PASTOR’S PAGE Praying To Seek God’s Guidance Daily At the Discipleship Summit in September, we learned that our Discipleship Emphasis for this program year will be “Praying to Seek God’s Guidance Daily.” This newsletter article explores in more detail what that means for us. This personal spiritual practice is one of core set of practices that are most transformative for people who are seeking to deepen their relationship with Jesus. Praying to Seek God’s Guidance Daily How is our spiritual practice / discipleship emphasis going for you this month? I’d love to hear the stories of how you are praying to seek God’s guidance daily and what God is saying to you through his Word, the counsel of other Christians and the poor (see the last part of Matthew 25). How has God been challenging you and encouraging you? Praying Over the Everyday Things of Our Lives On November 16, we will have a congregational meeting to vote for council leaders, approve the 2015 budget and consider a sanctuary painting project. Between now and then, I invite you pray over these things. And then I invite you to pray over the everyday things of your own life. Have you ever prayed over your own monthly budget, giving thanks to God for the income God has allowed you to manage for his glory? Have you ever prayed over your spouse and asked for God’s blessing on their day before they leave for work? Have you ever prayed over your child or grandchild before sending them off to school? Don’t just pray for them; pray over them. Place your hands on their head, pray, and then bless them with the sign of the cross. Do you pray for everyday things? Have you ever given thanks to God after getting a glass of water or using the toilet, rejoicing in the gift of clean, running water and safe sewer systems? Have you ever blessed God for the gift of coffee after a fitful night of sleep? Have you prayed a verse of Scripture over your shoes before putting them on? (Check out Isaiah 52:7 and Romans 10:15). Have you thanked God for the miracle of juice boxes and graham crackers and preschoolers? Praying to seek God’s guidance daily is about more than checking prayer off your daily list. It is about meeting God in prayer throughout the day… bit by bit, moment by moment. Monthly Prayer Workshop I hope to see many of you at our monthly prayer workshop at 7 pm on the first Thursday of the month. On November 6 we will delve into the practice of Ignatian Contemplation (named after St. Ignatius), a prayer form that invites us into a way of praying that involves Scripture and our imagination. +Pastor Matt 1 Worship and Holy Baptism The Use of the Means of Grace In August of 1997, the Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America adopted a statement called The Use of the Means of Grace: A Statement on the Practice of Word and Sacrament for use in the congregations of the ELCA. This statement serves to guide our worship practices in ways that are consistent with the Holy Scriptures, the practices of the whole church throughout space and time, and the Lutheran Confessions. I bet most of you didn’t even know this document existed! For the next several months, I’d like to reflect with you on several of these principles, particularly the ones related to Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. It is my hope that these articles and reflections become a starting point for continued conversation about our worship life together. If you would like the whole document, we will soon have copies available here. You can also find it online. +Pastor Matt ================================================================================= What is Baptism? Principle 14 In Holy Baptism the Triune God delivers us from the forces of evil, puts our sinful self to death, gives us new birth, adopts us as children, and makes us members of the body of Christ, the Church. Holy Baptism is received by faith alone. Background 14a By water and the Word in Baptism, we are liberated from sin and death by being joined to the death and resurrection of Jesus. In Baptism God seals us by the Holy Spirit and marks us with the cross of Christ forever (cf. Lutheran Book of Worship, 121, 124). Baptism inaugurates a life of discipleship in the death and resurrection of Christ. Baptism conforms us to the death and resurrection of Christ precisely so that we repent and receive forgiveness, love