ASPEC ASPEC WEEKLY NEWSLETTER VOL. 25—ISSUE 02, JANUARY 12 – JANUARY 16, 2015 WWW.ECKERD.EDU/ASPEC OFFICE PHONE: 727-864-8834 M-F 8:30-5:00 PROGRAMS FUNDED IN PART BY THE GENEROUS GIFT TO ASPEC BY DR. FELIX SCHWARZ. MONDAY, JANUARY 12 LDI Bob Grunow leads. East Wing. 4:00 Special Edition: Dr. Linda Lucas, economist and Asst. Dean of Special Projects, USF Honors College, speaking on her work in Uganda. See Program Notes. Led by Mary Khosh. East Wing. 7:00 Foreign Film: “Rome Open City.” (1945) See program notes. Led by Donna Peltier and Tom Thompson. Palmer Room. 8:45 Computer Help: Bring your PC, Iphone, laptop, or Ipad and Tom will TRY to help you. East Wing. 9:45 Medical Topics: The humor of aging, based on a program sponsored by the Pasadena Conference on Aging. Fun, fact and fiction. Tom Gadacz. EW. 9:45 Playreading: We continue with King Lear. Led by Richard Luckritz. East Wing A. THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 LDI 11:00 Computer Group: “What’s all this talk about the Cloud?” A look at benefits, and drawbacks of various 9:45 SomeTimes Science: Discussion from Tuesday’s cloud storage and software programs. Kyle &Tom. EW. NYT Science Section. Palmer Room. 12:15 World Classics: We will read "Candide", a short 11:00 Biography: Part 2 of the life and career of Dustin novelette by the great Voltaire. See Program Notes. Hoffman. An Inside the Actor’s Studio interview. Eleanor Wolf leads. East Wing. See Program Notes. Led by Julia Lewis. Palmer Rm. 12:15 Hands-On Electronics: Bring your devices and your 11:00 Der Stammtisch: Claude & Sue Corty. East Wing. questions. Kyle & Tom. East Wing A. 12:15 Chair Yoga: We begin seated, then use a chair as 1:30 Current Events: Discuss the Sunday Tampa Bay Times a balance aid for standing poses. We end with a Perspectives section. Bob Stoffels. Palmer. short guided meditation. Bette Damouny. Palmer. 2:45 History: Chapts. 25-27 of Doris Kearns Goodwin's 1:30 Philosophy: We will read “The Case of Wagner” in book, The Bully Pulpit pp 634-696. Jack Reed. Palmer. Basic Writings of Nietzsche. John Boardman.Palmer 4:00 Meditation: Enjoy the energy of group meditation. Led 1:40 Mathematics in Your Life: New series to be by Don and Julie MacNary. East Wing. determined. Led by Sal Pagliaro. East Wing A. 2:45 Mini-Series New series on “Planet Earth,” a 2006 TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 LDI British documentary. Episode 2, “Mountains.” The 9:30 Science & Society: ASPEC member Marv Atkins on main mountain ranges are explored with aerial “Reentering the Atmosphere: From the early days photography. Program Notes. Ashok Kalro. Palmer. to Project Orion.” See Program Notes. East Wing. 2:45 Complexity: Ongoing explorations of Quantum Theory. 11:00 Tai Chi: All Levels. Tom Alexander leads. Allegro. Led by Sal Pagliaro. East Wing A. 11:00 Strategic Decisions: Counter-intuity of Complex 4:00 Circolo Italiano: Part II. The unique peasant Systems: Weather vs Climate. See Program Notes. culture of Vastogerardi. See Program Notes. Jane Maury Seldin. East Wing. Thomas leads. Palmer Room. 12:15 21st Century Science: “Nature vs Nurture,” a DVD 5:00 Social: East wing. by Professor Jason Satterfield, Director of Social FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 LDI and Behavioral Sciences. John Khosh. East Wing. 12:15: Marketing Meeting: Ray Kulla. Director’s Office. 9:45 Foreign Affairs: “Upcoming Crises in 2015.” Led by 1-3 Bridge: Led by Dot Goldsmith. Allegro. John Reppert. Palmer Room. 1:30 Early Studies in Philosophy: Continue reading THE 11:00 Tai Chi: All levels. Tom Alexander. Allegro. REPUBLIC OF PLATO. Be sure to bring books. See 11:00 Applied Tech: Meet in the Lewis House kitchen. Program Notes. Naomi Block. East Wing. Led by Michael Welch and Bob Grunow. 2:45-5 Studio Art: During January Elise guides us in a Bas 11:00 Advanced Management: "Romania, a cultural and Relief sculpture technique. See Program Notes, and political island in the Balkan peninsula.” Mike Beilis. join us! East Wing. See Program Notes. Palmer Room. 5:30 Evening Out: Orange Blossom Catering. See Notes. 12:15 Caring Committee: Chrissy Jackson. East Wing A. 12:15 Writers Workshop: Read your wonderful writing WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 LDI to us, and we will reward you with chocolate. Helen 9:45 Economics and Prosperity: We will review 2014 Parramore. Conference Room. investment performance and, using technical and 12:15 French Culture: In English. Doreen Southworth, global macro analysis, look at long and short-term on life in the Dordogne region where she and Brian trends for 2015. Jack LeSar leads. East Wing. spend their summers. Joan Dunn. EW. 11:00 Religions & Faiths: John Rowley repeats his 1:30 WOMENSPEAK: Naomi Block will speak on the “Three presentation on Mormonism, a religion not well unWaves of the Women’s Movement.” Linda Reimer and derstood by the general public. Palmer Room. Eleanor Wolf. Palmer Room. 12:15 Programming Meeting: Julia Lewis. East Wing. 1:30 Music Listening: NOTE THE NEW DAY AND TIME! 1:30 Visual Arts: We will show a provocative film on The hour will be devoted to the Chamber Music of African American Artist Thornton Dial entitled “ Brahms. Gene Norris. East Wing. Mr. Dial Has Something to Say,” See Notes. EW. 3:15 ASPEC Singers: Jack Reed. Atrium. 