monthly newsletter - First Presbyterian Church of Belton

First Press
2500 Church Street, Belton, TX 76513
January 2015
Thoughts for the New Year
Inside This Issue
FPC News
Another Christmas Day has come and gone.
We may have bought presents, received
cards, baked cookies, and added to our
But what now? What do we take away from
this December 25th? Do we return to the
normal, the regular, and the everyday?
On a Choral Note and Financial Reports
Session Highlights
From the Pastor’s Desk
Texas Presbyterian Foundation Letter
Mission Updates and Events
New Beginnings and January Calendars
“The Work of Christmas,” a poem by civil
rights leader and theologian Dr. Howard
Thurman, reminds us why we stand on the
side of love throughout the year:
When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers,
To make music in the heart.
Dr. Howard Thurman was an influential author, philosopher,
theologian, educator and civil rights leader. He was Dean of
Theology and the chapels at Howard University and Boston
University for more than two decades, wrote 20 books, and in
1944 helped found the first racially integrated, multicultural
church in the United States.
Christmas Caroling
The Choral League (mostly members of FPC
Choir) enjoyed caroling at two Senior Living
Centers over the holidays.
We were able to sing to Arthur’s parents, who
reside at one of the Centers we visited. Not
only did they get to hear a great solo by Arthur,
but we got to sing Happy Birthday to both of
them. Thank you George, Arthur and Julie for
arranging this and Jessye for playing for us.
Bible Study in the Parlor
Women of the Church Bible Study
Join your friends in the Parlor and read the
Bible with Bob at 10:00 am each Sunday.
The Class is currently discussing the writing
of Paul found in 1st and 2nd Corinthians.
The Presbyterian Women’s Group is studying
Reconciling Paul, a contemporary look at 2nd
Corinthians. Aspects of faith we are discussing
include generosity, grace, forgiveness, the image
of God and peacemaking. The next meeting will
be on Sunday, January 18th at the church at 4:00
pm. Debbie Wood will be leading the discussion
on Lesson Four, “Carrying In Our Bodies Jesus’
Acts of Healing, Reconciliation, and Love”.
Our Youth at Grapevine
The December Newsletter had photographs
of Mason Hood and Makin Schilling at the
Joint Youth Service last fall. To see video of
our talented Youth, visit A
link for Mason is and
for Makin it is
We will launch the New Beginnings program on
January 25th at our Fellowship Luncheon. At the
conclusion of an overview presentation, we will
break out into our small groups for continued
discussion and process details. Small group
assignments will be posted on the bulletin board
in the Fellowship Hall by Sunday, January 18th.
Think Young
The Think Young Group will meet on Tuesday,
January 13th at 11:30 am at the church. This
month’s program will be “R U OK”, a service
provided to senior citizens by the Belton Police
Department. Issues of fraud and scams aimed at
seniors will also be discussed. The program will
be preceded by a pot luck lunch. Bring your
favorite dish and a friend and join the fun.
January Dates to Remember
Jan 4
Epiphany Sunday
Jan 6
Session Meeting 6 pm
Jan 7
Choir Practice 7 pm
Jan 11
Baptism of the Lord and
Ordination and Installation
Of Elders and Trustee
Jan 13
Think Young 11:30 am
Jan 14
Choir Practice 7 pm
Jan 18
2nd Sunday after Epiphany
PW Bible Study 4 pm
Jan 20
Session Meeting 6:15 pm
Jan 21
Choir Practice 7 pm
Jan 22
Community Chorus 7 pm
Jan 25
3rd Sunday after Epiphany
Fellowship Luncheon and
New Beginnings Launch
Jan 28
Choir Practice 7 pm
Jan 29
Community Chorus 7 pm
Jan 28
Donna Bowling will preach 2
Dec 26 Fellowship Luncheon
On a Choral
Advent brought beautiful music to the church.
Our Christmas Eve service was marvelous, and
our very own Jamison Schilling did a superb job
singing the solo O Holy Night with the choir. The
weekly Advent Introit and Advent Kyrie were
well received and the body of music sung during
the season was beautiful. Congratulations to the
choir for a job very, very well done.
First Presbyterian Church continues to host the
Choral League of Central Texas, our community
chorus which has been singing fine choral music
together since September 2013. The December
concert was well attended and everyone seemed
to enjoy the experience very much. Most of our
church choir members sing in the community
chorus and we all enjoyed a great semester of
singing, working and learning together. During
this next semester, the chorus has been invited to
join the McLennan County Community Theatre
in a production on March 6th at the Temple CAC
of Les Miserables. This offers an awesome
opportunity for the chorus to join with many
other singers in a fine production. We hope
everyone will be able to attend. The chorus is
excited about this production and will be working
on a masterwork as well for an October
performance. Many members are unavailable in
April and May of 2015, so this scheduling will
work very well for us all. With an October
concert scheduled, we will not have any
problems with other seasonal conflicts that often
arise among our membership due to their own
church obligations, travel plans and the like.