our neighbors, suffer for the sake of the Gospel, and witness to Christ. Application 14b Baptism is for the sake of life in Christ and in the body of Christ, the Church. It also may be given to those who are close to death, and is a strong word of promise in spite of death. Individuals are baptized, yet this Baptism forms a community. It is for children. It is for adults. It is done once, yet it is for all of our life. ======================================================================================== 1. The first thing we notice about baptism is that it is first and foremost union with Christ. In baptism we are joined to the saving death and resurrection of Jesus. This is why baptism is never a private affair. We are in one act joined to Jesus and his Body, the Church. 2. We are also given the precious gift of the Holy Spirit and are forever marked with the cross of Jesus Christ. At Bethlehem we have marked this with the laying on of hands at the altar and the signing of the cross with chrism oil. 3. Baptism also makes us disciples. It is the beginning point of our life of discipleship. This discipleship has a particular shape: dying and rising (cf. Luke 24:46-48). Since we are joined to Christ and his death and resurrection, we should expect that to be the shape of our lives lived in him. 4. The shape of the life of discipleship includes repentance and forgiveness, loving our neighbors, suffering for the sake of Jesus and his Gospel and witnessing to others. Our reading in Francis Chan’s Multiply book this past month also emphasized some of these themes. 5. Baptism is God’s once-for-all promise to us. That is why as Lutherans we do not “rebaptize” if someone has already been baptized as a Christian in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The whole Christian life is simply a return to Baptism (repentance) and a living out of Baptism. 6. For further study, check out the Holy Baptism section in our red hymnal (pp. 227-250). Explore the services of worship that are centered on and grounded in Baptism. If you don’t have a hymnal of your own, consider purchasing one ($22.50 through 2 WORSHIP CONGREGATIONAL MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT: This serves as the official announcement of a congregational meeting to be held November 16, 2014, at 10:20 a.m., for the purpose of approving the 2015 budget, electing congregational officers and council members and approving a sanctuary painting project. Memory Verse for November Romans 12:1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. REMINDER: NOVEMBER 2 daylight savings time ends so we will “fall” back one hour before going to bed Saturday night (November 1). Daily Bible Readings for November Nov 1: 2 Kings 2 Nov 2: 2 Kings 5 Nov 3: 2 Kings 6 Nov 4: 2 Kings 8 Nov 5: 2 Kings 10 Nov 6: 2 Kings 13 Nov 7: 2 Kings 17 Nov 8: 2 Kings 22-23 Nov 9: Micah 5-6 Nov 10: Micah 1 Nov 11: Micah 2 Nov 12: Micah 3 Nov 13: Micah 4 Nov 14: Psalm 137 Nov 15: Micah 7 All Saints Sunday is November 2 We recognize those who have been Baptized this last year, our newest saints: Josephine Bame Emelia Forman Blake Lamb Dane Witker Mila Barnes We remember those who Brett Young have died since last All Kelli Young Saints Sunday: Adelia Young Jason Young Betty Henline Ryan Layman Robert Shammo Norah Mulheisen Ron Lang Lucy Nachtrab Janet Bettenbrock Logan Martinez Florence Blausey Axel Napierala Paul Rolf Anna Korkowski Arda Ortman Jessa Galbraith Annette Lamphier Benson Miller Dorrit Beckman Gavin Kahlenberg David Gerwin Eloise Ward Nov 16: Isaiah 36-37 Nov 17: Isaiah 2 Nov 18: Isaiah 6 Nov 19: Isaiah 9 Nov 20: Isaiah 11 Nov 21: Isaiah 27 Nov 22: Isaiah 55 Nov 23: Jeremiah 1, 7 Nov 24: Jeremiah 5 Nov 25: Jeremiah 6 Nov 26: Jeremiah 13 Nov 27: Jeremiah 15 Nov 28: Jeremiah 18 Nov 29: Jeremiah 23 Nov 30: Habakkuk 1 Blood Pressure Sunday Sunday, November 9, 30 minutes before and after the 9 a.m. service, with Nurse April. Serving in November THANK YOU TO THOSE SERVING THIS MONTH... Women’s Thankoffering Service Sunday, November 9, at 9 a.m. Sermon by Jodi Stewart 3 Sun. Acolytes, 9 am 9 am Thanksgiving Reagan Schuerman, Lilly Schuerman Madison Finley, Emma Finley Youth: Reader, 9 am Usher, 9 am Greeter, 5 pm Anastasha Smith Justin Gentry Kyra Contris Altar Flowers Gail Gerwin Altar Guild Diane Lang, Rachel Staats Office Window Joanne Bruning