2:45 Meet Our Members: Mary Johnson and Mary Lenholt. PROGRAM NOTES World Classics: We will read "Candide", a short novelette by the great Voltaire. We will discuss the world in which he lived in 18th century France, to place the story in context. We hope to read it aloud in class, at least to begin. Bring your sense of humor with you! Eleanor Wolf leads. History: Monday, Jan. 12 at 2:45. Palmer Room. Doris Kearns Goodwin’s look at the Progressive Area in America, The Bully Pulpit — Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism, available from Amazon for Kindle or as a book. It’s long, but well-written and extremely interesting. Led by John Reed. Books & Ideas: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 12:15. Snacks served. Neil Franckle leads. Guests welcome. Science & Society: Tues., Jan. 13 at 9:30 in the East Wing. We hear from ASPEC member Marv Atkins on “Reentering the Atmosphere: From the early days to Project Orion.” Dr. Atkins will discuss the challenges of getting spacecraft back down through the atmosphere, including some leading work he did himself. 21st Century Science: Tues., Jan 13, 12:15, Palmer Room. Jason Satterfield (Director of social and behavioral sciences). Mind-Body Medicine is about multidisciplinary approach in life and biology. Our discussion on complexity of the brain, neuronal and cellular network connections in biology will be the core of discussions. The series reveals a tremendous amount of information. Interactions in biology creates an electromagnetic network of fields force responsible for interacting chemicals in biology. The interactive process is the foundation of health and disease and aging. John Khosh leads. Early Studies in Philosophy: Tues., Jan. 13 at 1:30, East Wing. Please bring your book: The Republic of Plato, and be prepared to read in class. East Wing. Led by Naomi Block. Studio Art meets Tuesdays 2:45 to 4:45 in the East Wing. We are offering 3 dimensional clay sculpture with Elise for all who are interested. Others may follow their own desires and request whatever guidance they desire. We are easy and provide cookies. Helen, Elise and Camille. Strategic Decisions: Tues. Jan. 13 at 11:00 am, East Wing. Paul Carr presents Counter-intuity of Complex Systems: Weather vs Climate. Short-term weather fluctuations should not blind us from what long-term climate trends are telling us. Other unexpected aspects of complex system dynamics are the Butterfly Effect and the descendent benefit of epidemics. January Evening Out: Tuesday, January 13th at Orange Blossom Catering, 220 4th St. N., St Pete. 5:30 for cocktails. Dinner Buffet includes prime rib, orange blossom chicken, salads, desserts. Flyers are out. The deadline has been extended to Friday, January 9th. Meet Our Members (MOM): Wednesday, January 14th, 2:45 PM. We feature established member Mary Johnson, and new member Mary Lenholt. Led by Bob Grunow. Ethics Cases: First and Third Wednesdays of the month, 2:45, East Wing. Naomi Block leads. Visual Arts: Wed., Jan. 14 at 1:30, East Wing. We’ll show a provocative film on African American Artist Thornton Dial. Entitled “Mr. Dial Has Something to Say,” and produced by the Alabama PBS affiliate, it chronicles his encounters with the New York art world, a vicious “60 Minutes” presentation on his career. Mr. Dial, now 86, recently had a major retrospective at the Milwaukee, Houston and High Museums which was the subject of a five-page review in Time Magazine. The catalogue from that show will be available for your perusal. Special Edition: Wednesday, Jan. 14, 4 PM, East Wing. Dr. Linda Lucas, economist and Asst. Dean of Special Projects, USF Honors College (Tampa), speaking on her work at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. She has been teaching and doing research in Uganda since 2001, when she first went on a Fulbright Professorship. Her focus is the intersection between politics and women’s economic well-being. Led by Mary Khosh. Foreign Film: Wednesday, Jan. 14, 7 PM, Palmer Room. “Rome Open City,” an unsettling drama portraying the struggle of women and children as they try to shield resistance forces from the Nazis during the waning days of WW2. Director Roberto Rossellini received an Oscar nomination for best screenplay. Donna Peltier and Tom Thompson. PROGRAM NOTES, continued Economics and Prosperity: Wed., Jan. 14 at 9:45 in East Wing. We will review 2014 investment performance and, using technical and global macro analysis, look at long and short-term trends for 2015. Additionally, we will discuss your interests in topics for the January-May time period. Led by Jack LeSar. Der Stammtisch: We meet the first and third