Thanks to everyone at First Presbyterian for your
continued support of both choirs. There’s
nothing quite like beautiful music filling our
Spread the word that everyone is always
welcome to join us in song with both choruses.
Our church choir rehearses Wednesday nights
from 7 PM—8:30 PM, and the Choral League
of Central Texas rehearses Thursdays from 7
PM—9:00 PM.
Blessings to you all. We look forward to
another great year of song.
Financial Report—Year End
January-December 2014
Pledge Income
$ 75,031.64
The Generosity Team is still collecting pledges
for 2015. If you have not turned in a pledge
card, please consider doing so now.
Bob Steinbauer also extends his thanks to his church
family for their love, support and prayers during this
difficult time, as well as for the service and luncheon.
Session Highlights—December
Heart-felt Thank You's
The session would like to extend a special thank
you to the following people:
Mac Hickerson for all his help with the
replacement of the roof.
Johnnie Schilling for updating the website with
the December Newsletter.
A Special Thank You to the Hood Family, Melinda
Gutherie, the VanBebers, Penni Rice, Lynda Allmer,
Penny Worley, and all others who helped with the
“Hanging of the Greens” on Saturday, November
29th. Our old Christmas tree was donated to the
Belton Chamber of Commerce.
Penni Rice opened the meeting with prayer at 6 pm in
the Fellowship Hall. The session read and discussed
the General Presbyter's Report to Grace Presbytery at
Grace Presbytery's November Meeting in Canyon
Creek in Richardson Texas. Of note is Penni’s
Reflection: How can we reach out to a broader
community? Can we “partner” with a church group
that doesn’t have a building but has the same beliefs
as we have?
The session again used a "Consent Agenda" format
which again reduced the length of the session
The session approved the following building use
Sat. Dec 6 2-6 pm Choir Retreat for new music;
Fri., Dec. 12 6:30-8pm Piano Recital – George Weaver
to open and close.
Sat., Dec. 13 3-5 pm Community Chorus Concert – 2
pm warm up;
The session approved communion for Jan 4 (Epiphany
Sunday) and 11 (Ordination and Installation of Elders
and Baptism of the Lord Sunday.)
The Clerk of Session recorded the transfer of
membership of Corky Nelson to the Church
Triumphant and the Surface's to Grace, Temple.
The Moderator expressed heart-felt Thank You's
to Carmen, Lynda and Penni for extraordinary
service on the session. Lynda and Carmen have
served for a total of 9 years, 6 of them back to
back. The Moderator requested that we all please
keep Bob and June Steinbauer, Mel Groth, Betty
Wilson, Lois Proctor and family in prayer.
The session has set a date to take down the
"Sanctuary Greens." Please plan to remain after
worship on Sunday, January 4 to assist the
worship team with this process.
New Officers, Pat Rye, Penny Worley and Harriet
Monsell will be ordained and installed on January
11 during worship. These new officers will be
examined at the January 6th Session Meeting at 6
pm in the Fellowship Hall.
An inter-generational Sunday School class will
meet at 9:30 am on Sundays December 7, 14, 21
and 28. This hands on class will discuss Advent
hymns, sing, engage in a fun craft. Jane
Christensen will facilitate the discussion. Come
join the fun! Participant Guides will be emailed in
advance and also are available at the class
meeting in hard copy.
The Christmas Eve service will take place at 6 pm.
Communion will include both wine and grape
The New Beginnings Leadership Team will kick off
our New Beginnings Process at the January 25th
Fellowship Luncheon. Please watch for more
The Generosity Team is continuing to collect
pledge cards for 2015. If you have not yet turned
in your pledge, we hope you will consider doing so
very soon!
(Continued on page 5)
The Season of the Nativity Continues....
"Epiphany: A sudden enlightenment or
realization, a profound new outlook or
understanding about the world usually
attained while doing everyday mundane
"Epiphany heralds the ramifications of Jesus'
birth. The arrival of the Magi from foreign lands
foretells the day when faraway people will learn
about this surprising Savior. Jesus cannot be
contained in his own land with just his own
people. His saving work will go viral and spread
to the ends of the earth."2
On January 6th the mini-season of Epiphany
begins. The Epiphany season is part of the larger
three-piece season of the Nativity, which began
for us on November 30th with Advent and
includes the 12 days of Christmas. The color for
Epiphany is green or gold. In many parts of the
world, Epiphany is the time for the giving of
gifts, in adoration of the Christ Child. It is a time
to recognize the presence of Jesus in the world.
January will be a time for our own epiphanies,
too. Here at FPC Belton, our New Beginnings
Leadership Team has been working very hard to
prepare to lead you on a journey, not unlike the
one the Wise Men took from the east. Please
make plans to join us on January 25th after
worship for Fellowship Luncheon. At this time,
the New Beginnings Leadership Team will
introduce the New Beginnings Process.