Service Org. (Funerals) Joanne Busdeker, Joan Slebos YOUTH GROW After School Youth Club Prayer Workshops with Pastor Matt First Thursdays from 7-8:30 p.m. Students in grades K-5 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church 3:45-6 p.m., Wednesday, November 19 November 6: Ignatian Contemplation: Prayer, Scripture and Imagination December 4: Centering Prayer: Getting to the Heart of the Matter January 8: Examen of Consciousness: Offering it All to God February 5: Prayer Journaling: Writing Our Prayers March 5: The Jesus Prayer, Repetitive Prayer and the Taize Community May 7: Prayer Retreats (St. Ignatius) Join us for a free family dinner at 5:30 p.m. Children will enjoy music, activities, crafts, Bible stories and a light meal. This is a joint ministry of the Pemberville churches. Marmon Valley Farm Youth & Family Retreat MEN’S MONTHLY BREAKFAST/BIBLE STUDY November 1-2, 2014 Pastor Matt and Cheryl are leading our youth on this retreat. We will keep them in our prayers for safe travel as they take this time to spend with our youth and grow in faith. All men of the congregation & community are invited to participate. Youth Buckeye Dipping Party Contact: Don Gerke (419-287-3873) All youth and parents interested in dipping buckeyes from 9 am to noon on Saturday, November 22 are welcome! We do need volunteers to make peanut butter balls at home and bring for dipping. (Chocolate will be provided.) Please sign-up outside the church offices, email Cheryl at, or leave her a voicemail at 419-2874182. The buckeye recipe is available near the sign-up sheet or can be emailed to you at your request. All proceeds benefit our Compassion Child, Angel from Ecuador. We will meet on Saturday, November 1, at 7 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall. PORTAGE VALLEY FEDERATION OF LUTHERAN MEN AND PASTORS will meet on November 11 at St. James Lutheran (451 Caldwell Rd., Bradner). Fellowship begins at 6:30 p.m. with Worship at 7:15 p.m. Speaker is Ron Overmyer on “Improving Farming Techniques in Africa.” Project for Luther Home of Mercy is emergency generators. B ethlehem L utheran C hurch W omen Thanks for your help! GOD’S HELPING HANDS PUPPET MINISTRY Puppets meet Thursday evenings from 7-8 pm. Our group is made up of elementary and middle school kids. We are learning some new material now to prepare for a show. All are welcome to come join the fun. ALL WOMEN ARE INVITED TO THE CIRCLE MEETING: Priscilla Circle: November 10, 7 p.m. Bible Study: Lisa Kohlenberg Devotions: Eileen Schuerman Reminder: On December 8, we will be going Christmas Caroling at 6 p.m. 4 SERVE THE BLCW (WOMEN’S) MISSION ACTION COMMITTEE would like to thank you for your continued support of their various projects throughout the year. Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women On October 11, 57 boxes from your donations were taken to the Lutheran World Relief drop off site. Items included 483 bars of soap, 29 baby care kits, 160 school kits, 41 personal care kits, 27 fabric/sewing kits, and 167 quilts (sewn with lots of love and prayers of course). BLCW KNOTTING DATES: Join us in tying blankets for Lutheran World Relief and local nursing homes on Tuesdays, November 11 and 25, at 9 a.m., in the basement. BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, November 25, 7 p.m. We thank you for your donations that made the above possible; the need is great and much appreciated by those who are recipients of your generosity. WE COLLECT: Knit Crosheen thread, used eyeglasses, used hearing aids, UPC codes, cell phones, and more. Please look in the BLCW handbook for more information. Names and addresses of service people that you wish to be recipients of a package can be sent to Eileen Schuerman. COLLECTIONS of items can be dropped off in the Mission Action Center (room 111). Thanksgiving Distribution for the Community Food Pantry PRICELESS PANCAKES Volunteers needed to help distribute food on Saturday, November 22, from 9-11 a.m. Serving FREE pancakes on Saturday, November 29, from 8-11 a.m. at First United Presbyterian Church in Pemberville (106 Perry St.). Carry outs available. Share fellowship and a free meal. Volunteers needed! All you need to do is show up at the next event, before 8 a.m., and help with carry outs, taking orders, serving, making batter and helping where ever needed! Great for community service