Thursdays of most months, at 11 AM. (in January though, we meet only on the 15th). Led by Claude and Sue Corty. Biography: Thursday, Jan. 15 at 11 AM, Palmer. Part 2: Dustin Hoffman is one of Hollywood’s most-decorated actors. An Actor’s Studio interview. Presented by Julia Lewis. Palmer Room. Circolo Italiano: Thursday, Jan. 15, 4 pm. Palmer Room. Part II. Discover the unique peasant culture of Vastogerardi, the small mountain village home of ASPEC member Jane Thomas’ father's family since the late 16th century. We will watch a professionally created video by a videographer who is my Italian cousin, taste wine and cheese of the Abruzzi section of Italy, learn about the history, religion and culture, see an "angel" fly, and more! Jane Thomas leads. Mini-Series: Thurs., Jan. 15, 2:45, Palmer Room. Planet Earth is a 2006 British television series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit. The second episode, Mountains, gives you a tour of some the many vast mountain ranges in the world, including the Andes and the Himalayas. It also shows the different animal species living in these mountainous environments, as well as footage of some of them doing things that have never been seen before. Led by Ashok Kalro. WOMENSPEAK: On Friday, Jan. 16 at 1:30 in the East Wing, Naomi Block will speak on women’s rights after the two World Wars. Eleanor Wolf and Linda Reimer. Advanced Management Seminar: Friday January 16, 20 15 at 11:00 in the Palmer Room. "Romania, a cultural and political island in the Balkan peninsula. National identity, language , history, religion, minorities and the relations to the West and the East." Will Klaus Johannis, the new president of Romania, a Saxon from Transylvania, work closely with the West? Time permitting, we’ll enjoy segments of Enescu 's Romanian Rapsodia I. Presented by Mike Beilis, former professor of languages and history, University of Omaha. Socrates Café: We meet the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Joyce Belmont. Writers Workshop: Fridays at 12:15. Develop your writing and listening skills, and share chocolate, which Helen usually remembers to bring. We always need good listeners, even if you don’t write. UPCOMING PROGRAMS Contemporary Short Story: We begin to use a new book on January 19th. The Best American Short Stories, edited by Heidi Pitlor and Alice Sebold, is available on We will start with the first story, “The Idiot President,” by Daniel Alarcon. Led by Rosemary Yaco. Poetry: Thursday, January 22, 2:45 — Peter Meinke reads from his newest book, Lucky Bones. Signing and refreshments will follow this college-wide event. WOMENSPEAK: Friday, Jan. 23 at 1:30 in the Palmer Room. One of the ways ASPEC members support Eckerd students is by mentoring. Martha and Fred Lamar participated in international development work prior to joining ASPEC, so “adopting” international students was a natural fit for them. Shukria Nizami, an Afghani refugee living in Pakistan, was one of their students. Martha has kept in touch with Shukria, who, after working in Canada for a few years, is now back in Afghanistan, married, and mother of a daughter. Still in touch with each other, Martha will share stories about their time together. Martha reports that she and Fred learned much more than Shukria did in their time together, but it was a joy for all parties. Martin Luther King Day Celebration: Monday, January 19th, 2-4 PM. Under the theme “Reclaiming our Democracy,” we’ve scheduled presentations from the Rev. Frank W. Peterman, pastor of the Rock of Jesus Missionary Baptist Church and Dr. Kevin D. Gordon, provost of St. Petersburg College. The program moderator is Prof. Gregory Padgett of Eckerd College, and includes choral music from the choir of Rev. Peterman’s church. Refreshments at the break, by Chrissy. Free and open to the public, so please invite your friends. UPCOMING PROGRAMS, continued Save the Date!: Weather permitting, the refurbished Don Brown will be officially launched from the Lewis House dock on Thursday afternoon, January 22nd. Stay tuned for further information. Bob Grunow. ASPEC Directory: We are updating the directory. If you’d like to change your bio or your photo, please supply us with such. We hope to have the new directory ready by the end of February. CONNECTIONS From: Phyllis Tillinghast: Wish I could be with you for the First Fridays. I am stuck in Ct unfortunately. I miss you all, and ASPEC. From your CONNECTIONS connection, Linda at JANUARY Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 10 Eric Rascoe John Clement Beverly Cohen Martha Lamar Dick Pierce Jane Thomas Grover Hanes Jan Stoffels Mary Boldon Seena Baker Ann Rascoe Camille Skluzacek Mary Carey John Adams HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 11 11 16 18 21 24 26 27 27 28 28 John Boardman Helen Parramore Lois Norris Jim Sweeny Lee Bennett Mary Johnson Julie MacNary Blair Crimmen Charlotte Neuhauser Mary Gregory Andy Hines
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