You will want to be with us, as we, too, search
for Jesus in our midst.
from "Literary Terms for AP English Literature"
on the web
The Season of the Nativity by Sybil MacBeth
Session Highlights—Continued
The session voted to send in FPC Belton's pledge
to the Presbytery. There was no increase for
2015 in our pledge. It remains $1,000, down
from $5,000 before the downturn of 2008.
The session received the financial report for
November, noting that our pledge income is
about $25,000 short for 2014. Please consider a
donation beyond your pledge this year to help us
balance our budget.
The session requests that when you exit the
building, you make sure that the thermostats are
set to 85 in summer and 60 in winter. This will
assist us in saving money on energy costs and
help the environment. We spend in excess of
$12,000 each year on electricity alone. Let's see
if we can do better in 2015.
Carmen closed the meeting with prayer at 7 pm.
The next stated session meeting will be held on
Tuesday, January 6 at 6 pm in Fellowship Hall.
Bible Verses for Epiphany
For you were once darkness, but now you are
light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for
the fruit of the light consists in all goodness,
righteousness and truth.
Ephesians 5: 8-9 NIV
First Presbyterian Church, Belton
would like to extend a big Thank You
to La Verne Morris
for serving as Treasurer for 2014
Excerpts from Report to Grace Presbytery from the Committee on Ministry– 11/21/14
“This presbytery meeting, and the last one, include a series of reports from Administrative Commissions which mark
the end of ministry of particular churches in Grace Presbytery. These congregations took actions to ask Grace
Presbytery to do what we call in the language of the PCUSA constitution “dissolve the congregation.” As someone
who grew up with quite the opposite understanding of ministry, the image of “dissolving” a congregation has seemed
to me to be bitter language for the remarkable history of congregations serving in places across Grace Presbytery
where they had many fruitful years of ministry. Often due to a series of circumstances beyond their anticipation and
ability to move into the future, they elected to close their doors. Since Sunday, four of us on this staff have sat with
four congregations who see themselves as ready to close or deeply challenged about what kind of future they can
have in ministry. And that is just this week.
We are in a time of enormous transition in each one of our congregations. There are a lot of questions and no simple
answers. These are not questions we want to face at 7:30 on Tuesday night at a session meeting after we’ve worked a
full day. These are not questions we know how to address from the pulpit in easy ways.
The challenges of ministry are no longer solved by the easy formulas we once used. But, in many of our churches, we
are learning how to live in the midst of this transition. We are teaching each other how to do it. And most of all, we
are giving witness to the Gospel as we discover that ministry is not as predictable as we learned in seminary, or that
being an elder is much harder work about the future of a congregation than we had imagined. (full report is available
and is timely, interesting and thought-provoking. See Pastor for copy)
First Presbyterian Church of Temple
Fellowship Sewing Circle
Saturday, January 17
9 am - Noon
At the Czech Museum
Brunch will be Served
Join the women of FPC, Temple for a fellowship
of sewing, cutting, and diaper construction. The
women of FPC Temple send cloth diapers to
Nicaragua with their medical mission team.
They have a pattern to make the diapers from
gently used T-Shirts (X-large are best). They also
make receiving blankets and bags, which are
very popular.
The Nicaragua mission is a vital part of FPC
Temple's calling to share Christ’s love. Getting
together in fellowship is creative and fun as
well. If you don’t have a sewing machine, you
can cut, pin, or press.
If you can’t transport your sewing machine,
Donna Bowling 774-7970 will help you get it to
the brunch.
New Beginnings Days of
January 2015
Preparing for New Beginnings
On January 25th, we will launch our New Beginnings process with four small
groups, each engaging in six small group studies. By spending several days in
prayer first, we will be preparing our hearts, minds, and whole selves to hear
what God is calling /leading us to do next. Please take some time each day to
be in prayer for the church, for the New Beginnings process, and for how God
is calling you to be a part of FPC Belton’s “future story.” God is good, all the
time! All the time, God is good!
Howard Bell
Ginny Livingston
O.L. Petty
Susan Sarazin
Cissy Miller
Adelaide Colwell
Marilyn Brown
Duane Miller
Mel Groth
Bob Livingston
Lois Proctor
Betty Wilson
Ricky Beavers
Jay Brooks
Tracy Morrissey
Mark Morrissey
Le’Anne Clark
Paula Wilson
Faithful God, you have called us together to be the Body of Christ for the world, for our communities, for the people we meet along the
way. Guide us as we seek to discern how you are leading us today. Open our minds and hearts to hear your Spirit-filled dreams for this
gathered community and give us courage to be bold in following you. Gracious God, today we pray for …………………………… In Jesus’
name we pray. Amen.