hours, bring your paperwork to get it signed! Help needed: Friday & Saturday November 28-29 Beginning at 8 a.m. each morning. Sack Lunch Program All are invited to help pack 36 sack lunches for St. Paul’s Community Center in downtown Toledo after morning worship Sunday, November 30, 10:30 a.m., in the church kitchen. To help out by donating food you can email Cheryl at or sign-up outside the church offices. Items needed are: 36 single serve apple sauce cups, three 12 count packages of buns, peanut butter, jelly, four 1 pound bags of chips, 36 cookies, brown paper lunch sacks and sandwich size zip lock baggies. A delivery driver is needed to take lunches to St. Paul’s on Sunday or Monday. Come join us Friday, November 28 at 8 a.m., and Saturday, November 29 at 8 a.m., to decorate the church for advent. Friday will include bringing down decorations from upstairs and putting up trees. Saturday will include putting up all the garland, lights, nativity scenes and decorating the trees. Please sign-up outside the offices so we know how much help we have and how much we need to recruit! You can also call Cheryl to put your name on the list at 419-287-4182, or via email at: Hope you can come join the fun! (Did I mention there will be donuts?) Great opportunity to get community hours. 5 GIVE BLCW Fall Gathering November’s Mission Action project Thankoffering boxes are collected this month with your donations from throughout the year. The BLCW (Women’s) board designates certain programs from the Women of the ELCA that these donations will help fund. Saturday, November 8, 10 a.m. in Bethlehem’s Fellowship Hall The Thankoffering Service is Sunday, November 9, at 9 a.m. You may put your boxes in the offering plate on that day or turn them into the office any time this month. We want to talk… Join us for a short video and a deep discussion that no one wants to talk about! Buckeye Sale for Compassion Our annual buckeye sale is back! Order your buckeyes for $6 a dozen outside the church offices. Buckeyes will be available for pick-up in the church kitchen Sunday, November 23. All proceeds benefit our Compassion Child, Angel from Ecuador. Thanks for your support! Do you wonder where your tax dollars go for: Operation Christmas Child Alcohol Drug Addiction Mental Health Services shoe boxes are available for you to shop for and fill. Program by Jodie Chappuis from Unison Behavioral Group Suggested items needed are: paper tablets, crayons, erasers, pencil sharpeners, pens, combs, brushes, tooth brushes, tooth paste, mini etch-a-sketch, coloring books, small stuffed toys, jump ropes, kazoos, jacks, light up toys and batteries. Free Brunch included! No RSVP required; just show up! Grace’s Place ~ Luckey, Ohio Grace’s Place is a new free-store at 246 Main Street in Luckey. They offer free coffee, free household goods and free clothing for both children and adults. They are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Volunteers and assistance is needed to support this ministry. Organizers are looking for sorters, counter staff and hospitality hosts. Donations of clothing, household goods and money to help cover operations and other needs can be made during their business hours or by calling Grace Lutheran Church at 419-833-2146. Boxes can be left at the church, outside the office, in the big collection box. Please remember to include the form that indicates the age and sex of the child you shopped for. Brochures are included inside each box. Deadline for boxes is Monday, November 24, by 9 am, here at Bethlehem. Visit: for more information and a video on how to pack a shoe box. 6 CONNECT From the October Weekly News: FOR HEALING AND HOPE (Members): Karen O’Brien, Karen Williams, Gay Holcomb, Earl Matthews, Bob Ladd, Donna Beeker, Robert Beeker M Thank you for lending me the wheelchair for my recovery and thank you for all the prayers! It helped me stay strong and get around much better. God bless all of you! ~Alissa Headley FOR HEALING AND HOPE (Family and friends): Charlene Kelly, Marilyn Starkey, Evelyn Schulte, Carl Pederson, Dean Reef, Pat and Bob Sondergeld M Thank you to Cub Scout Pack 344 for your participation in Scouting for Food and bringing the food to the Community Food Pantry. FOR THE BAPTIZED: Jessa Nicole Galbraith, Benson Keith Miller, Gavin Michael Kahlenberg, Eloise Lowrie Ward M Thank you to everyone