60,500.00 $656,843.00 $19,000.00 $21,070.00 $12,000.00 $10,000.00 $1,500.00 $8,000.00 $185,250.00 $28,140.00 $55,458.33 $598,966.22 $17,416.65 $19,314.16 $11,583.33 $9,166.66 $1,375.00 $7,333.33 $169,812.49 $25,794.99 $48,008.29 $541,826.79 $16,959.56 $11,256.21 $5,860.82 $6,118.56 $1,700.04 $7,773.73 $149,169.49 $24,981.79 $5,041.67 $56,876.76 $1,583.35 $1,755.84 $416.67 $833.34 $125.00 $666.67 $15,437.51 $2,345.01 $4,150.41 $48,775.77 $1,941.52 $468.84 ($34.00) $1,448.40 ($370.00) $2,258.20 $15,246.41 $1,607.02 $1,002,303.00 $916,221.16 $813,655.28 $85,081.82 $75,492.57 $0.00 $280.43 $20,601.18 $719.59 $16,734.38 Total Related Income Expenses General & Administrative Staff/Salary/Benefits Children's Ministry Youth Ministry Adult Ministry Worship Discipleship Fellowship/Meals Building & Grounds Preschool Expenses Total Expenses Income Less Expense Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget for Period Actual for Period $617,507.00 $543,085.25 $56,137.00 $59,761.79 $183,126.17 $155,207.98 $16,647.83 $16,238.00 $229.17 $180.29 $20.83 $7.00 $3,208.33 $3,780.00 $291.67 $85.00 Thank You For Your Support! Sun 4 Mon Tue Wed Fri Sat 1 2 3 1:00 Born Again Beads 6:45 Overeaters Anon. 8:00 AA-Al Anon 8:30 Bible Study 3:00 Charlotte Shand Memorial 8:00 AA 8 9 10 1:00 Born Again Beads 6:45 Overeaters Anon. 8:00 AA-Al Anon 8:30 Bible Study 8:00 AA 17 5 6 10:00 Children’s Ministry Mtg. 2:00 LIFE Women’s Group 5:30 Trustees 7:00 Spirit Sisters Bible Study 7:00 Youth Comm. 7:00 Local Missions 9:00 CBS 9:30 Women of the Church 6:00 Stephen Ministry 11 12 13 14 15 16 8:00 Worship 9:00 Sunday School 10:00 Coffee Fellowship 10:30 Worship 11:30 Annual Meeting 1:00 Discipleship 4:00 Pastoral & Staff Relations 4:30 Missions 5:30 Finance 5:30 Worship & Arts 5:30 Youth Group 7:00 Council 2:00 LIFE Women’s Group 7:00 Men’s Bible Study 9:00 CBS 9:30 Staff Meeting 6:00 Stephen Ministry 9:00 CBS 5:00 Children’s Music 5:15 Mom’s Group 5:15 Bible Study 6:15 Dinner 6:45 Revelation Class 7:00 Bible Study 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 7:00 Missions 1:00 Born Again Beads 6:45 Overeaters Anon. 8:00 AA-Al Anon 8:30 Bible Study 18 19 20 21 22 23 4 8:00 Worship 9:00 Sunday School 10:00 Coffee Fellowship 10:30 Worship 4:00 Deacons 5:30 Youth Group 2:00 LIFE Women’s Group 7:00 Men’s Bible Study 9:00 CBS 9:30 Staff Meeting 6:00 Stephen Ministry 9:00 CBS 5:00 Children’s Music 5:15 Mom’s Group 5:15 Bible Study 6:15 Dinner 6:45 Revelation Class 7:00 Bible Study 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 1:00 Born Again Beads 6:45 Overeaters Anon. 8:00 AA-Al Anon 8:30 Bible Study 7:00 Worship 9:00 - 5:00 p.m. Open Prayer in Sanctuary 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:30 Worship Sunday School Coffee Fellowship Worship Martin Luther King , Jr. Day Church office and Preschool closed 7 Thu 9:00 CBS 5:15 Bible Study 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 7:00 Global Missions 8:00 AA 10:00 - 2:00 Leadership Conference 8:00 AA 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 8:00 Worship 9:00 Sunday School 10:00 Reception 10:30 Worship 5:30 Youth Group 7:00 Council 2:00 LIFE Women’s Group 5:15 Emmaus Meeting 7:00 Men’s Bible Study 9:00 CBS 9:30 Staff Meeting 6:00 Stephen Ministry 9:00 CBS 1:00 Prayer Shawl 5:00 Children’s Music 5:15 Mom’s Group 5:15 Bible Study 6:15 Dinner 6:45 Revelation Class 7:00 Bible Study 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 1:00 Born Again Beads 6:45 Overeaters Anon. 8:00 AA-Al Anon 8:30 Bible Study 8:00 AA EXERCISE - Every Mon., Wed., Fri. 7 a.m. YOGA - Every Tue. & Thurs. 9 a.m. Share Your Table For The Month of January—Canned Fruit: peaches, pears, pineapple, fruit cocktail, mandarin oranges, applesauce. CAAC also needs your clean plastic grocery bags. Thank you for your continuous support of Clover Area Assistance Center. January Birthdays! 1. Mike Grove 2. Carolyn Taylor 3. Campbell Whisenant, Rachel Denny 4. Stefanie Reed, Kevin Neumannn 5. Nila Rieman, Patrick Allen, Vicki Martin, Bud Rother 6. Kelly Harris 7. Mike Bishop, Rachel Ringler, Beth Hardee, Jarod Dollar, Barbara Hill, Tommy Hinson 8. Mary Ann Robinson 9. Tom Huber, Julie Johnson, Logan Johnson 11. Debra Stefke, Linda Bliss 13. Paula Moore 14. Karen Grohregin, Arnold Grant, Rodney Ringler, Marie- Luise Brase Yvonne Bryant 15. Martha Park, Judy Knox 16. Darla Lewis, Bonnie Koepke 17. Mary Fuller 18. Jenny Warder, Laurie McCorkle, Virginia Gilomen 19. Courtney Hutchins 20. Marcia Wagner, Dorothy Johnson 21. Bea Bullard, Otto Funderburk 22. Stefan Champagne, Charlie Hawkins 23. Carol Forsythe 24. Jean Spiro, Dick Bennett 25. Tom McAnallen, Polly Schuerg, Donald Durham 26. Jean Terrill, Brenna Hunter, Gale Campbell 27. Rob Morris 28. Ron Eaddy 29. Joe Power, Chase Trites 30. Gwen Vogt If your birthday is not listed, please call the church office so we can add it to our list! We don’t want to miss your birthday! CHURCH STAFF Gayle Montgomery Senior Pastor Jason Bryant Minister of Congregational Care Marcy Little Director of Family Ministries Monica Hussman Children’s Ministry Coordinator Carol Forsythe Organist Sue Dobrzeniecki Business Manager Wendy Burkett Administrative Assistant Mike Moore Maintenance Manager Katherine Hinson RHCC Preschool Director RIVER HILLS COMMUNITY CHURCH 104 Hamilton’s Ferry Road, Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Phone: 803-831-1615 Fax: 803-831-5042 Email: website: RIVER HILLS COMMUNITY CHURCH PRESCHOOL 103 Hamilton’s Ferry Road, Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Phone: 803-831-5043 Fax: 803-831-5042 Email: website: 104 Hamilton’s Ferry Road Lake Wylie, SC 29710 We are a community that stimulates contagious faith and spiritual growth in Christ. WWW.RHCCONLINE.ORG
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