20th Sunday After Pentecost October 26, 2014 ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH 75 Alma Street, Moncton, NB E1C 4Y3 Phone: 858-8289; Church office email: sjuc@nb.aibn.com; Check our website, www.StJohnsMoncton.ca for times of meetings, events, etc. WELCOME! A warm welcome is extended to all. Your presence enriches both us and this time of celebration together. A NEW CREED (VU 918) We are not alone, we live in God’s world. We believe in God: who has created and is creating, who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh, to reconcile and make new, who works in us and others by the Spirit. We trust in God. We are called to be the Church: to celebrate God’s presence, to live with respect in Creation, to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God. This bulletin has been donated In Memory of Clarence Hicks by wife Lois, and Family NOTICES, UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS Calendar of St. John’s Meetings & Events Check our website at www.stjohnsmoncton.ca for dates & times of events & meetings - found under link to Sunday Bulletin & Announcements on left-hand side of Home page. Oct. 26 Sun Nov. 27 28 30 2 Mon Tue Thu Sun 3 Mon 4 5 Tue Wed 6 7 8 9 Thu Fri Sat. Sun Nov. Cancelled MEN’S CHOIR Practice - Cancelled until Nov. 9 9:45-10:30am CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST in the Great Hall. Cost: your free-will donation 11:00 am WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL (4-12 yrs) & NURSERY CARE (0-3 yrs) 12:00 noon CHERUB CHOIR practice evening 6:30 pm – Gr. Mctn. Chorale practice; 7:15 pm - Girl Guide Pathfinders 7:00 pm CHURCH COUNCIL 7:00 pm CHOIR Practice Cancelled MEN’S CHOIR Practice - Cancelled until Nov. 9 11:00 am WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL (4-12 yrs) & NURSERY CARE (0-3 yrs) 12:00 noon CHERUB CHOIR practice evening 6:30 pm – Gr. Mctn. Chorale practice; 7:15 pm - Girl Guide Pathfinders 7:00 pm PROPERTY Committee meeting 7:00 pm WORSHIP & MUSIC Committee meeting 5:00 pm OUTREACH Committee meeting 6-8:00 pm WINGS – Program: “Blessings in a Backpack” by Kimberley Jelley 7:00 pm CHOIR Practice 12 Noon MINISTRY & PERSONNEL Committee meeting 11 am – 2 pm Fall BAZAAR & LUNCHEON (11:30 am – 1:30 pm) 9:30 am MEN’S CHOIR Practice 11:00 am REMEMBRANCE & WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL (4-12 yrs) & NURSERY CARE (0-3 yrs) 12:00 noon CHERUB CHOIR practice 2:30 pm MEN’S CHOIR sings at Camden Place LOOKING AHEAD... Nov. 8 15 16 Sat. Sat. Sun Mark your calendar! 11 am – 2 pm Fall BAZAAR & LUNCHEON (11:30 am – 1:30 pm) 6:00 pm ROAST BEEF DINNER – Tickets are $15 and available now 11:00 am ANNIVERSARY Worship Service GROCERIES FOR THE KARING KITCHEN - Thank you to all who brought in groceries today for the Karing Kitchen. 2 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION OPEN HOUSE – You are invited to help celebrate Phyllis Hicks’ 90th birthday, here at the Church on Saturday Nov. 1st from 2-4 pm. Plan to come and say, Hello. Best wishes only. QUARTERLY FINANCIAL UPDATE as of September 30th - In an effort to keep the congregation up-to-date on the church's financial situation, here is a quarterly snapshot of our financial picture. While our budgeted Year-To-Date forecast for the end of this quarter projected a deficit of $19,495, actual YTD revenues and expenses have placed us in a deficit situation of $35,031. This additional deficit is primarily due to a decrease in anticipated YTD revenues of $6,387 (of note - $22,019 less than last year at this time), as well as an increase in budgeted YTD expenses of $9,148. The Finance Committee continues to closely monitor all expenditures in an effort to cut costs wherever feasible. To this end, Church Council recently approved and facilitated the return to oil for heating, from the costly natural gas. Considerable savings over last year 's expenditures are anticipated over the upcoming winter months. In an effort to address this $35,031 deficit we would like to ask you to consider contributing slightly more in your weekly givings until year-end. An additional donation of $10 a week - just until December 31st, from each of our "contributing families" here at St. John's would eliminate that deficit entirely. We know that for many of you, this is a lot to ask, but if you could, please take a moment to consider how small or large a donation you could make... Thank you ! WANTED: VOLUNTEER VISITORS - Our Pastoral Care Committee is looking for more people to ocassionly visit some of our people who are shut-in and not able to get out and about. They really appreciate these visits. If this interests you, and/or you want more details, please contact Rev. Aaron Billard. R O AS T B E E F D I N N E R Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, peas, coleslaw, green tomato chow, roll and butter, followed by tea, coffee and dessert. Hosted by the men of St. John’s United Church, here in the Social Hall Saturday, November 15th at 6:00 pm Tickets are $15.00 and available from the men of the congregation & the Church Office. 