who continues to help stock the food pantry with food and to those who donate so we can continue to shop and purchase supplies. We have been averaging a $300-400 shopping trip every month! FOR NEW MEMBERS: Aaron, Lisa, Zander, Liana and Axel Napierala Poinsettia Sales FOR ALL YOUTH FOR OUR MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN Poinsettias will be on sale, in the church office, through Sunday, December 7. Please return your form with payment to the church office by this date. A form is in this newsletter for you to fill out and will be available in the church office, if you need another. Proceeds this year will go to the Gas Cards we have available, at the Pemberville Police Station, for those in need of fuel for their automobiles. Most cards given out are for $20 and gas must be obtained at Steve’s Car Care. Thrivent Choice Dollars will match the proceeds earned from the Poinsettia Sales. FOR OUR CHURCH: Pastor, Council members, Employees FOR OUR BISHOPS: Marcus Lohrmann, Elizabeth Eaton FOR OUR MISSIONARIES: John & Barb LeMond (Hong Kong) FOR LOCAL MISSIONS: After School Youth Club, Snack Pack Program, Good Samaritan Fund, Community Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, The Linen Closet Use this list to send a card or give a greeting… NEWSLETTERS November 80+ Birthdays 11/3: 11/5: 11/11: 11/15: 11/29: If you wish to be able to read your newsletter online please let the office know and we will remove you from our post office mailing list in January 2015. We will email you the link to the newsletter every month where you can read it online or print it off. There will be no attachments. Please email the office if you wish to receive the newsletter this way: Thank you. Mary Aleshire, Ned Clink Dolores Beeker Joann Sander Dorothy Bruning Mary Oberdick If your 80+ birthday is not included here, we don’t have that information. Please call the office. 7 National Memory Screening Day A ROAD TRIP Tuesday, November 18 with the Hot Flashes & Friends Pemberville Area Senior Center (Bethlehem’s Fellowship Hall) Concert to benefit the Angel Tree Project Sunday, 3 p.m., November 2, 2014 At the American Legion Hall in Pemberville 10-11 am: Brain Gym Exercises 10 am-noon: Free, Private Screenings Donations of gift baskets needed for a Silent Auction. All proceeds to benefit the Christmas Angel Tree Project. (Christmas gifts for area children & food for their families.) Appointments required by calling: 419-287-4109 Testing takes approximately 15 minutes. For more information contact Marty Braucksieck at: 419-833-1281. Receive valuable informational booklets, participate in hands-on memory enhancements games. Community Christmas Concert Sponsored by Wood County Committee on Aging and Heritage Corner Health Care Campus. Sunday, December 7, 6:30 pm Wider Church Eastwood High School Auditorium Hope Lutheran Church Admission is one bag of in-date, non-perishable food items that will be donated to the Snack Pack and Community Food Pantry. 13507 Cloverdale Road, Bowling Green Appearances will be made by a variety of local artists including “The Hot Flashes.” All are welcome! Sponsors Youth Encounter Visit Sunday, November 23, 4 p.m. The Community Food Pantry helps Eastwood families with food. Families may use the pantry once every 30 days. Youth Encounter is an organization that recruits and trains students for a year of service as a mission team. These teams are selected in the summer, trained, and then hit the road in a van with their Bibles, instruments and small suitcases. These teams go where God leads them. The Snack Pack program helps provide a nutritional shelf stable meal on weekends for Eastwood families. Both are ongoing services that families may participate in at any time. This concert is an Eagle Scout Project for Camden Sondergeld of Pemberville Troop #344. They will lead a youth event open to all area youth groups, on Sunday beginning at 4pm. From 4-8 the group will participate in mixer games, small group Bible Studies, share an evening meal, and end with a worship service that will be open to the public. Last year this was a very inspirational event for those who attended. QUILTING GROUP meets on Thursdays, from 9 a.m. to noon, at Ron Moenter’s home, 391 Arrowhead Drive, Perrysburg (off St. Rt. 20, turn down Carronade Drive, by Kroger). The Agenda will be: 3:30-4:00: Registration 4:00: Mixer Games and Meet the Team 4:30-5:45: Small Group Experience and Bible Study (We are working to bring in an outside speaker to address adults on working with Christian Youth for this part of the evening) 6:00-7:00: Dinner and hear the Team's Personal Stories 7:15-8:00: Worship Service and Concert For more information, call Mary Daman at 419-287-4487 or Vondale Kaemming at 419-2873808. Cost of the evening will be $3.00 per person to help with costs of food and supplies. A FREE will offering for the Youth Encounter Team will be taken during the service. SHARING HANDS COMMUNITY FREE MEAL at the Luckey Legion Hall, on Monday, November 24, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Sponsored by the churches of Luckey. Carryouts available. Everyone welcome! In order to plan space and food, please RSVP for this opportunity by November 15. Please call or text Kathy Wilhelm, Youth Leader, at 419-575-1177 with your church's name, number of students, and number of adults attending. 8 Bethlehem Lutheran Church PO Box 344 Pemberville, OH 43450 Issue 11-2014 NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PEMBERVILLE OH PERMIT #1 RETURN Service Requested Dated material, do not delay Bethlehem Star Bethlehem Lutheran Church Pastor Matthew Musteric Visitation Pastor Melanie Haack November 2014 Welcoming, Worshipping, Working as a faithful people to make Christ known! We give thanks for all the saints! 419-287-4182 Office hours: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., M-F Radio: WFRO 99.1 FM, Sundays at 11:30 a.m. Sunday worship: 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday School for all ages: 10:20 a.m. 9 10 7:30pm Dartball 9am Operation Christmas Child boxes due in the office. 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 10:20am Catechism, Gr 6-8 5pm Contemporary Worship 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 10:20am Catechism, Gr 6-8 5pm Contemporary Worship 30 ADVENT 1 24 23 CHRIST THE KING 17 7pm Vision & Mission 7:30pm Dartball CONGREGATIONAL MTG 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 10:20am Catechism, Gr 6-8 11:30am Gen. Change, FH 5pm Contemporary Worship 16 7pm Priscilla Circle 7:30pm Dartball 26 6:15pm Bell Choir Practice 7:30pm Chancel Choir 9am Newsletter Assmb., FH 9am Knotting, basement 7pm BLCW Board Mtg. Lounge 3:45pm After School Youth Club, FH 6:15pm Bell Choir Practice 7:30pm Chancel Choir 19 6:15pm Bell Choir Practice 6:30pm Pack Meeting, FH 7:30pm Chancel Choir 12 25 7pm Council Meeting 18 9am Knotting, basement 11 VETERANS DAY 9-1:30 Grandparents Day, Preschool, FH/Kitchen 5:30pm Youth Choir 1 6pm Youth Choir 2 6:30pm M&Ms 7pm Praise Team, FH 7pm Puppets (K+) KEY: BLCW-Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women FH-Fellowship Hall FUPC-First United Presbyterian OPV-Otterbein-Portage Valley Office closed 9am Worship 8-11am Priceless Pancakes at FUPC 29 9am-Noon, Youth make Buckeyes in Kitchen 9-11am Food distribution for Thanksgiving 22 4-8pm WC Thrivent dinner and meeting, FH/Kitchen 15 10am BLCW (Women’s) Winter Gathering, w/Brunch FH 8 Bedtime: Clocks back 1 hour 7am Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study, FH 1 ALL SAINTS DAY Saturday Preschool schedule M/W/F 4-year old classes Tu/Th 3-year old classes AM—9-11:30 PM—Noon-2:30 Extended Care: 6:30am-6pm Senior Center M-F, 10am-2pm, FH Church Office Hours M-F, 9am-2pm Advent Decorating, 8 am both mornings Office closed 28 21 20 9-1:30 Preschool, FH 27 THANKSGIVING 4-9pm FH in use 14 7 Friday 5:30pm Youth Choir 1 6pm Youth Choir 2 6:30pm M&Ms 7pm Praise Team, FH No Puppets 6 5:30pm Youth Choir 1 6pm Youth Choir 2 6:30pm M&Ms 7pm Praise Team, FH 7pm Puppets (K+) 13 THANKOFFERING 9am Worship / BPs Lounge 10:20am Sunday School 10:20am Catechism, Gr 6-8 11:30am Gen. Change, FH 5pm Contemporary Worship 10am Communion at OPV 6:15pm Bell Choir Practice 7:30pm Chancel Choir 10 5 9 7pm Worship & Music 7pm Prayer Workshop, Sanctuary 4 Thursday 7:30pm Dartball 7-9pm Four Seasons Garden Club, FH Wednesday 3 Tuesday 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 10:20am Catechism, Gr 6-8 11:30am Gen. Change, FH 5pm Contemporary Worship Monday 2 ALL SAINTS Sunday November 2014 Bethlehem Lutheran Church 220 Cedar Street, PO Box 344, Pemberville, OH 43450 Phone: 419-287-4182 Email:
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