3 St. John’s United Church Women invite you to attend the annual In the Social Hall (basement), here at 75 Alma St. Saturday, Nov. 8th from 11 am - 2 pm • BAZAAR - Sales tables include Crafts, Baking, Jams-Jellies-Pickles, Fudge, White Elephant items, etc. You will also find: • JEWELLERY – like-new jewellery will be for sale. And… if you have jewellery you wish to donate, please give it to Lois Weatherby or Brenda McFarlane soon, to allow time for cleaning and carding prior to the Bazaar. • BOOK SALE – If you have books to donate for this sale, please drop them off to the Church by Nov. 3rd so we have time to sort and set-up the display before the sale. • LUNCHEON – your choice of Corn Chowder, Chili or Chicken Soup, served from 11:30 am1:30 pm. Also includes roll, pie & beverage. Cost is $8.00. • BAKED BEANS & BROWN BREAD – Order by Nov. 5th for pick-up at the Bazaar on Sat. Nov. 8th. Your choice of: ½ litre Beans + 1 loaf Bread = $5.00 1 litre Beans + 1 loaf Bread = $7.00. To order: 1. Fill in the blue order form included with your Thanksgiving letter, and also available at our main entrances, and give it to one of the UCW ladies or return it in the offering plate. Or 2. Phone your order in to Brenda McFarlane at 852-3550, or Phyllis Perry (evenings) at 8524761, or the Church Office at 858-8289, or email it to: sjuc@nb.aibn.com WINGS group enjoyed the presentation by Karen Teed which summarized each of the Church committees and groups. Thanks also to June MacEachern, Lois Weatherby and Karen Leidemer for their help. At the Nov 5th WINGS meeting, Kimberley Jelley will introduce the “Blessings in a Backpack” program. Attendees are invited to bring contributions of granola bars, cereal bars, apple or orange juice boxes, pudding cups, soup, pasta, rice, fruit cups, fruit sauce cups, cookie packs, cheese & cracker packs, popcorn, Rice Krispie squares, oatmeal, etc. SOBEYS, SUPERSTORE & CO-OP GIFT CARDS - We have Sobeys and Superstore gift cards in denominations of $100, $50, & $25; and Coop gift cards in $50s and $25s available for sale each Sunday at the sales table in the Great Hall, after the service during fellowship & coffee time. We make 4% on every card sold. Your support is needed & appreciated. Our goal this year is to make $3,000 profit from this fundraiser. Sales to-date for 2014: $46,150; Profit $ 1,948.50 4 CHURCH COMMUNITY EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS See the Bulletin Board for other Events not listed here. GIFTS with VISION CATALOGUE –This catalogue, from the United Church, provides way for you to honour people in your life, with special gifts that help to mend the world. Copies of the catalogue are available at our 2 main entrances. KITCHEN PARTY at Steeves Memorial United Church (280 Salisbury Rd. Moncton) today, Sun. Oct. 26th from 2-4 pm. Featuring, The Mud River Band, and local talent. Cost is $5 at the door. DEDICATION SERVICE of the new Sackville United Church (110 Main St. Sackville NB) will be held today, Sunday Oct. 26th at 4 pm. Refreshments following the service. Everyone welcome. MUSIC at TRINITY - the first concert of the season will be held at Trinity-St. Stephen’s United Church (Amherst, NS) today, Sunday, Oct. 26th at 4 pm. Peter Allen, one of Canada’s most respected and talented musicians, will play a dedication recital on the church’s new Yamaha Grand piano. Tickets available at the door: Adults $20, Seniors $15. SMILEY-FACE PANCAKE BREAKFAST will be held on Saturday Nov. 1st from 8-11:30 am at Mount Royal United Church (106 Mount Royal Blvd. - use Bessborough Ave. entrance). You will enjoy smiley-face pancakes with real maple syrup, scrambled eggs, toast, sausages, juice, tea/coffee and. Cost is $8 for adults, and $5 for children 12-and-under. Take the whole family. DESSERT TEA - Saturday, Nov. 1st from 1:30-3:30 pm, hosted by the UCW of Central United Church in the Community Peace Centre Forum (22 Church St. Moncton). There will be an exhibition of craft work including quilts - some heirlooms, needlework, knitting, sewing and various hobbies. Cost is $10 at the door, and includes dessert. CONCLUSION OF COVENANTED RELATIONSHIP - A service marking the conclusion of the covenanted relationship between Rev. Christine MacLeod, Visions United Pastoral Charge, and Chignecto Presbytery will be held Nov. 2nd at 10 am at the Empire Theatre (127 Trinity Drive, Moncton). Following the service, a pot-luck lunch will be held at the Visions Campus and Community Centre (1270 Gorge Rd. Stilesville). All are welcome. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR - Salisbury United Church (76 Smith St., Salisbury) on Wed. Nov. 5th at 7 pm. There will be crafts, fancy work, baking, white elephant table, homemade candy, and used books. Enjoy a scrumptious dessert & beverage in the Angel Tea Room, open from 6:30-8 pm. WORSHIP SERVICE We welcome Mike Day as our organist while Owen is away touring South Africa. (The congregation is invited to join in responses printed in bold) WE GATHER IN THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY ORGAN PRELUDE Great Is They Faithfulness (Wagner); Reflections on the Spirit (Raney) 5 DOXOLOGY # 541 PRAISE GOD Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures high and low; Give thanks to God in love made known: Creator, Word and Spirit, one. WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP You, O God, know our hearts. Guide our hearts, O God. You, O God, see our ways. Shape our ways, O God. You, O God, call our spirits. Call us now, O God, as we call on you. GATHERING PRAYER Happy are we, O God, when our hearts are full, our ways are yours, and our spirits enlivened by your call. Happy are we, O God, when our lives are guided by delight. We gather here today for just that, holy God. We gather to draw on all you would give us to be more fully yours. In Jesus’ name, hear us as we continue to pray, saying, "Our Father..."(VU. 921) PRAYER OF CONFESSION Happy are those who turn away from the counsel of the wicked. But oh, that counsel can be so seductive – it draws us in, holds us fast, distracts our priorities, and obstructs our capacity to love. But, we seek no obstructions, we reject wicked counsel, and we embrace God’s embrace. For whatever ways we don’t, we confess; in whichever ways we sin, we repent. Hear our prayers, O God, as, before you, we seek wholeness. (Silence) God of mercy, grace, reconciliation and goodness, we are sorry for so much – for words we cannot bear to say, for memories we cannot bear to relive, and for thoughts we cannot bear to admit. But, you know our hearts. Relieve us of our burdens, and bind our hearts, not to the unbearable, but rather to you, so that in all ways we may live in the joy of your salvation, and the delight of your loving embrace. Amen. 6 WORDS OF ASSURANCE Happy are we, holy people, when we walk in the ways of our God. Happy are we, beloved ones, as we receive God’s forgiveness. Happy are we, God’s own, because we are made whole through Jesus Christ. Amen. HYMN # 343 I LOVE TO TELL THE STORY CHILDREN’S TIME Children up to age 12 yrs. are now invited to go to our Sunday School program time. If you are a child here for the first time, please feel welcome to join the children’s group upstairs, or remain here for the rest of the service. If you are a parent or caregiver, there are a kitchen and washrooms on the main and upstairs levels, as well as a diaper changing area upstairs. Please feel free to return to the service at any time. SOLO by Roland Gallant The Gift of Love Hopson WE REFLECT UPON OUR COMMON STORY SCRIPTURE LESSONS Deuteronomy 34:1–12 Moses dies and is buried in Moab. Psalm 90:1–6, 13–17 (VU p. 805–6, Parts 1 & 3, read responsively, with sung refrain) O God, our help in ages past. Matthew 22:34–46 Love God; love your neighbour as yourself. God's story is for all people. It is ours to receive and share. SERMON HYMN # 649, vs. 1, 2 & 4 WALK WITH ME WE RESPOND TO GOD’S LOVE OFFERING & CHOIR ANTHEM Be thou My Vision OFFERTORY # 543 WE GIVE THEE BUT THINE OWN We give thee but thine own, what e’er the gift may be; All that we have is thine alone, a trust, O God, from thee. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE HYMN # 264 IMMORTAL, INVISIBLE, GOD ONLY WISE BENEDICTION 7 Pooler CHORAL BENEDICTION Go Now In Peace ORGAN POSTLUDE Toccata in D Minor The prayers in today’s service are taken from the liturgy, “Worship Ways.” Sergisson You are invited to join us in the Great Hall after this service for a time of fellowship and refreshments. Memorial Memorial donations have been placed in Memory of: Douglas Reid and Ken Smith ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH CARES... To notify the Minister of personal concerns, anxieties, illnesses, hospitalizations or deaths, to pass along a prayer request, or to arrange homebound communion, contact Rev. Aaron Billard at 858-8289 or sjucrev@gmail.com TODAY’S GREETERS & USHERS: South Door - Alma St.: Greeters: Amy & Tim Breau Offering: Amy & Tim Breau, Sonja Buck, Nelson Price North Door - Victoria St.: Greeters: Cheryl & Graham McCrea Offering: Jean Cameron, Shirley Lutes, Cheryl & Graham McCrea ELEVATOR OPERATOR: SCRIPTURE READER: GROCERY CARD SALES: TELLERS: Lois Weatherby Ann Hanson Karen & Terry Teed Bob Charman, Sandra Dooe, Elsa Sage CHURCH MINISTRY PERSONNEL AND STAFF Rev. Aaron Billard, Minister email: sjucrev @ gmail.com Owen Fraser, Organist email: owen.fraser @ xplornet.ca Wanda Colwell, Office Administrator email: sjuc @ nb.aibn.com Patti Arsenault, Custodian Rev. Dr. Doug MacEachern, Email Mike Day, Supply Organist Minister Emeritus email: dougjune @ nb.sympatico.ca 8
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